Results for 'Analysis of moral principles'

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  1.  35
    Pediatric consent: Case study analysis using a principles approach.Adaorah N. U. Azotam - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):581-585.
    This article will explore pediatric consent through the analysis of a clinical case study using the principles of biomedical ethics approach. Application of the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice will be dissected in order to attempt to establish resolution of the ethical dilemma. The main conflict in this case study deals with whether the wishes of an adolescent for end-of-life care should be followed or should the desire of his parents outweigh this request. In terminal (...)
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  2. Social Complexity and Evolved Moral Principles.Gerald Gaus - unknown
    A central theme in F. A. Hayek’s work is the contrast between principles and expediency, and the insistence that governments follow abstract general principles rather than pursue apparently expedient social and economic policies that seek to make us better off.2 This is a radical and striking thesis, especially from an economist: governments should abjure the pursuit of social and economic policies that aim to improve welfare and, instead, adhere to moral principles. In this chapter I defend (...)
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  3.  13
    Moral Principles and Political Obligation. [REVIEW]L. N. D. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):911-913.
    Four theories of political obligation are here subjected to meticulous scrutiny and found wanting, from which "We must conclude," Simmons says, "that citizens generally have no special political bonds which require that they obey and support the governments of their countries of residence". The four are consent theory, fairness theory, the natural duty of justice, and gratitude theory. As Simmons acknowledges, all four "fall squarely within the mainstream of liberal political theory", and the question is, how does Simmons draw his (...)
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    Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Why obey the state? Dorota Mokrosińska presents a fresh analysis of the most influential theories of political obligation and develops a novel approach to this foundational problem of political philosophy, an intriguing combination of the elements of natural duty and associative theories. The theory of political obligation developed in the book extends the scope of the contemporary debate on political obligation by arguing that political obligation can be binding even under the jurisdiction of unjust states. The arguments pursued in (...)
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    Economic analysis and moral philosophy.Daniel M. Hausman - 1996 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael S. McPherson.
    Understanding moral philosophy can help one to do economics better, and philosophers can learn by drawing on economic insights and analytical tools. This book argues that standard views of rationality lead economists to espouse questionable moral principles, and discusses methods of economic evaluation in terms of welfare and other moral criteria. It also contains a brief discussion of the relevance of social choice and game theory to philosophy. There is a glossary and at the end of (...)
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  6. Absolute Principles and Double Effect.R. A. Duff - 1976 - Analysis 36 (2):68 - 80.
    I argue that hanink's account of the principle of double effect ("some light on double effect," "analysis", volume 35, number 5) is inadequate, and rests on the mistaken assumption that the criteria for distinguishing acts from each other, intention from foresight, acting from refraining, can be specified independently of any moral perspective. i try to indicate the way to a better understanding of these distinctions, and the essential features of the kind of absolutist morality which invokes them--its concern (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy and Public Policy.Daniel Hausman, Michael McPherson & Debra Satz - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael S. McPherson.
    This book shows through argument and numerous policy-related examples how understanding moral philosophy can improve economic analysis, how moral philosophy can benefit from economists' analytical tools, and how economic analysis and moral philosophy together can inform public policy. Part I explores the idea of rationality and its connections to ethics, arguing that when they defend their formal model of rationality, most economists implicitly espouse contestable moral principles. Part II addresses the nature and measurement (...)
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  8. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, or, an Essay Towards an Analysis of the Principles by Which Men Naturally Judge. To Which is Added, a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages.Adam Smith & Dugald Stewart - 1853
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    Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church’s Witness.Wonchul Shin - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):205-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness by Darryl W. StephensWonchul ShinMethodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness Darryl W. Stephens knoxville: university of tennessee press, 2016. 320 pp. $48.00Darryl W. Stephens's Methodist Morals presents a historical, theological, and ethical analysis of a particular form of social witness in the United Methodist Church (UMC): the Social Principles. Stephens mainly argues (...)
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  10. Principled Divestiture and Moral Integrity.Steven M. Cahn - 1991 - Analysis 51 (2):112 -.
