Results for 'Britt Robillard'

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  1.  36
    The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics by Arthur W. Frank. [REVIEW]Britt Robillard - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (2):115-116.
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  2. No Such Thing as Killer Robots.Michael Robillard - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (4):705-717.
    There have been two recent strands of argument arguing for the pro tanto impermissibility of fully autonomous weapon systems. On Sparrow's view, AWS are impermissible because they generate a morally problematic ‘responsibility gap’. According to Purves et al., AWS are impermissible because moral reasoning is not codifiable and because AWS are incapable of acting for the ‘right’ reasons. I contend that these arguments are flawed and that AWS are not morally problematic in principle. Specifically, I contend that these arguments presuppose (...)
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    Risk, War, and the Dangers of Soldier Identity.Michael Robillard - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3-4):205-219.
    ABSTRACTThe profession of arms is distinct from other professions for many reasons. One reason which is not so obvious is that, unlike members of other professions, soldiers may go their entire careers preparing for a day that never arrives. All things considered, we should think this to be a very good thing. For soldiers, however, this can feel somewhat odd, since there is a natural desire to want to feel useful and to see one’s role and purpose find realization. Accordingly, (...)
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    Moving Toward Connectedness – A Qualitative Study of Recovery Processes for People With Borderline Personality Disorder.Britt Kverme, Eli Natvik, Marius Veseth & Christian Moltu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Descriptions of long-term impact from inter-professional ethics communication in groups.Britt-Marie Wälivaara, Karin Zingmark & Catarina Fischer-Grönlund - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):614-625.
    Background On a daily basis, healthcare professionals deal with various ethical issues and it can be difficult to determine how to act best. Clinical ethics support (CES) has been developed to provide support for healthcare professionals dealing with complex ethical issues. A long-term perspective of participating in inter-professional dialogue and reflective-based CES sessions is seemingly sparse in the literature. Research aim The aim was to describe experiences of impact of Inter-professional Ethics Communication in groups (IEC) based on Habermas’ theory of (...)
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    The meaning of being a middle‐aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, 1 month after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic.Britt Bäckström & Karin Sundin - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (3):243-254.
    The meaning of being a middle‐aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, 1 month after discharge from a rehabilitation clinicThe sudden and unexpected impact of stroke may have a stressful affect on close relatives. To illuminate the essential meaning in the lived experience of a middle‐aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, narrative interviews were conducted with 10 close relatives of people who had suffered their first stroke where both parties were aged (...)
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    Unique Ethics Challenges in Defense Industry Auditing.Harry W. Britt - 1996 - In W. Michael Hoffman (ed.), The ethics of accounting and finance: trust, responsibility, and control. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books. pp. 122.
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    Cross‐Generational Effects of Parental Age on Offspring Longevity: Are Telomeres an Important Underlying Mechanism?Britt J. Heidinger & Rebecca C. Young - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):1900227.
    Parental age at offspring conception often influences offspring longevity, but the mechanisms underlying this link are poorly understood. One mechanism that may be important is telomeres, highly conserved, repetitive sections of non‐coding DNA that form protective caps at chromosome ends and are often positively associated with longevity. Here, the potential pathways by which the age of the parents at the time of conception may impact offspring telomeres are described first, including direct effects on parental gamete telomeres and indirect effects on (...)
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    La société savante: communication et cognition sociale.Jean Robillard - 2011 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Comment modéliser les phénomènes de cognition sociale de manière à en préserver les caractères sociaux? Les sciences cognitives sont souvent mises à contribution dans la recherche de modèles qui permettraient d'interpréter ces phénomènes autant sur le plan de leurs mécanismes que sur celui de leurs effets sur la socialité. Or les sciences cognitives ont ceci de particulier qu'elles sont pour une large part fondées sur un paradigme psychologique des fonctions cognitives. Et les sciences sociocognitives ont généralement tendance à emprunter aux (...)
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    Philosophy of nature and philosophy of the intellect.Émile Meyersontranslated By Michel Robillard - 2006 - Philosophical Forum 37 (1):85–110.
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    (4 other versions)Social Investing.Biff Robillard - 1994 - Business Ethics 8 (6):39-39.
  12.  21
    Télévision et culture dans l'Union Européenne.Serge Robillard - 1999 - Hermes 23:73.
