Results for 'Arendt, Erich'

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    Hannah Arendt as a Critic of Literature.Erich Heller - 1977 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 44.
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    Bodies in Public Spaces: Questioning the Boundary Between the Public and the Private.Vicky Roupa - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (4):346-360.
    This paper examines the connection between politics and public space at a time when photography and the new media have put the classical distinction between the public and the private into question. My focus is on the body which, according to Hannah Arendt and the classical philosophers, is the most private thing there is. Drawing on the work of Weimar photojournalist Erich Salomon – who was among the first to infiltrate the spaces where political talks were held and decisions (...)
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  3. Who Owns Up to the Past? Heritage and Historical Injustice.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (1):87-104.
    ‘Heritage’ is a concept that often carries significant normative weight in moral and political argument. In this article, I present and critique a prevalent conception according to which heritage must have a positive valence. I argue that this view of heritage leads to two moral problems: Disowning Injustice and Embracing Injustice. In response, I argue for an alternative conception of heritage that promises superior moral and political consequences. In particular, this alternative jettisons the traditional focus on heritage as a primarily (...)
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  4. Authenticity and the Aesthetic Experience of History.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):649-657.
    In this paper, I argue that norms of artistic and aesthetic authenticity that prioritize material origins foreclose on broader opportunities for aesthetic experience: particularly, for the aesthetic experience of history. I focus on Carolyn Korsmeyer’s recent articles in defense of the aesthetic value of genuineness and argue that her rejection of the aesthetic significance of historical value is mistaken. Rather, I argue that recognizing the aesthetic significance of historical value points the way towards rethinking the dominance of the very norms (...)
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    History of Indian philosophy.Erich Frauwallner - 1974 - New York,: Humanities Press. Edited by V. M. Bedekar.
    v. 1. The philosophy of the Veda and of the epic.--The Buddha and the Jina.--The Sāmkhya and the classical Yoga-system.--v. 2. The Nature-philosophical schools and the Vaiśeṣika system.--The system of the Jaina.--The materialism.
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  6. Repatriation and the Radical Redistribution of Art.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2017 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4:931-953.
    Museums are home to millions of artworks and cultural artifacts, some of which have made their way to these institutions through unjust means. Some argue that these objects should be repatriated (i.e. returned to their country or culture of origin). However, these arguments face a series of philosophical challenges. In particular, repatriation, even if justified, is often portrayed as contrary to the aims and values of museums. However, in this paper, I argue that some of the very considerations museums appeal (...)
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  7. Walter Benjamin 1892-1940.Hannah Arendt - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (4):340-340.
  8. Value Disagreement and Two Aspects of Meaning.Erich Rast - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (51):399-430.
    The problem of value disagreement and contextualist, relativist and metalinguistic attempts of solving it are laid out. Although the metalinguistic account seems to be on the right track, it is argued that it does not sufficiently explain why and how disagreements about the meaning of evaluative terms are based on and can be decided by appeal to existing social practices. As a remedy, it is argued that original suggestions from Putnam's 'The Meaning of "Meaning"' ought to be taken seriously. The (...)
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  9. The perplexities of the rights of man.Hannah Arendt - 2013 - In Timothy C. Campbell & Adam Sitze (eds.), Biopolitics: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Unifying hidden-variable problems from quantum mechanics by logics of dependence and independence.Rafael Albert & Erich Grädel - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103088.
  11.  26
    Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Vol. II.Michael Beaney & Erich H. Reck (eds.) - 2005 - London: Routledge.
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    Peuples exposés, peuples figurants.Georges Didi-Huberman - 2012 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de Minuit.
    On s’interroge, dans ce livre, sur la façon dont les peuples sont représentés : question indissolublement esthétique et politique. Les peuples aujourd’hui semblent exposés plus qu’ils ne l’ont jamais été. Ils sont, en réalité, sous-exposés dans l’ombre de leurs mises sous censure ou – pour un résultat d’invisibilité équivalent – sur-exposés dans la lumière artificielle de leurs mises en spectacle. Bref ils sont, comme trop souvent, exposés à disparaître. À partir des exigences formulées par Walter Benjamin (une histoire ne vaut (...)
