Results for 'Capucine Mercier'

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  1.  21
    Nonviolence as a Critique of Individualism in Butler and Gandhi.Capucine Mercier - 2023 - The Acorn 23 (1):57-73.
    In this article, I put Judith Butler’s thought of nonviolence in dialogue with that of M. K. Gandhi to show how, for both thinkers, a defense of nonviolence must be grounded in interdependency and equality, which consequently entails a displacement of the individual self and its interests as the focus of ethics. Although Butler’s and Gandhi’s accounts of nonviolence differ in some important respects, both base their defense of nonviolence on a recognition of interdependency in opposition to Western individualism. This (...)
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    Audrey Benoit, Trouble dans la matière, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, coll. « Philosophies pratiques », 2019, 359 pages. [REVIEW]Capucine Mercier - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):503.
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    Sur le fil : les parcours migratoires à l’épreuve de la crise du Covid-19 au Québec.Capucine Fleury Coustere - 2021 - Temporalités 34.
    En mars 2020, les mesures prises autour du monde pour contenir le virus du Covid-19 bouleversent simultanément, et de manière majeure, les rythmes et activités de la vie quotidienne. Cette période est celle durant laquelle la rupture produite par la pandémie a été la plus forte, tant elle était soudaine et inimaginable. Au Québec, les migrants avec un statut de résidence temporaire sont affectés de manière spécifique : ils sont nombreux à travailler dans l’hôtellerie-restauration, secteur contraint de fermer temporairement ses (...)
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    Empathie et cruauté : le paradoxe de l’imaginaire des viandes au XVIIIe siècle.Capucine Lebreton - 2018 - Astérion 18 (18).
    XVIIIth-century writings about the habit of eating meat deal with problems that are only addressed today when defending animal rights, such as the sensibility of animals that are killed for their flesh or what human beings become through the process of eating meat. But in the XVIIIth century this kind of discourse doesn’t belong to animal rights activists, and is even paradoxically exempt from practical consequences: writers who deplore the eating of animal flesh however don’t ask their fellow humans to (...)
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    Pour une anthropologie et une histoire regressive de la guerre de la triple alliance.Capucine Boidin - 2006 - Diálogos (Maringa) 10 (1).
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    Ana Barreto, Mujeres que hicieron historia en el Paraguay.Capucine Boidin - 2012 - Clio 35:04-04.
    L’ouvrage rassemble les notices biographiques de centaines de femmes paraguayennes des xixe et xxe siècles, obtenues par une recherche bibliographique mais aussi dans les archives, par des enquêtes d’histoire orale et un travail avec les historiens autodidactes de nombreuses régions du pays. L’auteur souligne qu’elle n’a pas pu pour des raisons linguistiques avoir accès aux femmes immigrées (allemandes ou coréennes) et indigènes. La section Civile et Judiciaire et les Testaments des Archives...
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    Barbara Potthast, Madres, Obreras, Amantes, Protagonismo femenino en la historia de América latina.Capucine Boidin - 2012 - Clio 35:05-05.
    Traduction à l’espagnol de l’original allemand publié en 2003, l’ouvrage présente de manière à la fois synthétique et vivante une histoire des femmes et du genre en Amérique latine en se fondant sur une très ample bibliographie. Les premiers chapitres (Les femmes indigènes et la conquête ; la société coloniale ; le rôle des femmes dans l’économie ; la modernisation du xixe siècle et les deux chapitres sur le xxe siècle) n’ont été repris qu’a la marge tandis que le dernier (...)
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  8.  32
    (1 other version)Introducción al dossier “Fuentes en lenguas amerindias de América del Sur”.Capucine Boidin, Graciela Chamorro & Géraldine Méret - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    Le genre de la geste indépendantiste.Capucine Boidin & Naomi Davidson - 2021 - Clio 53:7-22.
