Results for 'Alba Arcuri'

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  1.  26
    L'esperienza hegeliana nella filosofia di Giovanni Gentile.Alba Arcuri - 1993 - Idee 24:111-123.
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    Feeling ‘Right’ When You Feel Accepted: Emotional Acculturation in Daily Life Interactions With Majority Members.Alba Jasini, Jozefien De Leersnyder & Batja Mesquita - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Idiot Patrick Bateman.Fabrizio Arcuri - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):177-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Idiot Patrick BatemanA New Configuration of Caricatural "Ultra-Christianity"Fabrizio Arcuri (bio)INTRODUCTIONThis paper1 aims to analyze the figure of Patrick Bateman, the protagonist of the novel American Psycho,2 through René Girard's mimetic theory. It links the character created by Bret Easton Ellis to the concept of caricatural "ultra-Christianity," meaning the degeneration of Christian-based concern for innocent victims.Methodologically, it adopts the approach of the sociology of the imaginary, which is (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Learning Professional Ways of Being: Ambiguities of becoming.Gloria Dall’Alba - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):34-45.
    The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who we are (becoming). It (...)
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    Food poverty, food waste and the consensus frame on charitable food redistribution in Italy.Sabrina Arcuri - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):263-275.
    Food poverty and food waste are two major contemporary food system problems, which have gained prominence amongst both scholars and policy-makers, due to recent economic and environmental concerns. In this context, the culturally dominant perspective portrays charitable food redistribution as a “win–win solution” to confront food poverty and food waste in affluent societies, although this view is contested by many scholars. This paper applies the notions of framings and flat/sharp keyings to unpack the different narratives entailed by public discourses on (...)
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  6. Pragmatics. Cognition, Context and Culture.Laura Alba-Juez & John Lachlan Mackenzie - 2016
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  7. Psicologia transpessoal, arteterapia e calatonia.Ipg Arcuri - 2005 - Hermes 10:101-111.
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  8. Ives M.-J. Congar, OP, Teólogo del diálogo y de la tolerancia.L. Lago Alba - 1994 - Ciencia Tomista 121 (3):599-618.
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    Regalità e profezie nella storiografia cristiana tra V e VII secolo.Alba Maria Orselli - 1990 - Augustinianum 30 (1):107-126.
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    Definitions of life as epistemic tools that reflect and foster the advance of biological knowledge.Alba Amilburu, Álvaro Moreno & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10565-10585.
    During the last decades the question of defining life has gained increased interest but, at the same time, the difficulty in reaching consensus on a possible answer has led many to skeptical positions. This, in turn, has raised a wider debate about why defining life is so hard and controversial. Such a debate introduces additional aspects to be considered, like the role and nature of a definition of life itself. In this paper, we will focus on those aspects, arguing that (...)
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    (1 other version)Gobernanza ética de la IA y la robótica. Construyendo posibilismo tecnológico desde interacciones éticas.Jaime Rodríguez Alba - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):173-192.
    Las tecnologías exponenciales generan problemáticas éticas que han sido abordadas desde las tradiciones dominantes (principalismo, deontologismo, utilitarismo), con cierto olvido de las éticas del cuidado. Recuperar estas éticas permitiría pensar otras posibilidades de la IA. Entre ellas: un diseño que involucre elementos de vulnerabilidad o el horizonte de una robótica inclusiva. Pensar la gobernanza de la IA y la robótica no sólo desde estas éticas exige complementar la gobernanza _de _las mismas con la consideración de los horizontes éticos en dicha (...)
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    Kinêsis and the Value of tês and pros in the Plotinian Hypostases ‘Intellect’ and ‘Soul’.Alba Miriello - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1449-1458.
    In this paper, I argue that the term kinêsis bears different connotations when associated with two different Plotinian hypostases in the Enneads: Intellect and Soul1. I propose an interpretation of this term as intellectual movement when it is associated with the Intellect and spatial movement when it is associated with the Soul.In the first section, I evaluate the meaning of kinêsis in reference to the hypostasis Intellect. In the second section, I turn to a critical examination of kinêsis associated with (...)
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    Nuevas perspectivas en torno a la fe y el mérito en la obra de Hilario de Poitiers.Almudena Alba López - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (2):177-207.