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    Stochastic coalgebraic logic: Bisimilarity and behavioral equivalence.Ernst-Erich Doberkat - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (1):46-68.
    Bisimulations, behavioral equivalence and logical equivalence are investigated for stochastic image-coalgebras that interpret coalgebraic logic which is defined in terms of predicate liftings. We investigate the conditions for the functor under which these notions of equivalence are related by discussing congruences for the underlying stochastic relation. It is demonstrated that logics as diverse as continuous time stochastic logic and general modal logics can be usefully approached through coalgebraic methods.
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    Materialien zur ältesten Erkenntnislehre der KarmamīmāṃsāMaterialien zur altesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa.Hartmut Scharfe & Erich Frauwallner - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):316.
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  15. Art and Cultural Heritage: An ASA Curriculum Diversification Guide.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2017 - American Society for Aesthetics, Curriculum Diversification Guides.
    Art is saturated with cultural significance. Considering the full spectrum of ways in which art is colored by cultural associations raises a variety of difficult and fascinating philosophical questions. This curriculum guide focuses in particular on questions that arise when we consider art as a form of cultural heritage. Organized into four modules, readings explore core questions about art and ethics, aesthetic value, museum practice, and art practice. They are designed to be suitable for use in an introduction to philosophy (...)
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    History of Philosophy as Philosophical Task.Klaus Erich Kaehler - 2003 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 3:241-253.
  17.  6
    Nietzsche von A bis Z: ein Buch der Widersprüche.Erich Frey-Teschen - 2020 - Berlin: Lit. Edited by Roman Seidl.
    Rede und Gegenrede, pro und contra - jeweils von derselben Person zu einem bestimmten Thema? Wer kennt das nicht von sich selbst? Auch beim Philologen und Philosophen Friedrich Nietzsche finden sich solche Stellen in seinem Werk. Systematisch aufbereitet durch den Autor, umfasst das Buch 287 Schlagwörter und 5527 Zitate, geordnet nach pro und contra und ein Fundstellenverzeichnis. Das Buch will sein: Ein Zugang und Schlüssel zu Nietzsches Schriften Ein Nietzsche-Nachschlagewerk Ein Nietzsche-Brevier Eine Aufforderung an den Leser, von der Oberfläche der (...)
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    Mass Violence and the Continuum of Destruction: A study of C. P. Taylor’s Good.James Hardie-Bick - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (2):477-495.
    There are important studies that have directly focused on how, in times of conflict, it is possible for previously law abiding people to commit the most atrocious acts of cruelty and violence. The work of Erich Fromm, Hannah Arendt, Zygmunt Bauman and Ernest Becker have all contemplated the driving force of aggression and mass violence to further our understanding of how people are capable of engaging in extreme forms of cruelty and violence. This paper specifically addresses these issues by (...)
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    Biography of an Idea.Ruth Nanda Anshen - 1987 - Moyer Bell.
    A portrait of the development of the author's philosophy includes philosophical discussions with intellectuals such as Paul Tillich, Erich Fromm, Albert Einstein, and Hannah Arendt.
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  20. Wissenschaft als kulturelle Praxis, 1750-1900.Hans Erich Bodeker, Peter Hanns Reill & Jurgen Schlumbohm - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (3):410.
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  21. Labor, action, work.H. Arendt - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 362--374.
  22. Philosophical Understanding and Religious Truth.Erich Frank - 1947 - Philosophy 22 (82):184-184.
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    (1 other version)Die bewegenden Kräfte in Kants philosophischer Entwicklung und die beiden Pole seines Systems. Zweiter Artikel.Erich Adickes - 1897 - Kant Studien 1 (1-3):161-196.
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    Friedrich Paulsen †.Erich Adickes - 1909 - Kant Studien 14 (1-3):1-7.
