Results for 'Anamaria Ferreira Azevedo Dirce Guilhem'

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  1.  84
    Brazilian public policies for reproductive health: Family planning, abortion and prenatal care.Dirce Guilhem & Anamaria Ferreira Azevedo - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):68–77.
    ABSTRACT This study is an ethical reflection on the formulation and application of public policies regarding reproductive health in Brazil. The Integral Assistance Program for Women's Health (PAISM) can be considered advanced for a country in development. Universal access for family planning is foreseen in the Brazilian legislation, but the services do not offer contraceptive methods for the population in a regular and consistent manner. Abortion is restricted by law to two cases: risk to the woman's life and rape. This (...)
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    New productive technologies, ethics and legislation in Brazil: A delayed debate.Dirce Guilhem - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (3):218–230.
    This paper focuses on the debate about the utilization of new reproductive technologies in Brazil, and the paths taken in the Brazilian National Congress in an attempt to draw up legislation to regulate the clinical practice of human assisted reproduction. British documents, such as the Warnock Report and Human Fertilization and Embriology Authority (HFEA) are used for thorough reference. The analysis of the Law Projects in the National Congress, the Resolution by the Federal Medicine Council, Resolution 196/96 and documents by (...)
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    Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios.Dirce Guilhem & Fabio Zicker (eds.) - 2007 - Brasília: Editora UnB.
    Neste livro, novos desafios da ética em pesquisa com seres humanos são explorados pelos autores - da pesquisa com populações vulneráveis às pesquisas em Ciências Sociais. Dentre os destaques da obra está o caso do Sangue Yanomami e a pesquisa antropológica e genética conduzida nos anos 1970.
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    Bioethics in Brazil.Debora Diniz, Dirce Bellezi Guilhem & Volnei Garrafa - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (3-4):244-248.
    In this article the authors briefly sketch the nature of Brazilian bioethics. Bioethics emerged in Brazil later than in other Western countries and the 1990’s were the most important period for the spread of the discipline in the country. It is in this period that some structural elements of bioethics were established, such as research groups, regulation of Local Research Ethics Committees (Comitês Locais de Ética em Pesquisa – CEP), the creation of the National Commission of Ethics in Research with (...)
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    Ethics Education in Research Involving Human Beings in Undergraduate Medicine Curriculum in Brazil.Maria Rita Garbi Novaes, Dirce Guilhem, Elena Barragan & Stewart Mennin - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (3):163-168.
    Introduction The Brazilian national curriculum guidelines for undergraduate medicine courses inspired and influenced the groundwork for knowledge acquisition, skills development and the perception of ethical values in the context of professional conduct. Objective The evaluation of ethics education in research involving human beings in undergraduate medicine curriculum in Brazil, both in courses with active learning processes and in those with traditional lecture learning methodologies. Methods Curricula and teaching projects of 175 Brazilian medical schools were analyzed using a retrospective historical and (...)
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    Analysis of manuscripts on ethics in scientific research at Scientific Electronic Library Online.Flavia Squinca, Dirce Guilhem & Juliana Paula Squinca - 2015 - Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética 15 (29-2).
    Ethics in research became a central theme regarding globalization of the scientific development, particularly when related to the socioeconomic conditions of the countries involved as partners in research protocols, production of inputs and of knowledge. The objective of this paper is to analyze the sources of information about ethics in research present at Scientific Electronic Library Online. Methodologically, this is an exploratory study was carried out by the systematic analysis of the literature available. The search engines retrieved 885 summaries, from (...)
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  7.  23
    Care relationships and the autonomy of people with physical disabilities.Mauren Alexandra Sampaio & Dirce Bellezi Guilhem - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):525-534.
    As a form of functional diversity, spinal cord injury expressed by tetraplegia is one of the most serious events that can impact people, affecting their family and socioeconomic life. The type of care relationship established in these cases will be essential for preserving autonomy. The objective of this study was to understand how care relationships influence the autonomy of people with tetraplegia and the dynamics that trigger practices of autonomy violation, maintenance and promotion. This research is inspired by problematization as (...)
