Results for 'Al-Bayati, Basil'

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  1.  25
    Void-hole aware and reliable data forwarding strategy for underwater wireless sensor networks.Yusor Rafid Bahar Al-Mayouf, Ahmed Basil Ghazi & Omar Adil Mahdi - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):564-577.
    Reliable data transfer and energy efficiency are the essential considerations for network performance in resource-constrained underwater environments. One of the efficient approaches for data routing in underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) is clustering, in which the data packets are transferred from sensor nodes to the cluster head (CH). Data packets are then forwarded to a sink node in a single or multiple hops manners, which can possibly increase energy depletion of the CH as compared to other nodes. While several mechanisms (...)
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  2. Coordination in social learning: expanding the narrative on the evolution of social norms.Müller Basil - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-31.
    A shared narrative in the literature on the evolution of cooperation maintains that social _learning_ evolves early to allow for the transmission of cumulative culture. Social _norms_, whilst present at the outset, only rise to prominence later on, mainly to stabilise cooperation against the threat of defection. In contrast, I argue that once we consider insights from social epistemology, an expansion of this narrative presents itself: An interesting kind of social norm — an epistemic coordination norm — was operative in (...)
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    El término bárbaros: un análisis discursivo de los testimonios tempranos.Gastón Javier Basile - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (2):113-134.
    El artículo reexamina individualmente los escasos testimonios pre-clásicos en los que se verifica por primera vez el término bárbaros. Se instrumentará un enfoque discursivo en relación con la ocurrencia del término en las fuentes arcaicas -atento al plano morfosintáctico, semántico y pragmático- con el objeto de obtener indicios y formulaciones de conjunto que puedan enriquecer el debate en torno a la génesis de la voz bárbaros y, en especial, contribuir a echar luz sobre las múltiples connotaciones semánticas que adquirirá el (...)
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    Jerjes y Demarato en las Historias de Heródoto: identidades cruzadas entre lo griego y lo bárbaro.Gastón Javier Basile - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (1):81-99.
    El trabajo propone un análisis discursivo del diálogo entre Jerjes y Demarato previo al ataque persa contra los griegos, dramatizado por Heródoto en 7. 101-104. Se examina la interacción entre los interlocutores a los fines de: a) identificar los roles discursivos y estrategias argumentativas puestas en juego por ambos participantes, b) analizar las identidades sociales construidas en la interacción y la eventual -y remisa- demarcación de un éthos griego y bárbaro, c) especular sobre el significado del episodio en el contexto (...)
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  5. Bohm's approach and individuality.Paavo Pylkkänen, Basil Hiley & Ilkka Pättiniemi - 2015 - In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay, Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press.
    Ladyman and Ross argue that quantum objects are not individuals and use this idea to ground their metaphysical view, ontic structural realism, according to which relational structures are primary to things. LR acknowledge that there is a version of quantum theory, namely the Bohm theory, according to which particles do have denite trajectories at all times. However, LR interpret the research by Brown et al. as implying that "raw stuff" or haecceities are needed for the individuality of particles of BT, (...)
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  6. Botánica en al-Ándalus: Un Estudio Comparativo de Trabajos Ilustrados de Botánica en el Magreb y Máshreq.Mustafa Yavuz - 2017 - Awraq 1 (17):169-186.
    In this study, after a short introductory information on the etymology, origin, and transition of botanical knowledge in Medieval Islamic Civilisation, we made a comparison of illustrated botanical works in Maghreb and Masriq through two illustrated books. We studied on randomly selected illustrations from Kitab al- Hashaish at-Tibb li-Diskuridus al-Aynzarbi translated by Istefan ibn Basil & Hunayn ibn Ishaq from Dioscorides’ Materia Medica, and Kitab al-Adwiyat al-Mufradat of Abu Ja’far Ahmad al-Ghafiqi, the Andalusian physician, pharmacist, and herbalist. We made (...)
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    La questione della canonicità del Cantico dei Cantici nella prefazione al Commento di Teodoreto di Cirro.Luca Giancarli - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):353-381.
