Results for 'Zoé Antonopoulou-Trechll'

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  1. Continuité et ruptures dans la vie politique byzantine: De l'ostracisme à l'excommunication.Zoé Antonopoulou-Trechll - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (2):325-346.
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  2. Fils de Dieu, père des hommes: la parenté en palindrome chez l' empereur byzantin.Zoé Antonopoulou-Trechli - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (1):19-28.
    Dans mon exposé je traite de la parenté imaginaire comme elle apparaît chez la persona de l�empereur byzantin. Il s�agit d�une parenté en palindrome, puisque, d�une part, l�empereur, au moment de son couronnement, devient Fils de Dieu par la grâce divine et, d�autre part, au même moment et de la même manière, il devient Père de son peuple. Le système impérial byzantin est donc calqué sur la relation «familiale» des trois personnes de la Trinité divine : le Père, le Fils (...)
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    Algorithmic bias in anthropomorphic artificial intelligence: Critical perspectives through the practice of women media artists and designers.Caterina Antonopoulou - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (2):157-174.
    Current research in artificial intelligence (AI) sheds light on algorithmic bias embedded in AI systems. The underrepresentation of women in the AI design sector of the tech industry, as well as in training datasets, results in technological products that encode gender bias, reinforce stereotypes and reproduce normative notions of gender and femininity. Biased behaviour is notably reflected in anthropomorphic AI systems, such as personal intelligent assistants (PIAs) and chatbots, that are usually feminized through various design parameters, such as names, voices (...)
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  4. The uses and abuses of the personal/subpersonal distinction.Zoe Drayson - 2012 - Philosophical Perspectives 26 (1):1-18.
    In this paper, I claim that the personal/subpersonal distinction is first and foremost a distinction between two kinds of psychological theory or explanation: it is only in this form that we can understand why the distinction was first introduced, and how it continues to earn its keep. I go on to examine the different ontological commitments that might lead us from the primary distinction between personal and subpersonal explanations to a derivative distinction between personal and subpersonal states. I argue that (...)
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  5. Therapeutic Alliance as Active Inference: The Role of Therapeutic Touch and Synchrony.Zoe McParlin, Francesco Cerritelli, Karl J. Friston & Jorge E. Esteves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recognizing and aligning individuals’ unique adaptive beliefs or “priors” through cooperative communication is critical to establishing a therapeutic relationship and alliance. Using active inference, we present an empirical integrative account of the biobehavioral mechanisms that underwrite therapeutic relationships. A significant mode of establishing cooperative alliances—and potential synchrony relationships—is through ostensive cues generated by repetitive coupling during dynamic touch. Established models speak to the unique role of affectionate touch in developing communication, interpersonal interactions, and a wide variety of therapeutic benefits for (...)
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  6. Mathematical Problem Choice and the Contact of Minds.Zoe Ashton - 2018 - In Maria Zack & Dirk Schlimm (eds.), Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics The CSHPM 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario. New York: Birkhäuser. pp. 191-203.
    Testimonial accounts of mathematical problem choice typically rely on intrinsic constraints. They focus on the worth of the problem and feelings of beauty. These are often developed as both descriptive and normative constraints on problem choice. In this paper, I aim to add an extrinsic constraint of no less importance: the assurance of contact of minds with a desired audience. A number of elements for the relationship between mathematician and his audience make up this contact. This constraint stems from the (...)
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    Truth, success, and epistemology.Zoe Drayson - 2023 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4.
    In Thinking and Perceiving, Stokes challenges “the pernicious cognitive effects assumption”: the assumption that it would be epistemically problematic if our thoughts were to directly influence our perceptual experience. In doing so, Stokes takes himself to be supplementing the epistemological claims of philosophers like Siegel and Lyons with descriptive claims about human psychology. I argue that his conclusions are more radical than they first appear, to the extent that Stokes’s project is at odds with the standard epistemological discussions of cognitive (...)
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    Transferring Moral Responsibility for Technological Hazards: The Case of GMOs in Agriculture.Zoë Robaey - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (5):767-786.
    The use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture makes great promises of better seeds, but also raises many controversies about ownership of seeds and about potential hazards. I suggest that owners of these seeds bear the responsibility to do no harm in using these seeds. After defining the nature of this responsibility, this paper asks, if ownership entails moral responsibility, and ownership can be transferred, then how is moral responsibility transferred? Building on the literature on use plans, I suggest five (...)
