Results for 'Alexandra Célié'

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  1.  13
    Converger vers l’effondrement.Paul Cary, Alexandra Célié, Nadia Garnoussi & Yann Le Lann - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):144-152.
    Le texte montre comment les questions d’effondrement viennent à s’imposer dans les trajectoires professionnelles et personnelles, même si le fonctionnement des sciences sociales et de l’université sont plutôt des obstacles à sa prise en compte. Des perspectives se dégagent – au-delà du redéploiement des questions de recherche autour des mouvements souhaitant conjurer l’effondrement, elles oscillent entre un pessimisme non résigné, attentif à des questions de relocalisation, et l’implication directe dans de nouveaux mouvements écologistes.
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    Ortaokulda Doğrudan Kazandırılacak Değerlerin Vatandaşlık Ve Demokrasi Eğitimi Kitabına Yansıma Dü.Tekin Çeli̇kkaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1715-1715.
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    Rubén Jaramillo Vélez: argumentos para la ilustración contemporánea.Celis Ospina, Juan Carlos & Rafael Rubiano Muñoz (eds.) - 2014 - Medellín, Colombia: Universidad de Antioquia.
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    The Critique of the Opinion Claiming That Allah Does Not Know Beforehand the Willing Acts of the Slaves in Terms of the Science of Tafsir.Fatih Çeli̇kel - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):150-166.
    There are some verses in the Qur'an that can be understood at first glance to mean that Allah Almighty knew certain things afterwards. Based on such verses, it has been claimed that Allah Almighty knew the voluntary acts of the slaves afterwards. This view, whose historical origin goes back to Cehmiyya, is defended by Abdülaziz Bayındır today. Adopting an approach that understands and explains the verses he refers to as the main reference on the subject, Abdülaziz Bayındır argues that the (...)
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    Francis Bacon e a imagem do livro da natureza.Celi Hirata - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):75-98.
    In this paper, we explore the conception of nature as a book in Francis Bacon. On the one hand, using this image and confronting the reading of the book of nature and the reading of the books of established authors, Bacon contrasts two completely different ways of the natural philosophy: the Interpretation of Nature in contrast to the Anticipation of the Mind. On the other hand, by considering the revealed book and the book of creatures, Bacon contends for the specificity (...)
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    State feminism and women's movements in Belgium : complex patterns in a multilevel system.Karen Celis & Petra Meier - 2007 - In Joyce Outshoorn & Johanna Kantola, Changing state feminism. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 62--81.
  7.  12
    O poder E o político na teoria dos Campos.Céli Regina Jardim Pinto - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (162):221-227.
    O presente texto não pretende ser um artigo analítico sobre Bourdieu mas um ensaio escrito da perspectiva de uma cientista política sobre as possibilidades abertas pela teoria desenvolvida pelo sociólogo francês para o estudo dos fenômenos da política. Com este propósito trabalharei com as noções de campo e capitais.
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    Türk Kadın Kahramanı Kara Fatma.Esma Torun Çeli̇k - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 16):131-131.
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    The Ego as Topic of Phenomenological Analysis.Flor Emilce Cely - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146):59-72.
    Husserl began by refusing the possibility to consider the ego as an essential center of reference for intentional acts. But later included it in phenomenological description as the center of reference for intentional experiences. The article analyzes those two moments and their possible correlation with the Kantian theory of the self, in order to highlight the significant difference between the two philosophers.
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  10. Etude critique la philosophie contre l'esprit d'abstraction1.Raphaël Célis - 1993 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 43:383.
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  11. Cáncer de mama y exposición a hidrocarburos aromáticos. e.Ruth De Celis, Gilberto Morgan, Alejandro Bravo & Alfredo Feria - 2006 - Gnosis 4:1-8.
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    Pattern formation in the Drosophila wing: The development of the veins.Jose F. de Celis - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (5):443-451.
    The veins are cuticular structures that differentiate in precise patterns in insect wings. The genetic and molecular basis of vein pattern formation in Drosophila melanogaster is beginning to be unravelled with the identification and characterisation of the gene products that position the veins and direct their differentiation. Genes affecting the veins fall into two groups: transcriptional regulators that specify individual veins, and members of signalling pathways involved in patterning and differentiation of the veins. The elaboration of the vein pattern is (...)
