Results for 'Barbara Hobl'

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  1.  20
    Moral Bricolage - über das Gute sprechen: Das paradoxe Drehmoment in der Frage nach dem guten Leben.Barbara Hobl - 2019 - transcript Verlag.
    Taumelt der Mensch? Es scheint kein intellektuelles Angebot in der Lage zu sein, den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs über den offensichtlich desolaten Zustand unserer Welt mit einer starken Idee an sich zu ziehen. Warum ist es so schwer, über das Gute zu sprechen? Mit einem fein gewebten und überraschenden Entwurf gibt Barbara Hobl hier mit ihrem Ansatz der »Bricolage« eine Antwort. Sie schlägt in einem disziplinübergreifenden Gedankengang vor, wie dem allgegenwärtigen Bösen eine eigene Qualität, eine Dynamik des Guten, entgegengehalten werden (...)
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    Der Cupido der Augustusstatue von Primaporta und der große Pariser Cameo.Ernst Hobl - 1938 - Klio 31 (1):269-284.
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  3. Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought‐action repertoires.Barbara L. Fredrickson & Christine Branigan - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (3):313-332.
    The broaden‐and‐build theory (CitationFredrickson, 1998, Citation2001) hypothesises that positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought‐action repertoires. Two experiments with 104 college students tested these hypotheses. In each, participants viewed a film that elicited (a) amusement, (b) contentment, (c) neutrality, (d) anger, or (e) anxiety. Scope of attention was assessed using a global‐local visual processing task (Experiment 1) and thought‐action repertoires were assessed using a Twenty Statements Test (Experiment 2). Compared to a neutral state, positive emotions broadened the scope (...)
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  4. Williamsonian modal epistemology, possibility-based.Barbara Vetter - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (4-5):766-795.
    Williamsonian modal epistemology is characterized by two commitments: realism about modality, and anti-exceptionalism about our modal knowledge. Williamson’s own counterfactual-based modal epistemology is the best known implementation of WME, but not the only option that is available. I sketch and defend an alternative implementation which takes our knowledge of metaphysical modality to arise, not from knowledge of counterfactuals, but from our knowledge of ordinary possibility statements of the form ‘x can F’. I defend this view against a criticism indicated in (...)
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  5. Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts.Barbara Partee - 1989 - In Caroline Wiltshire, Randolph Graczyk & Bradley Music (eds.), Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts. Chicago Linguistic Society. pp. 342-365.
  6. Perceiving Potentiality: A Metaphysics for Affordances.Barbara Vetter - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1177-1191.
    According to ecological psychology, animals perceive not just the qualities of things in their environment, but their affordances: in James Gibson’s words, ’what things furnish, for good or ill’. I propose a metaphysics for affordances that fits into a contemporary anti-Humean metaphysics of powers or potentialities. The goal is to connect two debates, one in the philosophy of perception and one in metaphysics, that stand to gain much from each other.
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara H. Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert E. Wall - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):271-272.
  8. A defense of the via negativa argument for physicalism.Barbara Montero & David Papineau - 2005 - Analysis 65 (3):233-237.
  9. A Russellian Response to the Structural Argument Against Physicalism.Barbara Montero - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):70-83.
    According to David Chalmers , 'we have good reason to suppose that consciousness has a fundamental place in nature' . This, he thinks is because the world as revealed to us by fundamental physics is entirely structural -- it is a world not of things, but of relations -- yet relations can only account for more relations, and consciousness is not merely a relation . Call this the 'structural argument against physicalism.' I shall argue that there is a view about (...)
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    Varieties of Error and Varieties of Evidence in Scientific Inference.Barbara Osimani & Jürgen Landes - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):117-170.
    According to the variety of evidence thesis items of evidence from independent lines of investigation are more confirmatory, ceteris paribus, than, for example, replications of analogous studies. This thesis is known to fail (Bovens and Hartmann; Claveau). However, the results obtained by Bovens and Hartmann only concern instruments whose evidence is either fully random or perfectly reliable; instead, for Claveau, unreliability is modelled as deterministic bias. In both cases, the unreliable instrument delivers totally irrelevant information. We present a model that (...)
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    The “We” in the “Me”: Solidarity and Health Care in the Era of Personalized Medicine.Barbara Prainsack - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (1):21-44.
    This article challenges a key tacit assumption underpinning legal and ethical instruments in health care, namely, that people are ideally bounded, independent, and often also strategically rational individuals. Such an understanding of personhood has been criticized within feminist and other critical scholarship as being unfit to capture the deeply relational nature of human beings. In the field of medicine, however, it also causes tangible problems. I propose that a solidarity-based perspective entails a relational approach and as such helps to formulate (...)
