Results for 'Bettina Girgensohn-Marchand'

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  1.  12
    Der Mythos Watzlawick und die Folgen: eine Streitschrift gegen systemisches und konstruktivistisches Denken in pädagogischen Zusammenhängen.Bettina Girgensohn-Marchand - 1992 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  2. Der seelische Aufbau des religiosen Erlebens, Leipzig 1921.Karol Girgensohn - 1926 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 4 (2):241-245.
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    Oliver Jens Schmitt, Das venezianische Albanien (1392-1479).Dieter Girgensohn - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):314-318.
    Gleich zu Beginn sei unterstrichen, daß die Bedeutung dieser detaillierten Darstellung weit hinausweist über ihren geographischen Bereich, der gerade nur einen kleinen Teil des heutigen Albaniens umfaßt und dazu einen Zipfel von Montenegro. Gewicht erhält sie selbstverständlich zum einen als Hinführung zur Geschichte eines eher am Rande liegenden kleinen Landes, zum anderen aber vor allem als Blick in die Vergangenheit der Republik Venedig, denn sie gewinnt ihre Tiefenschärfe durch das dort überlieferte Archivmaterial, dessen Reichtum für das spätere Mittelalter ja kaum (...)
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    Le sceptique cherche-t-il vraiment la vérité ?Stéphane Marchand - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):125-141.
    Sextus Empiricus présente le scepticisme néo-pyrrhonien comme une philosophie qui cherche la vérité (PH I, 1-3). Il est difficile de le croire, pourtant, lorsque l ’ on étudie les longues séries d ’ arguments qu ’ il met en opposition afin de produire l ’ isosthénie, la force égale des arguments, qui amène à la suspension du jugement. Comment faut-il interpréter ce qui pourrait apparaître comme un décalage entre la théorie et la pratique du scepticisme? Plutôt que de conclure à (...)
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    Assessing the knower-level framework: How reliable is the Give-a-Number task?Elisabeth Marchand, Jarrett T. Lovelett, Kelly Kendro & David Barner - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):104998.
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    Relative coarse-graining.Jean-Paul Marchand - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (1-2):35-49.
    The problem of statistical inference based on a partial measurement (“coarse-graining”) requires the specification of an a priori distribution. We reformulate the ordinary theory such as to encompass systematically a wide range of a priori distributions (“relative coarse-graining”). This is done in a mathematical setting which admits an interpretation in both classical probability and quantum mechanics. The formalism is illustrated in a few simple examples, such as the die whose geometrical shape is known, the spin in thermal equilibrium with an (...)
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    Sextus Empiricus, scepticisme et philosophie de la vie quotidienne.Stéphane Marchand - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:91-119.
    Quel rôle joue le concept de vie quotidienne dans le scepticisme de Sextus Empiricus? À partir d’une analyse du concept de βιωτικὴ τήρησις, il s’agit de faire apparaître, d’une part (i) que la vie quotidienne, par opposition à la vie philosophique, est un fait empirique qui permet au sceptique d’agir sans pour autant avoir d’opinions et d’autre part que (ii) la vie quotidienne est une valeur qui donne sens à la philosophie sceptique. Bien que ces deux approches paraissent contradictoires, le (...)
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    Mobile health ethics and the expanding role of autonomy.Bettina Schmietow & Georg Marckmann - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):623-630.
    Mhealth technology is mushrooming world-wide and, in a variety of forms, reaches increasing numbers of users in ever-widening contexts and virtually independent from standard medical evidence assessment. Yet, debate on the broader societal impact including in particular mapping and classification of ethical issues raised has been limited. This article, as part of an ongoing empirically informed ethical research project, provides an overview of ethical issues of mhealth applications with a specific focus on implications on autonomy as a key notion in (...)
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    Pyrrhonism and the Value of Law.Stéphane Marchand - 2021 - Polis 38 (3):573-587.
    The aim of this paper is to determine how a Pyrrhonian considers the Law and can respond to Aristocles’ objection that a Pyrrhonian is unable to obey laws. First, we analyze the function of the Law in the 10th Mode of Aenesidemus, in order to show laws as a dogmatic source of value. But Sextus shows also that the Sceptic can live in a human society by following laws and customs, according to so-called ‘sceptical conformism’. In the light of Pyrrhonian (...)
