Results for 'Camila Mozzini-Alister'

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  1.  17
    Does Social Media Have Limits?: Bodies of Light & the Desire for Omnipresence.Camila Mozzini-Alister - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is a vibrant investigation on a deeply human subconscious desire: the desire for omnipresence, or in a nutshell, the desire to be here, there, and everywhere at the same time. After all, why is it not enough just to be in the offline ordinariness of the here and now? To answer this question, Camila Mozzini-Alister does the crossing of two seemingly distant universes: mediation and meditation. Throughout a vigorous archaeology of the relationship between screen and (...)
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    O comum do paradoxo: notas sobre a produção de vínculos em comunicações mediadas.Camila Mozzini - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (2):02-14.
    O presente escrito busca, a partir da sensação de luto descrita por um rapaz frente à desativação do perfil em rede social de sua companheira, esmiuçar o território das materialidades corpóreas, dos vínculos e dos comuns em jogo nas atuais comunicações mediadas digitalmente. Como é possível que nos afetemos por presenças que não mais se restringem ao toque da pele? A partir desta questão, pretende-se acompanhar cartograficamente algumas pistas que possam visibilizar dos processos de produção de afetos que perpassam as (...)
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    Born to wonder: exploring our deepest questions---why are we here and why does it matter?Alister E. McGrath - 2020 - Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers.
    In Born to Wonder, Alister McGrath, a prolific Oxford scholar, scientist, and theologian, explores the deepest mystery at the heart of life itself. Life is a gift. We never asked to be born. Yet here we are, living in this strange world of space and time, trying to work out what it's all about before the darkness closes in and extinguishes us. We are adrift on a misty, grey sea of ignorance, seeking a sun-kissed island of certainty, on which (...)
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    The Memory of Pain: Women's Testimonies of the Holocaust.Camila Loew (ed.) - 2011 - Brill Rodopi.
    In this book, Camila Loew analyzes four women's testimonial literary writings on the Holocaust to examine and question some of the tenets of the fields of Holocaust studies, gender studies, and testimony. Through a close reading of the works of Charlotte Delbo, Margarete Buber-Neumann, Ruth Klüger, and Marguerite Duras, Loew foregrounds these authors' search for a written form to engage with their experiences of the extreme. Although each chapter contains its individual focus and features, the book possesses a unity (...)
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    Luke Glanville, Sharing Responsibility – The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities.Camila Boisen - 2022 - Grotiana 43 (2):468-474.
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    Blood in a Time of Scarcity.Alister Browne - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (2):159-169.
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    Is Abortion a Pseudo-Problem?Alister Browne - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:101-124.
    I argue that whether abortions are morally permissible depends on whether the fetus has a right to life, the only point of disagreement between the possible theories on this question--the Extreme Conservative, the Middle, and the Extreme Liberal--concerns the relevant temporal proximity to, or degree of probability of actualizing, some selected potential, there is in principle no non-arbitrary way of resolving this disagreement, and hence the problem of abortion is a pseudo-problem inasmuch as it is not theoretically capable of being (...)
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    The Prime Directive.Alister Browne - 2002 - Philosophy Now 39:52-54.
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    Encouragement of Literary Production in Greece from Homer to Alexander.Alister Cameron & W. E. Weter - 1938 - American Journal of Philology 59 (3):380.
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    La Filosofia dei Greci nel suo Sviluppo Storico. Parte I: I Presocratici.Alister Cameron, E. Zeller & R. Mondolfo - 1940 - American Journal of Philology 61 (3):369.
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    Plato's Affair with Tragedy.Alister Cameron - 1978 - University of Cincinnati.
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    A querela entre Helvétius e Diderot: distintos entendimentos sobre desenvolvimento humano e moral.Camila Sant'Ana Vieira Ferraz Milek - 2020 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 24 (2).
    Existe uma reconhecida proximidade entre os materialistas franceses do século XVIII que teria se mostrado tanto em investigações sobre a natureza quanto à moral e organização pública. Porém, as divergências entre eles podem desencadear um entendimento muito diferente sobre como se considera uma sociedade. Por isso é necessário analisar no detalhe tais divergências para determinar seu ponto nevrálgico. O presente artigo dedica-se à investigação das críticas feitas por Diderot à Helvétius, reunidas em Réfutations d’Helvétius. Para tanto, centra-se na distinta concepção (...)