    How is principled divestiture possible, for it passes the guilt of ownership from seller to buyer, thus exchanging one wrong for another? In response to this puzzle I posed (Analysis 47.3), Roger Shiner argues that since the seller does not cause the buyer to act, the seller maintains moral integrity. But your wish to sell your stock is logically equivalent to your wishing someone to buy it. By hypothesis you believe it wrong for anyone to buy it. So (...)
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  11.  47
    The Moral Symmetry Principle and the Duty Correspondence Principle.Raymond A. Belliotti - 1979 - Journal of Critical Analysis 7 (4):135-142.
  12.  17
    Ethical Case Analysis Template: Learning to Develop Ethical Values Through Practice.Malavika Sundararajan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:183-210.
    Ethical behaviors are taught in business classrooms using multiple methods, among which case studies are a standard method. However, when introduced at the undergraduate level, until students have developed a strong foundation in moral philosophy, a prescriptive case analysis template may help them build constructive mental models towards that foundation. The paper thus proposes a case analysis method template based on critical components identified in the Ethics literature that lead to ethical decision-making that can be used as (...)
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  13.  31
    An Analysis on the Belief Teaching in Imam-Hatip Secondary School and Secondary School Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Lessons.Süleyman GÜMÜŞ & Mikail İPEK - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):939-953.
    In this study, secondary school DKAB (Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge) lesson’s belief learning domain has been examined structurally. In this context, the basic principles of belief have been discussed according to Māturīdīsm, Ash'arism, Mutazilite and in places according to Shia. The common points and different aspects of the ideas in the domain of belief of these schools have been examined in a comparative way. Subjects such as the attribute of taqwin/creation, which is the main discussion between Māturīdīsm (...)
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  14.  74
    Economics, Business Principles and Moral Sentiments.Amartya Sen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):5-15.
    This essay discusses the place of business principles and of moral sentiments in economic success, and examines the role of cultures in influencing norms of business behavior. Two presumptions held in standard economic analysis are disputed: the rudimentary nature of business principles (essentially restricted, directly or indirectly, to profit maximization), and the allegedly narrow reach of moral sentiments (often treated to be irrelevant to business and economics). In contrast, the author argues for the need to (...)
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  15.  79
    Philosophical analysis and human welfare: selected essays and chapters from six decades.Dickinson Sergeant Miller - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by Loyd David Easton.
    When I was Dickinson Miller's assistant from 1940 to 1942, I soon realized that I had encountered an unusually powerful, acute, and original mind and a writer whose clear but vivid style matched the high quality of his intelligence. These traits were apparent in his comments about eminent philosophers with whom he had associated - particularly William James but also Santayana, Dewey, Husserl, and Wittgenstein - and in the mutual criticism he demanded of his writing and my first efforts. I (...)
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  16. A precautionary principle for dual use research in the life sciences.Frida Kuhlau, Anna T. Höglund, Kathinka Evers & Stefan Eriksson - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (1):1-8.
    Most life science research entails dual-use complexity and may be misused for harmful purposes, e.g. biological weapons. The Precautionary Principle applies to special problems characterized by complexity in the relationship between human activities and their consequences. This article examines whether the principle, so far mainly used in environmental and public health issues, is applicable and suitable to the field of dual-use life science research. Four central elements of the principle are examined: threat, uncertainty, prescription and action. Although charges against the (...)
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  17.  76
    Principle Ethics, Particularism and Another Possibility.Soran Reader - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (280):269 - 292.
    One of the most striking contributions of particularism to moral philosophy has been its emphasis on the relative opacity of the moral scene to the tools of rational analysis traditionally used by philosophers. Particularism changes the place of the philosopher in relation to the moral life, pointing up the limits to what philosophy can do here. The modern moral philosopher who takes particularism seriously no longer has the luxury, endemic in our tradition, of imagining that (...)
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  18.  10
    Principle in Practice.Nicholas Hayes-Mota - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):207-228.
