Results for 'Apathy Philosophy.'

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  1.  32
    Religion and the One: Philosophies East and West. By Frederick Copleston. [REVIEW]A. Andrew Apathy - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 61 (3):198-199.
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    Tulane Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 26: "Atheism and Theism," by Errol E. Harris.A. Andrew Apathy - 1979 - Modern Schoolman 56 (2):183-183.
  3.  40
    Divine Commands and Moral Requirements. By Philip L. Quinn. [REVIEW]A. Andrew Apathy - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (2):190-190.
  4.  24
    The Quest for Wholeness. By Carl G. Vaught. [REVIEW]A. Andrew Apathy - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 61 (4):274-275.
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    An Introduction to Plato's Republic. By Julia Annas. [REVIEW]A. Andrew Apathy - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (4):283-283.
  6.  58
    The Philosophers of Greece. By Robert S. Brumbaugh. [REVIEW]A. Andrew Apathy - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 61 (1):54-54.
  7.  10
    Apathy.Александр Столяров - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (1):177-190.
    Apathy – a term of ancient philosophy, which was also used by representatives of patristics, medieval scholasticism and New Age philosophy. “Apathy”, de-pending on the understanding of affectability as the ability to undergo an impact, can mean the absence of any suffering (passion, affect), immunity to this or that influence or non-subjection to it. In the broadest sense, there are two types of nonafficiability: general nonafficiability as immunity to any influence (ontological connotation), and special (spiritual) nonafficiability as immunity (...)
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    Overcoming the Apathy Induced by the Current Irrelevance of Philosophy.Charlene Haddock Seigfried - 1998 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12 (2):98 - 113.
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    Apathy: the democratic disease.Jeffrey E. Green - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (5-6):745-768.
    This essay turns to ancient sources in order to rethink the relationship between political apathy and democracy. If modern democratic theorists place political apathy entirely outside of democracy – either as a destructive limit upon the full realization of a democratic polity, or, more sanguinely, as a pragmatic necessity which tempers democracy so that it may function in a workable yet watered-down form – the ancients conceived of political apathy as a peculiarly democratic phenomenon that was likely (...)
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    Desire, Apathy and Activism.Simone Bignall - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (Suppl):7-27.
    This paper explores the themes of apathy and activism by contrasting the conventionally negative concept of motivational desire-lack with Deleuze and Guattari's positive concept of ‘desiring-production’. I suggest that apathy and activism are both problematically tied to the same motivational force: the conventional negativity of desire, which results in a ‘split subject’ always already ‘undone’ by difference. The philosophy of positive desiring-production provides alternative concepts of motivation and selfhood, not characterised by generative lack or alienation. On the contrary, (...)
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    A Case for Apathy.Michael Neumann - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):195-201.
    ABSTRACT Apathy may be a Bad Thing, but it is not always bad in the cases and ways it is alleged to be. The charge that the apathetic are irrational often stems from an oversimplification of political decision‐making techniques. The apathetic need not, for example, simply deny the possibility of getting one's goals, or simply ignore the benefits of action. They may, instead, have learned from experience that an avidly desired and pursued goal is always more valued before than (...)
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  12.  76
    Between Apathy and Revolution.Caridad Inda - 1990 - The Acorn 5 (2):13-20.
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    From apathy to social activism.Reuben Bitensky - 1975 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):213 – 223.
    The study of social change has neglected the dynamics motivating individuals to join mass movements. Particularly obscure is how apathetic people are transformed into social activists. Considering this problem the author suggests three stages of development through which the individual progresses in attaining a higher level of personal and social maturity. The first stage - dreaming -emerges when the individual aspires to change while wishing to avoid the risks involved. The second - the illusion of power - occurs when the (...)
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  14.  46
    Apathy, Democracy, and Electoral Participation: The Case for Compulsory Self-Registration.Richard Dagger & John G. Geer - 1998 - Journal of Social Philosophy 29 (1):103-116.
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  15. A phenomenology of political apathy: Scheler on the origins of mass violence. [REVIEW]Zachary Davis - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):149-169.
    In his criticisms of the German youth movement and the emergence of fascism across Europe during the early 1920s, Max Scheler draws a distinction between the different senses of political apathy that give rise to mass political movements. Recent studies of mass apathy have tended to treat all forms of apathy as the same and as a consequence reduced the diverse expressions of mass violence to the same, stripping mass movements of any critical function. I show in (...)
