Results for 'COMPAS'

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  1.  35
    Do International Freedom of Association Standards Apply to Public Sector Labor Relations in the United States?Lance Compa - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (3):373-378.
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    Al compás de la templanza: sôfrosyne y edificación en Platón.Pedro Azara - 2007 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 12:209-226.
    No hubo que esperar el Renacimiento florentino para que se produjera una revolución en la concepción del artista. Casi un siglo antes, en 1359[1], el escultor Andrea Orcagna esculpió un discreto medallón, situado en un ángulo inferior del tabernáculo de la iglesia de Orsanmichele en Florencia[2] que constituye todo un manifiesto visible sobre el nuevo estatuto del artista y su misión: en aquél se asoma, en medio de un pequeño marco trilobulado, una figura femenina con un gran compás de dos (...)
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    Code is law: how COMPAS affects the way the judiciary handles the risk of recidivism.Christoph Engel, Lorenz Linhardt & Marcel Schubert - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-22.
    Judges in multiple US states, such as New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, California, and Florida, receive a prediction of defendants’ recidivism risk, generated by the COMPAS algorithm. If judges act on these predictions, they implicitly delegate normative decisions to proprietary software, even beyond the previously documented race and age biases. Using the ProPublica dataset, we demonstrate that COMPAS predictions favor jailing over release. COMPAS is biased against defendants. We show that this bias can largely be removed. Our proposed (...)
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    L'art sans compas: redéfinition de l'esthétique.Christian Bouchindhomme & Rainer Rochlitz (eds.) - 1992 - Paris: Editions du Cerf.
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    Pensando al compás. Reflexiones sobre el ritmo y la retórica de Nietzsche.Carmen Gómez García - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1):1-11.
    El presente artículo aborda la profunda relación de Nietzsche con el lenguaje desde la perspectiva de la filosofía, de la filología y de la poesía. Son reflexiones que remiten al interés del filósofo por la retórica, del filólogo por el estilo, y del poeta que hace uso del lenguaje lírico. Se analizarán cuestiones básicas en la escritura de Nietzsche como la musicalidad, el ritmo, el tono, la metáfora y el carácter dialógico de sus textos.
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  6. Experiencia significativa,“encuentro al compás del folclor y las tradiciones afrocolombianas”.Marjorie Molina - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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    Algorithmic fairness through group parities? The case of COMPAS-SAPMOC.Francesca Lagioia, Riccardo Rovatti & Giovanni Sartor - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):459-478.
    Machine learning classifiers are increasingly used to inform, or even make, decisions significantly affecting human lives. Fairness concerns have spawned a number of contributions aimed at both identifying and addressing unfairness in algorithmic decision-making. This paper critically discusses the adoption of group-parity criteria (e.g., demographic parity, equality of opportunity, treatment equality) as fairness standards. To this end, we evaluate the use of machine learning methods relative to different steps of the decision-making process: assigning a predictive score, linking a classification to (...)
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    The Context of Clinical Research and Its Ethical Relevance: The COMPAS Trial as a Case Study.Silvia Camporesi & Matteo Mameli - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (1):39 - 40.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 1, Page 39-40, January 2012.
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  9. Contribution chinoise au développement du compas de marine.J. Needham - 1961 - Scientia 55 (96):du Supplém. 116.
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    Correction to: Code is law: how COMPAS affects the way the judiciary handles the risk of recidivism.Christopher Engel, Lorenz Linhardt & Marcel Schubert - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-2.
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    Reliability Gaps Between Groups in COMPAS Dataset.Tim Räz - 2024 - In - Acm (ed.), FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. New York NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 113–126.
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    Al-Quhi et al-Sijzi: sur le compas parfait et le trace continu des sections coniques.Roshdi Rashed - 2003 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (1):9-44.
    From the second half of the 10th century, mathematicians developed a new chapter in the geometry of conic sections, dealing with the theory and practice of their continuous drawing. In this article, we propose to sketch the history of this chapter in the writings of al-Qūhī and al-Sijzī. A hitherto unknown treatise by al-Sijzī - established, translated, and commented - has enabled us better to situate and understand the themes of this new research, and how it eventually approached the problem (...)
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    Peter Aczel. Quantifiers, games and inductive definitions. Proceedings of the Third Scandinavian Logic Symposium, edited by Stig Kanger, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 82, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Oxford, and American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1975, pp. 1–14. - Kit Fine. Some connections between elementary and modal logic. Proceedings of the Third Scandinavian Logic Symposium, edited by Stig Kanger, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 82, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Oxford, and American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1975, pp. 15–31. - Bengt Hansson and Peter Gärdenfors. Filtations and the finite frame property in Boolean semantics. Proceedings of the Third Scandinavian Logic Symposium, edited by Stig Kanger, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 82, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Oxford, and American Elsevier Publishing Compa. [REVIEW]S. K. Thomason - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):373-376.
