Results for 'Ashley Gambino'

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  1. The graduate-level bottleneck in communication sciences and disorders : reconceputalized as an ethical issue.Rachel Flemming, Ashley Gambino & Victoria Reynolds - 2020 - In Maureen E. Squires, Ethics in higher education. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Storie, menti, mondi: approccio neuroermeneutico alla letteratura.Renata Gambino & Grazia Pulvirenti (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Heyting-valued interpretations for Constructive Set Theory.Nicola Gambino - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):164-188.
    We define and investigate Heyting-valued interpretations for Constructive Zermelo–Frankel set theory . These interpretations provide models for CZF that are analogous to Boolean-valued models for ZF and to Heyting-valued models for IZF. Heyting-valued interpretations are defined here using set-generated frames and formal topologies. As applications of Heyting-valued interpretations, we present a relative consistency result and an independence proof.
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    The Generalised Type-Theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Set Theory.Nicola Gambino & Peter Aczel - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):67 - 103.
    We present a generalisation of the type-theoretic interpretation of constructive set theory into Martin-Löf type theory. The original interpretation treated logic in Martin-Löf type theory via the propositions-as-types interpretation. The generalisation involves replacing Martin-Löf type theory with a new type theory in which logic is treated as primitive. The primitive treatment of logic in type theories allows us to study reinterpretations of logic, such as the double-negation translation.
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    The associated sheaf functor theorem in algebraic set theory.Nicola Gambino - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 156 (1):68-77.
    We prove a version of the associated sheaf functor theorem in Algebraic Set Theory. The proof is established working within a Heyting pretopos equipped with a system of small maps satisfying the axioms originally introduced by Joyal and Moerdijk. This result improves on the existing developments by avoiding the assumption of additional axioms for small maps and the use of collection sites.
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    Neurohermeneutics A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literature.Renata Gambino & Grazia Pulvirenti - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (2):185-200.
    Summary In the epistemic frame of the biocultural turn and of the neuroaesthetics, we have developed neurohermeneutics as an approach to literature that aims at contributing to the current debate about the linkage between literary, cognitive and neuroscientific studies, focusing on the relationship between mindbrain processes mirrored in the formal features of the text and the strategies activated by the author in a text in order to guide the reader in imagining, emotionally feeling and cognitively getting meanings out of the (...)
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    Fevered Decisions: Race, Ethics, and Clinical Vulnerability in the Malarial Treatment of Neurosyphilis, 1922–1953.Matthew Gambino - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (4):39-50.
    Syphilis occupies a unique position in the history of U.S. medicine and medical ethics. Given its widespread prevalence and variable presentation, syphilis was a major professional concern among late nineteenth‐ and early twentieth‐century physicians. Syphilis was also at the center of perhaps the most famous example of medical racism in our history, the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee, in which officials followed the natural history of the disease in a cohort of black men for forty years without (...)
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    “A More Thorough Resistance”? Coalition, Critique, and the Intersectional Promise of Queer Theory.Elena Gambino - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (2):218-244.
    Queer theorists have long staked their politics in an engagement with intersectionality. Yet intersectional scholars have been some of queer theory’s most vocal critics, decrying its failure to adequately engage persistent inequalities. I approach this seeming paradox in three parts. First, I situate intersectionality within the field of critical theory, arguing that it shares critical theory’s view of power. Both traditions, I argue, understand power to generate the very marginalized figures that it subordinates. Second, while intersectional and queer theories share (...)
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  9. Concepts of Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility in Law.Richard Gambino - 1968 - Dissertation, New York University
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    Effect of mean and variability of event run length on two-choice learning.Blase Gambino & Jerome L. Myers - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6):904.
  11.  21
    Feminist afterlives: The defenses and dead ends of revisionist history.Elena Gambino - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):95-101.
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    Il De republica di Pierre Grégoire: ordine politico e monarchia nella Francia di fine Cinquecento.Luigi Gambino - 1978 - [Milano]: Giuffrè.
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    La certitude de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance.Susanna Gambino Longo (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    De l'antiquité à la Renaissance, la notion de certitude est au coeur de la structuration de la pensée. Cet ouvrage réunit les contributions de spécialistes, qui explorent tous la littérature latine en mettant cette notion à l'épreuve de différentes disciplines et époques.
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    La metafisica dell’ovσíα in Massimo il Confessore e Teodoro Studita: analogie e differenze.Rosanna Gambino - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):83-99.
