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  1. Critical realism, psychology, and the crisis of replication: A reply to Haig; Derksen & Morawski; and Trafimow.Robert Archer - 2024 - Theory and Psychology 34 (5):604-610.
    The commentaries provided by Haig; Derksen and Morawski; and Trafimow vary considerably in how they address critical realism and its implications for replication. Haig’s preference for Kaidesoja’s “naturalised” version of critical realism and Lipton’s inference to the best explanation is deeply problematic. While Derksen and Morawski concede that they deal only indirectly with critical realism, their endorsement of “performativity” negates it. In Trafimow’s case, ontology’s regulative role is untenably diminished and ultimately supplanted by classic methodologism. I conclude that replication should (...)
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  2. Panquidditist Monism.Giovanni Merlo - forthcoming - In G. Rabin, Grounding and Consciousness. Oxford University Press.
    According to Russellian monism (RM), the quiddities which underlie the fundamental causal structure of the physical world are also responsible for the existence of phenomenal consciousness. This view has been argued to provide an attractive alternative to physicalism and dualism, but it is plagued by the so-called ‘combination problem’ – namely, the problem of explaining how the quiddities underlying the microphysical structure of a macroscopic conscious agent (e.g., a human being) combine together to constitute his or her phenomenal experiences. In (...)
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  3. Multiple realizability and the spirit of functionalism.Rosa Cao - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-31.
    Multiple realizability says that the same kind of mental states may be manifested by systems with very different physical constitutions. Putnam ( 1967 ) supposed it to be “overwhelmingly probable” that there exist psychological properties with different physical realizations in different creatures. But because function constrains possible physical realizers, this empirical bet is far less favorable than it might initially have seemed, especially when we take on board the richer picture of neural and brain function that neuroscience has been uncovering (...)
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  4. Real Materialism And Other Essays.Galen Strawson - 2008 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Real Materialism is a collection of highly original essays on a set of related topics in philosophy of mind and metaphysics: consciousness and the mind-body problem; our knowledge of the world; the nature of the self or subject; free will and moral responsibility; the nature of thought and intentionality; causation and David Hume.
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  5. Multi-Channel Mathematics.Ilexa Yardley - 2022 - Https://Medium.Com/the-Circular-Theory.
    Zero and one is one and two is two and three. Explaining mind, math, and music. The genesis of 'information.' Tokenization in general. Tokenization as the basis for mind, math, and music (information in general).
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  6. Panprotopsychism Instantiated.Daniel Giberman - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2):238-258.
    The problem of many-over-one asks how it can be thatmanyproperties are ever instantiated byoneobject. A putative solution might, for example, claim that the properties are appropriately bundled, or somehow tied to a bare particular. In this essay, the author argues that, surprisingly, an extant candidate solution to this problem is at the same time an independently developed candidate solution to the mind-body problem. Specifically, what is argued here to be the best version of the relata-specific bundle theory—the thesis that each (...)
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  7. Incarnating the Impassible God: A Scotistic Transcendental Account of the Passions of the Soul.Liran Shia Gordon - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):1081-1098.
    The problem of divine impassibility, i.e., of whether the divine nature in Christ could suffer, stands at the center of a debate regarding the nature of God and his relation to us. Whereas philosophical reasoning regarding the divine nature maintains that the divine is immutable and perfect in every respect, theological needs generated an ever-growing demand for a passionate God truly able to participate in the suffering of his creatures. Correlating with the different approaches of Thomas Aquinas and John Duns (...)
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  8. Eliminative materialism and the distinction between common sense and science.Nada Gligorov - 2007 - Dissertation,
    It is one of the premises of eliminative materialism that commonsense psychology constitutes a theory. There is agreement that mental states can be construed as posited entities for the explanation and prediction of behavior. Disputes arise when it comes to the range of the commonsense theory of mental states. In chapter one, I review major arguments concerning the span and nature of folk psychology. In chapter two, relying on arguments by Quine and Sellars, I argue that the precise scope of (...)
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  9. Emergence, Fusion and Ontological status of mind.Ognjen Ugljenović - 2020 - Dissertation, Univerzitet U Beograd
  10. The explanatory gap problem – how neuroscience might contribute to its solution.Daniel Kostic - 2012 - Berlin, Germany: Humboldt University Library.
    This thesis evaluates several powerful arguments that not only deny that brain states and conscious states are one and the same thing, but also claim that such an identity is unintelligible. I argue that these accounts do not undermine physicalism because they don’t provide any direct or independent justification for their tacit assumptions about a link between modes of presentation and explanation. In my view intelligibility of psychophysical identity should not be based exclusively on the analysis of meaning. The main (...)
