Results for 'Benoît Galand'

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  1. "Tell me everything you know about...".Christine Wiertz, Benoît Galand & Stéphane Colognesi - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):158-180.
    Our research focuses on oral summarization competence and descriptive discursive conduct in late elementary school students. We examined (1) students' level of fluency in oral summarization, (2) changes observed when they redid the task, and (3) modifications made with documentary support. Twenty-four students spontaneously produced two versions of the same summary, some with written support. Quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed that (1) structuring the summary posed difficulties, (2) reorganizing without intervention did not improve performance, and (3) documentary support did not (...)
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    Being Responsible: How Managers Aim to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility.Anne Galander, Simon Oertel & Michael Hunoldt - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1441-1482.
    Focusing on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation process, we analyze how institutional complexity that arises from tensions between social and environmental elements and economic and technical concerns is managed by CSR managers. We further question how these micro-level processes interact with organizational-level processes over time. Our research is a 24-month qualitative process study in which we followed CSR managers. The study’s results allow us to distinguish between four strategies that CSR managers use to promote CSR implementation and to cope (...)
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  3.  12
    Meiosis I Kinase Regulators: Conserved Orchestrators of Reductional Chromosome Segregation.Stefan Galander & Adèle L. Marston - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):2000018.
    Research over the last two decades has identified a group of meiosis‐specific proteins, consisting of budding yeast Spo13, fission yeast Moa1, mouse MEIKIN, and Drosophila Mtrm, with essential functions in meiotic chromosome segregation. These proteins, which we call meiosis I kinase regulators (MOKIRs), mediate two major adaptations to the meiotic cell cycle to allow the generation of haploid gametes from diploid mother cells. Firstly, they promote the segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I (reductional division) by ensuring that sister kinetochores (...)
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    CHARM and EvoETR: Precision epigenetic tools for gene silencing.Anirudh Pillai, Vasundhara Verma & Sanjeev Galande - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400186.
    With the advent of gene editing technologies like CRISPR/Cas9, it has become possible to edit genomic regions of interest for research and therapeutic purposes. These technologies have also been adapted to alter gene expression without changing their DNA sequence, allowing epigenetic edits. While genetic editors make edits by cutting the genome at specified regions, epigenetic editors leverage the same targeting mechanism but act based on the epigenetic modifier fused to them, such as a methyltransferase. Here, we discuss two recently employed (...)
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    Une Version Berbère de la Haggadah de Pesaḥ. Texte de Tinrhir du Todrha (Maroc)Une Version Berbere de la Haggadah de Pesah. Texte de Tinrhir du Todrha.Ernest T. Abdel-Massih, P. Galand-Pernet, Haīm Zafrani & Haim Zafrani - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):495.
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    Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies: The State of Nature.Benoît Dubreuil (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Benoît Dubreuil explores the creation and destruction of hierarchies in human evolution. Combining the methods of archaeology, anthropology, cognitive neuroscience and primatology, he offers a natural history of hierarchies from the point of view of both cultural and biological evolution. This volume explains why dominance hierarchies typical of primate societies disappeared in the human lineage and why the emergence of large-scale societies during the Neolithic period implied increased social differentiation, the creation of status hierarchies, and, eventually, (...)
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  7.  97
    The Linear Model of Innovation: The Historical Construction of an Analytical Framework.Benoît Godin - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (6):639-667.
    One of the first frameworks developed for understanding the relation of science and technology to the economy has been the linear model of innovation. The model postulated that innovation starts with basic research, is followed by applied research and development, and ends with production and diffusion. The precise source of the model remains nebulous, having never been documented. Several authors who have used, improved, or criticized the model in the past fifty years rarely acknowledged or cited any original source. The (...)
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  8. Inquiry, Questions, and Actions.Benoit Guilielmo - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (2):339-356.
    This article aims to contribute to the elucidation of the nature of inquiry. I start with some common desiderata for any theory of inquiry. I then categorize inquiry as a structured process. By focusing on its essential components, I advance a new characterization of inquiry as a combination of questioning attitudes guiding actions. Finally, I turn to the recent objection that questioning attitudes are not necessary for inquiry. I argue that inquiry is a structured process essentially constituted by questioning attitudes (...)
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    Benoît Bourgine, Joseph Famerée, Paul Scolas, dir., Qu'est-ce que la vérité ? Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf ; Louvain-la-Neuve, Université Catholique de Louvain (coll. « Théologies »), 2009, 177 p. [REVIEW]Benoit Mathot - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (3):714.
