Results for 'Amelia Gamoneda Lanza'

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  1.  15
    De lo óptico a lo mental. La poética cognitiva de Bernard Noël.Amelia Gamoneda Lanza - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):480.
    Paralelamente a su poesía, Bernard Noël desarrolla una obra en prosa que plantea interrogantes de orden cognitivo, en particular en torno a la percepción visual. La exploración de dispositivos tecnológicos (la cámara fotográfica) y de escenificaciones del acto de creación (la escena del pintor trabajando) es ocasión para contrastar la pertinencia de las intuiciones y reflexiones del poeta puestas bajo el foco de las actuales ciencias cognitivas. El trayecto de lo óptico a lo mental queda inscrito en una comprensión encarnada (...)
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    Espectro de la analogía: literatura & ciencia.Amelia Gamoneda (ed.) - 2015 - Madrid: Abada.
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    One versus many: Capturing the use of multiple emotion regulation strategies in response to an emotion-eliciting stimulus.Amelia Aldao & Susan Nolen-Hoeksema - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):753-760.
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    Meeting the needs of underserved populations: setting the agenda for more inclusive citizen science of medicine.Amelia Fiske, Barbara Prainsack & Alena Buyx - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):617-622.
    In its expansion to genomic, epidemiological and biomedical research, citizen science has been promoted as contributing to the democratisation of medical research and healthcare. At the same time, it has been criticised for reinforcing patterns of exclusion in health and biomedicine, and sometimes even creating new ones. Although citizen science has the potential to make biomedical research more inclusive, the benefits of current citizen science initiatives are not equally accessible for all people—in particular those who are resource-poor, located outside of (...)
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    Diversity in German-speaking medical ethics and humanities.Amelia Fiske & Stuart McLennan - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):643-653.
    BackgroundBioethics can play an important role in addressing diversity both in and outside of academia, setting precedents for meaningful contributions to public discourse, research, teaching, training, and policy development. However, in order to do so, these conversations also need to reflect on the issue of diversity within the field of bioethics across the globe. This study aims to examine current gender representation and diversity at medical ethics and humanities institutes in Germany, the German-speaking areas of Switzerland, and Austria.MethodsA total of (...)
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    Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change: Systematized Literature Review and Agenda for Further Research.Amelia Clarke & Andrew Crane - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):303-313.
    The literature on cross-sector partnerships has increasingly focused attention on broader systemic or system-level change. However, research to date has been partial and fragmented, and the very idea of systemic change remains conceptually underdeveloped. In this article, we seek to better understand what is meant by systemic change in the context of cross-sector partnerships and use this as a basis to discuss the contributions to the Thematic Symposium. We present evidence from a broad, multidisciplinary systematized review of the extant literature, (...)
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    Capturing Collaborative Challenges: Designing Complexity-Sensitive Theories of Change for Cross-Sector Partnerships.Amelia Clarke & Andrew Crane - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):315-332.
    Systems change requires complex interventions. Cross-sector partnerships face the daunting task of addressing complex societal problems by aligning different backgrounds, values, ideas and resources. A major challenge for CSPs is how to link the type of partnership to the intervention needed to drive change. Intervention strategies are thereby increasingly based on Theories of Change. Applying ToCs is often a donor requirement, but it also reflects the ambition of a partnership to enhance its transformative potential. The current use of ToCs in (...)
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    The AI Needed for Ethical Decision Making Does Not Exist.Amelia Barwise & Brian Pickering - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):46-49.
    When considering the introduction of AI to support medical decision-making, one must take an end-to-end, holistic approach to development, evaluation, integration and governance. (Cabitza and Zeito...
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    Decoding P300 Variability Using Convolutional Neural Networks.Amelia J. Solon, Vernon J. Lawhern, Jonathan Touryan, Jonathan R. McDaniel, Anthony J. Ries & Stephen M. Gordon - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10.  80
    Performing the Body / Performing the Text.Amelia Jones & Andrew Stephenson (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores the new performativity in art theory and practice, examining ways of rethinking interpretive processes in visual culture. Since the 1960s, visual art practices - from body art to minimalism - have taken contemporary art outside the museum and gallery; by embracing theatricality and performance and exploding the boundaries set by traditional art criticism. The contributors argue that interpretation needs to be recognised as much more dynamic and contingent. Offering its own performance script, and embracing both canonical fine (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral Uncertainty and Value Comparison.Amelia Hick - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 13.
    Several philosophers have recently argued that decision-theoretic frameworks for rational choice under risk fail to provide prescriptions for choice in cases of moral uncertainty. They conclude that there are no rational norms that are “sensitive” to a decision maker’s moral uncertainty. But this chapter argues that one sometimes has a rational obligation to take one’s moral uncertainty into account in the course of moral deliberation. It first provides positive motivation for the view that one’s moral beliefs can affect what it (...)
