Results for 'Anti-excepcionalismo Lógico.'

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  1.  11
    O Conceito de Consequência Lógica e os Problemas do Pluralismo e do Anti-Excepcionalismo.Alberto Leopoldo Batista Neto - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (1):125-139.
    ResumoApresentam-se alguns conceitos fundamentais e posições representativas referentes a três debates correntesna filosofia da lógica, a saber aquele acerca da natureza da relação de consequência, o que versasobre o problema do pluralismo lógico (e sua alternativa fundamental, o monismo) e o que gira em tornoda chamada proposta anti-excepcionalista, que nega o caráter excepcional da lógica e a põe numa relaçãode continuidade essencial com as demais ciências, de modo a evidenciar pontos de conexão entre as trêsdiscussões mencionadas. Levanta-se, por fim, (...)
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  2. Esbozo de una concepción particularista de las Leyes Lógicas.Miguel Agustín Álvarez Lisboa - 2021 - Culturas Cientificas 2 (1):04-22.
    El Anti-Excepcionalismo Lógico afirma que la Lógica es como cualquier otra ciencia. Si esta afirmación es cierta, entonces ella no sólo es revisable, sino que además todo lo que se puede decir sobre las ciencias aplica, mutatis mutandis, para la misma. El propósito de este artículo es explorar esta consecuencia del Anti-Excepcionalismo Lógico, acercando a la Filosofía de la Lógica el marco teórico de las Máquinas Nomológicas de Nancy Cartwright. De acuerdo con esta visión, lo que (...)
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    Observaciones en torno al sentido ético del Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus y a la importancia de lo inefable.David Pérez Chico - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:27-43.
    In the hundred years since its publication, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus has become a contemporary classic with the peculiarity that it is surrounded by an aura of mystery: what is really Wittgenstein’s aim in writing the Tractatus, how are we to understand the last two propositions of the Tractatus that enjoin us to detach ourselves from the book itself and keep silent, can the Tractatus be anything other than a positivist and anti-metaphysical treatise, and so on? Here we will argue (...)
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  4. Black White Paper: Tractatus logico-academicus.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    A draft White Paper associated with Fulbright Specialist Program lectures at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, in March-April 2015, concerning neo-liberal capitalist exploitation of academic research and publications.
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    Buacar and Moretti on Anti-Exceptionalism, Justification, and Normativity.Bruno Borge - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):43-51.
    In this paper, I critically review Buacar’s and Moretti’s positions on the justification and normativity of logic. I argue that they rely on a transcendentalist move to account for the normativity of logic and that this has undesirable consequences, in particular for Buacar’s position. I propose a revised notion of normativity in order to lay the groundwork for an alternative proposal that takes up the general outlines of Buacar’s analysis while emphasizing the naturalistic component of her ideas.
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    (1 other version)“The Only Strictly Correct Method of Philosophy”: Logical Analysis and Anti-Metaphysical Dialectic.Hans-Johann Glock - 2023 - In Martin Stokhof & Hao Tang (eds.), Wittgenstein's Tractatus at 100. Springer Verlag. pp. 143-168.
    The Tractatus revolves around the connection between two central topics – the preconditions of symbolic representation and the nature of logic-cum-philosophy. Proper philosophy is an activity, namely of revealing the hidden structures that allow language to represent reality by way of logical analysis. At the same time the main purpose of such logical analysis consists in revealing metaphysical statements to be nonsensical. In the subsequent development of analytic philosophy, these two ideas parted company. The positive aim of revealing the logical (...)
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    (1 other version)Filosofía cognitiva de la lógica y anti-psicologismo.F. Alejandro Ramírez - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 77:177-194.
    La discusión sobre el psicologismo lógico, que parecía ya superada desde Frege-Husserl, ha vuelto a posicionarse hoy en la filosofía de la lógica. Se examina, en primer lugar, la idea según la cual lo que hoy se entiende por lógica respondería en lo esencial a las tesis defendidas por el anti-psicologismo. En segundo término, se plantea que algunos enfoques actuales en ciencia cognitiva, como el de la facultad cognitiva proto-lógica de R.Hanna, y el de los dominios cognitivos, de Stennings (...)