    In the preface to his commentary on the Song of Songs, Theodoret of Cyrrhus states that the book has without doubt a spiritual meaning and that a literal interpretation is worthy only of wicked heretics, ridiculous in their own blindness, amongst whom it is difficult to include Theodore of Mopsuestia. The spiritual nature of the Song of Songs is supported by the reference to Esdra and by the many early Fathers who have commented upon it (amongst whom Eusebius has pride (...)
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  8.  36
    Basil Bernstein: Class, Codes and Control.Basil Bernstein - 2003 - Routledge.
    Basil Bernstein rarely had a good press in the forty-odd years in which he presented his developing theories to the public. Early admiration for his sociolinguistic 'discoveries' - of codes which regulate, at a deep-structural level, family beliefs and behaviours and relationships, as well as surface utterances - turned quite quickly into a suspicion that his description of social class difference amounted to a declaration of working class deficit. Although Bernstein's writings, particularly in the 1990s, became opaque to the (...)
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    Unreal Realism.Raymond Dennehy - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):631-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:UNREAL REAL,JSM RAYMOND DENNEHY University of San Francisco San Francisco,, California Contextual Realism, a Meta-Physical Framework for Modern Science. By RICHARD H. SCHLAGEL. New York: :Raragon House, 1986. Pp. xxiv + 808. $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-913729-20-5. The Many Faces of Realism. By HILARY PuTNAM. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1987. Pp. 98. $8.95 (paper). ISBN 0-81269043 -5. Varieties of Realism: A Rationale fo!f' the Natural Sciences. By RoM HARR.E. Oxford (...)
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  10.  26
    The rationality of religious belief: essays in honour of Basil Mitchell.Basil Mitchell, William J. Abraham & Steven W. Holtzer (eds.) - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    These essays represent an important contribution to modern philosophical theology. They begin with an appreciation of Basil Mitchell's work and then discuss the role of reason in the justification of Christian theism, giving special attention to the nature of informal reasoning in religion and science. The latter essays examine particular arguments raised by specific religious concepts, covering such topics as the problem of evil, conspicuous sanctity, atonement, and the Eucharist. Drawn from a wide spectrum of philosophers and theologians, the (...)
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  11. foundations of mathematicslBemerkungen iiber die Grundlagen der Mathematik, trans. GEM Anscombe, Basil Blackwell, Oxford. RFM.Basil Blackwell Anscombe & Oxford Pi - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14:349-360.
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    Hugo Brandenburg/József Pál (eds.), Santo Stefano Rotondo in Roma: archeologia, storia dell'arte, restauro. Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma 10–13 ottobre 1996. [REVIEW]Thomas Steppan - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):189-194.
    Das in Zusammenarbeit der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster und der Ungarischen Akademie in Rom im Oktober 1996 durchgeführte internationale Symposium war den Forschungen der letzten Jahrzehnte zu S. Stefano Rotondo in Rom gewidmet. Der daraufhin publizierte Tagungsband präsentiert neben den Ergebnissen der Bauuntersuchung der frühchristlichen Kirche Beobachtungen zu Materialverwendung und Bautechnik, Beiträge zur Ausstattung des Baus und deren Restaurierung, sowie kunsthistorische Studien zur neuzeitlichen Malerei und Plastik und historische Abhandlungen zur spätmittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Nutzungsgeschichte und zum spezifischen Verhältnis der Ungarn zu (...)
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  13. Bad social norms rather than bad believers: examining the role of social norms in bad beliefs.Basil Müller - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-27.
    People with bad beliefs — roughly beliefs that conflict with those of the relevant experts and are maintained regardless of counter-evidence — are often cast as bad believers. Such beliefs are seen to be the result of, e.g., motivated or biased cognition and believers are judged to be epistemically irrational and blameworthy in holding them. Here I develop a novel framework to explain why people form bad beliefs. People with bad beliefs follow the social epistemic norms guiding how agents are (...)
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    Whitehead's Metaphysics of Power: Reconstructing Modern Philosophy.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    At the beginning of his magnum opus, Process and Reality (1929), Whitehead lists a series of beliefs which he thinks are widely held by contemporary philosophers. They are all condemned as dangerously mistaken. What are these myths? Why are they rejected? In the works of which modern thinker did they arise? What precisely went wrong? At what stage in the development of Western thought did this happen? By tackling these questions, Pierfrancesco Basile makes it possible to grasp the main concepts (...)