    Les révolutions et les mouvements de libération vis-à-vis des puissances coloniales et impériales posent d’emblée la question du « nous » qui porte ces revendications, écartelé entre régionalismes, nationalismes et panaméricanisme, panafricanisme ou panarabisme voire internationalisme, fragmenté entre plusieurs identités religieuses et ethnolinguistiques. Dans les moments de crise ou de « conjoncture fluide » où s’entrechoquent plusieurs horizons d’attente, les frontières de genre, de classe,...
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  10.  76
    Métissages et genre dans les Amériques.Capucine Boidin - 2008 - Clio 27:169-195.
    La place croissante prise par les approches qui croisent race, classe et genre en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, aurait dû donner lieu à une bibliographie foisonnante en ajoutant les entrées miscegenation, creolization, hybridization en anglais ; criollo, mestizaje, mestiçagem et métissage en espagnol, portugais et français. Ce n’est pas le cas. Peu d’articles traitent de front et uniquement les deux items métissage/genre, dans leurs titres, leurs mots clés ou leurs résumés. Pourtant,...
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  11.  32
    Residenta ou Reconstructora? Les deux visages de « La » mater dolorosa de la Patrie paraguayenne.Capucine Boidin - 2005 - Clio 21:239-245.
    Dévasté par la Guerre de la Triple Alliance (1865-1870) qui entraîna la mort de plus de la moitié de sa population, le Paraguay a élaboré un imaginaire national où la figure de la femme en tant que « mère » de la patrie joue un rôle central. Tant et si bien que ses « filles », femmes de l'élite paraguayenne, livrent bataille dans les années 1970 - en pleine dictature du Général Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989) - pour imposer leur définition de (...)
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  12.  21
    Sylvie Chaperon, La médecine du sexe et les femmes, Anthologie des perversions féminines au XIXe siècle.Capucine Boidin - 2010 - Clio 31:312-313.
    L’ouvrage présente une anthologie de quarante huit cas de perversions féminines publiés par vingt-quatre médecins différents du xixe siècle, précédés d’une introduction de vingt pages et se concluant par une bibliographie de trois pages. Les cas sont classés selon les termes de l’époque dans l’ordre suivant : onanisme (12 cas), nymphomanie (13), érotomanie (5), anaphrodisme, frigidité et impuissance (1), bestialité, zoophilie (2), nécrophilie (1), exhibitionnisme (1), saphisme, tribadisme et...
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    (1 other version)Textos de la modernidad política en guaraní (1810-1813)Texts from the political modernity in guarani.Capucine Boidin - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
  14.  19
    Arlette FARGE, Quel bruit ferons nous? Entretiens avec Jean-Christophe Marti, Paris, Les prairies ordinaires, collection « contrepoints », 2005, 219 pages. [REVIEW]Capucine Boidin - 2006 - Clio 24:319-348.
    Plaisir de lire, plaisir de rendre compte de cet ouvrage, comme le flâneur un moment distrait savoure un détail encore jamais perçu d’une rue pourtant maintes fois parcourue. Ponctués d’arrêts sur image, commentés avec un mélange de sensibilité et de violence, de fraîcheur et de férocité critique – complaisance, balcon, cimetière... – les entretiens s’enchaînent en quatre moments : Presque un hasard, rencontrer l’histoire ; Écrire, dialoguer, transmettre ; Des mots, des arts et des chemins de...
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  15.  28
    Denis de Casabianca, Montesquieu. De l’étude des sciences à l’esprit des lois, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2008, 976 pages, 145 €. [REVIEW]Capucine Lebreton - 2010 - Astérion 7 (7).
    Montesquieu, « Newton du monde humain », fondateur d’une physique sociale, qui aurait le premier appliqué la méthode scientifique aux phénomènes humains et mis en évidence leur rationalité : ce jugement a été largement utilisé pour revendiquer l’auteur de L’Esprit des lois comme fondateur des sciences sociales. Son intérêt constant pour les sciences, ses lectures, ses activités académiques et ses propres expérimentations n’auraient pu qu’inspirer un modèle scientifique à ses écrits philosophi..