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  8. “In a certain sense we cannot make mistakes in logic”: Wittgenstein’s Anti-Psychologism and the Normativity of Logic.Gilad Nir - 2021 - Disputatio 10 (18):165-185.
    Wittgenstein’s Tractatus construes the nature of reasoning in a manner which sharply conflicts with the conventional wisdom that logic is normative, not descriptive of thought. For although we sometimes seem to reason incorrectly, Wittgenstein denies that we can make logical mistakes (5.473). My aim in this paper is to show that the Tractatus provides us with good reasons to rethink some of the central assumptions that are standardly made in thinking about the relation between logic and thought. In particular, the (...)
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    A New Unified Account of Truth and Paradox.N. Tennant - 2015 - Mind 124 (494):571-605.
    I propose an anti-realist account of truth and paradox according to which the logico-semantic paradoxes are not genuine inconsistencies. The ‘global’ proofs of absurdity associated with these paradoxes cannot be brought into normal form. The account combines epistemicism about truth with a proof-theoretic diagnosis of paradoxicality. The aim is to combine a substantive philosophical account of truth with a more rigorous and technical diagnosis of the source of paradox for further consideration by logicians. Core Logic plays a central role (...)
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  10.  20
    Metaphysical Reading(s) of TLP.Ashoka Kumar Tarai - 2023 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 40 (1):1-14.
    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (TLP) turns hundred years of its publication in the year 2021. The book has received several interpretations during this period of hundred years. However, in the last three decades, the interpretations of TLP have taken a very tenacious position with regard to the debates among scholars concerning whether there is any metaphysical significance in the text. The debates primarily offshoot in the rise of anti-metaphysical or often known as resolute reading that challenges the standard or metaphysical reading. (...)
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    Philosophy and Philosophical Method.Hans-Johann Glock - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 229–251.
    This chapter discusses the main features of Ludwig Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy, both early and late. It also assesses these features for their merits, partly with a view to current debates. The chapter addresses that his radical position is more than a whimsical manifestation of an anti‐scientific ideology: it is supported by arguments deriving from astute observations about the peculiar character of philosophical problems on the one hand, and logico‐semantic ideas on the other. It also describes three tensions in (...)
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  12.  8
    Dialectic of the Ladder: Wittgenstein, the 'Tractatus' and Modernism.Ben Ware - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922) remains one of the most enigmatic works of twentieth century thought. In this bold and original new study, Ben Ware argues that Wittgenstein's early masterpiece is neither an analytic treatise on language and logic, nor a quasi-mystical work seeking to communicate 'ineffable' truths. Instead, we come to understand the Tractatus by grasping it in a twofold sense: first, as a dialectical work which invites the reader to overcome certain 'illusions of thought'; and second as a (...)
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  13.  9
    Local or Global Logical Revision.Juan Manuel Gagino-Di Leo - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):35-42.
    The Adoption Problem (AP) was a postponed issue for some years (Kripke, 2024; Padró, 2015; Birman, 2024). This problem highlights certain difficulties surrounding the adoption of rules of inference: If anti-exceptionalism is wrong, is it possible to adopt an alternative logic? What is the point of the revision of logic in epistemology? During 2022 Kripke, Padró and Barrio held seminars on AP. The latter two edited the first thematic section on this subject in the journal Análisis Filosófico. It contains (...)
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  14.  28
    Prolegómenos a los “Prolegómenos” (Revisando la participación neokantiana en el Psychologismusstreit).Mario Ariel González Porta - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):164-184.
    Neokantianismo y realismo lógico desenvuelven dos formas de anti-psicologismo diferenciables tanto del punto de vista sistemático como histórico-filosófico. En las siguientes líneas me propongo clarificar el papel jugado por el neokantianismo en el así llamado Psychologismusstreit, intentando poner de manifiesto su peculiaridad.
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    Intensions, belief and science: Kuhn’s early philosophical outlook.Juan V. Mayoral de Lucas - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (2):175-184.