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  15. Normativity in cases of Epistemic Indifference.Müller Basil & Rodrigo Diaz - forthcoming - Episteme.
    One of metaepistemology’s most central debates revolves around the question of what the source of epistemic normativity is. Epistemic instrumentalism claims that epistemic normativity is a species of means-ends normativity. One of the most prominent objections against epistemic instrumentalism features cases of epistemic indifference: Cases where there’s evidence that p yet believing that p wouldn’t promote any of the agent’s aims, wants, or needs. Still, there’s an epistemic reason for the agent to believe that p and thus epistemic instrumentalism is (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The justification of religious belief.Basil Mitchell - 1961 - Philosophical Quarterly 11 (44):213-226.
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  17. It Must be True – But How Can it Be? Some Remarks on Panpsychism and Mental Composition.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2010 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 67:93-112.
    Although panpsychism has had a very long history, one that goes back to the very origin of western philosophy, its force has only recently been appreciated by analytic philosophers of mind. And even if many still reject the theory as utterly absurd, others have argued that it is the only genuine form of physicalism. This paper examines the case for panpsychism and argues that there are at least goodprima faciereasons for taking it seriously. In a second step, the paper discusses (...)
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  18.  20
    The Structuring of Pedagogic Discourse.Basil Bernstein - 2003 - Routledge.
    This book represents part of an ongoing effort to understand the rules, practices, agencies and agents which shape and change the social construction of pedagogic discourse. It draws together and re-examines the findings of the author's earlier work.
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    Works; edited by Basil Montagu.Francis Bacon & Basil Montagu - unknown
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    The English Mind Studies in the English Moralists Presented to Basil Willey.Hugh Sykes Davies, Basil Willey & George Grimes Watson - 1964 - University Press.
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  21. Can mind affect matter via active information?Basil J. Hiley & Paavo Pylkkanen - 2005 - Mind and Matter 3 (2):8-27.
    Mainstream cognitive neuroscience typically ignores the role of quantum physical effects in the neural processes underlying cogni¬tion and consciousness. However, many unsolved problems remain, suggesting the need to consider new approaches. We propose that quantum theory, especially through an ontological interpretation due to Bohm and Hiley, provides a fruitful framework for addressing the neural correlates of cognition and consciousness. In particular, the ontological interpretation suggests that a novel type of 'active information', connected with a novel type of 'quantum potential energy', (...)
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  22.  9
    Byzantine Philosophy.Basil Tatakis - 2003 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Since its publication in French in 1949 by the Presses Universitaires de France, Basil Tatakis' Byzantine Philosophy remains the sole work of its kind, an analysis of the rise of Christianity in the East and the civilization that grew out of it at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
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  23.  34
    Two Trackers Are Better than One: Information about the Co-actor's Actions and Performance Scores Contribute to the Collective Benefit in a Joint Visuospatial Task.Wahn Basil, Kingstone Alan & König Peter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  24. The New Novelty: Corralation as Quarantine in Speculative Realism and New Materialism.Jonathan Basile - 2018 - Derrida Today 11 (2):211-229.
    The foundational gesture of New Materialism and Speculative Realism dismisses vast swaths of past philosophy and theory in order to signify their own avant-garde status. The violence of this gesture, which tries to corral difference within past texts in order to feign its own purity, can be considered as a theoretical quarantine. Examples of medical and spiritual quarantine, the 2014 ebola epidemic and Jesus’ temptation, are analyzed to show that the figure is inherently compromised – the harder one fights to (...)
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    Epistemic Dependence, Cognitive Irrationality, and Epistemic Conflicts of Interests.Basil Müller - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (3):287-313.
    When an agent A depends on an agent B to promote one of A's epistemic goals, this will often involve B's forming and sharing of true beliefs. However, as is well documented in research on cognitive irrationality, agents are disposed to form and share false-but-useful beliefs in a lot of circumstances. The dependence relation is thus at risk of becoming negative: A might adopt false beliefs from B and thus be unable to promote their epistemic goal. I propose that we (...)
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  26. Other matters: Karen barad’s two materialisms and the science of undecidability.Jonathan Basile - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):3-18.
