Results for 'Anne Raabe'

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  1.  44
    (1 other version)The method of psychology.Anne H. Jones - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12 (17):462-471.
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    Heredity, environment, and the question "how?".Anne Anastasi - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (4):197-208.
  3. Perceiving visually presented objects: Recognition, awareness, and modularity.Anne Treisman & Nancy Kanwisher - 1998 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology 8:218-226.
  4.  31
    Icônes 39.Anne-Valérie Gasc - 2009 - Multitudes 39 (4):1.
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    The Machinery of Talk: Charles Peirce and the Sign Hypothesis.Anne Freadman - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    Freadman uses the term genre to access Peirce’s work, and expands this original theoretical approach by proposing that “genre” interacts with “sign” and that this interaction is central to the study of the semiotic in general.
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    Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research.Anne Antoni & Haley Beer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):279-294.
    Management and organization researchers are being called to conduct research that is more caring, yet the concept of care and how to practice it within the profession is undertheorized. Adopting a feminist epistemology and methodology, we develop the concept of care by weaving the personal, ethical, and political into the research process. First, we reflect critically on how aspects of care—attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness (Tronto, Moral boundaries: a political argument for an ethic of care, Routledge, 1993; Tronto, Caring democracy: (...)
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    Recall of attitudinal and value belief statements in interpersonal judgment tasks.Anne V. Gormly - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):102-104.
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    Langlesning av Fløgstad.Anne Karine Kleveland - 2020 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (1-2):569-575.
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    Approches du politique.Anne-Marie Cocula, Jean-Christophe Cassard, Charles Giry-Deloison, François Billacois, François Laplanche, Monique Cottret, Jean-François Baillon, Nicole Lemaitre, Bernard Cottret, Barbara de Negroni, Charles Porset, Tristan Lecoq & Bertrand Vergely - 1991 - Revue de Synthèse 112 (3-4):519-547.
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    Paul Grobstein (Associate Editor, JRP, 2005-2011).Anne Dalke & J. R. P. Editors - 2011 - Journal of Research Practice 7 (1).
    Paul Grobstein, Eleanor A. Bliss Professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, USA passed away Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Since Paul came to Bryn Mawr in 1986, he taught courses ranging from "Introductory Biology" and "Philosophy of Science" to "Evolution of Stories" and "The Brain and Education." Paul founded the Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers, which brought hundreds of local educators to campus to consider new ways of teaching science and math. He served as chair of the Biology Department (...)
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  11. Experiencing Elemental Embodiment: (Re) visiting Latvian Folklore on Life and Nature.Anne Sauka - 2024 - In Lenart Škof, S. Sashinungla & Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (eds.), Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era. Springer. pp. 49-72.
    Latest research in environmental humanities often presumes the necessity of some kind of an ontological “shift” in thinking and living, while the question of the possibility of such a shift on an experiential level, is still to be answered. In this article, I am (re) visiting Latvian folk epistemologies as a sample case of alternate yet already “present” ontogenealogies that could be applied for reinventing ways to experience environed embodiment. While it is not possible, or desirable to recapture the past, (...)
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    Trafficking in monstrosity: Conceptualizations of ‘nature’ within feminist cyborg discourses.Anne Scott - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (3):367-379.
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    Nanotechnologyand risk: What are the issues?Anne Ingeborg Myhr & Roy Ambli Dalmo - forthcoming - Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology.
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  14. La culture européenne est-elle spécifique?Anne Morelli - 1995 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 80:53-60.
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    Restituer aux quartiers les biens confisqués aux trafiquants.Anne Querrien & François Rosso - 2019 - Multitudes 2:22-25.
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    Philosophy and Writing.Anne Margaret Wright - 2007 - Sharpe Focus.
    Poetry -- Drama -- Philosophy -- History -- Fables, Novels, and Speeches.
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  17. Professional integrity and assisted suicide: a nursing view.Anne Young - 1994 - Bioethics Forum 10 (2):11-13.
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  18. The possibility of collective moral obligations.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2020 - In Saba Bazargan-Forward & Deborah Perron Tollefsen (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Collective Responsibility. Routledge. pp. 258-273.
    Our moral obligations can sometimes be collective in nature: They can jointly attach to two or more agents in that neither agent has that obligation on their own, but they – in some sense – share it or have it in common. In order for two or more agents to jointly hold an obligation to address some joint necessity problem they must have joint ability to address that problem. Joint ability is highly context-dependent and particularly sensitive to shared (or even (...)
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  19.  9
    Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class.Anne Phillips - 1987 - Virago Press.
  20.  7
    The politics of the human.Anne Phillips - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The politics of the human -- Humans, with content and without -- On not justifying equality : Rorty and Arendt -- Dignity and equality -- Humanism and posthumanism.
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    Présentation du texte « L’injustice et les animaux ».Alexis Anne‑Braun - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 49:19-22.
