Results for 'Beatriz Garza Cuarón'

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  1.  18
    Considerations regarding Fogsgaard.Beatriz Garza-Cuarón - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (146).
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    Connotation and meaning.Beatriz Garza Cuarón - 1991 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  3. La connotación: problemas del significado.Beatriz Garza Cuarón - 1978 - México: Colegio de México.
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    A continuación se presenta una lista con los nombres de estos excelentes catedráticos: Profesor Rubén Darío Ramírez Profesor Humberto Díaz Arreozola Profesor Roberto Flores Leal Profesor Efraín Garza Alvarado.Profesora Sandra Ivonne Ramírez Garza, José Luis Valdez & Raymundo Villarreal Sosa - 2008 - Daena 3 (1).
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    Neural decoding of expressive human movement from scalp electroencephalography.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Zachery R. Hernandez, Sargoon Nepaul, Karen K. Bradley & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  6.  26
    Cross-Validation of the Spanish HP-Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy Confirmed with Some Cross-Cultural Differences.Adelina Alcorta-Garza, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Jorge Soler-González, Helena Roig & Luis Vivanco - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  7.  26
    Characterization of the Stages of Creative Writing With Mobile EEG Using Generalized Partial Directed Coherence.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Akshay Sujatha Ravindran, Anastasiya E. Kopteva, Cristina Rivera Garza & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Two stages of the creative writing process were characterized through mobile scalp electroencephalography in a 16-week creative writing workshop. Portable dry EEG systems with synchronized head acceleration, video recordings, and journal entries, recorded mobile brain-body activity of Spanish heritage students. Each student's brain-body activity was recorded as they experienced spaces in Houston, Texas, and while they worked on their creative texts. We used Generalized Partial Directed Coherence to compare the functional connectivity among both stages. There was a trend of higher (...)
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    Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients.Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Zhiguo Jiang, Peter Vuust, Sarael Alcauter, Lene Vase, Erick Pasaye, Roberto Cavazos-Rodriguez, Elvira Brattico, Troels S. Jensen & Fernando A. Barrios - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148096.
    Music reduces pain in fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic pain disease, but the functional neural correlates of music-induced analgesia (MIA) are still largely unknown. We recruited FM patients ( n = 22) who listened to their preferred relaxing music and an auditory control (pink noise) for 5 min without external noise from fMRI image acquisition. Resting state fMRI was then acquired before and after the music and control conditions. A significant increase in the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD (...)
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  9. Moral cleansing and moral licenses: Experimental evidence.Pablo Brañas-Garza, Marisa Bucheli, María Paz Espinosa & Teresa García-Muñoz - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (2):199-212.
    Research on moral cleansing and moral self-licensing has introduced dynamic considerations in the theory of moral behaviour. Past bad actions trigger negative feelings that make people more likely to engage in future moral behaviour to offset them. Symmetrically, past good deeds favour a positive self-perception that creates licensing effects, leading people to engage in behaviour that is less likely to be moral. In short, a deviation from a is balanced with a subsequent action that compensates the prior behaviour. We model (...)
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    Deployment of Mobile EEG Technology in an Art Museum Setting: Evaluation of Signal Quality and Usability.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Justin A. Brantley, Sho Nakagome, Kimberly Kontson, Murad Megjhani, Dario Robleto & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  11. How Having a Clear Why Can Help Us Cope With Almost Anything: Meaningful Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic in México.Angelica Quiroga-Garza, Ana C. Cepeda-Lopez, Sofía Villarreal Zambrano, Victor E. Villalobos-Daniel, David F. Carreno & Nikolett Eisenbeck - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 has resulted in an increase in known risk factors for mental health problems. Mexico adopted lockdown and physical distancing as a containment strategy with potential consequences on day to day life, such as social isolation, loss of income and loneliness that can have important consequences in terms of mental health.Objective: We aimed to examine the effect of the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychological distress, well-being and perceived physical health among Mexican-base respondents and to (...)
