Results for 'Axel Krommer'

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  1. Thinking through other minds: A variational approach to cognition and culture.Samuel P. L. Veissière, Axel Constant, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Karl J. Friston & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e90.
    The processes underwriting the acquisition of culture remain unclear. How are shared habits, norms, and expectations learned and maintained with precision and reliability across large-scale sociocultural ensembles? Is there a unifying account of the mechanisms involved in the acquisition of culture? Notions such as “shared expectations,” the “selective patterning of attention and behaviour,” “cultural evolution,” “cultural inheritance,” and “implicit learning” are the main candidates to underpin a unifying account of cognition and the acquisition of culture; however, their interactions require greater (...)
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    Subjective visibility depends on level of processing.Bert Windey, Wim Gevers & Axel Cleeremans - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):404-409.
  3.  91
    Subjective measures of consciousness in artificial grammar learning task.Michał Wierzchoń, Dariusz Asanowicz, Borysław Paulewicz & Axel Cleeremans - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1141-1153.
    Consciousness can be measured in various ways, but different measures often yield different conclusions about the extent to which awareness relates to performance. Here, we compare five different subjective measures of awareness in the context of an artificial grammar learning task. Participants expressed their subjective awareness of rules using one of five different scales: confidence ratings , post-decision wagering , feeling of warmth , rule awareness , and continuous scale . All scales were equally sensitive to conscious knowledge. PDW, however, (...)
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    The valence of action outcomes modulates the perception of one’s actions.Carlo Wilke, Matthis Synofzik & Axel Lindner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):18-29.
  5. Comparing direct and indirect measures of sequence learning.Jimenez Luis, Mendez Castor & Cleeremans Axel - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 22 (4):948-969.
    Comparing the relative sensitivity of direct and indirect measures of learning is proposed as the best way to provide evidence for unconscious learning when both conceptual and operative definitions of awareness are lacking. This approach was first proposed by Reingold & Merikle (1988) in the context of subliminal perception. In this paper, we apply it to a choice reaction time task in which the material is generated based on a probabilistic finite-state grammar (Cleeremans, 1993). We show (1) that participants progressively (...)
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    When a awareness measure became a introspective report.Michał Wierzchoń, Remigiusz Szczepanowski, Anna Anzulewicz & Axel Cleeremans - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:1-2.
  7.  16
    Security of multi-agent systems: A case study on comparison shopping.Dieter Hutter, Heiko Mantel, Ina Schaefer & Axel Schairer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (2):303-332.
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  8. I—Axel Honneth: Invisibility: On the Epistemology of ‘Recognition’.Axel Honneth - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):111-126.
  9.  20
    Barackenlager. Zur Nutzung einer Architektur der Moderne.Kai Wenzel, Jan Wenzel & Axel Doßmann - 2007 - In Ludger Schwarte (ed.), Auszug aus dem Lager. Transcript Verlag. pp. 220-245.
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    Axel Gelfert on where the ivory tower meets the crystal palace.Axel Gelfert - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 46 (46):36-39.
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  11. Axel Honneth, Riconoscimento e conflitto di classe. Scritti 1979-1989.Eleonora Piromalli & Axel Honneth - 2011 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis Edizioni.
    Questo volume raccoglie alcuni dei più importanti scritti pubblicati da Axel Honneth nel periodo precedente a "Lotta per il riconoscimento". Essi documentano i passaggi fondamentali dell'itinerario filosofico attraverso il quale Honneth è giunto ad elaborare la sua teoria del riconoscimento: le riflessioni sul lavoro sociale e sul conflitto di classe svolte in un orizzonte di pensiero ancora marxista, l'interlocuzione con la teoria di Habermas, l'indagine sulle forme della moralità quotidiana, il progressivo emergere della "logica morale del riconoscimento". Tutti questi (...)
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    Mechanisms of Implicit Learning: Connectionist Models of Sequence Processing.Axel Cleeremans - 1993 - MIT Press.
