Results for 'Andy Neely'

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  1. Manufacturing with a big M – The Grand Challenges of Engineering in Digital Societies from the Perspective of the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University.Albrecht Fritzsche, Sarah Fell & Andy Neely - 2018 - In Albrecht Fritzsche & Sascha Julian Oks (eds.), The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  2. Associative Engines: Connectionism, Concepts and Representational Change.Andy Clark - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):1047-1058.
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  3. 6.Andy Egan, Brian Weatherson & John Hawthorne - 2005 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Epistemic Modals in Context. Oxford University Press. pp. 131--168.
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    Unjustified side effects were strongly intended: Taboo tradeoffs and the side-effect effect.Andy Vonasch & Roy Baumeister - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 68:83-92.
    The side-effect effect is the seemingly irrational tendency for people to say harmful side effects were more intentional than helpful side effects of the same action. But the tendency may not be irrational. According to the Tradeoffs Justification Model, judgments of a person's intentions to cause harm depend on how that person decided to act, and on whether the reasons for acting justified causing the harmful consequences. Across three experiments (N = 660), unjustified harms were viewed as more intentional than (...)
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    An interdisciplinary theory of activity.Andy Blunden - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    use and tool making underlying a system of production mediating between needs and their satisfaction. – The relationship of the entire community to the ...
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  6. The Moral Parameters of Good Talk: A Feminist Analysis.Maryann Neely Ayim - 1997
  7. Do words that are 1st syllables of other words access their semantic codes.Jh Neely, Ej Crawley & Fr Vellutino - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):483-483.
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  8. Machines and the Moral Community.Erica L. Neely - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):97-111.
    A key distinction in ethics is between members and nonmembers of the moral community. Over time, our notion of this community has expanded as we have moved from a rationality criterion to a sentience criterion for membership. I argue that a sentience criterion is insufficient to accommodate all members of the moral community; the true underlying criterion can be understood in terms of whether a being has interests. This may be extended to conscious, self-aware machines, as well as to any (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Word, niche and super-niche: How language makes minds matter more.Andy Clark - 2005 - Theoria 20 (54):255-268.
    How does language (spoken or written) impact thought? One useful way to approach this important but elusive question may be to consider language itself as a cognition-enhancing animal-built structure. To take this perspective is to view language as a kind of self-constructed cognitive niche. These self-constructed cognitive niches play, I suggest, three distinct but deeply interlocking roles in human thought and reason. Working together, these three interlocking routines radically transform the human mind, and mark a genuine discontinuity in the space (...)
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  10. Freedom and desire.Wright Neely - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (September):32-54.
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  11. Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension.Andy Clark (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind.Andy Clark - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    How is it that thoroughly physical material beings such as ourselves can think, dream, feel, create and understand ideas, theories and concepts? How does mere matter give rise to all these non-material mental states, including consciousness itself? An answer to this central question of our existence is emerging at the busy intersection of neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, and robotics.In this groundbreaking work, philosopher and cognitive scientist Andy Clark explores exciting new theories from these fields that reveal minds like ours (...)
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    Critique of Rumelhart and McClelland.Andy Clark - 1993 - In Alvin I. Goldman (ed.), Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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    Why that Monkey Washes His Balls in My Whisky.Andy Ingamells - unknown
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    Justifying Historical Descriptions.Wright Neely - 1988 - Noûs 22 (4):639-641.
    In common with history, all the social sciences crucially rely on descriptions of the past for their evidence. But when, if ever, is it reasonable to regard such descriptions as true? This book attempts to establish the conditions that warrant belief in historical descriptions. It does so in a non-technical way, analysing numerous illustrations of the different kinds of argument about the past employed by historians and others. The author concludes that no historical description can be finally proved, and that (...)
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  16. Deep Time Contagion.Andy Weir - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):167-169.
    Introduction Jamie Allen Time, of all the dimensions readily presented to experience, seems to do so most readily through things. Stuff, in supposed counter-valence to the negentropic resilience of living things, appears to us as that which degrades through time, and demarcates a more technical chronometry of sequential events. Situated outside the rotting of fruit and the ticking of clocks, a “deep time” persists. Like the ultra-hearing of the bat, and the infra-vision of the boa-constrictor, there exist living and non-living (...)
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  17. The extended mind.Andy Clark & David J. Chalmers - 1998 - Analysis 58 (1):7-19.
    Where does the mind stop and the rest of the world begin? The question invites two standard replies. Some accept the demarcations of skin and skull, and say that what is outside the body is outside the mind. Others are impressed by arguments suggesting that the meaning of our words "just ain't in the head", and hold that this externalism about meaning carries over into an externalism about mind. We propose to pursue a third position. We advocate a very different (...)
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  18. Where brain, body, and world collide.Andy Clark - 1999 - Cognitive Systems Research 1 (1):5--17.
    --œWhere Brain, Body, and World Collide--� reprinted by permission of Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, from the issue entitled, --œThe Brain,--� Spring 1998, Vol. 127, No. 2.
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  19. Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again.Andy Clark - 1981 - MIT Press.
