Results for 'Cécicle Gagnon'

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  1.  32
    Sex Differences in Exploration Behavior and the Relationship to Harm Avoidance.Kyle T. Gagnon, Elizabeth A. Cashdan, Jeanine K. Stefanucci & Sarah H. Creem-Regehr - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (1):82-97.
    Venturing into novel terrain poses physical risks to a female and her offspring. Females have a greater tendency to avoid physical harm, while males tend to have larger range sizes and often outperform females in navigation-related tasks. Given this backdrop, we expected that females would explore a novel environment with more caution than males, and that more-cautious exploration would negatively affect navigation performance. Participants explored a novel, large-scale, virtual environment in search of five objects, pointed in the direction of each (...)
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    Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health.Marc-André Gagnon - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):571-580.
    This article argues that the misalignment of private profit-maximizing objectives with public health needs causes institutional corruption in the pharmaceutical sector and systematically leads firms to act contrary to public heath. The article analyzes how financial incentives generate a business model promoting harmful practices and explores several means of realigning financial incentives in order to foster therapeutic innovation and promote the rational use of medicines.
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    Not all those who wander are lost: Spatial exploration patterns and their relationship to gender and spatial memory.Kyle T. Gagnon, Brandon J. Thomas, Ascher Munion, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Elizabeth A. Cashdan & Jeanine K. Stefanucci - 2018 - Cognition 180:108-117.
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    Mode and tempo relative contributions to “happy-sad” judgements in equitone melodies.Lise Gagnon & Isabelle Peretz - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (1):25-40.
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    HIV, Viral Suppression and New Technologies of Surveillance and Control.Marilou Gagnon, Stuart J. Murray & Adrian Guta - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (2):82-107.
    The global response to managing the spread of HIV has recently undergone a significant shift with the advent of ‘treatment as prevention’, a strategy which presumes that scaling-up testing and treatment for people living with HIV will produce a broader preventative benefit. Treatment as prevention includes an array of diagnostic, technological and policy developments that are creating new understandings of how HIV circulates in bodies and spaces. Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, we contextualize these developments by linking them (...)
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    Body–drug assemblages: theorizing the experience of side effects in the context of HIV treatment.Marilou Gagnon & Dave Holmes - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (4):250-261.
    Each of the antiretroviral drugs that are currently used to stop the progression of HIV infection causes its own specific side effects. Despite the expansion, multiplication, and simplification of treatment options over the past decade, side effects continue to affect people living with HIV. Yet, we see a clear disconnect between the way side effects are normalized, routinized, and framed in clinical practice and the way they are experienced by people living with HIV. This paper builds on the premise that (...)
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  7. "La pensée d’A.N. Whitehead et la dynamique du champ science et religion".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 61:77-93.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction – Quelques remarques sur Dieu 2. Science et religion vont-elles se rencontrer ? 3. Le conflit va-t-il tout emporter ? 4. Au coeur du problème : une version sclérosée du dogmatisme 5. Quelle posture pour la rencontre entre science et religion ? 6. Y a-t-il une synthèse à l’horizon ? À quelles conditions ?
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  8. "Une voie moyenne entre les discours sur la 'souffrance' des animaux et leur réduction au statut de biens meubles".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - In Marie Pelé & Catherine Vialle, La vulnérabilité de l'animal en question : Vulnérabilités du vivant II. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 87-103.
  9. La réalité du champ axiologique : cybernétique et pensée de l'information chez Raymond Ruyer [The reality of the axiological field: Cybernetics and the thinking of information in Raymond Ruyer].Philippe Gagnon - 2018 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Chromatika.
    Description courte (Électre, 2019) : Une étude d'un des principaux axes de réflexion du philosophe des sciences et de la nature Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987). À la lumière des découvertes de l'embryogenèse et en s'appuyant par ailleurs sur la théorie de l'information, il proposa une interprétation des concepts unificateurs de la cybernétique mécaniste. -/- Short Descriptor (Electre 2019): A study of one of the main axes of reflection of the French philosopher of science and of nature Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987). Relying on (...)