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  12. "Plato and Rauschenberg in" Bed".Amelia Arenas - forthcoming - Arion 6 (2).
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  13. Quid Autem Amo.Amelia Arenas - 2008 - Arion 16 (2):135-136.
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  14. Prolog for automatic processing of synonymy.Santiago Fernandez Lanza - 2000 - Logica Trianguli 4:25-39.
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  15. Conscience and decision-making.Amelia Fleming - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara (eds.), An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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  16. Prólogo a.Antonio Gamoneda - forthcoming - Aletheia.
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    Los estudios sobre el ambiente y la ciencia ambiental.Amelia Nancy Giannuzzo - 2010 - Scientiae Studia 8 (1):129-156.
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    Nous e thanatos: scritti su Anassagora e sulla filosofia antica.Diego Lanza - 2022 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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    Propuesta para medir el perfil de los emprendedores de base tecnológica.Angela María Lanzas Duque, Victoria Eugenia Lanzas Duque & Francisco Danilo Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Su ritmo pausado resultaba hipnótico.Henar Lanza González - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:418-424.
    RESUMEN ¿Por qué cuando Platón quiere justificar su definición del sofista como un «fabricante de imágenes», se apoya sobre dos versos auténticos de Parménides que aluden, sin duda alguna, al camino recorrido por los «mortales que nada saben»? ¿Quiere acaso sugerir que esos «mortales», que son en realidad «fabricantes de opiniones», son un antecedente de los sofistas, que son «fabricantes de imágenes»? ABSTRACT Why, when Plato wants to justify his definition of the sophist as an "image maker", he quotes two (...)
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    The grand biocentric design: how life creates reality.R. P. Lanza - 2020 - Dallas, TX: BenBella Books. Edited by Matej Pavšič & Bob Berman.
    A new installment in the series that blew readers' minds with Biocentrism and Beyond Biocentrism, The Grand Biocentric Design offers an even deeper dive in to the nature of reality and our universe based on the latest groundbreaking research.
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    A Functional - Helix Conceptualization of the Emergent Properties of the Animal Kingdom: Chronoception as a Key Sensory Process.Amelia Lewis - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):125-142.
    Teleological theories are often dismissed in the study of animal behaviour, because of both the anthropomorphic element, and the paradox of retro-causation. Instead, emergent properties of animal systems, such as those which drive behaviour and decision making, are generally deemed to be non-purposeful. Nonetheless, organisms’ interactions with the environment, including sensory processing, have long been subject to biological study, and the resulting models include Jakob von Uexküll’s functional circle (part of his ‘Umwelt Theory’). The functional circle is modelled on an (...)
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  23. Il riordinamento della collettività politica secondo il Guicciardini.Amelia Prinzivalli - 1958 - Palermo,: Tip. Valguarnera.
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    A Obra Científica de Leonardo da Vinci: Controvérsias na Historiografia da Ciência.Amélia de Jesus Oliveira - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (2):53-86.
    RESUMO: Os intérpretes dos manuscritos de Leonardo da Vinci partilham dos mesmos sentimentos de espanto e de fascínio quando examinam sua contribuição para a ciência moderna. Podemos, contudo, perceber uma constante tentativa em prol de uma revisão histórica acerca do papel desempenhado por Leonardo. Observando a história dessas revisões, é possível detectar aspectos significativos das perspectivas históricas e historiográficas dos envolvidos nessa discussão. É o que pretendemos fazer neste trabalho, focando a controvérsia entre Duhem, por um lado, e Sarton, Koyré (...)
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  25.  48
    Embedded Ethics Could Help Implement the Pipeline Model Framework for Machine Learning Healthcare Applications.Amelia Fiske, Daniel Tigard, Ruth Müller, Sami Haddadin, Alena Buyx & Stuart McLennan - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):32-35.
    The field of artificial intelligence (AI) ethics has exploded in recent years, with countless academics, organizations, and influencers rushing to consider how AI technology can be developed and im...
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  26.  12
    Looking for a sociology worthy of its name: Claude Lefort and his conception of social division.Andrea Lanza - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):70-87.
    The aim of this article is to question the nature of the socio-anthropological approach in Lefort’s thought. The author explores the complex relationship between Lefort and the Durkheimian French school of sociology in four stages: in the first, he shows Lefort as a sociologist ‘worthy of its name’ or, in other words, a sociologist interested in questioning the ‘institution of the social’. In the second, he focuses on the disturbing elements that Lefort introduces: the political and the division into the (...)
