Results for 'Aitor Zuberogoitia'

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  1.  15
    Explaining how Wikipedia deals with credibility to university students: the case of Wikipedia in the Basque language.Eneko Bidegain, Txema Egaña & Aitor Zuberogoitia - forthcoming - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
    Purpose This study aims to analyse how first-year undergraduate audiovisual communication students assess the credibility and reliability of information on Wikipedia in Basque and analyse whether the experience of being a Wikipedia editor helps to improve students’ perceptions of Wikipedia’s trustworthiness. The purpose of this project was to help students to better understand the credibility mechanisms of Wikipedia in Basque regarding the work of editing and creating entries. Do students’ perceptions about how reliable Wikipedia is change if they receive training (...)
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    Analysis of professional perceptions relating to the effectiveness of codes of ethics for journalists in Spain.Marcel Mauri-Ríos, Silvia Marcos-García & Aitor Zuberogoitia-Espilla - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4):511-528.
    PurposeCodes of ethics are important instruments in journalism, as they promote transparency and self-regulation of media, in addition to monitoring the quality of information. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the perceptions that Spanish journalists have of the effectiveness of codes of ethics and to evaluate the different personal and professional variables which condition this vision.Design/methodology/approachThe methodology used in the present study is based on quantitative content analysis using the survey technique. This technique makes it possible to obtain (...)
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  3.  37
    Youth and online privacy: a cross-border study in the Basque Country.Eneko Bidegain, Amaia Arroyo Sagasta, Koldo Diaz Bizkarguenaga, Aitor Zuberogoitia, Eneko Antón & Ixiar Rozas - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (1):54-71.
    Purpose This study aims to explore the main concerns and attitudes Basque adolescents have regarding online privacy. It analyzes their motivations for sharing private information and the kind of information they share. Likewise, it examines whether they consider the potential consequences of revealing certain information online and analyzes if there are any differences between the motivations and attitudes of young people from Gipuzkoa and Labourd. Design/methodology/approach For this study, three methods were combined to collect the data in 17 schools in (...)
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    The Impact of Emissions Reduction Awareness on Moral Self-Concept: Sustaining Climate-Friendly Behaviour in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Aitor Marcos, Patrick Hartmann & Jose M. Barrutia - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):337-370.
    Communication campaigns often highlight environmental progress to encourage further pro-environmental behaviour. Consequently, the drop in carbon emissions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions has been framed as a positive environmental outcome of the pandemic. We conducted an experimental study with a US-representative sample (N = 500) to show that raising awareness of emissions reduction has the contrary effect: an increase in moral self-concept facilitated a negative spillover, namely, it reduced climate-friendly behavioural intentions. Normative influence was able to prevent this negative spillover (...)
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    Epistemic Network: The Jesuits and Tropical Cyclone Prediction, 1860–1900.Aitor Anduaga - 2022 - Isis 113 (3):513-536.
  6.  20
    Team Emotional Intelligence in Working Contexts: Development and Validation of the Team-Trait Meta Mood Scale.Aitor Aritzeta, Rosa Mindeguia, Goretti Soroa, Nekane Balluerka, Arantxa Gorostiaga, Unai Elorza & Jone Aliri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Kant y Rawls a la luz del ius ad bellum: razones para un debate en torno al cosmopolitismo.Aitor Díaz Anabitarte & Manel Rincón González - 2022 - Isegoría 66:07-07.
    In order to clarify whether Rawls is more or less cosmopolitan than Kant, we carry out a comparative analysis between his general proposals for the organization of international relations. Likewise, seeking to clarify the distance between cosmopolitanism, pacifism and ius internationalism, the ius ad bellum proposals of both authors are particularly analyzed in the war-and-peace debate context. On the one hand, as a result of the first analysis, different commonly unnoticed logical coincidences between the postulates of Kant and Rawls are (...)