    What do people learn when they do not know that they are learning? Until recently, all of the work in the area of implicit learning focused on empirical questions and methods. In this book, Axel Cleeremans explores unintentional learning from an information-processing perspective. He introduces a theoretical framework that unifies existing data and models on implicit learning, along with a detailed computational model of human performance in sequence-learning situations.
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    (1 other version)Comparing direct and indirect measures of sequence learning.Axel Cleeremans - unknown
    Comparing the relative sensitivity of direct and indirect measures of learning is proposed as the best way to provide evidence for unconscious learning when both conceptual and operative definitions of awareness are lacking. This approach was first proposed by Reingold & Merikle (1988) in the context of subliminal perception. In this paper, we apply it to a choice reaction time task in which the material is generated based on a probabilistic finite-state grammar (Cleeremans, 1993). We show (1) that participants progressively (...)
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    Das Recht der Freiheit: Grundriss einer demokratischen Sittlichkeit.Axel Honneth - 2011 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Die Theorie der Gerechtigkeit gehört zu den am intensivsten bestellten Feldern der zeitgenössischen Philosophie. Allerdings haben die meisten Gerechtigkeitstheorien ihr hohes Begründungsniveau nur um den Preis eines schweren Defizits erreicht, denn mit ihrer Fixierung auf rein normative, abstrakte Prinzipien geraten sie in beträchtliche Distanz zu jener Sphäre, die ihr”Anwendungsbereich“ist: der gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit. Zur Begründung dieses weitreichenden Unterfangens weist Honneth zunächst nach, daß alle wesentlichen Handlungssphären westlicher Gesellschaften ein Merkmal teilen: Sie haben den Anspruch, einen jeweils besonderen Aspekt von individueller Freiheit (...)
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  15.  82
    Freedom’s Right. The Social Foundations of Democratic Life.Axel Honneth - 2013 - New York: Polity.
    The theory of justice is one of the most intensely debated areas of contemporary philosophy. Most theories of justice, however, have only attained their high level of justification at great cost. By focusing on purely normative, abstract principles, they become detached from the sphere that constitutes their “field of application” - namely, social reality. Axel Honneth proposes a different approach. He seeks to derive the currently definitive criteria of social justice directly from the normative claims that have developed within (...)
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    Anerkennung. Eine europäische Ideengeschichte.Axel Honneth - 2018 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy.Axel Honneth - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    The essays in this book weave together insights and arguments from such diverse traditions as German critical theory, French philosophy and social theory, and recent Anglo-American moral and political theory, offering a unique approach to the political and theoretical consequences of the modernism/postmodernism discussion. Through an analysis of central themes in classical Marxism and early critical theory, the author shows how recent work in a variety of traditions converges on the need to question familiar distinctions between material production and culture, (...)
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  18. Theories of intergenerational justice: a synopsis.Axel Gosseries - 2008 - Surv. Perspect. Integr. Environ. Soc 1:39-49.
    In this paper, the author offers a synoptic view of different theories of intergenerational justice, along two dimensions (savings/dissavings) and three modalities (prohibition, authorisation, obligation). After presenting successively the indirect reciprocity, the mutual advantage, the utilitarian and the Lockean approaches, special attention is given to the egalitarian theory of intergenerational justice. Two key differences between the egalitarian view on intergenerational justice and the sufficientarian interpretation of sustainability are highlighted.
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    Reply to Andreas Kalyvas, `Critical Theory at the Crossroads: Comments on Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition'.Axel Honneth - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (2):249-252.
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  20. Representation Wars: Enacting an Armistice Through Active Inference.Axel Constant, Andy Clark & Karl J. Friston - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:598733.
    Over the last 30 years, representationalist and dynamicist positions in the philosophy of cognitive science have argued over whether neurocognitive processes should be viewed as representational or not. Major scientific and technological developments over the years have furnished both parties with ever more sophisticated conceptual weaponry. In recent years, an enactive generalization of predictive processing – known as active inference – has been proposed as a unifying theory of brain functions. Since then, active inference has fueled both representationalist and dynamicist (...)