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    Muscles, Morals and Mind: Craft Apprenticeship and the Formation of Person.Trevor H. J. Marchand - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (3):245-271.
    The paper considers apprenticeship as a model of education that both teaches technical skills and provides the grounding for personal formation. The research presented is based on long-term anthropological fieldwork with minaret builders in Yemen, mud masons in Mali and fine-woodwork trainees in London. These case studies of on-site learning and practice support an expanded notion of knowledge that exceeds propositional thinking and language and centrally includes the body and skilled performance. Crafts -- like sport, dance and other skilled physical (...)
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  11.  51
    The rhetoric of artifacts and the decline of classical humanism: the case of Josef Strzygowski.Suzanne L. Marchand - 1994 - History and Theory 33 (4):106-130.
    This essay argues that in overlooking the assault on the autonomy, unity, and tenacity of the classical world underway in Europe after 1880, historians have failed to appreciate an important element of historiographical reorientation at the fin de siècle. This second "revolution" in humanistic scholarship challenged the conviction of the educated elite that European culture was rooted exclusively in classical antiquity in part by introducing as evidence non-textual forms of evidence; the testimony of artifacts allowed writers to reach beyond romantic-nationalist (...)
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  12.  23
    How Much Knowledge is Worth Knowing? An American Intellectual Historian's Thoughts on the Geschichte des Wissens.Suzanne Marchand - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):126-149.
    This essay investigates the origins and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the new field known as Wissensgeschichte from the perspective of an American intellectual historian. It argues that while some historians of science may be ready to embrace a new identity as historians of knowledge, this terminology remains baggy and invites facile applications of Foucauldian theory. The essay concludes with the hope that the history of knowledge approach may instead open up new avenues for conversation and collaboration between historians (...)
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    Making knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment.Trevor H. J. Marchand (ed.) - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Making Knowledge presents the work of leading anthropologists who promote pioneering approaches to understanding the nature and social constitution of human knowledge. The book offers a progressive interdisciplinary approach to the subject and covers a rich and diverse ethnography. Presents cutting-edge research and theory in anthropology. Includes many beautiful illustrations throughout. The contributions cover a rich and diverse ethnography. Offers a progressive interdisciplinary approach to the eternal questions concerning 'human knowledge' Contributions by leading scholars in the field who explore a (...)
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  14.  7
    Levinas between Ethics and Politics: For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth.Bettina Bergo - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    The act of thought-thought as an act-would precede the thought thinking or becoming conscious of an act. The notion of act involves a violence essentially: the violence of transitivity, lacking in the transcendence of thought... Totality and Infinity The work of Emmanuel Levinas revolves around two preoccupations. First, his philosophical project can be described as the construction of a formal ethics, grounded upon the transcendence of the other human being and a subject's spontaneous responsibility toward that other. Second, Levinas has (...)
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  15.  5
    Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (éd.), Augustin, Contre les Académiciens = Contra Academicos.Stéphane Marchand - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    La prestigieuse collection de la Bibliothèque Augustinienne (BA) s’enrichit d’un nouveau volume entièrement dédié à l’un des tout premiers dialogues philosophiques d’Augustin, consacré à la question du scepticisme, le Contra Academicos. L’édition ancienne et minimaliste de René Jolivet (1939, BA 4/1) rendait cette nouvelle édition nécessaire. Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (dorénavant ABT) livre ici un volume particulièrement complet : l’édition du texte latin et sa traduction (p. 265-535) so...
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    D’un meilleur des mondes possible à l’autre : à propos d’une éducation non genrée ou (dé)genrée.Jean-Baptiste Marchand - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 245 (3):71-88.
    En mars 2024, le Conseil supérieur des programmes du ministère de l’Éducation nationale a publié un projet d’éducation à la sexualité de la maternelle à la terminale. Il s’agit d’un sujet délicat et polémique, car en plus de traiter des questions liées à la sexualité, il aborde celle concernant le genre. Or, dès qu’il est question de genre, les débats s’enveniment. Ainsi, après une présentation du contexte actuel au sein duquel ce débat prend place, l’article reviendra sur la question de (...)
