Results for 'Alexandre Naud'

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  1.  25
    Relations between Spatial Distribution, Social Affiliations and Dominance Hierarchy in a Semi-Free Mandrill Population.Alexandre Naud, Eloise Chailleux, Yan Kestens, Céline Bret, Dominic Desjardins, Odile Petit, Barthélémy Ngoubangoye & Cédric Sueur - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:187882.
    Although there exist advantages to group-living in comparison to a solitary lifestyle, costs and gains of group-living may be unequally distributed among group members. Predation risk, vigilance levels and food intake may be unevenly distributed across group spatial geometry and certain within-group spatial positions may be more or less advantageous depending on the spatial distribution of these factors. In species characterized with dominance hierarchy, high-ranking individuals are commonly observed in advantageous spatial position. However, in complex social systems, individuals can develop (...)
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  2. Justice in a non-ideal world: the case of climate change.Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (4):407-432.
    Ideal theory faces a paradox. The ‘capacity of guidance’ is an important feature of most normative theories, but ideal principles of justice are not well suited to guide action in non-ideal circumstances. This charge presses us to seek plausible avenues to connect ideal values with the non-ideal realisation of justice. The objective of this paper is to introduce an analytical framework and present a case study in support of what I call the ‘reflective integration thesis’. The thesis states that: if (...)
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  3. Why is the transference theory of causation insuffcient? The challenge of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Vincent Ardourel & Alexandre Guay - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:12-23.
    The transference theory reduces causation to the transmission of physical conserved quantities, like energy or momenta. Although this theory aims at applying to all felds of physics, we claim that it fails to account for a quantum electrodynamic effect, viz. the Aharonov-Bohm effect. After having argued that the Aharonov-Bohm effect is a genuine counter-example for the transference theory, we offer a new physicalist approach of causation, ontic and modal, in which this effect is embedded.
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    Elisabeth face à Descartes: deux philosophes?Gabriel Alban Zapata & Alexandre Declos - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (4):775-780.
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    Buber and Education: Dialogue as Conflict Resolution.W. John Morgan & Alexandre Guilherme - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Alexandre Guilherme.
    Martin Buber is considered one of the 20th centuryes greatest thinkers and his contributions to philosophy, theology and education are testimony to this. His thought is founded on the idea that people are capable of two kinds of relations, namely I-Thou and I-It, emphasising the centrality of dialogue in all spheres of human life. For this reason, Buber is considered by many to be the philosopher of dialogue par excellence. After Buberes death the appreciation of his considerable legacy to the (...)
  6. Les cheveux étaient longs.Kawabata Yasunari & Alexandre Mangin - 2007 - Iris 30:167-173.
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  7. Revue trimestrielle publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre.Catherine Vlalle, Jean Alexandre & Jean Marcel Vincent - 2004 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 84 (1-4):201.
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    The modulation of somatosensory resonance by psychopathic traits and empathy.Louis-Alexandre Marcoux, Pierre-Emmanuel Michon, Julien I. A. Voisin, Sophie Lemelin, Etienne Vachon-Presseau & Philip L. Jackson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Voir le temps venir: séminaire au Musée du Jeu de paume (novembre-décembre 2019).Jean-Christophe Bailly & Alexandre Chemetoff (eds.) - 2021 - Montrouge: Bayard.
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    Malebranche ou la Prière cartésienne.Alexandre Tilman-Timon - 1967 - Paris,: L'Auteur.
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    Un rapport inédit sur divers travaux d’Angelo Mosso.Hermann von Helmholtz & Alexandre Métraux - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (3):206-207.
    Note du traducteur: La transcription rend fidèlement l’orthographe de l’inédit autographe de Helmholtz, et cela jusqu’à l’oubli du « t » dans le mot « nicht », erreur que l’auteur ne semble pas avoir remarquée ou à laquelle il ne devait pas accorder d’importance, vu qu’il s’agissait, probablement, d’une ébauche très avancée du rapport qui aurait dû, ou pu, être copiée, après correction, pour l’envoi en Italie.Dans la transcription ainsi que dans la traduction, l’espace laissé en blanc d’une...