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    Omnipotence or Fusion? A Conversation between Axel Honneth and Joel Whitebook.Axel Honneth & Joel Whitebook - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):170-179.
  22. (1 other version)The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts.Axel Honneth - 1996 - MIT Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Axel Honneth argues that "the struggle for recognition" is, and should be, at the center of social conflicts. Moving smoothly between moral philosophy and social theory, Honneth offers insights into such issues as the social forms of recognition and nonrecognition, the moral basis of interaction in human conflicts, the relation between the recognition model and conceptions of modernity, the normative basis of social theory, and the possibility of mediating between Hegel and Kant.
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    Introduction - Intergenerational Justice and Its Challenges.Axel Gosseries & Lukas Meyer - 2009 - In Gosseries Axel & Meyer Lukas H. (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    This Introduction tells the story of intergerational justice and how it has influenced philosophers and political thinkers throughout history. The Introduction goes on to discuss the aims of the book, which is to offer a sustained discussion of intergenerational justice as seen by practical philosophers. The first part of the book focuses on the way in which various schools of thought in moral and political philosophy approach the domain of intergenerational justice, while the second part focuses on more specific aspects, (...)
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  24. Simposio del libro Sobre el análisis de Axel Barceló. Précis de Sobre el análisis.Axel Barceló - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (87):101-108.
    Resumen La metáfora de la "descomposición" domina aún nuestra manera usual de pensar el análisis conceptual. Se trata de una herramienta muy útil para pensar este proceso tan abstracto, pero tiene limitaciones importantes. Por ejemplo, nos hace pensar que los componentes de un concepto deben estar en algún sentido contenidos en él o que la única manera en que dos conceptos pueden estar relacionados es que uno contenga al otro. Estas limitaciones no nos permiten dar cuenta de conceptos complejos cuya (...)
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  25. Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory.Axel Honneth - 2007 - Cambridge: Polity.
    Over the last decade, Axel Honneth has established himself as one of the leading social and political philosophers in the world today. Rooted in the tradition of critical theory, his writings have been central to the revitalization of critical theory and have become increasingly influential. His theory of recognition has gained worldwide attention and is seen by some as the principal counterpart to Habermass theory of discourse ethics. In this important new volume, Honneth pursues his path-breaking work on recognition (...)
  26. Nanotechnology as Ideology: Towards a Critical Theory of ‘Converging Technologies’.Axel Gelfert - 2011 - Science, Technology and Society 17 (1):143-164.
    The present paper contributes to a growing body of philosophical, sociological, and historical analyses of recent nanoscale science and technology. Through a close examination of the origins of contemporary nanotech efforts, their ambitions, and strategic uses, it also aims to provide the basis for a critical theory of emerging technologies more generally, in particular in relation to their alleged convergence in terms of goals and outcomes. The emergence, allure, and implications of nanotechnology, it is argued, can only be fully appreciated (...)
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    Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory.Axel Honneth - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Axel Honneth has been instrumental in advancing the work of the Frankfurt School of critical theorists, rebuilding their effort to combine radical social and political analysis with rigorous philosophical inquiry. These eleven essays published over the past five years reclaim the relevant themes of the Frankfurt School, which counted Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, Franz Neumann, and Albrecht Wellmer as members. They also engage with Kant, Freud, Alexander Mitscherlich, and Michael Walzer, whose work on morality, (...)
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  28. Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea.Axel Honneth & Martin Jay - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (2):310-313.
  29. The other hard problem: How to bridge the gap between subsymbolic and symbolic cognition.Axel Cleeremans - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):22-23.
