Results for 'Burkhardt Liebsch'

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  1.  19
    Das Soziale im Lichte radikaler Infragestellung. Zwischen uralter Sozialität, liens sociaux und Wiederkehr der ‚sozialen Frage‘.Burkhardt Liebsch - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (4):374-404.
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    Ethology, Natural History, the Life Sciences, and the Problem of Place.Richard W. Burkhardt - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (3):489 - 508.
    Investigators of animal behavior since the eighteenth century have sought to make their work integral to the enterprises of natural history and/or the life sciences. In their efforts to do so, they have frequently based their claims of authority on the advantages offered by the special places where they have conducted their research. The zoo, the laboratory, and the field have been major settings for animal behavior studies. The issue of the relative advantages of these different sites has been a (...)
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    Review of Frederick Burkhardt: The Cleavage in Our Culture: Studies in Scientific Humanism in Honor of Max Otto[REVIEW]Frederick Burkhardt - 1953 - Ethics 64 (1):65-67.
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  4. Handbook of metaphysics and ontology.Hans Burkhardt & Barry Smith (eds.) - 1991 - Munich: Philosophia Verlag.
    The Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology reflects the conviction that the history of metaphysics and current work in metaphysics and ontology can each throw valuable light on the other. Thus it is designed to serve both äs a means of making more widely accessible the results of recent scholarship in the history of philosophy, and also äs a unique work of reference in reladon to the metaphysical themes at the centre of much current debate in analyüc philosophy. The work contains (...)
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    Biotechnology, ethics, and the structure of agriculture.Jeffrey Burkhardt - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (3):53-60.
    The “new” agricultural biotechnologies are presently high-priority items on the national research agenda. The promise of increased efficiency and productivity resulting from products and processes derived from biotech is thought to justify the commitment to R&D. Nevertheless, critics challenge the environmental safety as well as political-economic consequences of particular products of biotech, notably, ice-nucleating bacteria and the bovine growth hormone. In this paper the critics' arguments are analyzed in explicitly ethical terms, and assessed as to their relative merits. In some (...)
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  6. The Spirit of System: Lamarck and Evolutionary Biology.Richard W. Burkhardt - 1979 - Journal of the History of Biology 12 (1):203-204.
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    Überlegungen zu einer dispositionalen Deutung des Andershandelnkönnens.Björn Burkhardt - 1981 - Analyse & Kritik 3 (2):155-170.
    The assertion “he could have done otherwise” represents a notorious problem in the science of penal law and in moral philosophy. Some philosophers have assumed that this statement is to be analysed as “he would have done otherwise if he had so chosen” (analysis view), thus believing to have found an interpretation which is compatible with determinism. It has been argued, however, that these two statements are not equivalent. The following article attempts to show that this objection is not far-reaching (...)
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    Generativität, Generationen und generative, intergenerationelle Solidarität.Liebsch Burkhard - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (2):123-160.
    This essay starts from recent, polemical debates about relations between different generations and proceeds to a notion of human generativity that requires generative and intergenerational solidarity in a human world. In this perspective the author poses the question if a historical life for one another can emerge out of a mere sequence of lives which engenders ‘others’.
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    The Leibnizian Characteristica Universalis as link between grammar and logic.Burkhardt Hans - 1987 - In D. D. Buzzetti & M. Ferriani (eds.), Speculative Grammar, Universal Grammar, and Philosophical Analysis of Language. John Benjamins. pp. 43--63.
  10.  7
    Ansatzpunkte praktisch-negativistischer Anthropologie.Burkhard Liebsch - 2019 - In Gerald Hartung & Matthias Herrgen (eds.), Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Jahrbuch 6/2018: Das Eigene & Das Fremde. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 129-155.
    Dieser Aufsatz knüpft an die aktuelle Debatte um den sogenannten Posthumanismus an und relativiert die gegen letzteren gerichtete Frage, ob es sich nach wie vor um eine Spielart von ‚Humanismus‘ handelt, entschieden sozialphilosophisch. Zur Diskussion gestellt wird, ob in dieser Debatte nicht weniger die traditionelle anthropologische Leitfrage, was der Mensch sei, auf dem Spiel steht, sondern vielmehr die Frage, wer wir im Verhältnis zueinander sind. Diese Frage legt eine negativistische Methodologie nahe, insofern sie sich stellt, wo entsprechende Antworten fehlen, aber (...)
