Results for 'By G. Dahlberg'

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  1.  24
    Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica.Gunnar Dahlberg, H. Sjövall, What Does Normal Mean & By G. Dahlberg - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 43 (1).
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    Getting to Know Patients’ Lived Space.Annelise Norlyk, Bente Martinsen & Karen Dahlberg - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 13 (2):1-12.
    The present paper explores patients’ experience of lived space at the hospital and at home. To expand the understanding of the existential meaning of lived space the study revisited two empirical studies and a study of a meta-synthesis on health and caring. Phenomenological philosophy was chosen as a theoretical framework for an excursive analysis. The paper demonstrates that existential dimensions of lived space at the hospital and at home differ significantly. For the patients, the hospital space means alien territory as (...)
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    "Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics". By Ludwig Wittgenstein.G. D. Duthie - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (29):368-373.
  4. Were You a Zygote?G. E. M. Anscombe - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 18:111-115.
    The usual way for new cells to come into being is by division of old cells. So the zygote, which is a—new—single cell formed from two, the sperm and ovum, is an exception. Textbooks of human genetics usually say that this new cell is beginning of a new human individual. What this indicates is that they suddenly forget about identical twins.
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    Plotinus.G. P. Goold - 1953 - London,: Allen & Unwin. Edited by A. H. Armstrong.
    Plotinus (204/5–270 CE) was the first and greatest of Neoplatonic philosophers. His writings were edited by his disciple Porphyry, who published them sometime between 301 and 305 CE in six sets of nine treatises each (Enneads), with a biography of his master in which he also explains his editorial principles.
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    Comments on "Intentional Behaviorism" by G. R. Foxall.J. Moore - 2007 - Behavior and Philosophy 35:113 - 130.
    Professor Foxall suggests the radical behaviorist language of contingencies is fine as far as it goes, and is quite suitable for matters of prediction and control. However, he argues that radical behaviorist language is extensional, and that it is necessary to formally incorporate the intentional idiom into the language of behavioral science to promote explanations and interpretations of behavior that are comprehensive in scope. Notwithstanding Professor Foxall's arguments, radical behaviorists hold that the circumstances identified by the use of the intentional (...)
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    Learning and synaptic plasticity.G. B. Robinson - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):628-628.
    Controversy surrounds several experiments that have addressed whether selective synaptic strengthening occurs during learning. To date, the evidence suggests that widespread alterations in synaptic strength, through either kindling or electroconvulsive shock, can disrupt this hypothetical process. The lack of evidence for selective modification of learning through LTP stimulation, however, provides difficulties for both the prevailing hypothesis and the hypothesis advanced by Shors & Matzel. Subsequent experiments may indicate a role for LTP in both learning and arousal.
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  8. The Causation of Action.G. E. M. Anscombe - 2005 - In Mary Geach & Luke Gormally (eds.), Human life, action and ethics: essays by GEM Anscombe. Andrews UK. pp. 89-108.
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    Phase behaviour of thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks by thermal and mechanical measurements.A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, S. La Rocca, O. P. Grigoryeva, L. Sergeeva, O. Slisenko, O. Starostenko & G. Tripodo - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):723-730.
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    On Physics' Faustian Bargain with Mathematics.G. Vision - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (9-10):59-71.
    Standard physicalism is repudiated by Susan Schneider on the grounds that the science of physics at physicalism's foundation is individuated by mathematics, revealing that science is abstract rather than concrete. She seeks to remedy the situation for physics, though not for physicalism, with a panprotopsychist variant of panpyschism. Her approach is clever and well-developed, but I believe it suffers from at least two flaws. First, with few exceptions individuation is the wrong tool for the discovery of a thing's nature; second, (...)
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    A Catholic Mind Awake: The Writings of Bernard Kelly by Bernanrd Kelly.Robert G. Kennedy - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (4):792-794.
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    Tacitus, Germania 36. 1.G. M. Lee - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (2):382-383.