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    What is it to have an inquisitive attitude?Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Following a common assumption, when one inquires into a question, one has an inquisitive attitude towards it. More precisely, I shall assume that there is an inquisitive attitude towards Q that all of those who inquire into Q have in common and in virtue of which they can be said to be in an inquisitive state of mind towards Q. This paper is about the nature of this attitude. I elucidate it by examining whether it boils down to doubt, curiosity, (...)
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  11.  17
    The Encounter of Chinese and Western Philosophies: A Critique.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This book revisits the encounter between Chinese and Western philosophy while unfolding questions about the way "comparative philosophy" is conducted today. In the vulgate of intellectual history, "Western thought" has constructed a substantialist view of reality that puts "relations" and "processes" into a subordinate position. The same view explains for the primacy given to the autonomy of individual beings. In contrast, according to the same vulgate, Chinese thought has been mainly stressing the fluidity of all phenomena and forms of life (...)
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  12. Doubt and suspension: Two attitudes or one?Benoit Guilielmo - 2025 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (3):315-331.
    Are doubt and suspension of judgment similar attitudes? In the burgeoning literature on suspension of judgment, the notion of doubt is curiously absent. This paper aims to argue for the plausibility of an identity claim, which I term the “No-Difference View.” This view suggests that there is no substantial difference between being in doubt and suspending judgment. The argument will draw on historical and systematic considerations that support the No-Difference View as a plausible view within the logical space of positions.
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    A new paradox of belief.Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper I raise a paradox of belief inspired by Kripke’s ‘paradox of knowledge', which states that knowledge seems to make permissible an intuitively unacceptable form of dogmatism. This paradox of belief is based on an intuitively correct principle of doxastic coherence. My aim is to show that this paradox contributes to elucidating the puzzling nature of belief.
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  14. Suspension as a mood.Benoit Guilielmo & Artūrs Logins - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Suspension of judgment is a ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives. It is also relevant for several debates in contemporary epistemology (e.g., evidentialism/pragmatism; peer-disagreement/higher-order evidence; inquiry). The goal of this paper is to arrive at a better understanding of what suspension of judgment is. We first question the popular assumption that we call the Triad view according to which there are three and only three (paradigmatic) doxastic attitudes, namely, belief, disbelief, and suspension of judgment. We elaborate a cumulative argument regarding crucial (...)
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    On the Nature (and Irrationality) of Non-religious Faith.Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    My main aim in this paper is to contribute to the elucidation of the nature of non-religious faith. I start by summarising several well-known arguments that belief is neither necessary nor sufficient for faith. I then try to identify the nature of the positive cognitive attitude towards p that is involved in having faith that p. After dismissing some candidates for the role, I explore the idea that faith and hope are similar attitudes. On this basis, I then advance a (...)
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  16.  22
    Beyond technofix: Thinking with Epimetheus in the anthropocene.Benoit Dillet & Sophia Hatzisavvidou - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):351-372.
    The Prometheus myth has long now provided inspiration for those who envision solutions to environmental issues. Prometheus is the figure par excellence of human forethought and progress in the anthropocene. In this article, we introduce the concept of ambient Prometheanism to describe the way of thinking that foregrounds foresight and anticipation and advances technological solutions developed by capital and energy-intensive projects. We question this stance, arguing that ambient Prometheanism, with its emphasis on technofix, leads to the economisation and depoliticisation of (...)
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  17.  34
    The effort to be neutral.Benoit Gaultier - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy (3):348-357.
    My aim in this article is to elucidate the nature of a form of intellectual and practical neutrality that is not covered by existing accounts of suspension of judgment. After rejecting some inadequate characterizations of this attitude of neutrality, I provide a positive characterization of it: it is a successful effort to resist certain tendencies that are part of the dispositional profile of the doxastic state one is in on a given issue. I conclude by saying a few words about (...)
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  18.  40
    Edit by Number: Looking at the Composition of the Huainanzi, and Beyond.Benoît Vermander - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):459-498.
    The progressive dominance of historical-critical methods in the reading of ancient Chinese classics has led scholars to privilege micro levels of textual analysis. Consequently, the question as to whether laws of composition could be identified in this corpus has often been ignored, or considered irrelevant. Working on Chinese number symbolism as well as on rules governing “ring composition” in other cultural contexts, this article aims at fashioning anew the question of the possibility of an ancient Chinese “structural rhetoric” and at (...)
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  19.  38
    Association by guilt: identification of DLX5 as a target for MeCP2 provides a molecular link between genomic imprinting and Rett syndrome. [REVIEW]Sharmila Bapat & Sanjeev Galande - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (7):676-680.
    Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X‐linked dominant neurodevelopmental disorder affecting almost exclusively girls. Although mutations in methyl‐CpG‐binding protein (MeCP2) are known to be associated with RTT, gene expression patterns are not significantly altered in MeCP2‐deficient cells. A recent study1 identified MeCP2‐mediated histone modification and formation of a higher‐order chromatin loop structure specifically associated with silent chromatin at the Dlx5–Dlx6 locus in normal cells, and its absence thereof in RTT patients. This altered expression of Dlx5 through loss of silent chromatin loop (...)
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  20. Paleolithic public goods games: Why human culture and cooperation did not evolve in one step.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (1):53-73.
    It is widely agreed that humans have specific abilities for cooperation and culture that evolved since their split with their last common ancestor with chimpanzees. Many uncertainties remain, however, about the exact moment in the human lineage when these abilities evolved. This article argues that cooperation and culture did not evolve in one step in the human lineage and that the capacity to stick to long-term and risky cooperative arrangements evolved before properly modern culture. I present evidence that Homo heidelbergensis (...)
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  21. Suspended Judgement Rebooted.Benoit Guilielmo - 2024 - Logos and Episteme (4):445-462.
    Suspension of judgment is often viewed as a member of the doxastic club, alongside belief and disbelief. In this paper, I challenge the widespread view that suspension is a commitment-involving stance on a par with belief and disbelief. Friedman's counterexamples to the traditional view that suspended judgement merely requires considering a proposition and being in a state of non-belief are criticized. I introduce a refined conception, emphasizing that suspension involves a proximal causal link between examining a proposition and the resulting (...)
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  22. Punitive emotions and Norm violations.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Philosophical Explorations 13 (1):35 – 50.
    The recent literature on social norms has stressed the centrality of emotions in explaining punishment and norm enforcement. This article discusses four negative emotions (righteous anger, indignation, contempt, and disgust) and examines their relationship to punitive behavior. I argue that righteous anger and indignation are both punitive emotions strictly speaking, but induce punishments of different intensity and have distinct elicitors. Contempt and disgust, for their part, cannot be straightforwardly considered punitive emotions, although they often blend with a colder form of (...)
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  23. Enquête, questions et actions.Benoit Guilielmo - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (2):319-338.
    Cet article vise à élucider la nature de l'enquête. Je présente tout d'abord les desiderata communs à toute théorie de l'enquête. Je catégorise ensuite l'enquête comme un processus structuré en me concentrant sur ses composantes essentielles : des attitudes de questionnement guidant des actions. Enfin, je me penche sur l'objection récente selon laquelle les attitudes de questionnement ne sont pas nécessaires à l'enquête. Je défends la thèse selon laquelle l'enquête est un processus structuré essentiellement constitué d'attitudes de questionnement ayant deux (...)
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    Achievements, Safety and Environmental Epistemic Luck.Benoît Gaultier - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (4):477-497.
    Theories of knowledge as credit for true belief, or as cognitive achievement, have to face the following objection: in the famous Barn façades case, it seems that the truth of Barney's belief that he is in front of a barn is to be explained by the correct functioning of his cognitive capacities, although we are reluctant to say that he knows he is in front of a barn. Duncan Pritchard concludes from this that a safety clause, irreducible to the conditions (...)
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    The dynamic moral self: A social psychological perspective.Benoît Monin & Alexander H. Jordan - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley, Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press. pp. 341--354.
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    Confucius and the Hen-Pheasant: The Enigma at the Center of the Analects.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):351-377.
    The last sentence of Chapter 10 of the Analects describes a brief encounter between Confucius and a hen-pheasant, and it does so in puzzling terms, ridden with lexical difficulties. At the same time, intertextual references insert this fragment into the context of Confucius’ life mission as well as of Chinese mythological narratives. This contribution assesses the fragment’s meaning and significance: Confucius’ reaction to the hen-pheasant unveils his evolving understanding of the Heavenly Mandate bestowed upon him. The fragment thus forcefully concludes (...)
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  27. What Is Called Thinking?: When Deleuze Walks Along Heideggerian Paths.Benoît Dillet - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (2):250-274.
    When on the last page of What Is Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari (1995: 218) claim that philosophy needs a non-philosophy, this statement is the result of a long engagement with the problem of thinking in society. It is this engagement that we intend to reconstruct in this article. By developing an original definition of thinking after Heidegger, Deleuze is able to claim that philosophy is not the only ‘thinking’ discipline. Our point of departure is Deleuze's constant reference to a phrase (...)