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    Beyond technology, drips, and machines: Moral distress in PICU nurses caring for end‐of‐life patients.Michelle Gagnon & Diane Kunyk - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12437.
    Moral distress is an experience of profound moral compromise with deeply impactful and potentially long‐term consequences to the individual. Critical care areas are fraught with ethical issues, and end‐of‐life care has been associated with numerous incidences of moral distress among nurses. One such area where the dichotomy of life and death seems to be at its sharpest is in the pediatric intensive care unit. The purpose of this study was to understand the moral distress experiences of pediatric intensive care nurses (...)
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    Contextual cues about reciprocity impact ratings of smile sincerity.Mathieu Gagnon, Lobna Chérif & Annie Roy-Charland - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1181-1195.
    Research has shown that context influences how sincere a smile appears to observers. That said, most studies on this topic have focused exclusively on situational cues (e.g. smiling while at a party versus smiling during a job interview) and few have examined other elements of context. One important element concerns any knowledge an observer might have about the smiler as an individual (e.g. their habitual behaviours, traits or attitudes). In this manuscript, we present three experiments that explored the influence of (...)
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    The Ethical Potential of Love in the Wake of Sexual Violence.Morgan Gagnon - 2021 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (4):429-448.
    The myth that sexual violence is perpetrated by strangers in dark alleyways has long since been debunked; the vast majority of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. This article examines how individuals and communities nevertheless experience epistemic and moral barriers when reacting to reports of sexual violence levelled against community members, friends, and loved ones. Love can, for example, cloud our moral and epistemic oughts when responding to sexual violence, through such avenues as mutual identity constitution (...)
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  13. Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019.Philippe Gagnon (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    (Back Cover:) « La pensée métaphysique renaîtra demain. Ce sont des savants qui ont le goût et le sens de la pensée conduite jusqu’au terme de ses exigences internes, et des philosophes initiés aux sciences expérimentales qui, en commun, la feront. » L’œuvre de Claude Tresmontant (1925-1997) illustre parfaitement cette recherche de la métaphysique d’un monde en devenir, qui sait écouter et se modeler sur la transformation – la métamorphose – promise à une Création finalisée. Le trait commun aux exposés (...)
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    Liminaire.Claude Gagnon - 1998 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (1):435-436.
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    Treatment adherence redefined: a critical analysis of technotherapeutics.Marilou Gagnon, Jean Daniel Jacob & Adrian Guta - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (1):60-70.
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  16. Nietzsche between the Eternal Return to Humanity and the Voice of the Many.Philippe Gagnon - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2):383-411.
    Thus Spoke Zarathustra expresses a revolt against the quest for “afterworlds.” Nietzsche is seen transferring rationality to the body, welcoming the many in akingdom of the un-unified multiple, with a burst of enthusiasm at the figure of recurrence. At first, he values an acceptation of suffering through reconciliation with time, and puts the onus on the divine to refute the dismembering of the oneness of meaning and unity of the soul’s quest for joy in eternity. Then confrontingChristianity, he sees its (...)
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  17. "La vision informationnelle de Tresmontant, surtout en référence au problème de l'âme".Philippe Gagnon - 2022 - In Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019. Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 133-153.
  18.  35
    Reclaiming Relationality through the Logic of the Gift and Vulnerability.Laurie Gagnon-Bouchard & Camille Ranger - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):41-57.
    This article addresses the conditions that are necessary for non-Indigenous people to learn from Indigenous people, more specifically from women and feminists. As non-Indigenous scholars, we first explore the challenges of epistemic dialogue through the example of Traditional Ecological Knowledge. From there, through the concept of mastery, we examine the social and ontological conditions under which settler subjectivities develop. As demonstrated by Julietta Singh and Val Plumwood, the logic of mastery—which has legitimated the oppression and exploitation of Indigenous peoples—has been (...)
