Results for 'Aleksander Wat'

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    The Life of Prayer in a Russian Prison.Aleksander Wat - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):266-269.
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    Aleksander Wat: The Life of an Iconoclast, by Tomas Venclova.Ewa M. Thompson - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (4):492-497.
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    Miłosz and Wat read Brzozowski.Jan Zieliński - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (4):293-302.
    The paper discusses the impact of the thought of Stanisław Brzozowski (1878–1911) on several Polish emigré writers, including Józef Czapski and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, but first of all Czesław Miłosz (1911–2004) and Aleksander Wat (1900–1967). Miłosz’ approach oscillated between early fascination through an unjust rejection during the war, due to the “appropriation” of Brzozowski’s thought by the right wing publicists, to the new phase of fascination after the war, culminating in the publication of a book on Brzozowski ( A Man (...)
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    Marek K. Siwiec: Los, zło, tajemnica: ku twórczym źródłom poezji Aleksandra Wata i Czesława Miłosza.Władysław Stróżewski - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2):455-458.
    The article reviews the book Los, zło, tajemnica: ku twórczym źródłom poezji Aleksandra Wata i Czesława Miłosza [Fate, Evil, Mystery: Toward the Creative Sources of Aleksander Wat's and Czesław Miłosz's Poetry], by Marek K. Siwiec.
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    Bóg i niebo w poezji rewolucyjnej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego.Tomasz Cieślak - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 4:73-110.
    The author of the article discusses the great variety of the visions of the figure of God and the heaven in the revolutionary poetry between 1918 and 1939. God, the religion, the church or the synagogue were the symbols of the social oppression and the injustice or, on the contrary, the figure of God, especially Christ, was created as the most significant revolutionist and the symbol of the new, communist order. The article offers a presentation of many revolutionary, atheistic lyrics, (...)
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    Na kształt krzyża.Ewa Goczał - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):219-238.
    The purpose of this article is to reflect on selected works of Aleksander Watt placed in the context of De imitatione Christi by Thomas à Kempis and to verify the view that suffering functions in the consciousness and poetic imagination of the writer as a value conducive to the spiritual development of the individual. The author analyzes the poet’s memoirs in order to show how reading the book he discovered during WWII, while exiled in Kazakhstan, influenced Wat’s choices and (...)
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    Granica i centrum. Problem struktury pojęć w modelu przestrzeni pojęciowych.Aleksander Gemel - 2020 - Filozofia Nauki 28 (2):25-46.
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    Podstawowa analiza rzeczywistości.Aleksander Kisiel - 1948 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 1:214-227.
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  9. Status incongruence in the Polish intelligentsia.Aleksander Matejko - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Wielkie Zatrzymanie: co się stało z ludźmi?Aleksander Nalaskowski - 2020 - Kraków: Biały Kruk.
  11. Teoriomnogościowy model ruchu i rozwoju.Aleksander N. Popławski - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 290 (1).
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  12. Ksiądz Konstanty Michalski 1879-1947.Aleksander Usowicz - 1949 - Kraków: "Powściągliwość i Prace". Edited by Kazimierz Kłósak.
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  13. Human now versus human over time. When instrumental rationality and utility are not enough.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2019 - Panoeconomicus 5 (66):633-657.
    The goal of this article is to show that instrumental rationality and utility that have been used in economics for many years does not work well. What is presented in the article is how significant the influence of utilitarianism has been on economics and why the economists get rid of humans’ goals and motivations. It is shown in the article that the human who decides in present is absolutely different from the human who decides over time. Many economists neglected this (...)
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  14. Axioms and tests for the presence of minimal consciousness in agents I: Preamble.Igor L. Aleksander & B. Dunmall - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (4-5):7-18.
    This paper relates to a formal statement of the mechanisms that are thought minimally necessary to underpin consciousness. This is expressed in the form of axioms. We deem this to be useful if there is ever to be clarity in answering questions about whether this or the other organism is or is not conscious. As usual, axioms are ways of making formal statements of intuitive beliefs and looking, again formally, at the consequences of such beliefs. The use of this style (...)
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    Defining Definiteness.Aleksander Domoslawski - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    Epistemicism associates vagueness with ignorance produced by semantic plasticity: the shiftiness of intensions in our language resulting from small changes in usage. The recent literature (Caie 2012; Magidor 2018; Yli-Vakkuri 2016) points to a missing piece in the epistemicist theory of vagueness, namely a clear account of the semantics of the definiteness operator Δ. The fundamentals of the epistemicist theory are well understood. However, the technical work of defining the definiteness operator has proven difficult. There are several desiderata that we (...)