    This article draws on Alasdair MacIntyre’s influential theory of practice and employs it as a framework to analyze community organizing, focusing on the organizing tradition of Saul Alinsky. As a practice in MacIntyre’s sense, it argues, community organizing constitutes a teleological form of social activity that is oriented toward distinctive kinds of “internal goods” and that functions to develop new capacities within its practitioners to recognize, desire, and attain those goods, relying on standards of excellence, characteristic institutions, and its own (...)
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  19.  36
    Commentary: Principles and pragmatism.R. Alta Charo - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (3):319-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Principles and PragmatismR. Alta Charo (bio)Openly, privately, or implicitly, every public ethics committee struggles with its mandate. Is its job to identify a moral ideal?; a morally acceptable minimum that, realistically, could be adopted as policy?; or an optimal political compromise that can arguably meet ethical analysis? The answer appears to be different for each committee, depending upon its subject matter, its sponsoring political body, and (...)
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  20. Conceptual Analysis and the Analytic Method in Kant’s Prize Essay.Gabriele Gava - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):164-184.
    Famously, in the essay Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality (Prize Essay), Kant attempts to distance himself from the Wolffian model of philosophical inquiry. In this respect, Kant scholars have pointed out Kant’s claim that philosophy should not imitate the method of mathematics and his appeal to Newton’s “analytic method.” In this article, I argue that there is an aspect of Kant’s critique of the Wolffian model that has been neglected. Kant presents a (...)
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  21. Constructivism, Intrinsic Normativity, and the Motivational Analysis Argument.Patrick Kain - 2006 - In Heiner F. Klemme, Manfred Kühn & Dieter Schönecker, Moralische Motivation: Kant und die Alternativen. Meiner Verlag.
    This essay addresses the relationship between Kant's theory of moral motivation and theories of normativity. Constructivist or "ideal agent" theories of normativity claim that what makes a principle normative is that rational agents endorse or possess a motive of a certain kind to comply with it, or that they endorse or possess such a motive to comply with it insofar as they are rational. Korsgaard has argued that Kant's "motivational analysis" of the concept of obligation in Grundlegung I (...)
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  22.  75
    The Precautionary Principle and Expert Disagreement.Lee Elkin - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2717-2726.
    The Precautionary Principle is typically construed as a conservative decision rule aimed at preventing harm. But Martin Peterson (JME 33: 5–10, 2007; The ethics of technology: A geometric analysis of five moral principles, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017) has argued that the principle is better understood as an epistemic rule, guiding decision-makers in forming beliefs rather than choosing among possible acts. On the epistemic view, he claims there is a principle concerning expert disagreement underlying precautionary-based reasoning called (...)
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  23.  4
    Moral and Spiritual Foundations in Pre-Qin Confucianism and Ancient Western Philosophy: A Comparative Analysis.Zhou Mu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):68-87.
    The philosophical pursuits of ancient civilizations, notably the Pre-Qin Chinese and Ancient Greeks, revolved around the concepts of "Dao" and "Truth" respectively. These foundational ideas not only shaped their respective cultures' views on metaphysics and ethics but also influenced their understanding of the divine and human nature. This paper examines the conceptual parallels and distinctions between "Dao" in ancient Chinese philosophy and "Truth" in ancient Greek philosophy, emphasizing their implications for religious and ethical thought. Despite significant advancements in international relations (...)
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  24. Ethics in long-term care: Are the principles different?Mark G. Kuczewski - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (1):15-29.
    It has become common in medical ethics to discuss difficult cases in terms of the principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. These moral concepts or principles serve as maxims that are suggestive of appropriate clinical behavior. Because this language evolved primarily in the acute care setting, I consider whether it is in need of supplementation in order to be useful in the long-term care setting. Through analysis of two typical cases involving residents of (...)
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  25. Methods and principles in biomedical ethics.T. L. Beauchamp - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):269-274.
    The four principles approach to medical ethics plus specification is used in this paper. Specification is defined as a process of reducing the indeterminateness of general norms to give them increased action guiding capacity, while retaining the moral commitments in the original norm. Since questions of method are central to the symposium, the paper begins with four observations about method in moral reasoning and case analysis. Three of the four scenarios are dealt with. It is concluded (...)