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    An anthropology from a process perspective?Philippe Gagnon - unknown
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  20. "L’ancrage cosmique de la personne dans la pensée d’A.N. Whitehead".Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 60:52-68.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction : organicisme et personnalisme 2. Un effort pour philosopher sur tout 3. La théologie et la question de l’infra-substantiel 3.1 Un schème de pensée qui pose problème 3.2 Le statut de l’immortalité 4. Substance, personne et cosmos.
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  21. "Hasard hypostasié et hasard réprimé : pour en finir avec certains mythes".Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Philippe Quentin, Hasard et création. Actes du colloque 7 et 8 mars 2022. Presses universitaires de l'ICES. pp. 155-175.
    This is the outline : I - Quelques étapes aux avancées significatives II - La pensée chrétienne et le hasard d’ignorance III - De quelques difficultés de raisonner sur le probable IV - Téléologie et évolutionnisme V - Où est l’« étage » qui permette de parler d’indépendance ? VI. Qu’y a-t-il à la base de nos concepts d’ordre ? VII - Quelle place pour le hasard ? VIII. Le hasard appréhendé de dos ?
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  22. "L’imbrication de la preuve de Dieu et de la cosmologie chez Tresmontant représente-t-elle une preuve ?".Philippe Gagnon - 2022 - In Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019. Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 27-47.
  23. A Contingency Interpretation of Information Theory as a Bridge between God’s Immanence and Transcendence.Philippe Gagnon - 2020 - In Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne L. C. Runehov, Knut-Willy Sæther & Bernard Michollet, Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond. Springer. pp. 169-185.
    This paper investigates the degree to which information theory, and the derived uses that make it work as a metaphor of our age, can be helpful in thinking about God’s immanence and transcendance. We ask when it is possible to say that a consciousness has to be behind the information we encounter. If God is to be thought about as a communicator of information, we need to ask whether a communication system has to pre-exist to the divine and impose itself (...)
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    Stepping Into a Map: Initial Heading Direction Influences Spatial Memory Flexibility.Stephanie A. Gagnon, Tad T. Brunyé, Aaron Gardony, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Caroline R. Mahoney & Holly A. Taylor - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):275-302.
    Learning a novel environment involves integrating first-person perceptual and motoric experiences with developing knowledge about the overall structure of the surroundings. The present experiments provide insights into the parallel development of these egocentric and allocentric memories by intentionally conflicting body- and world-centered frames of reference during learning, and measuring outcomes via online and offline measures. Results of two experiments demonstrate faster learning and increased memory flexibility following route perspective reading (Experiment 1) and virtual navigation (Experiment 2) when participants begin exploring (...)
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  25. ‘TaxTrack’: Introducing a Democratic Innovation for Taxation.Jean-Paul Gagnon, Paul Emiljanowicz, Lucy Parry, Bomikazi Zeka, Angela Tan-Kantor, Nick Vlahos, Adrian Bua, Alex Prior & John Hawkins - forthcoming - Australasian Parliamentary Review.
    Abstract: In this article we introduce an input-oriented democratic innovation – that we term ‘TaxTrack’ – which offers individual taxpayers the means to engage with their political economies in three ways. After joining the TaxTrack program, an individual can: (1) see and understand how much, and what types, of taxes they have contributed, (2) see and understand how their tax contributions are, or have been, used, and (3) control what their tax contributions can, or cannot, be spent on. We explain (...)
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  26. "Que peut offrir la philosophie d’A.N. Whitehead pour penser les questions technosciences et foi ?".Philippe Gagnon - 2022 - Mélanges de Science Religieuse 79 (No 4):55-67.
    This article offers a summary of Whitehead’s life, along with bibliographical indications, and it additionnally gives reference markers to help understand how Whitehead renewed cosmology by unearthing a new understanding of a subject that would not be detached from its corporeal rootedness. Then, a more particular understanding of Whitehead’s criticism of the technoscentific project is sought, as to its absence of self-scrutiny. An additional consideration of ecology, and then religion, are offered.
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  27. An Improbable God Between Simplicity and Complexity: Thinking about Dawkins’s Challenge.Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (4):409-433.