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    Le droit romain a-t-il isolé les Juifs dans un statut privilégié? (ive - ve siècles).Capucine Nemo-Pekelman - 2022 - ThéoRèmes 18 (18).
    Under the Roman Empire, in the fourth and fifth centuries, the Jews asked for and sometimes obtained privileges of immunity for their civic and imperial charges. They also asked for privileges to practice their laws (Shabbat, circumcision...). According to some historians, these requests for privileges set them apart from the civic community. This article suggests that privileges played no role in the political marginalisation of the Jews, as im-munitas was not necessarily the negative of com-munitas.
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  17.  40
    Éditorial.Luc Capdevila, Capucine Boidin & Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:5-14.
    Le métissage n’est pas une singularité américaine, certes. Le déplacement des hommes et des femmes, la circulation des idées, le commerce des marchandises, les flux financiers qui vont de pair avec les transferts culturels ont généralement favorisé la rencontre des corps et l’hybridation des imaginaires. Mais l’essor du Nouveau Monde depuis le xvie siècle a constitué un « formidable changement d’échelle », élevant l’Amérique en un carrefour des migrations intercontinentales. Théâtre du choc e...
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  18.  32
    (1 other version)Two kinds of embryo research: four case examples.Julian Savulescu, Markus Labude, Capucine Barcellona, Zhongwei Huang, Michael Karl Leverentz, Vicki Xafis & Tamra Lysaght - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):590-596.
    There are ethical obligations to conduct research that contributes to generalisable knowledge and improves reproductive health, and this should include embryo research in jurisdictions where it is permitted. Often, the controversial nature of embryo research can alarm ethics committee members, which can unnecessarily delay important research that can potentially improve fertility for patients and society. Such delay is ethically unjustified. Moreover, countries such as the UK, Australia and Singapore have legislation which unnecessarily captures low-risk research, such as observational research, in (...)
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  19.  17
    Cardinal Mercier's philosophical essays: a study in neo-Thomism.Désiré Mercier - 2002 - [Herent, Belgium]: Peeters. Edited by David A. Boileau.
    Desire Joseph Mercier (1851-1926) was founder and first president of the Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Leuven. After his studies in the classics, philosophy, and theology at the seminary of Mechelen, Mercier was ordained (1874), obtained a licentiate in theology at Leuven (1877), and became professor of philosophy at Mechelen the same year. In 1922 he was commissioned to inaugurate the chair of Thomistic philosophy created at the University of Leuven at the request of Pope (...)
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    Dr. Mercier and the logicians.Charles A. Mercier - 1914 - Mind 23 (1):564-567.
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    André Mercier, physicien et métaphysicien.André Mercier, Maja Svilar & A. Held - 1983 - Berne: Institut des sciences exactes de l'Université de Berne. Edited by Maja Svilar & A. Held.
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  22. Cardinal Mercier's philosophical essays: a study in neo-Thomism.Dâesirâe Mercier & David A. Boileau - 2002 - [Herent, Belgium]: Peeters. Edited by David A. Boileau.
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    Mercier's Reply to Lee.Adèle Mercier - 2008 - The Monist 91 (3-4):439-441.
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  24. What good is moral reasoning?Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (2):131-148.
    The role of reasoning in our moral lives has been increasingly called into question by moral psychology. Not only are intuitions guiding many of our moral judgments and decisions, with reasoning only finding post-hoc rationalizations, but reasoning can sometimes play a negative role, by finding excuses for our moral violations. The observations fit well with the argumentative theory of reasoning (Mercier H, Sperber D, Behav Brain Sci, in press-b), which claims that reasoning evolved to find and evaluate arguments in (...)
