Results for 'Capitalist-socialist hybrid'

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  1. Regulated capitalism, market socialism.James Franklin - 2001 - Dissent 5:11-13.
    In response to Eric Aarons' `Why Communism failed' (Dissent no. 4, 2001) it is argued that the present "capitalist" system is in fact so regulated as to be a hybrid of capitalist and socialist principles. It has some success in putting economic power into the hands of most people, though it needs restraint to cope with market failures.
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    Capitalism vs. Socialism: Antinomy of Nations or Antinomy of Systems?Maciej Miszewski - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):159-175.
    This paper is a reflection on the legitimacy of commonly accepted opposition of the notions of “capitalism” and “socialism”. The leading thesis is that although they can be considered as antinomies, their real referents should not be treated analogously. Capitalism, as understood by its very name, emerged in the second half of the 19th century and evolved constantly from this moment, often changing its main features. Socialism, in contrast, was created as a notion opposing the capitalistic reality of the 19th (...)
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    Institutional Transfer and Varieties of Capitalism in Transnational Societies.Carlos H. Waisman - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:151-166.
    This paper discusses the varieties of capitalism in transitional societies in Latin America and Central / Eastern Europe. The intended purpose of these transitions from semi-closed import-substituting economies in the first case and state socialist ones in the second was to institutionalize open-market economies. Twenty or thirty years later, there is a variety of types of capitalism in these countries, which I classify into three: open-market, neo-mercantilist, and anemic. The question for sociology is whether these quite different variants represent (...)
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    Joseph Schumpeter's Caesarist Democracy.Josiah Ober - 2017 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 29 (4):473-491.
    ABSTRACTSchumpeter’s highly influential theory of democracy, developed in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, is less a market-based theory of party competition than it is a theory of strong leadership, modeled after generalship. As such, it is a weak foundation for rebuilding a democratic theory of party politics. Moreover, Schumpeter’s demolition of the “Classical Doctrine of Democracy” knocks down a straw-man theory: a hybrid of Bentham’s utilitarianism and Rousseau’s communitarianism that few contemporary theorists of democracy would be willing to defend.
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    Capitalism, Socialism and Public Choice.Adrián Osvaldo Ravier - 2010 - Libertarian Papers 2:26.
    The essay examines Schumpeter’s understanding of the capitalist process and develops a critical analysis of his explanation of why capitalism cannot survive. Part I deals with how Schumpeter understood capitalism. Part II studies why –- from his point of view — capitalism couldn’t survive. Part III analysis why it is actually socialism, as a socio-political alternative, that is impractical and must collapse from contradictions inherent in it. Part IV presents some final reflections, presenting the public choice and the thought (...)
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    Capitalism, Socialism, Objectivism.Michael Goldman - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:143-154.
    When purged of its connection to libertarian forms of capitalism, Ayn Rand’s ethical “egoism” is not an implausible ethical theory. I argue that Rand in fact fails to show the connection between her ethics and the political economy she has championed and that in fact her ethics is at least as compatible with socialism as with capitalism.
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    On capitalism, socialism, and the market.Kai Nielsen - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (1):54-62.
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    Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.Giorgio Fazio - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom: Essays by Evsey D. Domar.Evsey D. Domar - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    The collection consists of four parts: Part I presents three non-technical essays on economic development and economic systems. Four out of five essays in Part II deal with the theory and measurement of the so-called Index of Total Factor Productivity for several countries. The fifth essay is on the theory of index numbers. The first essay of Part III compares the American and Soviet patterns of economic development and finds that the path followed by each country might have been optimal (...)
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  10. Capitalism, socialism, and justice.Kai Nielsen - 1982 - In Tom Regan & Donald VanDeVeer (eds.), And justice for all: new introductory essays in ethics and public policy. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Capitalism, socialism, and irony: Understanding Schumpeter in context.Jerry Z. Muller - 1999 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 13 (3-4):239-267.
    The significance of the major claims of Joseph Schumpeter's best‐known work, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, have often been misunderstood by readers unattuned to its ironic mode of presentation. The book reaffirms two themes that were central to Schumpeter's thought from its very beginning, namely the significance of creative and extraordinary individuals in social processes, and the resentment created by the innovations they introduce. The thesis that socialism would replace capitalism, but that it would bring about few of the advantages imagined (...)
