Results for 'Aijun Huang'

982 found
  1.  16
    Portioning-Out and Individuation in Mandarin Non-interrogative wh-Pronominal Phrases: Experimental Evidence From Child Mandarin.Aijun Huang, Francesco-Alessio Ursini & Luisa Meroni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:592281.
    Portioning-out and individuation are two important semantic properties for the characterization of countability. In Mandarin, nouns are not marked with count-mass syntax, and it is controversial whether individuation is encoded in classifiers or in nouns. In the present study, we investigates the interpretation of a minimal pair of non-interrogativewh-pronominal phrases, includingduo-shao-N andduo-shao-ge-N. Due to the presence/absence of the individual classifierge, these twowh-pronominal phrases differ in how they encode portioning-out and individuation. In two experiments, we used a Truth Value Judgment Task (...)
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    On the features of the dielectric response of supercooled ethylcyclohexane.A. Mandanici, W. Huang, M. Cutroni & R. Richert - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):3961-3971.
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  3. Gene Section.Ming-Fen Lee & Chun-Yin Huang - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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  4. An Investigation of College Students' Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty, Reasons for Dishonesty, Achievement Goals, and Willingness to Report Dishonest Behavior.Shu Ching Yang, Chiao-Ling Huang & An-Sing Chen - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (6):501-522.
    This study investigated students? perceptions of their own and their peers? academic dishonesty (AD), their reasons for this dishonesty, their achievement goals, and their willingness to report AD (WRAD) within a Chinese cultural context. The results identified students? belief that their peers had a greater likelihood of engaging in AD and had more motivation to do so than did the students themselves. Gender and academic major did not affect students? WRAD. However, students were significantly more willing to report classmates than (...)
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    Ouzhou zhe xue shi gang xin bian.Qinghai Gao & Weizhang Huang (eds.) - 1990 - [Changchun shi]: Jilin ren min chu ban she.
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  6.  20
    Life Satisfaction Predicts Perceived Social Justice: The Lower Your Life Satisfaction, the Less Just You Perceive Society to Be.Qifan Jia, Jie Zhou & Mingquan Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been well established that life satisfaction is related to perceived social justice. However, current theories provide contrary assumptions on the direction of the influence. In this research, we use data from two longitudinal surveys collected in China to test the reciprocal relations between life satisfaction and perceived social justice over time. With a random intercept cross-lagged panel model, we disaggregate the between-person effect and the within-person effect of the relationship. To specify the conditions of the effect, we consider (...)
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  7.  38
    Emergence of higher order rotational symmetry in the hidden order phase of URuSi.N. Kanchanavatee, M. Janoschek, K. Huang, B. D. White, P. S. Riseborough, A. V. Balatsky & M. B. Maple - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-11.
  8.  18
    Robust Control and Synchronization of 3-D Uncertain Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems with External Disturbances via Adding One Power Integrator Control.Runzi Luo, Meichun Huang & Haipeng Su - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    Ethics, patient rights and staff attitudes in Shanghai's psychiatric hospitals.Liang Su, Jingjing Huang, Weimin Yang, Huafang Li, Yifeng Shen & Yifeng Xu - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):8-.
    Adherence to ethical principles in clinical research and practice is becoming topical issue in China, where the prevalence of mental illness is rising, but treatment facilities remain underdeveloped. This paper reports on a study aiming to understand the ethical knowledge and attitudes of Chinese mental health professionals in relation to the process of diagnosis and treatment, informed consent, and privacy protection in clinical trials.
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  10. the ontological dialectic and the critique of modernity : based on the interpretation of Kosík's concrete totality.Xinruo Zhang & Xiaohan Huang - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart (eds.), Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
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  11.  46
    Hospice Comics: Representations of Patient and Family Experience of Illness and Death in Graphic Novels.M. K. Czerwiec & Michelle N. Huang - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (2):95-113.
    Non-fiction graphic novels about illness and death created by patients and their loved ones have much to teach all readers. However, the bond of empathy made possible in the comic form may have special lessons for healthcare providers who read these texts and are open to the insights they provide.