    Richard Dawkins has popularized an argument that he thinks sound for showing that there is almost certainly no God. It rests on the assumptions (1) that complex and statistically improbable things are more difficult to explain than those that are not and (2) that an explanatory mechanism must show how this complexity can be built up from simpler means. But what justifies claims about the designer’s own complexity? One comes to a different understanding of order and of simplicity when one (...)
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  28. Raymond Ruyer, la biologie et la théologie naturelle [Raymond Ruyer, biology, and natural theology].Philippe Gagnon - 2012 - In Michel Weber & Ronny Desmet, Chromatikon VIII: Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process. Éditions Chromatika. pp. 157-176.
    This is the outline: Introduction : le praticien d’une science-philosophie; Épiphénoménisme retourné et subjectivité délocalisée; Dieu est-il jamais inféré par la science ?; La question du panthéisme; Le pilotage axiologique et la parabole mécaniste; L'unité domaniale comme ce qui reste en dehors de la science.
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    Le concept de vulnérabilité et l’inclusion politique des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle.Bernard Gagnon & Olivier Clément-Sainte-Marie - 2019 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 13 (3):192-206.
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  30. The Problem of Trans-Humanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology.Philippe Gagnon - 2012 - In J. B. Stump A. G. Padgett, The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Blackwell. pp. 393-405.
    Transhumanism is a means of advocating a re-engineering of conditions that surround human existence at both ends. The problem set before us in this chapter is to inquire into what determined its appearance, in particular in the humanism it seeks to overcome. We look at the spirit of overcoming itself, and the impatience with the Self, in order to try to understand why it seeks a saving power in technology. We then consider how the evolutionary account of the production of (...)
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  31. Ruyer and Simondon on Technological Inventiveness and Form Outlasting its Medium.Philippe Gagnon - 2017 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 11 (4):538-554.
    A summary is provided of Ruyer's important contribution, also a reversal from some conclusions held in his secondary doctoral dissertation, about the limits inherent in technological progress, and an attempt is made to show the coherence of this position to Ruyer's metaphysics. Simondon's response is also presented, and subsequently analyzed especially as it culminates in a concept of concretizations. As Simondon indicated, and with a displacement in Ruyer's limitating framework on unconditional growth, we end up searching for what represents the (...)
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  32. Ruyer, la pensée de l’espace et la métaphore fondatrice de la connaissance.Philippe Gagnon - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):465-490.
    I present first the challenge for epistemology when it faces the dilemma between rationalism and empiricism, followed by a presentation of the ideas introduced by Ruyer in order to ask if they can be articulated to the "third way" in epistemology. I explore the consequences of Ruyer's inversion of our understanding of space which can be looked upon as psychic. I consider Ruyer's refusal to locate in pure immanence the scheme of eupraxic resolution of successful aggregates–as living forms–in our experience. (...)
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  33. Acquisition of Autonomy in Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.Philippe Gagnon, Mathieu Guillermin, Olivier Georgeon, Juan R. Vidal & Béatrice de Montera - 2020 - In S. Hashimoto N. Callaos, Proceedings of the 11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2020, Volume II. Winter Garden: International Institute for Informatics and Systemics. pp. 168-172.
    This presentation discusses a notion encountered across disciplines, and in different facets of human activity: autonomous activity. We engage it in an interdisciplinary way. We start by considering the reactions and behaviors of biological entities to biotechnological intervention. An attempt is made to characterize the degree of freedom of embryos & clones, which show openness to different outcomes when the epigenetic developmental landscape is factored in. We then consider the claim made in programming and artificial intelligence that automata could show (...)
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  34. "Teilhard de Chardin, de la cybernétique à la vie en passant par l’information".Philippe Gagnon - 2022 - Mélanges de Science Religieuse 79 (No. 4):25-39.
    What we read in the major synthetic writings of Teilhard shows a thought aware of the incessant interaction between natural entities and the organizing power which exerts an attraction on them that becomes practically infallible beyond a tipping point. This testifies of a prescient view that has many connections to the mode of thinking of cybernetics.