    In treating cognition as problem solving, Andy Clark suggests, we may often abstract too far from the very body and world in which our brains evolved to guide...
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    Michael Polanyi's post-critical epistemology: a reconstruction of some aspects of "tacit knowing".Andy F. Sanders - 1988 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  21. Disputing about Taste.Andy Egan - 2010 - In Richard Feldman & Ted A. Warfield (eds.), Disagreement. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 247-286.
    “There’s no disputing about taste.” That’s got a nice ring to it, but it’s not quite the ring of truth. While there’s definitely something right about the aphorism – there’s a reason why it is, after all, an aphorism, and why its utterance tends to produce so much nodding of heads and muttering of “just so” and “yes, quite” – it’s surprisingly difficult to put one’s finger on just what the truth in the neighborhood is, exactly. One thing that’s pretty (...)
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    Attenuation of blocking with shifts in reward: The involvement of schedule-generated contextual cues.James H. Neely & Allan R. Wagner - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):751.
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    Augmented reality, augmented ethics: who has the right to augment a particular physical space?Erica L. Neely - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):11-18.
    Augmented reality blends the virtual and physical worlds such that the virtual content experienced by a user of AR technology depends on the user’s geographical location. Games such as Pokémon GO and technologies such as HoloLens are introducing an increasing number of people to augmented reality. AR technologies raise a number of ethical concerns; I focus on ethical rights surrounding the augmentation of a particular physical space. To address this I distinguish public and private spaces; I also separate the case (...)
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  24. A Deep Blue grasshopper. Playing games with artificial intelligence.Andy Miah - 2008 - In Benjamin Hale (ed.), Philosophy Looks at Chess. Open Court Press.
  25. Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition.Andy Clark - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):777-782.
  26. Happy couplings: Emergence and explanatory interlock.Andy Clark - 1996 - In Margaret A. Boden (ed.), The philosophy of artificial life. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 262--281.
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  27. Od Heideggera ke kognitivní vědě.Andy Clark - 2000 - Filosoficky Casopis 48:1049-1053.
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  28. Who Says it is Wrong? The Role o fthe International Bioethics Committee.Andy Miah - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
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    At cross purposes: Islam and the crucifixion of Christ, a theological response.Brent Neely - 2017 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 34 (3):176-213.
    The paper relates to the classic issue of Islam and the Cross of Christ. It is in two parts. The first part tackles the “textual” issues of the crucifixion in the Qur’an and tafsir, including some of the “minority reports” in Islamic thought. The second part moves on to a Christian theological engagement with the mainstream Islamic denial of the crucifixion of the Messiah. Some of this section springboards off of the well-known discussion of these issues by Kenneth Cragg and (...)
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    Adaptation of individuals and groups.Andy Gardner - 2013 - In Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.), From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 99.
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    Aesthetics and music * by Andy Hamilton. [REVIEW]Andy Hamilton - 2007 - Analysis 69 (2):397-398.
    Aesthetics and Music is a rich and interesting study. Hamilton's approach is innovative. He interleaves chapters on the history of philosophical thought about music with more theoretical discussions of music, sound, rhythm and improvisation, but does not cover the work–performance relation, depiction or expression. He draws on an atypically broad range of examples, including avant-garde, medieval, non-Western and jazz. The assumptions are humanist: ‘I wish to argue for an aesthetic conception of music as an art … according to which music (...)
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  32. Duty and the Beast: Should We Eat Meat in the Name of Animal Rights?Andy Lamey - 2019 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The moral status of animals is a subject of controversy both within and beyond academic philosophy, especially regarding the question of whether and when it is ethical to eat meat. A commitment to animal rights and related notions of animal protection is often thought to entail a plant-based diet, but recent philosophical work challenges this view by arguing that, even if animals warrant a high degree of moral standing, we are permitted - or even obliged - to eat meat. (...) Lamey provides critical analysis of past and present dialogues surrounding animal rights, discussing topics including plant agriculture, animal cognition, and in vitro meat. He documents the trend toward a new kind of omnivorism that justifies meat-eating within a framework of animal protection, and evaluates for the first time which forms of this new omnivorism can be ethically justified, providing crucial guidance for philosophers as well as researchers in culture and agriculture. (shrink)
  33. Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream.Andy Stern & Lee Kravitz - 2016
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  34. Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science.Andy Clark - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):181-204.
    Brains, it has recently been argued, are essentially prediction machines. They are bundles of cells that support perception and action by constantly attempting to match incoming sensory inputs with top-down expectations or predictions. This is achieved using a hierarchical generative model that aims to minimize prediction error within a bidirectional cascade of cortical processing. Such accounts offer a unifying model of perception and action, illuminate the functional role of attention, and may neatly capture the special contribution of cortical processing to (...)
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  35. Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science.Andy Clark - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Ranging across both standard philosophical territory and the landscape of cutting-edge cognitive science, Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Second Edition, is a vivid and engaging introduction to key issues, research, and opportunities in the field.Starting with the vision of mindware as software and debates between realists, instrumentalists, and eliminativists, Andy Clark takes students on a no-holds-barred journey through connectionism, dynamical systems, and real-world robotics before moving on to the frontiers of cognitive technologies, enactivism, predictive coding, (...)