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  26. Rescue and Recovery as a Theological Principle, and a Key to Morality in Extraterrestrial Species.Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher J. Corbally & Riccardo Campa - 2023 - Zygon 58 (3):636-655.
    New theological understanding can emerge with the advancement of scientific knowledge and the use of new concepts, or older concepts in new ways. Here, the authors present a proposal to extend the concept of “rescue and recovery” found in the United Nations Law of the High Seas, off‐world and within a broader purview of other intelligent and self‐aware species that humans may someday encounter. The notion of a morality that extends to off‐world species is not new, but in this (...), rescue and recovery become an imperative when any intelligent and self‐aware species is in harm's way. Rescue and recovery encompass a necessary action component except perhaps in those cases where rescuers are in danger. The authors explore three biblical examples of rescue and recovery to derive a fundamental meaning of the concept. (shrink)
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  27. Network analysis: Some basic principles.Barry Wellman - 1983 - Sociological Theory 1:155-200.
    Network analysis is a fundamental approach to the study of social structure. This chapter traces its development, distinguishing characteristics, and analytic principles. It emphasizes the intellectual unity of three research traditions: the anthropological concept of the social network, the sociological conception of social structure as social network, and structural explanations of political processes. Network analysts criticize the normative, categorical, dyadic, and bounded-group emphases prevalent in many sociological analyses. They claim that the most direct way to study a social (...)
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  28.  46
    A Polemic on Principles: Reflections on the Pittsburgh Protocol.Alan J. Weisbard - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):217-230.
    The Pittsburgh protocol relies heavily on traditional moral distinctions, particularly the principle of double effect, to justify "managing" the dying process of a prospective organ donor in order to yield viable organs for transplantation. These traditional moral distinctions can be useful, particularly in casuistic or case-specific moral analysis, but their invocation here is unpersuasive, and potentially dangerous. The protocol relies on elaborate apologetics to avoid a candid confrontation with the moral challenge it poses—society's willingness to (...)
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  29.  69
    Applying the four principles.R. Macklin - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):275-280.
    Gillon is correct that the four principles provide a sound and useful way of analysing moral dilemmas. As he observes, the approach using these principles does not provide a unique solution to dilemmas. This can be illustrated by alternatives to Gillon’s own analysis of the four case scenarios. In the first scenario, a different set of factual assumptions could yield a different conclusion about what is required by the principle of beneficence. In the second scenario, although (...)
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  30.  5
    Theory of Moral Sentiments, or an Essay Towards an Analysis of the Principles by Which Men Naturally Judge Concerning the Conduct and Character.Adam Smith - 1790 - A. Strahan and T.Cadell.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  31.  28
    A precautionary principle for dual use research in the life sciences.Anna T. HÖglund Frida Kuhlau - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (1):1-8.
    ABSTRACTMost life science research entails dual‐use complexity and may be misused for harmful purposes, e.g. biological weapons. The Precautionary Principle applies to special problems characterized by complexity in the relationship between human activities and their consequences. This article examines whether the principle, so far mainly used in environmental and public health issues, is applicable and suitable to the field of dual‐use life science research. Four central elements of the principle are examined: threat, uncertainty, prescription and action. Although charges against the (...)
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  32.  16
    Fair Play Principle in Esports.Krzysztof Pezdek - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):65-78.
    The aim of the article is the analysis of the principle of fair play which co-creates an axiological basis of contemporary sport as well as its basic moral category. The constituents of fair play are, first of all, responsibility and justice. Both values are central values, connected with each other, and also closely connected with other values inscribed in fair play, e.g. respect, solidarity, care or honesty. The conducted analysis shows that the rules of fair play connected (...)
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  33. The Golden Rule Principle in African Ethics and Kant’s Categorical Imperative.Godwin Azenabor - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:17-23.
    This research attempts to throw light on and show the fundamental similarities and differences between the African and Western ethical conceptions by examining the foundation of ethics and morality in the two systems, using the Golden rule principle in African ethics and Kant’s categorical imperative in Western ethics as tools of comparative analysis. The African indigenous ethics revolves round the “Golden Rule Principle” as the ultimate moral principle. This principle states that “Do unto others what you want them (...)