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    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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  18.  35
    How Focusing on Superordinate Goals Motivates Broad, Long-Term Goal Pursuit: A Theoretical Perspective.Bettina Höchli, Adrian Brügger & Claude Messner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Goal-setting theory states that challenging, specific, and concrete goals (i.e., subordinate goals) are powerful motivators and boost performance in goal pursuit more than vague or abstract goals (i.e., superordinate goals). Goal-setting theory predominantly focuses on single, short-term goals and less on broad, long-term challenges. This review article extends goal-setting theory and argues that superordinate goals also fulfill a crucial role in motivating behavior, particularly when addressing broad, long-term challenges. The purpose of this article is to show theoretically that people pursue (...)
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  19.  19
    Sextus Empiricus: les effets politiques de la suspension du jugement.Stéphane Marchand - 2014 - Elenchos 35 (2):311-342.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the political implications of Sextus Empiricus’ neo-Pyrrhonism by considering two fundamental texts (PH I23-24; AM XI 162- 165). Both texts are usually interpreted as endorsing political conformism insofar as Sextus allegedly claims that one should follow the laws and customs of one’s community. But it seems possible to interpret the reference to laws and customs merely as a description of what humans in fact do. What Sextus would therefore recommend is to abandon (...)
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  20. Nucleon spin structure studies at COMPASS.Claude Marchand - 2006 - Hermes 143:E155.
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    Pierre Bayle, on his own terms: comments on Dmitri Levitin's the Kingdom of Darkness.Suzanne Marchand - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Dmitri Levitin's extremely erudite study of the works and intellectual worlds of Isaac Newton and Pierre Bayle demands that we take these early modern scholars on their own terms, rather than testing their qualifications to be deemed 'enlightened.' In the case of Bayle, Levitin emphasizes the importance of his antipathy to scholastic philosophy and his debts to the theological debates in contemporary France and the Low Countries.
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    L'habitat « non-ordinaire » et la ville post-fordiste.Arnaud Le Marchand - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):229.
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    Micropolitique de l'habitat non-ordinaire.Arnaud Le Marchand - 2009 - Multitudes 37 (2):227.
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    Travail intermittent et production de la ville post-fordiste.Arnaud Le Marchand - 2004 - Multitudes 3 (3):51-56.
    Casual labor is between the temporal break and the fragmentation of cities. The urban sprawl, as much as the new constraints of production, create intervals, that temporary workers have to, fulfill. These casual workers from immaterial sectors as well as from production sectors, are networking the cities and compensating for their fragmentation. The social guaranted income is an acknowledgement of their roles and an alternative to a purely repressive governance of urban problems.
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    Actualités et questionnements théorico-cliniques à propos de l’incongruence de genre chez l’enfant et de la parentalité.Jean-Baptiste Marchand - 2019 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2:151-166.
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    Anne Jacquemin – Dominique Mulliez – Georges Rougemont, Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées.Fabienne Marchand - 2015 - Klio 97 (1):389-391.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 389-391.
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    A Maculist at the Court of Alfonso el Sabio: Gil de Zamora's Lost Treatise on the Immaculate Conception.James W. Marchand & Spurgeon W. Baldwin - 1987 - Franciscan Studies 47 (1):171-180.
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  28. A minimal phenomenology for decay and resonance.Jean-Paul Marchand - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (2):215-226.
    We discuss in what sense the decay-scattering system is a minimal phenomenological theory for particle decay and resonance scattering.
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    A non-Hamiltonian formulation of the Ising chain.J. -P. Marchand & P. A. Martin - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (4):465-472.
    The Gibbs states of binary lattice systems can be characterized by their stability with respect to certain microscopic transitions which have a simple physical interpretation. A detailed analysis is provided for the case of a one-dimensional lattice gas with nearest-neighbor interactions.
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    A Worthwhile Colonial Attachment.Philip Marchand - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (1):122-124.
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    Componenti etiche nell’Arte della Guerra.Jean-Jacques Marchand - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):223-231.