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  28.  34
    Gallicagram: applying textual statistics to press archives.Benoît de Azoulay Courson - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    Gallicagram est un nouvel outil de lexicométrie, fondé notamment sur les archives océrisées de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et sur celles du journal Le Monde ; il dénombre dans le corpus choisi et pour une période donnée les occurrences d’un mot ou d’un syntagme, et offre différents modes de visualisation des données obtenues. Ce logiciel mérite à plusieurs titres d’être investi par les chercheurs : outre le volume des données qu’il exploite, suffisant pour fonder des analyses lexicométriques depuis le (...)
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    National Innovation System: The System Approach in Historical Perspective.Benoît Godin - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (4):476-501.
    In the late 1980s, a new conceptual framework appeared in the science, technology, and innovation studies: the National Innovation System. The framework suggests that the research system's ultimate goal is innovation, and that the system is part of a larger system composed of sectors such as government, university, and industry and their environment. The framework also emphasized the relationships between the components or sectors, as the ``cause'' that explains the performance of innovation systems. Most authors agree that the framework came (...)
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    Rethinking Political Myth: The Clash of Civilizations as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Benoît Challand & Chiara Bottici - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (3):315-336.
    This article argues for the need to recover the concept of political myth in order to understand the crucial phenomena of our epoch. By drawing on Blumenberg’s philosophical reflections on myth, it proposes to understand political myth as the continual process of work on a common narrative by which the members of a social group can provide significance to their political conditions and experience. In order to show how this understanding of political myth can throw light on important aspects of (...)
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  31.  27
    Can Inquiry Aim at Truth? in advance.Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    Davidson’s non-normative argument for the claim that inquiry does not aim at truth has not received much attention in the epistemological literature of the past two decades. As far as I know, only Christopher Hookway (2012) and Christoph Kelp (2021) have discussed it. Moreover, they have both rejected it, on similar grounds. After reconstructing Davidson’s argument, I turn to Hookway’s and Kelp’s criticisms and show why Davidson’s argument can in fact resist them.
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    The changing identity of research: A cultural and conceptual history.Benoît Godin & Désirée Schauz - 2016 - History of Science 54 (3):276-306.
    Science as a body of knowledge (natural and/or social) and as a method (experimental and hermeneutic) has been discussed and debated for centuries among philosophers and ‘men of science’ (scientists). This paper looks at research, the latest element added to the discourse on science. Science as research (an activity or practice), conducted at the level of individuals or organizations, has received increased attention over the course of the twentieth century in public discourse on what science is. This paper documents how (...)
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    Le patient tissage d'un réseau autonome.Benoît Delbecq - 2004 - Multitudes 2 (2):167-172.
    Benoit Delbecq reflects upon the conditions under which his creative activity, as a pianist, a composer and an improviser, has to take place within the French context. Status of the copyrights, contribution of public funding, new modes of distribution, ambiguous irruptions of the show business mega-machine, fictions of freedom generated within the creative moment, polymorphous collective structures: this concrete work of knitting a new autonomous artistic network sheds light, beyond the microcosm of jazz, on the production of sociality in today’s (...)
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    Effacement de la négativité, culture de la coïncidence : Perspectives psychanalytique, littéraire et théologique.Benoit Mathot - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):79-94.
    Benoit Mathot | : La négativité, comme catégorie fondamentale de l’existence humaine, connaît aujourd’hui une crise profonde qui la conduit à son effacement progressif des pratiques et des discours sociaux, culturels, religieux, au profit d’une logique de la coïncidence. Dans cette perspective, cet article a pour projet de proposer un parcours interdisciplinaire à travers la psychanalyse, les études littéraires et la théologie chrétienne, afin de montrer la centralité de ce phénomène. | : The negativity, as fundamental category of the human (...)
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    Médecine, humanisation et décoïncidence : une articulation exploratrice de nouvelles ressources pour la pensée tillichienne sur la santé.Benoit Mathot - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):81-94.
    Benoit Mathot À partir du cadre théorique de la décoïncidence proposé par le philosophe François Jullien, cet article explore les enjeux d’humanisation des soins médicaux, ainsi que l’introduction de la dimension spirituelle dans la prise en charge des patients. Il revient enfin sur le dialogue possible entre ces réflexions contemporaines et les considérations du théologien luthérien Paul Tillich sur la santé.
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    La philosophie politique en deçà et au-delà de l’État : Introduction.Benoît Morissette & Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):60-64.
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    A Computational Model of Working Memory Integrating Time-Based Decay and Interference.Benoît Lemaire & Sophie Portrat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Epistemic Value: The Insufficiency of Truth.Benoît Gaultier - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):303-316.