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    Schumpeter: Capitalism, socialism, democracy.John Kilcullen - unknown
    The book begins with a critique of Marx. The subtitle of part 1 is 'The Marxian Doctrine'. The most interesting parts of it are chapter 2, 'Marx the Sociologist', and chapter 3 'Marx the Economist'. Schumpeter's criticisms are well-informed and sympathetic. His sociological views are like Weber's, and he is aware of the kinship between those views and the more sophisticated versions of Marxism, such as is found in the letters Engels wrote in the 1890s. 'Nevertheless, the question arises whether (...)
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    Capitalism, Socialism, and Civil Society.Jay Drydyk - 1991 - The Monist 74 (3):457-477.
    If the sun is indeed setting on the cold war, there is reason to wonder whether Hegel’s Owl of Minerva should not be scheduled for further flights. Hegel was critical of political and economic liberalism as well as revolutionary egalitarianism. To the extent that actual capitalism and actual socialism have conformed to these positions in practise, Hegel’s double-edged critique has current applications. Sketched in broad strokes, Hegel’s position has a certain elegant symmetry. Revolutionary egalitarian movements tend to “put politics in (...)
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  14. Reading Guide 10: Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.John Kilcullen - unknown
    Open the Readings on p.217 and look through the table of contents. Part I is an appreciation and critique of Marx. Schumpeter argues that Marx's argument to show that Capitalism will eventually destroy itself is unsound. Nevertheless, Schumpeter himself thinks that Capitalism contains the seeds of its one destruction. Hence Part II: Can Capitalism Survive? The answer he gives is No. But at first, Chapters 5-8, he explains the strengths and virtues of Capitalism. Then he explains why it will eventually (...)
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    3. Capitalism, Socialism, and Self- Development: Macpherson and/on Marx.Phillip Hansen - 2015 - In Phillip Birger Hansen (ed.), Reconsidering C.B. Macpherson: from possessive individualism to democratic theory and beyond. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 125-186.
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    Capitalism, Socialism, Populism: Continuing the Conversation.Nancy Fraser - 2021 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 11 (2):81-98.
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    Capitalism, socialism and new world order: An American view.William McBride - 1991 - Filozofija I Društvo 1991 (3):179-194.
  18. Not with a Bang but a Whimper: Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology.David Schweickart - 2000 - Theoria (South Africa) 1 (June 2000):1-33.
    Not with a Bang but a Whimper: Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology.
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    Discovering needs for digital capitalism: The hybrid profession of data science.Robert Dorschel - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Over the last decade, ‘data scientists’ have burst into society as a novel expert role. They hold increasing responsibility for generating and analysing digitally captured human experiences. The article considers their professionalization not as a functionally necessary development but as the outcome of classification practices and struggles. The rise of data scientists is examined across their discursive classification in the academic and economic fields in both the USA and Germany. Despite notable differences across these fields and nations, the article identifies (...)
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  20.  44
    Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. By Joseph A. Schumpeter. [REVIEW]Jonathan Warner - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (2):262-263.
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    China’s ideological spectrum: a two-dimensional model of elite intellectuals’ visions.Andreas Møller Mulvad - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (5):635-661.
    In contemporary scholarship on Chinese ideological debates, both pro-system Chinese intellectuals and Western-based academics present China’s future as a binary choice between a “China Model” of authoritarian statism and a “Western” vision of democratic liberalism. This article deconstructs this dichotomy by proposing a new heuristic for conceptualizing ideological cleavage. Informed by interviews with twenty-eight leading Chinese intellectuals, the case is made for a two-dimensional spectrum allowing for ideological co-variation, on one axis, between two contending socioeconomic roads of national revival, capitalism (...)
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    Socialism and Empire: Labor Mobility, Racial Capitalism, and the Political Theory of Migration.Inés Valdez - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (6):902-933.
    This essay brings together political theories of empire and racial capitalism to clarify the entanglements between socialist and imperial discourse at the turn of the twentieth century. I show that white labor activists and intellectuals in the United States and the British settler colonies borrowed from imperial scripts to mark non-white workers as a threat. This discourse was thus both imperial and popular, because it absorbed the white working class into settler projects and enlisted its support in defense of (...)
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    Capitalism and Socialism: How Can they be Compared?Peter Rutland - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (1):197.
    How is one to set about the task of comparing capitalism and socialism in a systematic fashion? The contest between capitalism and socialism has many facets. It is both an intellectual debate about the relative merits of models of hypothetical social systems and a real and substantive historical struggle between two groups of states seen as representing capitalism and socialism. Perhaps the intellectual challenge to capitalism thrown down by Marxist thinkers and the “cold war” contest between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. (...)