    It is usual to read nomina, with which three interpretations are possible. The stronger arrogates to himself the titles of moderation and justice. So in the excellent Rumanian translation of 1871 by Gavrilu J. Munteanu: ‘Cându are sâ decida pumnulu, celu mai tare si atribue titlu de moderatu şi de onestu.’.
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    The triune drama of the resurrection via Levinas' non-phenomenology.G. Morrison - 2003 - Sophia 42 (2):79-97.
    The article aims to develop the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas as a valuable new perspective in understanding the triune drama of the Resurrection. Firstly, the juxtaposition of Levinas’ thought and Christian theology will be argued for, followed by a development of von Balthasar’s Trinitarian theology of the Resurrection. Especially, Levinas’ non-phenomenological notion of “otherness” will be used to offer an understanding of the Risen Christ’s “Otherness” as communicating the non-phenomenality of Holy Saturday to the disciples. As a result, we discover (...)
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    Remarks on Colour, 30th Anniversary Edition.G. E. M. Anscombe, Linda L. McAlister & Margarete Schättle (eds.) - 2007 - University of California Press.
    This book comprises material on colour which was written by Wittgenstein in the last eighteen months of his life. It is one of the few documents which shows him concentratedly at work on a single philosophical issue. The principal theme is the features of different colours, of different kinds of colour and of luminosity—a theme which Wittgenstein treats in such a way as to destroy the traditional idea that colour is a simple and logically uniform kind of thing. This edition (...)
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    The Principle of Linguistic Complementarity.G. A. Brutian - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (2):206-220.
    The epistemology of dialectical materialism emphasizes two characteristic features of the picture of the world existing in our minds. First, it presents itself as reflection, i.e., as an image of an objective reality that exists independent of our consciousness. Secondly, this picture provides a reflection of the real world and the regularities of its development that is only approximately complete. The following comment by Lenin is of fundamental significance in this connection: "Cognition is man's reflection of nature, but it is (...)
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    Constructivism and Operationalism in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.G. Cattaneo, M. L. Dalla Chiara & R. Giuntini - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:21-31.
    The debate about constructivism in physics has led to different kinds of questions that can be conventionally framed in two classes. One concerns the mathematics that is considered for the theoretical development of physics. The other is concerned with the experimental parts of physical theories. It is unnecessary to observe that the intersection between our two classes of problems is far from being empty. In this paper we will mainly deal with topics belonging to the second class. However, let us (...)
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    A Written Republic: Cicero’s Philosophical Politics by Yelena Baraz.James E. G. Zetzel - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (2):277-278.
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    The Early Textual History of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura by David Butterfield (review).James E. G. Zetzel - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (2):369-372.
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    The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Road to Reformation.G. R. Evans - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a sequel to the author's The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Earlier Middle Ages. The period of the reformation saw immense changes of approach to the study of the Bible, which in turn brought huge consequences. This book, seeking to show the direction of endeavour of such study in the last medieval centuries, examines the theory of exegesis, practical interpretation, popular Bible study and preaching, and looks especially at the areas of logic and language in which (...)
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  20. The Polemical Works by Muhammad. b. Sa'Td aLQaysT.P. Van Konigsfeld & G. A. Wiegers - 1994 - Al-Qantara 15:163-99.
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    A directly cautious theory of defeasible consequence for default logic via the notion of general extension.G. Aldo Antonelli - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):71-109.
    This paper introduces a generalization of Reiter’s notion of “extension” for default logic. The main difference from the original version mainly lies in the way conflicts among defaults are handled: in particular, this notion of “general extension” allows defaults not explicitly triggered to pre-empt other defaults. A consequence of the adoption of such a notion of extension is that the collection of all the general extensions of a default theory turns out to have a nontrivial algebraic structure. This fact has (...)
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    A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics, by Lawrence E. Johnson.C. G. Prado - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):223-226.