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  12. Male aggression against women.Barbara Smuts - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (1):1-44.
    Male aggression against females in primates, including humans, often functions to control female sexuality to the male’s reproductive advantage. A comparative, evolutionary perspective is used to generate several hypotheses to help to explain cross-cultural variation in the frequency of male aggression against women. Variables considered include protection of women by kin, male-male alliances and male strategies for guarding mates and obtaining adulterous matings, and male resource control. The relationships between male aggression against women and gender ideologies, male domination of women, (...)
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  13.  69
    Emotion-based choice.Barbara Mellers, Alan Schwartz & Ilana Ritov - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (3):332.
  14.  24
    Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design.Barbara Forrest & Paul R. Gross - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Forrest and Gross expose the scientific failure, the religious essence, and the political ambitions of "intelligent design" creationism. They examine the movement's "Wedge Strategy," which has advanced and is succeeding through public relations rather than through scientific research. Analyzing the content and character of "intelligent design theory," they highlight its threat to public education and to the separation of church and state.
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    Collaborative plans for complex group action.Barbara J. Grosz & Sarit Kraus - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):269-357.
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    (1 other version)Montague Grammar.Barbara H. Partee - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (5):278-312.
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  17. Being Helped and Being Grateful: Imperfect Duties, the Ethics of Possession, and the Unity of Morality.Barbara Herman - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (5-6):391-411.
  18. Degrees of Categoricity and the Hyperarithmetic Hierarchy.Barbara F. Csima, Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Richard A. Shore - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):215-231.
    We study arithmetic and hyperarithmetic degrees of categoricity. We extend a result of E. Fokina, I. Kalimullin, and R. Miller to show that for every computable ordinal $\alpha$, $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is the degree of categoricity of some computable structure $\mathcal{A}$. We show additionally that for $\alpha$ a computable successor ordinal, every degree $2$-c.e. in and above $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is a degree of categoricity. We further prove that every degree of categoricity is hyperarithmetic and show that the index set of structures with degrees (...)
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    Extracting meaning from past affective experiences: The importance of peaks, ends, and specific emotions.Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (4):577-606.
    This article reviews existing empirical research on the peak-and-end rule. This rule states that people's global evaluations of past affective episodes can be well predicted by the affect experienced during just two moments: the moment of peak affect intensity and the ending. One consequence of the peak-and-end rule is that the duration of affective episodes is largely neglected. Evidence supporting the peak-and-end rule is robust, but qualified. New directions for future work in this emerging area of study are outlined. In (...)
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  20.  39
    Functional Explanations in Sociobiology.Barbara L. Horan - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (2):131.
    In this essay I defend functional explanations in sociobiology against the charge that they are exercises in speculative story-telling. I distinguish proximate and ultimate biological functions, and discuss their role in functional explanations. I characterize functional explanations as a kind of "consequence explanation", and argue that sociobiologists need to justify a "functional fact" in addition to a "consequence law". Two methods used to supply evidence for functional hypotheses, the technique of optimality analyses and the comparative method, are discussed and illustrated (...)
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  21. Harming someone after his death.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):407-419.
    I argue for the possibility of posthumous harm based on an account of the harm of murder. I start with the deep-seated intuition that when someone is murdered he (or she) is harmed (over and above the pain of injury or dying), and argue that Feinberg's account that assumes that harm is an invasion of an interest cannot plausibly accommodate this intuition. I propose a new account of the harm of murder: it is an irreversible loss of functions necessary for (...)
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  22. The risk society and beyond: critical issues for social theory.Barbara Adam, Ulrich Beck & Joost Van Loon (eds.) - 2000 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    Ulrich Beck's best selling Risk Society established risk on the sociological agenda. It brought together a wide range of issues centering on environmental, health and personal risk, provided a rallying ground for researchers and activists in a variety of social movements and acted as a reference point for state and local policies in risk management. The Risk Society and Beyond charts the progress of Beck's ideas and traces their evolution. It demonstrates why the issues raised by Beck reverberate widely throughout (...)
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    Time.Barbara Adam - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):119-126.
    The article argues that the relationship to time is at the root of what makes us human and that culture arises with and from efforts to transcend death, change and the rhythmicity of the physical environment. Time can be tracked through systems of time measurement and later transformed from a process of nature into clock time, a time to human design that is abstracted from context and content. In this form time can be traded with all other times. With contemporary (...)
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    Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory.Barbara Herrnstein SMITH - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):182-184.
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    Quantificational structures and compositionality.Barbara H. Partee - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 541--601.
