Results for 'Valerio Rizzo'

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  1.  16
    Being in the Past and Perform the Future in a Virtual World: VR Applications to Assess and Enhance Episodic and Prospective Memory in Normal and Pathological Aging.Azzurra Rizzo, Giuditta Gambino, Pierangelo Sardo & Valerio Rizzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  2.  41
    L'atelier de Valerio Adami: Le tableau est avant tout un système de mémoire.Valerio Adami, Armelle Auris, Jean Borreil, Marc Le Bot, Maurice Matieu, Michel Deguy, Jacques Derrida, François Boissonnet, Alfred Pacquement, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Nicole Matieu & Pierre Zarcate - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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  3. Grounding grounds necessity.Julio De Rizzo - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):639-647.
    Drawing from extensions of existing ideas in the logic of ground, a novel account of the grounds of necessity is presented, the core of which states that necessary truths are necessary because they stand in specific grounding connections.
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    States of Affairs and Fundamentality.Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Sebastian Schnieder - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):411-421.
    In Metaphysics of States of Affairs, Bo Meinertsen reviews and works out several underdeveloped points in the existing scholarly debate on states of affairs, and presents his own original account in detail. In this paper, we raise three problems for Meinertsen’s account and draw attention to an alternative view that, though not discussed in the book, is not beset by these problems.
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    Acceptability of the Transitional Wearable Companion “+me” in Typical Children: A Pilot Study.Valerio Sperati, Beste Özcan, Laura Romano, Simone Scaffaro, Tania Moretta, Giada Turturo, Maria Nicoletta Aliberti, Vincenzo Guidetti & Gianluca Baldassarre - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6. A ground-theoretical modal definition of essence.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):32-41.
    I provide a case-by-case definition of essential truths based on the notions of metaphysical necessity and ontological dependence. Relying on suggestions in the literature, I adopt a definition of the latter notion in terms of the notion of ground. The resulting account is adequate in the sense that it is not subject to Kit Fine’s famous counterexamples to the purely modal account of essence. In addition, it provides us with a novel conception of truths pertaining to the essence of objects, (...)
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    Indigenous Feminism and This Bridge Called My Back: Storytelling with Chrystos, Max Wolf Valerio, and Jo Carrillo.Kelsey Leonard, Chrystos, Max Wolf Valerio & Jo Carrillo - 2022 - Feminist Studies 48 (1):81-107.
    Abstract:There is a storied history of Native and Indigenous feminisms on Turtle Island (North America). We are fortunate that many of those stories birthed from an ancestral tradition of storytelling and survivance were captured in the canonical feminist anthology This Bridge Called My Back: Writings of Radical Women of Color. In celebration and commemoration of 40 years since This Bridge was first published we visit with three of the books original Native and Indigenous contributors–Chrystos, Max Wolf Valerio, and Jo (...)
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  8.  25
    Gender Differences in Food Choice: Effects of Superior Temporal Sulcus Stimulation.Valerio Manippa, Caterina Padulo, Laura N. van der Laan & Alfredo Brancucci - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9.  65
    No Choice for Incompatibilism.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):6-13.
    P. van Inwagen famously offered three precise versions of the so-called Consequence Argument for incompatibilism. The third of these essentially employs the notion of an agent’s having a choice with respect to a proposition. In this paper, I offer two intuitively attractive accounts of this notion in terms of the explanatory connective ‘because’ and explore the prospects of the third argument once they are in play. Under either account, the argument fails.
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  10.  42
    Justifying Taxation.Mario J. Rizzo, Richard A. Epstein & David Schmidtz - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):1-10.
    Taxation is more than one thing. Taxes can be levied in various ways on various things, with varying effects on a culture and an economy, and raising different challenges of justification.
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  11. The Indeterminacy of the Distinction between Objects and Ways of Being.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2923-2941.
    Few if any distinctions are more easily recognisable and assented to than that between _objects_, that is, things which are some ways, and that which they are, that is, _ways for objects to be_ (‘ways of being’ for short). In this paper I present an argument designed to show that this distinction is indeterminate in the sense that the truth-conditions of predicational sentences leave open what should count as an object and a way of being. The bulk of the argument (...)
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  12. La rappresentanza politica locale delle Leghe.Valerio Belotti - 1992 - Polis 6 (2):281-90.