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    Gauge theory onR×S 3 topology.G. Zet - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (1):111-117.
    A model for gauge theories over a compact Lie group is described using R × S3 as background space. The U(1) and SU(2) gauge theories are considered as particular examples, and a comparison with other results is given. Our results differ from those of Carmeli and MalinFound. Phys. 16, 791 (1986);17, 193 (1987)] by a supplementary term in the curvature tensor due to the noncommutativity of derivatives used on R × S3 space. Some observations about supersymmetry and gravity on R (...)
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    Berkeley. By G. Dawes Hicks, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. (London: Ernest Benn, Ltd. 1932. Pp. xii + 336. Price 12s. 6d.).G. A. Johnston - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (31):359-.
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    Marx and Marxisms.G. H. R. Parkinson (ed.) - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    The papers in this volume, first published in 1982, deal with a number of different aspects of Marx's ideas and the varying constructions put on them by later Marxists. Based on a lecture series, they examine Marxist views of the nature of philosophy, of history and historical explanation, the role and importance of politics, and of literature and the place of ethics. Among the Marxists considered are Lukacs, Sartre, Habermas, Althusser and Macherey. A continuous concern through the volume is the (...)
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    Axiomatic Foundations of Galilean Quantum Field Theories.G. Puccini & H. Vucetich - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (2):263-295.
    A realistic axiomatic formulation of Galilean Quantum Field Theories is presented, from which the most important theorems of the theory can be deduced. In comparison with others formulations, the formal aspect has been improved by the use of certain mathematical theories, such as group theory and the theory of rigged Hilbert spaces. Our approach regards the fields as real things with symmetry properties. The general structure is analyzed and contrasted with relativistic theories.
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    Tell el-Hesi: The Site and the Expedition.Harold A. Liebowitz, Bruce T. Dahlberg & Kevin G. O'Connell - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):98.
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  28. The Theory of Epistemic Rationality, by Richard Foley.James G. Edwards - 2001 - Disputatio.
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    Wittgenstein: Whose Philosopher?G. E. M. Anscombe - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 28:1-10.
    One of the ways of dividing all philosophers into two kinds is by saying of each whether he is an ordinary man's philosopher or a philosophers' philosopher. Thus Plato is a philosophers' philosopher and Aristotle an ordinary man's philosopher. This does not depend on being easy to understand: a lot of Aristotle's Metaphysics is immensely difficult. Nor does being a philosophers' philosopher imply that an ordinary man cannot enjoy the writings, or many of them. Plato invented and exhausted a form: (...)
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  30. Little Gods: Claiming Worlds in Postmodern Literature, Film, and Online Gaming.G. Christopher Williams - 2002 - Dissertation, Northern Illinois University
    This dissertation is an effort to describe the effects of Postmodern thought in a variety of narrative forms, including novels, film, and computer games. Using Brian McHale's description of the focal point of Modernist narratives as being epistemological and Postmodernist narratives as being concerned primarily with ontological issues, I trace the possible meaning of the changing understanding of these concepts in the twentieth century. In addition, I interrogate the ramifications of the Postmodern resolution to the crisis of epistemology presented through (...)
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    (1 other version)Rethinking the past to manage the future: Participating in complex contexts informed by biblical perspectives.Ignatius G. P. Gous - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):13.
    Change is the new normal, but so it has been for ages. Experience to navigate change is something you get just after you needed it, unless you tap into age-old experience. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is bringing about wide-ranging changes. With people having to adjust, the question is whether Christianity, with its roots in preindustrial times, may support people to navigate these changes. This conceptual article focusses on the relationships amongst constructs, exploring logical arguments about how these constructs are (...)
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  32. Review and Refutation of Lectures by Professor J.M. Hirschfelder, of University College, Toronto, on Creation.John G. Marshall & Jacob M. Hirschfelder - 1984
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    Realist Ethics: Just War Traditions and Power Politics, by Valerie Morkevicius.N. G. Melgaard - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-2.