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  8.  92
    Crustal layering, simplicity, and the oil industry: The alteration of an epistemic paradigm by a commercial environment.Aitor Anduaga - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (4):322-345.
  9.  5
    Geophysics, Realism, and Industry: How Commercial Interests Shaped Geophysical Conceptions, 1900-1960.Aitor Anduaga - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Did industry and commerce affect the concepts, values and epistemic foundations of different sciences? If so, how and to what extent? This book suggests that the most significant influence of industry on science in the two case studies treated here had to do with the issue of realism. However, what led physicists and engineers to adopt realist attitudes? This book suggests that a new kind of realism --a realism of social and cultural origins- is the answer. The book has two (...)
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  10.  24
    Sydney Chapman on the Layering of the Atmosphere: Conceptual Unity and the Modelling of the Ionosphere.Aitor Anduaga - 2009 - Annals of Science 66 (3):333-344.
    Summary Sydney Chapman is unanimously considered to have played a founding role in modern geomagnetism and to have opened up new lines of research in geophysics generally. Nevertheless, Chapman's conviction regarding the synthesis of the explanatory mechanisms of the atmosphere has gone practically unnoticed in the historiography of geophysics. This paper examines Chapman's contribution to ionospheric physics. It aims to understand Chapman's theory of ionospheric layer formation, and particularly its link to his theory of ozone formation. It deals first with (...)
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  11.  34
    Spanish Jesuits in the Philippines: Geophysical Research and Synergies between Science, Education and Trade, 1865–1898.Aitor Anduaga - 2014 - Annals of Science 71 (4):497-521.
    SummaryIn 1865, Spanish Jesuits founded the Manila Observatory, the earliest of the Far East centres devoted to typhoon and earthquake studies. Also on Philippine soil and under the direction of the Jesuits, in 1884 the Madrid government inaugurated the first Meteorological Service in the Spanish Kingdom, and most probably in the Far East. Nevertheless, these achievements not only went practically unnoticed in the historiography of science, but neither does the process of geophysical dissemination that unfolded fit in with the two (...)
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  12.  40
    Towards a New Sphere of Practices and Knowledge: The Militarization of Meteorology in Francoist Spain.Aitor Anduaga - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (1):31-59.
    ArgumentThis paper analyzes the concept ofmilitarizationin both senses of the word, that of mobilization for war and that of social control exercised by military forces. During the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the role and nature of meteorology was transformed by the rebel band on the basis of the mythification of a Service model that was supported by victory and that would be projected as a paradigm for the postwar years. The newServicio Meteorológico Nacionalreflected the social control exerted by the Franco (...)
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  13.  25
    Transnational Co-production of Knowledge: The Standardisation of Typhoon Warning Codes in the Far East, 1900–1939.Aitor Anduaga - 2022 - Minerva 60 (2):301-323.
    The _why_ and the _how_ of knowledge production are examined in the case of the transnational cooperation between the directors of observatories in the Far East who drew up unified typhoon-warning codes in the period 1900–1939. The _why_ is prompted by the socioeconomic interests of the local chambers of commerce and international telegraphic companies, although this urge has the favourable wind of Far Eastern meteorologists’ ideology of voluntarist internationalism. The _how_ entails the persistent pursuit of consensus (on ends rather than (...)
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    The Jesuit Culture of Correlation in Observatory Sciences.Aitor Anduaga - 2025 - Isis 116 (1):3-22.
    This essay aims to show the peculiar emergence of a culture of correlation in the field of observatory sciences that resulted from the experimental and philosophical currents of the Society of Jesus and Catholic culture in general. Building on the teaching of experimentalism and physico-chemical atomism at the Jesuit Collegio Romano (in a context of opposition to both the materialism and atheism of modern society and neo-Thomist currents within the Church), it examines the observational practice and the unitary conception of (...)
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    The realist interpretation of the atmosphere.Aitor Anduaga - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (3):465-510.
