Results for 'Ariana Falbo'

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  1. Inquiring Minds Want to Improve.Arianna Falbo - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):298-312.
    Much of the recent work on epistemology of inquiry defends two related theses. First, inquiry into a question rationally prohibits believing an answer to that question. Second, knowledge is the aim of inquiry. I develop a series of cases which indicate that inquiry is not as narrow as these views suggest. These cases can be accommodated if we take a broader approach and understand inquiry as aiming at epistemic improvement, described more generally. This approach captures a wider range of inquiring (...)
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  2. Should epistemology take the zetetic turn?Arianna Falbo - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10-11):2977-3002.
    What is the relationship between inquiry and epistemology? Are epistemic norms the norms that guide us as inquirers—as agents in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding? Recently, there has been growing support for what I, following Friedman (Philosophical Review 129(4):501–536, 2020), will call the zetetic turn in epistemology, the view that all epistemic norms are norms of inquiry. This paper investigates the prospects of an inquiry-centered approach to epistemology and develops several motivations for resisting it. First, I argue that the (...)
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  3. Inquiry and Confirmation.Arianna Falbo - 2021 - Analysis 81 (4):622–631.
    A puzzle arises when combining two individually plausible, yet jointly incompatible, norms of inquiry. On the one hand, it seems that one shouldn’t inquire into a question while believing an answer to that question. But, on the other hand, it seems rational to inquire into a question while believing its answer, if one is seeking confirmation. Millson (2021), who has recently identified this puzzle, suggests a possible solution, though he notes that it comes with significant costs. I offer an alternative (...)
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  4. The Zetetic.Arianna Falbo - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
  5. (1 other version)Hermeneutical Injustice.Arianna Falbo - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
  6. Slurs, neutral counterparts, and what you could have said.Arianna Falbo - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (4):359-375.
    Recent pragmatic accounts of slurs argue that the offensiveness of slurs is generated by a speaker's free choice to use a slur opposed to a more appropriate and semantically equivalent neutral counterpart. I argue that the theoretical role of neutral counterparts on such views is overstated. I consider two recent pragmatic analyses, Bolinger (Noûs, 51, 2017, 439) and Nunberg (New work on speech acts, Oxford University Press, 2018), which rely heavily upon the optionality of slurs, namely, that a speaker exercises (...)
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  7. Inquiry and Higher-Order Evidence.Arianna Falbo - forthcoming - In Aaron Creller & Jonathan Matheson, Inquiry: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    What is the epistemic significance of higher-order evidence? Recently, philosophers have defended zetetic approaches to higher-order evidence, which appeal to factors related to inquiry. According to such views, in response to higher order evidence, one should open inquiry and deliberate on the question further. While it can often be productive to inquire in response to higher-order evidence, whether one should inquire is settled on primarily practical—not purely epistemic—grounds. I defend various cases where one can rationally respond to higher-order evidence without (...)
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  8. Est-ce que Vous Compute?Arianna Falbo & Travis LaCroix - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Cultural code-switching concerns how we adjust our overall behaviours, manners of speaking, and appearance in response to a perceived change in our social environment. We defend the need to investigate cultural code-switching capacities in artificial intelligence systems. We explore a series of ethical and epistemic issues that arise when bringing cultural code-switching to bear on artificial intelligence. Building upon Dotson’s (2014) analysis of testimonial smothering, we discuss how emerging technologies in AI can give rise to epistemic oppression, and specifically, a (...)
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  9. Inquiry for the Mistaken and Confused.Arianna Falbo - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (3):962-985.
    Various philosophers have recently defended norms of inquiry which forbid inquiry into questions which lack true answers. I argue that these norms are overly restrictive, and that they fail to capture an important relationship between inquiry and our position as non-ideal epistemic agents. I defend a more flexible and forgiving norm: Epistemic Improvement. According to this norm, inquiry into a question is permissible only if it’s not rational for one to be sure that by inquiring one won’t improve epistemically upon (...)
