Results for 'Bertha Kern-Hartmann'

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  1.  55
    Metaphysik und naturphilosophie briefwechsel zwischen herausgegeben Von Bertha Kern-Von Hartmann, Bonn.Eduard von Hartmann & Ernst Haeckel - 1956 - Kant Studien 48 (1-4):3-24.
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    Husserl und Kant: Eine Untersuchung Uber Husserls Verhaltnis zu Kant und zum Neukantianismus.Klaus Hartmann & Iso Kern - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65):368.
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    Kategorienlehre.W. C. Swabey, E. Von Hartmann & Fritz Kern - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (4):416.
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    Kategorienlehre: Die Kategorien der Sinnlichkeit, Die Kategorien des reflektierenden Denkens, Die Kategorien des spekulativen Denkens.Eduard von Hartmann & Fritz Kern - 2016 - Felix Meiner.
    Diese Ausgabe der Kategorienlehre Eduard von Hartmanns vereint alle drei Bande, die 1923 von Fritz Kern unter Beachtung der Verfasserhandschrift herausgegeben wurden. Im Mittelpunkt seiner Lehre steht fur Hartmann der Begriff der Kategorie, mit dem er eine unbewusste Intellektualfunktion von bestimmter Art und Weise oder eine unbewusste logische Determination, die eine bestimmte Beziehung setzt, bezeichnet. In den Kategorien der Sinnlichkeit" (erster Band), den Kategorien des reflektierenden Denkens" (zweiter Band) und den Kategorien des spekulativen Denkens" (dritter Band) werden die (...)
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    XXXVIII. Schopenhauer-jahrbuch für Das jahr 1967.Philip Merlan - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):95-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 95 direction, it opens a field of pure philosophy, unencumbered by surds such as finite man. Only if the Phenomenology is taken as a monographic work on man can there be difficulty. Let us hasten to add that, on the very premises of his book, Loewenberg's criticism of Hegel is tentative rather than apodictic; its harshness is relieved through the dialogue form. And perhaps, the interlocutors will, (...)
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    Security and survival : why do poor people have many children?Betsy Hartmann - 2011 - In Sandra Harding (ed.), The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 310.
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    Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models.Christoph Beierle, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Steven Kutsch - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103489.
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    45. Kapitel. Aufgabe und Einteilung.Nicolai Hartmann - 1950 - In Philosophie der Natur. Berlin,: W. de Gruyter. pp. 512-516.
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    25. Kapitel. Die Zuständlichkeit.Nicolai Hartmann - 1950 - In Philosophie der Natur. Berlin,: W. de Gruyter. pp. 311-318.
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    (1 other version)Kant und der Pessimismus.Eduard von Hartmann - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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    Third Section: Beauty in Nature and in the Human World.Nicolai Hartmann - 2014 - In Aesthetics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 142-174.
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    Inducing signal-verified lucid dreams in 40% of untrained novice lucid dreamers within two nights in a sleep laboratory setting.K. Appel, S. Füllhase, S. Kern, A. Kleinschmidt, A. Laukemper, K. Lüth, L. Steinmetz & L. Vogelsang - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102960.
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    Circulant games.Ɖura-Georg Granić & Johannes Kern - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (1):43-69.
    We study a class of two-player normal-form games with cyclical payoff structures. A game is called circulant if both players’ payoff matrices fulfill a rotational symmetry condition. The class of circulant games contains well-known examples such as Matching Pennies, Rock-Paper-Scissors, as well as subclasses of coordination and common interest games. The best response correspondences in circulant games induce a partition on each player’s set of pure strategies into equivalence classes. In any Nash Equilibrium, all strategies within one class are either (...)
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    Belief base change operations for answer set programming.Patrick Krümpelmann & Gabriele Kern-Isberner - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 294--306.
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    Die Hymnen der chinesischen Staatsopfer: Literatur und Ritual in der politischen Repräsentation von der Han-Zeit bis zu den Sechs DynastienDie Hymnen der chinesischen Staatsopfer: Literatur und Ritual in der politischen Reprasentation von der Han-Zeit bis zu den Sechs Dynastien.Haun Saussy & Martin Kern - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):507.