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    Finite Model Theory and its Applications.Erich Grädel, Phokion Kolaitis, Libkin G., Marx Leonid, Spencer Maarten, Vardi Joel, Y. Moshe, Yde Venema & Scott Weinstein - 2007 - Springer.
    This book gives a comprehensive overview of central themes of finite model theory – expressive power, descriptive complexity, and zero-one laws – together with selected applications relating to database theory and artificial intelligence, especially constraint databases and constraint satisfaction problems. The final chapter provides a concise modern introduction to modal logic, emphasizing the continuity in spirit and technique with finite model theory. This underlying spirit involves the use of various fragments of and hierarchies within first-order, second-order, fixed-point, and infinitary logics (...)
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    Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl.Erich P. Schellhammer - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):174-175.
    Home and Beyond traces the development of Husserl’s thought, paying special attention to Husserl’s phenomenology in his late works. Steinbock demonstrates that each stage of Husserl’s extensive life work becomes a necessary condition for Husserl’s next finding in phenomenology. The work concludes with an interpretation of Husserl’s final definition of phenomenology that demands a phenomenology beyond Husserl. Also, Steinbock provides for an interpretation of the concepts of homeworld/alienworld that most likely will capture the interest of social philosophers.
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    Exploratory analysis of concept and document spaces with connectionist networks.Dieter Merkl, Erich Schweighoffer & Werner Winiwarter - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (2-3):185-209.
    Exploratory analysis is an area of increasing interest in the computational linguistics arena. Pragmatically speaking, exploratory analysis may be paraphrased as natural language processing by means of analyzing large corpora of text. Concerning the analysis, appropriate means are statistics, on the one hand, and artificial neural networks, on the other hand. As a challenging application area for exploratory analysis of text corpora we may certainly identify text databases, be it information retrieval or information filtering systems. With this paper we present (...)
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    Das Subjekt des Bewusstseins und Hegels Geist.Klaus Erich Kaehler - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1).
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  29. The portable Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2000 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Peter Baehr.
    Although Hannah Arendt is considered one of the major contributors to social and political thought in the twentieth century, this is the first general anthology ...
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  30. Geschichte der indischen Philosophie. I. Band. Die Philosophie des Veda und des Epos der Buddha und der Jina, das Samkhya und das klassische Yogasystem. [REVIEW]Erich Frauwallner - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (2):346-348.
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    (1 other version)Becher, Erich. Die Grundfrage der Ethik. Versuch einer Begründung des Prinzips der grössten allgemeinen Glückseligkeitsförderuug.Erich Becher - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Erich Frauwallner's posthumous essays.Erich Frauwallner - 1994 - New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan.
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  33. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Erich Przywara und Gertrud von le Fort.Erich Przywara & Manfred Lochbrunner - 2022 - Würzburg: Echter.
    Der Jesuit Erich Przywara (1889-1972) und Gertrud von le Fort (1876-1971) lernten sich Mitte der 1920-er Jahre kennen, zur Zeit der Konversion le Forts zum katholischen Glauben. Seither standen sie in einem durchgehenden, wenn auch losen Briefwechsel, vor allem in den beiden Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die von Manfred Lochbrunner herausgegebene Korrespondenz ist das berührende Dokument einer freundschaftlichen Beziehung zwischen der angesehenen Dichterin und dem nicht minder bedeutenden Religionsphilosophen und Theologen mit eigenen dichterischen Ambitionen. In einem Einführungsessay werden (...)
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    Arendt und Benjamin: Texte, Briefe, Dokumente.Hannah Arendt - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Detlev Schöttker, Wizisla & Walter Benjamin.
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  35. Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy.Hannah Arendt - 1982 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ronald Beiner.
    The present volume brings Arendt's notes for these lectures together with other of her texts on the topic of judging and provides important clues to the likely direction of Arendt's thinking in this area.
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    The correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem.Hannah Arendt - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gershom Scholem, Marie Luise Knott & Anthony David.
