Results for 'Byzant Dipt'

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    636 eeviews.Normann Sizil & Byzant Dipt - 1950 - Byzantion 20:289.
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    Byzantion.Marc De Groote, Anne Duhoux-Tihon, Peter Van Deun & Jacques Schamp - 2012 - Byzantion 82.
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    (1 other version)W. FELICETTI-LIEBENFELS, Geschichte d. byzant. Ikonenmalerei.H. -G. Beck - 1959 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 52 (1).
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    Note on the Nova Hellenicorum Oxyrhychiorum Fragmenta.Alexander Fuks - 1951 - Classical Quarterly 1 (3-4):155-.
    Maas's annotation on Fr. C, col. I in his edition of the new fragments says: ‘fortasse conferendi Diod. 13. 66. 6; Xen. Hell. 1. 3. 16–22; Dionys. Byz. Anapl. 13’. The comparison of Fr. C, col. I with the passage in Dionys. Byz. De Bospori Navigatione 13 seems to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the city referred to in the fragment is Byzantion. Consequently the supposition that the papyrus tells the story of the siege of Byzantion—dealt with in the other (...)
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    Crisis of the Tradition.O. K. Shimanskaya - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:105-111.
    Theorists of the Russian conservatism have made a considerable contribution to the development of axiology, the philosophy of history and comparativistics. In their studies of the local civilisations existing at different times and at different places they have focused on the dynamics of their origin, development, collapse or transformation into new civilisational forms. The best known slavophiles such as A. Khomyakov, K. Axakov, I. Kireyevskiy saw the mission of the Russian civilisation in synthesising Europe and Russia which has preserved the (...)
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    Konstantin Leontev (1831-1891). [REVIEW]D. Z. T. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):757-758.
    The author's aim is to show that Leontev's ideas are not disconnected, as many critics have held, but form a system that is both logically consistent and interconnected by the "inner logic" of a powerful emotion. To uncover the emotional sources of Leontev's philosophy, half the book is devoted to Leontev's life, and especially his relation to his mother. Since childhood, he feared and loved her, and associated her with religion, refinement, and absolutism. Leontev's first formulation of his doctrine of (...)
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  7. Русские на афоне и русско-византийские отношения в XI—xii вв.В. В Мошин - 1933 - Byzantion 8:213-238.
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  8. Étude sur l'inscription d'Abercius.A. Abel - 1926 - Byzantion 3:321-411.
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  9. Sull'autore degli scoli mitologici alle orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo.D. Accorinti - 1990 - Byzantion 60:5-24.
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  10. L'age et l'origine de l'empereur Basile I.Nicolas Adontz - 1934 - Byzantion 8.
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  11. La portée historique de l'oraison funèbre de Basile I par son fils Léon VI le Sage.Nicolas Adontz - 1933 - Byzantion 8:501-513.
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  12. Les Taronites a Byzance.N. Adontz - 1936 - Byzantion 11:21-42.
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  13. Nicéphore au col roide.N. Adontz & H. Grégoire - 1933 - Byzantion 8 (1).
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  14. Notes arméno-byzantines: Les Dalassènes,'.Nicolas Adontz - 1935 - Byzantion 10:171-85.
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  15. Tornikh le moine.N. Adontz - 1938 - Byzantion 13:143.
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  16. The Secret History of Procopius and its genesis.Katherine Adshead - 1993 - Byzantion 63:5-28.
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  17. Die dioptra Des Philippos monotropos und ihr kontext. Ein beitrag zur rezeptionsgeschichte.Eirini Afentoulidou-Leitgeb - 2007 - Byzantion 77:9-31.
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  18. Some observations on genres of byzantine historiography.D. E. Afinogenov - 1992 - Byzantion 62:13-33.
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  19. Postilla al Barberinianus Graecus 310.M. L. Agati - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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  20. Il ritrovamento subacqueo di una basilica bizantina prefabbricata.Giuseppe Agnello - 1963 - Byzantion 33:1-9.