    L’influence du corpus paulinien sur l’œuvre et la pensée d’Hilaire de Poitiers est évidente autant dans l’approche exégétique de l’évêque vis-à-vis des textes bibliques que dans les sujets qu’il traite. Parmi ceux-ci, la justification par la foi fait l’objet d’un développement remarquable dans ses œuvres principales, en particulier dans le Commentarium in Matthaeum, dans laquelle l’évêque de Poitiers souligne la capacité exclusive de la foi pour justifier l’être humain et l’impuissance des œuvres pour l’atteindre. Cette radicalité apparente de son approche (...)
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    Working Memory Deficits After Lesions Involving the Supplementary Motor Area.Alba Cañas, Montserrat Juncadella, Ruth Lau, Andreu Gabarrós & Mireia Hernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    I re del più o meno infinito spaziotempo: volgere lo sguardo agli impenetrabili segreti dell'Universo.Alba Rosa Gesualdo - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
  16. Fe e increencia en el Vaticano II.L. Lago Alba - 1986 - Ciencia Tomista 113 (3):465-496.
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    Are Self-Efficacy Gains of University Students in Adapted Physical Activity Influenced by Online Teaching Derived From the COVID-19 Pandemic?Alba Roldan & Raul Reina - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning suddenly spread to different levels of education, including university. In Spain, students of sports sciences are prepared during a 4-year study program to work in different areas and with different populations. The aims of this study were to assess the effect of pandemic-driven online teaching on self-efficacy for the inclusion of people with disabilities in a group of university students enrolled in a compulsory course on adapted physical activity ; compare (...)
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  18. Embodied knowing in online environments.Gloria Dall’Alba & Robyn Barnacle - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (5):719–744.
    In higher education, the conventional design of educational programs emphasises imparting knowledge and skills, in line with traditional Western epistemology. This emphasis is particularly evident in the design and implementation of many undergraduate programs in which bodies of knowledge and skills are decontextualised from the practices to which they belong. In contrast, the notion of knowledge as foundational and absolute has been extensively challenged. A transformation and pluralisation has occurred: knowledge has come to be seen as situated and localized into (...)
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    Emotional prosody modulates attention in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations.L. Alba-Ferrara, G. A. de Erausquin, M. Hirnstein, S. Weis & M. Hausmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  20.  5
    El sentimiento de pertenencia y sus transformaciones en la emigración: una aproximación fenomenológica a partir de un ensayo de Theodor Kallifatides.Alba Montes Sánchez - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1427.
    Este artículo explora las formas en que la migración afecta al sentimiento de pertenencia del migrante al grupo nacional-cultural a partir de un ensayo autobiográfico del escritor heleno-sueco Theodor Kallifatides. El estudio se basa en los análisis del sentimiento de pertenencia al grupo procedentes de la fenomenología contemporánea. Pese a su gran interés, dichos estudios se fijan o bien en episodios afectivos demasiado circunscritos en el tiempo, o bien en orientaciones afectivas de fondo con contornos demasiado vagos para capturar la (...)
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  21. Amor y amistad. Agape y solidaridad. Teología de la caridad.Ll Alba - 1993 - Ciencia Tomista 120 (3):535-574.
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    Brunetto Salvarani, Da Bart a Barth. Per una teologia all'altezza dei Simpson.Massimo Alba - 2011 - Información Filosófica 8 (17):176-179.
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    The relative balance between languages predicts the degree of engagement of global language control.Alba Casado, Jakub Szewczyk, Agata Wolna & Zofia Wodniecka - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105169.
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  24. Aletheia abre las puertas a nuevos horizontes.Alba Lucía Bernal Cerquera - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  25. " Eugenia grandet" novela para un solo personaje—ensayo.Alba Defant - 1970 - Humanitas 16 (22-23):57.
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    Arte y política en Antioquia.Alba Cecilia Gutiérrez Gómez - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 21:9-24.
    Los años treinta y cuarenta vieron surgir en Antioquia un arte americanista y nacionalista, de carácter social, cuyos principales representantes fueron Pedro Nel Gómez, Carlos Correa y Débora Arango. El artículo explora el enfrentamiento conceptual entre los partidarios del muralismo mexicano, fundamentados en la estética marxista, y los partidarios de un arte moderno internacional, opuesto a todo contenido ideológico, liderados en Colombia por la crítica de arte Marta Traba. La discusión será abordada en tres fases: los años de apogeo del (...)
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    Imagen y conocimiento. La mímesis como categoría universidad.Alba Cecilia Gutiérrez Gómez - 1996 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:113-122.