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  8. Un llamado ético a la inclusión de mujeres embarazadas en investigación: Reflexiones del Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación.Carla Saenz, Jackeline Alger, Juan Pablo Beca, José Belizán, María Luisa Cafferata, Julio Arturo Canario Guzman, Jesica Candanedo, Lissette Duque, Lester Figueroa, Ana Garcés, Lionel Gresh, Ida Cristina Gubert, Dirce Guilhem, Gabriela Guz, Gustavo Kaltwasser, Roxana Lescano, Florencia Luna, Alexandrina Cardelli, Ignacio Mastroleo, Irene Melamed, Agueda Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Ricardo Palacios, Gloria Palma, Sofía Salas, Xochitl Sandoval, Sergio Surugi de Siqueira, Hans Vásquez & Bertha Villela de Vega - 2017 - Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 41 (e13):1-2.
    El Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación (GFBR por sus siglas en inglés) se reunió el 3 y 4 de noviembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objetivo de discutir la ética de la investigación con mujeres embarazadas. El GFBR es una plataforma mundial que congrega a actores clave con el objetivo de promover la investigación realizada de manera ética, fortalecer la ética de la investigación en salud, particularmente en países de ingresos bajos y medios, y promover colaboración entre países (...)
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  9.  51
    Letter to the Editor Regarding the 5th Global Forum on Bioethics in Research.Dirceu B. Greco, Bebe Loff, Dafna Feinholz, Dirce Guilhem, Carel C. B. IJsselmuiden, Udo Schuklenk & Juan Carlos Tealdi - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):W38-W38.
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  10.  12
    Poética da Razão: Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.Adriana V. Serrão, Carla M. Simões, Elisabete M. De Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate Simões & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.) - 2013 - Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  11. Poética da Razão. Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.Adriana Serrão, Carla Simões, Elisabete M. Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.) - 2013
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    Vulnerabilidade e Emanicipação Sociocultural de Povos Indígenas: Percurso de Uma Pesquisa-Ação Colaborativa.Dirce Stein Backes, Claudia Zanberlan, Juliana Silveira Colomé, Alencar Kolinski Machado, Margareth Zanchetta & Marcos Alexandre Alves - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):121-135.
    The article presents the construction and structuring phases of an action research project, which involves indigenous populations, approved by the Abdias Nascimento Academic Development Program. The proposal aims to foster national and international cooperation, aimed at emancipatory and intercultural education and the promotion of racial equality and inclusion, focusing on social vulnerability and valuing the sociocultural and linguistic specificities of indigenous populations. The intention is to analyze the relationship between traditional care practices in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle of indigenous women and (...)
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  13.  21
    La hospitalidad en el pensamiento de la deconstrucción.Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis, Juan Manuel Díaz Leguizamon & Carlos Mario Fisgativa - 2020 - Revista Disertaciones 9 (2):7-23.
    El tema de la hospitalidad fue suficientemente analizado por Jacques Derrida, el pensador francés de la deconstrucción. Este artículo busca investigar la cuestión de la hospitalidad considerando la oposición radical, la aporía, entre la ley de la hospitalidad incondicional, en su singularidad universal, y las leyes de la hospitalidad condicional. ¿Quién se encuentra apto para la hospitalidad? ¿Alguien que dice su nombre? ¿Una sujeto de derecho? ¿Un extranjero? Exploraremos algunas de las condiciones para responder a esta pregunta: la hospitalidad como (...)
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  14. Políticas do lugar.Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis & Marcelo Moraes - 2016 - In Querências de Derrida, moradas da arquitetura e filosofia: arquitetura e filosofia da desconstrução. Porto Alegre: UFRGS.
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    Querências de Derrida, moradas da arquitetura e filosofia: arquitetura e filosofia da desconstrução.Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis (ed.) - 2016 - Porto Alegre: UFRGS.
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  16.  43
    Tela desconstrucionista: arquivo e mal de arquivo a partir de Jacques Derrida.Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (38):373.
    Considerando os vários sentidos da palavra "tela" em português, tela como resultante do entrelaçamento de fios, tela como tecido, tela de cinema ou de televisão, quadro pintado, ou como questão, pretendo trazer à discussão o despojamento de Jacques Derrida ao propor, sob o prisma da desconstrução, o deslocamento do velho conceito de arquivo para uma noção de arquivo aberta a possibilidades imprevisíveis. Para tanto, seu entendimento do que ele chamou de “impressão freudiana”, sua interpretação da pulsão de morte como “mal (...)
