Results for 'Alfonso Prandi'

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  1. cattolici, la democrazia, il fascismo (La Spagna d'oggi)-in.Alfonso Prandi - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    On considerations of method and theory governing the use of clinical categories in neurolinguistics and cognitive neuropsychology: The case against agrammatism.William Badecker & Alfonso Caramazza - 1985 - Cognition 20 (2):97-125.
  3. Another Argument for Animalism: The Argument from Causal Powers.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (2):169-180.
    The causal powers that I have, such as the ability to go to the store for cold beer, for instance are the same causal powers as those had by the human animal closely associated with me. That is, the biological organism that invariably stares back at me, whenever I look in the mirror. Thus, if I want to avoid gratuitous causal overdetermination – i.e. if I want to avoid positing two separate individuals with identical, and thus redundant, causal powers – (...)
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    Aprender historia a través del juego de realidad virtual inmersiva “Carthago Nova”. Propuesta de integración de un serious game en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Laura Laura Arias Ferrer, Alejandro Egea Vivancos & Alfonso García López - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:26-37.
    Las posibilidades educativas que ofrece la realidad virtual inmersiva (RVI) son actualmente incuestionables, si bien aún se cuenta con escasas propuestas que estén diseñadas expresamente por y para el aula. En esta contribución se presentan los primeros pasos de una interesante iniciativa diseñada por la Fundación Integra (Región de Murcia) entre las que se encuentra el desarrollo de un videojuego de RVI de temática histórica ambientado en el Teatro Romano de Cartagena y al que se juega con gafas Oculus Rift (...)
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    Environmental Protection in Environmentally Reactive Firms: Lessons from Corporate Argentina.Catherine Liston-Heyes & Diego Alfonso Vazquez Brust - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):361-379.
    We propose a model of planned corporate environmental behaviour that emphasises the values and attitudes of managers towards the environment, environmental intentions and the context in which these intentions are formed and translated into actual performance. In particular, we focus on the extent to which environmentally reactive managers influence the environmental performance of their firms. We identify the factors that mitigate or accentuate the effects of environmental “reactivism”—i.e. a mind-set shared by those who assign to the state the responsibility of (...)
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  6. You 're an animal, plain and simple'.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2014 - Think 13 (36):61-70.
    In this essay, I argue that we are merely biological organisms. This view (animalism) explains everyday practices like watching ourselves in the mirror. The claim that we are psychological in nature cannot explain something as trivial as watching ourselves in the mirror. Thus, we should accept animalism.
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    Clinical Perspectives on the Notion of Presence.Pascal Malet, Antoine Bioy & Alfonso Santarpia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article explores the theme of presence of the psychotherapist, a concept that has been of particular interest in humanistic and existential approaches. Presence was first associated with the humanistic attitudes of the practitioner and the way he or she embodies these attitudes in the here and now of the encounter. Since the publication in 2002 of Geller and Greenberg’s model of therapeutic presence, several quantitative studies have explored the relationship between the therapist’s perception of presence and other dimensions of (...)
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    Criminalidad – Empresa - Estado. El motor pendular del conflicto armado colombiano.Héctor Alejandro Zuluaga-Cometa & Alfonso Insuasty-Rodríguez - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    Se ha planteado la inseparable relación entre desarrollo y el crecimiento paramilitar, configurando así, un modelo paraestatal que articula Criminalidad-Empresa-Estado, cuyo objetivo es imponer un modelo de desarrollo hegemónico en los territorios. Es importante profundizar el análisis de dicho modelo a partir de referencias históricas y la inclusión en el análisis del territorio antioqueño como laboratorio de la estrategia paraestatal de desarrollo, en la que se ubicaran génesis y transformaciones de este.
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    Identity and similarity factors in repetition blindness: implications for lexical processing.Doriana Chialant & Alfonso Caramazza - 1997 - Cognition 63 (1):79-119.
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    Leibniz y la innecesariedad mundanal de Dios.Alfonso Pérez de Laborda - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:45-66.
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    Racionalidad, realidad y verdad.Alfonso Pérez de Laborda - 1992 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 19:5-40.
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    Le teorie umanistiche del tradurre e l'Apologeticus di Giannozzo Manetti.Alfonso De Petris - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):15-32.
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  13. Autotanasia. Aspectos éticos y sociales.Alfonso Florez Florez - 1995 - Universitas Philosophica 25:161-174.
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    (1 other version)El agustinismo de Malebranche en la teoría del conocimiento.Alfonso García Fernández - 1975 - Augustinus 20 (79-80):353-370.
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    Mathematics Ab Ovo: Hans Driesch and Entwicklungsmechanik.Silvia Waisse Priven & Aria M. Alfonso-Goldfarb - 2009 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 31 (1).