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  25.  81
    The Enigma of Reason.Dan Sperber & Hugo Mercier (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Reason, we are told, is what makes us human, the source of our knowledge and wisdom. If reason is so useful, why didn't it also evolve in other animals? If reason is that reliable, why do we produce so much thoroughly reasoned nonsense? In their groundbreaking account of the evolution and workings of reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber set out to solve this double enigma. Reason, they argue with a compelling mix of real-life and experimental evidence, is not (...)
  26.  94
    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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  27.  8
    A Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy: Volume I: Cosmology, Psychology, Epistemology, Ontology.Cardinal Mercier - 2022 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Cardinal Mercier’s Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy is a standard work, prepared at the Higher Institute of Philosophy, Louvain, mainly for the use of clerical students in Catholic Seminaries. Though undoubtedly elementary, it contains a clear, simple, and methodological exposition of the principles and problems of every department of philosophy, and its appeal is not to any particular class, but broadly human and universal. Volume I includes a general introduction to philosophy and sections on cosmology, psychology, criteriology, and metaphysics (...)
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  28.  83
    Reasoning Is for Arguing: Understanding the Successes and Failures of Deliberation.Hugo Mercier & Hélène Landemore - unknown
    Theoreticians of deliberative democracy have sometimes found it hard to relate to the seemingly contradictory experimental results produced by psychologists and political scientists. We suggest that this problem may be alleviated by inserting a layer of psychological theory between the empirical results and the normative political theory. In particular, we expose the argumentative theory of reasoning that makes the observed pattern of findings more coherent. According to this theory, individual reasoning mechanisms work best when used to produce and evaluate arguments (...)
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  29.  68
    On the Universality of Argumentative Reasoning.Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 11 (1-2):85-113.
    According to the argumentative theory of reasoning, humans have evolved reasoning abilities for argumentative purposes. This implies that some reasoning skills should be universals. Such a claim seems to be at odd with findings from cross-cultural research. First, a wealth of research, following the work of Luria, has shown apparent difficulties for illiterate populations to solve simple but abstract syllogisms. It can be shown, however, that once they are willing to accept the pragmatics of the task, these participants can perform (...)
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  30. Some Clarifications about the Argumentative Theory of Reasoning. A Reply to Santibáñez Yañez (2012).Hugo Mercier - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (2):259-268.
    In “Mercier and Sperber’s Argumentative Theory of Reasoning: From Psychology of Reasoning to Argumentation Studies” (2012) Santibáñez Yañez offers constructive comments and criticisms of the argumentative theory of reasoning. The purpose of this reply is twofold. First, it seeks to clarify two points broached by Yanez: (1) the relation between reasoning (in this specific theory) and dual process accounts in general and (2) the benefits that can be derived from reasoning and argumentation (again, in this specific theory). Second, it (...)
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  31.  82
    Scientists' Argumentative Reasoning.Hugo Mercier & Christophe Heintz - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):513-524.
    Reasoning, defined as the production and evaluation of reasons, is a central process in science. The dominant view of reasoning, both in the psychology of reasoning and in the psychology of science, is of a mechanism with an asocial function: bettering the beliefs of the lone reasoner. Many observations, however, are difficult to reconcile with this view of reasoning; in particular, reasoning systematically searches for reasons that support the reasoner’s initial beliefs, and it only evaluates these reasons cursorily. By contrast, (...)
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  32.  28
    Does discussion make crowds any wiser?H. Mercier & N. Claidière - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):104912.
  33.  54
    Argumentation: its adaptiveness and efficacy.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (2):94-111.
    Having defended the usefulness of our definition of reasoning, we stress that reasoning is not only for convincing but also for evaluating arguments, and that as such it has an epistemic function. We defend the evidence supporting the theory against several challenges: People are good informal arguers, they reason better in groups, and they have a confirmation bias. Finally, we consider possible extensions, first in terms of process-level theories of reasoning, and second in the effects of reasoning outside the lab.
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  34. Re/pro/ductions: Ça déborde.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2021 - Poetics Today 42 (1):23-47.