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  12.  40
    Youth and Parent Appraisals of Participation in a Study of Spontaneous and Induced Pediatric Clinical Pain.Kara Hawley, Jeannie S. Huang, Matthew Goodwin, Damaris Diaz, Virginia R. de Sa, Kathryn A. Birnie, Christine T. Chambers & Kenneth D. Craig - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):259-273.
    The current study examined youths’ and their parents’ perceptions concerning participation in an investigation of spontaneous and induced pain during recovery from laparoscopic appendectomy. Youth and their parents independently completed surveys about their study participation. On a scale from 0 to 10, both parents and youth rated their experience as positive. Among youth, experience ratings did not differ by pain severity and survey responses did not differ by age. Most youth reported that they would tell another youth to participate. Ethical (...)
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  13.  23
    Conductance of bilayer graphene nanoribbons with different widths.T. S. Li, Y. C. Huang, M. F. Lin & S. C. Chang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (23):3177-3187.
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  14.  20
    The Study of the Spatial Heterogeneity and Structural Evolution of the Producer Services Trade Network.Yan Li, Xuehan Liang & Qingbo Huang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-23.
    Constructing an all-directional, multilevel, and composite interconnection network, accelerating the free flow of producer services elements across regions, and further improving the efficiency of resource integration demand to conduct a comprehensive and systematic analysis of producer services trade. Thus, using bilateral trade data, this paper builds producer services trade network composed of 61 major countries and innovatively combines the methods of social network and economic geography to explore its spatiotemporal evolution and system properties. The results show that, firstly, the producer (...)
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  15.  17
    An Evolutionary Algorithm with Clustering-Based Assisted Selection Strategy for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization.Naili Luo, Wu Lin, Peizhi Huang & Jianyong Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    In multimodal multiobjective optimization problems, multiple Pareto optimal sets, even some good local Pareto optimal sets, should be reserved, which can provide more choices for decision-makers. To solve MMOPs, this paper proposes an evolutionary algorithm with clustering-based assisted selection strategy for multimodal multiobjective optimization, in which the addition operator and deletion operator are proposed to comprehensively consider the diversity in both decision and objective spaces. Specifically, in decision space, the union population is partitioned into multiple clusters by using a density-based (...)
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  16.  11
    Testing the Insider Trading Anomaly in FTSE-350.Jinxia Meng, Leping Huang & Zhou Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent studies, numerous anomalies against the weak and semi-strong-forms of efficient market hypothesis have been found insignificant after controlling the small-firm effect. We investigate whether the insider trading anomaly, a major anomaly against the strong-form of EMH, can survive after excluding small firms with a novel data set and document several new findings. We find a substantially larger number of insider purchases than sales, while the average volume of insider sales is much higher than the average volume of insider (...)
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  17.  80
    A Qualitative Exploration of Chinese Self-Love.Li Ming Xue, Xi Ting Huang, Na Wu & Tong Yue - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although self-love is an important topic, it has not been viewed as appropriate for psychological research, especially in China. We conducted two studies to understand how Chinese people view self-love. In the first study, we surveyed 109 Chinese people about the dimensions of self-love using an open-ended questionnaire. In the second study, 18 participants were selected by means of intensity sampling and interviewed about the connotations and structure of Chinese self-love. The two studies revealed three important aspects of the Chinese (...)
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  18.  11
    Long-distance mutual exclusion for planning.Yixin Chen, Ruoyun Huang, Zhao Xing & Weixiong Zhang - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):365-391.
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  19. Hsin jên shêng kuan.Ming-Huang Yü - 1949
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  20.  38
    A 9-bit 20-MSample/s Pipeline ADC for NTSC Video Decoders.Chua-Chin Wang, Jian-Ming Huang & Kuang-Ting Cheng - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 20.
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  21. Huang Zongxi nian pu.Binghou Huang - 1993 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Zhengyao Wang.
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  22.  10
    Huang Zongxi quan ji.Zongxi Huang - 1985 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Shanhong Shen & Guang Wu.
  23. Huang Wenshan wen ji.Wenshan Huang - 1983 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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    Huang Shunji zi xuan ji.Shunji Huang - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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  25.  19
    Huang Ji jiao yu si xiang lun yao =.Ji Huang - 2016 - Fuzhou: Fujian jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhongying Shi & Chao Yu.
