Results for 'Andre Bouwman'

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  1.  43
    Boekbesprekingen.Archibald L. H. M. van Wieringen, W. G. Tillmans, Gijs Bouwman, Th C. de Kruijf, Rolf C. A. Deen, F. De Meyer, Martin Parmentier, Joh G. Hahn, Manin Parmentier, Martien Parmentier, Marc Schneiders, Th Bell, J. B. M. Wissink, J. Wissink, J. Y. H. A. Jacobs, Hans Goddijn, A. H. C. van Eijk, I. Verhack, G. H. T. Blans, André Cloots, Eduard Kimman & J. Kerkhofs - 1989 - Bijdragen 50 (4):443-472.
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    Legatum Stolpianum: history and archives of the Leiden prize competitions in natural theology and moral philosophy, 1754-2004.James Jakob Fehr & A. Th Bouwman (eds.) - 2004 - Leiden: Leiden University Library.
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    Changing emotional visual and auditory memories: are modality-matched dual-tasks more effective?Gaëtan Mertens, Vera Bouwman, Jonas Fonn Asmervik & Iris M. Engelhard - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):656-669.
    Clinical and laboratory studies have demonstrated that executing a demanding dual-task while recollecting emotional memories weakens the emotional intensity and vividness of these memories. While t...
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    Boekbesprekingen.L. Dequeker, Erik Eynikel, Antoon Schoors, P. C. Beentjes, F. De Meyer, L. Bakker, W. G. Tillmans, Marc Schneiders, Manien Parmentier, H. Hoet, Martin Parmentier, A. van de Pavert, Th Bell, Bernard Höfte, J. -J. Suurmond, Jos E. Vercruysse, A. B. Timmerman, A. H. C. van Eijk, A. van der Helm, W. Putman, Kitty Bouwman, Jeroen Vis & Hans Goddijn - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (4):425-460.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. -M. Tison, P. C. Beentjes, Tamis Wever, W. Beuken, Jan C. M. Engelen, P. Fransen, P. Ahsmann, G. Bouwman, J. Wissink, W. G. Tillmans, H. Rikhof, F. J. Verstraelen, C. G. M. 'T. Mannetje, M. De Wachter, R. G. W. Huysmans, A. H. Eysink, H. Wegman, H. P. M. Goddijn, Theo Bell, J. Y. H. Jacobs, J. Plantinga, Jan W. Besemer, M. V. D. Berk, H. W. M. van Grol, H. V. Grol, M. Heijndrikx, Ben Vedder, Henk van Luijk & H. Stroeken - 1979 - Bijdragen 40 (1):76-112.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, J. Luyten, Bart J. Koet, Theo de Kruijf, Martin Parmentier, H. J. Adriaanse, Nico Schreurs, A. H. C. van Eijk, Kitty Bouwman, Marcel Sarot, Lourens Minnema, Karel Steenbrink & R. G. W. Huysmans - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (3):330-355.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. van Ruiten, J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, Marc Vervenne, Frans Brasseur, Bart J. Koet, Martin Parmentier, Kitty Bouwman, G. Rouwhorst, Paul Begheyn, P. van Veldhuijsen, Pim Valkenberg, Guido Vanheeswijck & A. Braeckman - 1993 - Bijdragen 54 (2):199-227.
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    Occasions of identity: a study in the metaphysics of persistence, change, and sameness.André Gallois - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Occasions of Identity is an exploration of timeless philosophical issues about persistence, change, time, and sameness. Andre Gallois offers a critical survey of various rival views about the nature of identity and change, and puts forward his own original theory. He supports the idea of occasional identities, arguing that it is coherent and helpful to suppose that things can be identical at one time but distinct at another. Gallois defends this view, demonstrating how it can solve puzzles about persistence (...)
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  9.  27
    The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy: Its Origin, Development, and Significance.André Laks - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    When we talk about Presocratic philosophy, we are speaking about the origins of Greek philosophy and Western rationality itself. But what exactly does it mean to talk about “Presocratic philosophy” in the first place? How did early Greek thinkers come to be considered collectively as Presocratic philosophers? In this brief book, André Laks provides a history of the influential idea of Presocratic philosophy, tracing its historical and philosophical significance and consequences, from its ancient antecedents to its full crystallization in the (...)
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    Manifestoes of surrealism.André Breton - 1969 - Ann Arbor,: University of Michigan Press.
    Andre Breton discusses the meaning, aims, and political position of the Surrealist movement.