    Contra la opinión generalizada de que la "mímesis" deja de ser un paradigma del arte a partir del siglo XVIII, este artículo, inspirado en una idea general de Gadamer, intenta mostrar su vigencia apoyándose para ello en una revisión de los textos griegos fundadores de la teoría y en otras fuentes que dan fe de la evolución del concepto en la estética occidental. Muy lejos de la desfiguración moderna, que lo redujo a la simple copia de apariencias sensibles, el concepto (...)
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  28. Del dialogo con el ateismo a la polémica contra la idolatria in Teologia desde los pobres.L. Lago Alba - 1987 - Ciencia Tomista 114 (3):547-568.
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    Diferencias del vocabulario en niños con y sin retraso del lenguaje.Alba Ayuso Lanchares, Rosa Belén Santiago Pardo & Inés Ruiz Requies - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-9.
    El vocabulario en los niños con Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje (TDL) o con Retraso del Lenguaje (RL) es más pobre que en los niños con un desarrollo típico del lenguaje, por lo que se pretende conocer qué diferencias existen entre ellos. Han participado 66 infantes entre 3 y 5 años; se ha valorado que vocabulario conocen, se ha determinado que tienen menos vocabulario (52%) que sus homónimos (69%), a excepción de la categoría de transportes, en la que tienen los (...)
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    Reseña de: Courtney D. Fugate , Kant’s Lectures on Metaphysics. A Critical Guide, Cambridge Critical Guides, Cambridge University Press, 2018.Alba Jiménez Rodríguez & Alberto Morán Roca - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:394-401.
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    Máquinas con Alma. Lo técnico Y lo humano en simondon Y en la cultura Del anime.Alba Gonzalez Torrents - 2013 - Astrolabio 15.
    En el imaginario del anime contemporáneo de ciencia ficción encontramos algunos ejemplos claros de una reinterpretación de la relación entre ser humano y tecnología en términos no-clásicos. La filosofía de la individuación de Gilbert Simondon, con su crítica radical al individualismo y al sustancialismo, y en especial su filosofía de la técnica, centrada en la denuncia del olvido cultural de los aspectos humanos de la técnica, ofrecen una clave filosófica idónea para la exploración de ese imaginario. Mediante la aplicación de (...)
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    Che cos'è la filosofia?Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari & Carlo Arcuri - 2002
  33.  46
    Loving-kindness meditation: a field study.Beatrice Alba - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (2):187-203.
    Surveys were conducted at two metta meditation retreats in order to examine the psychological effects of metta meditation. Participants were invited to complete the survey at the beginning of the retreat, at the end of the retreat, and two weeks after the end of the retreat. Participants completed the same scales at each time phase, which included measures of happiness, compassionate love, revenge and avoidance motivation, gratitude, and a depression, anxiety and stress scale. Significant increases were found in happiness and (...)
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    Aristotle’s Sea Battle, Excluded Middle and Bivalence.Alba Massolo - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):103-108.
    In this paper, I present a formal reconstruction of the classical argument for fatalism set forth by Aristotle in On Interpretation 9. From there, I expose two different formal solutions for avoiding the unwanted conclusion based on the traditional interpretation of Aristotle’s rejection of the Principle of Bivalence: On the one hand, Łukasiewicz's three-valued logic and, on the other hand, supervaluation semantics. I also address some criticisms made against these two proposals. To finish, I remark on some alternative interpretations of (...)
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    Time and Reality.Alba Papa-Grimaldi - 1998 - Ashgate Pub Limited.
    Time and Reality sets out to explore the dichotomy of unity (identity) and plurality in human thought and to show in the light of this duality what are the limits of human knowledge as far as understanding 'reality' is concerned.
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  36. Who am I?: Identity, Evaluation, and Differential Equations.Laura Alba-Juez & Felix Alba-Juez - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (3):570-592.
    In this paper we study the connection between the use of evaluative language and the building of both personal and social identities, from the perspective of Dynamical System Theory . We primarily discuss two issues: 1) The use of evaluation (in the sense given to the term by Alba-Juez and Thompson (forthcoming)) as a means to the construction of both individual and group identities, thus exploring how the connection between linguistic choices and social identities is shaped by interactional needs (...)
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  37. Derecho y economía.Arroyo Alba & Francisco[From Old Catalog] - 1941 - México,: D.F..
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    El consumo en la encrucijada ética.Alba Carosio - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (41):13-45.
    This study tends to a ethical reflection on contemporaneous consumption, verifying from beginning the risks and consequencies of the present civilizatory way. Clearly the minority of inhabitants of the developed countries is depleting the natural resources at such levels that are endangering the con..