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  11. We Are Machines That Claim to Be Conscious.M. S. A. Graziano - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):95-104.
    The attention schema theory explains how a biological, information processing machine can claim to have consciousness, and how, by introspection (by assessing its internal data), it cannot determine that it is a machine whose claims are based on computations. The theory directly addresses Chalmers' meta-problem of consciousness, the problem of why we think we have a difficult-to-explain consciousness in the first place.
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  12. Mind--Brain Relationship and the Perspective of Meaning.R. Mukhopadhyay - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (9-10):184-208.
    We view the mind-body problem in terms of the two interconnected problems of phenomenal consciousness and mental causation, namely, how subjective conscious experience can arise from physical neurological processes and how conscious mental states can causally act upon the physical world. In order to address these problems, I develop here a non-physicalist framework that combines two apparently antithetical views: the materialist view of the mind as a product of the brain and the metaphysical view of consciousness rooted in an underlying (...)
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  13. Fascination: An Exploration of Consciousness as a Metaphysical Basis for Enchantment.P. D. Nugent - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (11-12):118-141.
    Max Weber's famous phrase the 'the disenchantment of the world' has been a catalyst for scholars from a wide array of disciplines to consider what humankind might have lost as modernity's rationality and intellectualism extinguished any widespread belief in magic, spirits, and gods. A review of these works shows that, despite Weber's pessimism, there is ample evidence of continued forms of enchantment in modernity as well as many viable strategies for reenchantment. However, while Weber's statements seemed to be centred on (...)
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  14. The View from Within the Brain: Does Neurofeedback Close the Gap?J. Bielas - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (9-10):133-155.
    Neurophenomenology is intended to be a remedy for the hard problem of consciousness. There are, however, serious doubts as to whether it addresses the hard problem per se or is merely meant as a way for a more practical marriage between the domain of experience and neuroscience. If the latter is true, closing the gap would, at best, result in developing better models of phenomenality and better models of neuronal activity. The technology of neurofeedback, which helps subjects to selfregulate their (...)
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  15. On Physics' Faustian Bargain with Mathematics.G. Vision - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (9-10):59-71.
    Standard physicalism is repudiated by Susan Schneider on the grounds that the science of physics at physicalism's foundation is individuated by mathematics, revealing that science is abstract rather than concrete. She seeks to remedy the situation for physics, though not for physicalism, with a panprotopsychist variant of panpyschism. Her approach is clever and well-developed, but I believe it suffers from at least two flaws. First, with few exceptions individuation is the wrong tool for the discovery of a thing's nature; second, (...)
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  16. Hard to See the Problem?Antti Revonsuo - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (3-4):52-67.
    I argue that the hard problem of consciousness should be viewed from the perspective of the philosophy of science. In this context, the hard problem can be reformulated as a serious anomaly for the currently dominating research programme in the cognitive neurosciences. I cite empirical evidence from dream research to argue that for this research programme, consciousness is a phenomenon located inside the brain, but for whose constitution no plausible underlying constitutive mechanisms can at the moment be pointed out. Evidence (...)
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  17. The Role of the Brain During Conscious Experience: In Search of a New Metaphor.U. W. Weger & F. Edelhauser - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (11-12):111-129.
    Many scholars interpret the close correlation between neuronal and mental phenomena as causal in nature --with physiological events producing psychological states and processes. This interpretation is suggestive but by no means the most parsimonious or logically sound account and there is an increasing number of challenges to this view. The current article discusses these, briefly reviews alternative accounts and elaborates on one such alternative account in particular. Proposed already a century ago, we take it up here because we consider it (...)
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  18. Psychology and Near-Death Experiences: Challenges to and Opportunities for Ongoing Debates about Consciousness.Natasha Tassell-Matamua - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (11-12):150-172.
    The nature of consciousness continues to intrigue psychologists. Although much understanding has been progressed within the past few decades, psychological notions of consciousness continue to be based on a materialist reductionist model, which implies conscious processes are a function of neurological processes occurring in the brain. Yet, increased attention and empirical investigation of neardeath experiences poses challenges to this materialist reductionist position, and suggests consciousness may not be reliant on functioning neurological processes. This article will review the current state of (...)
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  19. Structures as Relations.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 11):S2671-S2690.
    I shall explore in this article the hypothesis that structures are relations between the components of complex entities. After having introduced hylomorphism, its major advantages and the major views of the nature of structures, I shall introduce the distinctions between external and internal relations and the one between symmetrical and non-symmetrical relations. I shall also describe the theory of non-symmetrical relations that I accept, i.e., the O-Roles theory, as most structures seem to be external and non-symmetrical relations. Later on, I (...)
