Results for 'André Tubeuf'

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  1.  7
    Platon, de plain-pied.André Tubeuf - 2020 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Relirais-je tout Platon, pour me permettre d'en parler? Je n'ai plus guère les yeux, ni la patience, ni peut-être le temps. J'ajoute que je n'en éprouve pas la nécessité. Je n'ai jamais prétendu tout savoir de Platon, je n'ai pas tout lu, les Lois, le Parménide aussi, me sont tombés des mains. Mais ce que j'ai lu je l'ai bien lu, comme on fait forcément quand on doit expliquer à d'autres, dont l'attention critique est impitoyable, et qu'on ne saurait payer (...)
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    Althusser et nous: vingt conversations avec Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Olivier Bloch, Régis Debray, Yves Duroux, Maurice Godelier, Dominique Lecourt, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Pierre Macherey, Jacques-Alain Miller, Jean-Claude Milner, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, François Regnault, Philippe Sollers, Emmanuel Terray, André Tosel, André Tubeuf, Yves Vargas.Aliocha Wald Lasowski - 2016 - Paris: PUF. Edited by Alain Badiou.
    Philosophe et penseur du politique, intellectuel marxiste et militant communiste, enseignant, directeur de collection... : à travers le rayonnement de son oeuvre et de sa personne, Louis Althusser a renouvelé la théorie politique et la philosophie de l'histoire, de Machiavel à Marx. Parmi ses contemporains, Michel Foucault exhorte : " Ouvrez les livres d'Althusser! ", Jacques Derrida évoque " la force rayonnante et provocante de sa pensée ", Gilles Deleuze salue l'" Althusser's Band ", et pour Roland Barthes, " le (...)
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    Der Intellektuelle: Rolle, Funktion und Paradoxie: Festschrift für Michael Fischer zum 65. Geburtstag.Michael W. Fischer, Ilse Fischer & Ingeborg Schrems (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese Festschrift für Michael Fischer ist ein Patchwork und eine wunderbare Mischung aus Wissenschaft, Persönlichem, Freundschaft und Genuss. Sie setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen und vielseitigen Texten, Zeichnungen und Bildern zusammen, von Menschen, die ihn begleitet haben, manche viele Jahre, manche nur eine kurze, aber entscheidende Zeit. Studentinnen und Studenten, die von ihm gelernt haben, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die mit ihm Ideen entwickelt, Projekte initiiert und geforscht haben, Freunden aus Kunst und Kultur, Theater, Oper und den Bühnen des Lebens, nämlich: Eric (...)
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    (1 other version)Editorial: A sensemaking perspective on corporate social responsibility: Introduction to the special issue.André Nijhof & Ronald Jeurissen - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):316–322.
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  5. Verhandlungen.André Mercier & M. A. Kervaire (eds.) - 1956 - Basel,: Birkhäuser.
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    The Physics of William of Ockham.André Goddu - 1984 - Brill Archive.
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    Den kinematografischen Akteuren folgen.André Wendler - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (2):167-190.
    Die gegenwärtige digitale visuelle Kultur hat die Filmwissenschaft in den letzten Jahren mit einer Reihe tiefgreifender Fragen konfrontiert. Das sind Fragen nach einer neuen Ontologie bewegter Bilder, dem Zuschnitt des globalen Mediensystems oder der Genealogie digitaler Medien. Der Beitrag schlägt vor, einige der in diesen Debatten aufgeworfenen Fragen mit Hilfe der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie (ANT) zu lösen.
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    Le christianisme de tolstoï.André Cresson - 1901 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 9 (6):749 - 773.
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    Philosophy in France, 1934-1935.André Lalande - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45 (1):1-25.
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    Philosophy in France in 1911.André Lalande - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (3):279-302.
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  11. Doctrines et concepts 1937-1987: rétrospective et prospective: cinquante ans de philosophie de langue française.André Robinet (ed.) - 1988 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Remarks on the idea of authentic thinking in the logical investigations.Andre Schuwer - 1971 - Research in Phenomenology 1 (1):17-32.
  13. (3 other versions)Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:101-102.
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    Les SociÉtÉS Industrielles et L’Économique.André Straus, Serge Chassagne, Jean-Marcel Goger, Jean-Yves Grenier, Jacques Marseille, Henry Rousso & Marie-Noëlle Bourguet - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (1):119-147.