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  14. Teixeira, F. G. - Sur Les Problèmes Célèbres De La Géométrie Élémentaire, Non Résolubles Avec La Règle Et Le Compas[REVIEW]G. Loria - 1917 - Scientia 11 (21):505.
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  15. Using Edge Cases to Disentangle Fairness and Solidarity in AI Ethics.James Brusseau - 2021 - AI and Ethics.
    Principles of fairness and solidarity in AI ethics regularly overlap, creating obscurity in practice: acting in accordance with one can appear indistinguishable from deciding according to the rules of the other. However, there exist irregular cases where the two concepts split, and so reveal their disparate meanings and uses. This paper explores two cases in AI medical ethics – one that is irregular and the other more conventional – to fully distinguish fairness and solidarity. Then the distinction is applied to (...)
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  16.  30
    The Many Faces of RU486: Tales of Situated Knowledges and Technological Contestations.Theresa Montini & Adele Clarke - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (1):42-78.
    In the highly contentious abortion arena, the new oral abortifacient technology RU486 is one among many actors. This article offers an arena analysis of the heterogeneous constructions of RU486 by various actors, including scientists, pharmaceutical compa nies, medical groups, antiabortion groups, women's health movement groups, and others who have produced situated knowledges. Conceptually, we find not only that the identity of the nonhuman actor-RU486 -is unstable and multiple but also that, in practice, there are other implicated actors—the downstream users and (...)
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  17. Using (Un)Fair Algorithms in an Unjust World.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2022 - Res Publica 29 (2):283-302.
    Algorithm-assisted decision procedures—including some of the most high-profile ones, such as COMPAS—have been described as unfair because they compound injustice. The complaint is that in such procedures a decision disadvantaging members of a certain group is based on information reflecting the fact that the members of the group have already been unjustly disadvantaged. I assess this reasoning. First, I distinguish the anti-compounding duty from a related but distinct duty—the proportionality duty—from which at least some of the intuitive appeal of (...)
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  18.  12
    Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Fairness: Should We Revise our View of the Latter Given Our View of the Former?Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - forthcoming - Law and Philosophy:1-25.
    In the US context, critics of court use of algorithmic risk prediction algorithms have argued that COMPAS involves unfair machine bias because it generates higher false positive rates of predicted recidivism for black offenders than for white offenders. In response, some have argued that algorithmic fairness concerns, either also or only, calibration across groups–roughly, that a score assigned to different individuals by the algorithm involves the same probability of the individual having the target property across different groups of individuals–and (...)
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  19.  24
    Exploring the Question of Bias in AI through a Gender Performative Approach.Gabriele Nino & Francesca Alessandra Lisi - 2024 - Sexuality and Gender Studies Journal 2 (2):14-31.
    The objective of this paper is to examine how artificial intelligence systems (AI) can reproduce phenomena of social discrimination and to develop an ethical strategy for preventing such occurrences. A substantial body of scholarship has demonstrated how AI has the potential to erode the rights of women and LGBT+ individuals, as it is capable of amplifying forms of discrimination that are already pervasive in society. This paper examines the principal approaches that have been put forth to contrast the emergence of (...)
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  20. Should Algorithms that Predict Recidivism Have Access to Race?Duncan Purves & Jeremy Davis - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):205-220.
    Recent studies have shown that recidivism scoring algorithms like COMPAS have significant racial bias: Black defendants are roughly twice as likely as white defendants to be mistakenly classified as medium- or high-risk. This has led some to call for abolishing COMPAS. But many others have argued that algorithms should instead be given access to a defendant's race, which, perhaps counterintuitively, is likely to improve outcomes. This approach can involve either establishing race-sensitive risk thresholds, or distinct racial ‘tracks’. Is (...)
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  21. Making a Murderer: How Risk Assessment Tools May Produce Rather Than Predict Criminal Behavior.Donal Khosrowi & Philippe van Basshuysen - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):309-325.
    Algorithmic risk assessment tools, such as COMPAS, are increasingly used in criminal justice systems to predict the risk of defendants to reoffend in the future. This paper argues that these tools may not only predict recidivism, but may themselves causally induce recidivism through self-fulfilling predictions. We argue that such “performative” effects can yield severe harms both to individuals and to society at large, which raise epistemic-ethical responsibilities on the part of developers and users of risk assessment tools. To meet (...)
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    IDL-PMCFG, a Grammar Formalism for Describing Free Word Order Languages.François Hublet - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):327-388.