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    Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders by Elisabeth T. Vasko, and: The Limits of Hospitality by Jessica Wrobleski. [REVIEW]Kathryn Lilla Cox - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):215-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders by Elisabeth T. Vasko, and: The Limits of Hospitality by Jessica WrobleskiKathryn Lilla CoxBeyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders Elisabeth T. Vasko Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015. 269pp. $29.00The Limits of Hospitality Jessica Wrobleski Collegevile, MN: Liturgical Press: A Michael Glazier Book, 2012. 168pp. $19.95At first glance it might seem as if these two books do not belong together since moving (...)
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    Lust, Schmerz, Apathie: Über einige Quellen der vorkritischen Psychologie Kants.Maria Antonietta Prantenda - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 481-496.
  18.  14
    Fixed Ideas and Ideologies: Developing a New Epistemology Rooted in Apathy.Zachary Isrow - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):103-117.
    Epistemologies are overwhelmingly riddled with biases, influenced by ideologies and fixed ideas. Max Stirner and Louis Althusser argue at length regarding the negative impact of these on our way of thinking. This paper argues that the only escape from Stirner's fixed ideas or Althusser's ISAs (Ideological State Apparatuses) is through an apathetic disposition to the truth – something very unphilosophical in nature. In order to create parallactic shifts in thought, we must also develop a new epistemology, one rooted in (...). Through this, we can become true philosophers and thinkers moving towards a truth not solely determined by our pre-held assumptions. (shrink)
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    Rationality in a fatalistic world: explaining revolutionary apathy in pre-Soviet peasants.Jessica Howell & Nikolai G. Wenzel - 2019 - Mind and Society 18 (1):125-137.
    This paper studies the attempts (and failure) of Russian revolutionaries to mobilize the peasantry in the decade leading to the Soviet revolution of 1917. Peasants, who had been emancipated from serfdom only four decades earlier, in 1861, were still largely propertyless and poor. This would, at first glance, make them a ripe target for revolutionary activity. But peasants were largely refractory. We explain this lack of revolutionary spirit through two models. First, despite their lack of education and political awareness, the (...)
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  20.  30
    Sade's Ethics of Emotional Restraint: Aline et Valcour Midway between Sentimentality and Apathy.Marco Menin - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (2):366-382.
    The Marquis de Sade’s work can be considered as one of the inaugural instances of a technique that, within both the philosophical and literary realm, is typical of the nineteenth century: emotional restraint. His disapproval of the rhetoric of empathy and moral sentimentalism assumes particular relevance in that it is an “internal” critique. Availing himself of certain characteristic premises of the sentimentalist philosophy—which are primarily attributable to the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau—Sade completely changes their conclusions, to the point of reaching (...)
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  21.  42
    Exploring Moral Character in Philosophy Class.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):171-182.
    In order the combat the growing apathy, cynicism, and indifference observed among students, the author developed a course designed to make the study of philosophy relevant, applicable, and personal for students. This paper is a detailed exposition of the structure and content of this course. Build around the theme “Exploring Moral Character,” this course focuses on the role of moral character in ethical decision making and the nature of students’ own moral character. The course is divided into four units. (...)
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  22.  48
    Kant on Sentimentalism and Stoic Apathy.Nancy Sherman - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:705-711.
  23. The Stoic theory of value and psychopathology. Does the ideal of apathy have a neurotic character?Konrad Banicki - 2006 - Diametros:1-21.
    Psychological questions within philosophical ethics, although very often deeply distrusted, are justified if we presume the ultimate unity of the ethical and psychosocial subject. Such questions are especially well-grounded when we deal with a philosophy that is as practical as Stoicism. Because of both their contents and origins, the theories of values and emotions proposed by this ancient school may attract the suspicious attention of psychologists. For there are good reasons to suggest that the ideas in question were neurotic – (...)
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    How Does It Feel? Affect, Apathy, and Historical Transition.Laura Hengehold - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (3):251-262.
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    'Early Stage' Instrumental Irrationality: Lessons from Apathy.Annemarie Kalis & Stefan Kaiser - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (1):1-12.
    As we all know, people often do not do what would be the rational thing to do. Both psychologists and philosophers have long been interested in explaining this aspect of the human condition. Also, the relation between everyday irrationality and pathological breakdowns of rationality is a familiar topic of discussion in psychiatry. It is not merely the failures themselves that present interesting questions; there is also the hope that, by understanding when and why we violate rational norms, we might get (...)
