Results for 'Alina Czerwiânska'

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  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski: rozważania o Bogu i człowieku.Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski & Alina Czerwiânska - 1990 - Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax. Edited by Alina Czerwińska.
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    An Integrated Psycho-Sociological Perspective on Public Employees’ Motivation and Performance.Alina Ciobanu, Armenia Androniceanu & George Lazaroiu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gaze Following in Ungulates: Domesticated and Non-domesticated Species Follow the Gaze of Both Humans and Conspecifics in an Experimental Context.Alina Schaffer, Alvaro L. Caicoya, Montserrat Colell, Ruben Holland, Conrad Ensenyat & Federica Amici - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Gaze following is the ability to use others’ gaze to obtain information about the environment. As such, it may be highly adaptive in a variety of socio-ecological contexts, and thus be widespread across animal taxa. To date, gaze following has been mostly studied in primates, and partially in birds, but little is known on the gaze following abilities of other taxa and, especially, on the evolutionary pressures that led to their emergence. In this study, we used an experimental approach to (...)
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    Competence over Communion: Implicit Evaluations of Personality Traits During Goal Pursuit.Alina Kolańczyk & Marta Roczniewska - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):418-425.
    Research shows that goal-relevant objects are rated positively, which results from their functionality towards the aim. In previous studies these objects were always external to the agent. However, relevant knowledge of self is also potentially accessible during goal pursuit, as self-esteem is an indicator of aim’s feasibility. In two experimental studies we tested whether goal activation affects temporal changes in automatic evaluations of personality traits related to the dimensions of agency and communion. We administered affect misattribution procedure where participants rated (...)
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    Emotional language processing in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review.Alina Lartseva, Ton Dijkstra & Jan K. Buitelaar - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Visual Perversity: A Re-Articulation of Maternal Instinct.Alina M. Luna - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Through her reading of Euripides'Bacchae, Colridge's "Christabel," de Sade'sPhilosophy in the Bedroom, and Hitchcock'sPsycho author Alina M. Luna finds precedent for a destructive impulse lurking beneath the maternal gaze.
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    Analogie: Zur Aktualität eines philosophischen Schlüsselbegriffs.Alina Noveanu, Dietmar Koch & Niels Weidtmann (eds.) - 2020 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Analogy (Latin: proportio) is the epistemological principle par excellence for the ancient world. Plato calls it the "most beautiful bond" that holds the cosmos together. For Aristoteles, analogies between different species and genera should enable a better understanding of structural features in biology. The most powerful relationship, however, is the one known as Pros-hen, which forms the basis of all being-analogy teachings in the Middle Ages. In the 20th century, analogical thinking finds its way into phenomenology and psychoanalysis. This volume (...)
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    Insights from Blood Products Management for Pre-Crisis Ethical Resource Allocation.Alina Bennett & Angela Guadalupe Villanueva - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):42-45.
    Comment on Alfandre et al, "Between Usual and Crisis Phases of a Public Health Emergency: The Mediating Role of Contingency Measures".
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    Zaangażowana filozofia ochrony zdrowia.Alina Bernadetta Jagiełłowicz - 2021 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (9):337-356.
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  10. Mirror neuron activity is no proof for action understanding.Alina Steinhorst & Joachim Funke - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:1-4.
    We focus on the thesis that action understanding is a function of the mirror neuron system. According to our opinion, understanding is a process that runs through hermeneutic circles from the “Vorverständnis” (“previous understanding”) to steps of deeper understanding. Our critique relates to the narrow neuroscientific definition of action understanding as the capacity to recognize several movements as belonging to one action. After a reconstruction of the model's developments, we will challenge the claims of the model by Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia (...)
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  11. Humility and Despair.Alina Beary - 2021 - Journal of Psychology and Christianity 40 (3):267-271.