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  16. Lutero y el humanismo.Alfonso Rincón González - 1983 - Ideas Y Valores 33 (63):103-125.
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    Disciplina Inglés en la formación cultural de los estudiantes de universidades médicas cubanas.Mayelín Soler Herrera, María Antonieta Alfonso Ballesteros & Luis Alfredo Díaz Cruz - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (3):523-537.
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  18. Partida Segunda de Alfonso X el Sabio.X. Alfonso - forthcoming - Manuscrito:101-102.
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  19. A framework for teaching business ethics.Alfonso R. Oddo - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (3):293-297.
    What ethical framework should be used as a basis for teaching business ethics? Should business ethics be taught by ethicists in a separate course, by business faculty in business courses, or perhaps by both? These are some of the issues this paper will address. The paper begins with a review of the literature concerning approaches to teaching business ethics. Next, some ethical frameworks for teaching business ethics are considered. Finally, the paper proposes that students should apply their own personal values (...)
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  20.  20
    Alfonso Reyes y la educación.Alfonso Reyes - 1907 - México, D.F.: Ediciones El Caballito. Edited by Claudia Reyes Trigos.
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    Information sharing for social inclusion in England: A review of activities, barriers and future directions. [REVIEW]Paul Foley, Ximena Alfonso & Mohammed Al Sakka - 2006 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 4 (4):191-203.
    A number of central government policy initiatives in the UK are encouraging the sharing of information between government and other partners. A relatively large amount of information is available to enhance social inclusion but this data does not always have the detail required to investigate small areas. As a result information sharing of locally generated information is increasing in the UK, particularly for issues such as health and crime where information is not readily available for Local Authorities. Legal and ethical (...)
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  22.  12
    A Plea for Living Metaphors: Conflictual Metaphors and Metaphorical Swarms.Michele Prandi - 2012 - Metaphor and Symbol 27 (2):148-170.
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    Selection Restrictions as Ultimate Presuppositions of Natural Ontology.Michele Prandi - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):73-81.
    The combinatory restriction known in linguistics as ‘selection restrictions’ are generally assumed to be a kind of linguistic structures, either syntactic or semantic, or at best cognitive structures. The idea discussed in this paper is that selection restrictions, although relevant for the description of complex meanings of linguistic expressions, do not belong to the structure of either language or cognition in any reasonable sense. Instead, they are criteria for conceptual consistency. They form a layer of shared presuppositions that lie at (...)
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  24. Derechos humanos o cómo aplicar la ética a la empresa.María Prandi - 2006 - In Michael Cheng-Teh Tai, Begoña Román & Cristian Palazzi (eds.), Hacia una sociedad responsable: reflexiones desde las éticas aplicadas. [Cabrils, Spain]: Prohom. pp. 197--204.
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    "Dare to Be Happy!": A Study of Goethe's Ethics.Julie D. Prandi - 1993 - Upa.
    This book explores Goethe's ethics of happiness and the role of resignation within them. Prandi has carefully separated autobiographical material from literary expository of these themes in order to clarify the misunderstanding that has resulted from relying on Goethe's fictional works to document his personal ethical convictions. The book aims in part at working out in detail the usefulness of Spinoza's Ethics in evaluating ethical views expressed in poetry and fiction; and in part at correcting erroneous and confused ideas (...)
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    Alfonso López Quintás, Assen Davidow, François Bonsack.Alfonso López Quintás, Assen Davidow & François Bonsack - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:609-609.
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    Le metafore tra le figure: una mappa ragionata.Michele Prandi - 2021 - [Turin]: UTET università.
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    L’ontologia naturale: uno sguardo da linguista.Michele Prandi - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 32 (32):177-196.
    La campagna innevata spaziava tra loro moventi e gli attestati tedeschi vasta, immobilmente ondosa, odiosamente imparzialeFenoglio 1 La domanda sulla significanza L’argomento di questo saggio — l’ontologia naturale condivisa che fornisce i criteri di coerenza (consistency) al nostro comportamento pratico, e di lì ai modelli cognitivi condivisi e ai significati linguistici — è legato indissolubilmente, nella mia ricerca, allo studio del significato delle espressioni complesse. Questo fa capire...
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  29. S. Eurosia: un culto spagnolo tra storia e leggenda.E. Prandi - 1995 - Humanitas 50 (4):562-583.
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    Afro-Brazilian Identity and Memory.Reginaldo Prandi - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):35-43.
    The problem of the construction of memory that faces the Afro-Brazilian population presents itself as more than a simple need for an identity connected to an original past, but in addition as essential, because for historical reasons their social reality has not yet reached the end of its struggle. The African composition of Brazilian culture is based on several sources of many origins peculiar to different African peoples. The memory people have of Africa is vague, generic, indefinite. Though the lost (...)
