Results for 'Andre Exter'

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  1. Health care access in the Netherlands: A true story.Andre den Exter - 2014 - In Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross (eds.), The right to health at the public/private divide: a global comparative study. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Human rights and biomedicine.André den Exter (ed.) - 2010 - Portland: Maklu.
    This book contains lectures from the International Conference on Human Rights and Biomedicine, held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, December 10-12, 2008. The conference was organized by the Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Erasmus Observatory on Health Law. Eminent scholars from a variety of disciplines - medicine, law, ethics, and philosophy - discuss the meaning of underlying principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (1997) and the fundamental rights in healthcare, contemporary dilemmas in (...)
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  3. Introduction: The biomedicine convention.André den Exter - 2010 - In André den Exter (ed.), Human rights and biomedicine. Portland: Maklu.
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    Access to Health Care in the Netherlands: The Influence of Treaty Law.Andre Exter - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):698-710.
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    (1 other version)International health law and ethics: basic documents.André den Exter (ed.) - 2011 - Portland, Or.: Maklu ;.
    This book contains a collection of treaty documents and soft law on health care rights and health ethics which are used in health law training programs. Regional documents and explanatory reports on health care rights, which are derived from international human rights law, provide a way of "unwrapping" government obligations in health care, making rights more specific, accessible, and (judicially) accountable. In addition, soft law declarations and medical ethics contribute to understanding the moral meaning of human rights in health care. (...)
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    Access to Health Care in the Netherlands: The Influence of (European) Treaty Law.André den Exter - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):698-710.
    In the Netherlands, access to healthcare has been guaranteed by social health insurance legislation. But since the introduction of the Health Insurance Act in the 1960s, the health insurance system has been in a state of flux. Numerous reforms have changed the system gradually, of which the latest is the introduction of a competitive health insurance scheme for the entire population.Cutting across the various reforms has, however, been the goal of access to healthcare services as defined by international treaty law, (...)
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    The Right to Healthcare under European Law.André den Exter - 2017 - Diametros 51:173-195.
    Too often, the right to healthcare has been considered an illusory right that is not even a legal right, but merely an aspirational norm that cannot be adjudicated before the court. In modern human rights law, considering individual and social rights as interdependent and indivisible, such an approach is untenable. Both legal doctrine and recent case law from domestic and international courts have elaborated and confirmed the specific obligations under the right to healthcare, countering the general complaint of “shrouded vagueness”. (...)
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  8. pt. 2. Equitable access to health care. Equality and the right to health care.Martin Biujsen & André den Exter - 2010 - In André den Exter (ed.), Human rights and biomedicine. Portland: Maklu.
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    Philosophy in France, 1934-1935.André Lalande - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45 (1):1-25.
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    Remarks on the idea of authentic thinking in the logical investigations.Andre Schuwer - 1971 - Research in Phenomenology 1 (1):17-32.
  11. (3 other versions)Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:101-102.
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  12. Les trois "protreptiques" de Platon.André Jean Festugière - 1973 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Philosophy in France in 1911.André Lalande - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (3):279-302.
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  14. Doctrines et concepts 1937-1987: rétrospective et prospective: cinquante ans de philosophie de langue française.André Robinet (ed.) - 1988 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Pregação e cavalaria no processo de expansão da cristandade latina: o papel da Ordem da Milícia de Ramon Llull.André Luis Pereira Miatello - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1151.
    Este artigo reexamina o posto de Ramon Llull na história da pregação da Baixa Idade Média ocidental, tendo em vista as novas abordagens sobre o tema da pregação e sua relação com o espaço do político. Discute-se também o projeto luliano de fundação de uma Ordem militar unificada cuja finalidade era dar suporte à pregação e conversão do infiel consoante a função eclesial da cavalaria cristã. O estudo da concepção luliana de conversão do muçulmano exige uma posição metodológica cuidadosa, uma (...)
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    Le désir d'un bonheur inconnu: essai.André Valland - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Tous les philosophes reconnaissent que tous les hommes aspirent au bonheur mais ils se divisent en deux groupes. Les premiers affirment le caractère illusoire ou accessoire du bonheur au regard de fins supérieures. Pour Pascal, l'homme est impuissant à atteindre le bonheur ; sa quête est la marque et la trace d'un vide que seul Dieu peut remplir. Selon Kant, le bonheur est un concept indéterminé et purement empirique, idéal de l'imagination ; s'il en fait son but, l'individu ne répond (...)
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  17. Hume.André Vergez - 1969 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  18. Circularity, Truth, and the Liar Paradox.Andre Chapuis - 1993 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This dissertation is a study of some recent theories of truth. The theories fall into three groups: The Revision Theories, the context-sensitive theories, and the "Chrysippian theories". ;The "Chrysippian theories" are based on the intuition that pathologicalities arising from the concept of truth can be recognized and acknowledged with the concept of truth itself. Thus, from the pathologicality of the Liar, for example, we can conclude that the Liar is not true. This leads to immediate difficulties since the Liar claims (...)
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  19. Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie?André Dartigues - 1972 - [Toulouse]: Privat.
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    (1 other version)Des paramnésies.André Lalande - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 36:485 - 497.
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    Philosophy in France (1907).Andre Lalande - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17 (3):291-315.
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  22. Nineveh and the Old Testament.André Parrot - 1955
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    Bulletin du Judaïsme ancien (II).André Paul - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):129-160.
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    From Standard Logic to Logic Programming: Introducing a Logic Based Approach to Artificial Intelligence.André Thayse & Paul Gochet - 1988
    Logic; Predicate calculus; Axiomatic systems; Knowledge representation and reasoning; Logic and revisable reasoning; Formal grammars and logic programming; Prolog and logic programming.