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  35. "La métaphysique de Raymond Ruyer dans son rapport à la théologie naturelle" [The Metaphysics of Raymond Ruyer in Relation to Natural Theology].Gagnon Philippe - 2016 - In Fabien Revol Bertrand Souchard, Controverses sur la création : Science, philosophie, théologie. Vrin/Institut interdisciplinaire d'études épistémologiques. pp. 11-53.
  36. "Le dialogue entre science et foi à l’épreuve de l’observation et de l’expérimentation".Philippe Gagnon & Étienne Le Coärer - 2020 - In Michel Mazoyer & Paul Mirault, Claude Tresmontant. Pour un réalisme intégral (1925-1997) « La Vérité ne fait pas violence », in series « Cahiers Disputatio » no 6. Paris: pp. 73-84.
  37. "Utilité de la théologie naturelle pour la connaissance de Dieu aujourd’hui" [Usefulness of Natural Theology for God's Knowledge Today].Philippe Gagnon - 2017 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique (48):83-92.
    In this public debate with Philippe Deterre (research director in immunology at the CNRS) – held at l'Enclos Rey in Paris' 15th district during the biennial Conference of the Réseau Blaise Pascal in March 2017 –, I defended the usefulness of natural theology. I first clarify theology's nature and understanding, then I speak about a tradition that upheld the public and exterior knowledge of God, and make an effort to show the presence of a theme reminiscent of natural theology behind (...)
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    Épistémologie génétique, science et philosophie.Maurice Gagnon - 1977 - Philosophiques 4 (2):225-244.
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  39. Transhumanism as a glimpse in the beyond: A case for its ventriloquy and narrative substitution.Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Adrian Lemeni & Nichifor Tănase, Transhumanism in the Light of Theology, Philosophy and Science: Critical Perspectives and Christian Metaphysical Implications (Timişoara, 26-29 May, 2022). pp. 61-73.
    Transhumanism first offers itself as a means to save oneself from an embodiment that is judged as being far from perfect. One needs to ask in its wake what comes of desires to escape limitations that come from the body, as they are means of an overcoming of the self. The AI project seems to be governed by norms for what the mind is, that could easily be judged inconsistent. Religious and theological traditions have looked at what the meaning of (...)
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  40. Physics in Catholicism in Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, Vol 3. Anne Runehov and Lluis Oviedo (Eds.) (pp. 1718-1729).Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - In Anne Runehov & Lluis Oviedo, Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, Vol 3. Springer. pp. 1718-1729.
    Outline: The reality of Catholicism; The question of the development of science; Historical outlook at some transitional moments; When dogma meets science; Contemporary physics and the worldview of Catholicism; Awaiting a 'Grand Narrative' and the final vision of harmony.
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  41. Temporalité de la genèse chez Maurice Blondel et Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Esquisse d’un rapprochement.Philippe Gagnon - 2002 - Science Et Esprit 54 (1):75-95.
    Teilhard has never given up on permanence behind change, whereas Blondel, although interested by permanence, presents a very keen consciousness of irreversibility. Blondel attempts to construct an ontology that integrates this fact of change or becoming. Would this have satisfied Teilhard? Blondel develops a "logic of moral life" insisting on the initial option right to the end of our destiny. Teilhard develops a consciousness of time with a direct hold on a world apprehended first by the senses, whereas Blondel is (...)
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  42. "Claude Tresmontant, la philosophie chrétienne et les présupposés d'une métaphysique de la Charité" [Claude Tresmontant, Christian Philosophy, and the Assumptions Behind a Metaphysics of Charity].Philippe Gagnon - 2016 - In Bertrand Souchard Fabien Revol, Réel voilé et cosmos théophanique. Le regard de l'homme sur la nature et la question de Dieu. Vrin/Institut interdisciplinaire d'études épistémologiques. pp. 453-501.
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    Critical Notice on Raymond Ruyer, *Cybernetics and the Origin of Information.Philippe Gagnon - unknown
    Critical notice on Raymond RUYER, Cybernetics and the Origin of Information, translated by Amélie Berger- Soraruff, Andrew Iliadis, Daniel W. Smith, and Ashley Woodward, with an introduction by Ashley Woodward, Lanham, London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2024, XXVII-214 p.
