Results for 'Budde Dagmar'

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  1.  13
    Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an Age of Catastrophes.Dagmar Herzog - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Cold War Freud Dagmar Herzog uncovers the astonishing array of concepts of human selfhood which circulated across the globe in the aftermath of World War II. Against the backdrop of Nazism and the Holocaust, the sexual revolution, feminism, gay rights, and anticolonial and antiwar activism, she charts the heated battles which raged over Freud's legacy. From the postwar US to Europe and Latin America, she reveals how competing theories of desire, anxiety, aggression, guilt, trauma and pleasure emerged and (...)
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  2. .Dagmar Hofmann - unknown
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    Philosophies of Arts: An Essay in Differences.Malcolm Budd - 1997 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):726-729.
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  4. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature: Essays on the Aesthetics of Nature.Malcolm Budd & Emily Brady - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):106-113.
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  5. Wittgenstein on meaning, interpretation and rules.Malcolm Budd - 1984 - Synthese 58 (March):303-324.
  6. Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories.Malcolm Budd - 1985 - Boston: Routledge.
    It has often been claimed, and frequently denied, that music derives some or all of its artistic value from the relation in which it stands to the emotions. This book presents and subjects to critical examination the chief theories about the relationship between the art of music and the emotions.
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    (1 other version)Analysing Love.Malcolm Budd - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (3):407-408.
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  8. Träume von Tatsachen und Tugenden: Stärken und Schwächen des tugendethischen Naturalismus.Dagmar Borchers - 2004 - In Christoph Lütge & Gerhard Vollmer (eds.), Fakten statt Normen?: Zur Rolle einzelwissenschaftlicher Argumente in einer naturalistischen Ethik. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  9. Anthropozentrische Naturethik. Wie uberzeugend sind ihre Argumente?Dagmar Fenner - 2009 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 35 (1):203-232.
    In der Naturethik als einer der neuen akademischen Bereichsethiken stehen sich anthropozentrische und physiozentrische Grundhaltungen gegenüber. Der Beitrag stellt die anthropozentrische Naturethik ins Zentrum und versucht systematisch zu klären, ob und inwiefern eine Begründung naturethischer Normen im Rekurs auf menschliche Bedürfnisse und Interessen überzeugend ist. Nach einer allgemeinen Charakterisierung der anthropozentrischen Naturethik werden die drei wichtigsten anthropozentrischen Argumente vorgestellt und kritisch erörtert : die basic-needs-Argumente , die ästhetischen Argumente und die moralpädagogischen Argumente . Abschließend werden die Gegenargumente der physiozentrischen Naturethik (...)
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    Ist die Suizidverhütung ethisch legitim?Dagmar Fenner - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 11 (1):223-240.
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    „[I]ch bin […] der Antichrist…“?: ‚Christliche‘ Elemente in der Philosophie Nietzsches.Dagmar Kiesel - 2020 - Nietzscheforschung 27 (1):157-180.
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    Von der Seele zum Ich: Fichtes Auseinandersetzung mit der Psychologie in der frühen Wissenschaftslehre.Dagmar Langen - 2011 - Würzburg: Ergon Verlag.
    Was ist zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts von einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes zu erwarten, die sich darum bemuht, die Konstitution von Subjektivitat herauszuarbeiten? Kann es nach dem 'Tod des Subjektes' und der neurobiologischen Erforschung des Bewusstseins ein Interesse an Fichte geben, das mehr als ein historisches ist? Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, anhand Fichtes Kritik an dem psychologischen Konzept der Seele seine Konstitution von Subjektivitat als mogliche Grundlage fur systemisches Denken und Arbeiten zu erweisen. (...)
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  13.  22
    Beauty Restored.Malcolm Budd - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (142):89-92.
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    The generation of abductive explanations from inconsistent theories.Dagmar Provijn - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (2):400-416.
    In this article I will show how the goal-directed proof procedure for the propositional fragment of the 'inconsistency-adaptive' logic CLuN(r)from Batens (2005, J. Appl. Logic, 3, 221-250) called pCLuN(r) allows for generating sensible abductive explanations from finite inconsistent theories. Before this is shown, I give a more general account on how goal-directed proof procedures contribute to the study of abduction as backward reasoning. Between these two parts, I describe the goal-directed proof procedure for the propositional fragment of the 'inconsistency-adaptive' logic (...)
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    ČO ZNAMENÁ PREVZIAŤ ZODPOVEDNOS'Ť? K pojmu imputácie v súčasnej etike.Dagmar Smreková - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9).
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  16. Musical movement and aesthetic metaphors.Malcolm Budd - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (3):209-223.
    Roger Scruton's extraordinarily rich and impressive book The Aesthetics of Music has not received the attention it deserves. In this paper I take issue with one of its most striking claims, namely that the basic perceptions of music are informed by spatial concepts understood metaphorically. To evaluate this claim it is necessary to grasp Scruton's theory of metaphor, which has largely been neglected. I sketch his theory and derive from it the essence of his claim about the fundamental role of (...)