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    (1 other version)Taking Plurality Seriously with Michel De Certeau: From History to ‘Reception Sociolinguistics’.Didier de Robillard - 2017 - In Babette Babich (ed.), Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 267-286.
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    (1 other version)Welcome to Bondsylvania.Biff Robillard - 1994 - Business Ethics 8 (4):41-42.
    In the netherworld of the bond market, down is up, bad is good, and every investor needs a tour guide.
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    Bridging Psychiatric and Anthropological Approaches: The Case of “Nerves” in the United States.Britt Dahlberg, Frances K. Barg, Joseph J. Gallo & Marsha N. Wittink - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (3):282-313.
  16.  38
    Seculum Est Speculum: Isaac Watts And Recovering the Use of Nature in Spiritual Formation.Britt Stokes - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (2):224-248.
    The link between nature and the spiritual life has been a mainstay in Christianity going back to the beginning of Scripture. However, our modern context has veered toward a humancentric emphasis in the use of nature for spiritual purposes. This article seeks to recover a framework for connecting nature and the spiritual life by analyzing and applying the writings of the hymn-writer Isaac Watts. Influenced by the English Puritans and the eighteenth-century English naturalists, Watts leverages the empirical and the spiritual (...)
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  17.  26
    ‘In retrospect’: Object Lessons forum.Britt Rusert, Kinohi Nishikawa & Kadji Amin - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):301-308.
    Our contribution takes shape as reflections on Object Lessons (Wiegman, 2012) from the perspective of three scholars of race, gender and sexuality who were also graduate students of Robyn Wiegman in the mid-2000s at Duke University. All three of us took Introduction to Feminist Theory with her and all three of us received graduate certificates in Feminist Studies. Our educational and career trajectories also share this similarity: we received PhDs in the disciplines (English, Comparative Literature and French), but went on (...)
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  18.  45
    Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides.Britt Harrison - 2021 - Debates in Aesthetics 16 (1).
    A Review of a collected volume of papers at the intersection of film and philosophy.
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    Control over the strength of connections between modules: a double dissociation between stimulus format and task revealed by Granger causality mapping in fMRI.Britt Anderson, Sherif Soliman, Shannon O’Malley, James Danckert & Derek Besner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The meaning of middle‐aged female spouses’ lived experience of the relationship with a partner who has suffered a stroke, during the first year postdischarge.Britt Bäckström, Kenneth Asplund & Karin Sundin - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (3):257-268.
    BÄCKSTRÖM B, ASPLUND K and SUNDIN K.Nursing Inquiry2010;17: 257–268 The meaning of middle‐aged female spouses’ lived experience of the relationship with a partner who has suffered a stroke, during the first year postdischargeStroke consequences present a great long‐term challenge to the spouses of the stroke sufferer. A longitudinal study with a phenomenological hermeneutic approach was used to illuminate the meanings of middle‐aged female spouses’ lived experience of their relationship with a partner who has suffered a stroke, during the first year (...)
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    Henry Jackson Watt.Will Britt - 2018 - In Evan Clarke & Andrea Staiti (eds.), The Sources of Husserl’s 'Ideas I'. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 35-38.
    A biographical account of Watt's early 20th century work in experimental psychology, with philosophical evaluation of his significance as marking a middle position between Wundt's third-person experimental work and Husserl's first-person phenomenology. The piece goes on to interpret Husserl's Ideas I response to Watt's critique of self-observation.
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  22.  30
    John Haugeland: Dasein Disclosed : Harvard University Press, 2013, 336 pp, $49.95 , ISBN: 0674072111.William Britt - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (3):465-472.
    Three years after John Haugeland’s passing, we are privileged to take up the manuscript he labored over but was not granted the time to finish. That manuscript, from which this book as a whole gets its title, has been carefully edited for continuity by Joseph Rouse, who also provides us with plenty of context for making sense of it. Rouse’s lengthy Editor’s Introduction outlines the central peculiarities of Haugeland’s reading of Martin Heidegger and argues for the relevance of that reading (...)
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  23.  12
    Postsecular Benjamin: agency and tradition.Brian Britt - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    "Postsecular Benjamin"explicates Benjamin's engagements with religious traditions as resources for contemporary debates on secularism, conflict, and identity.".
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    Dear Bonzo.Britt Elliot, Tod Chambers & Carl Elliot - 2003 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 (4):308-310.