    Karen Barad’s Meeting the Universe Halfway relies on mutually incompatible grounding gestures, one of which describes the relationality of an always already material-discursive reality, while the other seeks to ground this relation one-sidedly in matter. These two materialisms derive from the gesture she borrows from the New Materialist (and other related) fields, which posits her work as an advance over the history of “representationalism” and “social constructivism.” In turn, this one-sided materialism produces a skewed reading of the quantum mechanical phenomena (...)
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  27. The Transmission of Cumulative Cultural Knowledge — Towards a Social Epistemology of Non-Testimonial Cultural Learning.Müller Basil - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Cumulative cultural knowledge [CCK], the knowledge we acquire via social learning and has been refined by previous generations, is of central importance to our species’ flourishing. Considering its importance, we should expect that our best epistemological theories can account for how this happens. Perhaps surprisingly, CCK and how we acquire it via cultural learning has only received little attention from social epistemologists. Here, I focus on how we should epistemically evaluate how agents acquire CCK. After sampling some reasons why extant (...)
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  28.  40
    The influence of robot appearance on visual perspective taking: Testing the boundaries of the mere-appearance hypothesis.Basil Wahn & Leda Berio - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 116 (C):103588.
  29. Expression of affect and illocution.Basil Vassilicos - 2024 - Human Studies 47:1-22.
    In this paper, the aim is to explore how there can be a role for expression of affect in illocution, drawing upon some ideas about expression put forward by Karl Bühler. In a first part of the paper, I map some active discussions and open questions surrounding phenomena that seem to involve “expression of affect”. Second, I home in on a smaller piece of that larger puzzle; namely, a consideration of how there may be non-conventional expression of affect. I provide (...)
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  30.  70
    Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm.Basil Hiley & F. David Peat (eds.) - 1987 - Routledge.
    David Bohm is one of the foremost scientific thinkers of today and one of the most distinguished scientists of his generation. His challenge to the conventional understanding of quantum theory has led scientists to reexamine what it is they are going and his ideas have been an inspiration across a wide range of disciplines. _Quantum Implications_ is a collection of original contributions by many of the world' s leading scholars and is dedicated to David Bohm, his work and the issues (...)
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  31. Class and Pedagogies: Visible and Invisible∗.Basil Bernstein - 1975 - Educational Studies 1 (1):23-41.
    ? This article is reproduced by kind permission of the author and O.E.C.D. (Paris) who are publishing the material in the series Studies in the Learning Sciences (Paris, O.E.C.D., 1975).
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  32. Wundt and Bühler on Gestural Expression: From Psycho-Physical Mirroring to the Diacrisis.Basil Vassilicos - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard, Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 279-297.
    This paper explores how Wundt’s and Bühler’s respective conceptions of gestural expression have implications for how each conceives of what, in broad terms, may be understood as a ‘grammar of gestures’: that is, the rules for the formation and performance of gestures with and without speech. Unlike previous scholarship that has looked at the relationship of Wundt and Bühler, the aim here will be to give particular attention to the relevance of their respective accounts for current philosophical and linguistic research (...)
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  33.  12
    On Christian ethics.Basil - 2014 - Yonkers, New York: St. Vladmir's Seminary Press. Edited by Jacob Van Sickle, W. K. Lowther Clarke, Monica Wagner & Basil.
    St. Basil was a towering figure in the fourth-century Church. In the midst of great controversy, he led the charge of those faithful to the doctrine proclaimed at Nicaea. For the bishop of Caesarea, the array of false teachings that plagued the Church was not merely a matter of conflicting opinions or interpretations. It was rather a result of the moral failure of so-called leaders of the Church to look first to the will of God revealed in Scripture as (...)
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    Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm.Basil J. Hiley & D. Peat (eds.) - 1987 - Methuen.
    b /b b i Quantum Implications /i /b is dedicated to David Bohm, his work, and the issues raised by his ideas.
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  35.  83
    Morality, religious and secular: the dilemma of the traditional conscience.Basil Mitchell - 1980 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book analyzes the moral confusion of contemporary society, relating rival conceptions of morality with a wide variety of views about the nature and predicament of man. Mitchell argues that many secular thinkers possess a traditional "Christian" conscience which they find hard to defend in terms of an entirely secular world-view, but which is more in line with a Christian understanding of man.