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  12. Semantic Perversity.Francisco Calvo GarzóN. - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):65-77.
  13. Misión de la universidad en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset.María Teres de la Garza Camino - 1984 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 49:57-68.
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  14. Indice de Reales Cedulas relativas a Nuevo León.Israel Cavazos Garza - 1962 - Humanitas 3.
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  15. Indice de reales cédulas relativas a Nuevo León, 1651-1820.Israel Cavazos Garza - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  16. Las incursiones de los bárbaros en el Noreste de México durante el Siglo XIX.Israel Cavazos Garza - 1964 - Humanitas 1964:343-356.
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    Rethinking untouchability: The political thought of B. R. Ambedkar.Jesús F. Cháirez-Garza - 2024 - Manchester University Press.
  18.  27
    Developing a Dual-Track Modeling Approach for Increased Understanding of Sensors and their Forecasting Capabilities.Raquel Galvan-Garza, Peter Bryan, Amanda Kraft, Alison Perez, Matthew Pava, William Casebeer & Matthias Ziegler - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  19. Algunas consideraciones acerca de la hermenéutica en el psicoanalisis y la historia.Mt de La Garza - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 18 (52).
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  20. Con Derrida : fuerza de ley y acto de justicia : políticas y éticas del acontecimiento.Raymundo Mier Garza - 2015 - In Luis Pérez Álvarez, Anzaldúa Arce & Raúl Enrique, Creaciones del imaginario social: el deseo, la ley y la ética. México, D.F.: Juan Pablos Editor.
  21.  41
    Descartes in the Matrix: Addressing the Question “What Is Real?” from Non-Positivist Ground.Gilbert Garza - 2004 - Janus Head 7 (2):435-467.
    With the 1999 film The Martix as its point of departure, this work explores the meaning of ‘reality’ outside the scope of empirical positivism. Drawing on the phenomenological epistemology of the interplay of noetic and noematic dimensions of experience postulated by Husserl, and on the works of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, this work considers how the reality of our experience derives not from some correspondence to a universal ‘objective’ point of view, but from our concernful involvement with our lived world as (...)
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    Ethics and the Primacy of the Other: A Levinasian Foundation for Phenomenological Research.Gilbert Garza & Brittany Landrum - 2010 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 10 (2):1-12.
    This paper compares Heidegger’s “dasein-centric” existential hermeneutic to Levinas’s primacy of the Other and the importance the latter places on the ethical relationship. Invoking the concepts of totality and infinity, the paper discusses the ways in which one encounters the Other and how signification arises from the ethical relationship. This is followed by a discussion of how Levinas’s ethics might influence existential phenomenological research methodology, pointing to the ethical demands described by Levinas as seeming to have priority over the praxis (...)
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    Estrategias de ahorro de energía en Administraciones Municipales encaminadas a contribuir al Desarrollo Sustentable*(Strategies of energy saving in municipal administrations oriented to contribute with sustaining development).Martha Garza, Claudia Moreno, Ricardo Rodríguez, Daniel Zermeño & José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):243-277.
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  24. Eticas locales: fragilidad y memoria.Raymundo Mier Garza - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther, Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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    Educational model to develop cultural identity.Eric Garza Leal & Hilario Amado Llanes Alberdi - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):562-581.
    La identidad cultural ha sido abordada desde diferentes disciplinas científicas, se va construyendo desde disímiles ángulos, de aquí que los referentes teóricos para su estudio procedan de diversas áreas del saber. Aunque no es un tema exclusivamente latinoamericano, es justamente América Latina uno de los lugares en que el análisis de esta problemática ha sido más polémico. El artículo presenta los resultados de un diagnóstico del estado de la identidad cultural de los estudiantes de la Preparatoria No.1, de la Universidad (...)
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    Impacto de la capacitación en una empresa del ramo eléctrico (Impact of training on an electrical field company).Horacio Garza Tamez, J. L. Abreu & E. Garza - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):194-249.