  16.  8
    Prismas críticos: lecturas sobre Theodor W. Adorno.Aitor Aurrekoetxea & Fernando Golvano (eds.) - 2015 - Granada: Comares.
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    Sufrimiento, Holocausto y memorias colectivas en el pensamiento histórico de Hayden White.Aitor Bolaños - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 83:231-248.
    En este artículo pretendo reflexionar sobre una cuestión de gran trascendencia para el pensamiento histórico y filosófico de comienzos del siglo XXI: el lugar que ocupan las víctimas y su sufrimiento en una reconsideración epistemológica de las ciencias sociales, del pensamiento humanista y de la propia disciplina historiográfica. Para ello, mi idea es seguir los argumentos de dos textos de Hayden White, que considero imprescindibles para estudiar su pensamiento ético-moral: “El posmodernismo y las ansiedades textuales” y “El acontecimiento modernista”. Por (...)
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  18.  21
    El Batallón América. Un ejemplo de colaboración guerrillera en Colombia.Aitor Díaz-Maroto Isidro - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    In this papper, we will do a travel to the history about Movimiento 19 de Abril, a Colombian guerrilla, and one of their units: the Batallón América. This army was conformed for four groups: M-19 and Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, Alfaro Vive Carajo, and Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru. This battalion was a perfect example about the relation of M-19 with national and international guerrillas, and the Socialist International. Across this paper, we will show a primal idea about the internationalism in (...)
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  19.  24
    A Variable Structure Control Scheme Proposal for the Tokamak à Configuration Variable.Aitor Marco, Aitor J. Garrido, Stefano Coda, Izaskun Garrido & T. C. V. Team - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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  20.  16
    La Aufklärung como coraje de la verdad: algunas notas sobre la lectura foucaultiana de Kant.Aitor Alzola Molina - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (1):37-48.
    El texto “¿Qué es la Ilustración?” de 1984 señala en Foucault un punto de inflexión en la manera de leer la obra de Kant. Nuestra propuesta consiste en realizar una aproximación a ese texto tomando como punto de partida los trabajos sobre la parrhesía del pensador francés. De esta manera, la Ilustración aparece bajo una nueva luz que ya no sería la que nos muestra sus oscuras invenciones o los límites de su propio pensamiento; tampoco sería solamente el punto de (...)
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  21.  13
    Créditos, Dilemata 35.Aitor Sorreluz - 2021 - Dilemata 35.
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    Por una nueva política de la verdad: crítica, verdad y parrhesía en Foucault.Aitor Alzola Molina - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 85:23-36.
    En este texto se trata de pensar el proyecto que Foucault inició con el análisis de la parrhesía. Se aborda ese problema en relación a otros dos elementos de su obra: la reflexión sobre la función de los intelectuales y sus escritos sobre la noción de crítica. Desde esa perspectiva trataré de mostrar que las investigaciones sobre la parrhesía reflejan el intento de pensar una nueva política de la verdad.
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    The emergence of word-internal repetition through iterated learning: Explaining the mismatch between learning biases and language design.Mitsuhiko Ota, Aitor San José & Kenny Smith - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104585.
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  24.  14
    Modeling the distributional dynamics of attention and semantic interference in word production.Aitor San José, Ardi Roelofs & Antje S. Meyer - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104636.
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  25.  27
    James Rodger Fleming. Inventing Atmospheric Science: Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler, and the Foundations of Modern Meteorology. x + 296 pp., figs., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2016. $31. [REVIEW]Aitor Anduaga - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):214-215.
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    El cine en tiempos de paz. La visión del conflicto norirlandés en el cine después de los acuerdos de Viernes Santo: Omagh (2004), Hunger (2008), Five minutes of heaven (2009), ’71 (2011) y Belfast (2021). [REVIEW]Aitor Díaz-Maroto Isidro - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    En el presente artículo se realiza un recorrido por las revisiones y representaciones que el cine de ficción ha realizado en torno a la violencia política en Irlanda del Norte tras la firma de los Acuerdos de Viernes Santo en 1998 y la desaparición del IRA Provisional, una de las principales organizaciones armadas activas en la zona durante el periodo conocido como _The Troubles_. Analizando un total de cinco ejemplos cinematográficos, se pretende demostrar que, una vez finalizada la violencia política, (...)