    We introduce _Interleave-Disjunction-Lock parallel multiple context-free grammars_ (IDL-PMCFG), a novel grammar formalism designed to describe the syntax of free word order languages that allow for extensive interleaving of grammatical constituents. Though interleaved constituents, and especially the so-called hyperbaton, are common in several ancient (Classical Latin and Greek, Sanskrit...) and modern (Hungarian, Finnish...) languages, these syntactic structures are often difficult to express in existing formalisms. The IDL-PMCFG formalism combines Seki et al.’s parallel multiple context-free grammars (PMCFG) with Nederhof and Satta’s IDL (...)
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  23.  65
    On the ethics of naturalism: Sorley and Sidgwick on ethics and evolution.Hallvard Lillehammer - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6):1144-1165.
    This paper addresses the question of the ethical significance of the theory of evolution in W. R. Sorley’s The Ethics of Naturalism. Sorley’s treatment is compa...
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  24.  13
    Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina.Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.) - 2008 - Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
    El libro titulado “los avances del Derecho ante los avances de la medicina”, fruto de un Congreso internacional organizado por la Universidad Pontifica Comillas de Madrid en junio de 2008, recoge numerosos trabajos científicos en torno a cuatro grandes ámbitos en los que el legislador y el juzgador español están haciendo avanzar el Derecho al compás del avance en la ciencia médica: avances en la responsabilidad medica tanto civil, como patrimonial y penal; avances en la tutela de los derechos de (...)
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    Le mythe de la démonstrabilité résiste-t-il encore ? Remarques sur l'orientation des réponses anonymes.Paola Basso - 2011 - Astérion 9 (9).
    La Preisfrage de 1763 était, à l’époque, incroyablement actuelle. En effet, autour de 1761, à l’Académie de Berlin et en dehors d’elle, une somme de facteurs vint menacer la supériorité incontestée de la méthode démonstrative. Même si l’optimisme suscité par les mathématiques était encore victorieux, le paradigme de la certitude absolue était imperceptiblement en train de se transformer. On se distanciait d’un certain cartésianisme et, pour utiliser le mot de Voltaire, au « compas de la mathématique » on ajoutait (...)
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  26.  14
    La cacica, el rey de Inglaterra y el rey de los Pájaros: Introducción al concepto de “demonio sin instrucciones” en el estudio de la crueldad del poder.Adolfo León González - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):156-194.
    Este artículo aborda el aspecto poco estudiado de la ambigüedad moral y jurídica del verdugo —quien históricamente ha permitido al poder político la posibilidad de negación de la violencia moralmente repudiable—, a partir del análisis compa- rativo de tres casos míticos e históricos: 1) el suplicio del capitán Añasco a manos de la Gaitana durante la Conquista, 2) el martirio de Becket provocado por los caballeros de Enrique II de Inglaterra y 3) las masacres de liberales en la cordillera occidental (...)
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    Learning "big".Richard Vallèe - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):489-506.
    I argue that we are wrong in thinking that all assertive sentences reflect reality. My argument is grounded on the semantics of comparative sentences. I also contend that utterances are designed to fit reality. My view relies on the idea that the notion of truth fit for sentences – a metalinguistic notion – is not metaphysical in nature, while a notion of truth capturing our intuitions concerning utterances of comparative sentences is. In that respect, intuitions concerning utterances of compa-rative sentences (...)
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    (1 other version)Francisco J. Varela (1946–2001).Evan Thompson - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (8):368.
    It is with great sadness that I record the death of Francisco Varela, who passed away at his home in Paris, on May 28, 2001. With his passing, the science of consciousness has lost one of its most brilliant, original, creative, and compas- sionate thinkers.
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    (1 other version)A propósito de una palabra latina.Gaston Boissier & Francisco Rodríguez Menéndez - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 117:321-355.
    En la segunda parte de su trabajo, Boissier trata en profundidad el carácter y constitución del círculo de los Escipiones y su modulación de la humanitas al compás de sus relaciones con el helenismo. Si bien primero se detiene en deslindar las herencias y distancias entre el teatro de Terencio y el de Plauto y su tratamiento de la intimidad romana. Abordará a continuación el problema del cosmopolitismo de filiación helénica y su relación con el patriotismo romano de la mano (...)
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  30. La civiltà nell’anima. Note sulla questione della giustizia in Platone [The Civilization in the Soul. Notes on the Question of Justice in Plato].Fulvia de Luise - 2003 - la Società Degli Individui 18:21-38.
    L’articolo si propone di mostrare alcuni aspetti della strategia platonica nella Repubblica. L’analisi è condotta ricostruendo in primo luogo il modo in cui si presentava a Platone la questione della giustizia, con particolare riferimento alla tradizione relativa a Dike e alla crisi della cultura cittadina ateniese, tra V e IV secolo; in secondo luogo segnala il rapporto ambivalente che Platone intrat¬tiene con la cultura socratica della giustizia interiore; si indirizza infine a mostrare le modalità costruttive con cui Platone propone di (...)