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    Examination of Texts at MEB 6, 7 and 8. Grade Turkish Course Textbooks According to Value Transmission.Ekinci Çeli̇kpazu Esra - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:413-424.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler Programında Gazete, Dergi ve İnternet Haberlerinin Kullanılması.Tekin Çeli̇kkaya - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 3):251-251.
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    The Concept of Sharʿī Science in Educational Conception Formed in Islamic Civili-zation.Hasan Sabri Çeli̇ktaş - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1077-1100.
    In this article, the meaning of concept of sharʿī science gained in the conception of education, which was established in Islamic civilization, was studied. The main problem of the research is to evaluate the idea of education in Islamic Civilization, which is closely related to the concept of sharʿī science, with a false perception that it consists entirely of religious education. The beginning of Islamic Civilization is traced back to descent of the Qur'an. The conception of education that started to (...)
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    Turhal Şehrinin Nüfus Özellikleri.Çakar Çeli̇k - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):143-143.
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    Artforum et les écrits d’artiste. Une partie de l’histoire de l’art des années soixante.Lorena Garcia Cely - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):191-198.
    Nombreux sont les artistes qui, au cours des années soixante, ont écrit pour la revue Artforum, qui demeure, encore aujourd’hui, l’une des plus importantes publications artistiques. Certains de ces écrits s’inscrivent dans des formats journalistiques, quelques-uns sont des compositions faisant appel à des catégories littéraires, d’autres suivent les formes académiques de l’essai et de la dissertation et, enfin, s’ajoutent à ceux-ci des travaux conceptuels ayant le statut d’œuvres d’art. Cet article étudie la manière dont cette revue a contribué à rendre (...)
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  18. La medición de las conductas anómalas en la primera mitad del siglo XIX en México.Leticia Mayer Celis - 1998 - Ludus Vitalis 6 (10):87-103.
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    En torno y a la luz del yoga.Sánchez de Celis & J. Manuel - 1975 - Madrid: Aguilar.
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  20.  19
    Aspectos da ação voluntária em Hobbes.Celi Hirata - 2021 - Cadernos Espinosanos 44:39-59.
    Hobbes concede uma importância inédita à ação voluntária, na medida em que defende que a origem de toda obrigação é um ato voluntário daquele que se obriga, uma vez que todos são naturalmente livres e iguais e não há obrigações naturais. Por um lado, Hobbes desloca a discussão sobre a voluntariedade das ações e alarga a concepção do que pode ser considerado uma ação voluntária em relação à tradição que remonta a Aristóteles, sendo que, para ele, uma ação praticada por (...)
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  21. Apercepção versus percepção: os espí­ritos na cosmologia leibniziana.Celi Hirata - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):135-166.
    Leibniz afirma que toda mônada expressa o universo inteiro de uma determinada perspectiva. A partir daí, todas os seres criados harmonizam-se entre si, já que todos representam o mesmo mundo, ao mesmo tempo em que cada um se individualiza por meio de seu ponto de vista próprio que • afirma o autor em alguns textos-chave • é determinado pelo lugar que o seu corpo correspondente ocupa. Entretanto, se a limitaçáo dos graus de distinçáo das representações se dá meramente por uma (...)
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    Sobre a moral E a física.Celi Hirata & Gionatan Carlos Pacheco - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 37:355-361.
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    System in Leibniz and Descartes.Celi Hirata - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):23-36.
    Descartes thinks that the true scientific order is that of reasons, in which one starts from the easiest and most evident truths and moves towards those that are more difficult and complex. Thus a unique, progressive, and irreversible order is established, where each member of the chain depends on those that precede it, and each thesis has a non-interchangeable place inside the doctrine. Leibniz, on the contrary, defends the idea that "une même vérité peut avoir beaucoup des places selon les (...)
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  24. Las ideas de Locke.Nikola Krestonosich Celis - 2007 - Apuntes Filosóficos 30.
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    ¡Las preferencias dependen del punto de referencia!Daniel Alejandro Monroy Cely - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 53.
