Results for 'B. Sakita'

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  1.  66
    Random matrices, fermions, collective fields, and universality.B. Sakita - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (11):1519-1525.
    We first relate the random matrix model to a Fokker-Planck Hamiltonian system, such that the correlation functions of the model are expressed as the vacuum expectation values of equal-time products of density operators. We then analyze the universality of the random matrix model by solving the Focker-Planck Hamiltonian system for large N. We use two equivalent methods to do this, namely the method of relating it to a system of interacting fermions in one space dimension and the method of collective (...)
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    Parallelism in conversation: resonance, schematization, and extension from the perspective of dialogic syntax and cognitive linguistics.Tomoko I. Sakita - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (3):467-501.
    Speakers often construct their utterances based on the immediately co-present utterances of dialogue partners. They array their linguistic resources parallel to their partners¿ and activate resonance. Based on the theories of dialogic syntax and cognitive linguistics, this study undertakes to explain how speakers activate resonance and how parallelism contributes to constructing linguistic forms as well as to shaping the ongoing flow of conversation. Three phases of resonance activation are illustrated in relation to cognitive processes: (a) parallelism constituted with extension of (...)
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  3. Discourse markers as stance markers:Wellin stance alignment in conversational interaction.Tomoko I. Sakita - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (1):81-116.
    Stance is inherent in conversational interaction and is interactional in nature. When speakers take a stance, they pay attention to both prior stances and stance relations, as well as to the anticipated consequences of their stancetaking. They manage stance relations as a way of dealing with the “sociocognitive relations” of intersubjectivity. Using the dialogic framework proposed by Du Bois, this paper shows that the discourse marker well in American English works as a resource for the management of relationships among stances. (...)
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  4. Are theories of learning necessary?B. F. Skinner - 1950 - Psychological Review 57 (4):193-216.
  5. Meinong's theory of complexes and assumptions (III.).B. Russell - 1904 - Mind 13 (52):509-524.
  6. Revisiting the Six Stages of Skill Acquisition.B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2021 - In B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus, Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition: Applying the Dreyfus & Dreyfus Model in Different Fields. Charlotte, NC, USA: pp. 3-28.
    The acquisition of a new skill usually proceeds through five stages, from novice to expert, with a sixth stage of mastery available for highly motivated performers. In this chapter, we re-state the six stages of the Dreyfus Skill Model, paying new attention to the transitions and interrelations between them. While discussing the fifth stage, expertise, we unpack the claim that, “when things are proceeding normally, experts don’t solve problems and don’t make decisions; they do what normally works” (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, (...)
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    Stages of moral development of corporations.B. S. Sridhar & Artegal Camburn - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (9):727 - 739.
    Drawing from the Boulding''s (1956) framework for general systems theory, the need to employ richer paradigm in the study of organizations (Pondy and Mitroff, 1979) is reiterated. It is argued that a better understanding of organizational ethical behavior is contingent upon viewing organizations as symbol processing systems of shared language and meanings. Further, it is proposed that organizations, like individuals, develop into collectivities of shared cognitions and rationale, over a period of time. The study adapts Kohlberg''s (1983) model of moral (...)
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  8. Retrieving Heidegger's temporal realism.B. Scot Rousse - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):205-226.
    Early Heidegger argues that a “homogenous space of nature” can be revealed by stripping away the intelligibility of Dasein's everyday world, a process he calls “deworlding.” Given this, some interpreters have suggested that Heidegger, despite not having worked out the details himself, is also committed to a notion of deworlded time. Such a “natural time” would amount to an endogenous sequentiality in which events are ordered independently of Dasein and the stand it takes on its being. I show that Heidegger (...)
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    Dislocation loops in irradiated iron.B. C. Masters - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (113):881-893.
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  10. Proofs as Acts versus Proofs as Objects: Some Questions for Dag Prawitz.B. G. Sundholm - unknown
  11. Questions of Proof.B. G. Sundholm - unknown
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  12.  39
    (3 other versions)Neutron irradiation damage in molybdenum.B. L. Eyre & D. M. Maher - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (190):767-797.