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    A Genealogy of Grit: Education in the New Gilded Age.Ariana Gonzalez Stokas - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (5):513-528.
    Recently, due in part to the research of Angela Duckworth, the cultivation of dispositions in education, grit in particular, has gained the attention of educational policymakers and the educational research community. While much of the research has focused on how to detect grit, there has been little discussion regarding how grit came to be valued as a noncognitive disposition and what its recent prominence might tell us about current social conditions. In this essay, Ariana Gonzalez Stokas attempts to illuminate (...)
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    Analyzing the Wrongfulness of Lying: A Defence of Pluralism.Arianna Falbo - 2017 - Dialogue 56 (3):431-454.
    Les explications de ce pourquoi mentir est mal sont toutes inadéquates. Leur problème commun se situe dans leur structure unitaire. Ces analyses présupposent que tous les mensonges sont mauvais pour la même raison unificatrice. Cette supposition ne rend cependant pas justice au phénomène du mensonge, et ce, parce qu’on peut s’objecter à l’acte de mentir de différentes façons. Ainsi je suggère qu’il faut un changement dialectique en direction d’un traitement pluraliste de ce qui est mauvais dans le mensonge. Il ne (...)
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    Epigenetic regulation of replication origin assembly: A role for histone H1 and chromatin remodeling factors.Lucia Falbo & Vincenzo Costanzo - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000181.
    During early embryonic development in several metazoans, accurate DNA replication is ensured by high number of replication origins. This guarantees rapid genome duplication coordinated with fast cell divisions. In Xenopus laevis embryos this program switches to one with a lower number of origins at a developmental stage known as mid‐blastula transition (MBT) when cell cycle length increases and gene transcription starts. Consistent with this regulation, somatic nuclei replicate poorly when transferred to eggs, suggesting the existence of an epigenetic memory suppressing (...)
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  13. Outsiders Within: Reflections on Being a First-Generation and/or Low-Income Philosopher.Arianna Falbo & Heather Stewart - 2021 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 3 (20):1-6.
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    Decreased small-world functional network connectivity and clustering across resting state networks in schizophrenia: an fMRI classification tutorial.Ariana Anderson & Mark S. Cohen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    On Iris Young's subject of inclusion: Rethinking political inclusion.Marina Falbo - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (9):963-986.
    Young proposes an extremely important definition of social groups, which champions the flexible nature of the concept over attempts to freeze and fix the content of groups' identity on a cultural basis. Young shows an increasing disaffection with claims for groups' legislative presence that results in the abandoning of an essential definition of groups and the promotion of an analytical one. This entails that social groups remain the instruments to acknowledge and reproduce patterns of injustices, yet mechanisms to enhance effective (...)
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  16. Caring for the elderly in Algeria within the discourse of traditionalism and modernism: Is there a Kabyle “woman problem”?Ariana Kaci & Helene Starks - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (2):160-178.
    In Algerian Kabyle families, the intersection of tradition and modernity creates a dilemma for family-based eldercare. As daughters-in-law (traditional caregivers) choose to live independently from their in-laws’ home, some unmarried daughters may be left to fill the care gap. Given the shift from traditional to modern caregiving arrangements, how can elders and the members of their family survive and thrive? Choosing an empirical case study that is analyzed using key concepts from care ethics and gender justice, we develop a notion (...)
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    A misprint in the oxford classical text of Plato's phaedo.Roberto Falbo - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):886-886.
    This article reports a notable misprint in J.C.G. Strachan's Oxford Classical Text of Plato's Phaedo.
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  18. Education towards peace according to the Augustinian paradigm (part two).Cristina Falbo - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3):B83 - B148.
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  19. L'educazione Alla pace secondo il paradigma agostiniano (parte prima).Cristina Falbo - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3).
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    O corpo como objeto: considerações sobre o conceito de sublimação através da Arte Carnal de Orlan.Giselle Falbo & Ana Beatriz Freire - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:190-203.