    This article examines Jacques Derrida’s work of self-reflection on his own teaching practice by using as a guiding thread the problematics of reproduction in the seminars of the 1970s. The first part of the article examines the sequence of seminars taught by Derrida at École normale supérieure from 1971 to 1977 to show how the concept of reproduction is deconstructed by Derrida across several seminars. Derrida systematically demonstrates, across several themes and fields (sociology and economy, biology and sexuality, art, technique, (...)
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  35.  51
    Self-deception: Adaptation or by-product?Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):35-35.
    By systematically biasing our beliefs, self-deception can endanger our ability to successfully convey our messages. It can also lead lies to degenerate into more severe damages in relationships. Accordingly, I suggest that the biases reviewed in the target article do not aim at self-deception but instead are the by-products of several other mechanisms: our natural tendency to self-enhance, the confirmation bias inherent in reasoning, and the lack of access to our unconscious minds.
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  36.  72
    Looking for Arguments.Hugo Mercier - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (3):305-324.
    Abstract How do people find arguments while engaged in a discussion? Following an analogy with visual search, a mechanism that performs this task is described. It is a metarepresentational device that examines representations in a mostly serial manner until it finds a good enough argument supporting one’s position. It is argued that the mechanism described in dual process theories as ‘system 2’, or analytic reasoning fulfills these requirements. This provides support for the hypothesis that reasoning serves an argumentative function. Content (...)
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  37.  79
    COVID-19: A Boon or a Bane for Creativity?Maxence Mercier, Florent Vinchon, Nicolas Pichot, Eric Bonetto, Nathalie Bonnardel, Fabien Girandola & Todd Lubart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a period of lockdown that impacted individuals’ lifestyles, in both professional and personal spheres. New problems and challenges arose, as well as opportunities. Numerous studies have examined the negative effects of lockdown measures, but few have attempted to shine light on the potential positive effects that may come out of these measures. We focused on one particular positive outcome that might have emerged from lockdown: creativity. To this end, this paper compared self-reported (...)
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  38.  24
    (1 other version)Psychology Normal and Morbid.Charles A. Mercier - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11 (2):202-204.
  39.  2
    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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    There are no Codes, Only Interpretations. Practical Wisdom and Hermeneutics in Monastic Organizations.Guillaume Mercier & Ghislain Deslandes - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):781-794.
    Corporate codes of ethics, which have spread in the last decades, have shown a limited ability to foster ethical behaviors. For instance, they have been criticized for relying too much on formal compliance, rather than taking into account sufficiently agents and their moral development, or promoting self-reflexive behaviors. We aim here at showing that a code of ethics in fact has meaning and enables ethical progress when it is interpreted and appropriated with practical wisdom. We explore a model that represents (...)
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  41. Différence sexuelle, différence idéologique : Lectures à contretemps (Derrida lisant Marx et Althusser, dans les années 1970 et au-delà).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Décalages 2 (3):1-51.
    Cet essai présente une description de plusieurs travaux inédits de Jacques Derrida au sujet de Marx et d'Althusser datant des années 1960 et 1970. Au-delà du travail philologique, il s'agit aussi d'une étude théorique de notions telles que 'idéologie', 'fétichisme', 'reproduction', 'division du travail', 'différence sexuelle', 'domination', 'économie politique', 'matérialisme dialectique', ou 'production culturelle' — tout autant à travers les textes marxistes que dans les lectures déconstructives qu'en propose alors Derrida. Durant les années 1970, dans le cadre de son séminaire, (...)
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  42. A Perverse Case of the Contingent A Priori.Adèle Mercier - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (2):221-259.
  43.  48
    How Good Are We At Evaluating Communicated Information?Hugo Mercier - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 89:257-272.
    Are we gullible? Can we be easily influenced by what others tell us, even if they do not deserve our trust? Many strands of research, from social psychology to cultural evolution suggest that humans are by nature conformist and eager to follow prestigious leaders. By contrast, an evolutionary perspective suggests that humans should be vigilant towards communicated information, so as not to be misled too often. Work in experimental psychology shows that humans are equipped with sophisticated mechanisms that allow them (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Silence, in the Archives: Derrida’s Other Marx(s).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):31-46.