    « L’injustice et les animaux » est un essai de la philosophe américaine Cora Diamond, paru en 2001 dans un ouvrage collectif édité par Carl Elliott intitulé Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers. Comme l’indique l’auteure dans une note finale, le texte est la reprise d’une conférence donnée à l’Université d’Indiana sur les droits des animaux. Sa traduction en français avait été un moment envisagée pour l’intégrer aux essais réunis dans le recueil L’Importance d’être humain. En raison de certains re...
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  22.  23
    Existenzialismus und Rechtswissenschaft.Anne L. Michaelis - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):128-129.
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  23. Book reviews-health and medicine in Britain since 1860.Anne Hardy & Sally Sheard - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (1):145-145.
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    Review. Empedoclea. Ancient philosophy, mystery and magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean tradition. P Kingsley.Anne Sheppard - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):269-271.
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    Baudrillard and Heidegger: Between Two Deaths.Vanessa Anne-Cecile Freerks - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (6):87-104.
    In this article, I compare the ways in which Baudrillard and Heidegger seek to bring attention to the importance of death for our personal existential situation which has now become repressed in conceptions of existence and society. Heidegger critiques public conceptions of death that serve to cover up its importance. Less well known is that, somewhat in parallel fashion, Baudrillard charts a ‘genealogy’ of the ‘extradition’ of the dead from the centre of the social and he claims that we live (...)
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    Désaffection dans l'institution : contre-violence educative et agirs adolescents.Anne-Valérie Mazoyer & Tristan Baills - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):57-65.
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    The conception of possibility in meinong's "gegenstandstheorie".Anne L. Michaelis - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (3):394-403.
  28. The psychology of human research participation.Anne Moyer - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman (eds.), Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Towards a Practice of Respecting the In-between: Condition Sine Qua Non of Living Together Peacefully.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):245-253.
    Living together peacefully in a world of differences asks for a practice of respecting the irreducible difference of the other. Acknowledging this `not-me' of the other subject generates an in-between: a space/time between subjects that cannot be transgressed other than by violence. Following Irigaray, I argue that this `in-between' comes about through the passion of wonder, a being touched in the flesh in the encounter with the other, which opens the subject to him/herself and to the other. To perceive this (...)
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  30.  15
    Learning by copying: The actor/actress and their models in the practices of copying, imitation and reactivation.Anne Pellois & Tomas Gonzalez - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    Malgré l’avènement de la figure de l’acteur créateur au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, les procédés de copie, d’imitation et de réactivation constituent une part non négligeable des outils convoqués dans les exercices spécifiques au jeu. Cette persistance, qui trouve son origine dans le Paradoxe sur le comédien de Diderot, se lit et se décline tout au long de l’histoire des théories du jeu, dans le recours fréquent à un modèle, dont le type varie (nature ou réel, arts plastiques, (...)
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    Immunoreactive theory: A conceptually narrow theory reflecting androcentric bias.Anne C. Petersen & Kathryn E. Hood - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):457-458.
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    Chapter Three. Bodies for Rent? The Case of Commercial Surrogacy.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 65-96.
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    Chapter Two. Property Models of Rape.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 42-64.
  34.  19
    Le don, une force morale administrée.Anne Querrien & François Rosso - 2018 - Multitudes 72 (3):188-194.
    L’économie du don (de temps ou d’argent) précède la contrainte, et la dote d’un surplus. Les dons financent et font fonctionner les associations qui conseillent le pouvoir et développent de nouveaux services. L’État apprécie leur dévouement pour l’intérêt général par des dégrèvements fiscaux, mais interdit la rémunération de leurs dirigeants. L’économie sociale et solidaire joue un rôle majeur dans l’insertion par l’emploi. Le caractère non lucratif assumé se retrouve dans la gestion des mutuelles de santé, ou d’assurances. Aujourd’hui, secteur privé (...)
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    (1 other version)Embodying Bioethics: Recent Feminist Advances.Anne Donchin & Laura Martha Purdy (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Medical issues affecting health care have become everyday media events. In response to mounting public concern, growing numbers of bioethicists are being appointed to medical school faculties and public policy panels. However the ideas voiced in these forums are seldom informed by feminist perspectives. In this important book, a distinguished group of feminist scholars and activists discuss crucial bioethics topics in a feminist light. Among the subjects explored are the care/justice debates, transforming bioethics, practice, and reproduction. The book also covers (...)
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  36. Knowledge Beyond Reason in Spinoza’s Epistemology: Scientia Intuitiva and Amor Dei Intellectualis in Spinoza’s Epistemology.Anne Newstead - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (Revisiting Spinoza's Rationalism).
    Genevieve Lloyd’s Spinoza is quite a different thinker from the arch rationalist caricature of some undergraduate philosophy courses devoted to “The Continental Rationalists”. Lloyd’s Spinoza does not see reason as a complete source of knowledge, nor is deductive rational thought productive of the highest grade of knowledge. Instead, that honour goes to a third kind of knowledge—intuitive knowledge (scientia intuitiva), which provides an immediate, non-discursive knowledge of its singular object. To the embarrassment of some hard-nosed philosophers, intellectual intuition has an (...)
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    A philosophical analysis of the concept empowerment; the fundament of an education‐programme to the frail elderly.Anne Merete Hage & Margarethe Lorensen - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (4):235-246.