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  20. Updating the descriptive biopsychosocial approach to fit into a formal person-centered dynamic coherence model.Thomas Froehlich & Arbogast Schmitt - 2016 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 4 (3):545-578.
    Based on the Aristotelian dynamis-energeia-differentiation, a concept issuing dynamic coherence providers as the sub-level of individual realizations. This logical sub-level is given for any kind of realizations. Based on this two-level approach, to some degree similar to the two-level approach developed by Polanyi, model of biopsychosocial interaction is established. It is suggested as the theoretical basis for a person-centered approach in healthcare, integrating science and humanitites.
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  21. Comentário sobre “O Conceito de Sentimento no Monismo de Triplo Aspecto” de Alfredo Pereira Jr.”.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2015 - Kinesis 7 (14):44-49.
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  22. Erik C. Banks, The Realistic Empiricism of Mach, James and Russell. [REVIEW]Gregory Landini - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):329-333.
  23. Russell: El Monismo neutral.Wonfilio Trejo - 1971 - Critica 5 (14):93-101.
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  24. The empirical basis of equilibrium: Mach, Vailati, and the lever.Paolo Palmieri - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):42-53.
    About a century ago, Ernst Mach argued that Archimedes’s deduction of the principle of the lever is invalid, since its premises contain the conclusion to be demonstrated. Subsequently, many scholars defended Archimedes, mostly on historical grounds, by raising objections to Mach’s reconstruction of Archimedes’s deduction. In the debate, the Italian philosopher and historian of science Giovanni Vailati stood out. Vailati responded to Mach with an analysis of Archimedes’s deduction which was later quoted and praised by Mach himself. In this paper, (...)
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  25. And to end on a poetic note: Galen’s authorial strategies in the pharmacological books.Laurence M. V. Totelin - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):307-315.
  26. Galen Strawson: 5 questions on mind and consciousness.Galen Strawson - unknown
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  27. Seizing the Hedgehog by the Tail: Taylor on the Self and Agency.Ronald de Sousa - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):421-432.
    For those of us who are sympathetic to the research program of cognitive science, it is especially useful to face the deepest and sharpest critic of that program. Charles Taylor, who defines himself as a ‘hedgehog’ whose ‘single rather tightly related agenda’ fits into a very ancient and rather elusive debate between naturalism and anti-naturalism, may well be that critic. My ambition in this paper is to distill Taylor’s central objection to the cognitive science approach to agency and the self (...)
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  28. Mind and Life: Is the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature False?Martin Zwick - 2016 - Biological Theory 11 (1):25-38.
    partial review of Thomas Nagel’s book, Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False is used to articulate some systems-theoretic ideas about the challenge of understanding subjective experience. The article accepts Nagel’s view that reductionist materialism fails as an approach to this challenge, but argues that seeking an explanation of mind based on emergence is more plausible than seeking one based on pan-psychism, which Nagel favors. However, the article proposes something similar to Nagel’s neutral (...)
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  29. Weak Panpsychism and Environmental Ethics.John Andrews - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (4):381-396.
    Weak panpsychism, the view that mindlike qualities are wide-spread in nature, has recently been argued for by the prominent ecofeminist Val Plumwood and has been used by her to ground an ethic of respect for nature. This ethic advocates a principle of respect for difference, the rejection of moral hierarchy and the inclusion of plants, mountains, rivers and ecosystems within the moral community. I argue that weak panpsychism cannot, convincingly, justify the rejection of moral hierarchy, as it is compatible with (...)
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  30. Matter, Mind and Meaning.Whately Carington - 1949 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Routledge. Edited by H. H. Price.
    This volume is concerned with the philosophical foundations of Psychical Research. Traditional metaphysical theories have led to apparently insoluble problems concerning the nature of mind, of matter and the relation between the two. The author holds that these theories arise from misconception about the way in which words acquire meaning. His aim is to show that once the relation between words and the experienceable entities which they mean is clearly understood, these seemingly insoluble problems disappear, and the metaphysical theories which (...)
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  31. Galen Strawson "The Secret Connexion".James O' Shea - 1993 - Humana Mente:383.
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  32. Phenomenalism, Idealism and Mentalism. A Historical Note.R. K. Gupta - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (1):157.
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  33. (2 other versions)Mind and Motion and Monism.G. Romanes - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:93.
  34. The Earliest Extensive Receptions of Mach in the North.Marja Jalava - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:105-123.