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  11.  13
    Dasein, Bleibe und (kollektive) Identität. Zur Kritik identitärer Revisionen des Politischen – mit Blick auf Hannah Arendts Denktagebuch.Burkhard Liebsch - 2021 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (2):159-182.
    This essay deals with identitarian conceptions of the political and their relation to the alterity of others, which cannot be subsumed under a collective identity. To this refers the promise of political forms of life to offer everybody a secure dwelling.
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    Das menschliche Selbst in Geschichte und Gegenwart.Burkhard Liebsch - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2008 (1):111-133.
    This essay reconstructs Foucault's lectures on the »Hermeneutics of the Self« as a critique of the Cartesian model of self-knowledge and as an attempt to rehabilitate, with reference to Kant, a form of life centered on the own self. Critical evaluation of this »anachronistic« version of the hermeneutics of the self focuses on the issue of how this philosophical approach to the self can or should confront the question what and who we are.
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    (1 other version)Einleitung.Burkhard Liebsch - 2001 - In Zerbrechliche Lebensformen: Widerstreit - Differenz - Gewalt. De Gruyter. pp. 13-32.
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    Kapitel 3. Zur Ontologie des Mitseins: Heidegger.Burkhard Liebsch - 2001 - In Zerbrechliche Lebensformen: Widerstreit - Differenz - Gewalt. De Gruyter. pp. 85-108.
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    Perspektivität, Pluralität, geteilte Welt.Burkhard Liebsch - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 61 (1):11-38.
    This essay discusses Jacques Rancière’s political philosophy with respect to its ‘aesthetic’ basis that rests on a theory of the division of the sensible (partage du sensible). The author raises the question whether Rancières conception of this partage goes beyond traditional theories of perspectivity and political plurality. The evaluation of this approach of Rancière’s political theory focuses on critical potentials of a political sensitisation for the fact that (and how) we live in a shared and at the same time divided (...)
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    24. Rhetorik, Dissens und Widerstand.Burkhard Liebsch - 2017 - In Gerald Posselt & Andreas Hetzel (eds.), Handbuch Rhetorik Und Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 563-584.
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    Sachregister.Burkhard Liebsch - 2001 - In Zerbrechliche Lebensformen: Widerstreit - Differenz - Gewalt. De Gruyter. pp. 393-396.
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    Spuren einer anderen Natur: Piaget, Merleau-Ponty und die ontogenetischen Prozesse.Burkhard Liebsch - 1992 - Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich.
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    Visualisierung und Erkenntnis. Bildverstehen und Bildverwenden in Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften.Dimitri Liebsch & Nicola Mößner (eds.) - 2012 - Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
    In der Wissenschaft spielen Visualisierungen eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Sie sind zum einen Gegenstand der Forschung und zum anderen unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel bei der Präsentation und Distribution von Forschungsergebnissen. Beides stellt neue Anforderungen an den Wissenschaftler und seine praktische wie auch theoretische Arbeit und lässt nach einer kritischen Reflexion dieses Bildhandelns fragen. Was zeigen uns MRT-Bilder in der Medizin wirklich? Wie hat die Weiterentwicklung der Mikroskopie-Technologie unsere Vorstellung von der menschlichen Zelle verändert? Welche Rolle können Bilder bei der Vermittlung von Wissen (...)
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  20.  14
    Materialien zur ästhetischen Theorie Theodor W. Adornos Konstruktion der Moderne.Burkhardt Lindner & Werner Martin Lüdke (eds.) - 1980 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Radikalität und Zukunft des Krieges: Bernhard H. F. Taurecks Theorie des Krieges in interdisziplinärer Diskussion.Burkhard Liebsch (ed.) - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The monograph Drei Wurzeln des Krieges. Und warum nur eine nicht ins Verderben führt by Bernhard Taureck was published in 2019. It is one of the few current philosophical contributions on the theory of war that is not limited to the question of the moral justification of war (such as Michael Walzer’s work). Instead, the book contains not only various references to the war discourses of antiquity and their multiple references to actuality, but also a detailed examination of the question (...)