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  13.  29
    (1 other version)The Difficult Government of Catastrophe: Notes for a Critical Theory.Valerio Nitrato Izzo - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    Humanity is threatened by global risks that cross borders and national institutions in a way that has never been experienced before. Disasters, far from being purely natural phenomena, constitute the greatest danger in a context of political, social and scientific uncertainty. A new risk-based governance appears, ranging from the introduction of problematic exceptional measures and an increased vulnerability and inequality in risk exposure. This proposal aims to deepen the analysis of the relationship between law, politics and catastrophe as the focal (...)
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  14.  10
    Watsuji Tetsurô, du voyage à l’itinéraire conceptuel.Alfio Nazareno Rizzo - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (3):23-32.
    Cet article est une contribution à la lecture de Fûdo, le milieu humain, ouvrage du philosophe japonais Watsuji Testurô qui aborde le thème du rapport de l’être humain au monde. Cette réflexion veut en éclairer certaines thèses, les comparer aux catégories de la philosophie occidentale et déterminer si Fûdo peut se comprendre comme une pensée de la finitude.
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  15.  55
    Papa Gregorio Magno e la Simoniaca haeresis.Roberta Rizzo - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (1):195-229.
    Pope Gregory the Great’s homilies and letters document his fight against simony, widely spread among all patriarchates, where sacraments, first of all Holy Orders, were sold, and where one could become a bishop solely through the donations and support of influential people. The Pope asked both laity and bishops to help in eradicating this terrible plague which he considered a real heresy, inasmuch as it debased the dignity of the priesthood and the action of Holy Spirit and undermined the unity (...)
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    Physician-assisted suicide in the united states: The underlying factors in technology, health care and palliative medicine – part one.Robert F. Rizzo - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (3):277-289.
    In an age of rapid advances inlife-prolonging treatment, patients and caregivers areincreasingly facing tensions in making end-of-lifedecisions. An examination of the history of healthcare in the United States reveals technological,economic, and medical factors that have contributed tothe problems of terminal care and consequently to themovement of assisted suicide. The movement has itsroots in at least two fundamental perceptions andexpectations. In the age of technological medicineenergized by the profit motive, dying comes at a highprice in suffering and in personal economic loss. (...)
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  17. Resistance to the "war on drugs" in Mexico.Cordelia Rizzo - 2025 - In Alison Crosby (ed.), Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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  18.  33
    The dual nature of tools and their makeover.Antonio Rizzo - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):239-240.
    Vaesen argues that functional knowledge differentiates humans from non-human primates. However, the rationale he provides for this position is open to question – with respect to both the underlying theoretical assumptions and inferences drawn from certain empirical studies. Indeed, there is some recent empirical work that suggests that functional fixedness is not necessarily uniquely human. I also question the central role of stable function representations in Vaesen's account of tool production and use.
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    How (not) to Argue Against Brute Fundamentalism.Julio De Rizzo - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (3):395-410.
    This paper is a response to McKenzie (2017). I argue that the case she presents is not a genuine counterexample to the thesis she labels Brute Fundamentalism. My response consists of two main points. First, that the support she presents for considering her case a metaphysical explanation is misguided. Second, that there are principled reasons for doubting that partial explanations in Hempel’s sense, of which her case is an instance, are genuinely explanatory in the first place. Thus McKenzie’s attack on (...)
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  20.  22
    Simpler Representational Ground.Julio De Rizzo - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    A common way of clarifying the notion of ground is by way of examples from logic: thus a conjunction is grounded in both of its conjuncts; a disjunction in each of its true disjuncts; a double negation in its negatum; and so on. Developing a semantics that accommodates these logical examples in full generality turned out to be a difficult task. In this paper, I develop a novel approach that substitutes fusion for a more discerning relation of combination between states (...)
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  21.  13
    Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy.Mario J. Rizzo & Glen Whitman - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    A powerful critique of nudge theory and the paternalist policies of behavioral economics, and an argument for a more inclusive form of rationality.
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  22.  12
    Per una definizione populista della democrazia costituzionale.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 66:140-146.
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    Ingarden on the varieties of dependence.Julio De Rizzo - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):996-1009.