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    Real Life in China at the Height of the Empire: Revealed by the Ghosts of Ji Xiaolan. Translated by DavId E. Pollard.Alister Inglis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2).
    Real Life in China at the Height of the Empire: Revealed by the Ghosts of Ji Xiaolan. Translated by DavId E. Pollard. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2014. Pp. xl + 334. $45.
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  14. Redes, capital social y desarrollo local rural.Camila Lorenzo - 2022 - In Pablo F. Forni & Alejandro Bialakowsky (eds.), Por unas ciencias sociales relacionales: investigaciones y enfoques contemporáneos. [Buenos Aires]: USAL, Universidad del Salvador.
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  15. National History Curriculum and the Stolen Generations.Alister McKeich - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (4):51.
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    Stéréotypes : images de soi ou images de l’autre?Camila Ribeiro - 2015 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    The Role of Contextual Values in the Formation of Ecological Behaviours.Camila Horst Toigo, Neil Ravenscroft & Ely José De Mattos - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (4):385-409.
    It is commonly understood that over-arching transcendental values (TVs) play a major role in directly influencing individual and group behaviours, including those relating to the environment. This paper challenges this approach, by arguing that there is good evidence to indicate that personal contexts – rather than TVs – inform many decisions that individuals need to make. As such, the paper argues that individuals use their TVs as a guide to forming contextual values, in a way that TVs only influence daily (...)
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  18. 1.Camila Albuquerque Cerqueira & Direito Eleitoral Esquematizado - 2012 - História 11:12.
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    Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic.Camila Vergara - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    A bold new approach to combatting the inherent corruption of representative democracy This provocative book reveals how the majority of modern liberal democracies have become increasingly oligarchic, suffering from a form of structural political decay first conceptualized by ancient philosophers. Systemic Corruption argues that the problem cannot be blamed on the actions of corrupt politicians but is built into the very fabric of our representative systems. Camila Vergara provides a compelling and original genealogy of political corruption from ancient to (...)
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  20.  80
    Mental Health Acts in Canada.Alister Browne - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):290-298.
    There are 12 different Mental Health Acts in Canada, all of which provide for the involuntary confinement of the mentally disordered to protect both them from themselves and others from them. The Acts differ in many ways, but three issues stand out above all: involuntary admission criteria, the right to refuse treatment, and who has the authority to authorize treatment. I first describe how the MHAs differ on these issues. I then take up the methodological question of how to select (...)
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    (Some) algorithmic bias as institutional bias.Camila Hernandez Flowerman - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-10.
    In this paper I argue that some examples of what we label ‘algorithmic bias’ would be better understood as cases of institutional bias. Even when individual algorithms appear unobjectionable, they may produce biased outcomes given the way that they are embedded in the background structure of our social world. Therefore, the problematic outcomes associated with the use of algorithmic systems cannot be understood or accounted for without a kind of structural account. Understanding algorithmic bias as institutional bias in particular (as (...)
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  22.  32
    How to Legalize Medically Assisted Death in a Free and Democratic Society.Alister Browne & J. S. Russell - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):361-368.
    In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the criminal law prohibiting physician assisted death in Canada. In 2016, Parliament passed legislation to allow what it called ‘medical assistance in dying.’ The authors first describe the arguments the Court used to strike down the law, and then argue that MAID as legalized in Bill C-14 is based on principles that are incompatible with a free and democratic society, prohibits assistance in dying that should be permitted, and makes access to (...)
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  23.  21
    Physician Authority, Family Choice, and the Best Interest of the Child.Alister Browne - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):34-39.
    Two of the most poignant decisions in pediatrics concern disagreements between physicians and families over imperiled newborns. When can the family demand more life-sustaining treatment than physicians want to provide? When can it properly ask for less? The author looks at these questions from the point of view of decision theory, and first argues that insofar as the family acts in the child’s best interest, its choices cannot be constrained, and that the maximax and minimax strategies are equally in the (...)
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  24.  61
    The Ethics of Aggressive Discharge Planning.Alister Browne - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1):75.