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  9. A textual source and its contextual implications: On Theodore daphnopates'sermon on the birth of John the Baptist.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2011 - Byzantion 81:9-18.
    The article provides textual evidence for the partial, subtle dependence of Theodore Daphnopates' sermon On the Birth of John the Baptist on Homily 42 on the same subject by Emperor Leo VI . This finding is then brought into correlation with Theodore's homiletic oeuvre and its production environment. Through its exploitation of the given source the sermon in question emerges as being directly related to Emperor Constantine VII and his literary preferences, as is the case with other works of Theodore's (...)
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  10. Beauties and beasts : a personal lens to the backstage of story-creation.Alexandra Antonopoulou - 2024 - In Chara Kokkiou & Angeliki Malakasioti (eds.), Beauty and monstrosity in art and culture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  11. Lexicographical addenda from the Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):9-24.
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    M. Loukaki/C. Jouanno, Discours annuels en l'honneur du patriarche Georges Xiphilin.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):864-867.
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    “What agreement has the temple of God with idols?” Christian homilies, ancient myths, and the “Macedonian Renaissance”.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (2):595-622.
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    Women and bioscience.Zoe Nakos Canellakis - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (2):51-51.
  15. Located subjects: the daily lives of policy workers.Zoe Gill - 2012 - In Angelique Bletsas & Chris Beasley (eds.), Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges. University of Adelaide Press.
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    Working Memory Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview of the Findings.Zoe Kouvatsou, Elvira Masoura & Vasilios Kimiskidis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although working memory and information processing speed impairments in multiple sclerosis have been widely investigated, several questions, regarding the nature of these impairments and their relationship, remain unclear. The aim of this short communication article is to present an overview of our recent research findings regarding the characteristics of WM impairment in MS patients and, more precisely, the degree of impairment observed in each WM’s component, i.e., phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, central executive, and episodic buffer and the relationship between IPS (...)
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    A lifelong preoccupation with the sociality of moral obligation.Zoe Liberman & John W. Du Bois - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Tomasello provides compelling evidence that children understand that people are morally obligated toward members of their social group. We call for expanding the scope of inquiry to encompass the full developmental trajectory of humans’ understanding of the relation between moral obligation, sociality, and stancetaking in interaction. We suggest that humans display a lifelong preoccupation with the sociality of moral obligation.
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    Understanding the development of folk-economic beliefs.Zoe Liberman & Katherine D. Kinzler - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Through Thick and Thin: The Place of Corrective Justice in Unjust Enrichment.Zoë Sinel - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (3):551-564.
    This article explores the justification for the defendant’s restitutionary obligation to the plaintiff consequent on an unjust enrichment. It focuses on the dominant corrective justice explanation, according to which the duty of restitution instantiates this virtue. It identifies two types of corrective justice explanation: a thin and thick version, attributed to John Gardner and Ernest Weinrib, respectively. According to the thin version, corrective justice is confined to the remedial relation between the plaintiff and the defendant; it is solely concerned with (...)
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  20. Cyberquake: Haraway's manifesto.Zoe Sofoulis - 2002 - In Darren Tofts, Annemarie Jonson & Alessio Cavallaro (eds.), Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History. MIT Press. pp. 84--103.
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    The effects of social connectedness and need satisfaction on wellbeing in older adults.Moore Zoe & Moloney Gail - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  22. The Personal/Subpersonal Distinction.Zoe Drayson - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (5):338-346.
    Daniel Dennett's distinction between personal and subpersonal explanations was fundamental in establishing the philosophical foundations of cognitive science. Since it was first introduced in 1969, the personal/subpersonal distinction has been adapted to fit different approaches to the mind. In one example of this, the ‘Pittsburgh school’ of philosophers attempted to map Dennett's distinction onto their own distinction between the ‘space of reasons’ and the ‘space of causes’. A second example can be found in much contemporary philosophy of psychology, where Dennett's (...)
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    Too much medicine: not enough trust?Zoë Fritz & Richard Holton - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):31-35.
    As many studies around the theme of ‘too much medicine’ attest, investigations are being ordered with increasing frequency; similarly the threshold for providing treatment has lowered. Our contention is that trust is a significant factor in influencing this, and that understanding the relationship between trust and investigations and treatments will help clinicians and policymakers ensure ethical decisions are more consistently made. Drawing on the philosophical literature, we investigate the nature of trust in the patient–doctor relationship, arguing that at its core (...)