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  12. Interactivité de la fiction, fictions de l’interactivité.Alexis Anne-Braun & Alexandre Declos - 2023 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 60:115-142.
    L’interactivité est communément perçue comme la marque caractéristique des technologies digitales et, par extension, de différentes formes de fictions, de médias ou d’œuvres numériques – de la littérature hypertextuelle et des jeux vidéo au net art. On peut toutefois s’interroger sur le sens précis qu’il convient de donner à cette notion, ainsi que sur les promesses auxquelles elle est souvent associée. À défaut de pouvoir cerner un concept unique et maxi-englobant d’interactivité, nous suggérons qu’il est plus profitable de tenter d’identifier (...)
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    The Imagined Island. History, Identity & Utopia in Hispaniola.Alexandre Coello de la Rosa - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):280-285.
  14.  53
    « Sur la terre comme au ciel ». L'image des sept dans la mise en place d'un diaconat chrétien.Cécile Faivre & Alexandre Faivre - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 82:91-105.
    Il faut attendre la fin du deuxième siècle pour voir Irénée faire le lien entre la fonction de « diacre » et le récit d’Actes 6 rapportant la création du groupe de Sept hellénistes. Pour le comprendre, on étudie la liaison entre le nombre Sept, la notion de diakonia, la fonction de glorification et surtout l’idée d’imitation par l’univers visible de l’univers invisible. Ces questions étaient au centre du débat entre Marc le Mage et Irénée. Elles se retrouvent dans les (...)
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    On the Value of Considering Specific Facets of Interactional Justice Perceptions.Evelyne Fouquereau, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Tiphaine Huyghebaert, Séverine Chevalier, Hélène Coillot & Nicolas Gillet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16.  33
    Affect and the resolution of cognitive control dilemmas.Jeremy R. Gray, Alexandre Schaefer, Todd S. Braver & Steven B. Most - 2005 - In Barr (ed.), Emotion and Consciousness. Guilford Press.
  17.  33
    Respectable Challenges to Respectable Theory: Cognitive Dissonance Theory Requires Conceptualization Clarification and Operational Tools.David C. Vaidis & Alexandre Bran - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Despite its long tradition in social psychology, we consider that Cognitive Dissonance Theory presents serious flaws concerning its methodology which question the relevance of the theory, limit breakthroughs, and hinder the evaluation of its core hypotheses. In our opinion, these issues are mainly due to operational and methodological weaknesses that have not been sufficiently addressed since the beginnings of the theory. We start by reviewing the ambiguities concerning the definition and conceptualization of the term cognitive dissonance. We then review the (...)
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    Philosophical Engineering: Toward a Philosophy of the Web.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (eds.) - 2014 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This is the first interdisciplinary exploration of the philosophical foundations of the Web, a new area of inquiry that has important implications across a range of domains. -/- Contains twelve essays that bridge the fields of philosophy, cognitive science, and phenomenology Tackles questions such as the impact of Google on intelligence and epistemology, the philosophical status of digital objects, ethics on the Web, semantic and ontological changes caused by the Web, and the potential of the Web to serve as a (...)
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    Ateliers céramiques et réseaux d’échanges dans le Sud-Ouest de la mer Noire à l’époque classique et au début de l’époque hellénistique.Pierre Dupont & Alexandre Baralis - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (1):387-428.
    Ceramics workshops and exchange networks in the south-western Black Sea in the Classical period and the beginning of the Hellenistic period Within the archaeometrical programmes carried out in the framework of the National Research Agency project «Pont-Euxin » and thereafter within the French archaeological team at Apollonia Pontica, a representative sampling of 123 sherds focusing on Apollonia but also extending to the main Greek settlements along the Western Black Sea coast was submitted to XRF chemical analyse. Their data processing revealed (...)
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  20.  23
    On Emanuel Ringelblum's New Research Program for the History of Jewish Medicine: Introductory Remarks.Guy Finkelstein & Alexandre Métraux - 2010 - Science in Context 23 (4):571-580.