    In any healthcare system in which demand exceeds supply—which means any typical public healthcare system—patients cannot always get the care they want or need when they want or need it. It is also unrealistic to suppose that it will ever be otherwise. There have been such advances in medicine and growth in the population that even if we forgot about all other goods such as education, roads, social services, and so forth and put the entire budget into healthcare, there would (...)
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    Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context.Alister H. Cumming (ed.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    "This book presents results from a four-year project addressing the central question: What factors, challenges, and contexts contribute to and constrain literacy achievement among at-risk adolescent learners with culturally diverse ...
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    7 Issues in Socialization, Literacy Learning, and Educational Processes.Alister Cumming, Mohammed Al-Alawi & Yuko Watanabe - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming (ed.), Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 74--87.
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    Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the problem of scientific credit.Camila Orozco Espinel - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):134-139.
  28.  29
    (1 other version)Sartre e a psicanálise contemporânea.Camila Salles Gonçalves - 2006 - Doispontos 3 (2).
    This article first points out that attempts to establish the fo u ndations of an existent ial psycho a nalysis are always pre s e nt in Sartre’s philosophy. After pre s e nt i ng philosophies that are inc o r p o rated and re c reated in the process of giving shape to the project of existent ial psycho a nalysis, it gives examples of how this psycho a nalysis should be. At end, the article suggests in (...)
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    As observações de Wittgenstein sobre O teorema de gödel.Camila Jourdan - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):61-104.
    O artigo analisa os muito mal vistos comentários de Wittgenstein sobre o teorema de Gödel. Não se pretende defender estes comentários, nem atribuir a Wittgenstein algo que ele não disse. De fato, não nos seria possível desconsiderar o que é textual visando fornecer uma interpretação mais palatável das posições de um autor. Nosso objetivo consiste meramente em clarificar as posições realmente mantidas por Wittgenstein sobre o tema, atribuindo, o tanto quanto possível, alguma razoabilidade as mesmas no que diz respeito à (...)
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  30.  11
    Provas matemáticas em Wittgenstein.Camila Jourdan - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):297.
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  31. Educación, persona y sociedad bajo el planteamiento de Jorge Millas.Camila Cárcamo Lobos - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 11 (3):59-68.
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  32. Digenis Akritas: the First Scene with the Apelatal.Suzanne Mac Alister - 1984 - Byzantion 54:551-74.
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  33. Airborne measurements of the total heat flux from the sea surface: Progress report.Ed Mc Alister - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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    Recovering the 'Creation': A response to Hugh Montefiore.Alister E. McGrath - 1999 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 16 (3):78-80.
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  35. The Making of Modern German Christology: From the Enlightenment to Pannenberg.Alister E. McGrath - 1986
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  36. Among Us: A Story of the Stolen Generations of Victoria.Alister McKeich - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (4):35.
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  37. Second Step: Teaching the Stolen Generations in a Victorian Context.Alister McKeich - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (1):68.
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  38.  15
    Medea en Thomas Hobbes.Camila Arbuet Osuna - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 18.
    The present article inquires into the uses of Medea’s tragedy as a representation of political sedition in the XVII century, especially in Hobbes’ works who introduces the myth with few variations three times in his work. We are interested in the semantic shifts in the use of a tragedy that, for multiple reasons –to which we will later return– works as an epochal catalyzer of the political and moral dangers with which regicide is symbolically burdened. This constant role, identifiable in (...)
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    Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism.Camila Arbuet Osuna - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):103-137.
    Throughout its great history, the feminist movement has thought the different facets of the repressive apparatus of the State, as a political problem and as part of its strategy of struggle and survival. In different contexts, antipunitivism —that is, the political response to the philosophy of punishment as the way to act to social issues— has emerged as a crucial element in the diatribes of antisystemic feminisms. However, we could not claim that there is something like a structuring and structured (...)
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    Food for thought: planetary healing begins on our plate.Camila Perussello - 2022 - Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Publishing & Media.
    Food for Thought seeks to enlighten people about their power as individuals to shape industry and society starting from the food they eat. The reader is invited to question who is really benefiting from our present food system through a detailed science-based analysis of food production and consumption. Perussello discusses how the production and consumption of animal products go well beyond the blatant violence against non-human animals: she posits that animal agriculture is procuring a world of disease, unhappiness, injustice, and (...)
