Results for 'Agustín Morán'

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  1. La Renta Básica, una consigna de doble uso.Agustín Morán - 2002 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 19:16-44.
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    San Agustín y la Escolástica.J. Morán - 1970 - Augustinianum 10 (1):118-141.
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    El Dios personal de la invocación en las “confesiones” de San Agustín.José Morán - 1973 - Augustinian Studies 4:141-157.
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    En torno a la primera experiencia monástica de san Agustín.J. Morán - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (2):338-348.
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    La teoria de la “admonición” en las “Confesiones” de S. Agustin.J. Morán - 1968 - Augustinianum 8 (1):147-154.
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    Tunc... nunc en las Confesiones de San Agustin.J. Morán - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (1):62-90.
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    La teoria de la admonicion en los Dialogos de San Agustin.José Morán - 1968 - Augustinus 13 (49-52):257-271.
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    Las relaciones divinas, según San Agustín.José Morán - 1959 - Augustinus 4 (15):353-372.
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    ¿Puede hablarse da culto a María an San Agustín?J. Morán - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (3):514-521.
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    Oroz Reta, Jose, San Agustín: Semblanza para jóvenes - Oroz Reta, Jose, San Agustín: El hombre, El escritor, El santo. [REVIEW]J. Morán - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (1):199-200.
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    Obras de San Agustin XXII: Enarraciones sobre los Salmos, Edición preparada par e. P. Balbino Martín, OSA. [REVIEW]J. Morán - 1968 - Augustinianum 8 (1):200-201.
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    Armas, Gregorio, La Moral de San Agustín[REVIEW]J. Morán - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):396-398.
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    Muñoz Alonso, Adolfo, Presencia intelectual de san Agustín[REVIEW]J. Morán - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):399-400.
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    Goñi, Pablo, La resurrección de la carne según san Agustín[REVIEW]J. Morán - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):404-404.
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    Moran, José, O.E.S.A., La Teoría del Conocimiento en San Agustín[REVIEW]R. Flórez - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):237-238.
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    The Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity, Contributions to Phenomenology 71.Rasmus Thybo Jensen & Dermot Moran (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
  17. Objects and processes: two notions for understanding biological information.Agustín Mercado-Reyes, Pablo Padilla Longoria & Alfonso Arroyo-Santos - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical Biology.
    In spite of being ubiquitous in life sciences, the concept of information is harshly criticized. Uses of the concept other than those derived from Shannon's theory are denounced as pernicious metaphors. We perform a computational experiment to explore whether Shannon's information is adequate to describe the uses of said concept in commonplace scientific practice. Our results show that semantic sequences do not have unique complexity values different from the value of meaningless sequences. This result suggests that quantitative theoretical frameworks do (...)
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    Detecting structured repetition in child-surrounding speech: Evidence from maximally diverse languages.Nicholas A. Lester, Steven Moran, Aylin C. Küntay, Shanley E. M. Allen, Barbara Pfeiler & Sabine Stoll - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104986.
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  19. Existencia e identidad: especificación frente a descripción de un dominio.Agustin Arrieta Urtizberea - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):5-19.
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    Ethics in the field: contemporary challenges.Jeremy MacClancy & Agustin Fuentes (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    In recent years ever-increasing concerns about ethical dimensions of fieldwork practice have forced anthropologists and other social scientists to radically reconsider the nature, process, and outcomes of fieldwork: what should we be doing, how, for whom, and to what end? In this volume, practitioners from across anthropological disciplines-social and biological anthropology and primatology-come together to question and compare the ethical regulation of fieldwork, what is common to their practices, and what is distinctive to each discipline. Contributors probe a rich variety (...)
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    El régimen penal de minoridad en Argentina: una mirada desde el Trabajo Social.Osvaldo Agustín Marcón - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (2):159-166.
    The situation of childhood and the adolescence in the Republic of Argentina as object of social politics is discussed from a clinical point of view. This matter seems to be connected to the problems of (personal) security, sometimes mingling the barrier that separates this from the way Justice fu..
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    Building the Perfect Cocoon.J. Agustín Pastén B. - 1994 - Semiotics:463-470.
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    Derás: O debate sobre a definição e aplicação do termo nos estudos exegéticos do século XX.Boris Agustín Nef Ulloa - 2009 - Revista de Teologia 4.
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    Mis recuerdos de Julia Iribarne.Agustín Serrano de Haro - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:329.
