Results for 'Bed P. Paudyal'

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  1. Mimesis in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory.Bed P. Paudyal - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 4 (8):1-10.
    The essay focuses on the concept of mimesis Theodor W. Adorno developed in his Aesthetic Theory. After outlining key motifs of Adorno’s critical theory so as to provide the overall intellectual context, it explains why for Adorno mimesis enacts an ethical relation to the (non-identical) other. Mimesis for Adorno, the paper suggests, counters the violence that reason inflicts on the objects of its cognition by reconstituting the latter in terms of reason’s concepts. The essay discusses mimesis also in relation to (...)
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    The High/Low Problematic in the Transnational Context. [REVIEW]Bed P. Paudyal - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 4 (8):55-56.
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    The Bed Crisis of Winter 1995-1996 In The British NHS: An Illustration of Accountability Issues.Ann P. Young - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (4):316-326.
    The aim of this article is to explore the practical complexity of accountability in health care by focusing on a particular crisis affecting one NHS trust in the UK, that of insufficient beds to meet demand. It is presented through the eyes of five middle managers with nursing backgrounds. Although the focus is on their words, their expressions of distress and their awareness of conflict, these lead to a commentary highlighting some of the relationships between theory and practice, policy making (...)
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  4. Dying in 559 beds: Efficiency, 'best Buys', and the ethics of standardization in national health care.Margaret P. Battin - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (1):59-77.
    While a national health care system may be greeted with enthusiasm on many grounds, it poses substantial moral problems – not the least of which would be the clash between the ‘standardization’ of care for the sake of efficiency and the needs of individual patients. Such problems are best seen in the treatment of dying patients. Keywords: best buy, cost-saving, dying, efficiency, practice guidelines, Rilke, standards of practice, two tier CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  5. Visions of the dead, death-bed visions and near-death experiences in Italy.P. Giovetti - 1999 - Human Nature 1 (1):38-41.
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    National health system cuts and triage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Spain: ethical implications.Maurizio P. Faggioni, Fermín Jesús González-Melado & Maria Luisa Di Pietro - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):300-307.
    In this paper, we analyse the most important documents establishing the criteria for the treatment and exclusion of COVID-19 patients, especially in regard to the giving of respiratory support, in Italy and Spain. These documents reflect a tension that stems from limited healthcare resources which are insufficient to save lives that, under normal conditions, could have been saved, or at least could have received the best possible treatment. First, we analyse the healthcare systems of these two countries before the spread (...)
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    ""Saying" good-bye": ethical issues in the stewardship of bed spaces.K. A. Bramstedt & P. L. Schneider - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (2):170-175.
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    Courteous but not curious: how doctors' politeness masks their existential neglect. A qualitative study of video-recorded patient consultations.K. M. Agledahl, P. Gulbrandsen, R. Forde & A. Wifstad - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):650-654.
    Objective To study how doctors care for their patients, both medically and as fellow humans, through observing their conduct in patient–doctor encounters. Design Qualitative study in which 101 videotaped consultations were observed and analysed using a Grounded Theory approach, generating explanatory categories through a hermeneutical analysis of the taped consultations. Setting A 500-bed general teaching hospital in Norway. Participants 71 doctors working in clinical non-psychiatric departments and their patients. Results The doctors were concerned about their patients' health and how their (...)
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    A study on the ethics of microallocation of scarce resources in health care.P. A. C. Fortes - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (4):266-269.
    Objectives: This study attempts to analyse the ethical dilemmas arising from the microallocation of scarce health care resources, in terms of deontology and utilitarianism.Methods: A group of 395 people were interviewed in the region of Diadema, greater San Paulo, Brazil, while visiting patients in the only state hospital in town. Each interviewee was given a list of eight simulated emergencies . In each of the eight cases the interviewee had to choose which of the two patients described, both of whom (...)
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    Novel Approaches and Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on False Memory and Deception.Michael P. Toglia, Joseph Schmuller, Britni G. Surprenant, Katherine C. Hooper, Natasha N. DeMeo & Brett L. Wallace - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The DRM paradigm produces robust false memories of non-presented critical words. After studying a thematic word list participants falsely remember the critical item “sleep.” We report two false memory experiments. Study One introduces a novel use of the lexical decision task to prime critical words. Participants see two letter-strings and make timed responses indicating whether they are both words. The word pairs Night-Bed and Dream-Thweeb both prime “sleep” but only one pair contains two words. Our primary purpose is to introduce (...)