  26.  13
    Huang Kunyan tan you pin she hui.Kunyan Huang - 2009 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    有品社會是培養出來的! 自《黃崑巖談教養》一書出版後,黃崑巖就成了「教養的代言人」 在《黃崑巖談有品社會》,他再度從家庭教育、大學教育、醫學教育,乃至中、美、英社會及日常生活來談有教養的社會,不僅借鏡國外良好的典範,也從文化、教育制度上的不同分析國內外教養的差異,希望我國的教養水準能 更為提升 回憶錄自傳出版不久以後,聯經出版公司的發行人林載爵先生,主編林芳瑜女士聯袂來我家裡,坐在一起從南談到北,也從天談到地,當然也談到我的《談教養》,就自然觸及該書銷售的實情。林先生及林女士異口同聲地說我為 何不寫《談教養二》一書?這事就此打斷,以後沒有再提。 等他們都走了,在空蕩蕩的家中一個人想起他們的建議,這本書的概念油然浮現。說實話,龍應台女土曾經打了一通電話,告訴我我的名字和教養兩個字連在一起了。龍女士打電話來以前,胡忠信先生也在台灣的電視說,黃某某 是位醫生又是教養的教父,現在胡志強的案件爆發了,他為什麼不講話?但當時我人在美國加州,答不上話。這兩個人都配得上稱為名嘴,兩個人都提起我的名字,可見教養兩個字已經掀起了一陣風潮。 其實,有不少高中以及大一的通識課程,舉行了《談教養》讀後感的論文比賽,高雄大學工學院的黃院長還以率團來見我當作入圍的獎品哩! 嘉義縣政府也大量訂購,為的是要送縣府同仁共讀討論。這些都促成我寫這本書,期間還蒙吳豐山先生的鼓勵,他二○○四年二月十四日曾擔任兩位總統候選人陳水扁及連戰先生的電視辯論會歷史性的協調人。 本書仍以談教養為主,但從各種角度去檢視這個社會因為不重視教養而成了什麼樣子。我自從一九八二年回台之後,一直在觀察我們的社會,思辨其變化的原因。這本書選了約二十個現象是有關我們大眾教養不足的結果,加以申 論。目的無外乎在喚起國人的注意,並加以改善。 書裡提到「知識分子」四個字,我主張我們早日迎合世界潮流而改稱「智識分子」。智識分子有異於知識分子,是前者在處裡問題時,除了要有以前強調的 IQ 之外,現代的智識分子更應具有情緒管理的要領。情緒管理就是英文的 EQ ,是做人的教育,是真正教育的精髓,也是近代教育成敗的關鍵。 但是誰的情緒需要管理?答案是誰的情緒都得管理,包括自己的以及周遭有來往的人。中國近代社會與西歐列強接觸的結果,自敗於西洋的船堅砲利,而提出了學以致用的口號,迄至近年。國內的教育長期在這種醬缸裡浸淫的結 果,產生了畸型的教育法,國人叫做「一試定江山」,求學過程伴隨著學校老師及家長的體罰與關照,很少是不痛苦的。 美國教育部也清楚這種教育法的問題,所以有一次美國教育部的官員在訪查我們醫學系的運作時,曾經公開問過:「貴國依一試定江山的考試制度而招進醫護人員,怎能確保他或她會是個好醫生?」 前台灣駐南非末代大使陸以正曾經說過,一個社會若只強調學以致用,久了,會變得膚淺並技術化,我們社會所面對的教育問題,正是價值觀與技術化的問題。所幸國內具有慧眼的教育家已看到這問題的後果而呼籲改正,品格教 育的重要性也得到了應有的重視。 是的,追根究柢,人要有品格、要有教養,社會才會有文化以及品格內涵,住在人人盡責、利他而富於正義感的社會,就能享受幸福。.
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  27.  18
    Huang Nansen wen ji.Nansen Huang - 2011 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
  28.  13
    Huang Youjing ji.Youjing Huang - 2015 - Fuzhou Shi: Hai feng chu ban she.
    Xiu zhen xu yu (wai pian) -- Tan Lao sui gan -- Yin shi yang zhen.