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    CSR for Happiness: Corporate determinants of societal happiness as social responsibility.Austin Chia, Margaret L. Kern & Benjamin A. Neville - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):422-437.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Children’s Narrative Elaboration After Reading a Storybook Versus Viewing a Video.Camilla E. Crawshaw, Friederike Kern, Ulrich Mertens & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:569891.
    Previous studies have found that narrative input conveyed through different media influences the structure and content of children’s narrative retellings. Visual, televised narratives appear to elicit richer and more detailed narratives than traditional, orally transmitted storybook media. To extend this prior work and drawing from research on narrative elaboration, the current study’s main goal was to identify the core plot component differences (the who, what, where, when, why, and how of a story) between children’s retellings of televised versus traditional storybook (...)
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  18. Computational modeling in philosophy: introduction to a topical collection.Simon Scheller, Christoph Merdes & Stephan Hartmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-10.
    Computational modeling should play a central role in philosophy. In this introduction to our topical collection, we propose a small topology of computational modeling in philosophy in general, and show how the various contributions to our topical collection fit into this overall picture. On this basis, we describe some of the ways in which computational models from other disciplines have found their way into philosophy, and how the principles one found here still underlie current trends in the field. Moreover, we (...)
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    Alte und Neue Ontologie.Nicolai Hartmann - 1949 - In Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, Mendoza, Argentina, marzo-abril 1949, tomo 2. pp. 333-339.
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    A Metaphysical and Ethical Defense of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (4):209-225.
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    Editorial: Relational approaches to knowledge representation and learning.C. Beierle & G. Kern-Isberner - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (5):771-773.
  22.  38
    The Contribution of the Stakeholder View to the Knowledge Creation Framework of Nonaka and Takeuchi.Sybille Sachs & Isabelle Kern - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:337-341.
    As knowledge creation quickly gains importance for globally active corporations, we attempt to combine the advantages of the Stakeholder View with those of the SECI model by Nonaka and Takeuchi. In order to support the mental processes of the stakeholders, we use so-called topic maps to transform implicit into explicit knowledge and to visualize it. The preliminary propositions are illustrated by the case study of Swiss Re.
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    (1 other version)A Probabilistic Theory of the Coherence of an Information Set.Stephan Hartmann & Luc Bovens - 2001 - In BeckermannAnsgar (ed.), Argument & Analysis: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy. Bielefeld.
    Bonjour (1985: 101 and 1999: 124) and other coherence theorists of justification before him (e.g. Ewing, 1934: 246) have complained that we do not have a satisfactory analysis of the notion of coherence. The problem with existing accounts of coherence is that they try to bring precision to our intuitive notion of coherence independently of the particular role that it is meant to play within the coherence theory of justification (e.g Lewis, 1946: 338). This is a mistake: it does not (...)
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  24. Erwiderung auf Franzelin, Kann der Umfang dessen, was zu einem Sein erforderlich und hinreichend ist, gleich Null sein?E. Hartmann - 1930 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 43:532.
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    Les principes d'une métaphysique de la connaissance.Nicolai Hartmann & Raymond Vancourt - 1945 - Paris,: Aubier. Edited by Vancourt, Raymond & [From Old Catalog].
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  26. Die allotrope Causalitat.E. Von Hartmann - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:429.
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  27. Die Religion des Geistes.Eduard von Hartmann - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 16:413-420.
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    Ethische studien.Eduard von Hartmann - 1898 - Leipzig,: H. Haacke.
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    Grundriss der Religionsphilosophie.Eduard von Hartmann - 1909 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  30. Religious Metaphysics Being Part B of His Work Entitled "Die Religion des Geistes".Eduard von Hartmann - 1883 - Macgowan & Slipper, Printers.
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    Prospect Theory and the Wisdom of the Inner Crowd.Stephan Hartmann - manuscript
    We give a probabilistic justification of the shape of one of the probability weighting functions used in Prospect Theory. To do so, we use an idea recently introduced by Herzog and Hertwig. Along the way we also suggest a new method for the aggregation of probabilities using statistical distances.