    La teoría “coaseana” del derecho, y el Análisis Económico del Derecho en general, asumen implícitamente la veracidad de dos premisas comportamentales: la “exogeneidad de la preferencia” y la “independencia de la referencia”. Este artículo señala algunas objeciones a estas premisas, luego evidencia algunas implicaciones acerca de: cómo el AED –desde un punto de vista positivo– pronostica los comportamientos de las personas y los efectos de las normas jurídicas entendidas como incentivos, y cómo, –desde un punto de vista normativo– la teoría (...)
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  26.  10
    : Dwelling in Fiction: Poetics of Place and the Experimental Novel in Latin America.Santiago Ospina Celis - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 51 (1):215-217.
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    Congruencia, integridad y transparencia. El legado de Carl Rogers.Alejandro Celis - 2006 - Polis 15.
    En los orígenes de la psicología humanista, diversos autores claves -entre ellos, Rogers- destacaron la importancia que la congruencia o autenticidad tiene para la salud integral de las personas. Tomando esta referencia como punto de partida, el autor examina lo que considera un momento crítico en la historia, teñido de escepticismo y cinismo, y sus manifestaciones en la vida actual. Finalmente, propone un modelo de autodesarrollo que considera tres niveles en cada ser humano: el nivel animal, el propiamente humano y (...)
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    De substantiële vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen: wat met conservatieve claims?Karen Celis & Sarah Childs - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (3):410-412.
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  29. Le Statut de la verite dans la pensee hermeneutique.Raphael Celis - 1998 - Studia Philosophica 57:161-176.
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  30. Gabrielle Dufour-kowalska, Michel Henry. Passion et magnificence de la vie, Paris, beauchesne, 2003, 260 P.Raphaël Célis - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:74.
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  31. La philosophie contre l'esprit d'abstraction.Raphael Célis - 1993 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 125 (4):383-391.
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  32. (1 other version)Natureza e artifício: Leibniz e os modernos sobre a concepção dos corpos orgânicos como máquinas.Celi Hirata - 2018 - Dois Pontos 15 (1):95-109.
    In modernity, the distinction between nature and artifice disappears, so that machines made by men become privileged models for the explanation of natural bodies, as can be observed in Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, among others. This new relationship between nature and artifice is correlated with the mechanization and refutation of finality in nature, insofar as the adoption of mechanics as a model of nature’s explanation is associated to the rejection of the use of final causes in physics and to the conception (...)
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    The function of vestigial in Drosophila wing development: How are tissue‐specific responses to signalling pathways specified?Jose F. de Celis - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (7):542-545.
  34.  23
    Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Drama Yönteminin Önemi Ve Uygulama Örnekleri.Tekin Çeli̇kkaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):447-447.
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    Yeni Uygur Türkçesinde Bir Enklitik Edatı: ze.Ayhan Çeli̇kbay - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):977-977.
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    Razones y causas en el psicoanálisis freudiano.Flor Emilce Cely - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:135-156.
    Se examina la relación entre razones y causas de la acción en el psicoanálisis freudiano. Hay acuerdo en que Freud confundía, o por lo menos no hizo una distinción rigurosa a lo largo de su trabajo, entre razones y causas. Se analizarán dos interpretaciones al respecto. De un lado, la que sostiene que había en él una tendencia naturalista y que, en ese sentido, nunca abandonó su pretensión de encontrar las causas de la acción humana; de otro lado, la que (...)
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    The Category Of Passive Voice In Japanese Language.Ogtay Celi̇lbeyli̇ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1108-1122.
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    What's news: Comprehensive computerized 2d gel protein databases offer a global approach to the study of the mammalian cell.Julio E. Celis, Bent Honoré, Guy Bauw & Joel Vandekerckhove - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (2):93-97.
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    La mondanité du jeu et de l'image selon Eugen Fink.Raphaël Célis - 1978 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 76 (29):54-66.
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    A causalidade em Hobbes: necessidade e inteligibilidade.Celi Hirata - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 23:33.
    O escopo do artigo é examinar a tese hobbesiana de que todo efeito possui uma causa necessária, indicando como o filósofo a demonstra de modos diferentes, mas complementares: em primeiro lugar, tanto por meio da identificação entre causa integral, causa suficiente e causa necessária, como pela redefinição dos conceitos de potência e ato; em segundo, através da subordinação do princípio de bivalência à determinação necessária dos eventos; e, por fim, pela defesa de que só por meio de uma causa necessária, (...)