    In the third chapter of his major work, the Controversy over the Existence of the World, Roman Ingarden discusses four varieties of dependence entities might exhibit. The aim of this essay is to explore these varieties and to put the claims Ingarden makes concerning them on a rigorous footing.
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  24.  80
    (1 other version)Constitutional Democracy in the Age of Populisms: A Commentary to Mark Tushnet’s Populist Constitutional Law.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2019 - Res Publica:1-17.
    This contribution aims at discussing constitutional democracy in the age of populisms, by explaining how populist movements oppose liberal-democratic constitutionalism and by presenting the thesis of a so-called ‘populist constitutionalism’, as proposed by Mark Tushnet. In the first section, a general and analytic exploration of populist phenomena will be drawn, by focusing on the so-called thesis of a ‘populist’ constitutionalism. In the second part, Tushnet’s arguments for a populist constitutionalism will be presented, through the analysis of his two main contributions: (...)
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  25. The Persistence of Justice as Fairness. Reflections on Rawls's Legacy.Valerio Fabbrizi & Leonardo Fiorespino (eds.) - 2022 - UniversItalia.
  26.  70
    À la mémoire d'une amitié. Pour Jacques Derrida.Valerio Adami - 2005 - Rue Descartes 48 (2):62-63.
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    Riprendersi Giovanni Gentile.Valerio Benedetti - 2014 - Milano: Aga editrice.
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  28. Il tempo della costituzione: tra conservazione e progresso" "2019 TEMPO, VOL. II, - Atti del IX convegno interdisciplinare dei dottorandi e dottori di ricerca 2017.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2019 - In Tiziano Gasbarro & Danilo Testa (eds.), TEMPO, VOL. II, - Atti del IX convegno interdisciplinare dei dottorandi e dottori di ricerca 2017. pp. 219-231.
  29.  26
    Teorie della democrazia, costituzionalismo e ruolo delle Corti Una riflessione teorica.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2019 - Politica & Società: Periodico di filosofia politica e studi sociali 1 (1):115-146.
    This article deals with democratic constitutionalism in order to investigate the proper nature of constitutionalism, by wondering about its peculiarities and specific objects. Against this background, this essay aims at providing a paradigmatic definition of constitutional theory, for more specifically exploring its different undertones. For this reason, the first section of the article offers an analysis of the most relevant theoretical contributions within modern and contemporary constitutionalism. Thus, the first section explores Carl Schmitt’s, Hans Kelsen’s and Robert Dahl’s definition of (...)
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  30. Tushnet, Mark.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2017 - In Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1-4.
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  31.  22
    Through the Scope of Life: Art and (Bio)Technologies Philosophically Revisited.María Antonia González Valerio & Polona Tratnik (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers intriguing philosophical inquiries into biotechnological art and the life sciences, addressing their convergences as well as their epistemic and functional divergences. Rooted on a thorough understanding of the history of philosophy, this work builds on critical and ontological thought to interpret the concept of life that underscores first-hand dealings with matter and experimentation. The book breaks new ground on the issue of animality and delivers fresh posthumanist perspectives on the topics addressed. The authors embark on a deep (...)
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  32. Ermeneutica e politica. L'interpretazione come modello di razionalita.Luana Rizzo - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (3):609.
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  33. Humanismes/Antihumanismes. De Ficin à Heidegger.Luana Rizzo - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):428-431.
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  34.  21
    Limiti dell'eliminitivo, ovvero bombardare il Vietnam non è servito a niente.Giorgio Rizzo - 2009 - Idee 70:141-152.
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  35.  25
    Lengua, identidad e integración regional en discursos sobre el español de principios del siglo XXI.María Florencia Rizzo - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (2):253-271.
    El propósito de este artículo es analizar, desde el enfoque teórico de la Glotopolítica, la configuración de imaginarios identitarios en discursos sobre el español que tienen lugar a fines del siglo XX y principios del XXI en los Congresos Internacionales de la Lengua Española. Sostenemos que el contexto en el que se inscriben estos encuentros, en particular, los procesos de integración regional, incide en los elementos y recorridos que van delimitando imaginarios que integren a España y a la América hispana, (...)
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  36.  4
    La solitudine della ragione: il caso Vinciguerra.Franco Rizzo - 2001 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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  37. Misura del tempo, relatività e verità nomologica in Galileo.Valerio Tonini - 1987 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 5 (2):18-21.