    The idea that Derrida kept silent on Marx before the publication of Spectres de Marx, in 1993, has become a commonplace in Derrida studies and in the history of Marxism and French 20th century political thought. This idea has often been accompanied by a certain representation of the relationship between deconstruction and dialectical materialism, and fed the legend of deconstruction’s «apoliticism» – at least before what some have called Derrida’s «ethicopolitical turn», usually dated in the early 1990s. Against this narrative, (...)
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    Experts and laymen grossly underestimate the benefits of argumentation for reasoning.Hugo Mercier, Emmanuel Trouche, Hiroshi Yama, Christophe Heintz & Vittorio Girotto - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (3):341-355.
    Many fields of study have shown that group discussion generally improves reasoning performance for a wide range of tasks. This article shows that most of the population, including specialists, does not expect group discussion to be as beneficial as it is. Six studies asked participants to solve a standard reasoning problem—the Wason selection task—and to estimate the performance of individuals working alone and in groups. We tested samples of U.S., Indian, and Japanese participants, European managers, and psychologists of reasoning. Every (...)
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  46. We Have Tasted the Powers of the Age to Come: Thinking the Force of the Event—from Dynamis to Puissance.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2018 - Oxford Literary Review 40 (1):76-94.
    Responding to the provocative phrase ‘The Age of Grammatology’, I propose to question the notion of ‘age’, and to interrogate the powers or forces, the dynameis or dynasties attached to the interpretative model of historical periodisation. How may we think the undeniable actuality of the event beyond the sempiternal history of ages, and beyond the traditional, onto-teleological chain of power, possibility, force or dynamis that undergirds such history?
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    The Social Origins of Folk Epistemology.Hugo Mercier - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (4):499-514.
    Because reasoning allows us to justify our beliefs and evaluate these justifications it is central to folk epistemology. Following Sperber, and contrary to classical views, it will be argued that reasoning evolved not to complement individual cognition but as an argumentative device. This hypothesis is more consistent with the prevalence of the confirmation and disconfirmation biases. It will be suggested that these biases render the individual use of reasoning hazardous, but that when reasoning is used in its natural, argumentative, context (...)
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  48. Diferencia sexual, diferencia ideológica : Lecturas a contratiempo (Derrida lector de Marx y Althusser en la década de 1970 y más allá).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Demarcaciones 7.
    Este ensayo presenta una descripción de los escritos inéditos de Jacques Derrida sobre Marx y Louis Althusser en la década de 1970, y un estudio de conceptos como ideología, diferencia sexual, reproducción, violencia, dominación o hegemonía en perspectiva deconstructiva. Se trata de pensar en una otra economía, más allá de la economía del cuerpo propio. El artículo fue publicado en el Volumen 7 de la Revista Demarcaciones, "a 25 años de Espectros de Marx.".
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  49.  60
    The benefits of argumentation are cross-culturally robust: The case of Japan.H. Mercier, M. Deguchi, J.-B. Van der Henst & H. Yama - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (1):1-15.
    Thanks to the exchange of arguments, groups outperform individuals on some tasks, such as solving logical problems. However, these results stem from experiments conducted among Westerners and they could be due to cultural particularities such as tolerance of contradiction and approval of public debate. Other cultures, collectivistic cultures in particular, are said to frown on argumentation. Moreover, some influential intellectual movements, such as Confucianism, disapprove of argumentation. In two experiments, the hypothesis that Easterners might not share the benefits of argumentation (...)
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  50.  56
    Michel serres’s Leibnizian structuralism.Lucie Kim-Chi Mercier - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (6):3-21.
    In this article I examine Michel Serres’s seminal study of Leibniz: Le Système de Leibniz et ses modèles mathématiques, a book which, in spite of its significance, has never been dis...
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