    The 1880s marked a fundamental change in Finnish academic philosophy as well as in Finnish intellectual life as a whole, for German Idealism, which had dominated the scholarly community, had to give way to a critical-empirical approach. The younger generation took the natural sciences as a model for the humanities, insisting on quantitative methods, repeated experiments and statistically proven laws. At the same time, they took part in a more general ideological discussion, raised by Darwinism, about the possibility of explaining (...)
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  35. Galen on Anatomical Procedures. [REVIEW]W. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):165-165.
    A translation of the earlier books of Galen's On Anatomical Procedures, extant in the original Greek text, was published by Charles Singer in 1956. The remainder, surviving in an Arabic translation, is here presented in a handsomely published English translation. A welcome supplement to the meagre Loch Galen.--R. W.
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  36. Galen on Erasistratus.Ronald V. Christie - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (3):440-449.
  37. Falstaff, kittredge, and Galen.Saul Jarcho - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (2):197-200.
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  38. Mental Reality by Galen Strawson.H. -D. Heckmann - 1996 - European Journal of Philosophy 4:97-102.
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  39. Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism1.See Instantiation Principle - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (10-11):3-31.
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  40. Minds, objects, and relations: Toward a dual-aspect ontology (Chapter 19).D. Skrbina - 2009 - In David Skrbina, Mind That Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium. John Benjamins. pp. 361--382.
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  41. The Evident Connexion, by Galen Strawson.J. Biro - 2012 - Mind 121 (482):543-547.
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  42. Pragmatisme et idées-forces. Alfred Fouillée fut-il une source du pragmatisme américain?J. M. C. Chevalier - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (4):633-668.
    ABSTRACT : Alfred Fouillee's doctrine of ideas-forces approximates historically and intellectually William James’s theory of will. But Fouillee's criticism of pragmatism also has connections with Pierce's emphasis on the real and the analysis of concepts, and shows an influence of tychism approaching mysticism. -/- .
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  43. On Mach's Theories. [REVIEW]Karsten Harries - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (3):668-670.
    Since his death in 1942, Robert Musil has come to be recognized as one of the most significant novelists of this century. His masterpiece, the monumental and unfinished Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften, presents in its merciless mirror not only the decaying culture of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before the outbreak of the First World War, but also our own spiritual culture, perilously close to a far more complete destruction. One can only be grateful for this translation of the dissertation which the (...)
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  44. Fundamental Measurements in Economics and in the Theory of Consciousness (Manifestation of quantum-mechanical properties of economic objects in slit measurements).I. G. Tuluzov & S. I. Melnyk - manuscript
    A new constructivist approach to modeling in economics and theory of consciousness is proposed. The state of elementary object is defined as a set of its measurable consumer properties. A proprietor's refusal or consent for the offered transaction is considered as a result of elementary economic measurement. We were also able to obtain the classical interpretation of the quantum-mechanical law of addition of probabilities by introducing a number of new notions. The principle of “local equity” assumes the transaction completed (regardless (...)
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  45. Review of Galen Strawson, Selves: An Essay in Revisionary Metaphysics[REVIEW]Sydney Shoemaker - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (11).
  46. Mind and matter as asymptotically disjoint, inequivalent representations with broken.Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    Many philosophical and scientific discussions of topics of mind-matter research make implicit assumptions, in various guises, about the distinction between mind and matter. Currently predominant positions are based on either reduction or emergence, providing either monistic or dualistic scenarios. A more-involved framework of thinking, which can be traced back to Spinoza and Leibniz, combines the two scenarios, dualistic (with mind and matter separated) and monistic (with mind and matter unseparated), in one single picture. Based on such a picture, the transition (...)
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  47. Real materialism and other essays * by Galen Strawson.H. Langsam - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):779-781.
    A perennial criticism of analytic philosophy is that it fails to engage with our deepest and most basic human concerns, and has thereby rendered itself irrelevant to the larger culture. In my own thinking about philosophy, I am inclined to dismiss this criticism; after all, different philosophers will find different issues to be interesting and important and will philosophize accordingly; surely it is not the philosopher's job to indulge a corrupted culture by anticipating what it will judge to be important. (...)
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  48. Book Review:Mach's Philosophy of Science J. Bradley. [REVIEW]Mario Bunge - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (2):266-.
  49. Book Review:Ernst Mach, Physicist and Philosopher (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) Robert S. Cohen, Raymond J. Seeger. [REVIEW]David Salt - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (3):453-.
  50. Real materialism and other essays – Galen Strawson.Philip Goff - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (240):652-656.
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