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  24. Embodied Cognitive Science and its Implications for Psychopathology.Zoe Drayson - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):329-340.
    The past twenty years have seen an increase in the importance of the body in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind. This 'embodied' trend challenges the orthodox view in cognitive science in several ways: it downplays the traditional 'mind-as-computer' approach and emphasizes the role of interactions between the brain, body, and environment. In this article, I review recent work in the area of embodied cognitive science and explore the approaches each takes to the ideas of consciousness, computation and representation. Finally, (...)
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  25. Perceptual learning and reasons‐responsiveness.Zoe Jenkin - 2022 - Noûs 57 (2):481-508.
    Perceptual experiences are not immediately responsive to reasons. You see a stick submerged in a glass of water as bent no matter how much you know about light refraction. Due to this isolation from reasons, perception is traditionally considered outside the scope of epistemic evaluability as justified or unjustified. Is perception really as independent from reasons as visual illusions make it out to be? I argue no, drawing on psychological evidence from perceptual learning. The flexibility of perceptual learning is a (...)
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    What has life taught you?: 10 eternal questions answered by 40 exceptional people.Zoë Sallis - 2005 - London: Watkins Publishing.
    A unique concept: 40 extraordinary people give answers to 10 searching questions about their beliefs. In our current age of uncertainty and turmoil, this is a book to give insight for life's journey and to encourage readers to confront the same questions themselves. "My suggestion or advice is very simple; that is, to have a sincere heart." - The Dalai Lama What Has Life Taught You? features the answers given by 40 outstanding people to 10 profound questions about life, the (...)
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  27. Extended cognition and the metaphysics of mind.Zoe Drayson - 2010 - Cognitive Systems Research 11 (4):367-377.
    This paper explores the relationship between several ideas about the mind and cognition. The hypothesis of extended cognition claims that cognitive processes can and do extend outside the head, that elements of the world around us can actually become parts of our cognitive systems. It has recently been suggested that the hypothesis of extended cognition is entailed by one of the foremost philosophical positions on the nature of the mind: functionalism, the thesis that mental states are defined by their functional (...)
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  28. Integration of Local Features into Global Shapes: Monkey and Human fMRI Studies.Zoe Kourtzi & Mark Augath - unknown
    was to test the role of both early and higher visual areas in the integration of local features into global shapes. To this end, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Although fMRI lacks the high spatial resolution of intracortical recordings, it allows simultaneous collection of responses to the same stimulus set from multiple visual areas that is not possible with standard recording techniques. We performed these studies in monkeys, where much is known about the properties of neurons in different (...)
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    Conflicting demands on a modern healthcare service: Can Rawlsian justice provide a guiding philosophy for the NHS and other socialized health services?Zoë Fritz & Caitríona Cox - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):609-616.
    We explore whether a Rawlsian approach might provide a guiding philosophy for the development of a healthcare system, in particular with regard to resolving tensions between different groups within it. We argue that an approach developed from some of Rawls’ principles – using his ‘veil of ignorance’ and both the ‘difference’ and ‘just savings’ principles which it generates – provides a compelling basis for policy making around certain areas of conflict. We ask what policies might be made if those making (...)
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    Buddha Bowls: Enchanting a Secular Skinny.Zoe Alderton - 2022 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 13 (1):50-75.
    Appearing on the food landscape in the 2010s, “Buddha bowls” are a meal consisting of healthy food elements artfully arranged. This name carries with it a notable spiritual significance, allowing buyers to feel as though they are consuming something more elevated than an average meal. The kind of Buddhism that is consumed here is related to exotic choices and health secrets from the Orient. Discourse around Buddha bowls shows a limited grasp of the religion’s actual history or practices, including frequent (...)
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    Parental involvement in secondary education schools: the views of parents in Greece.Katerina Antonopoulou, Konstantina Koutrouba & Thomas Babalis - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (3):333-344.
    The present study explores Greek parents? views on parental educational involvement and its impact on adolescent scholastic and social development. Specifically, aspects of parental involvement such as the achieved objectives of current parent?school communication, the psychological climate dominating teacher?parent interactions and parents? suggestions for improvement of current policies and practices are examined. Four hundred and seventy?five parents participated in the study. Findings showed that family?school communication is believed to be insufficient in Greece, despite the fact that parents tend to: (1) (...)