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  21. Evagre d'Epiphanie, Histoire ecclésiastique.Festugiere A.-J. - 1975 - Byzantion 45 (2):187-488.
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  22. Die handschriftliche Uberlieferung der armenischen Ubersetzung des Alexanderromans von Pseudo-Kallisthenes,«.N. Akinian - 1938 - Byzantion 13:201-206.
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  23. A methodological exercise: An approach to the issue of the authenticity of the testamentum ad cives (cpg 3751), attributed to epiphanios of salamis.Alexander Alexakis - 2009 - Byzantion 79:9-19.
    The present paper investigates, using the indexing facilities of the TLG, the genuineness of the little fragment titled Testamentum ad cives attributed to Epiphanios of Salamis. With the help of the TLG, words and expressions occurring in the testamentum are compared to the contents of other works written by or attributed to Epiphanios. The conclusion is that this particular text does not seem be a product of the pen of Epiphanius. On the basis of the testimony of John of Damaskos, (...)
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  24. Papyrus and Parchment: Additional problems in the transmission of 8th-century theological texts.Alexander Alexakis - 2013 - Byzantion 83:1-12.
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  25. The thirty-four homilies on Hebrews: The last series delivered by Chrysostom in Constantinople?Pauline Allen & Wendy Mayer - 1995 - Byzantion 65 (2):309-348.
    On affirme couramment que les trente-quatre homélies sur les Hébreux correspondent aux dernières années de Jean Chrysostome à Constantinople. Les AA. reprennent dans un premier temps les arguments des spécialistes depuis Henry Savile. En second lieu, ils s'arrêtent sur la thèse d'Opelt qui préfère Antioche plutôt que Constantinople comme lieu de provenance. Ces trente-quatre homélies constituent une partie importante de l'oeuvre de prédication de Jean Chrysostome et ne semblent pas appartenir à la série des dernières prédications assurées par ce dernier.
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  26. Les reliefs de la Sainte-Sophie de Trébizonde.M. Alpatov - 1927 - Byzantion 4:407-18.
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  27. Michael der Syrer über das erste Auftreten der Bulgaren und Chazaren.Franz Altheim & Ruth Stiehl - 1959 - Byzantion 28 (1959):105-118.
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    Procopio di Gaza modello dell'Ekphrasis di Filagato da Cerami sulla Cappella Palatina di Palermo.Eugenio Amato - 2012 - Byzantion 82:1-16.
    The article fits in the new investigation trend about the classical models and sources of the Philagathos of Cerami’s Homilies, with particular focus on anonymous quotations and imitations of the Procopius of Gaza’s sophistic and rhetorical work. One of the most signifiant examples is the description of the Cappella Palatina in Palermo , for which Philagathos bore certainly in mind and adapted, besides other works, the Procopius’s Descriptio horologii. The conclusion is that Philagathos had at his disposal a whole now (...)
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  29. Un perduto epitafio per lo storico Sozomeno?Eugenio Amato - 2009 - Byzantion 79:20-24.
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  30. Pour un répertoire des manuscrits de polémique antijudaïque.Patrick Andrist - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):270-306.
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  31. The Common (Studite) Origin of the Moscow Menologium and Jerusalem Gregory.J. C. Anderson - 1987 - Byzantion 57 (1):5-11.
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  32. The decoration of the Sevastokratorissa's tent.Jeffrey C. Anderson & M. J. Jeffreys - 1994 - Byzantion 64 (1):8-18.
    Publication de deux poèmes byzantins du 12ème s. attribués à Théodore Prodomos, qui fournissent un certain nombre de renseignements sur les tentes des camps d'hiver des Comnène, et en particulier sur celle de la maison d'Irène la Sevastokratorissa. Cette étude mène l'auteur à un commentaire historico-artistique des éléments décrits: il compare d'abord ceux-ci avec l'art des 11ème et et 12ème s., et particulièrement avec l'art profane, puis il s'interroge sur l'authenticité des descriptions par rapport aux figures de rhétorique employées dans (...)
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  33. The mosaic of the transfiguration in St. Catherine's monastery on Mount Sinai: A discussion of its origins.Andreas Andreopoulos - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (1):9-41.