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    Looking Death Straight in the Eye: The Wisdom and Witness of the Saints.O. P. Paul Murray - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):923-941.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Looking Death Straight in the Eye:The Wisdom and Witness of the SaintsPaul Murray O.P.At the Basilica of San Clemente here in Rome, the tomb which lies directly under the high altar contains, according to received tradition, the relics of both St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Elsewhere, in the San Clemente complex, there is another tomb or sarcophagus, unknown to the public, whose original place may (...)
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    Head Down Tilt Bed Rest Plus Elevated CO2 as a Spaceflight Analog: Effects on Cognitive and Sensorimotor Performance.Jessica K. Lee, Yiri De Dios, Igor Kofman, Ajitkumar P. Mulavara, Jacob J. Bloomberg & Rachael D. Seidler - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    (p.m.) Make a Bed of Nails.Martin Cohen - 2010 - In Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 41–42.
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    (1 other version)An Intellectual Entertainment: The Nature of the Mind.P. M. S. Hacker - 2015 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 76:199-223.
    The setting is a garden in Elysium. The sun is shining. A rich verdant lawn is surrounded by flower beds and flowering bushes, with a grove of magnificent trees behind. Beyond, a large lake and in the distance high mountains. Five comfortable garden chairs are placed in the shade of some trees. There is a low table on which are placed a wine decanter and glasses, three of which are half full. Richard, Jill and Frank are deep in discussion.
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    "Do-not-resuscitate" orders in patients with cancer at a children's hospital in Taiwan.T. -H. Jaing, P. -K. Tsay, E. -C. Fang, S. -H. Yang, S. -H. Chen, C. -P. Yang & I. -J. Hung - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):194-196.
    Objectives: To quantify the use of do-not-resuscitate orders in a tertiary-care children’s hospital and to characterise the circumstances in which such orders are written.Design: Retrospective study conducted in a 500-bed children’s hospital in Taiwan.Patients: The course of 101 patients who died between January 2002 and December 2005 was reviewed. The following data were collected: age at death, gender, disease and its status, place of death and survival. There were 59 males and 42 females with a median age of 103 months (...)
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  16. Flora naczyniowa doliny Olszowki [Kotlina Sandomierska] - walory i zagadnienia ochrony.Adam P. Kubiak - 2009 - Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 4 (65):303-310.
    The study area was a small lowland river valley within a range of 4750 m length and approx. 150 m width (about 62 ha), situated in the south-east of Poland, in the middle of Sandomierz Basin (Fig. 1). Flora and the chosen most valuable plant communities of the river bed with adjacent ecotone zone were investigated in 2007. During the study 291 species of vascular plants were found. Among them 10 are protected: Batrachium peltatum, Convallaria majalis, Dactylorhiza majalis, Daphne mezereum, (...)
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    A Multispecies Approach to Co-Sleeping.Bradley P. Smith, Peta C. Hazelton, Kirrilly R. Thompson, Joshua L. Trigg, Hayley C. Etherton & Sarah L. Blunden - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (3):255-273.
    Human sleeping arrangements have evolved over time and differ across cultures. The majority of adults share their bed at one time or another with a partner or child, and many also sleep with pets. In fact, around half of dog and cat owners report sharing a bed or bedroom with their pet. However, interspecies co-sleeping has been trivialized in the literature relative to interpersonal or human-human co-sleeping, receiving little attention from an interdisciplinary psychological perspective. In this paper, we provide a (...)
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    How Different Are Threshold and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders? Comparing Severity and Treatment Outcome.Samantha J. Withnell, Abbigail Kinnear, Philip Masson & Lindsay P. Bodell - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundOther Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders are characterized by less frequent symptoms or symptoms that do not meet full criteria for another eating disorder. Despite its high prevalence, limited research has examined differences in severity and treatment outcome among patients with OSFED compared to threshold EDs [Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder ]. The purpose of the current study was to examine differences in clinical presentation and treatment outcome between a heterogenous group of patients with OSFED or threshold (...)