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  17. Investigating gender and racial biases in DALL-E Mini Images.Marc Cheong, Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Willem Reimann, Shalom Chalson, Pamela Robinson, Joanne Byrne, Leah Ruppanner, Mark Alfano & Colin Klein - forthcoming - Acm Journal on Responsible Computing.
    Generative artificial intelligence systems based on transformers, including both text-generators like GPT-4 and image generators like DALL-E 3, have recently entered the popular consciousness. These tools, while impressive, are liable to reproduce, exacerbate, and reinforce extant human social biases, such as gender and racial biases. In this paper, we systematically review the extent to which DALL-E Mini suffers from this problem. In line with the Model Card published alongside DALL-E Mini by its creators, we find that the images it produces (...)
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  18.  36
    Taming fitness: Organism‐environment interdependencies preclude long‐term fitness forecasting.Guilhem Doulcier, Peter Takacs & Pierrick Bourrat - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000157.
    Fitness is a central but notoriously vexing concept in evolutionary biology. The propensity interpretation of fitness is often regarded as the least problematic account for fitness. It ties an individual's fitness to a probabilistic capacity to produce offspring. Fitness has a clear causal role in evolutionary dynamics under this account. Nevertheless, the propensity interpretation faces its share of problems. We discuss three of these. We first show that a single scalar value is an incomplete summary of a propensity. Second, we (...)
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  19.  70
    Investigating Constituent Order Change With Elicited Pantomime: A Functional Account of SVO Emergence.Matthew L. Hall, Victor S. Ferreira & Rachel I. Mayberry - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):943-972.
    One of the most basic functions of human language is to convey who did what to whom. In the world's languages, the order of these three constituents (subject [S], verb [V], and object [O]) is uneven, with SOV and SVO being most common. Recent experiments using experimentally elicited pantomime provide a possible explanation of the prevalence of SOV, but extant explanations for the prevalence of SVO could benefit from further empirical support. Here, we test whether SVO might emerge because (a) (...)
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  20. In Search of Lost Nudges.Guilhem Lecouteux - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):397-408.
    This paper discusses the validity of nudges to tackle time-inconsistent behaviours. I show that libertarian paternalism is grounded on a peculiar model of personal identity, and that the argument according to which nudges may improve one’s self-assessed well-being can be seriously questioned. I show that time inconsistencies do not necessarily reveal that the decision maker is irrational: they can also be the result of discounting over the degree of psychological connectedness between our successive selves rather than over time. Time inconsistency (...)
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  21. Can we detect consciousness in newborn infants?Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2024 - Neuron 112:1520-1523.
    Conscious experiences in infants remain poorly understood. In this NeuroView, Passos-Ferreira discusses recent evidence for and against consciousness in newborn babies. She argues that the weight of evidence from neuroimaging and behavioral studies supports the thesis that newborn infants are conscious.
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  22. In Defense of Empathy: A response to Prinz.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2015 - Abstracta 8 (2):31-51.
    A prevailing view in moral psychology holds that empathy and sympathy play key roles in morality and in prosocial and altruistic actions. Recently, Jesse Prinz (2011a, 2011b) has challenged this view and has argued that empathy does not play a foundational or causal role in morality. He suggests that in fact the presence of empathetic emotions is harmful to morality. Prinz rejects all theories that connect empathy and morality as a constitutional, epistemological, developmental, motivational, or normative necessity. I consider two (...)
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  23.  25
    How Do Proper Names Really Work?: A Metadescriptive Version of the Cluster Theory.Claudio Ferreira-Costa - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    For fifty years the philosophy of language has been experiencing a stalemating conflict between the old descriptive and internalist orthodoxy (advocated by philosophers such as Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Strawson, and Searle) and the new causal-referential and externalist orthodoxy (mainly endorsed by Kripke, Putnam, and Kaplan). Although the latter is dominant among specialists, the former retains a discomforting intuitive plausibility. The ultimate goal of this book is to overcome the stalemate by means of a non-naïve return to the old descriptivist-internalist orthodoxy. (...)
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  24.  84
    Dealing with the changeable and blurry edges of living things: a modified version of property-cluster kinds.Jon Umerez & María J. Ferreira Ruiz - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):493-518.
