Results for 'Amit Kohn'

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  1.  18
    Observation of single-spin transport in an island-shaped CoFeB double magnetic tunnel junction prepared by magnetron sputtering.Thamrongsin Siripongsakul, Hiroshi Naganuma, Andras Kovacs, Amit Kohn, Mikihiko Oogane & Yasuo Ando - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (4):310-319.
  2.  19
    The Self-aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World.Amit Goswami, Richard E. Reed & Maggie Goswami - 1993
    Brings together the most recent discoveries in quantum physics and provides a powerful argument for transforming not only the way we view nature, but also how we view our own personal reality. The book also challenges readers to give up their prejudices regarding material realism.
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    When the “Tabula” is Anything but “Rasa:” What Determines Performance in the Auditory Statistical Learning Task?Amit Elazar, Raquel G. Alhama, Louisa Bogaerts, Noam Siegelman, Cristina Baus & Ram Frost - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13102.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2022.
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    Noun-phrase anaphora and focus: The informational load hypothesis.Amit Almor - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):748-765.
  5.  37
    Multi-stakeholder initiative governance as assemblage: Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as a political resource in land conflicts related to oil palm plantations.Michiel Köhne - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):469-480.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives claim to make production of commodities more socially and environmentally sustainable by regulating their members and through systems of certification. These claims, however, are highly contested. In this article, I examine how actors use MSI regulation with regard to land conflicts with a focus on the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. MSIs are a resource that actors in land conflicts can use to generate evidence that gives them leverage in their negotiations. To do so, actors employ the interrelations (...)
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    Jewish values in a changing world: Yehuda Amital ; Amnon Bazak, editor ; David Strauss, translator ; Reuven Ziegler, translation editor.Yehudah ʻAmiṭal - 2005 - Jersey City, NJ: Ktav Pub. House.
    Pt. 1. The individual and his creator. The fear of God in our time -- Natural morality -- In-depth Torah study -- Levels of mitzvot -- The personal element in serving God -- Religious experience -- Naturalness in the worship of God -- The significance of Torah values -- Tension vs. tranquility in the worship of God -- Pt. 2. The individual and society. Fundamentals of prayer -- Derekh eretz, being a mensch -- "I dwell among my people" -- The (...)
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    Effect of Self-Accountability on Self-Regulatory Behaviour: A Quasi-Experiment.Amit Dhiman, Arindam Sen & Priyank Bhardwaj - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (1):79-97.
    An individual’s accountability to oneself leads to self-regulatory behaviour. A field experiment afforded an opportunity to test this relation, given that external accountability conditions were absent. A single group pre-test/post-test design was used to test the hypothesis. A group of full-time resident management students, n ≈ 550, take four meals during the day in the institute mess. As a part of the experiment, food wastage in the form of leftovers on the plates of subjects was measured. As a pre-test, the (...)
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    Strategic Risk-Taking Propensity: The Role of Ethical Climate and Marketing Output Control.Amit Saini & Kelly D. Martin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (4):593-606.
    In the wake of the current financial crises triggered by risky mortgage-backed securities, the question of ethics and risk-taking is once again at the front and center for both practitioners and academics. Although risk-taking is considered an integral part of strategic decision-making, sometimes firms could be propelled to take risks driven by reasons other than calculated strategic choices. The authors argue that a firm's risk-taking propensity is impacted by its ethical climate (egoistic or benevolent) and its emphasis on output control (...)
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  9. Regression Analysis and the Philosophy of Social Science: A Critical Realist View.Amit Ron - 2002 - Journal of Critical Realism 1 (1):119-142.
  10.  26
    Visions of democracy in 'property-owning democracy': Skelton to Rawls and beyond.Amit Ron - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (1):89-108.
    The idea of a 'property-owning democracy' became central to John Rawls's re-evaluation of his theory of justice. This article traces the origins of Rawls's concept of `property-owning democracy' first to the writings of the economist James Meade and then to those of early twentieth-century British conservatives, focusing on the question of how the meaning of democracy was defined and re-defined throughout this history. I argue that Rawls inherited a discursive matrix from the British conservatives in which the notion of 'property-owning (...)