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  24. Liberalism, capitalism, and “socialist” principles.Richard J. Arneson - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (2):232-261.
    One way to think about capitalism-versus-socialism is to examine the extent to which capitalist economic institutions are compatible with the fulfillment of socialist ideals. The late G. A. Cohen has urged that the two are strongly incompatible. He imagines how it would make sense for friends to organize a camping trip, distills the socialist moral principles that he sees fulfilled in the camping trip model, and observes that these principles conflict with a capitalist organization of the (...)
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  25. China: Socialist or Capitalist?David Schweickart - 2015 - Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 14:13-25.
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    Socialism Versus Liberal Capitalism.Alan S. Rosenbaum - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:433-460.
    Modern Western liberalism is a further development of certain philosophical trends which were emerging in the 19th century. It reflects a particular confluence of utilitarian and natural law doctrines, and of ideological expressions of capitalism and socialism. The writings of J.S. Mill stand as among the earliest and most persuasive efforts to reconcile the often conflicting demands these trends have placed upon their interpreters. This study of Mill’s philosophy explores the "incompatibility" of these conflicts as he strives to deal with (...)
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    Market Socialist Capitalist Roaders: A Comment on Arnold.David Schweickart - 1987 - Economics and Philosophy 3 (2):308-319.
    Scott Arnold's recent paper, “Marx and Market Socialism,” advances a provocative thesis: market socialists are advocating an economic system that has a strong, internally generated tendency to revert to capitalism. They are, in short, “capitalist roaders”.
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    Digital socialism or knowledge capitalism?Michael A. Peters - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):1-10.
    Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2020, Page 1-10.
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    Socialism, Capitalism, and the Soviet Experience.Alec Nove - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (2):235.
    What does the Soviet record tell us about the viability, effectiveness, and efficiency of socialism? There are several questions that arise if one examines the Soviet experience, in addition to the comparative systems aspect. One question relates to the impact of the experience of the Soviet Union on theories of socialism, and also vice versa: the impact and relevance of socialist theory in assessing the Soviet system. Then there is the important issue of the role of specifically Soviet- Russian (...)
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  30. Is socialism dead? A comment on market socialism and basic income capitalism.Richard J. Arneson - 1992 - Ethics 102 (3):485-511.
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    ‘Property-Owning Democracy’? ‘Liberal Socialism’? Or Just Plain Capitalism?Jan Narveson - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (2):393-404.
    Justin Holt argues that the Rawlsian requirements for justice are, contrary to Rawls’ own pronouncements, better met by socialism than ‘property owning democracy’, both of them preferring both to just plain capitalism, even with a welfare state tacked on. I suggest that Rawls’s ‘requirements’ are far less clear than most think, and that the only clarified version prefers the capitalist welfare state.
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    Beyond Capitalism and Socialism.Allan Carlson - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (1-2):100-113.
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    Socialism and Capitalism, Left and Right.Steven Lukes - 1990 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 57:571-578.
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    Ecology, capitalism, and socialism.Andrew McLaughlin - 1990 - Socialism and Democracy 6 (1):69-102.
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    Democratic Socialism in Dependent Capitalism: An Analysis of the Manley Government in Jamaica.John D. Stephens & Evelyne Huber Stephens - 1983 - Politics and Society 12 (3):373-411.
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    Progressive capitalism or reactionary socialism? Progressive labour policy, ageing Marxism, and unrepentant early capitalism in the Chinese industrial revolution.Orlan Lee & Jonty Lim - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (2):10--2.
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    Interpreting Socialism and Capitalism in China: A Dialectic of Utopia and Dystopia.Roland Boer & Zhixiong Li - 2015 - Utopian Studies 26 (2):309-323.
    The complex intersections between socialism and capitalism in China have vexed more than one interpreter. For some, socialism in China since Mao has simply become an empty veneer over rampant and unbridled capitalism.1 For others, the capitalism in China is of such a different variety that it is hardly capitalism at all.2 And for others, “socialism with Chinese characteristics” is a prolonged experiment in the New Economic Program, first attempted in the USSR of the 1920s to rebuild a shattered economy.3 (...)
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    Civil Society, Capitalism and the State: Part Two of the Liberal Socialism of T.H. Green.Colin Tyler - 2011 - Imprint Academic.