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    La joven María Zambrano y su incipiente metafísica femenina.Isabel Sancho García - 2020 - Albolote (Granada): Comares.
    María Zambrano Alarcón fue una filósofa metafísica española que vivió de lleno el siglo XX al compás de su circunstancia. Comprometida con los hechos más significativos de su tiempo, pertenece a la generación que algunos llaman "de la libertad", precedida de grandes maestros como Ortega, Unamuno, Machado y otros, preocupados todos por España, aspirando a una nueva sociedad y, según María, a una "nueva forma de vida". Durante la segunda mitad del siglo, Zambrano vivió en el exilio, donde dedicó cuarenta (...)
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  32. Does Predictive Sentencing Make Sense?Clinton Castro, Alan Rubel & Lindsey Schwartz - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper examines the practice of using predictive systems to lengthen the prison sentences of convicted persons when the systems forecast a higher likelihood of re-offense or re-arrest. There has been much critical discussion of technologies used for sentencing, including questions of bias and opacity. However, there hasn’t been a discussion of whether this use of predictive systems makes sense in the first place. We argue that it does not by showing that there is no plausible theory of punishment that (...)
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    Chemical Analysis of Urine for Life Insurance: The Construction of Reliability.Klasien Horstman - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):57-78.
    Medical expertise plays a major role in large-scale welfare arrangements, for example, in private insurance companies. It symbolizes the objectivity and reliability of the procedures of risk selection and legitimates the acceptance and rejection of clients. To understand "reliability" in this context, this article discusses the introduction of chemical urine analysis for life insurance examination between 1880 and 1920. The article argues that reliability of urine analysis is not an intrinsic characteristic of the technology and thus cannot serve as the (...)
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    Early Christological interpretation of the Messianic Psalms.W. Hurtado - 2017 - Salmanticensis 64 (1):74-101.
    El uso de los Salmos en el NT refleja los desarrollos en la tradición judía del segundo tem- plo en la que surgió el movimiento de Jesús. En particular la conside- ración de los Salmos como escri - tura, la “Davidización” del “libro” de Salmos y la visión de David dotado de inspiración profética, que hace que los Salmos adquieran la condición de profecía de propó- sitos divinos. Sin embargo, compa- rar el uso de ciertos Salmos en el NT con (...)
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    El Anglo-eurocentrismo en los currículos universitarios de filosofía: una revisión sistemática de literatura.Laura Patricia Bernal Ríos - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):158-197.
    Este artículo ofrece una revisión sistemática de los debates sobre el anglo-eurocentrismo en los currículos universitarios de filosofía, enfocándose en la necesidad de mayor diversidad cultural. A partir de la revisión de 52 estudios de la última década, se distinguen seis debates principales que develan las implicaciones del anglo-eurocentrismo en la filosofía académica: 1) reconocer el etnocentrismo anglo-eurocéntrico en la identidad disciplinaria de la filosofía, 2) tomarse en serio el multiculturalismo filosófico, 3) recurrir en todo o en parte a las (...)
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  36. What's Wrong with Machine Bias.Clinton Castro - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    Data-driven, decision-making technologies used in the justice system to inform decisions about bail, parole, and prison sentencing are biased against historically marginalized groups (Angwin, Larson, Mattu, & Kirchner 2016). But these technologies’ judgments—which reproduce patterns of wrongful discrimination embedded in the historical datasets that they are trained on—are well-evidenced. This presents a puzzle: how can we account for the wrong these judgments engender without also indicting morally permissible statistical inferences about persons? I motivate this puzzle and attempt an answer.
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  37. Agency Laundering and Information Technologies.Alan Rubel, Clinton Castro & Adam Pham - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):1017-1041.
    When agents insert technological systems into their decision-making processes, they can obscure moral responsibility for the results. This can give rise to a distinct moral wrong, which we call “agency laundering.” At root, agency laundering involves obfuscating one’s moral responsibility by enlisting a technology or process to take some action and letting it forestall others from demanding an account for bad outcomes that result. We argue that the concept of agency laundering helps in understanding important moral problems in a number (...)
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  38. Algorithms, Agency, and Respect for Persons.Alan Rubel, Clinton Castro & Adam Pham - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (3):547-572.
    Algorithmic systems and predictive analytics play an increasingly important role in various aspects of modern life. Scholarship on the moral ramifications of such systems is in its early stages, and much of it focuses on bias and harm. This paper argues that in understanding the moral salience of algorithmic systems it is essential to understand the relation between algorithms, autonomy, and agency. We draw on several recent cases in criminal sentencing and K–12 teacher evaluation to outline four key ways in (...)
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  39. La Irracionalitat de l'Odi Ideològic.Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2023 - Compàs D'Amalgama 8:61 - 64.