Results for 'Arnie Mayers'

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  1.  31
    Effect of constraint on schedule-induced drinking.J. D. Keehn & Arnie Mayers - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):112-114.
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  2. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think.V. Mayer-Schoenberger & K. Cukier - unknown
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    The role of priming in conjunctive visual search.Árni Kristjánsson, DeLiang Wang & Ken Nakayama - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):37-52.
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    Music and embodied cognition: listening, moving, feeling, and thinking.Arnie Cox - 2016 - Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
    Mimetic comprehension -- Mimetic comprehension of music -- Metaphor and related means of reasoning -- Pitch height -- Temporal motion and musical motion -- Perspectives on musical motion -- Music and the external senses -- Musical affect -- Applications -- Review and implications.
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    On Bonanno's Logic of Rational Play: Arnis Vilks.Arnis Vilks - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (1):107-113.
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    Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve: “Soul and Mind: Ancient and Medieval Perspectives on the De anima”.Arnis Rītups - 2007 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 49:271-304.
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    The Inverse Invisible Hand and Heuristics in Managerial Decision-Making.Arnis Vilks - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (2):137-147.
    The paper points out that Adam Smith’s famous argument about the “invisible hand” (IH) of markets can be inverted. While the IH argument suggests that the baker and butcher do what is in their costumers’ interests not because they care for their costumers, but out of their own self-interest, one can also defend the converse claim: if one cares for other people and finds a way to satisfy their needs, one can expect that those others will be willing to pay (...)
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    Glíman við Guð.Árni Bergmann - 2008 - Reykjavík: Bjartur.
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    Âme et intellect. Perspectives anciennes et médiévales sur leDe anima.Arnis Rītups - 2008 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 106 (2):415-451.
  10.  22
    No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention.Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Sander Nieuwenhuis - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):191-204.
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    How functional are functional viewing fields?Árni Kristjánsson, Andrey Chetverikov & Manje Brinkhuis - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    A Partition Theorem for a Randomly Selected Large Population.Arni S. R. Srinivasa Rao - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (1):1-11.
    A theorem on the partitioning of a randomly selected large population into stationary and non-stationary components by using a property of the stationary population identity is stated and proved. The methods of partitioning demonstrated are original and these are helpful in real-world situations where age-wise data is available. Applications of this theorem for practical purposes are summarized at the end.
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  13. What makes a problem an ethical problem? An empirical perspective on the nature of ethical problems in general practice.Annette Joy Braunack-Mayer - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (2):98-103.
    Next SectionWhilst there has been considerable debate about the fit between moral theory and moral reasoning in everyday life, the way in which moral problems are defined has rarely been questioned. This paper presents a qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with 15 general practitioners (GPs) in South Australia to argue that the way in which the bioethics literature defines an ethical dilemma captures only some of the range of lay views about the nature of ethical problems. The bioethics literature has (...)
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  14.  49
    « La toute-puissance de la barbe » Jenny P. d’Héricourt et les novateurs modernes.Caroline Arni - 2001 - Clio 13:145-154.
    Quand en 1856 Jenny P. d’Héricourt (1809-1875), sage-femme, féministe et philosophe, critiqua Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pour sa théorie sur l’infériorité féminine, celui-ci refusa tout discussion, invoquant son infériorité intellectuelle naturelle. Néanmoins d’Héricourt continua de publier de ferventes critiques des théories des philosophes sociaux de son époque sur l’inégalité des sexes. L’article veut d’une part éclairer la notion d’intellectuelle et les conditions nécessaires pour agir comme telle. D’autre part, il questionne les limites d’une existence intellectuelle féminine telles qu’elles se présentent non seulement (...)
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    Das Verhältnis von Moral und Rationalät: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit David Gauthiers.Jean-Louis Arni - 1989 - Analyse & Kritik 11 (2):154-178.
    The relation between morality and rationality (in the sense of rational choice and rational behaviour) is a prominent theme in (the tradition of) moral philosophy. D. Gauthier’s account of this relation is an extraordinarily impressive one. He attempts to demonstrate a general coincidence (at different levels) between rationality and morality. His approach is discussed in what follows, and it will be shown that most of his ‘coincidence claims’ are exaggerated.
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    The numbering system of the tractatus.Verena Mayer - 1993 - Ratio 6 (2):108-120.
    The significance of the complicated numbering of the propositions in the Tractatus has occasioned much speculation. Wittgenstein's own explanation has, following Stenius, been generally regarded as misleading. But an examination of the Prototractatus reveals that the numbering system was for Wittgenstein principally an aid in the composition of his work. It allowed him to mark out certain propositions which required further work or supplementation, without disturbing the basic structure of the treatise. But the reworking of the Prototractatus to form the (...)
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    And state responsibility1.Chris Mayer - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge. pp. 301.
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  18.  21
    Lattice transformations and charge quantization.Mayer Humi - 1972 - In D. Farnsworth (ed.), Methods of local and global differential geometry in general relativity. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 113--120.
  19.  11
    Gefühl ist alles!Verena Mayer - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (ed.), Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 291.
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  20. Is There a Moral Right to Workplace Democracy?Robert Mayer - 2000 - Social Theory and Practice 26 (2):301-325.
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  21.  81
    Nonlethal Weapons and Noncombatant Immunity: Is it Permissible to Target Noncombatants?Chris Mayer - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (3):221-231.
    The concept of noncombatant immunity prohibits the intentional targeting of noncombatants. The availability of nonlethal weapons (NLW) may weaken this prohibition, especially since using NLWs against noncombatants may, in some cases, actually save the noncombatants' lives. Given the advancement of NLWs, I argue that their probable appearance on the battlefield demands close scrutiny due to the moral problems associated with their use. In this paper, I examine four distinct cases and determine whether the use of NLWs is morally permissible. While (...)