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    The Date of Theognostos' Orthography: A Reappraisal.Theodora Antonopoulou - 2010 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103 (1):1-12.
    Theognostos is a well-known author of a surviving orthographical work and a lost history of the revolt of Euphemios in Sicily. Although the dating of the Orthography was the subject of controversy in the distant past, the issue has long been considered as settled: the work is generally thought to have been dedicated to Emperor Leo V , not Leo VI , as the opposite opinion held. The present article reexamines the problem on the basis of a re-evaluation of all (...)
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  33. Verses in praise of Leo VI.Th Antonopoulou - 1996 - Byzantion 66 (1):281-284.
    Présentation d'un manuscrit du IXe siècle, le Codex Athous, Panteleemon 288, qui contient une collection de 34 homélies ainsi que l'oraison funèbre de l'empereur Léon VI . Au début du manuscrit, on trouve un court poème faisant l'éloge de Léon VI en tant qu'homiliste.
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    Reforming Utilitarianism: Lyric Poetry in J. S. Mill’s “Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties” and Autobiography.Zoe Beenstock - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (4):599-620.
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    The relationship between verb meaning and argument realization: What we learn from the processing of agent-implying intransitive verbs in Japanese.Zoe Pei-sui Luk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:928649.
    This study investigated whether some Japanese intransitive verbs, called agent-implying intransitive verbs, are processed differently from other ordinary intransitive verbs. These verbs are special in that they denote agentive events, but they are intransitive verbs, which only allow the patient/theme to be the only nominatively marked argument. The priming experiment was designed based on the situation model theory, assuming that verbs with an agentive semantic structure (e.g., ordinary transitive verbs) has a shorter causal inferential distance than those with a non-agentive (...)
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    Good Sleep Quality Improves the Relationship Between Pain and Depression Among Individuals With Chronic Pain.Zoe Zambelli, Elizabeth J. Halstead, Antonio R. Fidalgo & Dagmara Dimitriou - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Individuals with chronic pain often experience co-existing sleep problems and depression-related states. Chronic pain, sleep problems, and depression interrelate, and have been shown to exacerbate one another, which negatively impacts quality of life. This study explored the relationships between pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality, and depression among individuals with chronic pain. Secondly, we tested whether sleep quality may moderate the relationship between pain and depression. A cross-sectional survey was completed by 1,059 adults with non-malignant chronic pain conditions and collected (...)
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    Preverbal Infants Infer Third‐Party Social Relationships Based on Language.Zoe Liberman, Amanda L. Woodward & Katherine D. Kinzler - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S3):622-634.
    Language provides rich social information about its speakers. For instance, adults and children make inferences about a speaker's social identity, geographic origins, and group membership based on her language and accent. Although infants prefer speakers of familiar languages, little is known about the developmental origins of humans’ sensitivity to language as marker of social identity. We investigated whether 9-month-olds use the language a person speaks as an indicator of that person's likely social relationships. Infants were familiarized with videos of two (...)
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    Origins of homophily: Infants expect people with shared preferences to affiliate.Zoe Liberman, Katherine D. Kinzler & Amanda L. Woodward - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104695.
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  39. We Can Have Our Buck and Pass It, Too.Zöe Johnson King - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14.
    Chapter 8 argues against the view that the moral rightness of an act is not a reason to perform it, and our reasons are instead the features that make the act right. Philosophers typically defend this view by noting that it seems redundant to take rightness to be an additional reason, once it has been acknowledged that the right-making features are already reasons. The author shows that this argument dramatically overgeneralizes, ruling out all cases in which two or more reasons (...)
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    La complexité d’Héraclès, entre Hérodote et les cultes de Thasos.Zoé Pitz - 2016 - Kernos 29:101-118.
    Le célèbre passage des Histoires où Hérodote distingue deux types de sacrifices en l’honneur de deux Héraclès — le dieu et le héros — (II, 44) a fait l’objet d’un grand nombre de commentaires. Considéré tantôt comme la preuve de la dualité rituelle d’Héraclès, tantôt comme une spéculation d’Hérodote, il n’a cessé de susciter la curiosité des chercheurs. Cette étude a pour objectif d’envisager, à la lumière des recherches les plus récentes, le rapport éventuel entre ce passage et le culte (...)