    This book presents a critical reconstruction of the social and political facets of Thomas Hill Green’s liberal socialism. It explores the complex relationships Green sees between human nature, personal freedom, the common good, rights and the state. It explores Green’s analysis of free exchange, his critique of capitalism and his defence of trade union activity and the cooperative movement. It establishes that Green gives only grudging support to welfarism, which he saw as a conservative mechanism in effect if not conscious (...)
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  39. China: Market Socialist or Capitalist?David Schweickart - 2007 - In Jerry Harris (ed.), Alternative Globalizations Conference Documents. pp. 162-178.
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    (1 other version)Capitalism, state bureaucratic socialism and freedom.Kai Nielsen - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 38 (4):291-297.
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    Ecology and socialism: [solutions to capitalist ecological crisis].Chris Williams - 2010 - Chicago: Haymarket Books.
    A timely, well-grounded analysis that reveals an inconvenient truth: we can't save capitalism and save the planet.
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    Freedom and Economic Order: Capitalism and Socialism in Theory and Practice.Linda C. Raeder - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    The book examines the relation of individual freedom to the economic arrangements of society. It explores both the theory and practice of the competing paradigms of capitalism and socialism, as well as the moral frameworks—justice and social justice—correlative to them.
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    Socialism versus Capitalism, Ideally Speaking.Ronen Shnayderman - 2021 - Ethical Perspectives 28 (4):445-471.
  44. From exported modernism to rooted cosmopolitanism: Middle East architecture between socialism and capitalism.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Lennart Wouter Kruijer, Miguel John Versluys & Ian Lilley (eds.), Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging: Archaeological and Anthropological perspectives. Routledge. pp. 227-245.
    Through analysing different case studies in the Middle East, this section uses rooted cosmopolitanism as a theoretical lens to explore exported modernism and architecture between socialist and capitalist countries during the Cold War. This research analyses the circulation and local applications of urban development and modernisation paradigms in so-called ‘Third World’ countries. For assessing the socialist and capitalist-inspired modernisation processes in the Middle East, this chapter studies the cosmopolitan and trans-cultural architecture created by global and local (...)
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    Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism.Liz Kennedy, June Lapidus & Zillah Eisenstein - 1980 - Feminist Studies 6 (3):571.
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    Liberal Socialism: An Alternative Social Ideal Grounded in Rawls and Marx.Ian Hunt - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Liberal Socialism exposes false ideas of justice behind neo-liberal capitalism and combines Rawls's ideas on justice and Marx's views on capitalism to make a plausible case for the alternative social ideal of liberal socialism. A fixed social structure gives equal weight to all competing claims for rights, liberties, and shares of the burdens and benefits of social cooperation, while allowing a democratic majority vote for liberal socialism.
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    Prospects for Democratic Socialism in Advanced Capitalism: Class Struggle and Compromise in Sweden and France.Mark Kesselman - 1982 - Politics and Society 11 (4):397-438.
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    Some Ethical Implications for Capitalism of the Socialist Calculation Debate: ISRAEL M. KIRZNER.Israel M. Kirzner - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (1):165-182.
    The debate that raged in the interwar period between the Austrian economists and socialist economists was, narrowly conceived, a debate in positive economics. What was being discussed was certainly not the morality of capitalism or of socialism. Nor, strictly speaking, was the debate even about society's economic well-being under socialism; it concerned the ability of central planners to make decisions that take appropriate account of relevant resource scarcities, in the light of consumer preference rankings. To be sure, the extraordinary (...)
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    Functional Models of Economic Propaganda in Different Political and Economic Systems – Socialism and Capitalism. Example of Selected Forms of Broadcast Advertising Messages in Poland in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.Jarosław Kinal - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):143-157.
    Marketing communication in modern times is similar to the propaganda model, i.e. persuasive communication in all possible fields of exploitation. The last three decades in Central and Eastern Europe constituted a time of transformation in many areas of social, political and economic life. Thanks to immanent changes depending on the economic situation and the clash of demand and supply, it was possible to create functional models in three selected time intervals distinguished by the author (socialism, transformational period and capitalism). The (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy as capitalism and the socialist radically metaphysical response to it.Katerina Kolozova - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (1).
    The author starts from the thesis that there is no such thing as a "natural" or "apolitical" economy. The economy is always already political, as it is the economy’s material core of power, control, and its main mechanisms, i.e. exploitation and oppression. It is no less so in the era of neoliberalism, a time in which we witness the divorce between capitalism and democracy. In order to lay the foundations of a different economy, one that is not based on wage (...)
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