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  27.  49
    Collaborative Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation by Multi—Organizational Cross—Sector Social Partnerships.Amelia Clarke & Mark Fuller - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S1):85-101.
    The focus of this article is on multi-organizational cross-sector social partnerships (CSSP), an increasingly common means of addressing complex social and ecological problems that are too extensive to be solved by any one organization. While there is a growing body of literature on CSSP, there is little focus on collaborative strategic management, especially where implementation and outcomes are concerned. This study addresses these gaps by offering a conceptual model of collaborative strategic management, which is then tested through the use of (...)
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    Feelings of error in reasoning—in search of a phenomenon.Amelia Gangemi, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde & Francesco Mancini - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (4):383-396.
    Recent research shows that in reasoning tasks, subjects usually produce an initial intuitive answer, accompanied by a metacognitive experience, which has been called feeling of rightness. This paper is aimed at exploring the complimentary experience of feeling of error, that is, the spontaneous, subtle sensation of cognitive uneasiness arising from conflict detection during thinking. We investigate FOE in two studies with the “bat-and-ball” reasoning task, in its standard and isomorphic control versions. Study 1 is a generation study, in which participants (...)
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  29. The Undermining Mechanisms of ‘Rule of Law’ Objections: A Response to Song and Bloemraad.Amelia M. Wirts & José Jorge Mendoza - 2022 - The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas Project.
    In their article, “Immigrant legalization: A Dilemma Between Justice and The Rule of Law,” Sarah Song and Irene Bloemraad address rule of law objections to policies that would regularize the status of undocumented immigrants in the United States. On their view, justice requires that liberal democratic states (i.e., states that are committed to individual liberty and universal equality) provide pathways for undocumented immigrants to regularize their status. We do not disagree with Song and Bloemraad’s account: rule of law and regularization (...)
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    Os arquivos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (PR) sobre a esquerda católica no interior paranaense (1975-1985).Fábio Lanza & Otávio Paes Ramiro - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226805-226805.
    O presente artigo trata da esquerda católica paranaense a partir do arquivo de documentos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI-PR), da agência de Curitiba. O objetivo geral foi compreender criticamente, servindo-se da perspectiva de Otto Maduro, as expressões político-ideológicas descritas, anexadas e julgadas nos relatórios dos agentes do SNI-PR sobre a esquerda católica do interior do Paraná, no período de abertura política da ditadura militar. Por meio da pesquisa documental qualitativa de tipo exploratória, composta pelos diferentes registros dos agentes do (...)
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  31. Moral Hedging and Responding to Reasons.Amelia Hicks - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3):765-789.
    In this paper, I argue that the fetishism objection to moral hedging fails. The objection rests on a reasons-responsiveness account of moral worth, according to which an action has moral worth only if the agent is responsive to moral reasons. However, by adopting a plausible theory of non-ideal moral reasons, one can endorse a reasons-responsiveness account of moral worth while maintaining that moral hedging is sometimes an appropriate response to moral uncertainty. Thus, the theory of moral worth upon which the (...)
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  32.  17
    The Environmental Costs of Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare.Amelia Katirai - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):527-538.
    Healthcare has emerged as a key setting where expectations are rising for the potential benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), encompassing a range of technologies of varying utility and benefit. This paper argues that, even as the development of AI for healthcare has been pushed forward by a range of public and private actors, insufficient attention has been paid to a key contradiction at the center of AI for healthcare: that its pursuit to improve health is necessarily accompanied by environmental costs (...)
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    Telling Propaganda from Legitimate Political Persuasion.Amelia Godber & Gloria Origgi - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):778-797.
    How does propaganda differ from the legitimate persuasive practices that animate a healthy democracy? The question is especially salient as digital technologies facilitate new modes of political persuasion and the public square saturates with information factual and fabricated alike. In answer, we propose a typology based on the rhetorical strategies that propaganda and its legitimate counterpart each employ. We argue that the point of contrast between the phenomena turns on two key features: whether the rhetorical strategy sufficiently engages our deliberative (...)
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  34. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following titles. inclusion in this list neither implies nor precludes subsequent.Amelia Fleming - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20:455-456.
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  35. Mixed Messages: How Criminal Law Fails to Express Feminist Values.Amelia M. Wirts - forthcoming - Criminal Law and Philosophy.
    Criminal law practices in the US, including policing and incarceration, have drawn heavy criticism for their disproportionate impact on black people, particularly black men. At the same time, some feminist scholars and activists advocate for increases in criminal law responses to sexual assault, including expanding criminal statutes to cover more instances of sexual assault and increasing sentencing guidelines. These reforms are often justified by claims that criminal law should express more feminist values and reject sexist social schemas. This paper makes (...)