    Despite many attempts to achieve an adequate definition of living systems by means of a set of necessary and sufficient conditions, the opinion that such an enterprise is inexorably destined to fail is increasingly gaining support. However, we believe options do not just come down to either having faith in a future success or endorsing skepticism. In this paper, we aim to redirect the discussion of the problem by shifting the focus of attention from strict definitions towards a philosophical framework (...)
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  25.  40
    A Refined Interpretation of Intuitionistic Logic by Means of Atomic Polymorphism.José Espírito Santo & Gilda Ferreira - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (3):477-507.
    We study an alternative embedding of IPC into atomic system F whose translation of proofs is based, not on instantiation overflow, but instead on the admissibility of the elimination rules for disjunction and absurdity. As compared to the embedding based on instantiation overflow, the alternative embedding works equally well at the levels of provability and preservation of proof identity, but it produces shorter derivations and shorter simulations of reduction sequences. Lambda-terms are employed in the technical development so that the algorithmic (...)
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    Seeking predictions from a predictive framework.T. Florian Jaeger & Victor Ferreira - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):359 - 360.
    We welcome the proposal to use forward models to understand predictive processes in language processing. However, Pickering & Garrod (P&G) miss the opportunity to provide a strong framework for future work. Forward models need to be pursued in the context of learning. This naturally leads to questions about what prediction error these models aim to minimize.
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    Reconciling normative and behavioural economics.Guilhem Lecouteux - 2015 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 8 (2):117.
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  28. PELAS VEREDAS DA TRADUÇÃO: ENTRE MITOS E PALAVRAS.Alex Pereira De Araújo & Élida Paulina Ferreira - 2009 - I Congresso Nacional de Linguagens e Representações: Linguagens e Leituras 1:1-8.
    Este ensaio visa refletir sobre as questões de tradução levantadas por Jacques Derrida (1987), questões essas que não chegam a formalizar uma teoria da tradução, mas têm elas o ato de traduzir o original como veredas a ser percorridas por um sujeito endividado, ou seja, o tradutor. No dizer de Derrida, “a tarefa do tradutor indica a lei e a missão outorgada pelo outro a que o tradutor deve responder”. Neste sentido, entendemos aqui a tradução como um ato de diálogo, (...)
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  29. The modularity of sentence processing reconsidered.Fernanda Ferreira & James Nye - 2017 - In Roberto G. De Almeida & Lila R. Gleitman, On Concepts, Modules, and Language: Cognitive Science at its Core. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Free choice of alternatives.Anamaria Fălăuş - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (2):121-173.
    This paper contributes to the semantic typology of dependent indefinites, by accounting for the distribution and interpretation of the Romanian indefinite vreun. It is shown that its occurrences are restricted to negative polarity and a subset of modal contexts. More specifically, the study of its behavior in intensional environments reveals that vreun is systematically incompatible with non-epistemic operators, a restriction we capture by proposing a novel empirical generalization (‘the epistemic constraint’). To account for the observed pattern, we adopt the unitary (...)
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  31.  27
    Understanding cheating behaviours: proactive and reactive intentions.Tânia Marques, Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Jorge F. S. Gomes - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):415-429.
    The understanding of a wide array of practices related to fraud, bribery, corruption, and more widely, illicit practices have been capturing the attention of practitioners and management researchers worldwide. A substantial portion of the extant research has used university students to measure their actual or intended cheating behaviours and often studies have tested for variations across countries and cultures. We highlight some major concerns in this stream of inquiry and discuss both the definition and some inconclusive results in prior studies, (...)
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  32.  38
    The Temporal Prediction of Stress in Speech and Its Relation to Musical Beat Perception.Eleonora J. Beier & Fernanda Ferreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  33. Freud's Views on Mental Causation.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2022 - In Jon Mills, Psychoanalysis and the Mind-Body Problem. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 69-87.
    Freud held complex and fascinating views on the question of mental causation. In this chapter, I propose an interpretation of Freud's views on this question, bringing together ideas from psychoanalysis, philosophy of psychoanalysis, and philosophy of mind. Faced with the impasse of the problem of how the mind interacts with the body, Freud created a two-dimensional picture of mental causation, with one dimension involving mechanistic causes and the other involving intentional causes. My thesis is that Freud's best-developed picture of mental (...)
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  34.  20
    O conceito de natureza na filosofia de Ludwig Feuerbach.Eduardo Ferreira Chagas - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):51-68.