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    The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy[REVIEW]Roger Paden - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (1):149-149.
    The general argument of this book is easily stated: utopian thinking plays an essential role in all types of transformative politics. For a variety of reasons, however, utopian thinking has become virtually impossible in contemporary Western societies. Therefore, in these societies, transformative politics have almost completely disappeared and been replaced by a narrow form of interest group politics. Jacoby assumes that the disappearance of transformative politics represents a grave failure of modern society, but it is not clear why he believes (...)
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  27. Stoicism as Anesthesia: Philosophy’s “Gentler Remedies” in Boethius’s Consolation.Matthew D. Walz - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):501-519.
    Boethius first identifies Philosophy in the 'Consolation' as his 'medica', his “healer” or “physician.” Over the course of the dialogue Philosophy exercises her medical art systematically. In the second book Philosophy first gives Boethius “gentler remedies” that are preparatory for the “sharper medicines” that she administers later. This article shows that, philosophically speaking, Philosophy’s “gentler remedies” amount to persuading Boethius toward Stoicism, which functions as an anesthetic for the more invasive philosophical surgery that she performs afterwards. Seeing this, however, requires (...)
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  28.  14
    Finding Freedom: Hegel's Philosophy and the Emancipation of Women.Sara Jane MacDonald - 2008 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    G.W.F. Hegel is often vilified for his conservative reactionary philosophy, particularly with respect to the rights of women. Alternatively, tracing a path through G.W.F Hegel's political thought, MacDonald demonstrates that, in fact, the logic of Hegel's argument necessitates the recognition of equal political and civil rights for all human beings. Combining a thoughtful study of Hegel's political thought with close readings of two pivotal works of literature, MacDonald's book shows how the perennial tension between fulfilled, yet diverse, personal lives and (...)
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  29.  40
    Intellectual Humility: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Science.Ian M. Church & Peter L. Samuelson - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Peter L. Samuelson.
    Two intellectual vices seem to always tempt us: arrogance and diffidence. Regarding the former, the world is permeated by dogmatism and table-thumping close-mindedness. From politics, to religion, to simple matters of taste, zealots and ideologues all too often define our disagreements, often making debate and dialogue completely intractable. But to the other extreme, given a world with so much pluralism and heated disagreement, intellectual apathy and a prevailing agnosticism can be simply all too alluring. So the need for intellectual (...)
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  30.  11
    The Running Man in the Mirror of Philosophy (review of the collective monograph "Running & philosophy. A marathon for the mind»).Канныкин С.В - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 5:73-104.
    The review of the collective monograph "Running and Philosophy", which has not been introduced into the sphere of domestic research of philosophical aspects of physical culture and sports, is presented. Marathon for the Mind" (published in English in 2007). The publication includes 19 essays prepared by American philosophers. The professional study of the socio-cultural determination and the existential significance of running practices by the authors of the monograph is effectively combined with the analysis of personal experience of participating in stayer (...)
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    What Use Is Literature to Political Philosophy?: Or The Funny Thing about Socrates's Nose.David Robjant - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (2):322-337.
    Like Leo Strauss and Karl Popper, most readers take it that one cannot have a political reading of the Republic at all, except by interest in Plato’s attitude toward the proposals developed by Socrates and his interlocutors. But this is not true. I do not mean that it is a good idea to cultivate apathy concerning Plato’s attitudes to sexual equality, private property, food, war, and so on. I mean that there is this possibility mentioned by Stanley Rosen, that (...)
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    Conversations in philosophy: crossing the boundaries.F. Ochieng'-Odhiambo, Roxanne Burton & Ed Brandon (eds.) - 2008 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The text consists of essays that revolve around the question of the nature and meaning of philosophy, even as it demonstrates philosophy's significance and relevance to some fundamental human problems and issues. The essays present diverse views of what philosophy might be and might aspire to be, with contributors being influenced by a wide range of philosophical approaches and traditions. The conversations also cut across disciplinary boundaries to interrogate and utilize ideas taken from ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, literary studies, cultural studies, (...)
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  33.  27
    Cabanis: Enlightenment and Medical Philosophy in the French Revolution.Martin S. Staum - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    A physician and spokesman for the French Ideologues, Pierre-JeanGeorges Cabanis (1757-1808) stands at the crossroads of several influential developments in modern culture--Enlightenment optimism about human perfectibility, the clinical method in medicine, and the formation and adaptation of liberal social ideals in the French Revolution. This first major study of Cabanis in English traces the influences of these developments on his thought and career. Originally published in 1980. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously (...)
