Results for 'Anne Nixon'

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  1.  63
    No Names Apart: The Separation of Word and History in Derrida's "Le Dernier Mot du Racisme".Anne McClintock & Rob Nixon - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):140-154.
    As it stands, Derrida’s protest is deficient in any sense of how the discourses of South African racism have been at once historically constituted and politically constitutive. For to begin to investigate how the representation of racial difference has functioned in South Africa’s political and economic life, it is necessary to recognize and track the shifting character of these discourses. Derrida, however, blurs historical differences by conferring on the single term apartheid a spurious autonomy and agency: “The word concentrates separation…. (...)
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    Towards a framework for establishing rigour in a discourse analysis of midwifery professionalisation.Anne Nixon & Charmaine Power - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):71-79.
    This paper develops a framework for establishing rigour for a discourse analysis of professional transition in midwifery, theorised as a ‘female professional project’. Discourse analysis has gained recognition as a useful approach in nursing and midwifery research. It provides an alternative to those qualitative approaches that propose to reveal a ‘reality’ from the perspective of the individual experience, and that this lived experience can be directly represented in language. There are multiple discourse analytic approaches, and often researchers are not explicit (...)
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    The Chronicle of John Malalas. Α Translation by Elisabeth Jeffreys, Μ. Jeffreys and R. Scott with Β. Croke, Jenny Ferber, S. Franklin, A. James, D. Kelly, Ann Moffat, Ann Nixon[REVIEW]H. Thurn - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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    A vulnerable journey towards professional empathy and moral courage.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Anne-Sophie Konow-Lund, Bjørg Christiansen & Per Nortvedt - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):927-937.
    Background: Empathy and moral courage are important virtues in nursing and nursing ethics. Hence, it is of great importance that nursing students and nurses develop their ability to empathize and their willingness to demonstrate moral courage. Research aim: The aim of this article is to explore third-year undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions and experiences in developing empathy and moral courage. Research design: This study employed a longitudinal qualitative design based on individual interviews. Participants and research context: Seven undergraduate nursing students were (...)
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  5. Self-Regulation in Informal Workplace Learning: Influence of Organizational Learning Culture and Job Characteristics.Anne F. D. Kittel, Rebecca A. C. Kunz & Tina Seufert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The digital shift leads to increasing changes. Employees can deal with changes through informal learning that enables needs-based development. For successful informal learning, self-regulated learning is crucial, i.e., to set goals, plan, apply strategies, monitor, and regulate learning for example by applying resource strategies. However, existing SRL models all refer to formal learning settings. Because informal learning differs from formal learning, this study investigates whether SRL models can be transferred from formal learning environments into informal work settings. More precisely, are (...)
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    Ethics reflection groups for school nurses.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Reidun Førde, Morten Magelssen & Birgit Arnekleiv - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):210-220.
    Background: School nurses have great responsibilities as the connecting link between school, children/adolescents, parents, and other healthcare services. Being in this middle position, and handling complex situations and problems related to children in school, may be demanding and also lead to ethical challenges. Clinical ethics support, such as ethics reflection groups, may be of help when dealing with ethical challenges. However, there is little research on experiences with ethics reflection groups among school nurses. Aim: The aim of this research was (...)
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    Metamathematical investigation of intuitionistic arithmetic and analysis.Anne S. Troelstra - 1973 - New York,: Springer.
  8.  24
    Ethical challenges in home-based care: A systematic literature review.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Morten Magelssen, Reidar Pedersen & Elisabeth Gjerberg - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):628-644.
    Because of the transfer of responsibility from hospitals to community-based settings, providers in home-based care have more responsibilities and a wider range of tasks and responsibilities than before, often with limited resources. The increased responsibilities and the complexity of tasks and patient groups may lead to several ethical challenges. A systematic search in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, and SveMed+ was carried out in February 2019 and August 2020. The research question was translated into a modified PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and (...)