    Since the wife-husband team of Anne Case and Angus Deaton popularized the term deaths of despair, psychologists have become more interested in decoupling despair from clinical depression and anxiety. Despair’s central marker is the loss of hope. It is characterized by feelings of social and spiritual isolation, meaninglessness, hopelessness, helplessness, demoralization, and shame. Causes of despair are complex, ranging from individual (e.g., grief, bad health, addiction, abuse), to societal (e.g., social and cultural dislocation, unemployment, economic disaster, poverty), to a combination (...)
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    The role of attention in processing morphologically complex spoken words: an EEG/MEG study.Alina Leminen, Minna Lehtonen, Miika Leminen, Päivi Nevalainen, Jyrki P. Mäkelä & Teija Kujala - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Commentary on “Colonialism, Race, and the Concept of Energy”.Alina Anjum Ahmed - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (2):35-38.
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    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Moral Foundations in Argumentation.Alina Landowska, Katarzyna Budzynska & He Zhang - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (3):405-434.
    This paper introduces moral argument analytics, a technology that provides insights into the use of moral arguments in discourse. We analyse five socio-political corpora of argument annotated data from offline and online discussions, totalling 240k words with 9k arguments, with an average annotation accuracy of 78%. Using a lexicon-based method, we automatically annotate these arguments with moral foundations, achieving an estimated accuracy of 83%. Quantitative analysis allows us to observe statistical patterns and trends in the use of moral arguments, whereas (...)
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    Colonialism, Environmental Policy, and Epistemic Injustice.Alina Anjum Ahmed - 2023 - Environmental Ethics 45 (4):319-336.
    This paper explores environmental protection policies and initiatives, such as conservation, through the lens of an orientalist epistemic injustice. This is a form of epistemic injustice that occurs when the orientalizing of space and access to sovereign systems of knowledge causes the assigning of an unjust deflated or elevated level of credibility to a knower. Under this framework of orientalist epistemic injustice, the author criticizes the credibility excess assigned to Western subjects that perform conservation efforts in third-world countries and the (...)
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    Editorial: Morphologically Complex Words in the Mind/Brain.Alina Leminen, Minna Lehtonen, Mirjana Bozic & Harald Clahsen - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  17. Formalizing biomedical concepts from textual definitions.Alina Petrova, Yue Ma, George Tsatsaronis, Maria Kissa, Felix Distel, Franz Baader & Michael Schroeder - unknown
    BACKGROUND: Ontologies play a major role in life sciences, enabling a number of applications, from new data integration to knowledge verification. SNOMED CT is a large medical ontology that is formally defined so that it ensures global consistency and support of complex reasoning tasks. Most biomedical ontologies and taxonomies on the other hand define concepts only textually, without the use of logic. Here, we investigate how to automatically generate formal concept definitions from textual ones. We develop a method that uses (...)
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    Are the Types of Epistemic Coercion and the Means of Its Resistance of the Same Nature?Alina O. Kostina - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (3):62-69.
    One of the most challenging issues, essential for the actual state of science, is the search for a fragile balance between scientific normativity, openness, methodological proliferation and other key concepts, associated with the modern world of research. Paul Feyerabend understood science not as a detached and hermetic self-sufficient reality, but as a structural part of the social world, liable to politicization, discrepancies and inconsistency. His analysis of science, its strategies and institutions involved and, in a way, undermined a long living (...)
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  19. Perceptions of the Self Versus One’s Own Social Group: (Mis)conceptions of Older Women’s Interest in and Competence With Technology.Alina Gales & Sylvia V. Hubner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20. The specter of freedom: ressentiment and Dostoevskij’s notes from underground.Alina Wyman - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1-2):119-140.
    The essay examines the Underground Man's ambivalent position in Dostoevskij's hierarchy of values in light of the Nietzschean concept of ressentiment To elucidate the problem of free will in Notes from Underground, I propose to supplement Nietzsche's theory with the concept of ressentiment as developed by Max Scheler, whose endorsement of Christian love as a means of overcoming ressentiment suggests an affinity with Dostoevskij's own deeply religious worldview. With the help of Schelerian phenomenology, I read the novel as an early (...)
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    Le thé'tre de Jean-Luc Lagarce : Le triomphe littéraire de la communication « en faillite ».Alina Kornienko - 2023 - Culture and Dialogue 11 (1):68-84.