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  41.  48
    The Face Revisited: Using Deleuze and Guattari to Explore the Politics of Algorithmic Face Recognition.Claudio Celis Bueno - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (1):73-91.
    This article explores the political dimension of algorithmic face recognition through the prism of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s notion of faciality. It argues that algorithmic face recognition is a technology that expresses a key aspect of contemporary capitalism: the problematic position of the individual in light of new forms of algorithmic and statistical regimes of power. While there is a clear relation between modern disciplinary mechanisms of individualization and the face as a sign of individuality, in control societies this (...)
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  42.  9
    Meditação sobre a noção comum de justiça.Celi Hirata - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (1).
    Apresenta-se a tradução para o português do texto Méditation sur la notion commune de justice, de G. W. Leibniz, acompanhada de notas explicativas e de uma curta introdução.
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    Does having women managers lead to increased gender equality practices in corporate social responsibility?Izaskun Larrieta-Rubín de Celis, Eva Velasco-Balmaseda, Sara Fernández de Bobadilla, María del Mar Alonso-Almeida & Gurutze Intxaurburu-Clemente - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):91-110.
    There is increasing interest in determining what impact having women in management positions may have on corporate social responsibility initiatives. Various authors suggest that gender equality practices should be factored into the broader framework of CSR. This paper examines how the presence of women on corporate boards, in top and middle management and as heads of CSR departments, influences gender equality practices in the field of CSR. Using information collected from companies that have signed up to Women's Empowerment Principles in (...)
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    Power no Short Tract e a evolução do conceito físico de potência em Hobbes.Celi Hirata - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (3).
    O conceito de potentia possui uma pluralidade de sentidos na obra de Hobbes, sendo empregado na física, na antropologia, nas reflexões sobre o direito e sobre a política, bem como no discurso sobre Deus e seus atributos. Neste artigo, o exame será circunscrito ao conceito hobbesiano de potência (power) no Short Tract em seu diálogo com a tradição aristotélica da potência e do ato, isto é, ao conceito físico de potência por meio do qual os movimentos são explicados. O que (...)
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    La Presencia de la filosofía en la Universidad Católica (1888-1973).Luis Celis M. & Jaime Caiceo E. (eds.) - 1982 - Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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    La poétique phénoménologique d'Henri Maldiney.Raphaël Célis & David Zumwald - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74 (3):415-438.
    Le langage de la poésie appelle une attention particulière, car son étrangeté même témoigne d’un rapport au réel fort différent des pratiques de la langue, dans la vie quotidienne ou dans le travail scientifique. En s’aidant de la référence au Vide et aux perspectives puisées dans la tradition chinoise, Maldiney développe cette philosophie propre à la poésie à partir des oeuvres d’André du Bouchet et de Francis Ponge. Son analyse donne ainsi à l’art poétique une responsabilité rarement mise en valeur (...)
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    A crítica do jovem Leibniz ao materialismo hobbesiano a partir do conceito de conatus.Celi Hirata - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:65-87.
    Neste artigo, pretende-se indicar como o jovem Leibniz, em textos do início da década de 1670, como no Theoria Motusi e nas correspondências a Johann Friedrich e a Hobbes, apropria-se do conceito de conatus e da teoria da sensação de Hobbes para defender a existência de mentes incorpóreas, seres verdadeiramente indivisíveis, em oposição à redução hobbesiana da realidade a corpos e seus movimentos. Ademais, uma vez que a essência do corpo reside no movimento e não na extensão — como o (...)
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    Hobbes e a redução da justiça.Celi Hirata - 2016 - Discurso 46 (1):101-126.
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    Resenha: Hobbes on legal authority and political obligation, de Luciano Venezia.Celi Hirata - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:333-341.
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    Subject and Subjectivity in Hobbes and Leibniz.Celi Hirata - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 32 (1):5-21.
    This paper seeks to examine two moments of the subject’s identification with substance in modernity, namely, the body in Hobbesian philosophy and the individual substance in Leibnizian thought. In Hobbes, to be a subject signifies to be subjected, so that the body-substance is characterized by not having in itself its principle of movement. In Leibniz, for his turn, a subject is that which contains in its own nature everything that can be truly predicated about it, implying that it is the (...)
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