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    Constructions of exclusion: the processes and outcomes of technological imperialism: Marie Hicks. Programmed inequality: how Britain discarded women technologists and lost its edge in computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018, 352pp, US$20.00 PB Safiya U. Noble. Algorithms of oppression: how search engines reinforce racism. New York: New York University Press, 2018, 217pp, US$28.00 PB.Britt S. Paris - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):493-498.
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    (1 other version)Down-to-Earth Investing.Biff Robillard - 1994 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 8 (5):42-42.
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    Justin: l'itinéraire philosophique.Edmond Robillard & Justin - 1989 - Paris: Editions du Cerf. Edited by Justin.
  28.  29
    La fin de l’ordre économique.Jean Robillard - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):202-.
    Le titre du livre éveillera sans doute la curiosité du lecteur intéressé par la critique sociale au sens large du terme, un peu moins peut-être celle du lecteur motivé par une réflexion centrée sur les problématiques épistémologiques propres aux sciences sociales; toutefois, la lecture complète pourra peut-être satisfaire la curiosité du premier; quant à celle du second, cela reste à mesurer. Le livre entend attaquer l’économisme ambiant, dont la surestimation du marché comme étalon de mesure normative des institutions sociales constituerait (...)
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  29. Manifesto for the recognition of the principle of linguistic and cultural diversity in language research.Didier de Robillard - forthcoming - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Manifesto for the recognition of the principle of linguistic and cultural diversity in language research Preamble Over the years, and for several decades now, higher education institutions have been gradually and increasingly urging teacher-researchers to increase their international visibility. It is normal for these teacher-researchers to participate in international debates in their disciplines. This is done during conferences and in the course of article writing, not for advertising purpo...
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    Wittgenstein's City.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (2):310-311.
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  31. Wittgenstein on Reading: A Stylistic, Structural, and Methodological Study of Investigations ##156-178.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1985 - Dissertation, Washington University
    The main objective of this study is to eliminate the obstacles that the stylistic, structural, and methodological aspects of the text place in the way of reading and understanding Ludwig Wittgenstein's later work. The characteristic features of these elements are developed and discussed in the context of a close reading of the short section on reading in the Philosophical Investigations. Wittgenstein's aim in this section is the negative one of completely undermining explanatory accounts of the meaning of reading in terms (...)
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    Outsourcing Duty: The Moral Exploitation of the American Soldier.Michael Robillard & Bradley Strawser - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    Are contemporary soldiers exploited by the state and society that they defend? More specifically, have America's professional service members disproportionately carried the moral weight of America's war-fighting decisions since the inception of an all-volunteer force? In this volume, Michael J. Robillard and Bradley J. Strawser, who have both served in the military, examine the question of whether and how American soldiers have been exploited in this way. Robillard and Strawser offer an original normative theory of 'moral exploitation'--the notion (...)
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    Distinct Effects of Lexical and Semantic Competition during Picture Naming in Younger Adults, Older Adults, and People with Aphasia.Allison E. Britt, Casey Ferrara & Daniel Mirman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Criteria of frustration.S. H. Britt & S. Q. Janus - 1940 - Psychological Review 47 (5):451-470.
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  35. The locus of the myside bias in written argumentation.M. Anne Britt & Christopher R. Wolfe - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (1):1-27.
    The myside bias in written argumentation entails excluding other side information from essays. To determine the locus of the bias, 86 Experiment 1 participants were assigned to argue either for or against their preferred side of a proposal. Participants were given either balanced or unrestricted research instructions. Balanced research instructions significantly increased the use of other side information. Participants' notes, rather than search patterns, predicted the myside bias. Participants who defined good arguments as those that can be “proved by facts” (...)
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    Neural transplants are grey matters.Britt Anderson, Anjan Chatterjee & George Graham - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):46-47.
    The lesion and transplantation data cited by Sinden et al., when considered in tandem, seem to harbor an internal inconsistency, raising questions of false localization of function. The extrapolation of such data to cognitive impairment and potential treatment strategies in Alzheimer's disease is problematic. Patients with focal basal forebrain lesions (e.g., anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture) might be a more appropriate target population.
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    Why Friendship Justifies Becoming in advance.Will Britt - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    Merely an 'online first' version of a paper by the same title.
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    “A Light Switch in the #Brain”: Optogenetics on Social Media.Julie M. Robillard, Cody Lo, Tanya L. Feng & Craig A. Hennessey - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):279-288.