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  36.  25
    Understanding the meaning of emoji in mobile social payments: Exploring the use of mobile payments as hedonic versus utilitarian through skin tone modified emoji usage.Amelia Acker, Clive Unger, Ishank Arora, Wei-Jie Xiao, Pratik Shah, Charulata Ghosh, Jung-Ah Lee, Sabitha Sudarshan & Dhiraj Murthy - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Despite research establishing emojis as sites of critical racial discourse, there is a paucity of literature examining their importance in the increasingly popular context of mobile payments. This is particularly important as new forms of social payment platforms such as Venmo bridge the seamlessness of mobile payments with the vibrant communicative practices of social networks. As such, they provide a unique medium to examine how emojis are used within the context of digital consumption, and by extension, self-representation. This study analyzes (...)
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  37. Hubungan performa kerja Dengan kompetensi interpersonal (studi pada Staf personal Trainer pt. ei).Genoveva Amelia - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (1).
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    Antinous' Lips: A Note on the Slippery Matter of Realism in Portraiture.Amelia Arenas - 2011 - Arion 19 (1):1-22.
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    Sex, Violence and Faith: The Art of Caravaggio.Amelia Arenas - 2016 - Arion 23 (3):35.
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  40.  10
    Erótica y destierro. Inspiración poética y filosofía en Platón.Henar Lanza González - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:355-364.
    Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la relevancia de la teoría informacional del conocimiento para el problema de la suerte epistémica. Argumento que el clásico enfoque de Dretske es equivalente a la condición de seguridad de Pritchard. Sin embargo, considero que esta manera de eludir la suerte epistémica exige lidiar con el llamado "problema de la generalidad". Argumento que una respuesta a este problema requiere una noción de seguridad diferente y propongo un enfoque informacional equivalente a esta versión (...)
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    Glaubwürdigkeit auf der bühne AlS gesellschaftliches problem.Diego Lanza - 1991 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 135 (1):97-104.
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    La beatitudo nei commenti cinquecentini di Salamanca alla Summa theologiae.Lidia Lanza - 2015 - Quaestio 15:827-836.
    In the Summa theologiae, Aquinas distinguishes between an extrinsic and an intrinsic beatitude, the first being caused by God and the latter by human acts. The sixteenth-century Salamanca commentators on the Summa concentrate their interpretative efforts on the intrinsic beatitude, assigning to the human acts an indispensable role in order to reach beatitude. Their main concern is to refute the Lutheran conception of man’s passive role in his own justification.
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    Lo que ocultan los peplos. Atuendos femeninos en Hécuba de Eurípides.Joaquín Lanza - 2024 - Argos 51:e0064.
    El vocablo πέπλος (“peplo”), que designa típicamente la túnica vestida por lasmujeres, se registra un total de once veces en Hécuba de Eurípides. Teniendo encuenta la estructura bipartita de esta tragedia y la importancia de la vestimenta en elmundo griego antiguo, este artículo se propone analizar las apariciones del términoen sus contextos, con la hipótesis de que los peplos ocultan pero a la vez revelan elcarácter de los personajes femeninos: Políxena, el coro de cautivas troyanas yHécuba, como también habilitan la (...)
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    Marcela Coria, Luis Esteban Hernández, Santiago Hernández Aparicio, Pedro Kóbila.Joaquín Lanza - 2023 - Argos 47:e0041.
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    Medición del espíritu empresarial en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.Angela María Lanzas Duque, Cristian Andrés Pacheco Hincapié & Angélica María Velandia - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  46.  19
    ¿Por qué deben estudiar matemática los gobernantes? Paideia, dialéctica y política.Henar Lanza González - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (55).
    Debido a que no es evidente en qué sentido el estudio de la matemática ayuda a los guardianes de la República de Platón a dominar las pasiones y los prepara para ser gobernantes, mostraré la función propedéutica de la matemática; cómo las cinco disciplinas en las que está dividida — aritmética, geometría, estereotomía, astronomía y música — pueden dividirse a su vez en dos: la popular y la filosófica, y es solo esta última la que provoca el giro del alma (...)
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    Tempo senza tempo: la riflessione sul mito dal Settecento a oggi.Diego Lanza - 2017 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Comentário a “Ciência e ética em popper: a ética da responsabilidade dos cientistas”.Amélia de Jesus Oliveira - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):101-106.
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    El pacto como acto lingüístico fundante de la sociedad civil.Amelia S. Ramirez - 2009 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 22:39-66.
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    Argentina: propósitos y frustraciones de un país periférico.Amelia Royo - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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