    This article tries to delineate the proposition that to Feuerbach nature is an autonomous and independent being that comes first in comparison to the spirit. To him, material nature, that exists in its qualitative differentness, independent from thinking, is the original source, the immediate, not deductible, uncreated fundament of all real existence, that exists and consists in itself, when put vis-a-vis the spirit. Feuerbach sets nature against the spirit, for it is his understanding that nature is not a pure other (...)
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    The Utopia of Unified Science: The Political Struggle of Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (2):319.
    Neurath’s approach to the problem of the unity of science is different from conceptions we may call traditional, to know, those that consider that what unites in one single concept the diverse sciences is the adoption of a method, or those that defend that this is carried through by certain characteristics which can be found in the body of knowledge considered scientific. Neurath’s stance also diverges from the standpoint that there is no unifying factor for science, that is, the view (...)
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    Formation Tracking of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Distance and Area Constraints.E. G. Hernandez-Martinez, E. D. Ferreira-Vazquez, G. Fernandez-Anaya & J. J. Flores-Godoy - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    This paper presents two formation tracking control strategies for a combined set of single and double integrator agents with an arbitrary undirected communication topology. The first approach is based on the design of distance-based potential functions with interagent collision avoidance using local information about the distance and orientation between agents and the desired trajectory. The second approach adds signed area constraints to the desired formation specification and a control strategy that uses distance as well as area terms is designed to (...)
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  37. Reactionary attitudes: Strawson, Twitter, and the Black Lives Matter Movement.Anastasia Chan, Marinus Ferreira & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - In Fernando Aguiar-Gonzalez & Antonio Gaitan, Experimental Methods in Moral Philosophy. Routledge.
    On 25 May 2020, Officer Derek Chauvin asphyxiated George Floyd in Minneapolis — a murder that was captured in a confronting nine-minute bystander video that set off a firestorm of activity on online social networks, in the streets of the United States, and even worldwide. These protests captured the collective rage, dissatisfaction, and resentment personally and vicariously experienced towards the widespread systematic injustice and mistreatment of African Americans by police and vigilantes. The scale of these protests, both online and in (...)
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    The Russell-Prawitz embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation.José Espírito Santo & Gilda Ferreira - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Given the recent interest in the fragment of system $\mathbf{F}$ where universal instantiation is restricted to atomic formulas, a fragment nowadays named system ${\mathbf{F}}_{\textbf{at}}$, we study directly in system $\mathbf{F}$ new conversions whose purpose is to enforce that restriction. We show some benefits of these new atomization conversions: they help achieving strict simulation of proof reduction by means of the Russell–Prawitz embedding of $\textbf{IPC}$ into system $\mathbf{F}$, they are not stronger than a certain ‘dinaturality’ conversion known to generate a consistent (...)
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    The geometry of Hrushovski constructions, I: The uncollapsed case.David M. Evans & Marco S. Ferreira - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):474-488.
    An intermediate stage in Hrushovski’s construction of flat strongly minimal structures in a relational language L produces ω-stable structures of rank ω. We analyze the pregeometries given by forking on the regular type of rank ω in these structures. We show that varying L can affect the isomorphism type of the pregeometry, but not its finite subpregeometries. A sequel will compare these to the pregeometries of the strongly minimal structures.
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    Digital Skills and Labour Market Resilience.Ana-Maria Zamfir & Anamaria Beatrice Aldea - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):188-195.
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    From Imitation to Reciprocation and Mutual Recognition.Claudia Passos-Ferreira & Philippe Rochat - 2008 - In Jaime A. Pineda, Mirror Neuron Systems: The Role of Mirroring Processes in Social Cognition. Springer Science. pp. 191-212.
    Imitation and mirroring processes are necessary but not sufficient conditions for children to develop human sociality. Human sociality entails more than the equivalence and connectedness of perceptual experiences. It corresponds to the sense of a shared world made of shared values. It originates from complex ‘open’ systems of reciprocation and negotiation, not just imitation and mirroring processes that are by definition ‘closed’ systems. From this premise, we argue that if imitation and mirror processes are important foundations for sociality, human inter-subjectivity (...)