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  11.  27
    Is deontic reasoning special?Amit Almor & Steven A. Sloman - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (2):374-380.
  12. Attentional Structuring, Subjectivity, and the Ubiquity of Reflexive Inner Awareness.Amit Chaturvedi - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (9):3240-3279.
    Some have argued that a subject has an inner awareness of its conscious mental states by virtue of the non-introspective, reflexive awareness that any conscious state has of itself. But, what exactly is it like to have a ubiquitous and reflexive inner awareness of one’s conscious states, as distinct from one’s outer awareness of the apparent world? This essay derives a model of ubiquitous inner awareness (UIA) from Sebastian Watzl’s recent theory of attention as the activity of structuring consciousness into (...)
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    Screen Trauma: Visual Media and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Amit Pinchevski - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (4):51-75.
    Recent studies in psychiatry reveal an acceptance of trauma through the media. Traditionally restricted to immediate experience, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is now expanding to include mediated experience. How did this development come about? How does mediated trauma manifest itself? What are its consequences? This essay addresses these questions through three cases: (1) ‘trauma film paradigm’, an early 1960s research program that employed films to simulate traumatic effects; (2) the psychiatric study into the clinical effects of watching catastrophic events on (...)
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    Experimental evidence for surface pinning by defects in superconducting niobium crystals.Amit Das Gupta & Edward J. Kramer - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (4):779-800.
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  15. Is the Mind a Magic Trick? Illusionism about Consciousness in the “Consciousness-Only” Theory of Vasubandhu and Sthiramati.Amit Chaturvedi - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (52):1495-1534.
    Illusionists about consciousness boldly argue that phenomenal consciousness does not fundamentally exist — it only seems to exist. For them, the impression of having a private inner life of conscious qualia is nothing more than a cognitive error, a conjuring trick put on by a purely physical brain. Some phenomenal realists have accused illusionism of being a byproduct of modern Western scientism and overzealous naturalism. However, Jay Garfield has endorsed illusionism by explicitly drawing support from the classical Yogācāra Buddhist philosopher (...)
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  16. Wittgenstein and the ontology of the social : some Kripkean reflections on Bourdieu's "theory of practice".Lorenzo Bernasconi-Kohn - 2006 - In Clive Lawson, John Latsis & Nuno Martins (eds.), Contributions to Social Ontology. New York: Routledge.
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    Are colonoscopy miss rates the gold standard for colonoscopy skills?Amit Bidwai, G. Edward Bettany & Gideon L. Lauffer - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):157-158.
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    PREFACE: Bioethics in Oral Health Sciences.Amit Chattopadhyay - 2011 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 2 (2):i-iv.
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  19. The quantum theory of consciousness and psi.Amit Goswami - 1986 - PSI Research 5:145-65.
  20.  20
    “Just Let it Pass by and it Will Fall on Some Woman”: Invisible Work in the Labor Market.Amit Kaplan - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (6):838-868.
    Invisible work is neither defined nor recognized as labor and is not compensated as such. Studies show that manifestations of invisible work at home flow into the marketplace. What is lacking is systematic conceptualization and measurement of invisible work in the labor market built upon women’s and men’s knowledge and experiences. In this study, I address this lacuna using mixed-method sequential analysis. Twelve group interviews of employed women and men of varied socioeconomic locations in Israel yielded diverse expressions of invisible (...)
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  21.  38
    Conflicting Rights of Privacy and the Duty of Disclosure Between Sexual Partners.Roger L. Kohn - 1983 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 11 (6):264-270.
  22.  10
    The Metaphor of the Erotic Union in St. John of the Cross.Mary Ellen Kohn - 1997 - In Phyllis Carey (ed.), Wagering on transcendence: the search for meaning in literature. Kansas City, Mo.: Sheed & Ward.
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  23.  59
    Taoist visions of the body.Livia Kohn - 1991 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 18 (2):227-252.
  24.  32
    Generalization of a result of Halldén.Robert V. Kohn - 1975 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 16 (4):605-606.