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  41. Intuition Talk is Not Methodologically Cheap: Empirically Testing the “Received Wisdom” About Armchair Philosophy.Zoe Ashton & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (3):595-612.
    The “received wisdom” in contemporary analytic philosophy is that intuition talk is a fairly recent phenomenon, dating back to the 1960s. In this paper, we set out to test two interpretations of this “received wisdom.” The first is that intuition talk is just talk, without any methodological significance. The second is that intuition talk is methodologically significant; it shows that analytic philosophers appeal to intuition. We present empirical and contextual evidence, systematically mined from the JSTOR corpus and HathiTrust’s Digital Library, (...)
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    A logic for diffusion in social networks.Zoé Christoff & Jens Ulrik Hansen - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (1):48-77.
    This paper introduces a general logical framework for reasoning about diffusion processes within social networks. The new “Logic for Diffusion in Social Networks” is a dynamic extension of standard hybrid logic, allowing to model complex phenomena involving several properties of agents. We provide a complete axiomatization and a terminating and complete tableau system for this logic and show how to apply the framework to diffusion phenomena documented in social networks analysis.
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  43. Crossmodal Basing.Zoe Jenkin - 2022 - Mind 131 (524):1163-1194.
    What kinds of mental states can be based on epistemic reasons? The standard answer is only beliefs. I argue that perceptual states can also be based on reasons, as the result of crossmodal interactions. A perceptual state from one modality can provide a reason on which an experience in another modality is based. My argument identifies key markers of the basing relation and locates them in the crossmodal Marimba Illusion (Schutz & Kubovy 2009). The subject’s auditory experience of musical tone (...)
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    Just Kidding? Two Roles for the Concept of Joking in Political Speech.Zoe Walker - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1338-1357.
    In this paper, I discuss two roles for the concept of joking in political speech. First, I discuss how claiming to have been joking can provide speakers with a powerful form of deniability. I argue that the aesthetic dimension of jokes makes such a denial especially well placed to undermine both a hearer's evidence for an utterance having been sincere, and, separately, their belief that it was sincere—I call the latter ‘aesthetic gaslighting’. Second, I discuss the use of jokes to (...)
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    Domain-specific experience and dual-process thinking.Zoë A. Purcell, Colin A. Wastell & Naomi Sweller - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2):239-267.
    A novel problem or task may seem difficult at first, but with enough practice, it can become easy and routine. Practice and the process of learning is often accompanied by some mild cognitive uneas...
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  46. Narrative Fiction and Epistemic Injustice.Zoë Cunliffe - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (2):169-180.
  47. What we talk about when we talk about mental states.Zoe Drayson - 2022 - In Tamás Demeter, T. Parent & Adam Toon (eds.), Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations. New York & London: Routledge. pp. 147-159.
    Fictionalists propose that some apparently fact-stating discourses do not aim to convey factual information about the world, but rather allow us to engage in a fiction or pretense without incurring ontological commitments. Some philosophers have suggested that using mathematical, modal, or moral discourse, for example, need not commit us to the existence of mathematical objects, possible worlds, or moral facts. The mental fictionalist applies this reasoning to our mental discourse, suggesting that we can use ‘belief’ and ‘desire’ talk without committing (...)
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  48. Show Me the Argument: Empirically Testing the Armchair Philosophy Picture.Zoe Ashton & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (1-2):58-70.
    Many philosophers subscribe to the view that philosophy is a priori and in the business of discovering necessary truths from the armchair. This paper sets out to empirically test this picture. If this were the case, we would expect to see this reflected in philosophical practice. In particular, we would expect philosophers to advance mostly deductive, rather than inductive, arguments. The paper shows that the percentage of philosophy articles advancing deductive arguments is higher than those advancing inductive arguments, which is (...)
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    Safe-by-Design: from Safety to Responsibility.Zoë Robaey & Ibo Poel - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (3):297-306.
    Safe-by-design aims at addressing safety issues already during the R&D and design phases of new technologies. SbD has increasingly become popular in the last few years for addressing the risks of emerging technologies like nanotechnology and synthetic biology. We ask to what extent SbD approaches can deal with uncertainty, in particular with indeterminacy, i.e., the fact that the actual safety of a technology depends on the behavior of actors in the value chain like users and operators. We argue that while (...)
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    Can ‘Best Interests’ derail the trolley? Examining withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration in patients in the permanent vegetative state.Zoe Fritz - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (7):450-454.
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