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    Impact of Contact With Nature on the Wellbeing and Nature Connectedness Indicators After a Desertic Outdoor Experience on Isla Del Tiburon.Glenda Garza-Terán, Cesar Tapia-Fonllem, Blanca Fraijo-Sing, Daniela Borbón-Mendívil & Lucía Poggio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nature connectedness is determined by the representation individuals have about themselves within nature. This concept is often studied in relation to the direct contact individuals have with natural environment, which according to some studies have demonstrated to generate positive effects by fostering a feeling of connecting and bonding with nature, as well as improving their wellbeing. The main focus of this study was to calculate and assess the relation between Nature Connectedness and wellbeing of participants. The methodological approach of this (...)
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    Mejoramiento de la c alidad de servicios mediante el modelo de las discrepancias entre las expectativas de los clientes y las percepciones de la empresa (Improvement of service quality through the discrepancy model between the expectations of the customers and the perceptions of the company).Efraín Garza, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):1-64.
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    Mejorando la Satisfacción del Cliente en una Empresa de Promoción de Ventas a través de la Implementación de un Sistema de Calidad Basado en las Dimensiones Relevantes del Servicio (Improving Customer Satisfaction in a Sales Promotion Company through the Implementation of a Quality System Based on Relevant Service).Israel Garza, Alejandro Jiménez, Mario Koelliker, Mauricio Martínez & Guillermo Salinas - 2012 - Daena 7 (3):15-34.
    Resumen. En México, la mercadotecnia promocional se ha erigido como la segunda más grande inversión demercadotecnia, principalmente debido a que las compañías tienden con más frecuencia a subcontratar laresponsabilidad de los aspectos operativos de la mercadotecnia. Las empresas contratantes exigen cada vezmás la garantía de seguridad y certidumbre en la prestación de los servicios, por lo que la calidad de éste seha convertido en un factor determinante en la elección de una agencia de promociones. El presentedocumento técnico busca compartir un (...)
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    Miguel Saralegui, The Politics of Time. Introduction to Carl Schmitt’s Political Thought.Víctor Zorrilla Garza - 2023 - Dianoia 68 (90):172.
    Reseña del libro: Miguel Saralegui, The Politics of Time. Introduction to Carl Schmitt’sPolitical Thought, Cantabria University Press, Santander, 2021, 273 pp.
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  31. Subjunctive : a manifesto about language, territory, and the yet to come".Cristina Rivera Garza - 2025 - In Phoebe Boswell, Saidiya V. Hartman, Janaina Oliveira, Joseph M. Pierce, Cristina Rivera Garza & Christina Elizabeth Sharpe, Five manifestos for the beautiful world. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  32. Using wikis as collaborative writing tools: Something wiki this way comes–or not.Susan Loudermilk Garza & Tommy Hern - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10 (1).
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    Ética y posmodernidad.Sylvia Jaime Garza - 2006 - San Nicolás de las Gara, N.L., México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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  34. La percepción auditiva de la noticia radiofónica.M. Pereira Garza - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 28.
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  35. A Defense of the Rights of Artificial Intelligences.Eric Schwitzgebel & Mara Garza - 2015 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):98-119.
    There are possible artificially intelligent beings who do not differ in any morally relevant respect from human beings. Such possible beings would deserve moral consideration similar to that of human beings. Our duties to them would not be appreciably reduced by the fact that they are non-human, nor by the fact that they owe their existence to us. Indeed, if they owe their existence to us, we would likely have additional moral obligations to them that we don’t ordinarily owe to (...)
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  36. Designing AI with Rights, Consciousness, Self-Respect, and Freedom.Eric Schwitzgebel & Mara Garza - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 459-479.