    Résumé Le théâtre contemporain voit se détacher progressivement la représentation théâtrale du texte dramatique et se tourner vers les multiples incarnations d’un « théâtre du langage ». Jean-Luc Lagarce est un des meilleurs représentants de ce genre de théâtre en France à la fin du XXème siècle. Le dialogue théâtral – l’ensemble des répliques qu’échangent les personnages – tend à être de plus en plus brouillé, rompu, allant jusqu’à franchir les frontières qui séparent traditionnellement d’autres formes discursives, comme le monologue (...)
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    Typologization of modern concepts of metaphilosophy.Alina Mikhailovna Mironova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the concepts of "metaphilosophy" in the works of several modern domestic and foreign scientists-metaphilosophists. The relevance of the article is due to the presence of a variety of metaphilosophical concepts, which, pursuing one common goal – to understand and explain what philosophy is, come to different and often contradictory conclusions. The article aims to compare the metaphilosophical concepts of domestic and foreign authors (T. I. Oizerman, M. K. Mamardashvili, J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, T. (...)
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    Seeing Like a Rover. How Robots, Teams and Images Craft Knowledge of Mars - by Janet Vertesi.Alina Marktanner - 2015 - Centaurus 57 (4):265-266.
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    Examining interpersonal metacognitive monitoring in artificial grammar learning.Alina Savina, Ilya Zverev & Nadezhda Moroshkina - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 122 (C):103707.
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    Quantity discrimination in 9 ungulate species: Individuals take item number and size into account to discriminate quantities.Alina Schaffer, Alvaro L. Caicoya, Anja Widdig, Ruben Holland & Federica Amici - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105979.
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    Main Models of the Temporal Structure of Consciousness.Alina S. Zaykova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):98-115.
    The paper considers three main models of temporal consciousness proposed in grappling with the “paradox of temporal awareness”. They are based on the notion that there is a basic element of perception in the form of some “mental frame” or “apparent present” which, while effective for describing some perceptual features, does not fully reflect our phenomenal experience. It is argued that a two-level model based on the separation of the “specious present” and “current present” is best correlated with higher-order theories (...)
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    Dual Process Theory: A Philosophical Review.Alina Beary - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (2):317-344.
    From experience, we know that some cognitive processes are effortless and automatic (or nearly automatic), while others are hard and deliberate. Dual process (DP) accounts of human cognition explain these differences by positing two qualitatively distinct types of cognitive processes within the human mind—types that cannot be reduced to each other. Because DP constructs are bound to show up in discourse on human cognition, decision-making, morality, and character formation, moral philosophers should take DP accounts seriously. Here, I provide an overview (...)
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    The Problem of Interactive English Language Learning in Distance Mode.Alina Medynska, Olena Vasylenko, Olha Lapshyna, Tetiana Krasnopera, Yana Necheporuk & Oleksandra Bondarenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):267-283.
    The article elaborates on an interactive approach to language learning applied in an online EFL classroom. It presents a new insight into implementing interactive methods to develop students’ communicative competence. In conditions of world integration, the formation of communicative and life skills is indispensable. Eventually, such an approach to English language learning in distance mode is the most accessible way for teacher-learner interaction to acquire general linguistic expertise and upgrade specific language skills. The study results show that an interactive approach (...)
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    Reincarnation or eternal life? A reassessment of the dilemma from a cultural studies perspective and by resorting to the plurality of Christian eschatologies.Alina G. Patru - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    The present study starts from the discovery that reincarnationist ideas have spread massively throughout European and Western thought in general, in a framework where the belief in one life was defining. However, the quandary between the two afterlife interpretations in contemporary Western culture is distinct from similar conflicts in other times or places because post-Christian critique of the Christian tradition shapes how reincarnation theory is understood in the West today. Therefore, the present study shifts the debate from the realm of (...)
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    Beyond good and evil, Nietzsche is the atheist version of the Christian ascetic.Alina Elena Turcescu - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:79-90.
