Results for 'Blanca Luque'

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  1.  31
    Statistical Differences in Set Analysis in Badminton at the RIO 2016 Olympic Games.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, Juan Carlos Blanca-Torres, Miran Kondric & David Cabello-Manrique - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The aim of the present study was to determine statistical differences in a set of badminton competition matches in five different modalities with regard to competition level (Group Phase versus Eliminatory Phase). Data from 453 sets (125 in men’s singles; 108 sets in women’s singles; 77 sets in men’s doubles; 73 in women’s doubles and 70 in mixed doubles) from the RIO 2016 Olympics Games were recorded and classified in two groups of variables to analyse variables related to match (5) (...)
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    Design, Validation, and Reliability of an Observational Instrument for Technical and Tactical Actions in Singles Badminton.Gema Torres-Luque, Juan Carlos Blanca-Torres, José María Giménez-Egido, David Cabello-Manrique & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Technical and tactical actions are decisive in terms of badminton player competitive performance. The main objective of this research was to design, validate, and estimate the reliability of an observational instrument for the analysis of the tactical and technical actions in individual badminton. The process was carried out in four different steps: first, there was a review of the scientific literature and a preliminary list of variables was made; second, a qualitative and quantitative assessment was completed by 10 badminton expert (...)
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  3. La estructura de la matemática en Comte y su aplicación a la astronomía.Blanca Luque & María de Paz - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (311):1675-1697.
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la estructura de la matemática en el Cours de Philosophie Positive de Comte. A pesar de ser un autor muy influyente, cuya obra sobre sociología es ampliamente conocida, las contribuciones de Comte a la filosofía de las «ciencias duras» han sido a menudo descuidadas. La matemática, junto con su aplicación a la astronomía, ejemplifica lo que para Comte significaba el método positivo en la obtención del conocimiento, por lo que su consideración es relevante (...)
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    Art as a Celebration of the life of a Culture. Contributions of Deweyan Aesthetics to the Present day.Gloria Luque Moya - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:297-321.
    Resumen: En nuestros días el término arte ha ampliado su horizonte hasta incluir prácticas y objetos que tradicionalmente habían sido negados. Este cambio de perspectiva se introduce a partir del siglo XX cuando la noción de arte comienza a ser cuestionada desde diferentes vertientes teóricas y prácticas. En este artículo se analiza la definición que el filósofo estadounidense John Dewey propuso en los años treinta, la cual trataba de devolver el arte al contexto cultural en el que se originó. Para (...)
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    Réplica.Virginia Martínez Luque - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (3).
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    “Matrimonio y mortaja del cielo bajan”: ¿es la muerte un destino inexorable en Los pazos de Ulloa (1886) de Emilia Pardo Bazán?Frank Otero Luque - 2020 - Studium 25.
    Resumen Este ensayo analiza la manera tan negativa en que Emilia Pardo Bazán representa al matrimonio en Los pazos de Ulloa. Se intenta mostrar que el escepticismo de la autora, al presentar esta institución social como un proyecto fallido, constituye una protesta feminista contra la soflama masculina hegemónica del siglo xix, que aceptaba como válido únicamente el vínculo conyugal bendecido por la Iglesia y/o sancionado por el Estado. Con este objetivo, se estudian algunos factores que afectaban las relaciones maritales de (...)
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    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  8. Exchanging Reasons: responses to critics.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):329-346.
    Ofrezco respuestas a lo que considero son los aspectos más destacados de las críticas de John Biro, James Freeman, David Hitchcock, Robert Pinto, Harvey Siegel y Luis Vega al modelo normativo para la argumentación que he desarrollado en Giving Reasons. Cada respuesta se articula en torno a una cuestión principal, i.e., la distinción entre normatividad constitutiva y regulativa dentro de los modelos de la Teoría de la Argumentación, la evaluación semántica de la argumentación, el concepto de justificación, las diferencias entre (...)
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    The Principle of Stasis: Why drift is not a Zero-Cause Law.Victor J. Luque - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57:71-79.