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  34. Un témoin oublié du Dialogue de Timothée et Aquila et des Anastasiana Anthudaica (Sinaiticus Gr. 399).Patrick Andrist - 2005 - Byzantion 75:9-24.
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  35. A textual source and its contextual implications: On Theodore daphnopates'sermon on the birth of John the Baptist.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2011 - Byzantion 81:9-18.
    The article provides textual evidence for the partial, subtle dependence of Theodore Daphnopates' sermon On the Birth of John the Baptist on Homily 42 on the same subject by Emperor Leo VI . This finding is then brought into correlation with Theodore's homiletic oeuvre and its production environment. Through its exploitation of the given source the sermon in question emerges as being directly related to Emperor Constantine VII and his literary preferences, as is the case with other works of Theodore's (...)
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  36. Continuité et ruptures dans la vie politique byzantine: De l'ostracisme à l'excommunication.Zoé Antonopoulou-Trechll - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (2):325-346.
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  37. Lexicographical addenda from the Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):9-24.
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  38. La tradition de l'Heirmologion de Jean Koukouzeles.S. Antoniou - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (1):9-16.
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  39. Verses in praise of Leo VI.Th Antonopoulou - 1996 - Byzantion 66 (1):281-284.
    Présentation d'un manuscrit du IXe siècle, le Codex Athous, Panteleemon 288, qui contient une collection de 34 homélies ainsi que l'oraison funèbre de l'empereur Léon VI . Au début du manuscrit, on trouve un court poème faisant l'éloge de Léon VI en tant qu'homiliste.
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  40. Perception de l'islam et traductions du coran dans le monde byzantin grec.Astérios Argyriou - 2005 - Byzantion 75:25-69.
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  41. Überlegung zur Datierung und Lokalisierung der Innsbrucker Artukiden-Schale.Oluş Arik & Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2009 - Byzantion 79:37-47.
    The so-called Artukid bowl is the only enameled object which includes both an Arabic and a Persian inscription. According to the Arabic inscription the Artukid ruler Rukn ed Devle Davud was the owner of this object. Although its provenance is still unclear, the technique and material show similarities to several Byzantine examples. For this reason the bowl has been interpreted as a royal gift from Constantinople to the Artukid ruler. It has also been attributed to Georgia or to Mesopotamia. The (...)
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  42. van, and Krijnie Ciggaar. St. Thorlac's in Constantinople, built by a Flemish emperor.Andrea Arkel-De Leeuw van Weenen - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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  43. Yeats and Bishop Xenaias', N e) Q 34 (1987), 56-57.'A New Source for Yeats's Poem" Byzantium.B. Arkins - 1987 - Byzantion 57:172-3.
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  44. Gli epitimia di Teodoro studita. Due fogli ritrovati Del dossier di casole.Daniele Arnesano - 2010 - Byzantion 80:9-37.
    The author pieces together a manuscript of Epitimia of Theodore the Stoudite and other chapters prescribing monastic rules to the hegumen and monks. The manuscript, dating back to the second half of the 12th century, was originally belonging to the famous dossier of the St. Nicola of Casole Abbey . The Salentine manuscript reports a shortened version of Epitimia adapted for the Otranto monastery.
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  45. Remembering pain: Syriac historiography and the separation of the churches.S. Ashbrook Harvey - 1988 - Byzantion 58 (2):295-308.
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  46. Wer erbaute Mermer-Kule?Neslihan Asutay - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (1):270-275.
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  47. Zum datum der umwandlung der pammakaristoskirche in die fethiye camii.Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2007 - Byzantion 77:32-41.
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  48. Philosophers and Oracles: Shifts of authority in late paganism.Polymnia Athanassiadi - 1992 - Byzantion 62:45-62.
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  49. Eusébie, Hélène et Julien.Noël Aujoulat - 1983 - Byzantion 53 (1983):78-103.
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  50. Chronique archéologique.Kunst aus Byzanz & Arte di Bisanzio - 1959 - Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 29:303.
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