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  27.  21
    BERMÚDEZ, J.A. (ed.): "Michel Foucault, un pensador poliédrico", Valencia, Universitat de València, 2012, 198 pp. [REVIEW]Aitor Alzola Molina - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:424-430.
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    Collective trauma and the role of reparation in Louise Erdrich.Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:57-81.
    Resumen: Tras ocurrir un accidente de caza en una reserva india de North Dakota, Louise Erdrich indaga en LaRose (2016) en temas tan espinosos como las injusticias históricas, el dolor colectivo, los traumas intergeneracionales, la venganza y los actos de reparación. La muerte de un niño nativo-americano despierta todo tipo de fantasmas y resentimiento en las dos familias implicadas, pero también en la comunidad india en su conjunto. Ni el sistema jurídico ni la religión parecen proporcionar respuestas adecuadas para aliviar (...)
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  29.  12
    El silencio de los intelectuales: filosofía, política y parrhesía en Foucault.Aitor Alzola Molina - 2021 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (290 Extra):471-490.
    A principios de los años 80 se desató en Francia una polémica conocida como «el silencio de los intelectuales». En este texto abordaremos la singular postura de Michel Foucault al respecto. Para ello realizaremos una doble operación. Por un lado, planteamos la hipótesis siguiente: se pueden encontrar los fundamentos que sostienen su posición en los análisis que realizó sobre la parrhesía a partir de los años 80. En segundo lugar, realizaremos un recorrido por autores como Lyotard y Blanchot, quienes intervinieron (...)
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  30.  23
    Western Asia Minor and its Epigraphic Sources under the Tetrarchy: The End of a Habit?Aitor Blanco Pérez - 2021 - História 70 (1):116.
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    Crítica de la historia, política emancipatoria y moralidades postmodernas: la obra de Keith Jenkins.Aitor Manuel Bolaños de Miguel - 2011 - Isegoría 44:217-238.
    Keith Jenkins es uno de los pensadores postmodernos más conocidos en el ámbito de la reflexión historiográfica occidental. Sin duda, junto con Hayden White y Frank R. Ankersmit, conforma el trío más influyente de la corriente historiográfica postmoderna. Vamos a exponer en este trabajo la evolución de la obra de Jenkins desde lo que llamamos una crítica radical a la historiografía académica hasta lo que podemos considerar una auténtica aversión a la forma de aprehensión del pasado, tal y como es (...)
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  32.  15
    affordances of rubrics in L2 writing in Higher Education.Aitor Garcés-Manzanera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    The use of diverse techniques for the evaluation of writing tasks in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has made its way into the EFL classroom in order to facilitate both the teachers’ task and the L2 students’ comprehension. Thus, the aim of this paper is to explore how undergraduate students may be trained in the use of rubrics, an ecologically valid feedback technique, and how they might assess sample writing tasks. This way, we will observe how able they are (...)
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  33.  12
    Los rostros de la Ilustración. El siglo XVIII visto por Foucault.María Lara Martínez & Aitor Alzola Molina - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 98:305-321.
    La Ilustración es un gran torrente que marcó un hito en la Historia del mundo, por sus implicaciones po-líticas, sociales, culturales y económicas. Este fenómeno es conocido popularmente desde Kant como la en-trada en la mayoría de edad de la sociedad: abandonar viejos fanatismos y tener valor de servirse del propio entendimiento. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar las interpretaciones dominantes de este fenómeno his-tórico que han marcado su recepción en la academia y mostrar la singular aproximación del filósofo (...)