    Nietzsche is one of the most controversial and disputed philosophers, especially because of his association with Hitler and Nazism, but also through his upsetting philosophical decisions that deny the possibility of any morality centered on good and evil as absolute values in themselves. As for his association with Hitler, the sources prove that Nietzsche’s philosophy has nothing to do with the justification or support of the nationalist-socialist dictatorship. In addition, any connoisseur of his work can easily see that Hitler does (...)
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    The Influence of the Motivational Factors on Work Performance.Alina Constantinescu & Ion Stegăroiu - 2023 - Postmodern Openings 14 (1):26-45.
    The employee motivation at the organizational level is naturally quantified in achieving performance goals. In this paper are studied the motivational factors from the perspective of employee work performance reflected, vertically, in the organizational performance and further in the macroeconomic performance. Using an empirical study in which the observed data were obtained through a survey conducted in this year among the Romanian employees, in this paper we validate three hypotheses that establish the association of employee performance, on the one hand (...)
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    Non-Europeans and their Presence to History. Universality, Modernity and Decolonization in Ricœur’s Political Philosophy.Alina Achenbach - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (1):106-123.
    This article reconsiders Paul Ricœur’s political philosophical writings on the task of decolonization and European responsibility in light of a horizon of intercultural dialogue. Departing from the exchange between Ricœur and his former student Enrique Dussel, it discusses the Ricœurian critique of modernity. After giving some background on Ricœur’s reflections on decolonization, it will clarify what Ricœur calls the “crisis of the concrete universal in the thinking and in the historical experience of Western Europe,” and what role cultural difference has (...)
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    The Ontic Gift.Alina Achenbach - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (3):465-484.
    Much of modern technology critique inherits Heidegger’s ontico-ontological distinction. In this paper, following Stiegler’s linking of the ontic to the transgenerational, I argue that Heidegger leaves the materiality of technics as a potential site for difference in the wake. Put differently, Heidegger “declines the gift of the ontic,” instead constructing an order of an imagined Graeco-German inheritance—a culturally and linguistically specific “saving-power” against the ills of modern technology. Through Derrida’s inheritance of Heidegger’s work—marked by a different language and positionality—I reconsider (...)
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    Another Look at Iqbal’s Reconstruction.Alina Anjum Ahmed - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _Nauman Faizi’s _God, Science, and the Self (2021)_ is a powerful and philosophically robust exploration of Muhammad Iqbal’s masterpiece _Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam_. In this book, Faizi’s reading of Iqbal takes an analytic approach. He argues that Iqbal uses two distinct epistemic tendencies, which he terms “Representational” and “Pragmatic.” In tracing these tendencies, Faizi posits that Iqbal’s pragmatic tendency serves as a correction for his representational tendency, that the presence of both tendencies causes confusions in Iqbal’s work, and (...)
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    Types of Religious Identities within Romanian Muslim Communities.Alina Isac Alak - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (41):148-173.
    The multiplicity of Islamic interpretations is reflected in the heterogeneous nature of the Romanian Muslim communities. The internal fragmentation and disunity of Muslim communities, intra-Islamic difficulties, ideological and sectarian rivalry, success of Salafism among certain groups, the absence of stronger and more visible Islamic alternative discourses and the lack of interest in finding adequate mechanisms to facilitate the integration of the new Muslims in society are some of the general problems of the Romanian Muslims. Local Islamic revival has an ethno-cultural (...)
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    Oscillatory activity in the auditory cortex determines auditory temporal resolution.Baltus Alina & Herrmann Christoph - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The topophrenic space and the double exile: Norman Manea.Alina Bako - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):655-669.
    The present study sets out to discuss a literary work as a reflection of topophrenia, a space of anguish, which contains the data of both the abandoned space and of the new home, which are hypostasized in positive or negative emotions that the exiled writer experiences. Focusing on the exile and the space in Norman Manea’s works, this article proves the existence of an original view about this experience. Manea’s last novel, The Exiled Shadow (2021) is also included in our (...)