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  41.  21
    Pedro Bloch : um escutador da graça das crianças.Camila Rodrigues - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (29).
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    Perdón Y arrepentimiento: La experiencia de Jean améry.Camila Rueda - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):79-99.
    Jacques Derrida ha propuesto entender el perdón como lo imperdonable: para que el perdón sea puro, su objeto debe ser lo imperdonable. Plantea, además, que no debe haber ninguna condición para que el perdón sea otorgado. Se busca mostrar que esta pureza debe ser sacrificada, ya que, para que una víc..
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    The ethics of elective (non-therapeutic) ventilation.Alister Browne, Grant Gillet & Martin Tweeddale - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (1):42–57.
    Elective ventilation (EV) is ventilation applied, not in the interest of patients, but in order to secure transplantable organs. It carries with it a small risk that patients who would otherwise have died will survive in a persistent vegetative state. Is EV ever justifiable? We argue: (1) The only thing which can justify exposing patients to risk not taken for their benefit is their consent, and we cannot rely on implied consent or third party consent in the case of EV. (...)
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    Richard Dawkins, C.S. Lewis and the meaning of life.Alister E. McGrath - 2019 - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
    Alister McGrath has written to great acclaim on both Richard Dawkins and C. S. Lewis. Here he brings these two intriguing and well-known writers into a conversation. They could hardly have more different perspectives! Engaging with their views is a brilliant way of sharpening up our own thinking on the meaning of life.
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  45. Paradoxes, Hypodoxes, and More.Camila Gallovich & Lucas Rosenblatt - 2024 - In Mattia Petrolo & Giorgio Venturi (eds.), Paradoxes Between Truth and Proof. Springer.
    Is it possible to provide a theory of truth that is capable of distinguishing the semantic status of paradoxical sentences from that of other ungrounded sentences without bringing meta-linguistic resources into play? We explore an account that extends Kripke's theory of truth with two primitive operators, one standing for the notion of paradoxicality and the other for the notion of hypodoxicality. Our results are mixed. While the paradoxicality operator behaves nicely, a number of restrictions need to be imposed to accommodate (...)
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    The living God: a guide for study and devotion.Alister E. McGrath - 2014 - Louisville, Kentucky: WJK, Westminster John Knox Press.
    In this book, the second in the Heart of Christian Faith series, Alister E. McGrath provides an exploration of how we can best understand God using analogies, illustrations, and stories. This short, accessible guide also provides a pastoral and spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and our world. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Chrisitianity” to a (...)
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  47.  28
    Memory as politics and responsibilities deriving from the past.Camila de Gamboa Tapias - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:80-104.
    RESUMEN El artículo reflexiona sobre las políticas de la memoria que deberían desarrollarse en sociedades donde han ocurrido masivas violaciones de derechos humanos, y cuyos procesos se guían por los principios normativos de la justicia transicional. Se analizan primero los conceptos de memoria e historia, y la forma como el Holocausto trans formó sus tareas en el siglo XX; luego se examinan dos modelos de responsabilidad propuestos por Iris Marion Young, y se propone cómo usarlos en la justicia transicional. Finalmente, (...)
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    From Femicide to Feminicidio.Camila Ordorica - 2022 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 17 (1):45-61.
    Feminisms in the second half of the twentieth century were reshaped by the efforts to end violence against women. Feminist activists in national and international settings invented concepts to refer to previously unquestioned societal practices as oppressive to women and changed the world by naming them. In this article, I engage with the concepts of femicide/feminicidio : the murder of women for gender reasons. I follow the history of this concept and its incursion into the broader political and public sphere (...)
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  49. Corporate social responsibility: review and roadmap of theoretical perspectives.Jędrzej George Frynas & Camila Yamahaki - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):258-285.
    Based on a survey and content analysis of 462 peer-reviewed academic articles over the period 1990–2014, this article reviews theories related to the external drivers of corporate social responsibility and the internal drivers of CSR that have been utilized to explain CSR. The article discusses the main tenets of the principal theoretical perspectives and their application in CSR research. Going beyond previous reviews that have largely failed to investigate theory applications in CSR scholarship, this article stresses the importance of theory-driven (...)
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  50. Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment.Camila Vergara - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):222-246.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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