    We are naturally inclined to judge that it is better to know that p than to merely truly believe that p. How to account for this intuition? In this paper, I examine Williamson, Goldman and Olsson, and Pritchard's answers, and agree with Pritchard that it cannot be consistently claimed that knowledge is epistemically superior to mere true belief, and that truth is the only finally valuable epistemic good. Contrary to Pritchard, I argue that the latter claim is deeply mistaken. I (...)
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  39. Responsibility for Doxastic Strength Grounds Responsibility for Belief.Benoit Gaultier - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst, The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 71-85.
    How is it possible for deontic evaluations of beliefs to be appropriate if we do not have voluntary control over our beliefs? Gaultier argues that we should reject the claim that we can have indirect control over beliefs in virtue of the basic voluntary control we have over our actions. We have another kind of indirect control over beliefs: we can demonstrate doxastic strength or, on the contrary, doxastic weakness when forming our beliefs. That is, we can resist or, on (...)
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  40. Skills, procedural knowledge, and knowledge-how.Benoît Gaultier - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4959-4981.
    My main intention in this article is to settle the question whether having the ability to \ is, as Ryleans think, necessary for knowing how to \, and to determine the kind of role played by procedural knowledge in knowing how to \ and in acquiring and possessing the ability to \. I shall argue, in a seemingly anti-Rylean fashion, that when it comes to know-hows that are ordinarily categorised as physical skills, or—to be, for the moment, philosophically neutral—as enabling (...)
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    Hobbes.Benoît Spinosa - 2014 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Benoit Spinosa presents a much needed French biography and study of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Spinosa discusses Hobbes controversial Leviathan and his unique understanding of the political machine in the Early Modern period. French description: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), philosophe anglais, doit sa celebrite au Leviathan, a une conception de la souverainete politique longtemps jugee monstrueuse. Par-dela contresens et accusations, Hobbes est bien le premier penseur de la modernite a avoir voulu maitriser la machination politique comme la (...)
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    Young children’s mapping between arrays, number words, and digits.Laurent Benoit, Henri Lehalle, Michèle Molina, Charles Tijus & François Jouen - 2013 - Cognition 129 (1):95-101.
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    Readings in argumentation.William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Foris Publications.
    Introduction: the Study of Argumentation Although our overall organization of the readings suggests one way of dividing our selected literature, ...
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    “New Methods of Statistical Economics,” revisited: Short versus long tails and Gaussian versus power-law distributions.Benoit B. Mandelbrot - 2009 - Complexity 14 (3):55-65.
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  45. Anger and Morality.Benoît Dubreuil - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):475-482.
    The emotion of anger has a long love–hate relationship with morality. On the one hand, anger often motivates us to sanction wrongdoing and uphold demanding moral standards. On the other hand, it can prompt aggression behaviors that are at odds with morality and even lead to moral disasters. This article describes this complex relationship. I argue that the intensity of anger elicited by moral transgressions is highly sensitive to key variables, including the identity of the person wronged, the nature of (...)
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    Outline for a History of Science Measurement.Benoît Godin - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (1):3-27.
    The measurement of science and technology is now fifty years old. It owes a large part of its existence to the work of the National Science Foundation and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in the 1950s and 1960s. Given the centrality of S&T statistics in science studies, it is surprising that no history of the measurement exists in the literature. This article outlines such a history. The history is cast in the light of social statistics. Like social statistics, (...)
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    Innovation: A Study in the Rehabilitation of a Concept.Benoît Godin - 2015 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 10 (1):45-68.
    For centuries, _innovation_ was a political and contested concept and linguistic weapon used against one's enemy. To support their case, opponents of innovation made use of arguments from ethos and pathos to give power and sustenance to their criticisms and to challenge the innovators. However, since the nineteenth century the arguments have changed completely. _Innovation_ gradually got rehabilitated. This article looks at one type of rehabilitation: the semantic rehabilitation. People started to reread history and to redescribe what _innovation_ is. What (...)
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    When is epistemic dependence disvaluable?Benoit Gaultier - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):178-187.
    There clearly seems to be something problematic with certain forms of epistemic dependence. However, it has proved surprisingly difficult to articulate what this problem is exactly. My aim in this paper is to make clear when it is problematic to rely on others or on artefacts and technologies that are external to us for the acquisition and maintenance of our beliefs, and why. In order to do so, I focus on the neuromedia thought experiment. After having rejected different ways in (...)
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    An adaptive function of mental time travel: Motivating farsighted decisions.Roland G. Benoit, Ruud M. W. J. Berkers & Philipp C. Paulus - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Xenophilia, Difference, and Indifference.Benoît Fliche & John Angell - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (2):218-233.
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