Results for 'B. Yakovenko'

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  1. Dostoevski weltanschauung-a history of Russian philosophy.B. Yakovenko - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (8):452-453.
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    Russian european B.V. Yakovenko.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):133-144.
    The article analyzes the creativity of one of the most famous Russian neokantians Boris V. Yakovenko. Despite the fact that the work of Yakovenko becomes the subject of analysis of an increasing number of researchers both in Russia and abroad, it has not yet taken place in a systematic analysis. The article attempts to consider the philosophical creativity of the Russian philosopher systematically, revealing both the main directions of European thought that had the greatest influence on the position (...)
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    The Great Russian Revolution and Socialism in the Works of N.A. Berdyaev and B.V. Yakovenko of the Mid-1910s–1920s.Илья Андрееви Пильнов - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (2):39-50.
    This article attempts a comparative analysis of the problems of revolution and socialism in the philosophical work of Nikolai Berdyaev and Boris Yakovenko. The author aims to compare the key philosophical and political concepts of the two thinkers to identify the commonalities and differences in their views. The subject of consideration are the works of Berdyaev and Yakovenko of the period of the mid-1910s – 1920s. The article shows that from the historical-philosophical point of view it is this (...)
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    Особливості релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі.Anatoliy Yakovenko - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:127-135.
    У статті обгрунтовується думка про те, що проблема релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі, характеризуючи стан релігійної свідомості в контексті екзистенціальної діалектики міфологічної і релігійної свідомості, постає як цілісний системний комплекс питань, аналіз релігійного розуміння і вплив якого на українське суспільство є актуальним. Зміст статті – експлікація сукупності істотних і відмінних якостей системи релігійного світогляду періоду Київської Русі в цілому з перспективою подальших досліджень і розробки методично обгрунтованих підходів зі зміцнення духовності українського суспільства.
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    Classical Econophysics.Allin F. Cottrell, Paul Cockshott, Gregory John Michaelson, Ian P. Wright & Victor Yakovenko - 2009 - Routledge.
    This monograph examines the domain of classical political economy using the methodologies developed in recent years both by the new discipline of econo-physics and by computing science. This approach is used to re-examine the classical subdivisions of political economy: production, exchange, distribution and finance. The book begins by examining the most basic feature of economic life – production – and asks what it is about physical laws that allows production to take place. How is it that human labour is able (...)
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  6. Visualization and Cognition: Thinking with Eyes and Hands.B. Latour - 1986 - Knowledge and Society 6:1--40.
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  7. Technology is society made durable.B. Latour - 2013 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (1):17-49.
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    Instrumentation: Between Science, State and Industry, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook.B. Joerges & T. Shinn (eds.) - 2001 - Springer.
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    Phase–dependent justification: The role of personal responsibility in fair healthcare.Kristine Bærøe & Cornelius Cappelen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):836-840.
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    Towards an environmentally sensitive healthcare ethics: ten tasks and one model.Kristine Bærøe, Anand Singh Bhopal & TOrbjørn Gundersen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):382-383.
    In the face of environmental crises such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss—which all adversely impact on health—Gils-Schmidt and Salloch explore whether physicians can be justified in taking climate issues into account in clinical care.1 While their approach centres on the ‘climate-sensitive’ decisions, physicians can carry out on the micro-level of clinical decision-making, they encourage further discussions on how climate-related issues can be included across different levels of decision-making in healthcare. We propose a list of tasks and a model (...)
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    The Dialogues of Plato.B. Jowett, D. J. Allan & H. E. Dale - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (2):64-69.
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    Repeated yielding in tin bronze alloys.B. Russell - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (88):615-630.
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  13. Consciousness—the interface between affect and cognition.B. W. Balleine & Anthony Dickinson - 1998 - In John Cornwell, Consciousness and Human Identity. New York: Oxford University Press.
  14. Doing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of Responsibility. [REVIEW]B. J. Diggs - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (3):90-96.