    This paper analyses the structure of evolutionary theory as a quasi-Newtonian theory and the need to establish a Zero-Cause Law. Several authors have postulated that the special character of drift is because it is the default behaviour or Zero-Cause Law of evolutionary systems, where change and not stasis is the normal state of them. For these authors, drift would be a Zero-Cause Law, the default behaviour and therefore a constituent assumption impossible to change without changing the system. I defend that (...)
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  10.  24
    Enrique Leff, Discursos sustentables, Editorial Siglo XXI, México, 2008, 273 p.Diana Luque - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 24.
    Los comentarios a la última entrega del pensamiento de Enrique Leff, que ahora los reúne en este libro titulado Discursos sustentables, son totalmente subjetivos y muy locales, es decir, aquí les cuento lo que el pensar de Leff nos deja pensando, allá, lejos, en las pequeñas comunidades de la Costa de Sonora, que dan al Golfo de California, en donde he estado conviviendo una buena parte de mi vida.Para apreciar la voz de Leff, hay que procurar el silencio, aquel que (...)
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    La actividad financiera del estado social globalizado:(La prevención de gastos públicos y el tributo de tercera generación).Elisa Isabel García Luque - 2006 - Civitas. Revista Española de Derecho Financiero 131:471-502.
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    Plastic deformation by conservative shear-coupled migration of tilt boundaries with intergranular nano-cracks or precipitates.A. Luque, J. Aldazabal, J. M. Martínez-Esnaola & J. Gil Sevillano - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (27-28):3743-3756.
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  13. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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    The Trouble with Relational Values.Rogelio Luque-Lora - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (4):411-431.
    This paper questions the conceptual and pragmatic worth of the category of relational values. Combining philosophical reasoning with ethnographic field-work in Wallmapu/Chile, I analyse a variety of ways in which people think about, value and behave toward the land. I thereby demonstrate that relational-ity is inherent to held, instrumental and intrinsic values. This means that there is no meaningful way in which to distinguish relational values from more familiar types of values. Yet, to be able to argue that a distinct (...)
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  15. Conflictos prácticos genuinos y racionalidad práctica. Una solución modal.Pau Luque & Alessandro Torza - 2018 - In Daniel Gonzalez Lagier & Sebastián Figueroa Rubio, Libertad, razón y normatividad La vigencia del pensamiento de G. H. von Wright a cien años de su nacimiento. Lima: Palestra.
  16.  63
    Bancos, bibliotecas y cementerios (Banks, Libraries and Graveyards).Lilian Bermejo-Luque & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (2):195-212.
    RESUMEN: El uso de analogías en bioética es muy frecuente. Dado que son instrumentos especialmente eficaces desde un punto de vista retórico, resulta fundamental determinar bajo qué condiciones la formulación de analogías constituye un recurso discursivo legítimo. En este artículo, distinguimos entre usos no-discursivos y usos discursivos de las analogías, y dentro de estos últimos, entre usos explicativos y usos argumentativos. En base a esta clasificación, proponemos distintos conjuntos de criterios para determinar si una analogía particular constituye un recurso discursivo (...)
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    La espiritualización en el arte, Hegel y Adorno.María Isabel Ramírez Luque - 1985 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 2:99-112.
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    Being a Correct Presumption vs. Being Presumably the Case.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (1):1-25.
    I argue for the distinction between presuming that p and maintaining that presumably p. In order to make sense of this distinction, I defend a non-inferentialist conception of presumptions and offer an account of the correctness conditions for both presumptions and presumptive inferences. I characterize presumptions as a type of constative speech-act having certain semantic correctness conditions. In turn, regarding presumptive inferences, my strategy is to provide the correctness conditions for the use of an epistemic modal such as “presumably.” This (...)
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  19. Chromatic intensities with achromatic surrounds.M. J. Luque, P. Capilla, A. Felipe & J. M. Artigas - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 18-18.
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  20. Eficacia/Validez argumentativa.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Rule of Law y casos recalcitrantes.Pau Luque - 2020 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (14):217.