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    Pragmatics: Principals of Design and Evaluation of an Information System for a Department of Respiratory Medicine.David R. Baldwin, Carl A. Beech, Angela H. Evans, John Prescott, Susan P. Bradbury & Charles F. A. Pantin - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (1):78-84.
    Objectives—To evaluate a departmental computer system.Design—a. Direct comparison of the time taken to use a manual system with the time taken to use a computer system for lung function evaluation, loan of equipment and production of correspondence. b. Analysis of the accuracy of data capture before and after the introduction of the computer system. c. Analysis of the comparative running costs of the manual and computer systems.Setting—Within a department of respiratory medicine serving a hospital of 1323 beds.Main Outcome Measures—a. Time (...)
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    Kant. The Architectonic and Development of His Philosophy. [REVIEW]B. P. R. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (4):813-814.
    Sympathetic interpretations of Kant’s frequently stressed characterizations of his "architectonic" approach to philosophy are rare. As much as such an approach seemed to gratify Kant, it has embarrassed commentators, who have complained for generations about the "Procrustean bed" or ad hoc quality of Kant’s meta-philosophical principles. The author of this book proposes to take quite seriously the idea of a "unity in Kant’s thinking," but his approach to such an issue is historical and, for the most part, unsystematic. That is, (...)
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    The Future of Bioethics: It Shouldn't Take a Pandemic.Larry R. Churchill, Nancy M. P. King & Gail E. Henderson - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):54-56.
    The Covid‐19 pandemic has concentrated bioethics attention on the “lifeboat ethics” of rationing and fair allocation of scarce medical resources, such as testing, intensive care unit beds, and ventilators. This focus drives ethics resources away from persistent and systemic problems—in particular, the structural injustices that give rise to health disparities affecting disadvantaged communities of color. Bioethics, long allied with academic medicine and highly attentive to individual decision‐making, has largely neglected its responsibility to address these difficult “upstream” issues. It is time (...)
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    Does medicine still show an unresolved discrimination against women? Experience in two European university hospitals.A. Santamaria, A. Merino, O. Vinas & P. Arrizabalaga - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):104-106.
    Have invisible barriers for women been broken in 2007, or do we still have to break through medicine's glass ceiling? Data from two of the most prestigious university hospitals in Barcelona with 700-800 beds, Hospital Clínic (HC) and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) address this issue. In the HSCSP, 87% of the department chairs are men and 85% of the department unit chiefs are also men. With respect to women, only 5 (13%) are in the top (...)
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    Whose Bed?Bonnie Tong & Hannah I. Lipman - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (2):13-14.
    Richard, a sixty‐seven‐year‐old man, has been admitted to Midtown University Center for difficulty breathing. He has a significant medical history that includes pulmonary fibrosis and subsequent heart failure, and he depends on supplemental oxygen to breathe. Upon admission and after discussing his prognosis with his family and doctors, Richard decided to sign a do‐not‐resuscitate order stating that if his heart stops or he stops breathing, he does not want to undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation or other life‐sustaining measures. On his third day (...)
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    Bed-Sharing in Couples Is Associated With Increased and Stabilized REM Sleep and Sleep-Stage Synchronization.Henning Johannes Drews, Sebastian Wallot, Philip Brysch, Hannah Berger-Johannsen, Sara Lena Weinhold, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Paul Christian Baier, Julia Lechinger, Andreas Roepstorff & Robert Göder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 11.
    Methods Young healthy heterosexual couples underwent sleep-lab-based polysomnography of two sleeping arrangements: individual sleep and co-sleep. Individual and dyadic sleep parameters (i.e., synchronization of sleep stages) were collected. The latter were assessed using cross-recurrence quantification analysis. Additionally, subjective sleep quality, relationship characteristics, and chronotype were monitored. Data were analyzed comparing co-sleep vs. individual sleep. Interaction effects of the sleeping arrangement with gender, chronotype, or relationship characteristics were moreover tested. Results As compared to sleeping individually, co-sleeping was associated with about 10% (...)
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    Case study. Whose bed? Commentary.Hannah I. Lipman - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (2):14.