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    The importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in qualitative research.Anne Kari T. Heggestad, Per Nortvedt & Åshild Slettebø - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012455564.
    The aim of this article is to show the importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in research. The article presents and discusses ethical challenges encountered when a total of 15 persons with dementia from two nursing homes and seven proxies were included in a qualitative study. The examples show that the ethical challenges may be unpredictable. As researchers, you participate with the informants in their daily life and in the interviews, and it is not possible to plan (...)
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    Like a prison without bars.Anne Kari T. Heggestad, Per Nortvedt & Åshild Slettebø - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):881-892.
    The aim of this article is to investigate how life in Norwegian nursing homes may affect experiences of dignity among persons with dementia. The study had a qualitative design and used a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach. Participant observation in two nursing home units was combined with qualitative interviews with five residents living in these units. The study took place between March and December 2010. The residents feel that their freedom is restricted, and they describe feelings of homesickness. They also experience (...)
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  11. Parks and Ardens.Anne Barton - 1993 - In Barton Anne (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 80: 1991 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 49-71.
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    A commentary on 'two pathographies: A study in illness and literature'.Anne Hudson Jones - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (3):257-260.
  13. Feature binding, attention and object perception.Anne Treisman - 1998 - Phil Trans R. Soc London B 353:1295-1306.
  14.  77
    Multiculturalism Without Culture.Anne Phillips - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Public opinion in recent years has soured on multiculturalism, due in large part to fears of radical Islam. In Multiculturalism without Culture, Anne Phillips contends that critics misrepresent culture as the explanation of everything individuals from minority and non-Western groups do. She puts forward a defense of multiculturalism that dispenses with notions of culture, instead placing individuals themselves at its core. Multiculturalism has been blamed for encouraging the oppression of women--forced marriages, female genital cutting, school girls wearing the hijab. (...)
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  15.  50
    The Practical, Moral, and Personal Sense of Nursing: A Phenomenological Philosophy of Practice.Anne H. Bishop & John R. Scudder Jr - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Bishop is a professor of nursing; Scudder is a professor of philosophy.
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  16. Standard issue scoring manual.Anne Colby - 1987 - In The measurement of moral judgment. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  17.  22
    Democracy, Inc.: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism by Sheldon Wolin.Anne Norton - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):262-263.
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    The Experiments of Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande: A Validation of Leibnizian Dynamics Against Newton?Anne-Lise Rey - 2018 - In Anne-Lise Rey & Siegfried Bodenmann (eds.), What Does It Mean to Be an Empiricist?: Empiricisms in Eighteenth Century Sciences. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 71-85.
    In 1720, Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande wrote Physicis elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata. Sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam. Although he was undoubtedly one of the most important popularizers of Newtonian physics, experimental methodology and epistemology in the 1720s, his empirical claim somehow backfired: in applying tenets of Newtonian methodology, he was ultimately led to validate the Leibnizian principle of the conservation of living forces, contrary to the Newtonians. This conclusion invited a great deal of anger, particularly from Samuel Clarke who, in (...)
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    Producing Standards, Producing the Nordic Region: Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing, from 1950–1970.Anne Kveim Lie - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (2):215-248.
    ArgumentDuring the 1950s it became apparent that antibiotics could not conquer all microbes, and a series of tests were developed to assess the susceptibility of microbes to antibiotics. This article explores the development and standardization of one such testing procedure which became dominant in the Nordic region, and how the project eventually failed in the late 1970s. The standardization procedures amounted to a comprehensive scheme, standardizing not only the materials used, but also the methods and the interpretation of the results. (...)
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  20.  39
    Literal meaning, minimal propositions, and pragmatic processing.Anne Louise Bezuidenhout & J. Cooper Cutting - 2002 - Journal of Pragmatics 34 (4):433-456.
  21.  23
    Sous-traiter dans les Travaux publics au XVIIIe siècle, du cas à l’enquête.Anne Conchon - 2019 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (1-2):29-42.