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    André Mercier, physicien et métaphysicien.André Mercier, Maja Svilar & A. Held - 1983 - Berne: Institut des sciences exactes de l'Université de Berne. Edited by Maja Svilar & A. Held.
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    Plato's Second Republic: An Essay on the Laws.André Laks - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    An argument for why Plato’s Laws can be considered his most important political dialogue In Plato's Second Republic, André Laks argues that the Laws, Plato’s last and longest dialogue, is also his most important political work, surpassing the Republic in historical relevance. Laks offers a thorough reappraisal of this less renowned text, and examines how it provides a critical foundation for the principles of lawmaking. In doing so, he makes clear the tremendous impact the Laws had not only on political (...)
  13. The ontology of the photographic image.André Bazin - 2010 - In Marc Furstenau (ed.), The film theory reader: debates and arguments. New York: Routledge.
  14.  34
    The Immaterial: Knowledge, Value and Capital.André Gorz - 2010 - Seagull Books.
    In _The Immaterial_,_ _French social philosopher André Gorz argues, in his finely-tuned and polemical style, that the economic boom that accelerated in the 1990s and crashed so spectacularly in 2008 was based largely on an immaterial consumption of symbols and ideas, as capitalism tried to overcome the crisis of the formally industrial regime by throwing itself into a new, so-called knowledge economy. In this, the last full-length theoretical work Gorz completed before his death, he argues instead for the creation of (...)
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  15. The World Without, the Mind Within: An Essay on First-Person Authority.André Gallois - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this challenging study, André Gallois proposes and defends a thesis about the character of our knowledge of our own intentional states. Taking up issues at the centre of attention in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind and epistemology, he examines accounts of self-knowledge by such philosophers as Donald Davidson, Tyler Burge and Crispin Wright, and advances his own view that, without relying on observation, we are able justifiably to attribute to ourselves propositional attitudes, such as belief, that we consciously hold. (...)
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  16. Was Hume An Atheist?Shane Andre - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):141-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Was Hume An Atheist? Shane Andre Hume's philosophy of religion, as expressed in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, the Natural History of Religion, and sections 10 and 11 ofthe Enquiry ConcerningHuman Understanding,1 invites a number of diverse interpretations. At one extreme are those who see Hume as an "atheist"2 or "anti-theist."3 At the other extreme are those who see Hume as some kind of theist, though not a (...)
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  17. [Kēpoi]: de la religion à la philosophie: mélanges offerts à André Motte.André Motte, Edouard Delruelle & Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (eds.) - 2001 - Liège: Centre international d'étude de la religion grecque antique.
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    Éthique et justice climatique : entre motivations morales et amorales.Pierre André & Michel Bourban - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (2-3):4-27.
    Pierre André,Michel Bourban | : Dans un contexte d’urgence, les philosophes ne peuvent plus se contenter d’élaborer des théories idéales de la justice climatique fondées sur des motivations purement morales. Il est désormais nécessaire d’envisager des approches non idéales. Nous proposons ici de prendre au sérieux le problème de la motivation à l’action et nous mettons en avant certains motifs prudentiels pour lutter contre le changement climatique, en vue non pas de remplacer, mais de renforcer les motivations morales existantes, mais (...)
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    Measuring the implementation of codes of conduct. An assessment method based on a process approach of the responsible organisation.André Nijhof, Stephan Cludts, Olaf Fisscher & Albertus Laan - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (1-2):65 - 78.
    More and more organisations formulate a code of conduct in order to stimulate responsible behaviour among their members. Much time and energy is usually spent fixing the content of the code but many organisations get stuck in the challenge of implementing and maintaining the code. The code then turns into nothing else than the notorious "paper in the drawer", without achieving its aims. The challenge of implementation is to utilize the dynamics which have emerged from the formulation of the code. (...)
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  20.  19
    André Lalande par lui-même.André Lalande - 1967 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding.Kévin André, Sylvain Bureau, Arthur Gautier & Olivier Rubel - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):313-332.
    Increasingly, frontiers between business and philanthropy seem to be blurred. Reward-Based Crowdfunding platforms contribute to this blurring of lines since they propose funders to support both for-profit and philanthropic projects. Our empirical paper explores the case of Ulule, the leading crowdfunding platform in Europe. Our results, based on a statistical analysis of more than 3000 projects, show that crowdfunding platforms foster specific kinds of relationships relying on reciprocal giving, beyond the usual opposition between altruistic and selfish motivations. We use the (...)
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  22. (1 other version)The World Without, the Mind Within: An Essay on First-Person Authority.André Gallois - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):198-199.