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    La représentation des origines de la civilisation chez Francesco Patrizi de Sienne.Susanna Gambino Longo - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 102 (2):205.
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  16. La repubblica del dissenso.Raffaele Gambino - 1977 - Milano: Italia letteraria.
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    La traduction latine des Dialoghi della Historia de Francesco Patrizi da Cherso par Nicholas Stupan et la réception européenne de sa théorie de l’histoire.Susanna Gambino-Longo - 2017 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 16.
    La traduction latine des Dialoghi della historia du philosophe néo-platonicien Francesco Patrizi da Cherso est publiée à Bâle en 1570. L’étude de la circulation de ce texte et des choix de traduction permet de mieux comprendre la réception des artes historicae italiennes dans le Nord de l’Europe et les fluctuations ou limites du latin face à la montée en puissance de l’italien vernaculaire comme langue philosophique.
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    La traduction latine des Dialoghi della Historia de Francesco Patrizi da Cherso par Nicholas Stupan (1570) et la réception européenne de sa théorie de l’histoire.Susanna Gambino-Longo - 2017 - Astérion 16 (16).
    This paper aims to show how at the end of the Sixteenth Century, translating in latin modern and comtemporary historiography, first written in Italian, had limits: as S. Lambino saw reading Nicola Stupan’s translation into latin of the Dialoghi della historia by Francesco Patrizi, the latin language could not carry out the vivacity and the colours of the modern discourse, and even could not translate exactly the meanings. The modern texts in this kind of translation could acquire a larger audience, (...)
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    Models of Martin-Löf Type Theory From Algebraic Weak Factorisation Systems.Nicola Gambino & Marco Federico Larrea - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):242-289.
    We introduce type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems and show how they give rise to homotopy-theoretic models of Martin-Löf type theory. This is done by showing that the comprehension category associated with a type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation system satisfies the assumptions necessary to apply a right adjoint method for splitting comprehension categories. We then provide methods for constructing several examples of type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems, encompassing the existing groupoid and cubical sets models, as well as new models based on normal (...)
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  20.  40
    Politics as ‘Sinister Wisdom’: Reparation and responsibility in lesbian feminism.Elena Gambino - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):524-546.
    This article takes up the commonplace antagonism between ‘second wave’ lesbian feminism and ‘third wave’ queer theory and politics, and argues that the antagonism itself is both historically and politically reductive. First, I make the case that ‘third wave’ queer theory actually shares its central concern – namely, accountability for intra-group inequalities – with lesbian feminism. However, I argue that ‘third wave’ queer theories ultimately founder in their bid for a more reflexive political praxis by tending to hold others – (...)
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    Role of event runs in probability learning.Blase Gambino & Jerome L. Myers - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (5):410-419.
  22.  14
    The Author Replies.Matthew Gambino - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):3-3.
    A response to “Fever of the Tuskegee Study,” by Robert White.
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    The New Digital Grammar in the Culture of Institutions.Francesco Gambino - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):27-45.
    The paper aims to explore the phenomenon of the spread in democracy of new powers – produced by inexhaustible technological developments – from the perspective of the philosophy of Institutions. It traces the original idea of democracy, in which the «government of the people» arises from the conversion of natural liberty into social and political liberty, dwells on the political and juridical meaning of authority, analyses the traditional instruments used to condition human opinions and behaviours, and reconstructs – in light (...)
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    Un progetto di Stato perfetto: "la monarchie aristodemocratique" di Turquet de Mayerne, 1611.Luigi Gambino - 2000 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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    What is What? Focus on Transdisciplinary Concepts and Terminology in Neuroaesthetics, Cognition and Poetics.Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti & Elisabetta Vinci - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (2):99-105.
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    Variations in the Anisotropy and Affine Structure of Visual Space: A Geometry of Visibles with a Third Dimension.Mark Wagner & Anthony J. Gambino - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):583-598.
    A meta-analysis and an experiment show that the degree of compression of the in-depth dimension of visual space relative to the frontal dimension increases quickly as a function of the distance between the stimulus and the observer at first, but the rate of change slows beyond 7 m from the observer, reaching an apparent asymptote of about 50 %. In addition, the compression of visual space is greater for monocular and reduced cue conditions. The pattern of compression of the in-depth (...)
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    William James Ashley: A Life ; with a Chapter by J.H. Muirhead and a Foreword by Stanley Baldwin.Annie Ashley & John H. Muirhead - 1932 - P. S. King.