    The constructivist notion that features are purely functional is incompatible with the classical computational metaphor of mind. I suggest that the discontent expressed by Schyns, Goldstone and Thibaut about fixed-features theories of categorization reflects the growing impact of connectionism, and show how their perspective is similar to recent research on implicit learning, consciousness, and development. A hard problem remains, however: How to bridge the gap between subsymbolic and symbolic cognition.
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    Considerations on Alessandro ferrara’s reflective authenticity.Axel Honneth - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (1):11-15.
    Among the various attempts that have been undertaken today to reformulate critically the idea of European modernism, Alessandro Ferrara’s book certainly represents one of the most radical. In contrast to other approaches, which rather depart from a competition of various sources of ideas, Ferrara sets forth a single principle that should be able to provide us with an appropriate and future-regarding self-under-standing of the intellectual situation of present modernity. Its key concept is authenticity that, in opposition to all other principles (...)
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    Response to Paller et al. : the role of familiarity in making inferences about unknown quantities.Axel Mecklinger, Christian Frings & Timm Rosburg - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (6):315-316.
  32. Unsichtbarkeit. Stationen einer Theorie der Intersubjektivität.Axel Honneth - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (3):591-591.
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  33. Reification: a new look at an old idea.Axel Honneth - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Judith Butler, Raymond Geuss, Jonathan Lear & Martin Jay.
    In the early 20th century, Marxist theory was enriched and rejuvenated by adopting the concept of reification, introduced by the Hungarian theorist Georg Lukács to identify and denounce the transformation of historical processes into ahistorical entities, human actions into things that seemed part of an immutable "second nature." For a variety of reasons, both theoretical and practical, the hopes placed in de-reification as a tool of revolutionary emancipation proved vain. In these original and imaginative essays, delivered as the Tanner Lectures (...)
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    Joint Attention: New Developments.Axel Seemann (ed.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Academic interest in the phenomenon of joint attention -- the capacity to attend to an object together with another creature -- has increased rapidly over the past two decades. Yet it isn't easy to spell out in detail what joint attention is, how it ought to be characterized, and what exactly its significance consists in. The writers for this volume address these and related questions by drawing on a variety of disciplines, including developmental and comparative psychology, philosophy of mind, and (...)
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  35. Attention and awareness in sequence learning.Axel Cleeremans - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Fiftheenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society:227-232.
    referred to as implicit learning (Reber, 1989). Implicit learning contrasts with explicit learning (exhibited for.
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  36. Conscious and unconscious cognition: A graded, dynamic perspective.Axel Cleeremans - 2006 - International Journal of Psychology.
    Consider the following three situations: learning to perform a complex skill such as gymastics (a stunning demonstration of which participants to ICP 2004 experienced during the opening ceremony), learning a complex game such as the ancient Chinese game of Weichi (more widely known as Go), or learning natural language. What these situations have in common, beyond the sheer complexity of the required skills, is the fact that most of what we learn about each appears to proceed in a manner that (...)
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  37. Computational Correlates of Consciousness.Axel Cleeremans - 1963 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology: Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier.
    Over the past few years numerous proposals have appeared that attempt to characterize consciousness in terms of what could be called its computational correlates: Principles of information processing with which to characterize the differences between conscious and unconscious processing. Proposed computational correlates include architectural specialization (such as the involvement of specific regions of the brain in conscious processing), properties of representations (such as their stability in time or their strength), and properties of specific processes (such as resonance, synchrony, interactivity, or (...)
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  38. Recognition as ideology.Axel Honneth - 2007 - In Bert van den Brink & David Owen (eds.), Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 323--347.
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    Learned material content and acquisition level modulate cerebral reactivation during posttraining rapid-eye-movements sleep.Axel Cleeremans - unknown
    We have previously shown that several brain areas are activated both during sequence learning at wake and during subsequent rapid-eye-movements (REM) sleep (Nat. Neurosci. 3 (2000) 831– 836), suggesting that REM sleep participates in the reprocessing of recent memory traces in humans. However, the nature of the reprocessed information remains open. Here, we show that regional cerebral reactivation during posttraining REM sleep is not merely related to the acquisition of basic visuomotor skills during prior practice of the serial reaction time (...)
