Results for 'Anton Wessehky'

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    Philosophie der Tat.Anton Wessehky - 1919 - Annalen der Philosophie 1 (1):382-423.
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  2. Draining the pond: why Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor is self-defeating.Anton Markoč - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1953-1970.
    Peter Singer’s defense of the duty to aid the world’s poor by the pond analogy is self-defeating. It cannot be both true that you ought to save the drowning child from a pond at the expense of ruining your shoes and that you ought to aid the world’s poor if you thereby do not sacrifice anything of comparable moral importance. Taking the latter principle seriously would lead you to let the child in front of you drown whenever you could thereby (...)
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    (2 other versions)Part II.Anton C. Fegis - 1962 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:19-32.
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    Errors in Pragmatics.Anton Benz - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (1):97-116.
    In this paper we are going to show that error coping strategies play an essential role in linguistic pragmatics. We study the effect of noisy speaker strategies within a framework of signalling games with feedback loop. We distinguish between cases in which errors occur in message selection and cases in which they occur in signal selection. The first type of errors affects the content of an utterance, and the second type its linguistic expression. The general communication model is inspired by (...)
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    Optimal assertions, and what they implicate. A uniform game theoretic approach.Anton Benz & Robert Rooij - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):63-78.
    To determine what the speaker in a cooperative dialog meant with his assertion, on top of what he explicitly said, it is crucial that we assume that the assertion he gave was optimal. In determining optimal assertions we assume that dialogs are embedded in decision problems (van Rooij 2003) and use backwards induction for calculating them (Benz 2006). In this paper, we show that in terms of our framework we can account for several types of implicatures in a uniform way, (...)
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    Le « chamanisme » et la comédie ancienne. Recours générique à un atavisme et guérison. (avec une application à l'exemple de la Paix d'Aristophane).Anton Bierl - 2007 - Methodos 7.
    Dans cette contribution, la Comédie Ancienne est associée de manière surprenante au complexe chamanistique, ou respectivement, au schéma du goës ou magos qui existait dans la Grèce archaïque et dans les premiers temps de la Grèce classique. Après un bref aperçu de l’histoire de la recherche concernant le ‘chamanisme’ grec dans les études classiques, l’auteur écarte explicitement les spéculations essentialistes sur l’origine, mais utilise le phénomène religieux au sens d’un procédé de fantaisie mental et théâtral. Le potentiel performatif du goës (...)
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    Computable aspects of the Bachmann–Howard principle.Anton Freund - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):2050006.
    We have previously established that [Formula: see text]-comprehension is equivalent to the statement that every dilator has a well-founded Bachmann–Howard fixed point, over [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we show that the base theory can be lowered to [Formula: see text]. We also show that the minimal Bachmann–Howard fixed point of a dilator [Formula: see text] can be represented by a notation system [Formula: see text], which is computable relative to [Formula: see text]. The statement that [Formula: see text] (...)
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    (1 other version)Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der allgemeinen Grammatik und Sprachphilosophie.Anton Marty - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3):457.
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  9. David Hume. Sein Leben und seine Philosophie I. Bd.Anton Thomsen - 1913 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 76:671-672.
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    Music Pluralism, Music Realism, and Music Archaeology.Anton Killin - 2019 - Topoi 40 (1):261-272.
    According to pluralism about some concept, there are multiple non-equivalent, legitimate concepts pertaining to the ontological category in question. It is an open question whether conceptual pluralism implies anti-realism about that category. In this article, I argue that at least for the case of music, it does not. To undermine the application of an influential move from pluralism to anti-realism, then, I provide an argument in support of indifference realism about music, by appeal to music archaeological research, via an analogy (...)
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    The New Marxism.Antón Donoso - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):301-303.
  12. Eseuri.Anton Dumitriu - 1986 - București: Editura Eminescu.
    Știință și cunoaștere -- Alétheia -- Cartea întîlnirilor admirabile.
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  13. Historia de una idea invisible: La no presencia de los conceptos de construcción de paz y reconciliación en la teoría sobre la violencia en Perú.Egoitz Gago Antón - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    Perú es un caso claro de conflicto interno violento. Este conflicto, dominado por las acciones del grupo guerrillero Sendero Luminoso tuvo sus años más duros durante las décadas de los años 80 y 90. Sin embrago, es peculiar la poca producción académica que existe analizando los aspectos de paz y conflicto del país. Este trabajo busca repasar los trabajos realizados en el país sobre la violencia y analizar la existencia de contribuciones académicas que traten el conflicto peruano desde la perspectiva (...)