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    Precariousness and Philosophical Critique: Towards an Open-Field Combat with Harman’s OOO.André Arnaut - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):312-323.
    Philosophical critiques are prone to relapse into a sort of entrenchment in which the basic elements of a philosophy are kept from exposure, so that instead of advancing, philosophy easily becomes compartmentalized into specific trends. This article thus seeks the conditions of a non-entrenched, open-field philosophical critique in general and, in particular, of an open-field critique of Harman’s OOO (object-oriented ontology). For that purpose, the idea of precariousness is introduced, which is then confronted with some ideas concerning philosophical critique and (...)
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    Coarse groups, and the isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.André Nies, Philipp Schlicht & Katrin Tent - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    Let S∞ denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup G of S∞ is called oligomorphic if for each n, its natural action on n-tuples of natural numbers has onl...
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    A formulação do problema da dedução transcendental em Opus Postumum: é possível identificar, neste, elementos de uma dedução próxima àquela de 1781?André Renato Oliveira - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):50-60.
    Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar elementos argumentativos apresentados por Kant em seu trabalho final: Opus Postumum, que comprovaria a tentativa de Kant em desenvolver ali uma dedução, contudo, demonstraremos que esta dedução em desenvolvimento no Opus articula elementos que a aproximaria significativamente da dedução transcendental de 1781. Com isto, temos a comprovação que no Opus há uma reavaliação da parte subjetiva da dedução transcendental exposta na primeira edição da Crítica, o que incide numa retomada desta investigação subjetiva por Kant, (...)
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    Individus ou structures : existe-t-il une éthique marxiste?André Paradis - 1981 - Philosophiques 8 (2):287-302.
    On peut distinguer, dans l'histoire du marxisme contemporain, deux tendances qui n'ont cessé de se confronter sous des formes plus ou moins radicales et qui tiennent à deux lectures apparemment inconciliables de l'oeuvre de Marx. La première, selon laquelle le marxisme se résorbe essentiellement en une théorie scientifique , en une sociologie . Cette tendance trouve son expression culminante dans l'althussérisme, dans le primat des relations constitutives de la structure sociale sur les individus-sujets. La seconde, qui veut que le marxisme (...)
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  29. Connaissance de l'individu par les tests.André Rey - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):482-482.
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    Aspecte néoplatoniciens de la doctrine de Saint Thomas d’Aquin.André Reix - 1978 - International Studies in Philosophy 10:228-228.
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    Expression ou expressivité selon « Ethica 77 ».André Robinet - 1978 - Revue de Synthèse 99 (89-91):223-270.
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  32. Russell´s Early Type Theory and the Paradox of Propositions.André Fuhrmann - 2001 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 5 (1-2):19–42.
    The paradox of propositions, presented in Appendix B of Russell's The Principles of Mathematics (1903), is usually taken as Russell's principal motive, at the time, for moving from a simple to a ramified theory of types. I argue that this view is mistaken. A closer study of Russell's correspondence with Frege reveals that Russell carne to adopt a very different resolution of the paradox, calling into question not the simplicity of his early type theory but the simplicity of his early (...)
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    Memory And The True Self: When Moral Knowledge Can And Cannot Be Forgotten.André Bilbrough - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (2):274-302.
    Why is it that forgetting moral knowledge, unlike other paradigmatic examples of knowledge, seems so deeply absurd? Previous authors have given accounts whereby moral forgetting in itself either is uniformly absurd and impossible (Gilbert Ryle, Adam Bugeja) or is possible and only the speech act is absurd (Sarah McGrath). Considering findings in moral psychology and the experimental philosophy of personal identity, I argue that the knowledge of some moral truths—especially those that are emotional, widely held, subjectively important, and contribute to (...)
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    Dialectic and Its Place in the Development of Medieval LogicEleonore Stump.André Goddu - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):760-761.
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    Commentary: Lessons from the Analysis of Non-human Primates for Understanding Human Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases.Andre Menache & Anne Beuter - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Inhalt.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 5-8.
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  37. Système et existence dans l'œuvre de Malebranche.André Robinet - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (3):374-375.
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  38. (2 other versions)Les théories de l'induction et de l'expérimentation.André Lalande - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 108:463-465.
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    Psychologie Religieuse Positive: Le problème des paramètres.Godin S. J. Par André - 1964 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 8 (1):52-63.
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    Être est aimer.André Cantin - 2009 - Paris: Cerf.
    1. Partir en philosophie -- 2. La condition humaine.
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  41. Empresa humana y evolución.Andrés María del Carpio - 1968 - Madrid,: Ediciones Iberoamericanas.
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    Science et Philosophie chez Alfred North Whitehead.André-Louis Leroy - 1961 - Revue de Synthèse 82 (22-24):43-66.
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    Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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    Heidegger et la liberté: le Dasein face à la technique.Jean-Edouard André - 2005 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Il apparaîtra, en des termes explicites, que nous cherchons, prioritairement, à nous distinguer de cette lecture à livre ouvert, immédiate, qui caractérise une certaine école du commentaire de l'œuvre, qui suppose que la vérité du ...
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  45. Locke Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre Avec Un Exposé de Sa Philosophie.André Louis Leroy & John Locke - 1964 - Presses Universitaires de France.
  46. Postscriptum.André Marc - 1962 - Archives de Philosophie 25 (1).
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  47. The Crisis of Democracy in France.André Philip & Marianne L. Simmel - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    [Omnibus Review].Andre Scedrov - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):561-561.
  49. L'écologie, ce matérialisme historique.André Gorz, J. O'connor, D. Duclos, T. Benton & J. Bidet - 1992 - Actuel Marx 12:7-112.
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  50. La genèse de la notion du droit dans l''me individuelle.André Joussain - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 11:336.
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