    When Emanuel Ringelblum was born on November 21, 1900, in Buczacz, the small, multilingual and multi-ethnic Galician town was to be found on the far northeastern part of the Austrian Empire. As a mail stamp on a Correspondenz-Karte or Karta korrespondencyja of 1890 shows, the place was officially spelled in accordance with its Polish orthography. However, it was called Butschtasch in German, Bichuch in Yiddish, and still differently in Ukranian. After World War I, it was for a short while part (...)
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  21.  14
    American humanism and the new age.Louis Joseph Alexandre Mercier - 1948 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
  22.  24
    Le « musée vivant » raconte sa propre histoire : une première lecture de l'United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.Peter Alexandre Meyers - 2002 - Cités 11 (3):159-183.
    La curiosité persistante des lecteurs de Primo Levi a pris souvent une forme interrogative et a suscité son engagement. Sa réponse à la question « êtes-vous retourné à Auschwitz ? » se trouve dans un appendice joint à l’édition scolaire de Se questo è un uomo longtemps après sa première parution1.La réponse est oui. Levi est retourné..
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    Est-il trop tard pour l’effondrement?Laurence Allard, Alexandre Monnin & Cyprien Tasset - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):53-67.
    Cette introduction invite à décadrer et à recadrer la thématique de l’effondrement, popularisée et médiatisée par la théorie dite « collapsologie », vers le plan des acteurs, des terrains, des temporalités, et des régimes d’énonciation. Nous appelons à documenter empiriquement ce que fait l’effondrement, et ce qu’en font celles et ceux à qui cette idée « fait » quelque chose. En effet, l’effondrisme pose la question des façons de se positionner non pas uniquement par rapport à une théorie, mais également (...)
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    Improving Teenagers’ Divergent Thinking With Improvisational Theater.Mathieu Hainselin, Alexandre Aubry & Béatrice Bourdin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  3
    Desafios e Potencialidades.Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2014 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 21:157-169.
    O texto versa sobre alguns desafios encontrados no ensino da disciplina de Filosofia no cenário da educação básica brasileira. Aborda questões levantadas por pesquisadores nesta área que são corroboradas por experiência própria na docência em Filosofia. O objetivo aqui é refletir sobre as dificuldades encontradas no sentido de buscar conciliar a especificidade da Filosofia enquanto área do saber e a complexidade de seu ensino no nível médio. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, agregada com a experiência de acompanhamento dos estágios supervisionados (...)
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  26.  8
    Versuche über Erfahrung.Alexandre Métraux, Carl F. Graumann & Wolfgang Blankenburg (eds.) - 1975 - Wien: Hans Huber.
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    Maker Cultures and the Prospects for Technological Action.Susana Nascimento & Alexandre Pólvora - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):927-946.
    Supported by easier and cheaper access to tools and expanding communities, maker cultures are pointing towards the ideas of everyone designing, creating, producing and distributing renewed, new and improved products, machines, things or artefacts. A careful analysis of the assumptions and challenges of maker cultures emphasizes the relevance of what may be called technological action, that is, active and critical interventions regarding the purposes and applications of technologies within ordinary lives, thus countering the deterministic trends of current directions of technology. (...)
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  28. Sartre Un Film.Jean Paul Sartre, Alexandre Astruc & Michel Contat - 1977 - Gallimard.
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    Look at the Beat, Feel the Meter: Top–Down Effects of Meter Induction on Auditory and Visual Modalities.Alexandre Celma-Miralles, Robert F. de Menezes & Juan M. Toro - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Ciência e Filosofia: Notas Acerca da Re-Significação de Conceitos Científicos Na Filosofia Hobbesiana.Hélio Alexandre da Silva - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (1):22-38.
    Trata-se nesse artigo de expor alguns dos principais conceitos da ciência (filosofia natural) hobbesiana, notadamente os conceitos de corpo, movimento, matéria, forma, acidente, essência. Devido a essa re-significação, é possível, para Hobbes, aproximar metodologicamente as definições de filosofia e ciência e a partir de então estabelecer novas bases para o conhecimento, amparado agora numa ciência mecânica de caráter fisicalista.
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    Política e Sacrifício: Considerações Acerca Das Categorias Matáveis Através de René Girard e Giorgio Agamben.Bruno Alexandre Cadete da Silva - 2021 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (28):1-13.