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    Acton's Political Philosophy. By G. E. Fasnacht. (Hollis and Carter. 21s.).John Plamenatz - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (108):85-.
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    Kritischer Kommentar zu Kants Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798) (review).G. Felicitas Munzel - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):149-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 149-151 [Access article in PDF] Reinhard Brandt. Kritischer Kommentar zu Kants Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798). Kant-Forschungen, Band 10. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1999. Pp. 543. Cloth, DM. The appearance of a commentary on Kant's Anthropology is very timely, indeed indispensable, given the advent of a new phase in Kant scholarship, attentive to the writings surrounding the main critical texts as (...)
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  36. A Computational Linguistics Perspective on the Anticipatory Drive.G. Neumann - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 4 (1):26-28.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “How and Why the Brain Lays the Foundations for a Conscious Self” by Martin V. Butz. Excerpt: In this commentary to Martin V. Butz’s target article I am especially concerned with his remarks about language (§33, §§71–79, §91) and modularity (§32, §41, §48, §81, §§94–98). In that context, I would like to bring into discussion my own work on computational models of self-monitoring (cf. Neumann 1998, 2004). In this work I explore the idea (...)
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  37. Aristotelian Society, Proceedings, N. S. by A. E. Heath. Vol. XVII.E. G. Spaulding - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29:384.
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  38. Analytic Statements and Mathematical Truth.G. B. Keene - 1955 - Analysis 16 (4):86 - 90.
    Mathematically, Truths have been said to be analytic. Leibniz tried to prove this in a way criticized by frege. The author states: "it is the purpose of this note to exhibit the full force of frege's criticism." frege also attempted to prove the same thing, But concludes the author, In his attempt, Has not "found universal acceptance among mathematical logicians." he finds the value in frege's analysis to be the fact of his attempt at proof and the need for it. (...)
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    Bright red spots or – the meaning of the meaning.G. J. E. Schmitt - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):370-371.
    There are methodological problems with the new techniques reviewed by Posner & Raichle. Some brain mechanisms are not detected by the temporal and spatial resolution. Questions are also raised by the stimulation paradigms.
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  40. Dynamics of theory change in chemistry: Part 2. benzene and molecular orbitals, 1945-1980.G. S. - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 30 (2):263-302.
    In my previous article on the benzene problem, I described how Pauling's valence bond (resonance) theory, sometimes regarded as a modernized version of Kekule's oscillation hypothesis, came to be accepted by chemists by the end of World War II. But the alternative molecular orbital theory, proposed by Mulliken, had already been developed and was regarded as quantitatively superior by many quantum chemists, though it was not as easy to visualize and did not seem to harmonize as well with traditional chemical (...)
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  41. S. Abramsky, dm Gabbay and Tse maibaum handbook of logic in computer science.G. White - 2002 - History and Philosophy of Logic 23 (2):135-136.
    This is a handbook, written by a number of authors from different research communities. Even though the subject matter of the book is reasonably unified, the divergence between their communities – firstly category theory and type theory, secondly universal algebra, and thirdly classical logic and complexity theory -- makes it difficult to get an overview; these communities are notorious for their poor relations with each other. Thus, even though it would be tempting to envisage a world in which the various (...)
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    Notebooks, 1914-1916.G. E. M. Anscombe & G. H. von Wright (eds.) - 1969 - University of Chicago Press.
    This considerably revised second edition of Wittgenstein's 1914-16 notebooks contains a new appendix with photographs of Wittgenstein's original work, a new preface by Elizabeth Anscombe, and a useful index by E.D. Klemke. Corrections have been made throughout the text, and notes have been added, making this the definitive edition of the notebooks. The writings intersperse Wittgenstein's technical logical notations with his thoughts on the meaning of life, happiness, and death. "When the first edition of this collection of remarks appeared in (...)