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  44. Le dernier état d’un finalisme contemporain : À propos d’un inédit majeur de Raymond Ruyer.Philippe Gagnon - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):367-378.
    This is a critical notice/review essay on *L'embryogenèse du monde et le Dieu silencieux*, a manuscript completed by Raymond Ruyer in the early 1980s. It came out as a monograph in November 2013, with the Éditions Klincksieck in Paris. It offers a presentation in an organized fashion of many aspects of his thought. Ruyer considered that a book about God could only be churned into a series of chapters on the unachievable character of our knowledge in different domains of human (...)
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  45. "Les raisons du refus de l'Émergentisme principiel chez Ruyer".Philippe Gagnon - 2021 - In Philippe Quentin, Émergence. Presses universitaires de l'ICES, series "Colloques".. pp. 139-162.
    This is the outline: I. Remarques introductives sur l'émergence. 1 Le problème de l'émergence. 2. L'émergence en acte. a) En physique. b) Dans les sciences naturelles. II. Ruyer et la critique de l'émergentisme. III. Le dilemme épistémologique que pose l'émergence. IV. La présence du propos de Meyerson derrière celui de Ruyer. Pour conclure.
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  46. L’irréductibilité de la connaissance et l’intentionnalité en contexte de découverte abductive.Philippe Gagnon - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (2):227-258.
    Knowledge is still an enigma, with its ability to inductively bring out a pattern without restricting itself to an empirical count of situations experienced. Instead of seeing the concept as a weakened object representing an external reality, it is suggested to view knowledge as the bridging of a distance with an ability for the knower to stay connected with outward reality. Attempts at defining an external and quantitative criterion of truth are questioned, as many human performances are not likely to (...)
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  47. "Que reste-t-il de la théologie à l'âge électronique ? Valeur et cybernétique axiologique chez Raymond Ruyer" [What is left of Theology in the Electronic Age? Value and Axiological Cybernetics in Raymond Ruyer].Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - In Chromatikon Ix: Annales de la Philosophie En Procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, M. Weber & V. Berne. pp. 93-120.
    This is the outline: Introduction — La question de la cybernétique et de l'information — Une « pensée du milieu » — Cybernétique et homologie — Une théorie de l'apprentissage — L'information vue de l'autre côté — Champ et domaine unitaire — La thèse des « autres-je » — Le passage par l'axiologie — La rétroaction vraie — L'ontologie de Ruyer — Le bruissement de l'être même.
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  48. "Diversité et historique des mouvements écologiques en Amérique du Nord" [Diversity and origins of the ecological movements in North America].Philippe Gagnon - 2014 - Connaître: Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 40:76-89.
    The development of ecological thinking in North America has been conditioned by the imperative aiming at a valuation of the biotic community. Since the end of WWII, the US population was warned against the dangerous and violent alterations of nature. Many then found in theology an unforeseen ally. I review the roots of the tension which led to debates involving radical ecologism or its denial, and I aim at analyzing it philosophically.
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  49. Cartesianism, the Embodied Mind, and the Future of Cognitive Research.Philippe Gagnon - 2015 - In Dirk Evers, Michael Fuller, Anne Runehov & Knut-Willy Sæther, Do Emotions Shape the World? Biennial Yearbook of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology 2015-2016. "Studies in Science and Theology" Vol. 15. Martin-Luther-Universität. pp. 225-244.
    In his oft-cited book Descartes' Error, Antonio Damasio claims that Descartes is responsible for having stifled the development of modern neurobiological science, in particular as regards the objective study of the physical and physiological bases for emotive and socially-conditioned cognition. Most of Damasio’s book would stand without reference to Descartes, so it is intriguing to ask why he launched this attack. What seems to fuel such claims is a desire for a more holistic understanding of the mind, the brain and (...)
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  50. Xavier Verley, Sur le symbolisme. Cassirer, Whitehead et Ruyer. [On Symbolism: Cassirer, Whitehead, and Ruyer.].Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (2):283-288.
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