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  40. Odödlighetsproblemet hos Plotinos: jämte en kort framställning av samma problem hos Augustinus.Axel Dahl - 1934 - Lund: A.-b Ph. Lindstedts universitetsbokhandel.
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    Global Justice. Edited by Thomas Pogge.Axel Gosseries - 2001 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 99 (3):519-521.
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    Schwerpunkt: Wozu Philosophie? Antworten des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Diskussion Michel Foucault: Was ist Kritik?Axel Honneth - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (2):247-248.
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    Conditional shared confidentiality in mental health care.Axel Liégeois & Marc Eneman - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):261-266.
    Because of the development towards community care, care providers not only exchange information in a team, but increasingly also in networks. This is a challenge to confidentiality. The ethical question is how care providers can keep information about the care receiver confidential, whilst at the same time exchanging information about that care receiver in a team or network? Can shared confidentiality be extended from a team to a network? To clarify this question, the article refers to the advice of an (...)
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    Nietzsches Spiel mit dem Paratext. Literarische Techniken der Leserlenkung und -irritation in der Vorrede zu Menschliches, Allzumenschliches I und die Lektüremethode des autoreflexiven Lesens.Axel Pichler - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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  45. Pathologies of the social: The past and present of social philosophy.Axel Honneth - 1996 - In David M. Rasmussen (ed.), The Handbook of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 369--398.
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    Les générations, le fleuve et l’océan.Axel Gosseries - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):153-176.
    Axel Gosseries1 | : À la suggestion de Jefferson,3 nous nous proposons de prendre au sérieux la comparaison entre nations et générations dans le cadre d’une théorie philosophique de la justice et de la démocratie préoccupée par nos devoirs envers les membres d’autres générations. Nous nous concentrons ici sur trois des caractéristiques propres aux relations intergénérationnelles, à travers une comparaison avec des situations internationales spécifiques. La première a trait à l’immobilité temporelle des personnes au delà de la période s’étendant (...)
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    The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory.Axel Honneth - 1991 - MIT Press.
    "We owe a large debt to Axel Honneth for uncovering some of the theoretical affinities between the work of the Frankfurt School and that of Foucault.
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  48. Extended active inference: Constructing predictive cognition beyond skulls.Axel Constant, Andy Clark, Michael Kirchhoff & Karl J. Friston - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (3):373-394.
    Cognitive niche construction is the process whereby organisms create and maintain cause–effect models of their niche as guides for fitness influencing behavior. Extended mind theory claims that cognitive processes extend beyond the brain to include predictable states of the world. Active inference and predictive processing in cognitive science assume that organisms embody predictive (i.e., generative) models of the world optimized by standard cognitive functions (e.g., perception, action, learning). This paper presents an active inference formulation that views cognitive niche construction as (...)
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  49. Is it better to think unconsciously or to trust your first impression? A reassessment of unconscious thought theory.Axel Cleeremans - unknown
    According to Unconscious Thought Theory (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006), complex decisions are best made after a period of distraction assumed to elicit “unconscious thought”. Here, we suggest instead that the superiority of decisions made after distraction results from the fact that conscious deliberation can deteriorate impressions formed online during information acquisition. We found that participants instructed to form an impression made better decisions after distraction than after deliberation, thereby replicating earlier findings. However, decisions made immediately were just as good as (...)
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  50. The I in We: Studies in the Theory of Recognition.Axel Honneth - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In this volume Axel Honneth deepens and develops his highly influential theory of recognition, showing how it enables us both to rethink the concept of justice and to offer a compelling account of the relationship between social reproduction and individual identity formation. Drawing on his reassessment of Hegel’s practical philosophy, Honneth argues that our conception of social justice should be redirected from a preoccupation with the principles of distributing goods to a focus on the measures for creating symmetrical relations (...)
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