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    Relationships between father’s age, birth order, family size, and need achievement.Toni Falbo & Charles L. Richman - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):179-182.
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    Equality in Limbo.Ariana Peruzzi - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):341-347.
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    A haruspicy joke in Plautus.Ariana Traill - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):117-127.
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    Hegemonía, Democracia y Socialismo. Pensamiento y Debate Intelectual En la Transición Democrática.Ariana Reano - 2016 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 17:217-239.
    Este trabajo aborda la experiencia de reflexión ideológico-política realizada por un grupo de intelectuales de izquierda —denominados “gramscianos argentinos”— en torno al concepto de hegemonía durante la transición democrática. El corpus de trabajos sobre el que centraremos nuestro análisis está conformado por los artículos publicados en la revista Controversia para el examen de la realidad argentina (México, 1979-1981) y los trabajos presentados en el seminario sobre “Hegemonía y alternativas políticas en América Latina” (UNAM, México, 1980).Nuestra hipótesis es que en los (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud: pensadores del (des) orden.Reano Ariana - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:111-128.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos rastrear la manera en que dos teóricos provenientes de campos disciplinares en apariencia distintos, interpretan en términos comunes la tragedia de la modernidad. Se trata de la tragedia que viene a mostrarnos que el orden del mundo ya no está predeterminado por ninguna voluntad divina y que su construcción deviene objeto de la acción humana. Para ilustrar esto nos referiremos al modo en que Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud indagan el carácter contingente de lo humano (...)
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    An experimental and simulation study of the impact of emotional information on analogical reasoning.Ariana A. Castro, John E. Hummel & Howard Berenbaum - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105510.
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    Beyond Magic and Myth with Mircea Eliade and Moshe Idel.Ariana Guga - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):229-244.
    Review of Moshe Idel, Mircea Eliade. De la magie la mit (Mircea Eliade. From Magic to Myth), translation by Maria‑Magdalena Anghelescu (Iași: Polirom, 2014).
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    The light beyond the clouds.Ariana Guga - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (47):110-114.
    Review of Alberto Castaldini, Il Dio Nascosto e la possibilità di Auschwitz. Prospettive filosofiche e teologiche sull’Ollocausto,, 370 pag.
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    “Dutch Racism is not Like Anywhere Else”: Refusing Color-Blind Myths in Black Feminist Otherwise Spaces.Ariana Rose - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (2):239-263.
    Despite myths of color-blindness in the Netherlands, Black women are marginalized by mainstream expectations of racial and cultural homogeneity. I use Amsterdam Black Women as a case study to illustrate the lived experiences of women affected by this exclusion. In this space, women freely critique Dutch society through mundane moments of truth-telling, venting, and joking, which enable individual problems to rise to a community level. I explore how subtle configurations of Black feminist organizing can be key sites of healing, experimentation, (...)
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    Acroteleutium’s sapphic infatuation.Ariana Traill - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (02):518-533.
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    Menander, New Comedy and the Visual by Antonis K. Petrides.Ariana Traill - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2):267-268.
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    The foundations of Islam and Islamic thought.Ariana Wolff (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Britannica Educational Publishing.
    The foundations of Islam: Islamic doctrine -- Fundamental practices and institutions -- Islamic theology -- Islamic philosophy -- Islamic social and ethical principles.
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  33. Spitting Out the Kool-Aid: A Review of Kate Manne’s Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny. [REVIEW]Arianna Falbo - 2018 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 7:12-17.
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    Abortion restrictions and medical residency applications.Kellen Mermin-Bunnell, Ariana M. Traub, Kelly Wang, Bryan Aaron, Louise Perkins King & Jennifer Kawwass - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):79-86.
    Residency selection is a challenging process for medical students, one further complicated in the USA by the recentDobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization(Dobbs) decision over-ruling the federal right to abortion. We surveyed medical students to examine howDobbsis influencing the ideological, personal and professional factors they must reconcile when choosing where and how to complete residency.Between 6 August and 22 October 2022, third-year and fourth-year US medical students applying to US residency programmes were surveyed through social media and direct outreach to (...)