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    Book Review: Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist Political Ambivalence and the Imaginative Archive, by Clare Hemmings. [REVIEW]Elena Gambino - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (6):824-828.
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  29. Conor Cruise O'Brien's "Albert Camus of Europe and Africa". [REVIEW]Richard Gambino - 1971 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 52 (1):146.
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    Insanity, Institutions, and Society, 1800-1914: A Social History of Madness in Comparative Perspective. Joseph Melling, Bill Forsythe. [REVIEW]Matthew Gambino - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):197-199.
  31. Lawvere-Tierney Sheaves in Algebraic Set Theory.S. Awodey, N. Gambino & M. A. Warren - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):861 - 890.
    We present a solution to the problem of defining a counterpart in Algebraic Set Theory of the construction of internal sheaves in Topos Theory. Our approach is general in that we consider sheaves as determined by Lawvere-Tierney coverages, rather than by Grothendieck coverages, and assume only a weakening of the axioms for small maps originally introduced by Joyal and Moerdijk, thus subsuming the existing topos-theoretic results.
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  32. Certitude et méthode dans les traités de poissons du XVIe siècle.Susanna Gambino Longo - 2015 - In Susanna Gambino Longo, La certitude de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Donation of Human Biological Materials in the European Union: Commodifying Solidarity in the Era of the Biotechnological Revolution?Luciana Riva, Giorgio Resta, Alberto Gambino & Carlo Petrini - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (4):349-358.
    The use of human biological materials involves a number of issues from both an ethical and a legal point of view. In recent decades, the purposes for which this material has been used have i...
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    Being in the Past and Perform the Future in a Virtual World: VR Applications to Assess and Enhance Episodic and Prospective Memory in Normal and Pathological Aging.Azzurra Rizzo, Giuditta Gambino, Pierangelo Sardo & Valerio Rizzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  35.  40
    Erratum to: Variations in the Anisotropy and Affine Structure of Visual Space: A Geometry of Visibles with a Third Dimension.Mark Wagner & Anthony J. Gambino - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):599-599.
  36. Making sense of powerful qualities.Ashley Coates - 2021 - Synthese 198 (9):8347-8363.
    According to the powerful qualities view, properties are both powerful and qualitative. Indeed, on this view the powerfulness of a property is identical to its qualitativity. Proponents claim that this view provides an attractive alternative to both the view that properties are pure powers and the view that they are pure qualities. It remains unclear, however, whether the claimed identity between powerfulness and qualitativity can be made coherent in a way that allows the powerful qualities view to constitute this sort (...)
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  37. What Is It like to Have a Gender Identity?Florence Ashley - 2023 - Mind 132 (528):1053-1073.
    By attending to how people speak about their gender, we can find diverse answers to the question of what it is like to have a gender identity. To some, it is little more than having a body whereas others may report it as more attitudinal or dispositional—seemingly contradictory views. In this paper, I seek to reconcile these disparate answers by developing a theory of how individual gender identity comes about. In the simplest possible terms, I propose that gender identity is (...)
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  38. The meta-grounding theory of powerful qualities.Ashley Coates - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (8):2309-2328.
    A recent, seemingly appealing version of the powerful qualities view defines properties’ qualitativity via an essentialist claim and their powerfulness via a grounding claim. Roughly, this approach holds that properties are qualities because they have qualitative essences, while they are powerful because their instances or essences ground causal-modal facts. I argue that this theory should be replaced with one that defines the powerfulness of qualities in terms of both a grounding claim and a ‘meta-grounding’ claim. Specifically, I formulate and defend (...)
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  39. The Necessity of 'Need'.Ashley Shaw - 2023 - Ethics 133 (3):329-354.
    Many philosophers have suggested that claims of need play a special normative role in ethical thought and talk. But what do such claims mean? What does this special role amount to? Progress on these questions can be made by attending to a puzzle concerning some linguistic differences between two types of 'need' sentence: one where 'need' occurs as a verb, and where it occurs as a noun. I argue that the resources developed to solve the puzzle advance our understanding of (...)
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  40. Desire and What It’s Rational to Do.Ashley Shaw - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):761-775.
    It is often taken for granted that our desires can contribute to what it is rational for us to do. This paper examines an account of desire—the ‘guise of the good’— that promises an explanation of this datum. I argue that extant guise-of-the-good accounts fail to provide an adequate explanation of how a class of desires—basic desires—contributes to practical rationality. I develop an alternative guise-of-the-good account on which basic desires attune us to our reasons for action in virtue of their (...)