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    Power positions in the farm family, marrying in, and negative peer pressure: the social relations that impact agricultural practice.Dagmar Wicklow & Sally Shortall - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    In this article, we wish to consider relationships internal and external to the farm household, and how these enable and/or mitigate the adoption of better farm practices. We find that internally, members of the farm household (successors or spouses ‘marrying in’), can influence the future direction of agricultural practice in a positive way, that is more profitable and sustainable. It is not a straightforward process though. Interpersonal household relations play a role; status and standing within the family can impact on (...)
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  18. Christianity Incorporated: How Big Business is Buying the Church.Michael Budde & Robert Brimlow - 2002
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  19. Values of art: pictures, poetry, and music.Malcolm Budd - 1995 - New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books.
    Auth: University College London, Distributed by Viking.
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    Context-adjusted clinical ethics support in psychiatry: Accompanying a team through a sensitive period.Dagmar Meyer & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):70-80.
    In a clinic-wide approach to establish liberal policies, a closed psychiatric ward was planned to be opened. The leaders of the multi-professional team of this ward requested continuous ethics support during the first few months after the transition from their previously closed ward into an open one. During the process of accompanying the team through this ethically sensitive period of institutional change, several variations of ethics consultation were developed: the ‘context-adjusted’ clinical ethics support. Some ethics consultations focused on a retrospective (...)
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  21. Czechoslovakia after 1989 through Arendt's Eyes: From Pariahs to Strong Men.Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith - 2020 - In Peter Šajda (ed.), Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 125-157.
    Dissident circles during the Czechoslovak communist regime were organized in semi-private islands of resistance. They saw themselves as a parallel polis in line with Arendt’s notion of political action by pursuing “life in truth,” authentic experience, and ultimately freedom. The heroes of these circles were that society’s pariahs. In their quest for authenticity, they turned to the past to find meaning, to understand the nature of their communities and the needs for political action towards the future. As such, they sought (...)
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  22. In Deixis in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Dagmar Schmauks deals with the phenomenon of'multimediale Referentenidentifikation'. This means that various sign systems are used when performing an utterance. Schmauks (pp. 12f.) points out that one has to differentiate between two types of sign systems: those of natural languages and that of nonverbal. [REVIEW]Dagmar Schmauks - 1993 - Semiotica 96:319.
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  23. The characterization of aesthetic qualities by essential metaphors and quasi-metaphors.Malcolm Budd - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):133-143.
    My paper examines a vital but neglected aspect of Frank Sibley's pioneering account of aesthetic concepts. This is the claim that many aesthetic qualities are such that they can be characterized adequately only by metaphors or ‘quasi-metaphors’. Although there is no indication that Sibley embraced it, I outline a radical, minimalist conception of the experience of perceiving an item as possessing an aesthetic quality, which, I believe, has wide application and which would secure Sibley's position for those aesthetic qualities that (...)
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    Axel Honneth: Reconceiving Social Philosophy.Dagmar Wilhelm - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers a critical assessment of Axel Honneth’s complex and growing opus in social and political philosophy. It examines this in the context of the history and future of the Frankfurt School and in its relation to contemporary analytic approaches to social and political philosophy as well as postmodernist critics.
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  25. Seeing and Believing: The Thin Blue Line of Documentary Objectivity.Dagmar Barnouw - 1995 - Common Knowledge 4 (1):129-43.
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  26. Delight in the natural world: Kant on the aesthetic appreciation of nature. Part 1: Natural beauty.Malcolm Budd - 1998 - British Journal of Aesthetics 38 (1):1-18.
  27.  39
    Machine Meets Man: Evaluating the Psychological Reality of Corpus-based Probabilistic Models.Dagmar Divjak, Ewa Dąbrowska & Antti Arppe - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1):1-33.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-33.
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  28. Speech Regained: Hannah Arendt and the American Revolution.Dagmar Barnouw - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 15 (2):137-152.
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    Between appropriation and rejection: Translating D'Alembert into German, and D'Alembert on translation.Dagmar Comtesse & Moritz Epple - 2017 - Centaurus 59 (4):329-341.
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  30. La lutte des classes dans la réception de D'Alembert en RDA.Dagmar Comtesse - 2023 - In Jean-Pierre Schandeler (ed.), D'Alembert: itinéraires d'un savant du siècle. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Les Lumières 'prement disputées en Allemagne de l’Est (RDA). Le cas édifiant de D’Alembert.Dagmar Comtesse - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (3-4):333-355.
    Résumé La réception des Lumières en République démocratique allemande (RDA) était particulière. D’une part, la tradition marxiste a découvert la pensée matérialiste dans l’histoire des idées allemande et a reproché à juste titre à la « bourgeoisie idéaliste » de l’avoir marginalisée. D’autre part, l’usage dogmatique de l’ouvrage de Lénine concernant l’épistémologie de Ernst Mach, Matérialisme et empiriocriticisme, empêcha d’apprécier convenablement des penseurs importants comme Jean Le Rond D’Alembert. De plus, la structure répressive de la vie académique en RDA a (...)