  13. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History.B. J. Ong - 1968
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  14. A note on the Barcan formula and substitutional quantification.B. J. Copeland - 1982 - Logique Et Analyse 25 (97):83.
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  15.  29
    On the shearing mechanism of γ′ precipitates by a single ⟨112⟩ Shockley partial in Ni-based superalloys.B. Décamps, S. Raujol, A. Coujou, F. Pettinari-Sturmel, N. Clément, D. Locq & P. Caron - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (1):91-107.
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  16. When, and why, did Frege read Bolzano?B. G. Sundholm - 2000 - In Timothy Childers, the logica yearbook 1999. Prague: pp. 164-174.
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  17.  61
    Lucian as Social Satirist.B. Baldwin - 1961 - Classical Quarterly 11 (3-4):199-.
    This paper owes its inspiration to a remark made by Professor M. Rostovtzeff; in a note in his Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire on the widespread social unrest of the first two centuries A.D., having cited other literary authorities such as Dio Chrysostom, Aelius Aristides, etc., he writes: ‘The social problem as such, the cleavage between the poor and the rich, occupies a prominent place in the dialogues of Lucian; he was fully aware of the importance of (...)
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  18.  52
    The basic structure of neoclassical general equilibrium theory.B. Hamminga & W. Balzer - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (1):31 - 46.
  19. Vacuum or holomovement.B. J. Hiley - 1991 - In Simon Saunders & Harvey R. Brown, The Philosophy of Vacuum. Oxford University Press. pp. 217--249.
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  20.  68
    Dishonest Relativism.B. C. Postow - 1979 - Analysis 39 (1):45 - 48.
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  21.  12
    L'espace dans ses dimensions transcendantale et pragmatiste.Manuel B.äächtold - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (2):145-167.
    This article examines the Kantian thesis of the a priori nature of our knowledge of space. Because it makes the representation of objects possible as external to us and all others, and consequently, as distinct and individualized, space (whatever its structure may be) claims the status as necessary condition and as apriori possibility of all knowledge. However, in the light of various physical, psychological and philosophical considerations, it seems that the particular structure allocated by Kant to space (i.e. uniqueness, infinity, (...)
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    The Church and the World: Are There Theological Resources for a Common Conversation?B. Andrew Lustig - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (2):225-244.
    Abortion is an especially salient issue for considering the general problematic of religiously based conversation in the public square. It remains deeply divisive, fully thirty-four years after Roe v. Wade. Such divisiveness cannot be interpreted as merely an expression of profound differences between “secular” and “religious” voices, because differences also emerge among Christian denominations, reflecting different sources of moral authority, different accounts of moral discernment, and different judgments about the appropriate relations between law and morality in the context of pluralism. (...)
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  23.  36
    Philosophy, medicine and its technologies.B. Almond - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (4):173-178.
    There is a need to bring ethics and medical practice closer together, despite the risk and problems this may involve. Deontological ethics may promote sanctity of life considerations against the quality of life considerations favoured by consequentialists or utilitarians; while talk of respect for life and the value of life may point to more qualified ethical positions. This paper argues for a respect-for-life position, dismissing a utilitarian cost-benefit outlook as too simplistic; but an unqualified fixed principles approach is also ruled (...)
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  24.  17
    On returning to consciousness.B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):1-2.
  25.  11
    Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas.B. A. Haddock - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (107):173-175.
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    Numerical bifurcation analysis of ecosystems in a spatially homogeneous environment.B. W. Kooi - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (3):189-222.
    The dynamics of single populations up to ecosystems, are often described by one or a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations. In this paper we review the use of bifurcation theory to analyse these non-linear dynamical systems. Bifurcation analysis gives regimes in the parameter space with quantitatively different asymptotic dynamic behaviour of the system. In small-scale systems the underlying models for the populations and their interaction are simple Lotka-Volterra models or more elaborated models with more biological detail. The latter ones (...)
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  27.  36
    LXXVII. The thermal expansion of aluminium at low temperatures as measured by an X-ray diffraction method.B. F. Figgins, G. O. Jones & D. P. Riley - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (8):747-758.