    Between 1940 and 1945, while still a student of theoretical physics and without any contact with the history of science, Thomas S. Kuhn developed a general outline of a theory of the role of belief in science. This theory was well rooted in the philosophical tradition of Emerson Hall, Harvard, and particularly in H. M. Sheffer’s and C. I. Lewis’s logico-philosophical works—Kuhn was, actually, a graduate student of the former in 1945. In this paper I reconstruct the development of that (...)
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    “Wrongful Life” Reloaded: Logical empiricism’s philosophy of biology 1934-1936 (Prague/Paris/Copenhagen).Gereon Wolters - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:233-255.
    I give a revision (“reload”) of an earlier paper on logico-empiricism’s philosophy of biology by checking its central theses against the background of the international conferences of Prague (1934), Paris (1935), and Copenhagen (1936), so important for the development of logical empiricism and its spread in the western world. My theses are that logical empiricism did not contribute in the same way to the development of philosophy of biology, as it did e.g. to the development of philosophy of mathematics or (...)
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  17.  53
    The Long Shadow of Semantic Platonism.Gustavo Picazo - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):2211-2242.
    The present article is the second part of a trilogy of papers, devoted to analysing the influence of semantic Platonism on contemporary philosophy of language. In Part I (Picazo 2021), the discussion was set out by examining a number of typical traces of Platonism in semantic theory since Frege. In a subsequent paper that shall be published elsewere, additional illustrations of such traces will be provided, taken from a collection of classic texts in the philosophy of language, also from Frege (...)
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  18.  23
    Significant Absences: Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Silence and Joyce’s Poetics of the Unspoken.Darko Blagojevic & Vanja Vukicevic Garic - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (1).
    This paper discusses an important phase in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s analytic philosophy through a comparative examination of the profound correspondences that exist between his concept of silence and the poetics of another crucial authorial figure of the 20th century: James Joyce. Based on the hypothesis that there are striking resemblances between their early works, that is, between Joyce’s realistic short-story collection Dubliners and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the article employs mostly close-reading, analytical-interpretative and comparative methods. It argues that silence was an intentional (...)
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  19.  46
    Ethics of Geometry and Genealogy of Modernity.Marc Richir - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):315-324.
    The work of David R. Lachterman, The Ethics of Geometry, subtitled A Genealogy of Modernity, concerns essentially the status of geometry in Euclid’s Elements and in Descartes’s Geometry. It is a remarkable work, at once by the declared breadth of its ambitions and by the very great precision of its analyses, which are always supported by a prodigious philosophical culture. David Lachterman’s concern is to grasp, by way of an in-depth commentary of certain, particularly crucial passages of these two foundational (...)
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  20.  49
    Discenindo Caminhos em Filosofia da Ciência: O Contribute de Meio Século de Estudos (1950-2000).Ernan McMullin - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):67 - 91.
    O presente artigo começa por reconhecer que a crítica ao cerne dos pressupostos do Positivismo Lógico acerca da natureza da Ciência começou alguns anos antes do aparecimento da obra de Thomas Kuhn A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas, obra esta que se haveria de constituir como charneira na Filosofia da Ciência mais recente. Em vez de olhar para a Ciência como uma estrutura proposicional intemporal, Kuhn defende que ela deve ser tratada como um empreendimento essencialmente histórico, no qual a subjectividade humana (...)
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    The Long Shadow of Semantic Platonism: Part I: General Considerations.Gustavo Picazo - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1427-1453.
    The present article is the first of a trilogy of papers, devoted to analysing the influence of semantic Platonism on contemporary philosophy of language. In the present article, I lay out the discussion by contrasting semantic Platonism with two other views of linguistic meaning: the socio-environmental conception of meaning and semantic anti-representationalism. Then, I identify six points in which the impregnation of semantic theory with Platonism can be particularly felt, resulting in shortcomings and inaccuracies of various kinds. These points (...)
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  22.  36
    A teo-lógica leibniziana do tempo / The Leibnizian Theo-Logic of Time: On the Contingency of Future.Paulo de Jesus - 2013 - Cultura 32:79-104.