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  23. Connaissance de l'individu par les tests.André Rey - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):482-482.
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    PADOUX, André, Vac, the Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu TantrasPADOUX, André, Vac, the Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras.André Couture - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1):168-169.
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    The Heart of the Yogini: The Yoginihrdaya, a Sanskrit Tantric Treatise.Andre Padoux (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    André Padoux offers the first English translation of the Yoginihrdaya, a seminal Hindu tantric text dating back to the 10th or 11th century CE.
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    Architectonique disjonctive, automates systémiques et idéalité transcendantale dans l'œuvre de G.W. Leibniz: nombreux textes inédits.André Robinet - 1986 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    nombreux textes inédits André Robinet. 2. LE SECOND MEMBRE DE LA DISJONCTION ARCHITECTONIQUE (D2): LES AUTOMATES SYSTÉMIQUES ( 1686-1716) Le discours leibnizien dans (v>4) emprunte la voie d'une communication qui ...
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  27.  9
    Thinking Biblically: Exegetical and Hermeneutical Studies.André LaCocque & Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Unparalled in its poetry, richness, and religious and historical significance, the Hebrew Bible has been the site and center of countless commentaries, perhaps none as unique as Thinking Biblically. This remarkable collaboration sets the words of a distinguished biblical scholar, André LaCocque, and those of a leading philosopher, Paul Ricoeur, in dialogue around six crucial passages from the Old Testament: the story of Adam and Eve; the commandment "thou shalt not kill"; the valley of dry bones passage from Ezekiel; Psalm (...)
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  28. Knowability as potential knowledge.André Fuhrmann - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7):1627-1648.
    The thesis that every truth is knowable is usually glossed by decomposing knowability into possibility and knowledge. Under elementary assumptions about possibility and knowledge, considered as modal operators, the thesis collapses the distinction between truth and knowledge (as shown by the so-called Fitch-argument). We show that there is a more plausible interpretation of knowability—one that does not decompose the notion in the usual way—to which the Fitch-argument does not apply. We call this the potential knowledge-interpretation of knowability. We compare our (...)
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    Computability and Randomness.André Nies - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The interplay between computability and randomness has been an active area of research in recent years, reflected by ample funding in the USA, numerous workshops, and publications on the subject. The complexity and the randomness aspect of a set of natural numbers are closely related. Traditionally, computability theory is concerned with the complexity aspect. However, computability theoretic tools can also be used to introduce mathematical counterparts for the intuitive notion of randomness of a set. Recent research shows that, conversely, concepts (...)
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  30. O ceticismo filosófico.André Verdan & Jaimir Conte - 1998 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: Editora da UFSC.
    Tradução para o português do livro "Le Scepticisme Philosophique", Paris: Bordas, 1972, de André Verdan. Título da edição brasileira: O Ceticismo Filosófico. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 1998, 135 páginas. ISBN: 8532801390 / ISBN-13: 9788532801395.
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    Cosmotechnical Thought Between Substantivism and the Empirical Turn.Andrés Vaccari - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1279-1284.
    In this article I respond to Yuk Hui by revisiting the crossroads in the philosophy of technology as represented by the philosophies of Stiegler and Ihde. Whereas Hui proposes the concept of cosmotechnics as an integrating perspective, I conceive of the crossroads in other terms, namely from the perspective of substantivism. I characterize our present situation, what a philosophy of technology should address and then examine Hui’s notion of cosmotechnics from this alternative perspective. My main concern is to show future (...)
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  32. Teleology.André Ariew - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Teleology in biology is making headline news in the United States. Conservative Christians are utilizing a teleological argument for the existence of a supremely intelligent designer to justify legislation calling for the teaching of "intelligent design" (ID) in public schools. Teleological arguments of one form or another have been around since Antiquity. The contemporary argument from intelligent design varies little from William Paley's argument written in 1802. Both argue that nature exhibits too much complexity to be explained by 'mindless' natural (...)
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    La raison au service de la pratique: hommage à André Tosel.André Tosel, Jean-Numa Ducange, Chantal Jaquet & Mélanie Plouviez (eds.) - 2019 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    André Tosel, décédé en mars 2017, était un philosophe engagé, attaché tout au long de son existence à faire vivre un marxisme critique puisant notamment dans le meilleur de la tradition italienne de ce courant de pensée ; il fut l'un des rares français à introduire et discuter les oeuvres majeures d'A. Labriola et surtout d'A. Gramsci, ainsi par ailleurs que celles de Vico dont il fut un fin connaisseur. Il consacra sa thèse de doctorat d'état aux rapports entre religion, (...)