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    Indifference and Repetition; or, Modern Freedom and Its Discontents.Frank Ruda - 2023 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Heather H. Yeung & Alain Badiou.
    In capitalism human beings act as if they are mere animals. So we hear repeatedly in the history of modern philosophy. Indifference and Repetition examines how modern philosophy, largely coextensive with a particular boost in capitalism’s development, registers the reductive and regressive tendencies produced by capitalism’s effect on individuals and society. Ruda examines a problem that has invisibly been shaping the history of modern, especially rationalist philosophical thought, a problem of misunderstanding freedom. Thinkers like Descartes, Kant, Hegel, and Marx claim (...)
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    Racial Foster Care, Contraceptive Knowledge and Adoption in Alain Locke’s Philosophy of Culture.Myron Moses Jackson - 2022 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 6 (3):62-78.
    This article confronts the problems of establishing normative restrictive claims for delegitimizing conduct and attitudes of cultural appropriation. Using C. Thi Nguyen’s and Matthew Strhol’s intimacy account (IA) as a background, I offer an alternative of cultural adoption relying upon Alain Locke’s value theory and philosophical pluralism. The phenomenon of cultural adoption I propose develops some insights from Nguyen’s and Strohl’s IA, while critiquing their framework’s perceived limitations. By adding loyalty and intensity to the prerogatives of intimacy, the hope is (...)
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    Physiology and the controlling of affects in Kant's philosophy.Maria Borges - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (2):46-66.
    Kant is categorical about the relation between virtue and the controlling of inclinations:Since virtue is based on inner freedom it contains a positive command to a human being, namely to bring all his capacities and inclinations under his reason's control and so to rule over himself. Virtue presupposes apathy, in the sense of absence of affects. Kant revives the stoic ideal of tranquilitas as a necessary condition for virtue: ‘The true strength of virtue is a tranquil mind’ . In (...)
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  37.  8
    Indifferenz und Wiederholung: Freiheit in der Moderne.Frank Ruda - 2018 - [Göttingen]: Konstanz University Press, Imprint der Wallstein Verlag.
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    A Matrix of Intellectual and Historical Experiences.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2020 - Symposium 24 (1):1-25.
    This article seeks to re-evaluate the importance of the political in the thinking of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The article first shows that Sartre’s description of Merleau-Ponty’s intellectual trajectory as one of increasing political apathy from the 1950s onwards is inaccurate. The article then demonstrates that throughout the post-war period, including in his project for a new ontology, Merleau-Ponty believed that a revised version of Marxism would provide the methodological framework within which philosophical work could address the political challenges of the (...)
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  39.  14
    Ideological justice or the justice of ideologies in the Quest for social order in Africa: A philosophical critique.Felix Sanjo Olatunji & Prof Philip Ujomu - 2014 - Synesis 6 (1):177-204.
    Existing philosophies of justice have failed to challenge and overcome the peculiar African crisis of development. The contract model of justice assumed that there would be justice when people acting as rational agents accepted basic practices of society that would assure their mutual advantage in the long run, this has not really worked in the development practice in many parts of the world, due to the nullifying effects of Kleptocracy, patrimonialism, institutional decay, antinomies and apathy, precipitation of primordial ethno-cultural (...)
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    Nihilism.Nolen Gertz - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An examination of the meaning of meaninglessness: why it matters that nothing matters. When someone is labeled a nihilist, it's not usually meant as a compliment. Most of us associate nihilism with destructiveness and violence. Nihilism means, literally, “an ideology of nothing. “ Is nihilism, then, believing in nothing? Or is it the belief that life is nothing? Or the belief that the beliefs we have amount to nothing? If we can learn to recognize the many varieties of nihilism, Nolen (...)
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  41.  20
    Kant on freedom.Immanuel Kant - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University. Edited by Owen Ware.
    This Element argues that Kant was a consistent proponent of the claim that the moral law is the causal law of a free will, and that the supposed ability of free will to choose indifferently between options is an empty concept.
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  42. Kant and Stoic Affections.Melissa Merritt - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):329-350.