  28.  16
    Dose dependence of F-centre production by fast neutrons in magnesium oxide.B. Henderson & R. D. King - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (126):1149-1156.
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  29.  40
    Magnetic field-induced martensitic variant reorientation in magnetic shape memory alloys.B. Kiefer & D. C. Lagoudas - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4289-4329.
  30.  67
    Self-Consciousness as a Product of Biological Evolution.B. Korzeniewski - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (7-8):50-76.
    This paper argues that self-consciousness and associated psychic consciousness emerges as a consequence of a recursive selfdirecting on itself of the cognitive centre in the human brain. The neural mechanisms and circuits underlying self-consciousness appeared and developed during biological evolution as an adaptation that increased the fitness of our social ancestors, chances of their survival, and reproduction. These mechanisms/circuits strengthened the efficiency of individuals in various social relations, enabled separation of 'I' from 'he/she' or 'them' and the formation of firstand (...)
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  31. Autoclitic processes and the structure of behavior1.B. F. Skinner - 1980 - Behaviorism 8 (2):175-186.
  32. The need for and inevitability of educational intolerance.B. Suttle - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
  33. BANFI A., "I problemi di una estetica filosofica".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:212.
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  34. EPICURO, "Opere".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:434.
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    Structural, electronic and optical properties of ultrathin thallium nanowires – anab initiostudy.B. K. Agrawal, V. Singh, R. Srivastava & S. Agrawal - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (16):2335-2353.
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  36.  7
    Ethical Issues in the New Genetics: Are Genes Us?B. Almond & M. Parker (eds.) - 2003 - Ashgate.
    "This title was first published in 2003.Developments in genetic science are opening up new possibilities for human beings; both the creation and the shaping of human life are now possible in the laboratory. As these techniques develop, questions are increasingly asked about how far everything that is scientifically possible should - morally, legally and socially - be pursued. Whilst much attention and policy-making has focussed on the development of regulation of technologies affecting human reproduction, regulation where plants and animals are (...)
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  37.  45
    Paul Rooney. Divine command morality. (Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.) Pp. 128. £32.50.B. A. - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (2):231-234.
  38.  30
    Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. El imaginario filosófico del logos intercultural.B. M.-F. A. - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45).
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  39.  12
    Report on the seminar: An investigation of Calvin' s principles of Biblical interpretation.B. G. Armstrong - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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  40. Summary of'In Perpetual Motion, Theories of Power, Educational History, and the Child'.B. Baker - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (1):88-88.
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  41. Finanzierung der Kriegführung in Byzanz am Beispiel der Byzantinisch-Bulgarischen Kriege (976-1019).B. Baldwin - 2006 - Byzantion 76:295-320.
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  42. John Lydus in Latin on augustus.B. BaldWin - 1995 - Byzantion 65:527.
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  43.  27
    Divided consciousness or divided self?B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):59-60.
  44.  45
    Introduction: The evidence for anosognosia.B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (2):148-151.
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  45.  26
    Über die Sprache der Jakuten; Grammatik, Text und WörterbuchUber die Sprache der Jakuten; Grammatik, Text und Worterbuch.J. B., Otto Böhtlingk & Otto Bohtlingk - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):207.
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    Bilder Hundert Deutscher Indologen.E. B. & Wilhelm Rau - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):216.
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    The Physician as Political Actor: Late Abortion and The Strictures of Liberal Moral Discourse.B. Brock - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (2):153-168.
    By examining the range of factors pressing on medical professionals faced with a decision in a case of late-term abortion, it becomes apparent that the theological resources ruled out of bounds by the standard account can be considered an essential part of a truly liberating and properly supple moral account of medical decision-making. Close attention to the social, political and legal context of contemporary medicine reveals that the standard account of medical ethics, Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Beauchamp and Childress, (...)
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    Building the Perfect Cocoon.J. Agustín Pastén B. - 1994 - Semiotics:463-470.
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    Past experiences and recent challenges in participatory design research.Susanne Bødker - 2009 - In Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez, Learning and expanding with activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 274--285.
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    Kunst som filosofi? – Driften mot det romlige i maleriet.Solveig Bøe - 2006 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 41 (1):8-16.
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