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    France Giroux et André Mineau (dir.), Les populismes d’hier à aujourd’hui. Les ambiguïtés d’une parole attribuée au peuple, Montréal, Éditions JPD, 2021, 150 pages. [REVIEW]André Rocque - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):313-318.
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  35. Antirealist explanations of the success of science.Andre Kukla - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):305.
    Scientific realists have argued that the truth(likeness) of our theories provides the only explanation for the success of science. I consider alternative explanations proposed by antirealists. I endorse Leplin's contention that neither van Fraassen's Darwinist explanation nor Laudan's methodological explanation provides the sort of explanatory alternative which is called for in this debate. Fine's suggestion--that the empirical adequacy of our theories already explains their success--is more promising for antirealists. Leplin claims that this putative explanation collapses into realism on one reading (...)
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    Arturo Andrés Roig: Metodología y Filosofía del Pensamiento latinoamericano.Andrés C. G. Pérez Javaloyes - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):120-123.
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    Lettre de M. André cresson.André Cresson - 1945 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 50 (1/2):5 - 7.
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  38. Van Inwagen on free will and determinism.André Gallois - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 32 (July):99-105.
  39.  62
    Some Paradoxes of Counterprivacy.André Gombay - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):191 - 210.
    For many years G. E. Moore asked himself what was wrong with sentences like ‘I went to the pictures last Tuesday, but I don't believe that I did’, or ‘I believe that he has gone out, but he has not’. He discussed the problem in 1912 in his Ethics , and was still discussing it in 1944 in a paper to the Moral Sciences Club at Cambridge—an event we know about from a letter of Wittgenstein that I shall quote in (...)
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    Chains of end elementary extensions of models of set theory.Andres Villaveces - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1116-1136.
    Large cardinals arising from the existence of arbitrarily long end elementary extension chains over models of set theory are studied here. In particular, we show that the large cardinals obtained in this fashion (`unfoldable cardinals') lie in the boundary of the propositions consistent with `V = L' and the existence of 0 ♯ . We also provide an `embedding characterisation' of the unfoldable cardinals and study their preservation and destruction by various forcing constructions.
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    XIV*—What You Don't Know Doesn't Hurt You.André Gombay - 1979 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 79 (1):239-250.
    André Gombay; XIV*—What You Don't Know Doesn't Hurt You, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 79, Issue 1, 1 June 1979, Pages 239–250, https://doi.or.
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  42.  18
    Repenser le droit: hommage à André-Jean Arnaud.André Jean Arnaud, Wanda Capeller, Jacques Commaille & Laure Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, une marque de lextenso.
    Rendre hommage à un auteur, ce n'est pas seulement célébrer ce qu'il fut mais c'est aussi alerter sur ce que son oeuvre apporte au présent et à l'avenir de la connaissance. C'est bien le sens donné à cet hommage à André-Jean Arnaud. Repenser le droit, c'était pou r cet auteur érudit : repenser les lieux, les conditions et les façons de l'étudier en dépassant les frontières géographiques en même temps que les frontières disciplinaires. En montrant en quoi André-Jean Arnaud fut, (...)
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    Médiation et coercition: pour une lecture des lois de Platon.André Laks - 2005 - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du septentrion.
    Les Lois de Platon constituent une œuvre majeure dans l'histoire de la pensée politique.
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    Système et existence dans l'oeuvre de Malebranche.André Robinet - 1965 - Vrin.
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    Algumas obras de André de Resende.André de Resende - 2000 - Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Evora. Edited by Walter de Sousa Medeiros & Manuel Cadafaz de Matos.
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  46. The evolution of the language of cinema.André Bazin - 2010 - In Marc Furstenau (ed.), The film theory reader: debates and arguments. New York: Routledge.
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    Sources of the remarks in Wittgenstein's zettel.André Maury - 1981 - Philosophical Investigations 4 (1):57-58.
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    Deutsche naturanschauung als deutung des lebendigen.Hans André, Edgar Dacqué & Armin Müller - 1935 - München und Berlin,: Verlag von R. Oldenbourg. Edited by Armin Müller & Edgar Dacquné.
  49.  21
    Liminaire : Quelques pistes de réflexion concernant l’innovation religieuse.André Couture & Dominic LaRochelle - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):377-391.
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    Spontaneous Linguistic Understanding: a few Introductory Remarks.André Leclerc - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (34):713-737.
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