    Richard, a sixty‐seven‐year‐old man, has been admitted to Midtown University Center for difficulty breathing. He has a significant medical history that includes pulmonary fibrosis and subsequent heart failure, and he depends on supplemental oxygen to breathe. Upon admission and after discussing his prognosis with his family and doctors, Richard decided to sign a do‐not‐resuscitate order stating that if his heart stops or he stops breathing, he does not want to undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation or other life‐sustaining measures. On his third day (...)
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  26. Salvador González, José María. Thalamus Dei. The Bed in Images of the Annunciation. Its Iconography and Doctrinal Explanation. Madrid: Dykinson y Sindéresis, 2024, 185 p. ISBN: 978-84-10120-23-5. [REVIEW]Herbert González Zymla - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95962.
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    Lloyd P. Gerson, Plotinus.Gary M. Gurtler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):128-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plotinus by Lloyd P. GersonGary M. Gurtler S.J.Lloyd P. Gerson. Plotinus. The Arguments of the Philosophers. London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. xviii + 338. Cloth, $59.95.This challenging account of Plotinus’ philosophy is appropriately published in a series called The Arguments of the Philosophers. Professor Gerson confronts Plotinus’ position on some major issues in the history of philosophy with an array of counterarguments, ancient, medieval, and modern. More often than (...)
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    Revisiting the P anopticon: professional regulation, surveillance and sousveillance.Dawn Freshwater, Pamela Fisher & Elizabeth Walsh - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):3-12.
    In this article, we will consider how the regulation of populations is not just a feature of prisons, but of all institutions and organisations that control members though hierarchies, divisions and norms. While nurses and other allied health professionals are considered to be predominantly self‐regulatory, practice is guided by a code of conduct and codes of ethics that act as rules that serve to uphold the safety of the patient, whether they are a sick person in a hospital bed or (...)
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    Nursing Ethics Huddles to Decrease Moral Distress among Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit.Margie Hodges Shaw, Sally A. Norton, Patrick Hopkins & Marianne C. Chiafery - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (3):217-226.
    BackgroundMoral distress (MD) is an emotional and psychological response to morally challenging dilemmas. Moral distress is experienced frequently by nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU) and can result in emotional anguish, work dissatisfaction, poor patient outcomes, and high levels of nurse turnover. Opportunities to discuss ethically challenging situations may lessen MD and its associated sequela.ObjectiveThe purpose of this project was to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of nursing ethics huddles on participants’ MD, clinical ethics knowledge, work satisfaction, and (...)
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    Withholding or withdrawing life support in long-term neurointensive care patients: a single-centre, prospective, observational pilot study.Maria-Ioanna Stefanou, Mihaly Sulyok, Martin Koehnlein, Franziska Scheibe, Robert Fleischmann, Sarah Hoffmann, Benjamin Hotter, Ulf Ziemann, Andreas Meisel & Annerose Maria Mengel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):50-55.
    PurposeScarce evidence exists regarding end-of-life decision (EOLD) in neurocritically ill patients. We investigated the factors associated with EOLD making, including the group and individual characteristics of involved healthcare professionals, in a multiprofessional neurointensive care unit (NICU) setting.Materials and methodsA prospective, observational pilot study was conducted between 2013 and 2014 in a 10-bed NICU. Factors associated with EOLD in long-term neurocritically ill patients were evaluated using an anonymised survey based on a standardised questionnaire.Results8 (25%) physicians and 24 (75%) nurses participated in (...)
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    Not the End We Planned For.Anonymous Four - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):30-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Not the End We Planned ForAnonymous FourIn 1997, my four–year–old daughter was diagnosed with a high–risk medulablastoma. She underwent the current treatment program at that time. She suffered multiple complications from the treatment and developed seizures, which caused her to lose her sight and 80% of her hearing. These all contributed to her manifesting many behavioral issues, making her a danger to herself and others. Also during this time, (...)