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  22. God, Some Conversations a Translation, with a Critical Introd. And Notes by Frederick H. Burkhardt.Johann Gottfried Herder & Frederick Burkhardt - 1949 - Hafner.
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    Logik und Semiotik in der Philosophie von Leibniz.Hans Burkhardt - 1980 - München: Philosophia Verlag.
  24.  28
    Business ethics: Ideology or utopia?Jeffrey Burkhardt - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2‐3):118-129.
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    (1 other version)Crisis, argument, and agriculture.Jeffrey Burkhardt - 1988 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1 (2):123-138.
    Scholarly critics such as Wendell Berry, as well as the popular media, frequently refer to problems associated with agriculture as the agricultural crisis or the farm crisis. Despite the identification of a problem or problems as symptomatic of this crisis, scant attention is paid to why the situation is a social crisis as opposed to a problem, tragedy, trend, or simple change in the structure of agriculture. This paper analyzes the use of social crisis as applied to the state of (...)
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  26. Dimensionen menschlicher Wirklichkeit.Hans Burkhardt - 1965 - Schweinfurt,: Verlag Neues Forum.
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    Response.R. Burkhardt & G. Kienle - 1983 - Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (2):89-89.
  28. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 9: 1861.Frederick Burkhardt, Duncan M. Porter, Joy Harvey, Marsha Richmond & Peter J. Bowler - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173.
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  29. Manuscripts, Essays, and Notes of William James.F. Burkhardt and F. Bowers - 1988
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    Geschichtskritik Nach >1945< Aktualität und Stimmenvielfalt.Burkhard Liebsch (ed.) - 2023 - Hamburg: Meiner Verlag. Translated by Ella-Mae Paul & Eckardt Lindner.
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    Kritische Kulturphilosophie als restaurierte Geschichtsphilosophie?Burkhard Liebsch - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (2):183-217.
    Nachdem die „den Kanon der modernen Apokalypse“ darstellenden „Klassiker des Endes“ ihre Konjunktur gehabt haben, erscheint „die mediale Parade der aktuellen Diskurse über das Ende der Geschichte und der letzten Menschen als ein langweiliger Anachronismus“, heißt es bei Derrida. Nichts erscheint in der Tat so überholt wie die Rede vom endgültigen Ende, sei es der Geschichte, des Menschen oder auch einer Philosophie, die ihren eigenen Sinn mit beiden Begriffen auf Gedeih und Verderb verknüpft hat. Dennoch kommt man immer wieder auf (...)
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    Meister, Väter und Surrogate.Burkhard Liebsch - 2021 - In Dominik Finkelde & Rebekka Klein (eds.), In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy. De Gruyter. pp. 111-142.
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    Sichtbarkeit – Aufmerksamkeit – Scham.Burkhard Liebsch - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2023 (2):120-143.
    This article compares Sartre’s and Blumenberg’s theoretical approaches to the phenomena of shame and human attention, especially with reference to Sartre’s ontological and Blumenberg’s anthropological notion of visibility. In Sartre’s ontological view, our visibility as such gives rise to shame whereas Blumenberg maintains that this phenomenon can be adequately dealt with only with respect to specific (and contingent) anthropological conditions. Consequently, Blumenberg’s post-phenomenological philosophy of human visibility does not proceed any longer ‘back to the things themselves’. Instead, it draws on (...)
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    (1 other version)The human person: vulnerability and responsiveness. Reflections on human dignity, religio and the other's voice.Burkhard Liebsch - 2010 - Naharaim 4 (1):47-66.
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    Von der fehlenden Begründung zur prekären Bezeugung der Menschenrechte.Burkhard Liebsch - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (1):97-115.
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  36. Patterns of Behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the Founding of Ethology.Richard W. Burkhardt & Hans Kruuk - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (3):565-575.