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    Communication-Efficient Modeling with Penalized Quantile Regression for Distributed Data.Aijun Hu, Chujin Li & Jing Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In order to deal with high-dimensional distributed data, this article develops a novel and communication-efficient approach for sparse and high-dimensional data with the penalized quantile regression. In each round, the proposed method only requires the master machine to deal with a sparse penalized quantile regression which could be realized fastly by proximal alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm and the other worker machines to compute the subgradient on local data. The advantage of the proximal ADMM algorithm is that it could (...)
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  30.  9
    Intelligent Garden Planning and Design Based on Agricultural Internet of Things.Aijun Jia - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    As the application of the Internet of Things technology continues to deepen in various fields, it also continues to develop in the agricultural field and the agricultural landscape. This article uses the agricultural Internet of Things to conduct an in-depth analysis and research on the planning and design of smart gardens and combines field research and project practice on the basis of theoretical analysis. Through the combination of agricultural Internet of Things technology and agricultural landscape, the planning and design of (...)
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  31.  6
    "Shi zhi" yu "zhi zhi": Mou Zongsan zhi shi lun si xiang yan jiu.Aijun Liu - 2008 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
    全书结合熊十力、张东荪、金岳霖、康德、罗素等的知识论思想,对当代新儒家学者牟宗三的有关思想进行了系统的批判性研究。围绕“认知的知识”与“道德的知识”这两大知识领域,本书主要分析了牟宗三在建构两类知识以 及论述二者关系过程中所步入的种种理论窠臼,同时也对其形而上学、逻辑哲学、道德哲学等思想进行了评判。借此,本书力图表明当代新儒家知识论的理论意义与制限之处.
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    Xing er shang xue zhi si bei hou de zhi shi tan xun: Zhongguo xian dai zhe xue zhi shi lun kao cha = Xingershangxue zhi si beihou de zhishi tanxun: Zhongguo xiandai zhexue zhishilun kaocha.Aijun Liu - 2022 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  33.  1
    Long-term exercise training reduced the sound-induced flash illusion in multisensory illusions owing to the cerebellum.Aijun Wang, Wenli Zhang, Chun Chang, Xiaoyu Tang & Ming Zhang - 2025 - Consciousness and Cognition 128 (C):103805.
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    Life insurance salespeople linking work stressors to proactive behaviors by passion: Servant leadership as a moderator.Aijun Weng, Lingjun Zhou & Fufu Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As the main sales force of life insurance companies, salespeople have accounted for more than 50% of life insurance sales channels over the years, playing a pivotal role in the development of the industry. Since the adoption of the model of employment at an agency, the commission income of life insurance salespeople has largely relied on their sales volume, which requires employee proactivity under a great number of stressors. However, because previous studies have analyzed stressors in a single dimension, our (...)
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  35.  14
    Zhong fu da you ji: Huang Qingxuan jiao shou ba zhi song shou lun wen ji.Qingxuan Huang & Guisan Lai (eds.) - 2011 - Taibei Shi: Li ren shu ju.
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  36. The practicalities of terminally ill patients signing their own DNR orders--a study in Taiwan.C.-H. Huang, W.-Y. Hu, T.-Y. Chiu & C.-Y. Chen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):336-340.
    Objectives: To investigate the current situation of completing the informed consent for do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders among the competent patients with terminal illness and the ethical dilemmas related to it. Participants: This study enrolled 152 competent patients with terminal cancer, who were involved in the initial consultations for hospice care. Analysis: Comparisons of means, analyses of variance, Student’s t test, χ2 test and multiple logistic regression models. Results: After the consultations, 117 (77.0%) of the 152 patients provided informed consent for hospice (...)
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  37.  15
    Zhongguo zhe xue shi de liang ge huang jin shi dai.Huang Niu - 1987 - Shenyang: Liaoning da xue chu ban she. Edited by Ci Chen.
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    The Organism as a Whole in an Analysis of Death.Andrew P. Huang & James L. Bernat - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (6):712-731.
    Although death statutes permitting physicians to declare brain death are relatively uniform throughout the United States, academic debate persists over the equivalency of human death and brain death. Alan Shewmon showed that the formerly accepted integration rationale was conceptually incomplete by showing that brain-dead patients demonstrated a degree of integration. We provide a more complete rationale for the equivalency of human death and brain death by defending a deeper understanding of the organism as a whole and by using a novel (...)