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    Gender Differences in Polychronicity.André J. Szameitat & Moska Hayati - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Interpreting the theology of Barth in light of Nietzsche’s dictum “God is dead”.André J. Groenewald - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (4).
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  17. Teleosofía: doctrina del fin o razón última de las cosas.Andrés Guimerá - 1966 - Barcelona,:
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    (1 other version)Des paramnésies.André Lalande - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 36:485 - 497.
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    Philosophy in France (1907).Andre Lalande - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17 (3):291-315.
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    Precariousness and Philosophical Critique: Towards an Open-Field Combat with Harman’s OOO.André Arnaut - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):312-323.
    Philosophical critiques are prone to relapse into a sort of entrenchment in which the basic elements of a philosophy are kept from exposure, so that instead of advancing, philosophy easily becomes compartmentalized into specific trends. This article thus seeks the conditions of a non-entrenched, open-field philosophical critique in general and, in particular, of an open-field critique of Harman’s OOO (object-oriented ontology). For that purpose, the idea of precariousness is introduced, which is then confronted with some ideas concerning philosophical critique and (...)
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  21. Teleology.André Ariew - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Teleology in biology is making headline news in the United States. Conservative Christians are utilizing a teleological argument for the existence of a supremely intelligent designer to justify legislation calling for the teaching of "intelligent design" (ID) in public schools. Teleological arguments of one form or another have been around since Antiquity. The contemporary argument from intelligent design varies little from William Paley's argument written in 1802. Both argue that nature exhibits too much complexity to be explained by 'mindless' natural (...)
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  22. Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie?André Dartigues - 1972 - [Toulouse]: Privat.
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    (1 other version)Beckett’s Late Stage: Trauma, Language, and Subjectivity: by Rhys Tranter, Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag, 2018, 244 pp., $45.00.Andre Furlani - 2019 - The European Legacy 25 (1):108-111.
    Volume 25, Issue 1, February 2020, Page 108-111.
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    Pregação e cavalaria no processo de expansão da cristandade latina: o papel da Ordem da Milícia de Ramon Llull.André Luis Pereira Miatello - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1151.
    Este artigo reexamina o posto de Ramon Llull na história da pregação da Baixa Idade Média ocidental, tendo em vista as novas abordagens sobre o tema da pregação e sua relação com o espaço do político. Discute-se também o projeto luliano de fundação de uma Ordem militar unificada cuja finalidade era dar suporte à pregação e conversão do infiel consoante a função eclesial da cavalaria cristã. O estudo da concepção luliana de conversão do muçulmano exige uma posição metodológica cuidadosa, uma (...)
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  25. Forster and Sober on the curve-fitting problem.André Kukla - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):248-252.
    Forster and Sober present a solution to the curve-fitting problem based on Akaike's Theorem. Their analysis shows that the curve with the best epistemic credentials need not always be the curve that most closely fits the data. However, their solution does not, without further argument, avoid the two difficulties that are traditionally associated with the curve-fitting problem: that there are infinitely many equally good candidate-curves relative to any given set of data, and that these best candidates include curves with indefinitely (...)
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    William of Ockham’s Distinction Between “Real” Efficient Causes and Strictly Sine Qua Non Causes.André Goddu - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):357-367.
    As a Franciscan friar, student, teacher, philosopher, theologian, and political theorist, William of Ockham was and remains one of the most stimulating thinkers of the Middle Ages. The one consistent characteristic of his professional output—both as a student and later as an opponent of papal authoritarianism—was the provocative nature of his ideas. In required commentaries on standard theological texts as well as in his later, more independently inspired treatises, Ockham demonstrated a genuine talent for suggesting and sustaining a number of (...)
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    Potencialidades, limites e operadores do diálogo inter-religioso face ao diálogo intercultural.João Maria André - 2012 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 21 (42):499-539.
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    La théologie politique de Carl Schmitt.André Doremus - 2004 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1 (1):65-104.
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    L'année pastorale du dimanche. Bilan et questions.André Haquin - 1994 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 25 (4):472-482.
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  30. The metamorphosis of the gods.André Malraux - 1960 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
  31.  27
    Coarse groups, and the isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.André Nies, Philipp Schlicht & Katrin Tent - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    Let S∞ denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup G of S∞ is called oligomorphic if for each n, its natural action on n-tuples of natural numbers has onl...