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    Perception, ontology, and naming in young children: Commentary on Soja, Carey, and Spelke.B. Landau - 1992 - Cognition 43 (1):85-91.
  16. From Information to Cognition: The Systems Counterculture, Heinz von Foerster's Pedagogy, and Second-Order Cybernetics.B. Clarke - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (3):196-207.
    Context: In this empirical and conceptual paper on the historical, philosophical, and epistemological backgrounds of second-order cybernetics, the emergence of a significant pedagogical component to Heinz von Foerster’s work during the last years of the Biological Computer Laboratory is placed against the backdrop of social and intellectual movements on the American landscape. Problem: Previous discussion in this regard has focused largely on the student radicalism of the later 1960s. A wider-angled view of the American intellectual counterculture is needed. However, this (...)
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    Images as mediators in one-trial paired-associate learning: II. Self-timing in successive lists.B. R. Bugelski - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):328.
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    Genetic Nondiscrimination and Health Care as an Entitlement.B. M. Kious - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (2):86-100.
    The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 prohibits most forms of discrimination on the basis of genetic information in health insurance and employment. The findings cited as justification for the act, the almost universal political support for it, and much of the scholarly literature about genetic discrimination, all betray a confusion about what is really at issue. They imply that genetic discrimination is wrong mainly because of genetic exceptionalism: because some special feature of genetic information makes discrimination on the basis (...)
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  19. Materialismo storico ed economia marxista.B. Croce - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:551-552.
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    Vico: The Problem of Interpretation.B. Haddock - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
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    Yakovenko’s Transcendentalism in the Philosophical Context of his Time: Phenomenology and/or Neo-Kantianism.A. A. Shiyan - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):443-460.
    The article discusses the work of Boris Valentinovich Yakovenko, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian neo-Kantianism. The philosophy of Yakovenko is analyzed in the context of the German and Russian philosophical traditions of the early twentieth century - phenomenology and neo-Kantianism. Being a supporter of neo-Kantianism, Yakovenko devoted most of his research to questions of cognition. The article examines the foundations of criticism, directed by Yakovenko against modern gnosiological approaches. The unacceptability of these approaches (...)
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    L'espace dans ses dimensions transcendantale et pragmatiste.Manuel B.äächtold - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (2):145-167.
    This article examines the Kantian thesis of the a priori nature of our knowledge of space. Because it makes the representation of objects possible as external to us and all others, and consequently, as distinct and individualized, space (whatever its structure may be) claims the status as necessary condition and as apriori possibility of all knowledge. However, in the light of various physical, psychological and philosophical considerations, it seems that the particular structure allocated by Kant to space (i.e. uniqueness, infinity, (...)
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    Housing: A Case for The Medicalization of Poverty.B. Cameron Webb & Dayna Bowen Matthew - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):588-594.
    “Medicalization” has been a contentious notion since its introduction centuries ago. While some scholars lamented a medical overreach into social domains, others hailed its promise for social justice advocacy. Against the backdrop of a growing commitment to health equity across the nation, this article reviews historical interpretations of medicalization, offers an application of the term to non-biologic risk factors for disease, and presents the case of housing the demonstrate the great potential of medicalizing poverty.
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    Poststructuralism.Nooteboom B. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-2.
    One theme in Continental Philosophy is to militate against structures, of language and institutions, as Nietzsche and Foucault did, and Habermas to some extent. That is called ‘poststructuralism’ by some. In this brief note, I do not oppose institutions, because societies cannot do without them. However, I am seeking a structure that leaves some room for freedom of individuals.
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    National Bioethics Advisory Commission Report: Ethical and policy issues in international research.B. J. Crigger - 2001 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 23 (4):9.
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    The history of ideas and the study of politics.B. A. Haddock - 1974 - Political Theory 2 (4):420-431.
  27. The function of analogies in science.B. Hesse - 1981 - In Ryan D. Tweney, Michael E. Doherty & Clifford R. Mynatt, On scientific thinking. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 345--348.