    I examine the significance of the Stoic theory of pathē for Kant’s moral psychology, arguing against the received view that systematic differences block the possibility of Kant’s drawing anything more than rhetoric from his Stoic sources. More particularly, I take on the chronically underexamined assumption that Kant is committed to a psychological dualism in the tradition of Plato and Aristotle, positing distinct rational and nonrational elements of human mentality. By contrast, Stoics take the mentality of an adult human being to (...)
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    On freedom: technology, capital, medium.Peter Trawny - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Edited by Richard Lambert.
    How do we challenge the structures of late capitalism if all possible media through which to do do is inescapably capitalist? This urgent political question is at the heart of Peter Trawny's major new work. With searing precision Trawny demonstrates how our world has become wholly determined by technology, capital, and the medium. In this world of the 'TCM', we universal subjects remain in a state of apathy that is temporarily punctuated, but also reinforced, by the phantasmatic dream of (...)
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  44.  23
    Calvin's Burning Heart: Calvin and the Stoics on the Emotions.Kyle Fedler - 2002 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 22:133-162.
    Calvin's ethics is often misconstrued as legalistic, somber, and ascetic. However, such a treatment is simply not consistent with Calvin's deep and abiding concern for the development and display of proper emotional responses in the lives of Christian believers. This paper examines the nature and function of the emotions in Calvin's theological ethics. Pre-figuring modern cognitivist views, Calvin rejects the characterization of the emotions as blind, arational forces. In so doing he displays a generally Stoic vision of the nature of (...)
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  45. Empathy vs. evidence in rhetorical speech: Contrastive cultural studies in 'empathy' as framework of speech communication and its tradition in cultural history.Fee-Alexandra Haase - 2012 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (2).
    When a term is used in science, we tend to integrate its origins, functions, and history to see if the term is a scientific one or comes from other fields. The term «empathy» is an example to such a case. This article challenges the widespread view that empathy is the capability of a person to understand emotions and thoughts of others. We will deconstruct the concept of empathy as an academic one by focusing on its limits. We will discuss the (...)
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  46. Intellectual Emotions and Religious Emotions.Peter Goldie - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (1):93-101.
    What is the best model of emotion if we are to reach a good understanding of the role of emotion in religious life? I begin by setting out a simple model of emotion, based on a paradigm emotional experience of fear of an immediate threat in one’s environment. I argue that the simple model neglects many of the complexities of our emotional lives, including in particular the complexities that one finds with the intellectual emotions. I then discuss how our dispositions (...)
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    The Christian as Homo Viator: A Resource in Aquinas for Overcoming “Worldly Sin and Sorrow”.David Elliot - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):101-121.
    Thomas Aquinas describes the Christian as homo viator: the "human wayfarer" or pilgrim journeying through this world to the heavenly city. This journey is vulnerable to "worldly sin" or "worldliness": an excessive attachment to wealth, status, honors, prestige, and power. A major cause of apathy to the poor and the underprivileged, worldliness treats our identity as purely this-worldly and therefore shuts the door to eschatological hope through subtle forms of presumption and despair. Drawing upon Aquinas and other sources in (...)
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    You Can’t Take It with You.Jérôme Melançon & Veronika Reichert - 2016 - Janus Head 15 (2):19-42.
    Contemporary democratic theory, in its focus on the distinction between a private and a public sphere, tends to exclude emotions from political life. Arendt, Habermas, and Angus present critical theories of politi­cal action and deliberation that demand that emotions be left behind in favour of a narrower rationality. On the basis of a first step toward incorporating emotions into political life as accomplished by Martha Nussbaum – despite its limitations – and of a second step taken by Sara Ahmed, an (...)
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    Democracy Ancient and Modern.M. I. Finley - 2018 - Rutgers University Press Classics.
    Western democracy is now at a critical juncture. Some worry that power has been wrested from the people and placed in the hands of a small political elite. Others argue that the democratic system gives too much power to a populace that is largely ill-informed and easily swayed by demagogues. This classic study of democratic principles is thus now more relevant than ever. A renowned historian of antiquity and political philosophy, Sir M.I. Finley offers a comparative analysis of Greek and (...)
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  50. Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings.Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Acumen Publishing.
    In 1797 Friedrich Schlegel wrote philosophy of art usually lacks one of two things: either the philosophy, or the art. This collection of essays contains both the philosophy and the art. It brings together an international team of leading philosophers to address diverse philosophical issues raised by recent works of art. Each essay engages with a specific artwork and explores the connection between the image and the philosophical content and how philosophy can aid interpretation of the artwork. The discussion ranges (...)
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