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    Assessment of export flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries using gravity modeling.Maria Mikhailovna Tsvil & Ariana Olegovna Kusaya - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):68-72.
    The article is devoted to the identification of factors influencing the export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU member states. Gravity modeling (H. Linnemann's model) was used as a research tool. The introduction of dummy variables is justified. A comparative analysis of the identified factors is presented. A forecast of export trade flows of the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries for 2020-2022 has been made.
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    University Sports Rivalries Provide Insights on Coalitional Psychology.Daniel J. Kruger, Michael Falbo, Sophie Blanchard, Ethan Cole, Camille Gazoul, Noreen Nader & Shannon Murphy - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (3):337-352.
    Sports are an excellent venue for demonstrating evolutionary principles to audiences not familiar with academic research. Team sports and sports fandom feature dynamics of in-group loyalty and intergroup competition, influenced by our evolved coalitional psychology. We predicted that reactions to expressions signaling mutual team/group allegiance would vary as a function of the territorial context. Reactions should become more prevalent, positive, and enthusiastic as one moves from the home territory to a contested area, and from a contested area to a rival’s (...)
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    A chasm or harmony between imagination and reason? A critical examination of Religionskritik Spinozas by Leo Strauss................ Agustín VOLCO-Guillermo SIBILIA Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund Freud: two thinkers of (dis) order. [REVIEW]Ariana Reano, Daniel Blanch, Demetrio CAStRO, Laura Adrián-Lara & BOOk CRItIqUES - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9.
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    ¿ Abismo o armonía entre la imaginación y la razón? Una aproxi-mación crítica a la Religionskritik Spinozas de Leo Strauss........ Agustín VOLCO-Guillermo SIBILIA Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud: pensadores del (des) orden..... [REVIEW]Ariana Reano, Daniel Blanch, Demetrio CAStRO & Laura Adrián-Lara - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9.
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    Alexis - (A.) Lukinovich Mélodie, mètre et rythme dans les vers d'Alexis. Le savoir-faire d'un poète comique. Pp. 501, figs. Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2009. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-2-841-37250-8. [REVIEW]Ariana Trall & Brian Demarco - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):74-76.
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    Entre Identidade e Subjetividade: Uma Reflexão a Partir Dos Relatos de Sujeitos Com Autismo.Attila Ruschi Secchin & Ricardo Nery Falbo - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):21.
    Universal por estar no direito e particular por estar fora do direito, o “sujeito” de referência deste trabalho é o “autista”. Esta escolha garantiu a definição do sistema social, que foi concebido segundo o modo como os autistas se viam ou eram vistos. O sistema teórico foi delimitado segundo tradições intelectuais que problematizam o “sujeito” de acordo com questões formuladas pelos campos empíricos. O esquema metodológico visa a conhecer o “sujeito” por dentro dos sistemas e entre eles. O objetivo teórico (...)
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    ROoST: Reference Ontology on Software Testing.Érica Ferreira de Souza, Ricardo de Almeida Falbo & Nandamudi Lankalapali Vijaykumar - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (1):59-90.
    Software testing is a complex and critical process for achieving product quality. Its importance has been increasing and well recognized, and there is a growing concern in improving the accomplishm...
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    Biomedical, Neurodiverse, and Mad Affinities: The Constraints of Collective Epistemic Resources.Shaun Respess & Ariana D’Alessandro - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):39-41.
    Knopes (2025) captures the lasting debate between biomedical, neurodiverse, and mad approaches to mental health and disability, while meaningfully centering the testimonies of peer providers who ha...
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    Becoming Changemakers: How Social-Emotional Learning Can Enhance Civic Agency Development.Tom Nachtigal, Ariana Zetlin & Lisa Utzinger Shen - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (4):223-242.