    Según una sofisticada versión del llamado rule of law, las reglas del derecho deben ser generales, en el sentido de que deben regular clases de casos, no situaciones particulares. La posibilidad de prever cuáles van a ser las decisiones jurídicas depende, entre otras cosas, de este carácter general de las normas. Pero junto a la previsibilidad y certeza que aporta, el carácter general de las reglas puede tener un reverso negativo: en algunas ocasiones, cuando se aplican a algunas circunstancias particulares, (...)
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  22. Traducir los versos latinos.Jesús Luque Moreno - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Teresian Visions.Rogelio Luque & José M. Villagrán - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):273-276.
    Immédiates, efficaces et inépuisables comme des sensations, mais indépendantes du dehors et maîtresses de l’espace comme des images, les visions «imaginatives» de Thérèse, pour voisines qu’elles soient de nos visions sensorielles, méritent pourtant une place à part et ne sont ni des hallucinations vulgaires, indiscernables des sensations, ni des hallucinations psychiques. Ce sont les hallucinations thérésiennes. (Pierre Quercy 1930).
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    El nuevo realismo: un análisis de las propuestas de Quentin Meillassoux, Graham Harman, Maurizio Ferraris y Markus Gabriel.Andrés Vega Luque - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    En el presente trabajo se abordará el Nuevo Realismo, movimiento filosófico que cada vez goza de mayor popularidad. En primer lugar, se hará un breve análisis de su origen. A continuación, se atenderá a las propuestas de cuatro de los principales referentes de este movimiento: Quentin Meillassoux, Graham Harman, Maurizio Ferraris y Markus Gabriel. El objetivo de esto es encontrar las semejanzas y diferencias entre todas, para poder establecer una clasificación más acertada dentro del nuevo realismo.
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    Whose knowledge (economy)?Emilio Luque - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (3):187 – 200.
  26. Drift and evolutionary forces: scrutinizing the Newtonian analogy.Víctor J. Luque - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (3):397-410.
    This article analyzes the view of evolutionary theory as a theory of forces. The analogy with Newtonian mechanics has been challenged due to the alleged mismatch between drift and the other evolutionary forces. Since genetic drift has no direction several authors tried to protect its status as a force: denying its lack of directionality, extending the notion of force and looking for a force in physics which also lacks of direction. I analyse these approaches, and although this strategy finally succeeds, (...)
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  27. A Unitary Schema for Arguments by Analogy.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (1):1-24.
    Following a Toulmian account of argument analysis and evaluation, I offer a general unitary schema for, so called, deductive and inductive types of analogical arguments. This schema is able to explain why certain analogical arguments can be said to be deductive, and yet, also defeasible.
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    Justifying the Precautionary Principle as a political principle.Lilian Bermejo-Luque & Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar - 2023 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 23:7-22.
    Our aim is to defend the Precautionary Principle (PP) against the main theoretical and practical criticisms that it has raised by proposing a novel conception and a specific formulation of the principle. We first address the theoretical concerns against the idea of there being a principle of precaution by arguing for a distinctively political conception of the PP as opposed to a moral one. Our claim is that the rationale of the PP is grounded in the fact that contemporary societies (...)
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    Debilidades dentro de los procesos de mundialización textil y relación con la rse a través de un analisis delphi: ética o estética.Arturo Luque González, Juan Hernández Zubizarreta & Carmen de Pablos Heredero - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:35-72.
    The objective of this research is to identify the main weaknesses of corporate social responsibility in the textile sector and to propose procedures that help to overcome them. We start from the assumption that the asymmetries and necessary relationships generated to manufacture textile garments in the international context are not attributable to a single circumstance. Equally, it is reasonable to assume that the solutions to these asymmetries are affected by the identification and transversality of such circumstances. The present research was (...)
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  30. Máximas de moral médica.Arce Y. Luque & José de[From Old Catalog] - 1931 - Masnou: Tipografía de los Laboratorios del Norte de España.