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    Aristotle's Laptop — Authors' Appreciation of Reviews.Igor Aleksander & Helen B. Morton - 2014 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 6 (1):67-70.
    Igor Aleksander and Helen B. Morton, Int. J. Mach. Conscious. 06, 67 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S1793843014400113.
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  17. 阿部正雄動力空的耶佛對話:檢討與前瞻.Simon Wat - 2022 - Ctrc Quarterly 7:27-37.
  18.  31
    On Law and Reason.Aleksander Peczenik - 1989 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    a This is an outline of a coherence theory of law. Its basic ideas are: reasonable support and weighing of reasons. All the rest is commentary.a (TM) These words at the beginning of the preface of this book perfectly indicate what On Law and Reason is about. It is a theory about the nature of the law which emphasises the role of reason in the law and which refuses to limit the role of reason to the application of deductive logic. (...)
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    Regular subalgebras of complete Boolean algebras.Aleksander Blaszczyk & Saharon Shelah - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):792-800.
    It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) there exists a complete, atomless, σ-centered Boolean algebra, which does not contain any regular, atomless, countable subalgebra, (b) there exists a nowhere dense ultrafilter on ω. Therefore, the existence of such algebras is undecidable in ZFC. In "forcing language" condition (a) says that there exists a non-trivial σ-centered forcing not adding Cohen reals.
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    A letter from the president of the republic of Poland, Aleksander kwaśniewski, patron of the international conference on “conflict of interest and its significance in science and medicine” held in warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002. [REVIEW]Aleksander Kwaśniewski - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):267-267.
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  21. Weakness of will. The limitations of revealed preference theory.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2022 - Acta Oeconomica 1 (72):1-23.
    The phenomenon of weakness of will – not doing what we perceive as the best action – is not recognized by neoclassical economics due to the axiomatic assumptions of the revealed preference theory (RPT) that people do what is best for them. However, present bias shows that people have different preferences over time. As they cannot be compared by the utility measurements, economists need to normatively decide between selves (short- versus long-term preferences). A problem is that neoclassical economists perceive RPT (...)
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    Systems of Values in the University Tradition.Aleksander Gieysztor - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (3):5-12.
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    Impossible minds: my neurons, my consciousness.Igor Aleksander - 2014 - New Jersey: Imperial College Press.
    Impossible Minds: My Neurons, My Consciousness has been written to satisfy the curiosity each and every one of us has about our own consciousness. It takes the view that the neurons in our heads are the source of consciousness and attempts to explain how this happens. Although it talks of neural networks, it explains what they are and what they do in such a way that anyone may understand. While the topic is partly philosophical, the text makes no assumptions of (...)
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    Axiological justification of the objective norm by Heinrich Rickert.Aleksander Bobko - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (3-4):173-178.
    The aim of this paper is to show the main thesis concerning the theory of cognition of the eminent neo-Kantian Heinrich Rickert, as presented in his work “Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis”. On the one hand, Rickert finds out that thinking is fated to “clash with nothingness”, thus creating a temptation to reject all rigours and to yield to complete discretion. On the other hand, he attributes axiological status to nothingness which subjects thinking to a particular kind of “ought”. In his (...)
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  25. The Eclipse of Value-Free Economics. The concept of multiple self versus homo economicus.Aleksander Ostapiuk - 2020 - Wrocław, Polska: Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.
    The books’ goal is to answer the question: Do the weaknesses of value-free economics imply the need for a paradigm shift? The author synthesizes criticisms from different perspectives (descriptive and methodological). Special attention is paid to choices over time, because in this area value-free economics has the most problems. In that context, the enriched concept of multiple self is proposed and investigated. However, it is not enough to present the criticisms towards value-free economics. For scientists, a bad paradigm is better (...)
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    A Theory of Legal Doctrine.Aleksander Peczenik - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (1):75-105.
    Legal doctrine in Continental European law (scientia iuris) consists of professional legal writings, e.g., handbooks, monographs, etc., whose task is to systematize and interpret valid law. By production of general and defeasible theories, legal doctrine aims to present the law as a coherent net of principles, rules, meta‐rules, and exceptions, at different levels of abstraction, connected by support relations. The argumentation used to achieve coherence involves not only description and logic but also evaluative (normative) steps. However, sceptics criticise juristic doctrine (...)
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    Kształtowanie elementów państwa.Aleksander Dolski - 1943 - Londyn: F. Mildner & sons.
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  28. Heidegger a degeneracja i nieautentyczność. O przedmiocie \"dojrzałego, głębokiego rozczarowania\".Aleksander Dworek - 2006 - Fenomenologia 4:143-151.