    A presente investigação questiona a essência teo-lógica dos futuros contingentes. Para o efeito, analisa-se, primeiramente, a argumentação segundo a qual, sob certas con­dições lógicas, teológicas, ontológicas e cosmológicas anti-necessitantes, detetadas por G. W. Leibniz (conciliando a posição de St. Agostinho com a de L. Molina e W. Ockham), a abertura contingente do futuro parece ser compatível com o regime das “verdades contingentes pré-determinadas”, regime enquadrado teologicamente pelo princípio do “futuro melhor” ou do “único futuro verdadeiro”. No entanto, os futuros (...)
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  23. Od realizmu do arealizmu (III). Deflacyjne rozwiązanie problematyki realizmu w filozofii powittgensteinowskiej.Mateusz Oleksy - 2003 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    The purpose of this article is to distinguish the position which I call „arealism” from both semantic realism and semantic anti-realism. Arealism is based on the deflationary critique of the logico-semantic debate on realism, i.e., on the argument which undermines the foundationist presuppositions of this debate. I attempt to draw carefully the distinction between arealist, deflationist approach to the problem of realism and the position of semantic anti-realism, which is usually framed in terms of the assertability-conditions semantics. Moreover, (...)
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  24.  33
    Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: Volume I: The Formal Turn; Volume II: The Philosophical Turn.Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Introduction. PHilosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Formal Turn Piotr Stalmaszczyk Gottlob Frege, Philosophy of Language, and Predication Piotr Stalmaszczyk Philosophy, Linguistics and Semantic Interpretation Christian Bassac An Unresolved Issue: Nonsense in Natural Language and Non-Classical Logical and Semantic Systems Elzbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska Varieties of Context-Dependence Tadeusz Ciecierski The Logos of Semantic Structure Marie Du í, Bjørn Jespersen and Pavel Materna The Good Samaritan and the Hygienic Cook: A Cautionary Tale About Linguistic Data Chris Fox The Meaning of Multiple Quantified Sentences: (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy.Alain Badiou - 2011 - Verso. Edited by Bruno Bosteels.
    A leading continental philosopher from France and author of Theory of the Subject interrogates the "anti-philosophy" of Ludwig Wittgenstein in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, arguing that his beliefs compromise truth and logic while rendering philosophy a practice of esoteric aphorisms.
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  26.  14
    Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07.Edmund Husserl - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This course on logic and theory of knowledge fell exactly midway between the publication of the Logical Investigations in 1900-01 and Ideas I in 1913. It constitutes a summation and consolidation of Husserl’s logico-scientific, epistemological, and epistemo-phenomenological investigations of the preceding years and an important step in the journey from the descriptivo-psychological elucidation of pure logic in the Logical Investigations to the transcendental phenomenology of the absolute consciousness of the objective correlates constituting themselves in its acts in Ideas I. In (...)
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    The Methodological Rationale of Thomas Sekine.Jelle Versieren - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (2):217-245.
    The unique conceptual status of Thomas Sekine’s approach to Marx’s Capital and capitalism, heavily indebted to Kōzō Uno’s work, will be analyzed by setting against its own theoretical counterparts, orthodox dialectical materialism. It will also be shown that Sekine’s critique of dialectical materialism differs from other neo-Hegelian perspectives or Althusser’s anti-Hegelian structuralism. These comparisons unearth Sekine’s concealed epistemological preoccupations: totality, subsumption of labor, self-commodification, historical indeterminacy and the logico-historical error. Last, Sekine also considered neoclassical economics as another form of (...)
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    El antifundamentalismo radical del neodualismo postanalítico. A través de von Wright y Apel.Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (1).
    El neodualismo postanalítico atribuyó a Russell, el primer Wittgenstein y Popper una actitud radicalmente anti-fundamentalista, con posterioridad a la teoría de los juegos del lenguaje del segundo Wittgenstein, debido a tres motivos, al menos según Von Wright y Apel, a saber: la fundamentación dogmática inductivista del positivismo lógico en los dos primeros casos; las sucesivas refundaciones meramente hipotéticas del racionalismo crítico en Popper; y, finalmente, la fundamentación explicativo-comprensiva preconizada de un modo meliorista por el pragmatismo semántico en aquel último (...)