    Résumé Alors que la sous-traitance est a priori proscrite dans le cadre des Travaux publics, elle est pourtant utilisée sur des chantiers de construction d’infrastructures, de façon à permettre aux entrepreneurs de réaliser des ouvrages requérant la mobilisation d’une main d’œuvre abondante et de savoir-faire complexes. Le contentieux qui opposa un entrepreneur de travaux, Pierre-Marin Legrand, à l’administration des Ponts et Chaussées à la fin du XVIIIe siècle apporte à cet égard de précieux éclaircissements sur cette relation de travail.
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  22. The interplay between policy and funding.Anne-Marie Coriat - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt (eds.), The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Atoms and Providence in the Natural Philosophy of Francis Coventriensis.Anne Davenport - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):29-45.
    During the Interregnum, English natural philosophers and chymists became deeply interested in Pierre Gassendi’s revival of Epicurean atomism. In the English context, strategies to accommodate atomism to Christian doctrines were fraught with religious and political implications. English Roman Catholics differed from their Protestant compatriots in insisting that God did not cease to operate miracles at the close of the apostolic age. The English friar known as Franciscus à Sancta Clara embraced atomism on the grounds that a new and better science (...)
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  24. Disorders of spatial orientation and awareness: Unilateral neglect.Anne Aimola Davies - 2004 - In Jennie Ponsford (ed.), Cognitive and Behavioral Rehabilitation: From Neurobiology to Clinical Practice. Guilford Press. pp. 175-223.
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  25.  40
    Autorité parentale et parentalité.Anne-Marie Devreux - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 165 (3):57-68.
    Dans le débat sur le partage de l’autorité parentale et la garde alternée, on a assisté d’un côté à la montée en puissance de la notion de « droit des pères », avec sa traduction juridique en termes d’égalisation des droits entre les parents, et, d’un autre côté, à des phénomènes de résistance des hommes à assumer les tâches de la parentalité. Pourtant, avec le maintien des mères dans l’emploi, les conditions sociales qui affectaient le travail domestique et parental aux (...)
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    L’architecture des mosquées en France : construire ou édifier?Anne-Laure Zwilling - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 86 (3):343-356.
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    Animals, disease, and man: making connections.Dr Hardy Anne - 2003 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46 (2):200-215.
  28.  19
    A Cultural Analysis of Sustainability and Human Organizations.Anne Barraquier - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:112-121.
    What can we learn from pre-industrial societies and organizations to achieve a sustainable development? As the pressure on organizations for a more sustainable world is increasing, some suggest that pre-industrial societies have lessons to teach. Organizations studies have borrowed very little from anthropology studies and have therefore not benefited from the cultural analysis they provide. This paper digs into this untapped reservoir of knowledge, and suggests a twofold discussion. The first part presents counterintuitive results that dismiss common assumptions: indigenous organizations (...)
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  29.  49
    On Equality and Trojan Horses: The Challenges of the Finnish Experience to Feminist Theory.Anne Maria Holli - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (2):133-164.
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    Nanotechnologyand risk: What are the issues?Anne Ingeborg Myhr & Roy Ambli Dalmo - forthcoming - Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology.
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  31.  9
    Droits des femmes : les paradoxes de l’intégration européenne.Anne Querrien & Monique Selim - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):198-200.
    Pionnière dans la pénalisation du viol en 1980, la France a été en eurocrime qu’aurait entraîné l’unanimité dans l’acceptation de la nouvelle définition proposée par la Commission européenne. L’absence de consentement devient finalement pour tous le critère principal, et de nombreux pays ont aligné récemment leur législation avec la directive européenne. Sur le droit à l’avortement, la convergence est moins sensible, plusieurs pays mettent d’importantes restrictions. La constitutionnalisation de la liberté d’avorter et de sa garantie en France va peut-être conduire (...)