    We propose four policies of ethical design of human-grade Artificial Intelligence. Two of our policies are precautionary. Given substantial uncertainty both about ethical theory and about the conditions under which AI would have conscious experiences, we should be cautious in our handling of cases where different moral theories or different theories of consciousness would produce very different ethical recommendations. Two of our policies concern respect and freedom. If we design AI that deserves moral consideration equivalent to that of human beings, (...)
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    Academic Integrity Policy Analysis of Chilean Universities.Beatriz Antonieta Moya & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):639-663.
    New technologies could facilitate new ways of cheating. This emerging scenario places academic integrity policy in higher education institutions as critical. Academic integrity scholars have designed conceptual frameworks to analyze academic integrity policy. The body of the literature on academic integrity policy analysis includes studies developed in North America, Europe, and Australia. However, insight into several regions of the world is lacking. This pioneering study in the Chilean context analyzes documents addressing academic integrity at forty-three accredited universities. Using a qualitative (...)
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    The Economics of Microfinance.Beatriz Armendariz & Jonathan Morduch - 2005 - MIT Press.
    An accessible analysis of the global expansion of financial markets in poor communities, incorporating the latest thinking and evidence.
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  39. Moral distance in dictators games.Fernando Aguiar, Pablo Brañas-Garza & Luis Miller - 2008 - Judgment and Decision Making 3 (4):344-354.
    We perform an experimental investigation using a dictator game in which individuals must make a moral decision —to give or not to give an amount of money to poor people in the Third World. A questionnaire in which the subjects are asked about the reasons for their decision shows that, at least in this case, moral motivations carry a heavy weight in the decision: the majority of dictators give the money for reasons of a consequentialist nature. Based on the results (...)
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    Role of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry in agroecological transitions: a literature review.Beatriz Vizuete, Elisa Oteros-Rozas & Marina García-Llorente - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1277-1297.
    In the context of agricultural activity intensification and rural abandonment, neo-rurality has emerged as a back-to-the-land migratory movement led by urban populations seeking alternative ways of life close to nature. Although the initiatives of the new peasantry are diverse, most are land related, such as agriculture and livestock farming. A priori, neorural people undertake agri-food system activities in ways that differ from the conventional model, following the principles of environmental and social sustainability. We conducted a systematic review of the literature (...)
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  41.  71
    O helenismo tropical de Luz mediterranea: recepção de Platão na poesia de Raul de Leoni.Beatriz Saar - 2024 - Letras e Letras 40 (1):1-15.
    O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir a recepção do platonismo na produção lírica de Raul de Leoni (1895-1926). Atualmente, o nome de Leoni é majoritariamente ausente da matriz curricular do ensino de poesia brasileira; sua figura foi praticamente esquecida nos círculos acadêmicos. Não obstante essa lacuna, seu único livro publicado, intitulado Luz mediterrânea (1922), gozou de grande reconhecimento e prestígio entre poetas e críticos do período, dentre eles Alceu Amoroso Lima, Ribeiro Couto e Múcio Leão. A fim de melhor (...)
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    Plato's "Sophist" Revisited.Beatriz Bossi & Thomas M. Robinson (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    This book consists of a selection of papers which throw new light on old problems in one of Plato s most difficult dialogues. The first set of papers deals with definitions of sophistry from different perspectives. In the central section E. Hulsz, D. O'Brien, B. Bossi, P. Mesquita and N. Cordero consider the problem of being and relative non-being with regard to Heraclitus and the legacy of Parmenides. The final section with papers by F. Fronterotta, J. de Garay, D. Ambuel (...)
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    Hegel's critique of liberalism and natural law: Reconstructing ethical life. [REVIEW]Abel Garza - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (4):371 - 398.
    This essay considers the evolution of Hegel's political and legal theory with respect to the emergence of a classical liberal society and modern natural law. I argue that Hegel abandoned his early concerns which focused on a revival of the Greek polis and ethics over legality and refocused his efforts at reaching a modern form of ethical life predicated on the acceptance of classical liberal society and modern natural law. I try to argue that Hegel wanted to achieve a present-day (...)