  25. Fragile Foundation: Economic Exchange as a Model for Justice in the History of Political Philosophy.Amit Ron - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
    This dissertation offers a historically sensitive, analytical account of the usage of economic reasoning in the emergence of the contemporary concept of justice. Using the works of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, and John Rawls as textual foci, the dissertation examines the way the practice of economic exchange has been understood as the site of asymmetric power relations and the way social inquiry into the economic sphere has been used to expose and criticize forms of domination. The model of (...)
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    Modern Natural Law Meets the Market.Amit Ron - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (2):117-136.
    Philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries who worked within the tradition of modern natural law became interested in political economy in part as they attempted to reconcile two conflicting images of economic activity. On the one hand, from the legal point of view economic activity was understood as a morally neutral and benign activity that could be regulated by simple and clear rules of justice. On the other hand, it was seen as a realm of political struggle, manipulation, deceit (...)
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    Intergenerational Differences in the Preferences for Family Values: An Indian Perspective.Amit Kumar Tripathi - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (1):19-31.
    In the collectivist culture of India, family occupies a central place in organizing social and personal lives of the people. However, the forces of industrialization and urbanization are changing the life style and leading to reprioritization of values. Against this backdrop this study examined the pattern of actual and desired family values in the context of ecology, family type and generation. The sample ( n = 90) was drawn from urban, semi-urban and rural areas in central India representing parent–child pairs (...)
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  28. There is Something Wrong with Raw Perception, After All: Vyāsatīrtha’s Refutation of Nirvikalpaka-Pratyakṣa.Amit Chaturvedi - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (2):255-314.
    This paper analyzes the incisive counter-arguments against Gaṅgeśa’s defense of non-conceptual perception offered by the Dvaita Vedānta scholar Vyāsatīrtha in his Destructive Dance of Dialectic. The details of Vyāsatīrtha’s arguments have gone largely unnoticed by subsequent Navya Nyāya thinkers, as well as by contemporary scholars engaged in a debate over the role of non-conceptual perception in Nyāya epistemology. Vyāsatīrtha thoroughly undercuts the inductive evidence supporting Gaṅgeśa’s main inferential proof of non-conceptual perception, and shows that Gaṅgeśa has no basis for thinking (...)
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  29. Physics within non-dual consciousness.Amit Goswami - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (4):535-544.
    It is shown that if quantum physics is interpreted according to the philosophy of monistic idealism--that consciousness is the ground of all being--then some of the important dualisms of philosophy can be integrated.
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    A Discussion on Instinct, Paris, 1954.Gregory M. Kohn - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):137-149.
    The publication of Daniel Lehrman’s 1953 paper, “A Critique of Konrad Lorenz’s Theory of Instinctive Behavior,” (_The Quarterly Review of Biology_ 28(4):337–363) exposed a gulf between comparative psychologists and ethologists regarding the concept of instincts. At the center of this debate was a rivalry between T. C. Schneirla—Lehrman’s doctoral advisor—and Konrad Lorenz. While Schneirla maintained that the concept of innate instincts mischaracterized developmental processes, Lorenz maintained that innateness was essential to understand the evolution of behavior. A year after the publication (...)
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  31.  85
    Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms.Amit Saini & Mike Krush - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):845-862.
    The authors use the theoretical notion of anomie to examine the impact of top management's control mechanisms on the environment of the marketing function. Based on a literature review and in-depth field interviews with marketing managers in diverse industries, a conceptual model is proposed that incorporates the two managerial control mechanisms, viz. output and process control, and relates their distinctive influence to anomie in the marketing function. Three contingency variables, i.e., resource scarcity, power, and ethics codification, are proposed to moderate (...)
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  32. Emotional processing in anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex.Amit Etkin, Tobias Egner & Raffael Kalisch - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):85-93.
  33.  50
    The Critique of Possessive Individualism.Margaret Kohn - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (5):603-628.
    This essay investigates a strand of left-republicanism that emerged in France in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The solidarists developed a distinctive theory of social property and a thorough critique of the liberal, republican, and socialist alternatives. Solidarism rests on the claim that the modern division of labor creates a social product that does not naturally belong to the individuals who control it as their private property; property, therefore, should be conceived as “common wealth,” divided into individual and (...)