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    Thinking ethical and regulatory frameworks in medicine from the perspective of solidarity on both sides of the Atlantic.Barbara Prainsack & Alena Buyx - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):489-501.
    This article provides a concise overview of the history of scholarship on solidarity in Europe and North America. While recent decades have seen an increase in conceptual and scholarly interest in solidarity in North America and other parts of the Anglo-Saxon world, the concept is much more strongly anchored in Europe. Continental European politics in particular have given rise to two of the most influential traditions of solidarity, namely, socialism and Christian ethics. Solidarity has also guided important public instruments and (...)
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  27.  37
    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert Wall - 1987 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics (...)
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    Category essence or essentially pragmatic? Creator’s intention in naming and what’s really what.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):615-648.
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    At the Mercy of Strategies: The Role of Motor Representations in Language Understanding.Barbara Tomasino & Raffaella Ida Rumiati - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  30. The Animal Question in Anthropology: A Commentary.Barbara Noske - 1993 - Society and Animals 1 (2):185-190.
  31.  33
    Scandalous knowledge: science, truth and the human.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2005 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Chronic and current epistemological controversies, with particular attention to the development of pragmatist/historicist/constructivist reconceptions of knowledge and science in the 20th century and the scandalized responses to them by defenders of more traditional rationalist/objectivist/realist conceptions. Individual chapters deal with complex and confused relations among epistemic skepticism, relativism, and constructivist epistemology ; 20th-century "postmodern" relativism and anti-relativism; Ludwik Fleck and constructivist views of truth, science, and knowledge; attacks on and disavowals of constructivism and/or relativism by established and feminist philosophers; the Science (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Physicalism in an infinitely decomposable world.Barbara Montero - 2006 - Erkentnis 64 (2):177-191.
    Might the world be structured, as Leibniz thought, so that every part of matter is divided ad infinitum? The Physicist David Bohm accepted infinitely decomposable matter, and even Steven Weinberg, a staunch supporter of the idea that science is converging on a final theory, admits the possibility of an endless chain of ever more fundamental theories. However, if there is no fundamental level, physicalism, thought of as the view that everything is determined by fundamental phenomena and that all fundamental phenomena (...)
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  33. What do we talk about when we talk about metaphysical modality? A case study in conceptual systematicity.Barbara Vetter - forthcoming - In Aaron Segal & Nick Stang (eds.), Systematic Metaphysics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
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  34. Chess and the conscious mind: Why Dreyfus and McDowell got it wrong.Barbara Gail Montero - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (3):376-392.
    Mind &Language, Volume 34, Issue 3, Page 376-392, June 2019.
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    Until RCT proven? On the asymmetry of evidence requirements for risk assessment.Barbara Osimani - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):454-462.
    The problem of collecting, analyzing and evaluating evidence on adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is an example of the more general class of epistemological problems related to scientific inference and prediction, as well as a central problem of the health-care practice. Philosophical discussions have critically analysed the methodological pitfalls and epistemological implications of evidence assessment in medicine, however they have mainly focused on evidence of treatment efficacy. Most of this work is devoted to statistical methods of causal inference with a special (...)
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    The effect of CSR evaluations on affective attachment to CSR in different identity orientation firms.Barbara Fryzel & Nina Seppala - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):310-326.
    The goal of the present research was to examine the way in which organisational identity orientation and corporate social responsibility interact to produce affective attachment and related beneficial behaviours among organisational members. Using a questionnaire administered in Poland, it was shown that when CSR activity was viewed as authentic by employees, it led to affective attachment to the organisation's CSR stance, while an instrumental evaluation was correlated with a negative attachment to the CSR stance. The results suggest that CSR motives (...)
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  37.  29
    How to improve Bayesian reasoning: Comment on Gigerenzer and Hoffrage (1995).Barbara A. Mellers & A. Peter McGraw - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):417-424.
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    Pathological Altruism.Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan & David Sloan Wilson (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
  39. Possible Worlds Semantics and Linguistic Theory.Barbara H. Partee - 1977 - The Monist 60 (3):303-326.
    The goal of this paper is to argue for the fruitfulness for linguistic theory of an approach to semantics that has been developed primarily by logicians and philosophers. That the theory of possible worlds semantics has been extremely fruitful for logic and philosophy is widely if not universally accepted, and I will not try to convince remaining skeptics on that score. But the goals of linguistics are sufficiently different from those of philosophy and logic that there are independent and highly (...)
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  40. Murder and Mayhem.Barbara Herman - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):411-431.