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  32. Ezines and Freshman Composition.Dagmar Stuehrk Corrigan & Chidsey Dickson - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7.
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    Responding to the challenges of Globalisation.Wilhelm Dagmar - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):37-58.
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    Sabine Buck, Literatur als moralfreier Raum? Zur zeitgenössischen Wertungspraxis deutschsprachiger Literaturkritik / Natalie Bloch, Legitimierte Gewalt. Zum Verhltnis von Sprache und Gewalt in Theatertexten von Elfriede Jelinek und Neil LaBute.Dagmar Fenner - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (1):181-184.
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    Konrad von Megenbergs Buch von den Natürlichen Dingen : Ein Dokument Deutschsprachiger Albertus Magnus-Rezeption Im 14. Jahrhundert.Dagmar Gottschall - 1950 - Brill.
    This study contextualizes Konrad of Megenberg’s “Book of Natural Things” within the natural philosophy practiced by the Faculty of Arts in the 14th century. Albert the Great and texts of ps.-Albert emerge as significant in this interpretation.
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    Die Vertiefung der Seele. Überlegungen zu einer These in Nietzsches Zur Genealogie der Moral.Dagmar Kiesel - 2015 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 122 (1):45-75.
    In On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche asserts, first, that the transvaluation of values of an original master morality by the slave morality is accompanied by an increasing deepening and differentiation of the human soul and, secondly, that this has led to mental instability and poor self-esteem by maximizing the sense of guilt and bad conscience. This paper argues on the basis of an analysis of the Homeric epics as a paradigm of a master morality, the teaching of church father (...)
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    Selbstaufhebung der Person in Also sprach Zarathustra IV: warum die höheren Menschen in Zarathustras Höhle sitzen.Dagmar Kiesel - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  38. Eine qualitative Studie zur Konstruktion von Selbstbehauptungsstrategien im Alltag behinderter Frauen im Kontext grenzüberschreitender Situationen.Dagmar Kubanski - unknown
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    Mediated memory and life in dignity.Dagmar Kusá - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):224-234.
    After the fall of an oppressive regime, public interpretation of the past provides the normative backbone for the new society’s institutional framework. This narrative also molds temporality on a collective level, elevating some events and eras above the floating river of time, while omitting or suppressing others. In all societies, collective memory, and the temporality embedded within it, are mediated within the public domain. This paper argues that the hyper-accelerated time of transition leaves its mediating function vulnerable and prone to (...)
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    The Language of Silence.Dagmar Cg Lorenz - 1998 - Symploke 6 (1):180-183.
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    Entre a Phýsis e Pólis: Temporalidade Grega.Dagmar Manieri - 2010 - Synesis 2 (1):26-47.
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  42. Čtení z antiky. Maxová, Dagmar & [From Old Catalog] - 1969 - Praha,: Svoboda. Edited by Cibula, Václav & [From Old Catalog].
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  43. Fontenelle’s Éloges des académiciens : Creating the Scientific Persona.Dagmar Pichová - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (10):1097-1110.
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  44. Constructivism all the way down – Can O’Neill succeed where Rawls failed?Kerstin Budde - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (2):199-223.
    While universalist theories have come under increasing attack from relativist and post-modern critics, such as Walzer, MacIntyre and Rorty, Kantian constructivism can be seen as a saviour of universalist ethics. Kantian constructivists accept the criticism that past universalist theories were foundational and philosophically comprehensive and thus contestable, but dispute that universalist principles are unattainable. The question then arises if Kantian constructivism can deliver a non-foundational justification of universal principles. Rawls, the first Kantian constructivist, has seemingly retreated from the universalist ambitions (...)
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    Curs, crabs, and cranky cows: Ethological and linguistic aspects of animal-based insults.Dagmar Schmauks - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):93-120.
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    Plüüškarud, tarnagotchi, transgeensed hiired.Dagmar Schmauks - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:325-325.
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  47. On Bad Faith and Self-Deception.Dagmar Smrekova - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9):856-867.
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  48. On Levinas' analysis of the philosophical essence of Hitlerism.Dagmar Smrekova - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (8):659-666.
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  49. Predpoklade nemennosti pojmov a inom Karel mácha faustovské reflexie rozhovor S ladislavom hanusom.Dagmar Smreková, Vojtech Filkorn, JÚUUS ŠVIHRAN, Hp Grice, Pf Strawson & Pavel Cmorej - 1992 - Filozofia 47 (7-12):574.
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  50. What Does Assuming Responsibility Mean? Towards the Concept of Imputation in Contemporary Ethics.Dagmar Smrekova - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9):893-906.
    The conceptual basis of the paper is the difference between two types of responsibi- lity: the agent’s responsibility for his own acts and their effects; a responsibi- lity which is primarily oriented to the Other, about whom one is concerned and for whom one guarantees. The paper deals with this second meaning of responsibility: an imputation of a deed to somebody as its agent. The author explores the origins of the modern concept of imputation, its specific character and effectiveness, as (...)
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