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  34. Probabilistic Modeling of Discourse‐Aware Sentence Processing.Amit Dubey, Frank Keller & Patrick Sturt - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (3):425-451.
    Probabilistic models of sentence comprehension are increasingly relevant to questions concerning human language processing. However, such models are often limited to syntactic factors. This restriction is unrealistic in light of experimental results suggesting interactions between syntax and other forms of linguistic information in human sentence processing. To address this limitation, this article introduces two sentence processing models that augment a syntactic component with information about discourse co-reference. The novel combination of probabilistic syntactic components with co-reference classifiers permits them to more (...)
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    The Hebbian paradigm reintegrated: Local reverberations as internal representations.Daniel J. Amit - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):617-626.
    The neurophysiological evidence from the Miyashita group's experiments on monkeys as well as cognitive experience common to us all suggests that local neuronal spike rate distributions might persist in the absence of their eliciting stimulus. In Hebb's cell-assembly theory, learning dynamics stabilize such self-maintaining reverberations. Quasi-quantitive modeling of the experimental data on internal representations in association-cortex modules identifies the reverberations (delay spike activity) as the internal code (representation). This leads to cognitive and neurophysiological predictions, many following directly from the language (...)
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    Supercrips versus the pitiful handicapped: Reception of disabling images by disabled audience members.Amit Kama - 2004 - Communications 29 (4):447-466.
    Thirty Israeli disabled people were asked to describe their most memorable interactions with mass mediated images of disability as part of a tentative endeavor to delve into their reception patterns. Two stereotypes are discussed in this paper, namely the supercrip and the pitiful disabled. The interviewees seek examples to corroborate their belief that physical, social, and cultural obstacles can be overcome. Highly regarded supercrips embody one example as ‘regular’ people are especially coveted. Well-known, successful disabled people are put on a (...)
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  37. Quantum computing.Amit Hagar & Michael Cuffaro - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Combining physics, mathematics and computer science, quantum computing and its sister discipline of quantum information have developed in the past few decades from visionary ideas to two of the most fascinating areas of quantum theory. General interest and excitement in quantum computing was initially triggered by Peter Shor (1994) who showed how a quantum algorithm could exponentially “speed-up” classical computation and factor large numbers into primes far more efficiently than any (known) classical algorithm. Shor’s algorithm was soon followed by several (...)
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  38.  24
    Making Images/making Bodies: Visibilizing and Disciplining through Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Amit Prasad - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (2):291-316.
    This article analyzes how the medical gaze made possible by MRI operates in radiological laboratories. It argues that although computer-assisted medical imaging technologies such as MRI shift radiological analysis to the realm of cyborg visuality, radiological analysis continues to depend on visualization produced by other technologies and diagnostic inputs. In the radiological laboratory, MRI is used to produce diverse sets of images of the internal parts of the body to zero in and visually extract the pathology. Visual extraction of pathology (...)
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  39.  43
    Solidarity and social rights.Margaret Kohn - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (5):616-630.
    The paper argues that the liberal approach to social rights is contradictory and provides an alternative account that draws on solidarism, a strand of nineteenth-century French Republican thought. Solidarism links together a normative theory of social obligation and a descriptive account of social value, debt and unearned increment. The theory of social property provides a distinctive foundation for social rights.
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  40.  46
    A Tale of Two Indias.M. Kohn - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (2):192-228.
    The subject of empire has emerged as a central concern in political theory. Edmund Burke and John Stuart Mill have been at the center of much recent scholarship on this topic. A number of depictions of Burke as a critic and Mill as a defender of empire rely largely on their writings about India. This article focuses instead on Burke and Mill's writings on the West Indies and America from the standpoint of both thinkers' connection to Scottish Enlightenment historiography. It (...)
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  41.  13
    Five Poems.Amit Majmudar - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):105-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Five Poems AMIT MAJMUDAR Observing Orpheus I hear the meaning turn back in his throat like Eurydice on the way up from the darkness. Music’s meaning is its making. As for me, I am one more animal in his entourage, learning a new thirst, finding a new south. None of us knew we had this instinct in us. If deserts hide wildflowers until first rain, bright ears are (...)