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  38. H. G. Gadamer e l'ermeneutica filosofica.Valerio Verra - 1963 - Torino,: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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  39.  61
    Reasons Why Not - On the Positive Grounds of Negative Truths.Julio De Rizzo - 2019 - Stuttgart, Deutschland: Metzler Verlag/ Springer.
    Many philosophers have shown sympathy to the thought that reality is fundamentally positive. Julio De Rizzo formulates this idea precisely by means of the notion of grounding, and examines how the resulting thesis fares with respect to three much discussed classes of negative truths, namely that of negative predications, that of negative causal reports, and that of negative existential truths. By shedding light on the issues advocates of the thesis have to deal with, this work shows the positivist account (...)
  40.  88
    The Ground of All Negative Existential Truths.Julio De Rizzo - 2020 - Critica 52 (154):129-148.
    A natural proposal for the grounds of negative existential truths, such as that Vulcan does not exist, states that these truths are grounded in the totality truth affirming the existence of every existent thing together with the truth that they are all. In this paper I will put forward three objections to straightforward formulations of this idea, and argue that a change in the usual grammar of grounding claims, allowing for pluralities of sentences to express not only grounds, but also (...)
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    Erratum to: A ground-theoretical modal definition of essence.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):95-95.
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  42.  37
    Correction to: States of Affairs and Fundamentality.Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Sebastian Schnieder - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):423-423.
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  43.  16
    Distinctive Correspondence Between Separable Visual Attention Functions and Intrinsic Brain Networks.Adriana L. Ruiz-Rizzo, Julia Neitzel, Hermann J. Müller, Christian Sorg & Kathrin Finke - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  44.  35
    The Persistence of Persons: Studies in the Metaphysics of Personal Identity Over Time.Valerio Buonomo (ed.) - 2017 - Editiones Scholasticae.
    We ordinarily believe that the inhabitants of the world - including ourselves - persist over time. Such an idea, however, has puzzled philosophers for centuries. How can we change and still be the same? More specifically, is there any constitutive condition of our identity over time? And if so, does this condition involve mental aspects, physical aspects, or something else? Or is rather personal identity primitive and unanalyzable, so that our persistence is nothing but a brute fact? This volume is (...)
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  45. Valla, Lorenzo, Vives, Juan, Luis, and nizolio, Mario-philosophy and language.Valerio Delnero - 1994 - Rinascimento 34:293-304.
  46. Hegel's translation of platonic "analogy".Valerio Rocco Lozano - 2012 - In Marco Sgarbi (ed.), Translatio studiorum: ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history. Boston: Brill.
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  47.  14
    Abstract landscape =.Valerio Morabito - 2002 - Cannitello, RC [i.e. Reggio Calabria]: Biblioteca del Cenide.
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  48.  18
    Il male in sé e il nulla in Proclo.Valerio Napoli - 2020 - Peitho 11 (1):143-170.
    In his reflection on the nature of evil, the Neoplatonic philosopher Proclus affirms that evil itself is “also beyond the abso­lute non-being”. With this assumption, he intends to reinforce the thesis of the non-existence of absolute evil, conceived as totally separate from good, and contrasted with the collat­eral and parasitic existence of evil mixed with good. He thus maintains a distinction between absolute evil and relative evil, conceived with reference to the distinction between absolute non-being and relative non-being. In Proclus, (...)
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  49.  22
    Interreligious Dialogue in the Renaissance: Cusanus, De Pace Fidei.Luana Rizzo - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 65 (1):71-82.
    The paper examines the Dialogue De pace fidei written by Nicolaus Cusanus in 1453 to settle disputes arising from events that triggered religious unrest, such as the fall of Constantinople in May 1453, the invasion and massacre of the Turks led by Sultan Mehmed II and the defeat of the Christians. Following the disintegration of medieval Christianity, Cusanus, instead of promoting a crusade, as Cardinal Bessarione did, proposed a more suitable way to make the major exponents of different religions interact (...)
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  50.  34
    Il pensiero rapsodico di D.Hume: contributo per una comprensione del pensiero politico ed economico di D.Hume.Giorgio Rizzo - 1998 - Idee 37:181-200.
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