    Sebbene la questione della liceità della guerra non si ponga per Machiavelli, come non si pone per la maggior parte dei pensatori italiani del primo Cinquecento, la componente etica non è assente dalla riflessione machiavelliana nell’Arte della guerra. Infatti, accanto all’assunto tecnico della creazione di una milizia d’ordinanza e dei suoi vari modi di combattere in campo, strettamente legato peraltro ai requisiti politici di una repubblica virtuosa, fondamentali sono le esigenze etiche sia nelle qualità morali dei cittadini-soldati, sia nella virtù (...)
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    Contre les moralistes, written by Sextus Empiricus.Stéphane Marchand - 2018 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 8 (4):343-347.
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    Componentes éticos en El arte de la guerra.Jean-Jacques Marchand & Diego Alejandro Fernández Peychaux - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):233-242.
    Aunque la cuestión de la licitud de la guerra no se plantee para Maquiavelo, como no lo hace para la mayoría de los pensadores italianos de principios del siglo XVI, el componente ético no está ausente de la reflexión maquiaveliana en El arte de la guerra. De hecho, junto al aspecto técnico de la creación de una milicia de ordenanza y sus diversos modos de combatir en el campo, sin embargo, se encuentran estrechamente vinculadas a los requisitos políticos de una (...)
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    Crossing the Great Divides: Hans Aarsleff's Lessons for Nineteenth-Century Intellectual Historians.Suzanne Marchand - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (6):808-818.
    SUMMARYThis essay discusses Hans Aarsleff's long battle to demonstrate the importance of the French and British thinkers of the mid-eighteenth century to the development of modern linguistic thought. Contesting claims that German scholars were the first to develop historicised theories of language, Aarsleff, along with his Princeton colleagues Lionel Gossman and Anthony Grafton, helped pioneer longue durée studies of the history of philology and of historiography that cross national boundaries as well as the so-called Sattelzeit. Although the importance of his (...)
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    Éditorial.Stéphane Marchand - 2018 - Cahiers Philosophiques 151 (4):5-8.
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    Doris Kaufmann 2020: Ornamentwelten: Ethnologische Expeditionen und die Kunst der ‘Anderen’ (1890–1930).Suzanne Marchand - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (2):205-207.
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    Embodied cognition, communication and the making of place and identity.Trevor Hj Marchand - 2010 - In Nigel Rapport, Human nature as capacity: transcending discourse and classification. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 182.
  38.  16
    16. Eastern Wisdom in an Era of Western Despair: Orientalism in 1920s Central Europe.Suzanne Marchand - 2013 - In John P. McCormick & Peter E. Gordon, Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy. Princeton University Press. pp. 341-360.
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    Health inequalities and justice.Sarah Marchand & Daniel Wikler - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 209--221.
    In this paper we examine some issues of distributive justice in relation to the distribution of health in a population. Our focus is on socioeconomic inequalities in health within a society. Research suggests that socioeconomic status and level of education are strongly correlated with level of health such that those with lower status in a society are relatively sicker than their counterparts who have higher status. Importantly, the correlation we are concerned with is not the obvious correlation between poor health (...)
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    Jean Blot : l’arrière-pays d’un humaniste.Valère-Marie Marchand - 2021 - Diogène n° 269-270 (1):158-171.
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    Jules Vuillemin and the Utilitarianist Scepticism of Carneades.Stéphane Marchand - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:49-69.
    Dans son article de 1985, « Une morale est-elle compatible avec le scepticisme? », Jules Vuillemin brosse un portrait du philosophe néo-académicien Carnéade en sceptique utilitariste. L’article s’attache à analyser cette lecture en confrontant l’interprétation de Jules Vuillemin avec les sources que nous avons de Carnéade. Il montre que malgré l’anachronisme assumé de son approche, cette interprétation permet de faire apparaître la particularité du scepticisme de Carnéade, notamment la nature rationnelle de la règle d’action selon le probable, grâce à une (...)
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  42.  27
    Les Academica dans le Contra Academicos : détournement et usage du scepticisme académicien par Saint Augustin.Stéphane Marchand - 2013 - Astérion 11 (11).