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    Orthodox Christian Philosophy in Byzantium.John P. Anton & B. N. Tatakis - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (11):366.
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  15. Science, philosophy, and our educational tasks.John Peter Anton & George Kimball Plochmann (eds.) - 1966 - [Buffalo]: University Council for Educational Administration.
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    Part IV.Anton C. Fegis - 1962 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:49-59.
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  17. HIV/AIDS and the Point and Scope of Medical Confidentiality.Anton Vedder - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.), Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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  18. Characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving three-valued logic maps.Anton A. Esin - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper investigates structural properties of monotone function classes within the framework of three-valued logic (3VL), aiming to characterize dependencies and constraints that ensure structural finiteness and order-preserving properties. This research delves into characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving 3VL map. Monotonicity plays a critical role in understanding functional behaviour, which is essential for structuring closed logical operations within $ P_{k} $. We define $ F $ as a closed class in $ P_{k} $, consisting only of mappings that (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Betekenisverschuiving in het Causaliteitsbegrip van Ernst Cassirer.Anton Froeyman - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (4):733-761.
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  20. Historische Uitvoeringspraktijk.Anton Froeyman - 2011 - de Uil Van Minerva 24 (1):21-38.
  21. The Other and the Subject: On the Conditions of Possibility of the Problem of Values in the Humanities.Anton Froeyman - forthcoming - In Gertrudis Van De Vijver & Boris Demarest (eds.), Critical Reflections on Objectivity. Georg Olms Verlag.
  22.  85
    (1 other version)Not Music, but Musics: A Case for Conceptual Pluralism in Aesthetics.Adrian Currie & Anton Killin - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (2):151-174.
    We argue for conceptual pluralism about music. In our view, there is no right answer to the question ‘What is music?’ divorced from some context or interest. Instead, there are several, non-equivalent music concepts suited to different interests – from within some tradition or practice, or by way of some research question or field of inquiry. We argue that unitary definitions of music are problematic, that the role music concepts play in various research questions should motivate conceptual pluralism about music, (...)
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    Categorial thought: Buchler's natural complex and aristotle'sousia.John P. Anton - 1976 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):69-84.
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    Relevance and Excellence.John P. Anton - 1970 - Journal of Critical Analysis 2 (1):1-11.
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    Virtues of Historiography.Anton Froeyman - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (3):415-431.
    In this paper, I take up Herman Paul’s suggestion to analyze the process of writing history in terms of virtues. In contrast to Paul, however, I argue that the concept of virtue used here should not be based on virtue epistemology, but rather on virtue ethics. The reason is that virtue epistemology is discriminative towards non-coginitive virtues and incompatible with the Ankersmitian/Whitean view of historiography as a multivocal path from historical reality to historical representation. Virtue ethics on the other hand, (...)
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    De relativiteit van kennis en werkelijkheid: inleiding tot de kennissociologie.Anton C. Zijderveld - 1974 - Meppel: Boom.
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    Polis und Kosmos. Habermas, Ratzinger und Kant über Politik und Religion.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):43-58.
    Anknüpfend an einen Dialog zwischen Jürgen Habermas und Joseph Ratzinger von 2004 über vorpolitische Grundlagen des demokratischen Rechtsstaates werden Eckpunkte möglicher Rechtfertigungen und ein strukturelles Defizit des Staates erörtert: selbst der demokratischste gefährdet die Freiheit seiner Bürger. Ratzinger und Habermas weisen dem religiösen Glauben differente Funktionen zu, um diesem und verwandten Defiziten abzuhelfen: Ratzinger setzt auf tiefe religiöse Überzeugung, Habermas auf Kulturchristentum. Dagegen wird hier die These vertreten, dass die vorgeschlagenen Abhilfen nicht wirkungsvoll sind. Vielmehr bedarf es einer im kritischen (...)
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    Krása a nesmrtel'nost'. O plodení u Platóna a Shakespeara.Anton Vydra - 2007 - Ostium 3 (1).
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    Evangelos P. Papanoutsos (1900-1982).John P. Anton - 1984 - Philosophical Inquiry 6 (1):77-77.
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  30. Fundamentacion teologica de las Conferencias Episcopales.Angel Anton - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (2):205-232.