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    Williams for and Against. Politics as a Constitutively Normative Practice.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    The main goal of this paper is to show that politics constitutes a normative domain of its own. To this, a concept of political value that explains why the politically good provides reasons for actions is indispensable. I shape this concept by adopting the framework of political minimalism and developing one of its central tenets, namely, that politics, as a constitutively normative practice, specifies objective standards for evaluating political phenomena. I characterize the notion of political value in these terms to (...)
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  32. Giving Reasons Does Not Always Amount to Arguing.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):659-668.
    Both because of the vagueness of the word ‘give’ when speaking about giving reasons, and because we lack an adequate definition of ‘reasons’, there is a harmful ambiguity in the expression ‘giving reasons’. Particularly, straightforwardly identifying argumentation with reasons giving would make of virtually any interplay a piece of argumentation. Besides, if we adopt the mainstream definition of reasons as “considerations that count in favour of doing or believing something”, then only good argumentation would count as argumentation. In this paper, (...)
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  33. Toulmin's Model of Argument and the Question of Relativism.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2004 - Informal Logic 24 (2):169-181.
    In The Uses of Argument, Toulmin proposed a distinction between fielddependent and field-invariant standards for argument appraisal that gave rise to a relativistic understanding of his theory. The main goal of this paper is to show that epistemological relativism is not a necessary consequence ofToulmin's model of argument. To this end, I will analyze the role that fields are to play within this model, given a certain conception of one of its key elements: the warrant of an argument.
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    The mirror of physics: on how the Price equation can unify evolutionary biology.Victor J. Luque & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12439-12462.
    Due to its high degree of complexity and its historical nature, evolutionary biology has been traditionally portrayed as a messy science. According to the supporters of such a view, evolutionary biology would be unable to formulate laws and robust theories, instead just delivering coherent narratives and local models. In this article, our aim is to challenge this view by showing how the Price equation can work as the core of a general theoretical framework for evolutionary phenomena. To support this claim, (...)
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  35. La reivindicación de la" Sabiduría Poética" en G. Vico y A. Machado. De los universales fantásticos a los universales del sentimiento. [REVIEW]M. I. Ramírez Luque - 1991 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 1:69-80.
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    Portrait in Don Juan: Individualization of Myth and Redemption from Sin.Frank Otero Luque - 2021 - Studium 26:121-138.
    . There are many types of artistic representations of the legend of Don Juan, i.e. the universal archetype of the seducer who, through deception, conquers a woman and, once she succumbs to his charms, he boasts of his triumph, despises her, and shifts his interest towards another lady. In this work, I compare three of the most famous versions don Juan: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest by Tirso de Molina, Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Lorenzo (...)
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    Deduction without Dogmas:The Case of Moral Analogical Argumentation.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (3):311-336.
    a recent paper, Fábio Perin Shecaira proposes a defence of Waller’s deductivist schema for moral analogical argumentation. This defence has several flaws, the most important of them being that many good analogical arguments would be deemed bad or deficient. Additionally, Shecaira misrepresents my alternative account as something in between deductivism and non-deductivism. This paper is both an attempt at solving this misunderstanding and an analysis and criticism of Waller and Shecaira’s forms of deductivism.
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  38. Giving Reasons, A Contribution to Argumentation Theory.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):273-278.
    En Giving Reasons: A Linguistic-pragmatic-approach to Argumentation Theory (Springer, 2011), propongo un nuevo modelo para la evaluación semántica y pragmática de la argumentación. Este modelo se basa en una caracterización de la argumentación como un acto de habla compuesto de segundo orden. Explico las ventajas de este modelo respecto de otras propuestas dentro de la Teoría de la Argumentación, tales como la Pragma-dialéctica, la Lógica Informal, la Nueva Retórica o el Enfoque Epistémico.
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    The Appraisal of Conductions.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (2):123-145.
    I argue that conductions are a special type of inference indeed, but that this does not mean that we need to develop novel standards of inference goodness or specific argument schemes for properly assessing them. Following LNMA’s theoretical framework, I provide a semantic account of conductions and explain the interesting pragmatic properties of a certain type of conductions in terms of the rhetorical dimension of the speech-act of arguing.