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  29. Russell’s Repsychologising of the Proposition.Graham Stevens - 2006 - Synthese 151 (1):99-124.
    Bertrand Russell's 1903 masterpiece "The Principles of Mathematics" places great emphasis on the need to separate propositions from psychological items such as thoughts. In 1919 Russell explicitly retracts this view, however, and defines propositions as "psychological occurrences". These psychological occurrences are held by Russell to be mental images. In this paper, I seek to explain this radical change of heart. I argue that Russell's re-psychologising of the proposition in 1919 can only be understood against the background of his struggle with (...)
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  30. Wittgenstein and the Methodology of Semantics.Fritz J. McDonald - 2015 - In Ranjan Kumar Panda (ed.), Language, Mind and Reality: A Reflection on Philosophical Thoughts of R. C. Pradhan. Overseas Press.
    R.C. Pradhan claims in Language, Reality, and Transcendence that, in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigations, “[i]n no case is Wittgenstein interested in the empirical facts regarding language, as for him philosophy does not undertake any scientific study of language” (Pradhan 2009, xiv). I consider Ludwig Wittgenstein’s purportedly anti-scientific and anti-empirical approach to language in light of advances by philosophers and linguists in the latter half of the 20th century. I distinguish between various ways of understanding Wittgenstein’s (...)
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    A voz-práxis dos marginalizados entre estética e política: autoafirmação, resistência e luta em tempos de institucionalismo forte, cientificismo e lógica sistêmica. [REVIEW]Leno Francisco Danner, Fernando Danner, Agemir Bavaresco & Julie Dorrico - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
    Criticamos, no artigo, duas exigências fundamentais postas pelo paradigma normativo da modernidade como condição da crítica, da reflexividade e da emancipação, a saber, a racionalização epistemológica dos sujeitos, das práticas e dos valores como critério da justificação e da validade, e o procedimentalismo imparcial, neutro, formal e impessoal como práxis da fundamentação ético-política. Argumentaremos que essas duas exigências teórico-práticas levam a dois graves problemas para uma teoria social crítica e para uma práxis política emancipatória relativamente à modernidade: primeiro, sujeitos epistemológico-políticos (...)
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    Emotion and Object. [REVIEW]R. M. K. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):166-167.
    In an attempt to discover that which makes man distinctively human Wilson takes as his starting point two opposing accounts of what distinguishes man from inanimate objects and indicates why both of them are invalid. The Cartesian concept maintains that man is distinct from the inanimate by virtue of his consciousness, the neo-Wittgensteinian views the distinction as one of behavior and interaction explicable in terms of reason and motives. Wilson agrees that emotion and behavior constitute the primary difference between man (...)
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  33. The Role of Philosophical Investigations § 258: What is 'the Private Language Argument'?Derek A. McDougall - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (1):44-71.
    The Private Language Sections of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, -/- generally agreed to run from §§ 243 - 271, but extending to § 315 with the book’s continued -/- treatment of the private object model and the inner and outer conception of the mind, have -/- proved remarkably resistant to any generally agreed interpretation. Even today, ways of -/- looking at these sections which were first in vogue half a century ago when discussions of -/- this aspect of Wittgenstein’s work (...)
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    Wittgenstein Approached [review of Brian McGuinness, Approaches to Wittgenstein ].Gregory Landini - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):165-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\REVIEWS.252 : 2006-02-27 11:52 eviews WITTGENSTEIN APPROACHED G L Philosophy / U. of Iowa Iowa City,  ,  -@. Brian McGuinness. Approaches to Wittgenstein: Collected Papers. London and New York: Routledge, . Pp. xv, . .. his book is a joy to read. Brian McGuinness is among the foremost Tscholars of Wittgenstein’s life and work. For better than  years, his papers have given (...)
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    Estado laico e interferência religiosa.Alessandro Pinzani - 2015 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 14 (2):279-299.
    O artigo analisa diferentes discursos que, neste momento, estão sendo formulados sobre a religião na esfera pública. Não se falará nele da religião ou das religiões, mas da maneira na qual esses temas são percebidos e discutidos na opinião pública ocidental, em particular europeia, pois essa discussão tem algo relevante para a discussão sobre o papel da religião na sociedade brasileira. Serão considerados três discursos que serão denominados respectivamente de “determinismo cultural”, “anti-religiosidade seletiva” e “laicismo estatal”. A intenção do (...)