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    Schmaus, M., Der Glaube der Kirche. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (3):566-566.
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    Schütte, Josephus Franciscus, S.J., Introductio ad Historiam Societatis Jesu in Japonia, 1549-1650. [REVIEW]A. Hartmann - 1970 - Augustinianum 10 (3):584-587.
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    Fehlner, P., The Role of Charity in the Ecclesiology of St. Bonaventure. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (1):121-122.
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    The Works of Bonaventure. Translated from the Latin by José de Vinck. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):448-448.
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    Saddharma-Puṇḍarīka or the Lotus of the True LawSaddharma-Pundarika or the Lotus of the True Law.E. B. & H. Kern - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):490.
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    Aesthetics.James Kern Feibleman - 1949 - New York,: Duell, Sloan and Pearce.
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    From Hegel to terrorism, and other essays on the dynamic nature of philosophy.James Kern Feibleman - 1985 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
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    Inside the great mirror.James Kern Feibleman - 1958 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    physical realist heavily bverlaid with the interpretation afforded by linguistic analysis, so he changed, too. But at the time, which was approximately during the second decade of the twentieth century, they were no doubt very close in their views. Russell acknowledged the influence of Wittgenstein in several places in the 1918 lectures on logical atomism. Wittgenstein might not have written the Tractatus had Russell not given the lectures on logical atomism, or at least had he not maintained the views there (...)
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    Scientific method.James Kern Feibleman - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    There remains only the obligation to thank those who have helped me with specific suggestions and the editors who have kindly granted permission to reprint material which first appeared in the pages of their journals. To the former group belong Alan B. Brinkley and Max O. Hocutt Portion of chap ters I and VI were published in Philosophy of Science; of chapters IV and V in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine; of chapter VIII in Dialectica; of chapter IX in The (...)
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    20. Kapitel. Das Ergebnis und seine Konsequenzen.Nicolai Hartmann - 1936 - In H. M. Estall (ed.), Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie. Duke University Press. pp. 140-146.
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    26. Kapitel. Die Grenzen der Erkennbarkeit.Nicolai Hartmann - 1936 - In H. M. Estall (ed.), Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie. Duke University Press. pp. 170-176.
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    48. Kapitel. Das Reich des Logischen und seine Gesetze.Nicolai Hartmann - 1936 - In H. M. Estall (ed.), Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie. Duke University Press. pp. 298-305.
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    Second Section: The Structure of the Aesthetic Object.Nicolai Hartmann - 2014 - In Aesthetics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 82-141.
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    Die deutsche Ästhetik seit Kant: erster historisch-kritischer Teil der Ästhetik.Eduard von Hartmann - 1992
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    Philosophie des Schönen: zweiter systematischer Theil der Aesthetik.Eduard von Hartmann - 1998
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    Philosophy of the Unconscious: Speculative Results According to the Inductive Method of Physical Science.Eduard von Hartmann - 1931 - Westport, Conn.,: Routledge. Edited by William Chatterton Coupland.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Balancing the Benefits and Risks of CPR.Clifton W. Callaway, Karl B. Kern, Raina M. Merchant & Robert W. Neumar - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (2):49-50.
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    Arte da experimentação: política, cultura e natureza no primeiro Nietzsche.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2007 - Trans/Form/Ação 30 (2):115-133.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as conexões entre o pensamento político de Nietzsche e sua crítica da cultura, tal como desenvolvidos nas notas e ensaios do primeiro período de sua obra, especialmente no ensaio Cinco prefácios a cinco livros não escritos. Trata-se de mostrar como o filósofo procura, a partir de uma singular análise do Estado e da sociedade na Grécia antiga, restituir à experiência política uma dimensão reflexiva em declínio na modernidade.
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    Christianity, communism, and the ideal society: a philosophical approach to modern politics.James Kern Feibleman - 1937 - New York: AMS Press.
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