    Does Augustine succeed in refuting Academic skepticism in the Contra Academicos? A careful reading of Augustine’s first philosophical dialogue shows that he has a deep understanding of Academic skepticism. The three books of the Contra Academicos produce a refutation of skepticism at several levels. First, Augustine refutes many of the skeptical arguments from Cicero’s Academica by showing that they are not definitive. But he has perfectly understood that this logical refutation is actually an argument for skepticism. So he has to (...)
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    Les Academica dans le Contra Academicos : détournement et usage du scepticisme académicien par Saint Augustin.Stéphane Marchand - 2013 - Astérion 11.
    Saint Augustin parvient-il à réfuter le scepticisme académicien dans le Contra Academicos ? Une lecture attentive du premier dialogue philosophique d’Augustin laisse apercevoir une compréhension profonde de la nature du scepticisme académicien par le jeune Augustin. Le Contra Academicos propose une stratégie de réfutation du scepticisme à plusieurs niveaux : il s’agit, d’une part, de réfuter un à un les arguments sceptiques exposés dans les Academica de Cicéron afin de ne pas laisser croire aux esprits faibles que ces arguments pourraient (...)
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    L’accès aux soins palliatifs, équitable pour tous? Le cas des personnes en fin de vie vivant l’itinérance.Marie-Hélène Marchand - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (4):37.
    Tout être humain sera exposé un jour à un certain degré de souffrance. Une tranche de la population, les personnes vivant l’itinérance, sera cependant beaucoup plus susceptible de côtoyer la mort, la maladie et les deuils. En effet, au Québec, elles sont quatre fois plus à risque de développer un cancer et leur espérance de vie se situe entre 42 et 52 ans. Devant la mortalité et la morbidité élevées rencontrées dans la population itinérante est soulevée cette question : est-ce (...)
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    Lorenzo Corti, Scepticisme et langage.Stéphane Marchand - 2011 - Philosophie Antique 11:207-216.
    « Un pyrrhonien ne peut s’attendre à ce que sa philosophie ait une influence constante sur l’esprit ; ou si elle en a une, que son influence soit bienfaisante pour la société. Au contraire, il lui faut reconnaître, s’il veut reconnaître quelque chose, qu’il faut que périsse toute vie humaine si ses principes prévalent universellement et constamment. Toute conversation et toute action cesseraient immédiatement, et les hommes resteraient dans une léthargie totale jusqu’au moment où l’inassouvis...
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    L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle.Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Qu'ont en commun Diderot, D'Alembert et l'abbé de Saint-Pierre? Voisenon et Pluche? Fontenelle et Sade? La Font de Saint-Yenne et Condillac? Casanova et Buffon? Batteux et Barruel? Peu de chose a priori réunit les auteurs qui dialoguent au sein de ce volume, sinon que tous, quel que soit leur domaine de réflexion, ont été amenés durant leur parcours intellectuel à se confronter à la question du système et à se prononcer sur sa nécessité, sa pertinence et sa valeur. A lire (...)
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  47. Laurent P ernot, Confluences de la philosophie et de la rhétorique grecques, Paris, Vrin, 2022, 536 p.Stéphane Marchand - 2025 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 124 (4):559-562.
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    Les scepticismes.Stéphane Marchand - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (1):69-72.
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  49. Martin Bernal and his critics.Suzanne Marchand & Anthony Grafton - 1997 - Arion 5 (2).
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    Mimèsis et catharsis : de la représentation à la dénégation du réel chez Aristote, Artaud et Brecht.Alain Marchand - 1988 - Philosophiques 15 (1):108-127.
    La présente étude propose une relecture de trois théoriciens dont les investigations continuent à servir de pierre angulaire à la théâtrologie : celles d'Aristote dont La Poétique, outre le fait qu'elle consacre le théâtre occidental, sert de fondement à l'esthétique dramatique et celles, plus récentes, d'Antonin Artaud et de Bertolt Brecht qui, bien qu'ils aient réfuté radicalement les théories aristoté- liciennes, ne se sont pas moins distingués l'un de l'autre pour donner les deux grandes voies que l'on sait à la (...)
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