    Neuroscience communication is increasingly taking place on multidirectional social media platforms, creating new opportunities but also calling for critical ethical considerations. Twitter, one of the most popular social media applications in the world, is a leading platform for the dissemination of all information types, including emerging areas of neuroscience such as optogenetics, a technique aimed at the control of specific neurons. Since its discovery in 2005, optogenetics has been featured in the public eye and discussed extensively on social media, but (...)
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    : The Matter of Black Living: The Aesthetic Experiment of Racial Data, 1880–1930.Britt Rusert - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (3):502-503.
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  40. Gendering drives : amae, philotes, and the forgotten mystery of female ancestry.Britt-Marie Schiller - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson (ed.), Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Wittgenstein: A social theory of knowledge.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1):137-139.
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  42. Review of Alexis Gibbs 'Seeing Education on Film: A Conceptual Aesthetics'.Britt Harrison - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Education.
  43.  17
    Wild Phenomena and Disability Jokes.Albert B. Robillard - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (4):61-65.
    Stronach and Allan state that the use of humor by the disabled is an attempt to reintegrate themselves back into a social surround. Seeing this assignment of a reintegration function as a bit too teleological, and given the absence of interactional data, the reviewer is critical of the authors' reliance on literary research and offers an alternative way to study humor in interaction.
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  44. What is interdisciplinary communication? Reflections on the very idea of disciplinary integration.J. Britt Holbrook - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1865-1879.
    In this paper I attempt to answer the question: What is interdisciplinary communication? I attempt to answer this question, rather than what some might consider the ontologically prior question—what is interdisciplinarity (ID)?—for two reasons: (1) there is no generally agreed-upon definition of ID; and (2) one’s views regarding interdisciplinary communication have a normative relationship with one’s other views of ID, including one’s views of its very essence. I support these claims with reference to the growing literature on ID, which has (...)
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    The Genius of Architecture: Or, the Analogy of That Art with Our Sensations.David Britt (ed.) - 1992 - The Getty Center for the History of Art.
    Camus's description of the French hotel argues that architecture should please the senses and the mind.
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    Walter Benjamin and the Bible.Brian M. Britt - 1996 - Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
    This book follows the theme of sacred text from Benjamin's early writings on religion, Judaism, and language to the study of Baroque tragedy, modernism, history and the Paris Arcades. All of these writings reflect a commentary on the idea of the sacred text in Western culture.
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  47. The Epistemology of Know-how.Britt Harrison - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Hertfordshire
    There is an as yet unacknowledged and incomparable contribution to the philosophical debates about know-how to be found in the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein. It is sourced in his investigations into knowledge and certainty in On Certainty, though it is not limited to these late passages. Understanding the ramifications of this putative contribution (even if one does not agree with it) highlights the extent to which (i) there is now a new range of issues pertaining to know-how which no future (...)
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  48.  23
    The Internet of Futures Past: Values Trajectories of Networking Protocol Projects.Britt Paris - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):1021-1047.
    The Internet was conceptualized as a technology that would be capable of bringing about a better future, but recent literature in science and technology studies and adjacent fields provides numerous examples of how this pervasive sociotechnical system has been shaped and used to dystopic ends. This article examines different future imaginaries present in Future Internet Architecture projects funded by the National Science Foundation from 2006 to 2016, whose goal was to incorporate social values while building new protocols to replace Transmission (...)
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    Learning Through Shared Care.Britt Singletary - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):326-362.
    This study investigates how allomaternal care impacts human development outside of energetics by evaluating relations between important qualitative and quantitative aspects of AMC and developmental outcomes in a Western population. This study seeks to determine whether there are measurable differences in cognitive and language outcomes as predicted by differences in exposure to AMC via formal and informal networks. Data were collected from 102 mothers and their typically developing infants aged 13–18 months. AMC predictor data were collected using questionnaires, structured daily (...)
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  50. Lyotard and Greek Thought: Sophistry (review).J. Britt Holbrook - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):676-677.
    J Britt Holbrook - Lyotard and Greek Thought: Sophistry - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 676-677 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by J. Britt Holbrook University of North Texas Keith Crome. Lyotard and Greek Thought: Sophistry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Pp. x + 186. Cloth, $68.00. Caveat lector: this deceptively short work presents an exercise in genre-bending that may leave one's head spinning, particularly if one's acquaintance (...)
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