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    Foundation of religious beliefs after foundationalism: Wittgenstein between Nielsen and Phillips: Yong Huang.Yong Huang - 1995 - Religious Studies 31 (2):251-267.
    Religious beliefs have often been taken either as absolutely foundational to all others or as ultimately founded on something else. This essay starts with an endorsement of the contemporary critique of foundationalism but sets its task as to search for the foundation of religious belief after foundationalism. In its third and main part, it argues for a Wittgensteinian reflective equilibrium as such a foundation. In this reflective equilibrium, religious beliefs are no more and no less foundational to, or founded by, (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Huang Nansen zi xuan ji =.Nansen Huang - 1999 - Chongqing: Chongqing chu ban she.
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  41. Huang Kejian zi xuan ji.Kejian Huang - 1998 - Guilin Shi: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
  42.  20
    Dong fang zhe xue yu Ya Zhou jia zhi guan: Huang Xinchuan zi xuan ji = Dongfang zhexue yu YaZhou jiazhiguan.Xinchuan Huang - 2018 - Beijing: Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Epigenetics Changes Nothing: What a New Scientific Field Does and Does Not Mean for Ethics and Social Justice.Jonathan Y. Huang & Nicholas B. King - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (1):69-81.
    Recently, ethicists have posited that consideration of epigenetic mechanisms presents novel challenges to concepts of justice and equality of opportunity, such as elevating the importance of environments in bioethics and providing a counterpoint to gross genetic determinism. We argue that new findings in epigenetic sciences, including those regarding intergenerational health effects, do not necessitate reconceptualization of theories of justice or the environment. To the contrary, such claims reflect a flawed understanding of epigenetics and its relation to genetics that may unintentionally (...)
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  44. Do discrete emotions exist?Yang-Ming Huang, Maria Gendron & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (4):427-437.
    In various guises (usually referred to as the “basic emotion” or “discrete emotion” approach), scientists and philosophers have long argued that certain categories of emotion are natural kinds. In a recent paper, Colombetti (2009) proposed yet another natural kind account, and in so doing, characterized and critiqued psychological constructionist approaches to emotion, including our own Conceptual Act Model. In this commentary, we briefly address three topics raised by Columbetti. First, we correct several common misperceptions about the discrete emotion approach to (...)
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    "Zhou yi" zhi "shi" yu "si": Huang Yushun Yi xue lun wen ji.Yushun Huang - 2020 - Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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    Hu Shi and Wang Yunwu.Huang Airen - 2004 - Chinese Studies in History 37 (3):34-65.
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  47.  14
    Invitation to Chinese Philosophy.Siu-chi Huang - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (4):546-547.
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    Reprogramming cell fates: reconciling rarity with robustness.Sui Huang - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (5):546-560.
    The stunning possibility of “reprogramming” differentiated somatic cells to express a pluripotent stem cell phenotype (iPS, induced pluripotent stem cell) and the “ground state” character of pluripotency reveal fundamental features of cell fate regulation that lie beyond existing paradigms. The rarity of reprogramming events appears to contradict the robustness with which the unfathomably complex phenotype of stem cells can reliably be generated. This apparent paradox, however, is naturally explained by the rugged “epigenetic landscape” with valleys representing “preprogrammed” attractor states that (...)
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  49.  91
    The molecular and mathematical basis of Waddington's epigenetic landscape: A framework for post‐Darwinian biology?Sui Huang - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (2):149-157.
    The Neo‐Darwinian concept of natural selection is plausible when one assumes a straightforward causation of phenotype by genotype. However, such simple 1:1 mapping must now give place to the modern concepts of gene regulatory networks and gene expression noise. Both can, in the absence of genetic mutations, jointly generate a diversity of inheritable randomly occupied phenotypic states that could also serve as a substrate for natural selection. This form of epigenetic dynamics challenges Neo‐Darwinism. It needs to incorporate the non‐linear, stochastic (...)
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  50.  52
    Categorical perception of lexical tones in mandarin-speaking congenital amusics.Wan-Ting Huang, Chang Liu, Qi Dong & Yun Nan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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