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    The Present Relevance of Bertrand Russell's Criticism of Logical Positivism.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 1999 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 55 (4):427 - 458.
    Bertrand Russell has been traditionallly identified with logical positivism. The author of this paper holds that this identification has no historical basis in Russell's philosophy, and he suggests that, since the logical positivists themselves, it has been used metahistorically and metaphilosophically as an instrument of the legitimacy of analytical practice along the different contexts of analytical philosophy. He shows that when logical positivism emerged in the international scene, during the 1930's, Russell was one of the first philosophers (if not the (...)
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    Wittgenstein on the Limits of Language.Hans Sluga - 2023 - In Jens Pier (ed.), Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    The paper interprets Wittgenstein’s famous call to silence at the end of his Tractatus – that “whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent” – as a critique of philosophy itself. Wittgenstein was concerned throughout his philosophical life with finding a way to delineate the limits of language. These limits, once we have them clearly in view, rob our attempts to put forth philosophical theories of their legitimacy. In order to give a critical assessment of this Wittgensteinian critique of (...)
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    The anti-utilitarianism and anti-contractualism of Smithian iurisprudence.Anti-Contractualism Of Smithian - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  39. La creencia en Kierkegaard, Johannes de Silentio y Anti-Climacus Asunción Herrera Guevara.Johannes de Silentio Y. Anti-Climacus - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-3):101-114.
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    Anglo-American Idealism; Thinkers and Ideas.Antis Loizides - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):204 - 207.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 20, Issue 1, Page 204-207, January 2012.
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    John Stuart Mill's platonic heritage: happiness through character.Antis Loizides - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores various connections of John Stuart Mill's thought to ancient Greek philosophy primarily in relation to his conception of happiness. It argues that a better understanding of Mill's background in ancient Greek thought and his reading(s) of Plato's dialogues leads to innovative interpretations of his moral and political thought.
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    John Stuart Mill: Individuality, Dignity, and Respect for Persons.Antis Loizides - 2017 - In Elena Irrera & Giovanni Giorgini (eds.), The Roots of Respect: A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary. De Gruyter. pp. 187-206.
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    Elijah Millgram, John Stuart Mill and the Meaning of Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), pp. viii + 249.Antis Loizides - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (2):246-249.
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    Kevin Scharp.Wilfrid Sellars’S. Anti—Descriptivism - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA.
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    Ruumilisusest Tartu–Moskva kultuurisemiootikas.Anti Randviir - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):159-159.
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    Трансдисциплинарность объектов.Anti Randviir - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):122-122.
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    О пространственности в семиотике культуры тартуско-московской школы.Anti Randviir - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):158-158.
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    John Skorupski.I. On'anti-Realism - 1986 - In Jeremy Butterfield (ed.), Language, mind and logic. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 151.
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    Transdisciplinarity in objects.Anti Randviir - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2-4):88-121.
    Contemporary sociosemiotics is a way to transcend borderlines between trends inside semiotics, and also other disciplines. Whereas semiotics has been considered as an interdisciplinary field of research par excellence, sociosemiotics can point directions at transdisciplinary research. The present article will try toconjoin the structural and the processual views on culture and society, binding them together with the notion of signification. The signification of space willillustrate the dynamic between both cultures and metacultures, and cultural mainstreams and subcultures. This paper pays attention (...)
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    Mill's Aesthetics.Antis Loizides - 2016 - In Christopher Macleod & Dale E. Miller (eds.), A Companion to Mill. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. pp. 250–265.
    This chapter argues that two distinct, yet connected, contexts – Mill's “mental crisis” and his task as a “Logician” – led to the formation of two arguments on the value of art. On one hand, Mill argued that aesthetic cultivation was important as an end in itself. Excellence was to be pursued disinterestedly as part of a beautiful life. On the other, Mill argued aesthetic cultivation was important as a means to the utilitarian end – strengthening the social sympathies made (...)
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