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  22.  60
    An ethical voice in the silence of aphasia: Judging understanding and consent in people with aphasia.A. Braunack-Mayer & D. Hersh - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (4):388-396.
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    A history of American thought.Frederick Mayer - 1951 - Dubuque,: W. C. Brown Co..
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    Die politische Theologie Girolamo Savonarolas: Studien zur Rezeptionsgesichte und zum aktuellen Verständnis.Matthias Mayer - 2001 - Tübingen: Francke.
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    Foundations of Education.Frederick Mayer - 1965 - Merrill.
  26. Reflections on the Post-Multi-National World.John R. A. Mayer - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (3):217-222.
  27. Regeln, Spielräume und das offene Undsoweiter. Die Wesensschau in Erfahrung und Urteil.Verena Mayer - 2011 - In Verena Mayer, Christopher Erhard & Marisa Scherini (eds.), Die Aktualität Husserls. Freiburg: Karl Alber.
  28. The Lucianism Of Des Périers.C. Mayer - 1950 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 12 (2):190-207.
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    A Set of Axioms for Neoclassical Economics and the Methodological Status of the Equilibrium Concept.Arnis Vilks - 1992 - Economics and Philosophy 8 (1):51-82.
    It is widely agreed that the concept of general equilibrium and, in particular, general equilibrium existence proofs play a central role within the neoclassical approach to economic theory. There is much less agreement, however, on the concepts of general equilibrium and of neoclassical economic theory themselves.
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    The selection balance: Contrasting value, proximity and priming in a multitarget foraging task.Jérôme Tagu & Árni Kristjánsson - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104935.
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    Declaration of patent applications as financial interests: a survey of practice among authors of papers on molecular biology in Nature.S. Mayer - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):658-661.
    Objectives: To determine whether authors of scientific publications in molecular biology declare patents and other potential financial interests.Design: Survey of a 6-month sample of papers related to molecular biology in Nature.Methods: The esp@cenet worldwide patent search engine was used to search for patents applied for by the authors of scientific papers in Nature that were related to molecular biology and genetics, between January and June 2005.Results: Of the 79 papers considered, four had declared that certain authors had competing financial interests. (...)
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  32. The Problem of a Sociology of Religion.Carl Mayer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    How does color distribution learning affect goal-directed visuomotor behavior?Léa Entzmann, Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Árni Kristjánsson - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106002.
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    Inhalt.Verena Mayer & Sabine A. Döring - 2002 - In Sabine A. Döring & Verena Mayer (eds.), Die Moralität der Gefühle. De Gruyter. pp. 5-6.
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    Alfred Kastil.Franziska Mayer-Hillebrand - 1950 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 5 (2):272 - 276.
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  36. Einleitung.Verena Mayer - 2008 - In Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard (eds.), Edmund Husserl: logische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Akademie Verlag Berlin.
  37.  10
    Friedrich Engels: A Biography.Gustav Mayer, Gilbert Highet & R. H. S. Crossman - 1969 - Chapman & Hall.
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  38. Gottlob Frege.Verena Mayer - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):183-186.
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  39. Latin or the Empire of a Sign. From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries.R. Mayer - 2002 - Classical Review 1:148-150.
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    Metaphysics.Benjamin E. Mayer - 1994 - Semiotics:162-180.
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    Niwî-'totên nikiskinwaham'kosiwin.Lorraine Mayer - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):177-182.
    I am a mixed blood woman raised in Canada with two ancestries, Ininiwak and French, that have competing worldviews from social-political and religious ideology to ancient philosophies. These mixed ancestries set me on numerous paths, ultimately leading me to philosophy. However, when did this path begin? No one in my immediate family entertained ideas of education, so I had no guidance or understanding of what university would mean. I came from an ancestry of hardworking men considered to be lower-class French (...)
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  42. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 71: 1985.H. Mayer Brown - 1986
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  43. Pierre Tolet And The Paradoxe De La Faculté Du Vinaigre.C. Mayer - 1951 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 13 (1):83-88.
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    The quest for evolutionary socialism: Eduard Bernstein and social democracy.Robert Mayer - 1997 - History of European Ideas 23 (2-4):137-141.
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    The Universality of Human Rights: Lessons from the Islamic Republic of Iran.Ann Mayer - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67.
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  46. On the Intellectual Origin of National Socialism.Carl Mayer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Recht als Sinn und Institution.Dorothea Mayer-Maly, Ota Weinberger & Michaela Strasser - 1984
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    What makes a good GP? An empirical perspective on virtue in general practice.A. Braunack-Mayer - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):82-87.
    This paper takes a virtuist approach to medical ethics to explore, from an empirical angle, ideas about settled ways of living a good life. Qualitative research methods were used to analyse the ways in which a group of 15 general practitioners articulated notions of good doctoring and the virtues in their work. I argue that the GPs, whose talk is analysed here, defined good general practice in terms of the ideals of accessibility, comprehensiveness, and continuity. They regarded these ideals significant (...)
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  49.  34
    Lost Objects: From the Laboratories of Hypnosis to the Psychoanalytic Setting.Andreas Mayer - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (1):37-64.
    ArgumentThe psychoanalytic setting counts today as one of the familiar therapeutic rituals of the Western world. Taking up some of the insights of the anthropology of science will allow us to account for both the social and the material arrangements from which Freud's invention emerged at the end of the nineteenth century out of the clinical laboratories and private consulting rooms of practitioners of hypnosis. The peculiar way of neglecting or forgetting the object world and the institution of the psychoanalyst (...)
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    Fernando Pessoa E a arte de jazer a Vida.Maria João Mayer Branco - 2010 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 22 (31):557.
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