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    Do Automated Vehicles Face Moral Dilemmas? A Plea for a Political Approach.Javier Rodríguez-Alcázar, Lilian Bermejo-Luque & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34:811-832.
    How should automated vehicles (AVs) react in emergency circumstances? Most research projects and scientific literature deal with this question from a moral perspective. In particular, it is customary to treat emergencies involving AVs as instances of moral dilemmas and to use the trolley problem as a framework to address such alleged dilemmas. Some critics have pointed out some shortcomings of this strategy and have urged to focus on mundane traffic situations instead of trolley cases involving AVs. Besides, these authors rightly (...)
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    Aristotle rules, OK?José M. Villagrán & Rogelio Luque - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):265-268.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle Rules, OK?José M. Villagrán (bio) and Rogelio Luque (bio)KeywordsAristotle, causes, philosophy, psychiatry, psychopathologyPérez-Alvarez, Sass, and García-Montes (2008) propose a theoretical approach to the nature of mental disorders (MD) that attempts to explain the type of reality they constitute. In line with this approach, they argue that (1) MDs should be considered not from within psychology and psychiatry, but rather from the realm of philosophy, so as to (...)
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    Vacuna del virus del papiloma humano: valoración bioética de la discriminación por sexo.Araceli Moreno-Navas, Irene Gómez-Luque & Julio Tudela - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (2):e2622.
    La infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) constituye la causa necesaria, aunque no suficiente, de la enfermedad de transmisión sexual más frecuente en el mundo, responsable del 4,5 % de todos los cánceres en ambos sexos. La vacunación frente al VPH, con niveles de eficacia y seguridad similares en ambos sexos, está dirigida básicamente a mujeres, para reducir la incidencia de infección y sus consecuencias, como el cáncer de cérvix. La transmisibilidad del virus en ambos sexos y la (...)
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  43. Giving Reasons, A Contribution to Argumentation Theory.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2011 - Theoria 26 (3):273-277.
    In Giving Reasons: A Linguistic-pragmatic-approach to Argumentation Theory (Springer, 2011), I provide a new model for the semantic and pragmatic appraisal of argumentation. This model is based on a characterization of argumentation as a second order speech-act complex. I explain the advantages of this model respecting other proposals within Argumentation Theory, such as Pragma-dialectics, Informal Logic, the New Rhetoric or the Epistemic Approach.
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  44. Evaluation of parallel metaheuristics.Enrique Alba & Gabriel Luque - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4193--9.
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    Bertrand Russell: herencia y actualidad.Joan Gimeno-Simó, Víctor J. Luque, Saúl Pérez-González & Jesús Alcolea (eds.) - 2021 - Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
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    MIRAS BORONAT, N. S. Filòsofes de la contemporaneïtat. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2023.Gloria Luque Moya - 2023 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 28 (3):170-171.
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    Sobre las relaciones establecidas entre la pura visualidad, la iconografía y la información iconológica de los crucificados del siglo XVI (de Miguel Ángel y Grünewald a Vázquez el Viejo).Andrés Luque Teruel - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (27):157-176.
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  48. Bancos, bibliotecas y cementerios: usos de las analogías y las clasificaciones en el razonamiento sobre biotecnología.Lilian Bermejo Luque & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (2):195-214.
    El uso de analogías en bioética es muy frecuente. Dado que son instrumentos especialmente eficaces desde un punto de vista retórico, resulta fundamental determinar bajo qué condiciones la formulación de analogías constituye un recurso discursivo legítimo. En este artículo, distinguimos entre usos no-discursivos y usos discursivos de las analogías, y dentro de estos últimos, entre usos explicativos y usos argumentativos. En base a esta clasificación, proponemos distintos conjuntos de criterios para determinar si una analogía particular constituye un recurso discursivo legítimo (...)
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  49. Modelo de Toulmin/Garantía/Respaldo/Reserva/Calificador.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  50. Response to Hitchcock.Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2007 - In Christopher W. Tindale Hans V. Hansen, Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground. OSSA.
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