    O presente artigo pretende demonstrar como são construídas as categorias matáveis a partir de dois autores contemporâneos que detém propósitos próximos, mas diferentes abordagens, como é o caso do antropólogo francês René Girard e do filósofo político italiano Giorgio Agamben. Para isso, dividiremos a nossa análise em dois campos: antropológico e político. No primeiro momento, faremos uso da teoria girardiana para exemplificar como os sacrifícios - bode expiatório -, recorrentes nas comunidades tradicionais, servem de alicerce para a compreensão desse mecanismo (...)
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    Epigenetic deregulation of imprinting in congenital diseases of aberrant growth.Katia Delaval, Alexandre Wagschal & Robert Feil - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):453-459.
    Human chromosome 11p15 comprises two imprinted domains important in the control of fetal and postnatal growth. Novel studies1-3 establish that imprinting at one of these, the IGF2-H19 domain, is epigenetically deregulated (with loss of DNA methylation) in Silver-Russell Syndrome (SRS), a congenital disease of growth retardation and asymmetry. Previously, the exact opposite epigenetic alteration (gain of DNA methylation) had been detected at the domain's ‘imprinting control region’ (ICR) in patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS), a complex disorder of fetal overgrowth. However, (...)
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    A arquitetônica apeliana da ética do discurso.Luís Alexandre Dias do Carmo & Francisco Brandão Aguiar - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 14 (2):104-121.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o projeto arquitetônico de fundamentação da ética do discurso desenvolvido por Karl-Otto Apel, a partir da década de 70. Pretendemos mostrar que Apel, a partir da linguagem, buscará desenvolver uma ética da responsabilidade para a sociedade global. Neste sentido, a linguagem enquanto médium intransponível de toda reflexão teórica e prática fundamenta uma intersubjetividade, que torna possível uma ética do acordo mútuo. Esta ética buscará dar conta, não apenas do plano normativo, mas, levará em consideração, (...)
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  34.  20
    Robert Burton on the Society of Jesus and Coimbra.Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho - 2021 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 30 (59):9-52.
    O presente artigo explora a attitude ambígua de Robert Burton face aos Jesuítas, centrando-se na sua leitura dos Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu. Após uma contextualização da sua detecção da Companhia de Jesus nas peças teatrais de Burton, passo em revista as referências do académico à articulação da melancholia nos manuais do curso conimbricense ao longo da Anatomia da Melancolia. Por forma a identificar e compreender as especificidades da sua leitura, pautada por adaptações selectivas e imprecisões, empreenderei uma apresentação da (...)
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    À l’ombre de la vérité : l’ignorance métaphysique.Alexandre Couture-Mingheras - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (3):101-112.
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    A Bildung em G. W. F. Hegel.Marcos Fábio Alexandre Nicolau - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (1):136-142.
    O artigo empreende uma discussão sobre o conceito de Formação Cultural (Bildung) em G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), buscando apreender como o filósofo aborda a educação em suas obras. Para tal, analiso a perspectiva hegeliana de solução ao problema pedagógico, a saber, “Qual a melhor forma de educar o homem?”, imposto a todo e qualquer projeto educacional. Através de uma leitura de textos da Fenomenologia do Espírito (1807), dos Discursos sobre Educação (1808-1816), e da Filosofia do Direito (1821), viso apreender (...)
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    Savoir!: considérations sur la méthode scientifique, la guerre et la morale.Félix Alexandre Le Dantec - 1917 - Paris: E. Flammarion.
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  38.  25
    Creating a new declaration of rights : a critical reconstruction of earth jurisprudence's global legislative framework.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2012 - Dissertation, Rhodes University
    This thesis aims to critique the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and its underlying moral justification in order to provide a stronger and improved version of both. In Chapter 1 I explore what sort of moral justification is necessary to establish the Universal Declaration on firm grounds and explore its relation to environmental ethics and rights discourse. I argue that a non-anthropocentric perspective is necessary to justify the Universal Declaration’s rights. In Chapter 2 I explore the underlying (...)
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    If You’re ‘Still In’ the Paris Climate Agreement, Then Show Us the Money.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):52-55.