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  31. «I teologi davanti all'istruzione Donum Veritatis»: Il compito del teologo tra «ecclesialità» e «scientificità» e il suo rapporto col magistero ecclesiastico.A. Anton - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (2):223-265.
    As the title indicates, the author does not intend to comment on the Instruction Donum Veritatis, but to bring some precision regarding the function of the theologian in the Church in the light of the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The subtitle qualifies the work of the theologian as ecclesial and scientific. The theme must be situated in the context of a global vision of the Church as mystery of communion and as mission, as this (...)
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    Necessary and contingent deduction.Anton Dumitriu - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (3):525-534.
  33.  95
    Plotinus' conception of the functions of the artist.John P. Anton - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):91-101.
  34. The Federalist and the ancients.Michael Anton - 2024 - In Michael Anton, Glenn Ellmers & Charles R. Kesler (eds.), Leisure with dignity: essays in celebration of Charles R. Kesler. New York: Encounter Books.
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    The Metalinguistics of Subjectivity.Corey Anton - 2005 - American Journal of Semiotics 21 (1/4):113-119.
  36.  46
    The Republic as Philosophical Drama.John P. Anton - 2008 - Philosophical Inquiry 30 (3-4):3-23.
  37.  14
    Die sonntägliche Evangelienlesung im vorbyzantinischen Jerusalem.Anton Baumstark - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  38. Friedrich Nietzsche:'Abriss der Geschichte der Beredsamkeit': A New Edition.Anton Bierl & I. I. I. William M. Calder - 1992 - Nietzsche Studien 21:363-89.
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    Γνωσιολογία.John P. Anton - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (25):803-809.
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  40. De la'Teologiá del misterio de la Iglesia'a la'Teología de sus estructuras colegiales'.A. Anton - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (2):341-348.
    Réflexions sur deux publications récentes en ecclésiologie : «Eclesiología 30 años después de Lumen Gentium. Pueblo de Dios - Cuerpo de Cristo - Templo del Espíritu Santo - Sacramento - Comuniοn», Pedro Rodríguez , Madrid : Rialp, 1994 et François Guillemette, «Théologie des conférences Episcopales. Une herméneutique de Vatican II», Montréal, QC : Médiaspaul, 1994.
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    Das Problem der Willensfreiheit.Anton Antweiler - 1955 - Freiburg,: Herder.
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  42. ? Ejercen las Conferencias Episcopales un Munus Magisterii?Angel Anton - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (3):439-494.
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  43. El Munus Magisterii de las Conferencias Episcopales. Horizonte teologico y criterios de valorizacion.Angel Anton - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (4):741-778.
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    Marcilio Ficino's Plotinus and the Renaissance.John P. Anton - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (1-2):1-8.
  45. «Ordinatio sacerdotalis»: algunas reflexiones de gnoseología teológica'.A. Anton - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (4):723-742.
    L'objet de l'article est de considérer le document du magistère «Ordinatio sacerdotalis» dans le cadre de la gnoséologie théologique. Vatican II a légué, au sujet de l'objet et de l'étendue du magistère pontifical ordinaire trois critères-clé que l'ecclésiologiste doit appliquer pour l'interprétation des textes du magistère. a) La nature du document ; b) La proposition fréquente du thème en d'autres documents du magistère et sa transmission dans la tradition vivante de l'Eglise; c) Les formules employées pour déterminer le caractère de (...)
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    Playing with Bateson.Corey Anton - 2003 - American Journal of Semiotics 19 (1-4):127-152.
    Gregory Bateson’s work on play led him to conclude that paradox is the ground of propositions and denotation. Working through the concepts of analog and digital communication, logical typing problems, and various dimensions of “framing” and meta-discourse, I broadly illustrate how what Bateson came to call “the paradoxes of abstraction” inevitably arise within denotative utterances. In addressing the root paradoxes of framing and denotation which Bateson’s work on play identified and sought to elucidate, this manuscript outlines and advances some of (...)
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  47. Saint Thomas Aquinas: On the Truth of the Catholic Faith. Book I: God.Anton C. Pegis - 1955
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  48. The Unity of Scientific Inquiry and Categorial Theory in Artistotle.Jp Anton - 1990 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 121:29-43.
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    Un análisis de la evidencia en la Lógica formal y trascendental de Husserl.Ivana Anton Mlinar - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:195.
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    (1 other version)"Schicksal"-Worter in Antike Und Christentum.Anton Anwander - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 1 (1-4):315-327.
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