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    Comparison of Heads of Research Ethics Committees with Data Protection Officers on Personal Data Protection in Research: A Mixed-Methods Study with Structured Interviews.Karlo Ložnjak, Anamaria Malešević, Marin Čargo, Anamarija Mladinić, Zvonimir Koporc & Livia Puljak - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):577-598.
    Personal data protection is an ethical issue. In this study we analyzed how research ethics committees (RECs) and data protection officers (DPOs) handle personal data protection issues in research protocols. We conducted a mixed-methods study. We included heads (or delegated representatives) of RECs and DPOs from universities and public research institutes in Croatia. The participants provided information about data protection issues in research and their mutual collaboration on those issues through structured interviews that contained closed and open-ended questions. Qualitative description (...)
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    The geometry of Hrushovski constructions, II. The strongly minimal case.David M. Evans & Marco S. Ferreira - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):337-349.
    We investigate the isomorphism types of combinatorial geometries arising from Hrushovski's flat strongly minimal structures and answer some questions from Hrushovski's original paper.
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    A defense of an inferentialist historiography of philosophy: commitments, incompatibilities, and entitlements.Gabriel Ferreira - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240060.
    Resumo: Mesmo que neguemos qualquer tipo de excepcionalismo à filosofia como empreendimento intelectual (ver Williamson, 2007), parece fácil conceder que, pelo menos no que diz respeito às relações com sua própria história, a filosofia é diferente de outros campos do conhecimento (ver Williamson, 2018). No entanto, questões relacionadas ao escopo, papel e validade da história da filosofia para a atividade filosófica são tão antigas quanto a própria filosofia, além de se tornarem relevantes no chamado parting of ways entre as tendências (...)
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    Natureza e Negação da Vontade Livre Em Feuerbach.Eduardo Ferreira Chagas - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):113-134.
    O presente artigo pretende destacar a tese de que a natureza, conforme Feuerbach, é um existente autônomo e independente e possui primazia ante o espírito. Sob essa condição, é possível conceber a natureza como a garantia da exterioridade mesma, como que um existente fora de nós, que nada sabe de si e é em si e por si mesmo; por conseguinte, ela não deve ser vista como aquilo que ela não é, isto é, nem como divina, nem como humana. A (...)
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    Manfredo Oliveira e a Filosofia.Evaldo Silva Pereira Sampaio & Ivânio Lopes de Azevedo Azevedo Júnior - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):215-231.
    Trata-se de uma entrevista concedida pelo Prof. Emérito da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Manfredo Oliveira, aos professores Evaldo Sampaio e Ivânio Azevedo Jr. (ambos do PPGFilos—UFC). Procura-se aqui entender a trajetória intelectual de Manfredo Oliveira e como esta se articula com momentos decisivos da consolidação dos estudos de Filosofia no Ceará - e no Brasil. A entrevista ocorreu em maio de 2023.
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  47.  25
    The Nascent State.Filipe Ferreira - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):43.
    I suggest here ecologies of the nascent state, posing the following general questions: what is this state and what is it to live, to fabricate modes of life, in its immanence? I believe populating this state is, by right, ‘ecological’, even if what I offer here is only a sketch or glimpse, playful as it is, of the possibility of such modes of life, of dwelling. As I develop it here, the nascent is in flight of being. It is populated (...)
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    Biometric and Emotion Identification: An ECG Compression Based Method.Susana Brás, Jacqueline H. T. Ferreira, Sandra C. Soares & Armando J. Pinho - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Influence of the Evolutionary Past on the Mind: An Analysis of the Preference for Landscapes in the Human Species.Joelson M. B. Moura, Washington S. Ferreira Júnior, Taline C. Silva & Ulysses P. Albuquerque - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The itinerary of children in search of healthcare: A scoping review and proposal of an explanatory model.Joseir Saturnino Cristino, Altair Seabra de Farias, Lilian Dornelles Santana de Melo, Vinícius Azevedo Machado, Jacqueline Sachett & Wuelton Monteiro - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12678.
    This scoping review mapped the academic literature focused on the therapeutic itinerary of children who seek care in health services and proposed an explanatory model to expand the concept and classification of these health itineraries. A total of 789 articles were reviewed, of which 28 were eligible for inclusion. In these 28 it was possible to observe that the child's therapeutic itinerary is more than a physical path, but also encompasses all choices within a specific social and cultural environment in (...)
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