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  42.  27
    Relationship Between Debt and Depression, Anxiety, Stress, or Suicide Ideation in Asia: A Systematic Review.Noh Amit, Rozmi Ismail, Abdul Rahim Zumrah, Mohd Azmir Mohd Nizah, Tengku Elmi Azlina Tengku Muda, Edbert Chia Tat Meng, Norhayati Ibrahim & Normah Che Din - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:530077.
    Background: This article aims to review research manuscripts in the past 5 years that focus on the effects of debt on depression, anxiety, stress, or suicide ideation in Asian countries.Methods: A search for literature based on the PRISMA guidelines was conducted on Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect, resulting in nine manuscripts meeting inclusion criteria. The studies were conducted in Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, and China.Results: The findings of the studies show that there is evidence to (...)
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  43.  47
    A probabilistic corpus-based model of syntactic parallelism.Amit Dubey, Frank Keller & Patrick Sturt - 2008 - Cognition 109 (3):326-344.
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  44. Taking non‐conceptualism back to Dharmakīrti.Amit Chaturvedi - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):3-29.
    Some recent surveys of the modern philosophical debate over the existence of non-conceptual perceptual content have concluded that the distinction between conceptual and non-conceptual representations is largely terminological. To remedy this terminological impasse, Robert Hanna and Monima Chadha claim that non-conceptualists must defend an essentialist view of non-conceptual content, according to which perceptual states have representational content whose structure and psychological function are necessarily distinct from that of conceptual states. Hanna and Chadha additionally suggest that non-conceptualists should go “back to (...)
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  45.  39
    Grothendieck rings of theories of modules.Amit Kuber - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (3):369-407.
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    Obsessive–compulsive tendencies may be associated with attenuated access to internal states: Evidence from a biofeedback-aided muscle tensing task.Amit Lazarov, Reuven Dar, Nira Liberman & Yuval Oded - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1401-1409.
    The present study was motivated by the hypothesis that inputs from internal states in obsessive–compulsive individuals are attenuated, which could be one source of the pervasive doubting and checking in OCD. Participants who were high or low in OC tendencies were asked to produce specific levels of muscle tension with and without biofeedback, and their accuracy in producing the required muscle tension levels was assessed. As predicted, high OC participants performed more poorly than low OC participants on this task when (...)
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  47. Quantum algorithms: Philosophical lessons.Amit Hagar - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (2):233-247.
    I discuss the philosophical implications that the rising new science of quantum computing may have on the philosophy of computer science. While quantum algorithms leave the notion of Turing-Computability intact, they may re-describe the abstract space of computational complexity theory hence militate against the autonomous character of some of the concepts and categories of computer science.
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  48. Explaining the Unobserved—Why Quantum Mechanics Ain’t Only About Information.Amit Hagar & Meir Hemmo - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (9):1295-1234.
    A remarkable theorem by Clifton, Bub and Halvorson (2003) (CBH) characterizes quantum theory in terms of information--theoretic principles. According to Bub (2004, 2005) the philosophical significance of the theorem is that quantum theory should be regarded as a ``principle'' theory about (quantum) information rather than a ``constructive'' theory about the dynamics of quantum systems. Here we criticize Bub's principle approach arguing that if the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics remains intact then there is no escape route from solving the measurement (...)
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  49. Discrete or Continuous? the Quest for Fundamental Length in Modern Physics.Amit Hagar - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A book on the notion of fundamental length, covering issues in the philosophy of math, metaphysics, and the history and the philosophy of modern physics, from classical electrodynamics to current theories of quantum gravity. Published (2014) in Cambridge University Press.
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    Improvising and Navigating Mobilities: Tacking in Everyday Life.Vered Amit & Caroline Knowles - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):165-179.
    This article aims to deepen and extend theoretical understanding of mobility by exploring some of the mechanisms by which it operates. It introduces the concept and practices of ‘tacking’ as a frame for examining the creative processes of navigation and improvisation through which people approach and reflect on the irregularities and uncertainties of their everyday rounds, enacted or otherwise narrated as spatial biography – lives conceived in mobile-spatial terms. ‘Tacking’ also travels beyond this frame of reference, i.e. it is ‘good (...)
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