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  32. Sighs and tears: Biological signals and John Donne's "whining poetry".Michael A. Winkelman - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (2):pp. 329-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sighs and Tears:Biological Signals and John Donne's "Whining Poetry"Michael A. WinkelmanPhebe: Good shepherd, tell this youth what 'tis to love. Silvius: It is to be all made of sighs and tears...—Shakespeare, As You Like It (5.2.83–84)ISighs and tears permeate John Donne's poetry, as well they should. Crying in particular functions as a costly signal in biological terms: a blatant, physiologically-demanding, involuntary indicator of hurt feelings. "Tears dim mine eyes," (...)
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  33. Bayesian conditionalisation and the principle of minimum information.P. M. Williams - 1980 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 31 (2):131-144.
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    Evaluation of do not resuscitate orders (DNR) in a Swiss community hospital.N. Junod Perron, A. Morabia & A. de Torrenté - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):364-367.
    Objective:To evaluate the effect of an intervention on the understanding and use of DNR orders by physicians; to assess the impact of understanding the importance of involving competent patients in DNR decisions.Design:Prospective clinical interventional study.Setting:Internal medicine department (70 beds) of the hospital of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.Participants:Nine junior physicians in postgraduate training.Intervention:Information on the ethics of DNR and implementation of new DNR orders.Measurements and main results:Accurate understanding, interpretation, and use of DNR orders, especially with respect to the patients’ involvement in the (...)
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    Priming and alignment: Mechanism or consequence?Sarah Brown-Schmidt & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):193-194.
    We agree with Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) proposal that dialogue is an important empirical and theoretical test bed for models of language processing. However, we offer two cautionary notes. First, the enterprise will require explicit computational models. Second, such models will need to incorporate both joint and separate speaker and hearer commitments in ways that go beyond priming and alignment.
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    Scope of Consent.Joseph Millum - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):290-292.
    Suppose you come to my house and I invite you in. ‘I’m just heading out’, I say, ‘but make yourself at home’. I have consented to you remaining in my house, but what else? In your home, you put your feet up on the coffee table, so may you now do that in mine? If I complain that you’ve left crumbs from eating biscuits in my bed, can you defend yourself on the grounds that I told you to make yourself (...)
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    The First-Night Effect in Elite Sports: An Initial Glance on Polysomnography in Home-Based Settings.Annika Hof zum Berge, Michael Kellmann & Sarah Jakowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-applied portable polysomnography is considered a promising tool to assess sleep architecture in field studies. However, no findings have been published regarding the appearance of a first-night effect within a sport-specific setting. Its absence, however, would allow for a single night sleep monitoring and hence minimize the burden on athletes while still obtaining the most important variables. For this reason, the aim of the study was to assess whether the effect appears in home-based sleep monitoring of elite athletes.The study sample (...)
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    Constituting Objectivity. Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics.P. Kerszberg, J. Petitot & M. Bitbol (eds.) - 2009 - Hal Ccsd.
    In recent years, many philosophers of modern physics came to the conclusion that the problem of how objectivity is constituted (rather than merely given) can no longer be avoided, and therefore that a transcendental approach in the spirit of Kant is now philosophically relevant. The usual excuse for skipping this task is that the historical form given by Kant to transcendental epistemology has been challenged by Relativity and Quantum Physics. However, the true challenge is not to force modern physics into (...)
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  39. Handbook of Clinical Neurology.P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.) - 1969 - North Holland.
    It is the impression of neurologists who deal with cancer patients that the incidence of neurologic complications of cancer is increasing (Posner 1995). ...
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    Development of a Clinical Ethics Committee De Novo at a Small Community Hospital by Addressing Needs and Potential Barriers.Bonnie H. Arzuaga - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (2):153-158.
    Hospital ethics committees are common, but not universal, in small hospitals. A needs assessment was completed at a 155-bed community hospital in order to adapt an academic tertiary center model for a clinical ethics committee to fit the needs of the small hospital community. Of 678 questionnaires distributed, 209 were completed. Data suggested that clinical staff frequently experienced ethical dilemmas. Significantly more nonphysicians indicated that they would utilize a consultation service, if available, compared to physicians (p = 0.0067). The data (...)