    El autor evoca sus encuentros con Julia Iribarne, y las conversaciones y motivaciones intelectuales que de ellos se siguieron. Apunta su impresión de que el pensamiento de Husserl confirió una hondura más humana y entrañable a la reflexión de Julia Iribarne. En su caso, el verde de la vida no sufrió menoscabo por el gris de la teoría.The author recalls his encounters with Julia Iribarne, and the talks and intellectual motivations that followed them. He mentions the impression that Husserl’s thought (...)
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    (1 other version)Explanatory Exclusion, Over-Determination, and the Mind-Body Problem.Jesús Ezquerro & Agustín Vicente - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 9:13-21.
    Taking into account the difficulties that all attempts at a solution of the problem of causal-explanatory exclusion have experienced, we analyze in this paper the chances that mind-body causation is a case of overdetermination, a line of attack that has scarcely been explored. Our conclusion is that claiming that behaviors are causally overdetermined cannot solve the problem of causal-explanatory exclusion. The reason is the problem of massive coincidence, that can only be avoided by establishing a relation between mind and body; (...)
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  26. Bibliografía de y sobre Leonardo Polo: publicaciones e inéditos.Juan Agustín García González - 2006 - Studia Poliana 8:73-115.
    In this account we include the list of works published by Polo and the studies by other authors about his philosophical ideas. At the end, we offer a list of unpublished works. We also explain the reasons for the generation and composition of Polo’s archive.
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    Un nuevo planteamiento del saber: la metafísica.Juan Agustín García González - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (1):125-144.
    This work deals with the priority of being in the philosophy of L. Polo. Especially, his first position with regard to human knowledge, and his primacy regarding the temporal sucession.
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  28. Fenomenología y filosofía analítica en torno al concepto de nóema.Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 2:169-178.
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    Puzzles socráticos.Robert Nozick & Agustín Coletes Blanco - 1999 - Catedra Ediciones.
    Uno de los principales filosofos de nuestro tiempo, Robert Nozick, continua en este libro la tradicion socratica de investigacion. Este volumen ilustra la originalidad, fuerza y alcance de su obra, a la vez que demuestra su sello personal al combinar un extraordinario rigor analitico con un inteligente juego intelectual. A traves de ensayos y ficciones filosoficas, el libro abarca desde Socrates hasta Quine. Algunos ensayos ofrecen metodos clasicos para apoyar nuevas preguntas en torno a la eleccion. Otros, nuevas aproximaciones a (...)
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  30. En recuerdo de Andrés Simón Lorda.Agustín Serrano de Haro - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 3:390-392.
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    Lester Embree por las cuestas de Segovia.Agustín Serrano de Haro - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:75.
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    ¿De qué hablan cuando hablan de “ideología de género”? La construcción del enemigo total.José Manuel Morán Faúndes - 2023 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 30:177-203.
    Mediante la movilización del discurso de la “ideología de género”, actores neoconservadores están promoviendo un cuestionamiento transnacional a las políticas y teorías de género. Este discurso ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos años, logrando impactar en diversas instituciones y procesos públicos. Este artículo busca analizar sintéticamente las principales ideas que conforman el discurso de la “ideología de género”, focalizándose en el modo en que construye una frontera en un “nosotros/as” y un “otros/as”. Para ello, se analizan los escritos producidos desde (...)
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    Descripción y fases del mecanismo del chivo expiatorio en la teoría mimética de René Girard = Description and phases of the scapegoat mechanism in the mimetic theory of René Girard.Agustín Moreno Fernández - 2013 - Endoxa (32):191.
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    De relato a reflexión en el problema del yo Para leer las Confesiones de San Agustín.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:211-244.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela (...)
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    Moran’s Authority and Estrangement.Richard Moran - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):427-432.
    Authority and Estrangement addresses a set of questions about self-knowledge and seeks to answer them in the context of the broader differences between the first-person and third-person perspectives on oneself. Attention to these broader differences takes the discussion from epistemology to moral psychology, and seeks to relate some of the issues of contemporary philosophy of mind to the concerns with self-consciousness in post-Kantian thought.
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  36. I—Richard Moran: Testimony, Illocution and the Second Person.Richard Moran - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):115-135.
    The notion of ‘bipolar’ or ‘second‐personal’ normativity is often illustrated by such situations as that of one person addressing a complaint to another, or asserting some right, or claiming some authority. This paper argues that the presence of speech acts of various kinds in the development of the idea of the ‘second‐personal’ is not accidental. Through development of a notion of ‘illocutionary authority’ I seek to show a role for the ‘second‐personal’ in ordinary testimony, despite Darwall's argument that the notion (...)