    To better prepare students for active and thoughtful participation in a democratic society, civic education should foster an array of civic competencies. Cultivating student civic agency—an under-studied civic competency—is of particular importance to equip students to authentically use their voice in their communities. But what does it look like to foster student civic agency in a classroom setting? This article leverages a social and emotional learning (SEL) framework to uncover the active curricular ingredients and educational mechanisms through which a student-led (...)
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    Expanding relationship science to unpartnered singles: What predicts life satisfaction?Lisa C. Walsh, Ariana M. Gonzales, Lucy Shen, Anthony Rodriguez & Victor A. Kaufman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Singles are an understudied yet growing segment of the adult population. The current study aims to expand the lens of relationship science by examining the well-being of unpartnered, single adults using latent profile analysis. We recruited singles closely matched to the United States census for an exploratory cross-sectional survey using five variables that strongly predict well-being. All five variables significantly predicted life satisfaction for the full sample. Latent profile analyses detected 10 groups of singles. Half of the profiles were happy (...)
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    Religion and women’s rights: Susan Moller Okin, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the multiple feminist liberal traditions.Eileen Hunt Botting & Ariana Zlioba - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1169-1188.
    ABSTRACTWe trace Susan Moller Okin’s reception of Mary Wollstonecraft with respect to the relationship between religion and feminist liberalism, by way of manuscripts housed at Somerville College, Oxford and Harvard University. These unpublished documents – dated from 1967 to 1998 – include her Somerville advising file, with papers dated from 1967 to 1979; her 1970 Oxford B.Phil. thesis on the feminist political theory of Wollstonecraft, William Thompson, and J.S. Mill; her teaching notes on Wollstonecraft originating in 1978, for her course (...)
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    Reparative Universities: Why Diversity Alone Won't Solve Racism in Higher Ed.Ariana González Stokas - 2023 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Prelude -- Introduction -- Part I: A Cabinet of Diversity -- 1. Object 1: Diversity Doesn't Work? -- 2. Object 2: Dominance -- 3. Object 3: From Wunderkammner to the Majors -- 4. Object 4: Patrol/Willy -- 5. Object 5: Accumulation/Difference that Makes No Difference -- 6. Object 6: Colorblindness/Federalist Paper no.6 -- 7. Object 7: Partition/No. 76-811: A Grievance Not of Their Making -- 8. Object 8: The Morrill Acts: "The Land Grab University" -- 9. (...)
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    Social integration of refugee youth in Europe: Lessons learned about interethnic relations in U.S. schools.Jaana Juvonen & Ariana N. Bell - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Analysis of import flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU countries using a gravitational model.Maria Mikhailovna Tsvil & Ariana Olegovna Kusaya - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):122-126.
    The purpose of the study is to identify quantitative and qualitative factors affecting the import flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU member states using gravity modeling. The article analyzes the identification of quantitative and qualitative factors that affect the value of import trade flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan from the EAEU member countries. The research toolkit is H. Linnemann's gravitational model. Gravity models of import trade flows of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan with each EAEU member country (...)
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    Ontological foundations for software requirements with a focus on requirements at runtime.Bruno Borlini Duarte, Andre Luiz de Castro Leal, Ricardo de Almeida Falbo, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Renata S. S. Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (2):73-105.
    The use of Requirements at Runtime (RRT) is an emerging research area. Many methods and frameworks that make use of requirements models during software execution can be found in the literature. How...
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    Ontologies in human–computer interaction: A systematic literature review.Simone Dornelas Costa, Monalessa Perini Barcellos & Ricardo de Almeida Falbo - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):421-452.
    Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area that involves a diverse body of knowledge and a complex landscape of concepts, which can lead to semantic problems, hampering communication and knowledge transfer. Ontologies have been successfully used to solve semantics and knowledge-related problems in several domains. This paper presents a systematic literature review that investigated the use of ontologies in the HCI domain. The main goal was to find out how HCI ontologies have been used and developed. 35 ontologies were identified. (...)
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