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  32.  20
    Mary MacKillop and the challenge to her daughters.Anne L. Gilroy - 1995 - The Australasian Catholic Record 72 (1):61.
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  33.  42
    The fossil evidence for spatial cognition.Anne H. Weaver - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):424-425.
    Wynn's model for the evolution of spatial cognition is well supported by fossil evidence from brain endocasts, and from neurological studies of the cerebellum and the posterior parietal region of the cerebral cortex. Wynn's intriguing hypothesis that the spatial skill reflected in artifacts is an index of navigational ability, could be further explored by an analysis of lithic transport patterns.
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    Undergraduate nursing students’ ability to empathize: A qualitative study.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Per Nortvedt, Bjørg Christiansen & Anne-Sophie Konow-Lund - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):786-795.
    Background: Empathy is of great importance in nursing, as it helps us to see and meet the needs of patients and hence to care for patients in an appropriate way. Therefore, it is of great importance that nursing students and nurses develop their ability to empathize. Objective: The study aimed at gaining knowledge on what characterizes undergraduate nursing students’ ability to empathize with patients during their first practice in a nursing home. In addition, the aim of the study was to (...)
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  35.  12
    Co-habitats dans la ville aujourd'hui.Anne Debarre - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 118 (2):35-47.
    Face à la perte de l’urbanité, manifeste dans le repli sur l’entre-soi des ensembles résidentiels contemporains, des architectes rêvent d’habitats qui permettraient de « faire société ». Si leurs architectures sont diversifiées afin que les individus puissent signifier leur existence, elles dialoguent entre elles dans le jeu de leurs différences et offrent une relation à l’extérieur, aux autres, mais toujours maîtrisée. Dans ces co-habitats, le partage et l’ouverture de lieux collectifs invitent les résidents à réaliser une ville socialement durable de (...)
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  36.  68
    Translating Critical Pedagogy into Action Facilitating Adult Learning.Anne Rapp - 2011 - CLR James Journal 17 (1):37-57.
    Critical pedagogy, by brealdng down the boundaries between the academy and society, creates opportunities for deep and transformative learning. Inspired by bell hooks' call to engage the hearts as well as the minds of learners, this essay demonstrates two teaching methods that engage college students in intellectual inquiry that potentially challenges and undermines societal power relations. The first literally broadens the walls of the classroom through community-based projects. The second constructs an in-class learning experience that cultivates inter-personal perspective taking by (...)
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  37. Philosophical papers to Kevin Mulligan.Anne Reboul (ed.) - 2011
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    Chapter 7. Is Green the Colour of our Redemption?Anne-Marie Reijnen - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 87-96.
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  39.  22
    "Os animais e os homens enquanto empíricos": Reflexões epistemológicas sobre a diferença entre a alma humana e a alma dos animais.Anne-Lise Rey - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S3):205-238.
    O presente artigo enfoca a discussão, ensejada pela publicação do Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, entre seu autor, Pierre Bayle, e Leibniz a propósito dos critérios epistemológicos que permitem distinguir cognição animal de cognição propriamente humana. Trata-se de examinar em detalhe a distinção que, na sequência dessa publicação, Leibniz traçará entre o homem racional – caracterizado como aquele apto a produzir silogismos demonstrativos e de alcançar verdades necessárias – e o homem enquanto empírico, a fim de examinar se e de que (...)
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    The history of physics.Anne Rooney - 2012 - New York: Rosen.
    Presents a history of physics, discussing atoms and elements, radiation and speed of light, and energy fields and forces.
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  41.  43
    Un cavalier schizo-analytique sur le plateau du jeu d'échecs politique.Anne Sauvagnargues - 2008 - Multitudes 34 (3):30.