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  37. Introduction.Agustin Rayo & Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - In Agustín Rayo & Gabriel Uzquiano (eds.), Absolute generality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Whether or not we achieve absolute generality in philosophical inquiry, most philosophers would agree that ordinary inquiry is rarely, if ever, absolutely general. Even if the quantifiers involved in an ordinary assertion are not explicitly restricted, we generally take the assertion’s domain of discourse to be implicitly restricted by context.1 Suppose someone asserts (2) while waiting for a plane to take off.
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  38. The expression of feeling in imagination.Richard Moran - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):75-106.
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    The Exchange of Words: Speech, Testimony, and Intersubjectivity.Richard Moran - 2018 - New York City: Oup Usa.
    The Exchange of Words is a philosophical exploration of human testimony, specifically as a form of intersubjective understanding in which speakers communicate by making themselves accountable for the truth of what they say. This account weaves together themes from philosophy of language, moral psychology, action theory, and epistemology, for a new approach to this basic human phenomenon.
  40. Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self-Knowledge.Richard Moran - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    Since Socrates, and through Descartes to the present day, the problems of self-knowledge have been central to philosophy's understanding of itself. Today the idea of ''first-person authority''--the claim of a distinctive relation each person has toward his or her own mental life--has been challenged from a number of directions, to the point where many doubt the person bears any distinctive relation to his or her own mental life, let alone a privileged one. In Authority and Estrangement, Richard Moran argues for (...)
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    Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology.Dermot Moran - 2005 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Dermot Moran provides a lucid, engaging, and critical introduction to Edmund Husserl's philosophy, with specific emphasis on his development of phenomenology. This book is a comprehensive guide to Husserl's thought from its origins in nineteenth-century concerns with the nature of scientific knowledge and with psychologism, through his breakthrough discovery of phenomenology and his elucidation of the phenomenological method, to the late analyses of culture and the life-world. Husserl's complex ideas are presented in a clear and expert manner. Individual chapters explore (...)
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  42. Naïve Realism, Hallucination, and Causation: A New Response to the Screening Off Problem.Alex Moran - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (2):368-382.
    This paper sets out a novel response to the ‘screening off problem’ for naïve realism. The aim is to resist the claim (which many naïve realists accept) that the kind of experience involved in hallucinating also occurs during perception, by arguing that there are causal constraints that must be met if an hallucinatory experience is to occur that are never met in perceptual cases. Notably, given this response, it turns out that, contra current orthodoxy, naïve realists need not adopt any (...)
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    The imprecision of mental imagery.Thomas P. Moran - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):560-560.
  44. The subjectivism of Jean-Paul Sartre.Philip Moran - 1983 - In Pasquale N. Russo (ed.), Dialectical perspectives in philosophy and social science. Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
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    The effect of object–valence relations on automatic evaluation.Tal Moran & Yoav Bar-Anan - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):743-752.
  46. On the Open-Endedness of Logical Space.Agustín Rayo - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20.
    Modal logicism is the view that a metaphysical possibility is just a non-absurd way for the world to be. I argue that modal logicists should see metaphysical possibility as "open ended'': any given possibilities can be used to characterize further possibilities. I then develop a formal framework for modal languages that is a good fit for the modal logicist and show that it delivers some attractive results.
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  47. Field on revenge.Agustin Rayo & Philip Welch - 2007 - In J. C. Beall (ed.), The Revenge of the Liar: New Essays on the Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
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    San Agustín: la finitud bella.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:173-182.
    Distensión de la finitud y belleza son paralelas en Agustín, su deducción y su calificación estética. Ontología de lo finito es, por ello, a la vez, discurso estético en tres grandes dimensiones: a) fundación y estructura de lo finito; b) sucesión temporal ; c) devenir histórico . Podríamos, sin reduccionismo alguno, interpretar su doctrina estética como >?.Distension of the finiteness and beauty are parallel in St. Augustine, its deduction and its aesthetic qualification. Ontology of finiteness is therefore, at the (...)
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    Précis of Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self‐Knowledge.Richard Moran - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):423-426.
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  50. (1 other version)Introduction to phenomenology.Dermot Moran - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction to Phenomenology is an outstanding and comprehensive guide to an important but often little-understood movement in European philosophy. Dermot Moran lucidly examines the contributions of phenomenology's nine seminal thinkers: Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, Arendt, Levinas, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida. Written in a clear and engaging style, this volume charts the course of the movement from its origins in Husserl to its transformation by Derrida. It describes the thought of Heidegger and Sartre, phenomenology's most famous thinkers, and introduces and assesses (...)
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