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  41. Gatekeeping hormone replacement therapy for transgender patients is dehumanising.Florence Ashley - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):480-482.
    Although informed consent models for prescribing hormone replacement therapy are becoming increasingly prevalent, many physicians continue to require an assessment and referral letter from a mental health professional prior to prescription. Drawing on personal and communal experience, the author argues that assessment and referral requirements are dehumanising and unethical, foregrounding the ways in which these requirements evidence a mistrust of trans people, suppress the diversity of their experiences and sustain an unjustified double standard in contrast to other forms of clinical (...)
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  42. Improvisation and the self-organization of multiple musical bodies.Ashley E. Walton, Michael J. Richardson, Peter Langland-Hassan & Anthony Chemero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1-9.
    Understanding everyday behavior relies heavily upon understanding our ability to improvise, how we are able to continuously anticipate and adapt in order to coordinate with our environment and others. Here we consider the ability of musicians to improvise, where they must spontaneously coordinate their actions with co-performers in order to produce novel musical expressions. Investigations of this behavior have traditionally focused on describing the organization of cognitive structures. The focus, here, however, is on the ability of the time-evolving patterns of (...)
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    Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism.Ashley J. Bohrer - 2019 - transcript Verlag.
    What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and class within the structures of capitalism and imperialism that we can understand power relations as we find them nowadays. Bohrer explains how many of the purported incompatibilities between Marxism and intersectionality arise more from miscommunication rather than a fundamental conceptual antagonism. As the first monograph entirely devoted to (...)
  44. Essence and the inference problem.Ashley Coates - 2021 - Synthese 198 (2):915-931.
    Discussions about the nature of essence and about the inference problem for non-Humean theories of nomic modality have largely proceeded independently of each other. In this article I argue that the right conclusions to draw about the inference problem actually depend significantly on how best to understand the nature of essence. In particular, I argue that this conclusion holds for the version of the inference problem developed and defended by Alexander Bird. I argue that Bird’s own argument that this problem (...)
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    Youth should decide: the principle of subsidiarity in paediatric transgender healthcare.Florence Ashley - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):110-114.
    Drawing on the principle of subsidiarity, this article develops a framework for allocating medical decision-making authority in the absence of capacity to consent and argues that decisional authority in paediatric transgender healthcare should generally lie in the patient. Regardless of patients’ capacity, there is usually nobody better positioned to make medical decisions that go to the heart of a patient’s identity than the patients themselves. Under the principle of subsidiarity, decisional authority should only be held by a higher level decision-maker, (...)
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    Adolescent Medical Transition is Ethical: An Analogy with Reproductive Health.Florence Ashley - 2022 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 32 (2):127-171.
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    Creating Time: Social Collaboration in Music Improvisation.Ashley E. Walton, Auriel Washburn, Peter Langland-Hassan, Anthony Chemero, Heidi Kloos & Michael J. Richardson - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):95-119.
    Musical improvisation is a natural case of human pattern formation, and Walton and colleagues investigate the way that different contextual constraints affect patterns of improvisation and their aesthetic quality. The authors find that coordination patterns are more diversified between two musicians when the musical space in which to improvise is relatively more constrained. They also find that listeners experience more diversified, complementary patterns between musicians as more enjoyable and harmonious.
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  48. Tropes, Unmanifested Dispositions and Powerful Qualities.Ashley Coates - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (5):2143-2160.
    According to a well-known argument, originally due to David Armstrong, powers theory is objectionable, as it leads to a ‘Meinongian’ ontology on which some entities are real but do not actually exist. I argue here that the right conclusion to draw from this argument has thus far not been identified and that doing so has significant implications for powers theory. Specifically, I argue that the key consequence of the argument is that it provides substantial grounds for trope powers theorists, but (...)
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  49. Needs as Causes.Ashley Shaw - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Facts about need play some role in our causal understanding of the world. We understand, for example, that people have basic needs for food, water and shelter, and that people come to be harmed because those needs go unmet. But what are needs? How do explanations in terms of need fit into our broader causal understanding of the world? This paper provides an account of need attribution, their contribution to causal explanations, and their relation to disposition attribution.
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    A non representationalist view of model explanation.Ashley Graham Kennedy - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):326-332.
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