    In the wake of Trump’s misguided decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement, there has been a groundswell of sub-national US support for climate action. Governors Brown (...
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    Por mor de quê?: uma questão fundamental na analítica existencial de Heidegger.Paulo Alexandre Lima - 2016 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 25 (50):389-414.
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    Museu é lugar de criança sim senhor! a conson'ncia entre a educação patrimonial e o ensino de história a partir de uma experiência do programa residência pedagógica da Unisc, em Santa Cruz do Sul/RS.Eduardo Alexandre Louzado, Gabriela Schwengber & Cícero Augusto Richter Schneider - 2019 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 21 (2):94-105.
    Este trabalho discorre considerações acerca das relações entre a educação patrimonial e o ensino de história - dentro de uma perspectiva transversal, a partir de uma ação educativa com alunos e alunas da educação básica no Museu do Colégio Mauá, situado em Santa Cruz do Sul. Amostra desta pesquisa, uma turma de sexto ano do ensino fundamental da Escola Estadual de Educação Básica Estado de Goiás composta por 25 alunos e alunas apresentou, previamente, suas expectativas quanto à visitação do espaço (...)
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  42.  29
    Resemblance in Contemporary Philosophy : Foreword to the Thematic Issue.Alexis Anne-Braun & Alexandre Declos - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:5-13.
    1 La ressemblance comme problème philosophique transversal Personne ne nierait que les chats se ressemblent sous un grand nombre de rapports, ni ne douterait du fait qu’ils ressemblent plus aux chiens qu’aux bactéries ou aux matchs de tennis. En réalité, il semble légitime de croire que c’est en vertu de cette similarité d’ensemble que nous pouvons dire que certains individus appartiennent à une même espèce, qu’ils sont tous des chats. Ces intuitions partagées suggèrent que la notion de resse...
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    Obras filosóficas.A. Miranda Barbosa & Alexandre Fradique Morujäao - 1996 - [Lisbon]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Alexandre Fradique Morujão.
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    Significação & metáfora: algumas reflexões sobre as relações entre literatura e sociedade.João Alexandre Barbosa - 1974 - Trans/Form/Ação 1:91-104.
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    (1 other version)Heidegger e o fim do mundo.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):241-253.
    A comunicação situa-se na continuação do estudo apresentado ao II Congresso Internacional da AFFEN, intitulado A vida e o humano em Heidegger: a ontologia heideggeriana na aurora de uma biopolítica, e pretende considerar as consequência, na filosofia de Heidegger na transição entre os anos 20 e 30, do seu afastamento em relação ao conceito de vida. Ver-se-á como é este afastamento, determinado pela meditação em tomo do pensamento de Ernst Jünger e pela confrontação com o biologismo nacional-socialista, que conduz àquilo (...)
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    Monitoring surgical performance: an application to total hip replacement.David J. Biau, Alexandre Milet, Fabrice Thévenin, Philippe Anract & Raphaël Porcher - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (3):420-424.
  47. Apresentação.Carlos Alexandre Moreno - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (2):2-3.
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  48. Estruturas e fundamentos sociais: a leitura honnethiana de Habermas.Hélio Alexandre da Silva & Herbert Barucci Ravagnani - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (2):155-178.
    O presente artigo pretende sublinhar, na forma de breves apontamentos gerais, os contornos mais amplos da crítica de Honneth a alguns aspectos do pensamento habermasiano. Tal crítica é norteada especialmente por uma investigação dos critérios morais e normativos das lutas sociais que Honneth recupera, por meio de uma apropriação crítica do pensamento do jovem Hegel. O ponto central defendido por Honneth é que as possibilidades da experiência interativo-comunicativa não podem ser resumidas ou tomadas exclusivamente na interação linguística, nem mesmo esta (...)
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    Debates e embates sobre as Mulheres e a Diversidade étnico-racial nos Países Africanos.Izanete Marques Souza, Alexandre António Timbane & Bas'Ilele Malomalo - 2022 - Odeere 7 (1):01-08.
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    O século da revolução: uma história do mundo desde 1914.Felipe Alexandre Silva de Souza - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (2):113-116.
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