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  34.  53
    When four principles are too many: a commentary.Raanan Gillon - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):197-198.
    This commentary briefly argues that the four prima facie principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice enable a clinician (and anybody else) to make ethical sense of the author's proposed reliance on professional guidance and rules, on law, on professional integrity and on best interests, and to subject them all to ethical analysis and criticism based on widely acceptable basic prima facie moral obligations; and also to confront new situations in the light of those acceptable (...)
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  35.  67
    Rational Hypocrisy: A Bayesian Analysis Based on Informal Argumentation and Slippery Slopes.Tage S. Rai & Keith J. Holyoak - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1456-1467.
    Moral hypocrisy is typically viewed as an ethical accusation: Someone is applying different moral standards to essentially identical cases, dishonestly claiming that one action is acceptable while otherwise equivalent actions are not. We suggest that in some instances the apparent logical inconsistency stems from different evaluations of a weak argument, rather than dishonesty per se. Extending Corner, Hahn, and Oaksford's (2006) analysis of slippery slope arguments, we develop a Bayesian framework in which accusations of hypocrisy depend on (...)
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  36.  11
    Fair Play Principle in Esports.Krzysztof Pezdek - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):65-78.
    The aim of the article is the analysis of the principle of fair play which co-creates an axiological basis of contemporary sport as well as its basic moral category. The constituents of fair play are, first of all, responsibility and justice. Both values are central values, connected with each other, and also closely connected with other values inscribed in fair play, e.g. respect, solidarity, care or honesty. The conducted analysis shows that the rules of fair play connected (...)
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  37.  23
    Ethics without Principles: Another Possible Ethics- Perspectives from Latin American by Roy H. May Jr. [REVIEW]Ramon Luzarraga - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (1):215-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics without Principles: Another Possible Ethics—Perspectives from Latin America by Roy H. May JrRamon LuzarragaEthics without Principles: Another Possible Ethics—Perspectives from Latin America Roy H. May Jr. EUGENE, OR: PICKWICK PUBLICATIONS, 2015. 80 PP. $16.00Roy May presents a collection of five essays that critique deontological ethics. He argues that deontology stands outside sociocultural and historical contexts, ignoring concrete human differences and the local histories of diverse (...)
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  38.  55
    Moore and Philosophical Analysis.Morris Lazerowitz - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (126):193 - 220.
    Occasionally there has appeared in the history of philosophy a thinker who has become aware of the chaotic condition of philosophy and of the intellectual anarchy that exists in all of its branches, and has attempted to remedy the situation. Descartes cast about for a guiding principle, a compass which would show him the way through the treacherous terrain of philosophy. As is well known he devised the method of systematic doubt, by means of which he hoped to discover an (...)
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  39.  7
    Christian Moral Principles.Charles Gore - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Research ethics in behavior analysis: from laboratory to clinic and classroom.David J. Cox (ed.) - 2022 - London, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
    The behavior analytic research community emphasizes within-subject research methodologies to study relations between individual behavior and the environment. This is unique as behavior analytic practitioners can then replicate directly the research they read when determining whether a research finding applies to the clients with whom they work. Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom is a reference guide for behavior analysts who conduct, supervise, or consume research specific to behavior analysis. This book is sequenced (...)
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    The Distasteful Conditional Analysis.Guillaume Bignon - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (2):469-480.
    The principle of alternate possibilities states that a person cannot be morally responsible for what he has done, unless he had the “ability” to do otherwise. Incompatibilists typically add that determinism removes such ability, thereby excluding moral responsibility. In response, compatibilists have often affirmed something close, only interpreting the ability in question to be conditional, counterfactual, and hence compatible with determinism. This conditional analysis has been criticized for being question-begging, unnecessary, and insufficient. This paper aims to refute these (...)
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  42.  81
    Anna Goppel: Killing Terrorists: A Legal and Moral Analysis: Berlin/boston: De Gruyter 2013, 328 pages, ISBN: 978-3-11-027727-2, € 64,95.Ned Dobos - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):671-672.