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    (4 other versions)See 1:1: A Journal of Visual Culture.Andy Grundberg (ed.) - 1995 - MIT Press.
    see, a quarterly journal published by The Friends of Photography, presents striking photography and fine writing that explore the impact of lens-based images on contemporary culture. see places the medium of photography within the broad discourse of visual culture, including art, advertising, mass media, and literature. Unlike conventional photography-related journals, see lets photographers speak for themselves about their work and gives writers the freedom to address visual issues across a broad spectrum of concerns. Photographs ranging from contemporary to historical, as (...)
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  37. Performance and shame.Andy McGuiness - 2013 - In Martin Clayton, Byron Dueck & Laura Leante (eds.), Experience and meaning in music performance. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. " Blessed Are the Forgetful.Andy Miah - 2009 - In Sandra Shapshay (ed.), Bioethics at the movies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 137.
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  39. Dissociative mediated, backward and forward priming for lexical decisions.J. H. Neely & J. Sloat - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):440-440.
  40. The Unmaking of Wisdom Part 2: Recovering Reason.Andy Norman - 2011 - Free Inquiry 31:31-34.
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  41. How to Knit Your Own Markov Blanket.Andy Clark - 2017 - Philosophy and Predictive Processing.
    Hohwy (Hohwy 2016, Hohwy 2017) argues there is a tension between the free energy principle and leading depictions of mind as embodied, enactive, and extended (so-called ‘EEE1 cognition’). The tension is traced to the importance, in free energy formulations, of a conception of mind and agency that depends upon the presence of a ‘Markov blanket’ demarcating the agent from the surrounding world. In what follows I show that the Markov blanket considerations do not, in fact, lead to the kinds of (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Epistemic Modals in Context.Andy Egan, John Hawthorne & Brian Weatherson - 2005 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Contextualism in philosophy: knowledge, meaning, and truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 131-168.
    A very simple contextualist treatment of a sentence containing an epistemic modal, e.g. a might be F, is that it is true iff for all the contextually salient community knows, a is F. It is widely agreed that the simple theory will not work in some cases, but the counterexamples produced so far seem amenable to a more complicated contextualist theory. We argue, however, that no contextualist theory can capture the evaluations speakers naturally make of sentences containing epistemic modals. If (...)
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    Adaptation of individuals and groups.Andy Gardner - 2013 - In Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.), From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 99.
  44. The Aesthetics of Design.Andy Hamilton - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jessica Wolfendale & Jeanette Kennett (eds.), Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style. Wiley. pp. 51--69.
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  45. Epistemic modals, relativism and assertion.Andy Egan - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 133 (1):1--22.
    I think that there are good reasons to adopt a relativist semantics for epistemic modal claims such as ``the treasure might be under the palm tree'', according to which such utterances determine a truth value relative to something finer-grained than just a world (or a <world, time> pair). Anyone who is inclined to relativise truth to more than just worlds and times faces a problem about assertion. It's easy to be puzzled about just what purpose would be served by assertions (...)
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    Epistemic Modals in Context.Andy Egan, John Hawthorne & Brian Weatherson - 2005 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Contextualism in philosophy: knowledge, meaning, and truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 131-168.
    A very simple contextualist treatment of a sentence containing an epistemic modal, e.g. a might be F, is that it is true iff for all the contextually salient community knows, a is F. It is widely agreed that the simple theory will not work in some cases, but the counterexamples produced so far seem amenable to a more complicated contextualist theory. We argue, however, that no contextualist theory can capture the evaluations speakers naturally make of sentences containing epistemic modals. If (...)
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  47. Evolutionary Epistemology and the Scientific Method in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Biology.Andy J. Clark - 1986 - Philosophica 37:151-162.
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  48. Introduction: self-knowledge as thematic intersection.Andy German & James M. Ambury - 2018 - In Andy German & James M. Ambury (eds.), Knowledge and Ignorance of Self in Platonic Philosophy. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Madness, Moral Agency, and Recovery.Neely Myers - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):31-34.
    All the world's a stage,/And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.This piece, co-authored by a doctor and patient in dialogue with one another, points to the promise of prioritizing moral agency in clinical interactions and how this can promote recovery. This response will consider the broader social, philosophical and clinical context of madness in the United States. It will also signal the relevance of this (...)
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    On Becoming Human in Lingít Aaní.Sol Neely - 2016 - Environmental Philosophy 13 (1):83-104.
    Calls for taking up wisdom in its place risk re-inscribing coloniality at the level of signification if attempts to resituate intelligibility in the specificity of place are not enacted through a careful translation of experience between victims and perpetrators of colonial violence. At some level, decolonization ought to be conceived as a kind of translation. Emmanuel Levinas’ project to “translate” Judaism into Greek is one way of staging such decolonial translation by providing us an internal critique of coloniality while remaining (...)
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