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    (1 other version)A struggle for an intellectually independent institute: The case in Poland.Aleksander Gella - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (4):307-315.
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    Introduction to the Conference “The Meaning of Polish History”, Royal Castle, Warsaw, November 4, 1988.Aleksander Gieysztor & Ewa Gieysztor - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5):11-12.
    The State and the nation belong to the ideas created by the common consciousness, and at the same time, as a true forma formans, have connotations to the world of predominance, influencing the reality. There exist such strong connections, that their understanding is an intellectual duty of those who research nowadays the social links and try to explain them to the contemporary audience.
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  31. Opening Speech at Warsaw Conference on \"The Meaning of Polish History\".Aleksander Gieysztor - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (2):15-16.
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  32. Janusz Korczak is Greater Than His Legend: The Saint of All Creeds.Aleksander Lewin - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (9-10):75-92.
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  33. Współczesne radzieckie poszukiwania etyczne i aksjologiczne.Aleksander Madejski - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 32 (3-4):201-218.
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    Planning and tradition in Polish higher education.Aleksander Matejko - 1969 - Minerva 7 (4):621-648.
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  35. Absolut i natura we wczesnych pracach B. F. Trentowskiego.Aleksander Orłowski - 1970 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 16.
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    Fuzziness and transformation: Towards explaining legal reasoning.Aleksander Peczenik & Jerzy Wróblewski - 1985 - Theoria 51 (1):24-44.
  37. (1 other version)Juridikens metodproblem: rättskällelära och lagtolkning.Aleksander Peczenik - 1974 - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
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  38. Dylematy 'drugiej Europy'.Aleksander Smolar - 1991 - Res Publica 1:12-22.
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  39. Ghurar al-khaṣā'iṣ al-wāḍiḥah wa-ʻurar al-naqā'iṣ al-fāḍiḥah.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyá Waṭwāṭ - 1912 - Miṣr: al-Maṭbaʻah al-kullīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    Phenomenalism flawed.John Watting - 1963 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (1-4):196 – 199.
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    Krytyka chorego rozumu (Herbert Schnadelbach, Rozum i historia).Aleksander Zbrzezny - 2002 - Etyka 35:282-287.
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  42. Bachtin: między marksistowskim dogmatem a formacją prawosławną: nad studiami o Dostojewskim.Aleksander Wo zny - 1993 - Wrocław: Tow. Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej.
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  43. The omniscient speaker puzzle.Aleksander Domosławski - 2024 - Synthese 203 (65):1-16.
    The epistemicist theory aims to explain ignorance due to vagueness by semantic plasticity: the shiftiness of intensions across close possible worlds resulting from shiftiness in usage. This explanation is challenged by the Omniscient Speaker Puzzle (Sennet in Philos Stud 161(2):273–285, 2012). Suppose that an omniscient speaker, Barney, who knows all the facts about usage and how these facts determine the intensions of expressions, cooks up a scheme to stabilise the intension of a normally semantically plastic term like ‘rich’. It seems (...)
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    From Turing to Conscious Machines.Igor Aleksander - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):57.
    In the period between Turing’s 1950 “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” and the current considerable public exposure to the term “artificial intelligence ”, Turing’s question “Can a machine think?” has become a topic of daily debate in the media, the home, and, indeed, the pub. However, “Can a machine think?” is sliding towards a more controversial issue: “Can a machine be conscious?” Of course, the two issues are linked. It is held here that consciousness is a pre-requisite to thought. In Turing’s (...)
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    The World in My Mind, My Mind in the World.Igor Aleksander - 2005 - Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic.
    Ifeel that Iam apartof, but separatefrom an 'out there' world. 2. Ifeel that my perception of the world mingles with feelings of past experience. 3. My experienceof the world is selective and purposeful. 4. I am thinking ahead allthe timeintrying ...
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    (1 other version)Machine consciousness.Igor L. Aleksander - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    Kant’s Critique of Political Reason.Aleksander Bobko - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):219-238.
    Although considerations regarding the political sphere do not occupy much space within Immanuel Kant’s system, the influence of his concepts on our contemporary critical thinking is enormous. The coherence of Kant’s political concept also remains a problem, where the highest good to be achieved by humanity is eternal peace, within the entirety of critical philosophy. In this article, I attempt to show that such a connection exists, and the vision of political order can be interpreted as the highest form of (...)
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    The basis of legal justification.Aleksander Peczenik - 1983 - Lund: [A. Peczenik].
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    Information on the Edition of the Complete Works of Janusz Korczak.Aleksander Lewin - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):191-192.
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    The Wanderings of Ideas or a Model of Humanity?Aleksander Lewin - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):11-24.
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