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    The Curious Case of Ivan Karamazov: A Thomistic Account of Wisdom and Pride.Alina Beary - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (1):34-44.
    Thomas Aquinas famously argues that it is not necessary to be virtuous in order to be wise. To many contemporary moral philosophers, this claim signals Aquinas’s failure to address the interrelatedness of our moral and intellectual life. I conduct a case study of Ivan Karamazov to demonstrate that this view is mistaken. After sketching Ivan’s character, I present Aquinas’s accounts of wisdom and pride and their nuanced relationship. I argue that Ivan illustrates the Thomistic view that pride, though not an (...)
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    Andrei Oisteanu, The Image of the Jew in Romanian Culture.Alina Branda - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):251-253.
    Andrei Oisteanu, The Image of the Jew in Romanian Culture Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001.
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    Seeing and Believing. On Piety in Iranian Shi'ism.Alina Branda - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):228-233.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Review of Ingvild Flaskerud’s, Visualizing Belief and Piety in Iranian Shiism , (New York: Continuum, 2010).
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  41. Violenţa intrafamilială.Alina Bărbulescu - 2003 - Dilema 530:9.
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    Social Assistance of Women in Prison.Alina Maria Breaz - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):1-14.
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    Accounting and internal audit of settlements for intermediary transactions in the oil and gas companies.Alina Vitalievna Burakova & Veronika Aleksandrovna Skripnik - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):31-35.
    The purpose of the study is to research intermediary transactions in the oil and gas producing industries and present them based on the results of the internal audit. In accordance with this goal, the article discusses and analyzes the theoretical aspects of accounting and methods of conducting an internal audit of settlements for intermediary transactions in oil companies. Attention is focused on the fact that intermediary operations are important in regulating the mechanism of market relations of both manufacturing companies and (...)
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    Some reflections on the lexical meaning.Alina-Mihaela Bursuc - 2012 - Human and Social Studies 1 (1):95-106.
    The purpose of this article is to present some reflections on the problems and solutions concerning the lexical meaning determination. First, to determine the meaning of the words it is specified the status of conceptual layer in the semiotic triangle. According to the German linguist Jost Trier, it is emphasized that semantic changes concern not only the individual words but the whole lexical field to which they belong, and thus the entire vocabulary. Thus, the meaning of a word is a (...)
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    El concepto de renacimiento yla valoración de la plástica en el concilio de trento.Alina Mendoza Cantú - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 341.
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    Claude Simon: Fashioning the Past by Writing the Present.Alina Cherry - 2016 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    This book considers the aesthetic, cultural, and philosophical facets of a temporal paradox in the works of French novelist Claude Simon, and its broader implications for the study of narrative, and for cultural and post-modern theory.
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    The Effect of Funding on the Results of the Pre-University Education System.Alina Căldăraru - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):273-293.
    In the context of the new paradigms of the knowledge-based economy, education and the quality of the educational system is becoming one of the strongest factors of influence. Decisions regarding the financing of education have a particular impact on the level of expenditure in the pre-university system and on the organization of the system of study courses. Furthermore, they are closely linked to the economics and accounting of pre-university education institutions. The existence or lack of material resources can greatly influence (...)
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    The Debt of the Translator: An Essay on Translation and Modernism.Alina Clej - 1997 - Symploke 5 (1):7-26.
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    Emerging Technologies in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Ethics: Sufferers’ Accounts of Treatment Strategies and Authenticity.Alina Coman - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (3):212-224.
    New neural models for anorexia nervosa are emerging as a result of increased research on the neurobiology of AN, and these offer a rationale for the development of new treatment technologies such as neuromodulation. The emergence of such treatment technologies raises new ethical questions; however these have been little discussed for AN. In this article, I take an empirical approach and explore how young women who suffer from AN perceive treatment technologies in light of the concept of authenticity. Interview data (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Positive Psychology Micro-Coaching Intervention: Effects on Psychological Capital and Goal-Related Self-Efficacy.Alina Corbu, María Josefina Peláez Zuberbühler & Marisa Salanova - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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