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    Traditional coping mechanism and environmental sustainability strategies in nnewi, nigeria.G. O. Anoliefo, O. S. Isikhuemhen & E. C. Okolo - 1998 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (2):101-109.
    Nnewi is situated some 30 kilometres South East of Onitsha in Anambra State in the southeastern part of Nigeria. This highly commercial town has undergone rapid urbanisation and industrialisation within the past two decades, since the end of the 1967–1970 Nigerian civil war. The Igbo community of the study area had traditionally employed bioconversion methods and other indigenous technology to process or recycle bio and non-degradable wastes. Industrialisation has enjoyed priority status in this locality as a requirement for modernisation and (...)
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    A Finslerian extension of general relativity.G. S. Asanov - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (1-2):137-154.
    A Finslerian extension of general relativity is examined with particular emphasis on the Finslerian generalization of the equation of motion in a gravitational field. The construction of a gravitational Lagrangian density by substituting the osculating Riemannian metric tensor in the Einstein density is studied. Attention is drawn to an interesting possibility for developing the theory of test bodies against the Finslerian background.
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    Gravitational field equations based on Finsler geometry.G. S. Asanov - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (5):501-527.
    The analysis of a previous paper (see Ref. 1), in which the possibility of a Finslerian generalization of the equations of motion of gravitational field sources was demonstrated, is extended by developing the Finslerian generalization of the gravitational field equations on the basis of the complete contractionK = K lj lj of the Finslerian curvature tensorK l j hk (x, y). The relevant Lagrangian is constructed by the replacement of the directional variabley i inK by a vector fieldy i (x), (...)
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    The Idea of the Sciences in the French Enlightenment: A Reinterpretation.G. Matthew Adkins - 2013 - University of Delaware Press.
    This book challenges common historical misperceptions of both the history of the sciences in early modern France and the history of the French Enlightenment. Tracing the complex historical relationship between them, this reinterpretation critiques the view that the sciences were always politically neutral and that the philosophes were proto-republican. By reexamining the moral, political, and social ideas of those who defended the ascendency of the sciences, this book demonstrates the evolution of political views, in particular with the marquis de Condorcet, (...)
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    Notes on Thucydides, Book I. By R. Geare, B.A., Assistant Master King's College School. 2 s. 6 d.E. G. C. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (08):231-.
  48. K1.1 Is Not Canonical.G. Hughes & M. Cresswell - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (3-4):109-112.
    Following Fine [3], p. 20, we say that a normal propositional modal logic is canonical i all its theorems are valid on the frame of its canonical model . In this paper we prove that K1:1, i.e. S4+ J1 L p) p is not canonical y . We say that two points x and y in a frame are co-accessible i xRy; yRx, but x =6 y. Our proof proceeds by showing that A. The canonical model for K1:1 contains a (...)
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    Roman Law and The Emperor - the Rationale of 'Written Reason' in some "Consilia" of Oldradus da Ponte.G. Montagu - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (1):1.
    The consilia which will be examined here were written in the vicinity of the papal Rota at Avignon by Oldradus da Ponte. Educated at Bologna, he appears to have arrived at the Lateran in the entourage of Peter Colonna just before the Colonna fled from the wrath of Boniface VIII, and after a short spell as assessor for the Capitano del Popolo at Bologna and then as a teacher at Padua, to have migrated to Avignon where he was still active (...)
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    Teachers, Leaders, and Schools: Essays by John Dewey.Jon G. Bradley - 2016 - Education and Culture 32 (1):153-155.
    Collections demand great care. In any attempt to select, sift, and/or package the literary efforts of a major literary figure, whatever is included will be debated and found wanting. For example, what short stories of Ernest Hemingway or sonnets of William Shakespeare or pithy comments of Winston Churchill would make up a selected collection? The choices and possibilities are numerous, and the possible repercussions mind bending. Arguments are sure to ensue, and even like-minded advocates will fiercely debate the inclusion or (...)
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