    Targeted killing has become a staple tactic in the “war in terror”. Since the beginning of the second Intifada, Israel is estimated to have killed over four hundred Palestinians in targeted strikes, while the US has killed over two thousand in Pakistan alone since 2004. These statistics include the deaths of innocent bystanders caught in the wrong place at the wrong time—“collateral damage”—as well as the deaths of the terrorists themselves. Be that as it may, the American and Israeli publics (...)
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    Lackey on Nuclear Deterrence: A Public Policy Critique or Applied Ethics Analysis?:Moral Principles and Nuclear Weapons. Douglas P. Lackey.Avner Cohen - 1987 - Ethics 97 (2):457-.
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  44. Moral Principles As Moral Dispositions.Luke Robinson - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 156 (2):289-309.
    What are moral principles? In particular, what are moral principles of the sort that (if they exist) ground moral obligations or—at the very least—particular moral truths? I argue that we can fruitfully conceive of such principles as real, irreducibly dispositional properties of individual persons (agents and patients) that are responsible for and thereby explain the moral properties of (e.g.) agents and actions. Such moral dispositions (or moral powers) are apt to (...)
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  45. Moral Principles as Generics.Ravi Thakral - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (2):205-224.
    I argue that moral principles involve the same sort of generalization as ordinary yet elusive generic generalizations in natural language such as ‘Tigers are striped’ or ‘Peppers are spicy’. A notable advantage of the generic view is that it simultaneously allows for pessimism and optimism about the role and status of moral principles in our lives. It provides a new perspective on the nature of moral principles on which principles are not apt for (...)
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    Common Morality Principles in Biomedical Ethics: Responses to Critics.James F. Childress & Tom L. Beauchamp - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (2):164-176.
    After briefly sketching common-morality principlism, as presented in Principles of Biomedical Ethics, this paper responds to two recent sets of challenges to this framework. The first challenge claims that medical ethics is autonomous and unique and thus not a form of, or justified or guided by, a common morality or by any external morality or moral theory. The second challenge denies that there is a common morality and insists that futile efforts to develop common-morality approaches to bioethics limit (...)
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  47.  30
    Moral Principles in Education.John Dewey - 2011 - CreateSpace.
    This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's finesse to Oscar Wilde's wit, this unique collection brings together works as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim's Progress and Othello. As an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of (...)
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  48.  25
    Biology students’ convictions and moral disengagement toward bioethical issues: a path analysis.Van Helen S. Cuaderes & Jeannemar Genevive Yap-Figueras - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (1):143-164.
    Advances in science and technology has led to the rise of different issues in relation to human life and security as well as the environment. These issues also paved the way for the field of Bioethics with its principles aiming to uphold moral standards on these issues. This study aimed to test and modify the theoretical models of the factors influencing the conviction schemas of BS Biology Bioethics students of a state university toward bioethical issues. One hundred ten (...)
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    Incompatibilism's Allure: Principle Arguments for Incompatibilism.Ishtiyaque Haji - 2008 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The role of freedom in assigning moral responsibility is one of the deepest problems in metaphysics and moral theory. _Incompatibilism’s Allure_ provides original analysis of the principal arguments for incompatibilism. Ishtiyaque Haji incisively examines the consequence argument, the direct argument, the deontic argument, the manipulation argument, the impossibility argument and the luck objection. He introduces the most important contemporary discussions in a manner accessible to advanced undergraduates, but also suited to professional philosophers. The result is a unique (...)
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  50.  49
    Why Democracy Cannot Be Grounded in Epistemic Principles.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (3):449-473.
    In recent years, philosophers influenced by Peirce's pragmatism have contributed to the democracy debate by offering not simply a justification of democracy that relies on epistemic as well as moral presumptions, but a justification on purely epistemic grounds, that is, without recourse to any moral values or principles. In a nutshell, this pragmatist epistemic argument takes as its starting-point a few fundamental epistemic principles we cannot reasonably deny, and goes on to claim that a number of (...)
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