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  44.  13
    Habits of democracy: Mores, practices, and neighborhood meetings in Paris.Yuna Blajer de la Garza - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Where are democratic mores cultivated? Amid contemporary worries about democratic backsliding and authoritarian siren calls, this article advances the Tocquevillian point that discussions of seemingly mundane questions in formalized contexts, such as neighborhoods meetings, are excellent sites to foster democratic “habits of the heart.” Grounding the normative argument in ethnographic observations carried out in Paris, I contend that quotidian spaces such as these, often dismissed as procedural or trivial, are meaningful sites of democratic practice that nurture democratic affects and a (...)
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    BARTOLOMÉ DE MEDINA, El tratado «De dominio» en la Escuela de Salamanca, vol. III: Bartolomé de Medina, De dominio/Sobre el dominio, ed. Augusto Sarmiento, Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista n. 173, Pamplona, Eunsa, 2017. [REVIEW]Víctor Zorrilla Garza - 2019 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (1):169-170.
    Datos completos del libro reseñado:Bartolomé de Medina. El tratado “De dominio” en la Escuela de Salamanca, vol. III: Bartolomé de Medina, De dominio/Sobre el dominio, ed. Augusto Sarmiento, Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista n. 173, Pamplona, Eunsa, 2017, 251 pp., ISBN: 9788431331795.
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    PAZ, MATÍAS DE, Acerca del dominio sobre los indios (Libellus circa dominium super indos). Edición bilingüe. Introducción, texto crítico y trad. Paulino Castañeda, J. Carlos Martín de la Hoz y Eduardo Fernández, San Esteban, Salamanca, 2017, 209 pp. [REVIEW]Víctor Zorrilla-Garza - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (1):210-213.
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  47. Multitudes queer.Beatriz Preciado - 2003 - Multitudes 2 (2):17-25.
    This article deals with the formation of both queer movements and theories, with the relations that they entertain with feminisms and the political uses to which they put Foucault and Deleuze. It also explores the theoretical and political advantages provided by the concept of « multitudes » over that of « sexual difference »for queer theory and movements. In contrast to the American scene, queer movements in Europe are inspired by anarchist culture and the emergence of transgendered cultures to counter (...)
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  48.  29
    An Institutional Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management Practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK.Beatriz Maria Braga, Eduardo de Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Steve McKenna, Julia Richardson & Terry Wales - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):57-76.
    The impact of contextual influences on human resource management and management more generally has been the focus of much scholarly interest. However, we still know very little about how context impacts on the practice of ethical HRM specifically. Therefore, drawing on 59 in-depth interviews with HR practitioners in Brazil, Colombia and the UK, this paper theorizes how they perceive the ethical dimensions of their roles within their respective national contexts and how the way they act in relation to them is (...)
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    From facial expressions to bodily gestures.Beatriz Pichel - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (1):27-48.
    This article aims to determine to what extent photographic practices in psychology, psychiatry and physiology contributed to the definition of the external bodily signs of passions and emotions in the second half of the 19th century in France. Bridging the gap between recent research in the history of emotions and photographic history, the following analyses focus on the photographic production of scientists and photographers who made significant contributions to the study of expressions and gestures, namely Duchenne de Boulogne, Charles Darwin, (...)
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    Usage Patterns of Telepsychology and Face-to-Face Psychotherapy: Clients’ Profiles and Perceptions.Beatriz Sora, Rubén Nieto, Adrian Montesano & Manuel Armayones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCurrently, most people who might need mental health care services do not receive them due to a number of reasons. Many of these reasons can be overcome by telepsychology, in other words, the use of ICT technologies for therapy ; given that it facilitates access to specialized interventions. In fact, telepsychology is currently offered as an active service in many psychotherapy centers. However, its usage, how it is perceived, and who uses it are still largely unknown.ObjectiveThe aim of this study (...)
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