    Guattari is not the only thinker of the post-WWII generation who treated « the subject » as the result of a social process of production : Lacan and Althusser, Deleuze and Foucault were heading in the same direction. Guattari, however, tends to dissolve any individualistic conception of the subject along a political and analytical axis which is not reducible to Lacan’s positions, from whom he clearly distances himself, nor to Deleuze’s, with whom he elaborates a collective work full of friendship (...)
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  42.  21
    The Role of Breaking the Fourth Wall in Audience Ego Identification.Anne Stichter - 2016 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 1 (2).
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  43.  14
    Héphaïstos dans les forges de Cypris.Anne-Laure Therme - 2021 - Philosophie Antique 21:87-118.
    Quand l’Amour d’Empédocle façonne, dans les profondeurs de la terre, les tissus organiques puis les membres des vivants, il prend le nom de Cypris, et sous ses paumes expertes le feu, ailleurs nommé Zeus, devient Héphaïstos. En s’interrogeant sur les raisons de ces glissements, on s’aperçoit qu’un modèle métallurgique est à l’œuvre, qui se réapproprie en la détournant la figure du dieu-forgeron d’Hésiode et d’Homère. L’Héphaïstos d’Empédocle est le feu dont le pouvoir potentiellement destructeur est subjugué par Aphrodite-Cypris qui enserre (...)
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  44.  37
    From painful busyness to emotional immunization: Nurses’ experiences of ethical challenges.Anne Storaker, Dagfinn Nåden & Berit Sæteren - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (5):556-568.
    Background: The professional values presented in ethical guidelines of the Norwegian Nurses Organisation and International Council of Nurses describe nurses’ professional ethics and the obligations that pertain to good nursing practice. The foundation of all nursing shall be respect for life and the inherent dignity of the individual. Research proposes that nurses lack insight in ethical competence and that ethical issues are rarely discussed on the wards. Furthermore, research has for some time confirmed that nurses experience moral distress in their (...)
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  45.  19
    Présentation du texte « L’injustice et les animaux ».Alexis Anne‑Braun - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 49:19-22.
    « L’injustice et les animaux » est un essai de la philosophe américaine Cora Diamond, paru en 2001 dans un ouvrage collectif édité par Carl Elliott intitulé Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers. Comme l’indique l’auteure dans une note finale, le texte est la reprise d’une conférence donnée à l’Université d’Indiana sur les droits des animaux. Sa traduction en français avait été un moment envisagée pour l’intégrer aux essais réunis dans le recueil L’Importance d’être humain. En raison de certains re...
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    Decolonising the concept of the Trinity to decolonise the religious education curriculum.Anné H. Verhoef - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article brings into perspective the need to decolonise the concept of the Trinity (as the specific doctrine and Christian name of God) as a crucial step in decolonising the religious education curriculum. It discusses the concept of decolonisation and its applicability to religious education, specifically Christianity, within higher education (e.g. in Teacher Education Programmes) in the South African context. God as the Trinity has throughout the history of Atlantic slavery and colonialism been employed to legitimise colonial rule and it, (...)
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    The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, early and recent life stress, and cognitive endophenotypes of depression.Anne-Wil Kruijt, Peter Putman & Willem Van der Does - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1149-1163.
    Studies associating interactions of 5-HTTLPR and life adversities with depression have yielded equivocal results. Studying endophenotypes may constitute a more powerful approach. In the current study, it was assessed whether interactions of 5-HTTLPR with childhood emotional abuse (CEA) and recent negative life events (RNLE) affect possible cognitive endophenotypes of depression, namely, attention-allocation bias and the ability to recognise others' mind states in 215 young adults of North-West European descent. The ability to classify others' negative mind states was found to be (...)
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  48. En matière de logement l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions.Anne Laferrère - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1.
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    L'équilibre politique d'antagonismes culturels est-il possible?Anne-Marie Laulan - 2003 - Hermes 35.
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    De gevoelstemperatuur van het strafrecht.Anne Ruth Mackor, Jeroen ten Voorde & Pauline Westerman - 2017 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (2):119-120.
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