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    A formulação do problema da dedução transcendental em Opus Postumum: é possível identificar, neste, elementos de uma dedução próxima àquela de 1781?André Renato Oliveira - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):50-60.
    Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar elementos argumentativos apresentados por Kant em seu trabalho final: Opus Postumum, que comprovaria a tentativa de Kant em desenvolver ali uma dedução, contudo, demonstraremos que esta dedução em desenvolvimento no Opus articula elementos que a aproximaria significativamente da dedução transcendental de 1781. Com isto, temos a comprovação que no Opus há uma reavaliação da parte subjetiva da dedução transcendental exposta na primeira edição da Crítica, o que incide numa retomada desta investigação subjetiva por Kant, (...)
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    Heidegger et la liberté: le Dasein face à la technique.Jean-Edouard André - 2005 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Il apparaîtra, en des termes explicites, que nous cherchons, prioritairement, à nous distinguer de cette lecture à livre ouvert, immédiate, qui caractérise une certaine école du commentaire de l'œuvre, qui suppose que la vérité du ...
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  34. Portrait de Taine.André Chevrillon - 1958 - Paris,: A. Fayard.
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    A anarquia imemorial do mundo – Levinas e a ética da substituição.André Brayner de Farias - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (2).
    O tema da substituição é o coração da filosofia levinasiana. O desejo do infinito, a questão que move o pensamento, expressa-se na fórmula: tero-outro-em-sua-pele. Segundo Levinas é isso o que explica o fato de sermos tão numerosos no mundo. A substituição é a sustentação do mundo. Mas não significa isso uma idéia de fundamento. A metafísica levinasiana aborda o ser como questão que excede o princípio de uma fundamentação filosófica ou condição de possibilidade. O ser em questão é anterior ao (...)
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    (1 other version)The traitor.André Gorz - 1959 - New York,: Simon & Schuster.
    FOREWORD Of Rats and Men 'They corrected his strabismus with glasses, his lisp with a metal loop, his stammer by mechanical exercises, ...
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    Philosophy in France, 1920.André Lalande - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (5):439-464.
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  38. Zashto treba da smo dobri.André Lalande - 1932 - Edited by Mīlan Shevīć.
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  39. Locke Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre Avec Un Exposé de Sa Philosophie.André Louis Leroy & John Locke - 1964 - Presses Universitaires de France.
  40.  11
    Psychologie Religieuse Positive: Le problème des paramètres.Godin S. J. Par André - 1964 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 8 (1):52-63.
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  41. The Crisis of Democracy in France.André Philip & Marianne L. Simmel - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  42.  13
    Samaia as belangeruimte in Lukas-Handelinge.André Thomas & Andries Van Aarde - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (3/4).
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  43. La genèse de la notion du droit dans l''me individuelle.André Joussain - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 11:336.
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    « Quels sont vos grands auteurs? » Réflexions sur l’écriture et le style en mathématique.Yves André - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):471-486.
    Résumé Ce texte est la transposition d’un exposé de l’auteur à l’IRCAM dans le cadre du séminaire MaMuPhi où dialoguent mathématiciens, musiciens (compositeurs, interprètes, théoriciens) et philosophes. Ni glose sur les théories du style en mathématique, ni prolégomènes à une stylistique future, encore moins galerie de portraits d’auteurs, il s’agit d’un essai plutôt que d’une étude : un court essai, catalysé en partie par les caustiques « décalogues » de Gian-Carlo Rota, où l’on évalue la place de l’auteur et essaie (...)
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    Vom Sinnreich des Lebens.Hans André - 1952 - Salzburg,: O. Müller.
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    Contre la peur de vivre et l'angoisse de mourir.André Berge - 1963 - Paris,: B. Grasset.
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  47. La Musique et l'avenir.André Boll - 1970 - Paris: O. Perrin.
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  48. Maine de Biran.André Cresson - 1950 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Wem folgen?: Über Sinn, Wandel und Aktualität von Vorbildern.André Schütte & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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    La nature au défaut du discours.André Simha - 2001 - Philosophique 4:13-31.
    Notre science ne saurait être qu’inachevable et infondable. Qu’implique cette situation du discours scientifique selon Pascal? Et quelles significations, existentielles et épistémologiques, accorder au recours inévitable à la « nature »? En quoi la nature est-elle en nous relais du discours?
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