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    Team Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Processes as a Link Between Managers and Workers.Rosa Mindeguia, Aitor Aritzeta, Alaine Garmendia, Edurne Martinez-Moreno, Unai Elorza & Goretti Soroa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research has shown that transformational leaders are able, through emotional contagion mechanisms, to transmit their emotions and boost positive feelings among their followers. Although research on leadership and team processes have shown a positive relation between transformational leadership and workers' well-being, there is a lack of studies examining the “black box” of this association. The present study aimed to assess the mediation effect of team emotional intelligence of the management team on the relationship between management's transformational behaviors and employees' responses. (...)
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  35.  26
    A novel methodology for clinical semantic annotations assessment.Aitor Moreno-Fernandez-de-Leceta, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Leire Ezquerro Insagurbe, Nora Ruiz de Arbulo & Manuel Graña - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Security analysis and resource requirements of group-oriented user access control for hardware-constrained wireless network services.D. Ventura, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, V. Catania, Diego López-de-Ipiña, J. A. M. Naranjo & L. G. Casado - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (4).
  37.  84
    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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    Questions of landed property in the Roman east. Lerouxel, Pont propriétaires et citoyens dans l'orient Romain. Pp. 364, b/w & colour figs, ills, maps. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2016. Paper, €25. Isbn: 978-2-35613-152-2. [REVIEW]Aitor Blanco-Pérez - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):196-197.
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    Assessment of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Vocational Training Students: Development of a New Scale and Relationships With Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative.Arantxa Gorostiaga, Jone Aliri, Imanol Ulacia, Goretti Soroa, Nekane Balluerka, Aitor Aritzeta & Alexander Muela - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:442005.
    Having emerged as an important concept in the organizational field, entrepreneurial orientation has also become a key idea in the context of education. Indeed, entrepreneurial education is now one of the common objectives for education and training systems in the European Union. Despite its importance, however, there is a scarcity of valid and reliable measures for assessing entrepreneurial orientation in students. The present study aimed to address this by developing and examining the psychometric properties of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (EOS). (...)
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    EEPSA as a core ontology for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings.Iker Esnaola-Gonzalez, Jesús Bermúdez, Izaskun Fernandez & Aitor Arnaiz - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (2):193-228.
    Achieving a comfortable thermal situation within buildings with an efficient use of energy remains still an open challenge for most buildings. In this regard, IoT (Internet of Things) and KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) processes may be combined to address these problems, even though data analysts may feel overwhelmed by heterogeneity and volume of the data to be considered. Data analysts could benefit from an application assistant that supports them throughout the KDD process and aids them to discover which are (...)
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    Advanced Controls in Complex Clean Energy Devices, Subsystems, and Processes.Izaskun Garrido, Jesús A. Romero & Aitor J. Garrido - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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    Stop Blaming me for What Others Did to you: New Alternative Masculinity’s Communicative Acts Against Blaming Discourses.Tinka Schubert, Consol Aguilar, Kyung Hi Kim & Aitor Gómez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Some feminist discourses blame some men for gender inequality, gender domination, and gender-based violence. Some women use such discourse as a perfect scenario to criticize some men’s behavior. Indeed, they usually do so with Oppressed Traditional Masculinities but not with Dominant Traditional Masculinities, who are the men who were violent with those women and with whom some of those women chose to have relationships. However, there have always been men who have been on the side of women and have never (...)
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    Aitor Anduaga. Geophysics, Realism, and Industry: How Commercial Interests Shaped Geophysical Conceptions, 1900–1960. xviii + 339 pp., figs., illus., app., bibl., index. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. $75. [REVIEW]Katrina Dean - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):482-483.
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    Aitor Anduaga, Wireless and Empire: Geopolitics, Radio Industry and Ionosphere in the British Empire, 1918–1939. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. xxv+386. ISBN 978-0-19-956272-5. £39.95. [REVIEW]Jeff Hughes - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2):312-314.
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