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    ""Current Historicizations of Testimony For a" Critique of Knowledge and practice" on the" Law of Literature" beyond Knowledge and Law.Burkhard Liebsch - 2012 - Philosophische Rundschau 59 (3):217-235.
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    Commentary: New Directions in the History of Ethology.Richard W. Burkhardt - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (1-2):189-199.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 189-199, June 2022.
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    A Calendar of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821-1882.Frederick Burkhardt, Sydney Smith, David Kohn & William Montgomery - 1985 - Journal of the History of Biology 18 (2):289-289.
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  40. Part/whole I: history.Hans Burkhardt & Carlos A. Dufour - 1991 - In Hans Burkhardt & Barry Smith (eds.), Handbook of metaphysics and ontology. Munich: Philosophia Verlag. pp. 2--663.
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    Geschichte als Antwort und Versprechen.Burkhard Liebsch - 1999
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    Between poetry and economy Metonymy as a semantic principle.Armin Burkhardt - 2010 - In Armin Burkhardt & Brigitte Nerlich (eds.), Tropical Truth(S): The Epistemology of Metaphor and Other Tropes. De Gruyter. pp. 243-270.
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    (1 other version)Ethics & issues in contemporary nursing.Margaret A. Burkhardt - 1998 - Albany, N.Y.: Delmar. Edited by Alvita K. Nathaniel.
    As part of Delmar's Core Introductory Nursing Textbook Series, this text examines the issues that are at the very heart of today's health care delivery system. By examining theories, models, and principles that served as guides for ethically sound behavior, the text flows from the personal level, to the professional, and finally to the global domain. Discussion of pricipled behavior on the personal level includes values clarification, moral development, and a discussion of how this behavior affects a nurse's everyday life. (...)
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    Evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons - Bridging the gap.Pawel Burkhardt & Simon G. Sprecher - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700024.
    The evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons is an enigmatic subject that inspires much debate. Non-bilaterian metazoans, both with and without neurons and their closest relatives already contain many components of the molecular toolkits for synapse functions. The origin of these components and their assembly into ancient synaptic signaling machineries are particularly important in light of recent findings on the phylogeny of non-bilaterian metazoans. The evolution of synapses and neurons are often discussed only from a metazoan perspective leaving a considerable (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik" im Spannungsfeld der Kritik.Bernd Burkhardt - 1993 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
  46.  21
    The Harmful and Residual Effects on Civilians by Bombing Dual-purpose Facilities.Todd Burkhardt - 2016 - Journal of Military Ethics 15 (2):81-99.
    ABSTRACTThis article addresses what we owe to the civilians of a state with which we are militarily engaged. The old notion of noncombatant immunity needs to be rethought within the context of both human rights and into the postwar phase. No doubt, civilians will be killed in war. However, much more can be done during and after the fighting to protect civilians’ basic human rights from the ills of war. I argue for making belligerents accountable ex post by requiring them (...)
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    Ausgesetzte Gemeinschaft – unter radikalem Vorbehalt. Fragen zur aktuellen Kritik jeglicher Vergemeinschaftung mit Blick auf Helmuth Plessner und Jean-Lux Nancy.Burkhard Liebsch - 2011 - In Hans Rainer Sepp, Andreas Hetzel & Burkhard Liebsch (eds.), Profile Negativistischer Sozialphilosophie: Ein Kompendium. Akademie Verlag. pp. 55-75.
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  48. A (nta) gonistische Konflikte und Lebensformen. Spuren eines neuen Ethos?− Zur zwiespältigen Aktualität des Politischen.Burkhard Liebsch - 2009 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 62 (4):375-395.
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    Die politische welt und die ereignishaftigkeit Des demokratischen bestandsaufnahmen politischer theorie.Burkhard Liebsch - 2012 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 65 (2):136-166.
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    Einleitung Vom Sinn der Feindschaft.Burkhard Liebsch, Anne Von Der Heiden & Christian Geulen - 2002 - In Christian Geulen, Anne von der Heiden & Burkhard Liebsch (eds.), Vom Sinn der Feindschaft. Akademie Verlag. pp. 7-16.
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