    This paper began in the startled realization that little if anything is said in Kant’s ethics about the more violent forms of immoral action. There are discussions of lying, deception, self-neglect, nonbeneficence—but apart from suicide, a great silence about the darker actions. At the least, this should be an occasion for curiosity. Although the degree of concern with acts of violence in contemporary ethics may be in its own way curious, it does not seem unreasonable to expect a moral theory (...)
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    Guest Editor's Introduction: Toward an Archaeogenealogy of Post-truth.Barbara A. Biesecker - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (4):329-341.
    The theme of this special issue is Post-truth. No doubt it was my exasperation with the terminological state of our collective situation that incited me in the spring of 2017 to settle upon it. What, exactly, does the hyphenated couplet mean or to what does it refer? What is its significance or sense? How is it being used, by whom, for what purpose, and with what consequences—for whom? And if, as was being asserted on nearly every side, we currently find (...)
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  42. Replies.Barbara Vetter - 2020 - Philosophical Inquiries 1 (8):199-222.
    This paper responds to the contributions by Alexander Bird, Nathan Wildman, David Yates, Jennifer McKitrick, Giacomo Giannini & Matthew Tugby, and Jennifer Wang. I react to their comments on my 2015 book Potentiality: From Dispositions to Modality, and in doing so expands on some of the arguments and ideas of the book.
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  43. Morality and Everyday Life.Barbara Herman - 2000 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (2):29 - 45.
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    Embodied Normativity: Revitalizing Hegel’s Account of the Human Organism.Barbara Merker - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (2):154 - 175.
    Against the background of recent developments in neuroscience, the paper shows how, for Hegel, the theoretical, practical and evaluative functions of the mind are grounded in something like a natural normativity, based on the interaction of the body's inner world with the outer world. These forms of organic homeostasis are the basis for further kinds and levels of norms, and deviations from these norms, which result in mental pathologies, provide insights into the complexity of spirit.
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    Rescuing Womanly Virtues: Some Dangers of Moral Reclamation.Barbara Houston - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (sup1):237-262.
    Kathryn Morgan has introduced us to a typology of ‘the ways in which women’s moral voice and her sense of moral integrity are twisted and destroyed by patriarchal ideology and lived experience.’ She claims that this experience can induce in women ‘a sense of confusion and genuine moral madness.’I am in agreement with much of what Morgan says. However, I suspect that some others might find her case less convincing than I for the reason that she supports her claims by (...)
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  46.  57
    Quantification, Pronouns, and VP Anaphora.Barbara Partee & Emmon Bach - 1984 - In Partee Barbara & Bach Emmon (eds.), Truth, Interpretation and Information,. Foris Publications. pp. 99-130.
  47.  18
    How Game Location Affects Soccer Performance: T-Pattern Analysis of Attack Actions in Home and Away Matches.Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Massimiliano Elia, Cesare M. Cavalera, Gudberg K. Jonsson & M. Teresa Anguera - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Jacques the sophist: Lacan, logos, and psychoanalysis.Barbara Cassin - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Michael Syrotinski.
    In a highly original rereading of the writings and seminars of Jacques Lacan, together with works of Freud and others, Cassin shows how psychoanalysis, like the sophists, challenges the very foundations of scientific rationality. In taking seriously equivocations, jokes, and unfinishable projects of interpretation, the analyst, like the sophist, allows performance, signifier, and inconsistency to reshape truth.
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  49. (2 other versions)Ethics: theory and contemporary issues.Barbara MacKinnon - 2000 - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Edited by Andrew Fiala.
    Closely examine the major areas of ethical theory as well as a broad range of contemporary moral debates using MacKinnon's acclaimed ETHICS: THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, Sixth Edition. Recognized for its breadth of coverage, this book provides a superbly balanced introduction that effectively integrates ethical theory with today's most relevant moral issues. Illuminating overviews and a selection of readings from both traditional and contemporary sources make even complex philosophical concepts reader friendly. Comprehensive, clear-sighted introductions to general and specific areas of (...)
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    The Strength of the Rainbow Ramsey Theorem.Barbara F. Csima & Joseph R. Mileti - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1310 - 1324.
    The Rainbow Ramsey Theorem is essentially an "anti-Ramsey" theorem which states that certain types of colorings must be injective on a large subset (rather than constant on a large subset). Surprisingly, this version follows easily from Ramsey's Theorem, even in the weak system RCA₀ of reverse mathematics. We answer the question of the converse implication for pairs, showing that the Rainbow Ramsey Theorem for pairs is in fact strictly weaker than Ramsey's Theorem for pairs over RCA₀. The separation involves techniques (...)
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