    The word ‘empowerment’ has become a popular term, widely used as an important claim, also within the health services. In this paper the concept's philosophical roots are traced from Freire and his ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ to the philosophical thoughts of Hegel, Habermas, and Sartre. An understanding of the concept, as a way to facilitate coping and well‐being in patients through reflection and dialogue, emerges. Within an empowerment strategy the important claim on the nurse and the patient will be to (...)
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    Henri de Lubac, ami de Jules Monchanin.Anne Bamberg - 2003 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 2003 (77):262-265.
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    Waves of influence: Rockefeller Public Health in Mexico, 1920–50.Anne-Emanuelle Birn - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (3):381-395.
  40.  18
    " Ave charitate plena": Variations on the Theme of Charity in the Arena Chapel.Anne Derbes & Mark Sandona - forthcoming - Speculum.
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    Importing social preferences across contexts and the pitfall of over-generalization across theories.Anne C. Pisor & Daniel Mt Fessler - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (1):34-35.
    Claims regarding negative strong reciprocity do indeed rest on experiments lacking established external validity, often without even a small Guala's review should prompt strong reciprocity proponents to extend the real-world validity of their work, exploring the preferences participants bring to experiments. That said, Guala's approach fails to differentiate among group selection approaches and glosses over cross-cultural variability.
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    Long-term partial reinforcement extinction effect and long-term partial punishment effect in a one-trial-a-day paradigm.Anne Shemer & Joram Feldon - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):221-224.
    Two experiments were run to demonstrate the presence of a partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) and a partial punishment effect (PPE) 4 weeks after training in a 1-trial/day procedure. In the PREE paradigm, two groups of animals were trained to run a straight alley for food reward; one group was rewarded on every trial (CRF), whereas the other was rewarded on only 50% of the trials (PRF). In the test phase, extinction, no reward was present on any trial. Four weeks (...)
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  43. Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art.Anne Sheppard - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (251):113-114.
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    Is there evidence for unaware evaluative conditioning in a valence contingency learning task?Anne Gast, Jasmin Richter & Borys Ruszpel - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):57-73.
    ABSTRACTIn three experiments we investigated whether memory-independent evaluative conditioning and other memory-independent contingency learning effects occur in the valence contingency...
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  45.  22
    Construals of meaning: The role of attention in robotic language production.Anne-Laure Mealier, Grire Pointeau, Peter Genfors & Peter F. Dominey - 2016 - Interaction Studies 17 (1):48-76.
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    Les plus anciens homo sapiens (sapiens).Anne-Marie Tillier - 2006 - Diogène 214 (2):132-.
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    The Influence of Social and Ethical Issues on Innovation.Anne Barraquier - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:176-188.
    Previous research has been looking for evidence of a correlation between social performance and financial performance. This paper suggests that social issues bring new knowledge within the processes of the organization, a knowledge that is integrated in the innovation process. An empirical study conducted in the flavor and fragrance industry demonstrates that social and ethical issues translate into data and knowledge through four processes: knowledge flows, social exchange, experiential learning and collaborative dynamics. These results are analyzed and briefly discussed.
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    Is the Dialogue of Cultures a Contemporary Myth?Anne Cheng - 2018 - Culture and Dialogue 6 (1):51-60.
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    Co-habitats dans la ville aujourd'hui.Anne Debarre - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 118 (2):35-47.
    Face à la perte de l’urbanité, manifeste dans le repli sur l’entre-soi des ensembles résidentiels contemporains, des architectes rêvent d’habitats qui permettraient de « faire société ». Si leurs architectures sont diversifiées afin que les individus puissent signifier leur existence, elles dialoguent entre elles dans le jeu de leurs différences et offrent une relation à l’extérieur, aux autres, mais toujours maîtrisée. Dans ces co-habitats, le partage et l’ouverture de lieux collectifs invitent les résidents à réaliser une ville socialement durable de (...)
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    Trois bases à relief de Délos.Anne Jacquemin - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):569-583.
    Ή μελέτη ἀφορᾶ τρία μικρά ἐλληνιστικά μνημεῖα της Δήλου : μιά κυκλική βάση κοσμημένη μέ κράνη, ξίφη καί κνημίδες, ἕναν ὀρθοστάτη μέ θύρσο καί στεφάνι κισσοῦ καί μία βάση τετράγωνη μονολιθική. Ή ἀπουσία ἐπιγραφικού κειμένου δέν ἐπιτρέπει τήν ταύτιση τοῦ προσώπου πού ἀφιέρωσε ἤ πού του ἀφιέρωσαν τό ἄγαλμα πού φέρει ἡ βάση μέ τά ὅπλα. Ή διακόσμηση της μπορεῖ νά χρησίμευε σάν ἐνδιάμεσο ἀνάμεσα στίς θριαμβευτικές ἤ ταφικές ἀπεικονίσεις τοῦ ἑλληνικοῦ κόσμου καί τῆς Ἰταλίας. Ή διακόσμηση τοῦ ὀρθοστάτη παραβάλλεται (...)
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