    The essence of the correspondence between Arendt and Scholem can be said to lie in three things. Above all it provides an intimate account of how two great intellectuals try to come to terms with being both German and Jewish, and how to think about Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust. They also debate the issue of what it means to be Jewish in the post-Holocaust world whether in New York or in Jerusalem. Finally, the specter of Benjamin haunts (...)
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    Unseating Mastery: The University and the Promise of the New.Erich Hörl & Premesh Lalu - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):219-238.
    The conversation between Erich Hörl and Premesh Lalu draws on their extended conversation on efforts to link discordant temporal and spatial encounters with the idea of the university and how, more importantly, to care for the future of its educational responsibilities. While much of the debate on the university is focused on how it is affected by large-scale geopolitical shifts and the rapid expansion of technological resources, Hörl and Lalu bring into view a language of the university that holds (...)
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    (1 other version)Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers: Briefwechsel 1926-1969.Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers & Lotte Köhler - 1985
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  39. Dedekind's structuralism: An interpretation and partial defense.Erich H. Reck - 2003 - Synthese 137 (3):369 - 419.
    Various contributors to recent philosophy of mathematics havetaken Richard Dedekind to be the founder of structuralismin mathematics. In this paper I examine whether Dedekind did, in fact, hold structuralist views and, insofar as that is the case, how they relate to the main contemporary variants. In addition, I argue that his writings contain philosophical insights that are worth reexamining and reviving. The discussion focusses on Dedekind''s classic essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?, supplemented by evidence from Stetigkeit und (...)
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    For the Patient's Good: The Restoration of Beneficence in Health Care.Erich H. Loewy, Edmund D. Pellegrino & David C. Thomasma - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):42.
    Book reviewed in this article: For the Patient's Good: The Restoration of Beneficence in Health Care. By Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma.
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  41. The human condition [selections].Hannah Arendt - 2013 - In Timothy C. Campbell & Adam Sitze (eds.), Biopolitics: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    The Creative Loop: How the Brain Makes a Mind.Erich Harth - 1993 - Addison Wesley.
    Discusses how the conscious self is created by the brain, explains brain structure, and explores the mind-body connection.
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    Hannah Arendt: the last interview and other conversations.Hannah Arendt - 2013 - Brooklyn, NY: Melville House.
    A unique selection of the most significant interviews given by Hannah Arendt, including the last she gave before her death in 1975. Some are published here in English for the first time. Arendt was one of the most important thinkers of her time, famous for her idea of "the banality of evil" which continues to provoke debate. This collection provides new and startling insight into Arendt's thoughts about Watergate and the nature of American politics, about totalitarianism and history, and her (...)
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    The self-organizing universe: scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution.Erich Jantsch - 1980 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    The book, with its emphasis on the interaction of microstructures with the entire biosphere, ecosystems etc., and on how micro- and macrocosmos mutually create the conditions for their further evolution, provides a comprehensive framework for a deeper understanding of human creativity in a time of transition.
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  45. Drawing the Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Can we still watch Woody Allen's movies? Can we still laugh at Bill Cosby's jokes? Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Dave Chappelle, Louis C. K., J.K. Rowling, Michael Jackson, Roseanne Barr. Recent years have proven rife with revelations about the misdeeds, objectional views, and, in some instances, crimes of popular artists.
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    The dogma of Christ.Erich Fromm - 1963 - New York: H. Holt.
    In the title essay, Erich Fromm uses the tools of psychoanalysis to examine the development of the dogma of Christ in the context of social history. The remaining essays examine psychological and cultural problems with keen insight and humanistic sympathies.
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    Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition.Erich Jantsch (ed.) - 1976 - Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley.
  48. The Sane Society.ERICH FROMM - 1955 - Ethics 66 (4):289-292.
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    Appians klio dichtet.Erich Potz - 1998 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 142 (2):293-299.
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  50. Beiträge Zur Geistesgechichte Indiens Festschrift Für Erich Frauwallner.Erich Frauwallner & Gerhard Oberhammer - 1968 - E.J. Brill.
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