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  36.  22
    The Seventeenth Century Background: Studies in the Thought of the Age in Relation to Poetry and Religion.Basil Willey - 1952 - Columbia University Press.
    Cambridge Professor Basil Willey wrote this volume as a companion to his preceding work on the Seventeenth Century Background. Whereas the 17th C. key word was "Truth," he maintains the 18th C key word was "Nature." Organized in 12 chapters including "The Wisdom of God in the Creation, Cosmic Toryism, Natural Morality--Shaftesbury, Nature in Satire, Jos. Priestley and the Socinian Moonlight, and Nature in Wordsworth.
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    Normativity in cases of Epistemic Indifference.Basil Müller & Rodrigo Díaz - forthcoming - Episteme:1-18.
    One of the metaepistemology’s most central debates revolves around the question of what the source of epistemic normativity is. Epistemic instrumentalism claims that epistemic normativity is a species of means-ends normativity. One of the most prominent objections against epistemic instrumentalism features cases of epistemic indifference: Cases where there’s evidence that p yet believing that p wouldn’t promote any of the agent’s aims, wants, or needs. Still, there’s an epistemic reason for the agent to believe that p and thus epistemic instrumentalism (...)
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  38.  54
    Class, Codes and Control.Basil Bernstein - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (2):236-237.
  39. Four converging measures of temporal discounting and their relationships with intelligence, executive functions, thinking dispositions, and behavioral outcomes.Alexandra G. Basile & Maggie E. Toplak - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:137998.
    Temporal discounting is the tendency to devalue temporally distant rewards. Past studies have examined the k-value, the indifference point, and the area under the curve as dependent measures on this task. The current study included these three measures and a fourth measure, called the interest rate total score. The interest rate total score was based on scoring only those items in which the delayed choice should be preferred given the expected return based on simple interest rates. In addition, associations with (...)
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  40. Can We Test the Experience Machine?Basil Smith - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (1):29-51.
    Robert Nozick famously asks us whether we would plug in to an experience machine, or whether we would insist upon ‘living in contact with reality’. Felipe De Brigard, after conducting a series of empirical ‘inverted’ experience machine studies, suggests that this is a false dilemma. Rather, he says, ’…the fact is that people tend to prefer the state of affairs they are in currently,’ or the status quo. In this paper, I argue that these studies are a test case for (...)
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  41.  3
    La philosophie byzantine.Basile Nicolas Tatakis & Émile Bréhier - 1949 - Presses Universitaires de France.
  42.  13
    Kants Opus postumum und seine Rezeption.Giovanni Pietro Basile - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Biographical note: Pierfrancesco Basile, Zürich, Schweiz.
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    (1 other version)Nineteenth century studies.Basil Willey - 1949 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    The late Professor Basil Willey's important and influential inquiry into the history of religious and moral ideas in the nineteenth century has become (since ...
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  44. Naturalizing the mind in a quantum framework.Basil J. Hiley & Paavo Pylkkanen - 2001 - In Paavo Pylkkänen & Tere Vadén, Dimensions of Conscious Experience. John Benjamins.
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    Audition and vision share spatial attentional resources, yet attentional load does not disrupt audiovisual integration.Basil Wahn & Peter König - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  46.  57
    Faith and criticism: the Sarum lectures 1992.Basil Mitchell - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Faith and Criticism addresses a central problem in the church today--the tension between traditionalists and progressives. Traditionalists want above all to hold fast to traditional foundations in belief and ensure that nothing of value is lost, even at the risk of a clash with "modern knowledge." Progressives are concerned above all to proclaim a faith that is credible today, even at the risk of sacrificing some elements of traditional doctrine. They are often locked in uncomprehending conflict. Basil Mitchell argues (...)
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    al-Riyāḍ al-Khazʻalīyah fī al-siyāsah al-insānīyah.Khazʻal Khān - 2013 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Mawsūʻāt.
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  48. (1 other version)Law, Morality and Religion in a Secular Society.Basil Mitchell - 1967 - Philosophy 43 (166):379-381.
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  49. Morality: Religious and Secular: The Dilema of the Traditional Conscience.Basil Mitchell - 1983 - Mind 92 (366):313-315.
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    The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory.David Bohm & Basil J. Hiley - 1993 - New York: Routledge. Edited by B. J. Hiley.
    First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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