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  41. Epistemological Contextualism and Transparent Possibilities Antti Karjalainen, University of Bristol.Antti Karjalanien - unknown
    When knowledge is being doubted one way to express this doubt is by a counterfactual. Typically this counterfactual quotes some elements of the actual case or a case considered as actual and dodges the connection between proposition believed and what makes that proposition true. For example, when Descartes states his dreaming skepticism case, he gives us instances where he has previously been lying in his bed fast asleep while dreaming that he is awake. What triggers the loss of knowledge in (...)
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  42. Ketamine effects on memory reconsolidation favor a learning model of delusions.P. R. Corlett, V. Cambridge, J. M. Gardner, J. S. Piggot, D. C. Turner, J. C. Everitt, F. S. Arana, H. L. Morgan, A. L. Milton, J. L. Lee, M. R. Aitken, A. Dickinson, B. J. Everitt, A. R. Absalom, R. Adapa, N. Subramanian, J. R. Taylor, J. H. Krystal & P. C. Fletcher - 2013 - PLoS ONE 8 (6):e65088.
  43. (1 other version)Refusing the devil's bargain: What kind of underdetermination should we take seriously?P. Kyle Stanford - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S1-.
    Advocates have sought to prove that underdetermination obtains because all theories have empirical equivalents. But algorithms for generating empirical equivalents simply exchange underdetermination for familiar philosophical chestnuts, while the few convincing examples of empirical equivalents will not support the desired sweeping conclusions. Nonetheless, underdetermination does not depend on empirical equivalents: our warrant for current theories is equally undermined by presently unconceived alternatives as well-confirmed merely by the existing evidence, so long as this transient predicament recurs for each theory and body (...)
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    Methodology and Apologetics: Thomas Sprat's History of the Royal Society.P. B. Wood - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (1):1-26.
    Central to Thomas Sprat's History of the Royal Society was the description and justification of the method adopted and advocated by the Fellows of the Society, for it was thought that it was their method which distinguished them from ancients, dogmatists, sceptics, and contemporary natural philosophers such as Descartes. The Fellows saw themselves as furthering primarily a novel method, rather than a system, of philosophy, and the History gave expression to this corporate self-perception. However, the History's description of their method (...)
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  45. Science Bought and Sold.P. Mirowski & E. M. Sent (eds.) - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
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    Compromised informed consent due to functional health literacy challenges in Chinese hospitals.Dangui Zhang, Zhilin Hu, Zhuojia Wu, Ting Huang, Tingting Huang, Junhao Liu, Hongkun Sun & William Ba-Thein - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Medical informed consent stands as an ethical and legal requisite preceding any medical intervention. Hospitalized patients face functional health literacy (FHL) challenges when dealing with informed consent forms (ICFs). The legitimacy of ICFs and informed consent procedures in China remains substantially undisclosed. The study’s aim was to investigate if Chinese patients have adequate FHL to be truly informed before providing medical consent. In this cross-sectional, structured interview-based study, FHL was assessed within the context of the informed consent scenarios in two (...)
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  47. Refining the causal theory of reference for natural kind terms.P. Kyle Stanford & Philip Kitcher - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 97 (1):97-127.
  48. (1 other version)Folk psychology.P. M. Churchland - 1994 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Evaluation of do not resuscitate orders (DNR) in a Swiss community hospital.N. Junod Perron - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):364-367.
    Objective: To evaluate the effect of an intervention on the understanding and use of DNR orders by physicians; to assess the impact of understanding the importance of involving competent patients in DNR decisions. Design: Prospective clinical interventional study. Setting: Internal medicine department (70 beds) of the hospital of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Participants: Nine junior physicians in postgraduate training. Intervention: Information on the ethics of DNR and implementation of new DNR orders. Measurements and main results: Accurate understanding, interpretation, and use of (...)
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    Patient privacy investigation in the emergency departments in teaching hospitals.Mohammad Enayati Rangbar Ghorbanabadi, Samaneh Mirzaei, Mehdi Bagherabadi & Khadijeh Nasiriani - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Patient privacy is important as one of the most principle components of quality healthcare and safe care. In teaching hospital emergency rooms, it is a challenge for staff to respect for privacy. Research aim Recognizing the importance of this issue, this study aims to assess the privacy status of patients in emergency departments. Research design This study employs a cross-sectional design. Participants and research context This study was conducted in patients of the four emergency departments of the teaching hospitals. (...)
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