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    The poverty of methodology.Alfonso Caramazza & Michael McCloskey - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):444-445.
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    "Ad ingenii acuitionem": studies in honour of Alfonso Maierù.Stefano Caroti & Alfonso Maierù (eds.) - 2006 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Collège Cardinal Mercier.
    The papers presented in this volume in honour of Alfonso Maieru cover some of the major topics of his research area. The institutional and intellectual life of university training in the Middle Ages, including the peculiar tradition of related works, is the focus of the papers by Louis Jacques Bataillon, William J. Courtenay, Jacqueline Hamesse, Zenon Kaluza, Loris Sturlese and Olga Weijers. Three papers, by Jacopo Costa, Pasquale Porro and Thomas Ricklin, deal with philosophical problems in Dante'sMonarchia and Convivio. (...)
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  33. Giambattista Vico el¿ epistemologia construttivista. Note per una discussione.Alfonso Maria Iacono - 1991 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 21:93-100.
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  34. Humanist tradition and religious dissidence in the first half of the xvith century: Ciceronian and Lucian dialog.Stefano Prandi - 2011 - Rinascimento 51:201-221.
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    Identité et mémoire afro-brésiliennes.Reginaldo Prandi - 2003 - Diogène 201 (1):38-48.
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    Sobre as religiões afro-brasileiras (About Afro-Brazilian Religions) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p10.Reginaldo Prandi - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):10-12.
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    The role of the Graphemic Buffer in spelling: Evidence from a case of acquired dysgraphia.Alfonso Caramazza, Gabriele Miceli, Giampiero Villa & Cristina Romani - 1987 - Cognition 26 (1):59-85.
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  38. Doctors with Borders? An Authority-based Approach to the Brain Drain.Alfonso Donoso & Alejandra Mancilla - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):69-77.
    According to the brain drain argument, there are good reasons for states to limit the exit of their skilled workers (more specifically, healthcare workers), because of the negative impacts this type of migration has for other members of the community from which they migrate. Some theorists criticise this argument as illiberal, while others support it and ground a duty to stay of the skilled workers on rather vague concepts like patriotic virtue, or the legitimate expectations of their state and co-citizens. (...)
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    The structure of graphemic representations.Alfonso Caramazza & Gabriele Miceli - 1990 - Cognition 37 (3):243-297.
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    Deterministic planning in the fifth international planning competition: PDDL3 and experimental evaluation of the planners.Alfonso E. Gerevini, Patrik Haslum, Derek Long, Alessandro Saetti & Yannis Dimopoulos - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (5-6):619-668.
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    Disentangling Critical Questions from Argument Schemes.Alfonso Hernández - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (3):377-395.
    Critical questions have been understood in the framework of argument schemes from their conception. This understanding has influenced the process of evaluating arguments and the development of classifications. This paper argues that relating these two notions is detrimental to research on argument schemes and critical questions, and that it is possible to have critical questions without relying on argument schemes. Two objections are raised against the classical understanding of critical questions based on theoretical and analytical grounds. The theoretical objection presents (...)
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    L'illusione e il sostituto: riprodurre, imitare, rappresentare.Alfonso M. Iacono - 2010 - Milano: B. Mondadori.
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    Análisis y utopía en Mariátegui.Alfonso Ibáñez - 1992 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 4 (1):131-150.
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    Cuando el pez torpedo nos pone a pensar Consideraciones sobre un libro reciente de Gail Fine.Alfonso Correa Motta - 2015 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 9 (2):78.
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    Cultura y arte.Alfonso López Quintás - 1984 - Anuario Filosófico 17 (2):53-66.
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    Interdisciplinary character of the computational model in the solution of health problems.González Carbonell Raide Alfonso & Nápoles Padrón - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):646-658.
    La solución de los problemas de salud requiere de la interrelación entre diferentes ramas científicas y tecnológicas, tales como la Biomecánica, las tecnologías de la información, la ingeniería y las ciencias médicas. La importancia de la comunicación interdisciplinaria en las universidades fundamenta la creación de un grupo de investigación que fusiona el conocimiento de la mecánica clásica con las disciplinas de la salud y la participación de pacientes, técnicos, ingenieros, médicos y estudiantes. En el trabajo se realiza una reflexión sobre (...)
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  47. Supplementing Belief Revision for The Aim of Truthlikeness.Simon D'Alfonso - 2011 - The Reasoner 5 (9):143-144.
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    Combining topological and size information for spatial reasoning.Alfonso Gerevini & Jochen Renz - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 137 (1-2):1-42.
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    Terminologia logica della tarda scolastica.Alfonso Maierù - 1972 - Roma,: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
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    Per l'etica di valla. Dalla Repastinatio al de libero arbitrio.Alfonso Ingegno - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (1):27-56.
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