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    Magnetic field-induced martensitic variant reorientation in magnetic shape memory alloys.B. Kiefer & D. C. Lagoudas - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4289-4329.
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    Is a moral consensus in medical ethics possible?B. Mitchell - 1976 - Journal of Medical Ethics 2 (1):18-23.
    At the moment in Britain and elsewhere the debate inside and outside of Parliament on various medical issues which are essentially moral never ends. Everybody has his own point of view--or principles. But what emerges for society to adopt can often be called in lay terminology 'compromise'. Professor Mitchell argues in this paper that a moral consensus is possible and indeed ought to be achieved, as today the medical practitioner can no longer make his decision only in accordance with the (...)
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    Ethical Issues and Considerations for Children with Critical Care Needs.B. M. Morrow & W. Morrison - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 225-238.
    Pediatric critical careCritical care refers to the health care of children with life-threatening illness or following major surgery or severe injury. This care is offered in different contexts across the globe. In well-resourced environments, critical careCritical care may be provided in pediatric intensive care units, which provide highly complex medical care with advanced, potentially expensive technological devices aimed primarily at sustaining life; whereas in poorly resourced regions, only primary care may be available for critically ill or injured childrenInjured children. Even (...)
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  31. Grayling on Internal Structure.B. J. Garrett - 1983 - Analysis 43 (2):78 - 80.
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  32. BANFI A., "I problemi di una estetica filosofica".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:212.
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  33. Strategic thinking and the new science (Book review).B. Abell, R. Serra & R. Wood - 1999 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1 (2):71-79.
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  34. DI CARLO E., "Il problema della sociologia".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:210.
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    The homeostat.B. M. Adkins - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):248.
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  36. "In opera Sancti Thomae Aquinatis index, seu Tabula aurea eximii" DOCTORIS F. PETRI DE BERGOMO.B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:333.
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  37. Il pensiero giuridico e politico di Antonio Rosmini.B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:401.
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    De-racialising intelligence, human potentiality and consciousness: A context for African Creative Gnosis.B. Ajibade - 2006 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (1).
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    The problem of coincidence in a theory of temporal multiple recurrence.B. O. Akinkunmi - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 15:46-68.
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    Ethical Issues in the New Genetics: Are Genes Us?B. Almond & M. Parker (eds.) - 2003 - Ashgate.
    "This title was first published in 2003.Developments in genetic science are opening up new possibilities for human beings; both the creation and the shaping of human life are now possible in the laboratory. As these techniques develop, questions are increasingly asked about how far everything that is scientifically possible should - morally, legally and socially - be pursued. Whilst much attention and policy-making has focussed on the development of regulation of technologies affecting human reproduction, regulation where plants and animals are (...)
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    Paul Rooney. Divine command morality. (Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.) Pp. 128. £32.50.B. A. - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (2):231-234.
  42. R. A. Sharpe. The moral case against religious belief. (London: SCM press, 1997.) Pp. 102. £7.95 pbk.B. A. - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (2):231-234.
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    Reasons and experience - Millar,a.B. Aune - unknown
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  44. Finanzierung der Kriegführung in Byzanz am Beispiel der Byzantinisch-Bulgarischen Kriege (976-1019).B. Baldwin - 2006 - Byzantion 76:295-320.
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    Divided consciousness or divided self?B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):59-60.
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    Introduction: The evidence for anosognosia.B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (2):148-151.
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    Über die Sprache der Jakuten; Grammatik, Text und WörterbuchUber die Sprache der Jakuten; Grammatik, Text und Worterbuch.J. B., Otto Böhtlingk & Otto Bohtlingk - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):207.
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    Bilder Hundert Deutscher Indologen.E. B. & Wilhelm Rau - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):216.
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    Building the Perfect Cocoon.J. Agustín Pastén B. - 1994 - Semiotics:463-470.
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  50. Culture as Violence.B. J. Bergen & S. D. Rosenberg - 1976 - Humanitas 12:195-205.
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