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    The Dialogics of Utopia, Dystopia and Arcadia: Political Struggle and Utopian Novels in Nineteenth-Century Mexico.Beatriz De Alba-Koch - 1997 - Utopian Studies 8 (1):19-30.
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    Aprendizaje de la ciudadanía a través de la participación de cuatro jóvenes: posibilidades y límites.Alba Parareda Pallarès - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:75-88.
    Este artículo parte de la tesis doctoral “Aprendizaje democrático y ciudadanía a través de la participación de cuatro jóvenes: una perspectiva narrativa” que versa sobre cómo las experiencias de participación –comprendiéndolas desde una perspectiva amplia y atendiendo a los contextos familiar, escolar y de tiempo libre– de cuatro jóvenes de origen familiar inmigrado contribuyen a la vivencia de la ciudadanía.
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    Il pensiero logico di Francesco Storella.Alba Paladini - 2009 - Galatina (Le) [i.e. Lecce, Italy]: Congedo.
  42.  5
    Il pensiero psicologico e gnoseologico di Marco Antonio Zimara.Alba Paladini - 2001 - Galatina (Lecce): Congedo.
  43.  14
    Neo-Republicanism and its Implications for Legal and Political Institutions (El neo-republicanismo y sus implicancias para las instituciones legales y políticas).Alba Ruibal - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30.
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    La ontología fundamental en Heidegger como crítica de la razón pura y sus consecuencias para el antropologismo.Alba Jiménez - 2024 - Endoxa 53.
    El presente trabajo trata de explicitar en qué medida el proyecto de M. Heidegger de una ontología fundamental coincide con el programa crítico kantiano. Dicha identificación permitirá mostrar las consecuencias que ello depara en la recepción y crítica heideggeriana de la antropología filosófica como disciplina; recepción que, a su vez, delimita los presupuestos fundamentales de su analítica de la existencia.
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    Die Projektion des Schematismus in den vorkritischen Schriften Kants: Das Problem der mathematischen Konstruktion.Alba Jiménez Alba Rodríguez - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (3):429-450.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 3 Seiten: 429-450.
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    Embodying skilful performance: Co-constituting body and world in biotechnology.Gloria Dall’Alba, Jörgen Sandberg & Ravinder Kaur Sidhu - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (3):270-286.
    This article offers a philosophical-empirical account of embodied skilful performance in the practice of plant biotechnology. Drawing on the work of Merleau-Ponty and others, we elaborate how skilful performance emerges from and through reciprocal relations encompassing the body-in-the-world and the world-in-the-body. The contribution of this article lies in offering an account of skilful performance that is attentive to a perceiving, motile, feeling body entwined with world. In genetically modifying plants, scientists direct their senses of touch and vision to manipulating plant (...)
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    A Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Consideration of Mindful Movement: Clinical and Research Implications.Tamara Anne Russell & Silvia Maria Arcuri - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:132944.
    In this article, we present ideas related to three key aspects of mindfulness training: the regulation of attention via noradrenaline, the importance of working memory and its various components (particularly the central executive and episodic buffer), and the relationship of both of these to mind-wandering. These same aspects of mindfulness training are also involved in the preparation and execution of movement and implicated in the pathophysiology of psychosis. We argue that by moving in a mindful way, there may be an (...)
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  48. Discrimination and Psychosocial Well-Being of Migrants in Spain: The Moderating Role of Sense of Community.Alba García-Cid, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta, Mario Millán-Franco & Gianluigi Moscato - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Re-imagining active learning: Delving into darkness.Gloria Dall’Alba & Søren Bengtsen - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1477-1489.
    Ample attention is being paid in the higher education literature to promoting active learning among students. However, critical examination of educational purposes and ends is largely lacki...
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    Crosstalk between Cell Adhesion Complexes in Regulation of Mechanotransduction.Alba Zuidema, Wei Wang & Arnoud Sonnenberg - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000119.
    Physical forces regulate numerous biological processes during development, physiology, and pathology. Forces between the external environment and intracellular actin cytoskeleton are primarily transmitted through integrin‐containing focal adhesions and cadherin‐containing adherens junctions. Crosstalk between these complexes is well established and modulates the mechanical landscape of the cell. However, integrins and cadherins constitute large families of adhesion receptors and form multiple complexes by interacting with different ligands, adaptor proteins, and cytoskeletal filaments. Recent findings indicate that integrin‐containing hemidesmosomes oppose force transduction and traction (...)
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